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A13742 The ioiefull and blessed reuniting the two mighty & famous kingdomes, England & Scotland into their ancient name of great Brittaine. By John Bristoll Thornborough, John, 1551-1641. 1605 (1605) STC 24036; ESTC S118409 39,081 92

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and no water shall bee able to quench it in Bethell Where it may be thought more fit to set aside al difference of former names vt exoneremus rempub vano for san metu as it is said of one quod nihil est metuit metuit sine corpore nomē And if any account the feare of name nothing be it also say I nothing yet a man cannot be to careful or feareful of that which is counted even nothing seeing it is said Qui cavet vix etiam cavet dum cavet Let former destructions bee present instructions Offensiue distinction of names hath bred much wo. In Italie faction of Guelphs and Gibelines arose for name sake In Englande much blood for the white and red Rose In Iustinians time feareful division betweene the Veneti and Prasini about colours blew and greene In which grievous contentions arising first of small or no cause but only of difference in name and diversitie of colours deadly hatred is oft times kindled among former friends as against sworn enemies After Phalarides death the Agrigentini made a decree that none should vse glauca veste because the Tirants did vse glaucis subligaculis for they hated whatsoever might remember them of former Tiranny And the Romanes publiquely ordained that no Romane should be ever called after the name of Manlius for because his remembrāce Liv. 1. Dec. 6. lib was displeasing they would haue his name vtterly perish I wish that nomen or mentio ipsa the names English and Scottish borders former feud warres and bloudshed betweene the two nations were not once mentioned within our lips but as nomen Pelopidarum vtterly put out abolished and never heard of as that which is laid vp in silence in the Graue even now that not the least occasiō be left no not in sport or inter ludicra certamina as we haue a name of plaie amongst vs called prison base one part striving for England and an other for Scotland representing vnto vs the variance betwixt both nations lest it proue as that betwixt them two brethren Demetrius and Perseus king Phillips sonnes who in ludicio certamine opposite one to the other with their companies divided on both sides fell in earnest vnto a maine deadly warre one against the other I say as neere as may be these opposite tearmes of Scottish and English should cease except they remaine as only they oughte remaine Epithits pertaining to one name of great Brittaine and to one people Brittaines as al the Iewes of al the several Tribes were called Iacob Gods people and Israell his inheritance And herein seeing as Vegetius saith principis est pro salute Reipublicae nova excogitare antiqua restituere both nations ought ioyfully applaud the late proclamation and in al humblenes of duety submit themselues to the kings Maiesties good pleasure seeking thereby the common good of Weale publique and not his owne glory as they doe who cal their lands after their owne name to get a name vpon earth as Valens the Emperor desired according to his ambitious vaine-glorious humour to call this whole Continent Valentia after his owne name for which thing also Henoch the Son of Caine building Gen. 4. a Cittie was first noted but as a king most gracious not natus sibi sedpatriae as Hadrian the Emperour professed before al ita se rempublicā gesturum vt sciret populi rem esse non propriam thinketh only on the ancient name non tam mutans quam aptans so to roote out remembraunce of former hatred and to vnite both into one Pastor populi non suum ipsius sed Subditorum quaerit commodum officio suo semper fungitur vtilitati consulens societati Chaunge of names hath ever beene thought meete in policie even where men formerlye Strangers and of diverse kingdomes were to bee trained vp togither and framed in fashion one to the other as were giuen to Daniell Hananiah Dan 1. Mishaell and Azariah new and other names And Daniell was called Baltasar and Hananiah Shadrah and Mishaell Mesach and Azariah Abegnego of purpose by changing their names to make these forget themselues their country and if it were possible the God of their fathers And so the Turkes haue from time to time in their pollicie changed the olde names of those places they now possesse which before professed Christianity and when vpon any Conquest they take into their government Christians they impose on them new names to liue like them and as one people among them shal we thinke it a wrong or inconvenience that if a Grecian Prince or other Christian king recover against the Turke they afterward abolish a name imposed on them and calany province people or city after their old and ancient name Et si hoc in arido quid in viridi If this be done ex facto by the children of this world vnto an evil end may not his Maieiestie in his princely wisedome fas estet ab hoste doceri exiure for the vndoubted good of the children of light cal to remembrance and put in Dio. 52. execution the wise councel of Maecenas to Augustus to take away al differences whatsoever even of the meanest thinges which might bee thought on whither of