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A15765 A summons for sleepers Wherein most grieuous and notorious offenders are cited to bring forth true frutes of repentance, before the day of the Lord now at hand. Hereunto is annexed, a patterne for pastors, deciphering briefly the dueties pertaining to that function, by Leonard Wright. Wright, Leonard, b. 1555 or 6. 1589 (1589) STC 26034.3; ESTC S121115 49,627 64

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and rage without al measure much like new wine which without some vent is lyke to breake the caske as though Gods spirite inforced man to passe the bounds of Christian modestie These like euill birds that beray their owne neast or hatefull snatching curres neuer cease barking and rayling in open audience at their fellow ministers yea and such as their faultes and blemishes beeing rightly waighed are fewer in number and lyghter in waight than theyr owne whose innocent liues are able to confute theyr viperous slaunders vtterly despising all those in whom they see any infirmitie of man as though themselues were some airie spirites Especially such as they perceiue more pleasant and sociable of nature or more delighted in mirth and honest pastime for their health and recreation than agréeth with their owne Stoicall disposition or if his gifts in preaching doe not altogether satisfie their fantasticall humors and his doctrine applied to the seditious vaine though the man be neuer so honest in life and conuersation nor so carefull and diligent in discharging his duetie according to his talent yet in the eies of these vehement accusers he is but a dumbe dogge salt without sauour a bell without a clapper and a feeder without food the children say they doe crie for meate but he hath none neither for himselfe nor them except they will haue whole loues as though he could do nothing but cast the Bible at their heads Such a wise reason made that late sprung vp heretique Browne a brother of theirs when he compared God to man that loued potage well that as a man might be glutted with too many potage so might God with one praier often sayde Thus they accuse without truth iudge without authoritie and condemne without triall whereby the poore Ministers of the Church who of a good conscience doe keepe themselues within compasse of order and indeuour to continue the people in due obedience to the same are despised defaced and shaked vp in open audience as though they were most grieuous and notorious offenders yea Iesabel was neuer more madde against the true Prophets Herod against the innocents nor the Scribes and Pharesies against Christ himselfe than these seuere censors are agaynst their poore brethren to bring them into hatred and discredite amongst the people to the end that by one meanes or other they might hitch them out of their liuings and enioy it themselues Yea such is the miserie of our daies when youth are so fantasticall to inuent and age so senslesse to credite that the one is brought into fooles paradice and the other into open dotage béeing thought a thing séemely and tollerable for a young scholler of small learning and lesse wit before hée be either ripe in knowledge gouerned in life or reformed in manners to pricke vp into the Pulpet blushing like a blacke dogge to controll discredite and deface the ancient graue Bishoppes and reuerend learned Fathers of the land much like as a proud beardlesse Boie should sit in a chaire with a rod in his hand teaching and Saint Augustine and Chrisostome to say their lessons In whose iudgement they are but lasie loiterers dumbe dogges Popish doctors men pleasers and theyr Churches no better than dennes of théeues béeing growne so farre past shame and voide of all humanitie that now they fall from reasoning to plaine round rayling scoffing iearing deriding and threatning of buffets with bent fists insomuch as no state or degrée can scape their venemous tongues They looke like Lions léere like Foxes hisse like Adders barke like dogges and if they durst they would bite like Tygars so malitiously measuring other mens doings by the crooked line of their owne imaginations that I think if wise Salomon and learned Paul were here in these daies the one would bee taken for a foole the other for a mad man Dumbe dog is a great word in their mouths that sermon where dumbe dog is left out is not worth a pinne it fits not their fancie for why their whole felicitie is in barking and snatching yea rather than cease for want of other they would barke at the Moone and seauen Starres They are much like the dogge that Cicero speaketh of that being set in Capitolio a tower in Rome to fraie théeues left the theeues and fell a barking at true men whose doctrine and example of life tends onely to this end to driue the Quéenes subiectes to a lothsomnesse and misliking of the present gouernment and order established to discredit her Maiesties supremacie to deface her Ministers and contemne her lawes to surfet the Church with Schismes and infect the common wealth with factions And if wisdome in time doe not preuent it then folly in trial wil surely repent it To vse the laudable ceremonies of the Church they make it an hainous offence but in disobeying the Princes lawes backbiting their superiours slaundering their brethren disquieting the Church abusing the office of godly preaching by their vaine seditious pratling they make no offence at all They séeme very diligent and studious but it is rather for nouelties and varietie to make an eloquent show that by the persuasible words of mans wisedome they may delight itching eares than for sound doctrine to conuert sinfull heartes they vse cunning persuasions with faire golden phrases but as Absolon did to steale away the heartes of the people from Dauid they proclaime publik fastings but as Iesabel dyd to kill Naboth For vnder colour of reformation they séeke to rob God of his honour the Prince of her due and the Clergie of their liuings being as is supposed instruments of some others who by their meanes séeke to make the Church a mark to shoote at and a carkasse to praie vppon to the spoile ouerthrow and vtter confusion of Church learning religion and all Deuisers and fanciers were neuer good either for Church or common wealth So Iudas vnder a pretence of holinesse desired to haue the ointment solde for a greate summe to relieue the poore withall but his purpose was to get the money into his owne bagge so was it pretended that the lands of Abbies Colleges and Chantries should haue bin imployed to the inriching of the king maintaining of schooles and reléeuing the poore but they are put to maintaine pompe pride and superfluitie Faire words and wicked deeds deceiue both wise men and fooles Thus when vnder the name of a Sermon these greate builders haue tossed their fantasticall doctrine such as Peter neuer planted nor Paul neuer watered before the light beleeuing multitude with such an outward shew of holinesse that Ladie hypocrisie her selfe could not more fitly handle the matter spitting out their poison with cutting girdes disdainfull glikes and pretie biting nips against orders established Bishops Ministers Magistrats and all so farre as they dare Then like vnto the late rebels that rose in the North in the end of their traiterous proclamations to blind the multitude pray for the Quéene
❧ A Summons for Sleepers Wherein most grieuous and notorious offenders are cited to bring forth true frutes of repentance before the day of the Lord now at hand Hereunto is annexed A Patterne for Pastors deciphering briefly the dueties pertaining to that function by Leonard Wright Newly reprinted corrected and amended Woe be to the inhabitants of the Earth and the Sea for the diuel is come downe vnto you whose wrath is great because hee knoweth that his time is but short Apoc. 12.12 Be sober and watch c. 1. Pet. 5.8 Happie are those seruants which the Lord when he commeth shall find waking Luke 12.37 1589. The Epistle to the Reader TO feede thy fancie with friuolous fables gentle Reader as to tell thee of drowsie Endimion who desired of Iupiter to sleepe perpetuall or Epimenides who in seeking his fathers sheepe tooke a nappe of fortie and seuen yeares long or those seuen supposed Saintes whom the golden Legend reporteth to haue slept two hundreth yeares and odde is no part of my purpose But rather as one in griefe of conscience for the zeale of my God what in me lyeth to wake and stirre vp those wicked and sinfull sluggards whom the cursed serpent in Paradice aboue fiue thousand fiue hundreth sixtie and two yeares past applying not the sinne of the sea calfe to their heades but that inchaunted apple of perdition to their hartes hath so venoumously infected with contagious poyson of iniquitie and lulled so soundly a sleepe in the carelesse cradle of securitie that neither the golden belles of Aaron the thundring trumpe of Esay the well tuned Cimbals of Dauid the pleasant harmonie of the Euangelists nor the sweete comfortable pipe of Christ himselfe could once as yet allure them to repentance and amendment of life trusting that God by this my plaine rough Summons penned without feare or flatterie shall now in the dawning of the day ring such a peale at the dore of their conscience as shall either moue them at length to loue him in his mercies prouoke them to feare him in his iustice or leaue them vnexcusable in the day of vengeance But of all the sinfull crue of napping sleepers in generall is lately reuealed vnto vs one notable and pestiferous sect especiall most odious to God grieuous to his Church dangerous to the State and noysom to the common wealth of whom the holy Ghost by the penne of the Apostles hath most louingly forewarned vs decyphering them in their colours with titles correspondent to their manners as couetous bosters disdainefull mockers false accusers murmuring complainers dissembling hipocrites Authors of sectes and despisers of authoritie hauing a similitude of godlinesse but haue denyed the power thereof in whom Sathan hath transformed himselfe into an angel of light whose restlesse rage doth manifestly shew the ruine of his kingdom at hand These vnder a colour and shadow of religion are so vehemently set on fire to shake off the yoke of obedience and seeke innouation as nothing is thought tollerable but what they like and what they allow must onely stand for law whereby the church is torne in peeces authoritie contemned vice aduanced vertue neglected and all men in opinion wonderfully distracted Looke where they do loath euerie mite is made a monster euerie gnat a cammell and euerie trifle a trespasse which must be curiously ripped vp and made open to the view of the world But where they like mountaines are no moates nor beames no blemishes loue must couer the multitude of sinnes and all thinges smothered vp with a shew of holinesse Their pretence as their Captaine saith is to marre the Prelate the auncient graue Pastors reuerend Fathers and chiefe pillers of our Church the middle corde of that threefold cable the onely anker staffe and stay of our common wealth much like those rauening wolues which by no meanes would enter league with the poore sheepe vnlesse their Mastiffes whom they feared were deliuered vnto them but dangerous was that peace and simple were those sheepe to yeelde their dogges to such as sought to pray vpon their carkasse They resemble in diuers points that notable and presumpteous crue Iack Straw and his fellowes who being diuelishly incensed with mutation pretending a cause of libertie stirred vp such trouble ciuil discention in this land as nothing could appease vnlesse the king would graunt to put downe all the nobles and prelates reseruing onely a few to be of his counsell and the rascall rable of begging Friers to liue of the peoples deuotion much like the prelacie which these new deuising church-founders are now so desirous to haue established who must be no Bishops to beare the state and title of honor but superintendents to controll Princes no beneficed men and why because it bringeth a charge as frutes tenthes and subsidies to her Maiesties cofers hospitalitie to their neighbors and generall reliefe to the poore but must liue popularly with their feete vnder other mens tables and their tongues tyed to other mens purses But Iack Straw was taught to know how horrible a thing it was once to lift vp either hand tongue or hart against the Lordes annointed or doe his Prophets any harme by sheathing the Maior of London his dagger in his bosom So woulde these be learned to vnderstand that the word of God doth teach and our English lawes command obediently to honour the Prince and reuerence the Prelate To conclude gentle Reader I craue only thy friendly censor without partialitie not forgetting the good Hermit who hauing three of his friendes come to visit him for want of better dainties to entertaine them bestowed on euerie of them an olde apple halfe putrified with spots The first friend to shew his affection deuoured his apple hartely sound and rotten together as it was The second more nice then wise because his was spotted in part disdainefully threw away the whole The third making choice of the best reiected onely the rest So doe I wish thee not with the first friend to deuoure the badde with the good neither with the second to cast away that is good because of some bad but with the third to accept and vse that is wholesom and refuse that is lothsom Vale in Christo. Leonard VVright A Summons for Sleepers AFter that the Apostle Saint Paule had taught the Romanes many notable lessons and rules touching the doctrine of christian faith charitie and obedience to Magistrates In going on to exhort and perswade them to repentance and amendment of life hee taketh occasion to speake of time of sléepe of light and of darkenesse And that considering the season saith he that it is now time that we should wake from sleepe for now is our saluation nearer then when we belieued The night is past and the day is at hand let vs therefore cast away the workes of darkenesse and put on the armour of light c. This worde dormire to sléepe in some places of the holy