name or apparell or anie thing else to the intent all thinges might bee throughly composed in one vniforme fashion conformitie among al his Subiects to their vndoubted good It hath beene often observed that parva scintilla neglecta magnum saepe excitavit incendium And sores sleightly cured break forth into greater danger And if I might boldly write my mind without mistake I would vndertake sufficiently to proue that if the name had not beene chaunged into great Brittaine it might be feared we should not long as we ought ever continue one that loue being not without dissimulation we would among our selues as is vpbraided to the inconstancie of another nation now not to be here named Ridendo fidem frangere and so loue as that we would hate againe For as a chiefe inhabitant and commander in privernum being asked in the Senate at Rome what peace they should expect Livi. 1. d ee 8. lib auswered sibonam dederitis fidam perpetuam simalam haud diuturnam So here may it be saide if vnion in name bring also in deed a good composition and faithful coniunction bona fide it will doubtlesse by Gods goodnes last ever but otherwise I feare which God forbid may againe rent in sunder and make the newe breach worse then the former And therefore wise was that saying eiusdem iuris esse debent qui sub eodem rege victuri Curt. 10. sunt and that practise of Romulus renowned who by vnion of divers nations eodem nomine et Liv. 1. Dec. 1. lib eodem iure latinos vocavit And hereof grew the Italicum bellum because the Latines vnited in other respects were not ioined eodem iure with the Romanes To speake plaine wee
THE IOIEFVLL AND BLESSED REVniting the two mighty famous kingdomes England Scotland into their ancient name of great Brittaine By JOHN BRISTOLL SAPIENTIAE ET FELICITATIS ACADEMIA OXONIENSIS Printed at Oxford by IOSEPH BARNES are to be sold in Paules Church yarde at the signe of the Crowne by Simon Waterson TO THE KINGS MOST EXcellent Maiestie IAMES by the grace of God King of great Brittaine France Ireland defender of the faith THE ioyfull and happie proclaimed vnion of your Maiesties two famous kingdomes England and Scotland into the name of Great Brittaine in one dutifull obedience of all to one Royall Rightful Soveraigne over all is the very Treasurie of the whole State where your Maiestie is sole high Treasurer of weale publique your soveraigne authoritie beautified with Iustice for executing lawes with wisedome for determining Right with mercy and grace for releeving distressed Subiects is the glorious abundant Treasure it selfe And albeit I haue in my two bookes like the poore widdowe offered into your Treasury but only two mites yet I hope for that doe most humbly pray your gracious favor that your highnesse will bee pleased in goodnes to accept my humble service duty to lay vp my two mites with the rest of the rich Treasure though in the account they be scarcely reckoned for a farthing I haue with that care and caveat as is meete only observed the Tenor of your highnes proclamation and with dutiful and due regard left all other incident circumstances and great considerations to the wisedome of the Honorable Commissioners authorized by your Maiestie in both your Parliaments As for all others which dislike mine industrie and distaste my zeale esteeming my labours lost and better left vndone then my reputation left vndone amonge them I esteeme them only tanquam Pedarios Censores trampling on truth and carying their eies in their heeles and not in their head neverthelesse I desire if may be to avoide their kicking and spurning if not yet because I knowe my farthing good silver able to indure touch and triall I haue without other respects in publishing this booke scattered abroad the fire of my zeale to shew it felfe in its own shine and placed my happynesse in your Maiesties approving mine endevours knowing that the king of kings acknowledged the poore widdowe to haue cast in more into the Teasury then al the rich men Me selfe verily doe cast in all that I haue and for my part doe iudge it everie mans part to depart from all where hee oweth all To this I can only adde my dayly praiers and doe presently and will still powre them forth to the God of all glorie and mercie lifting vp hands heart that his manifold and dayly blessings may bee multiplyed vpon your sacred person vpon our gracious Queen and vpon your Royall Seede for ever and that all your kingdomes may flourish to your owne hearts desire for terror of foes and endlesse comfort of all your loving Subiectes Your Maiesties faithfull Subiect and humble servant Io. BRISTOLL THE IOYFVLL AND HAPPY vnion of the two famous kingdomes England and Scotland into the name of Great Brittaine THE State of England and Scotland may bee resembled to the condition of Israell and Iuda not only for emulation who haue most right to the Royall person 2. Sam. 19. of the Kings Maiestie for their defence and government but also for that the two kingdomes were at first both but one Besides God as he speaketh by his Prophet did also at first alike leade both them and vs with Gords of a man euen with Hose 11. Bands of loue And as it pleased God for sinne of people to breake those Bands even both the Staffe of bands and of bewtie to dissolue the brotherhoode Zach. 11. of Israell and Iuda so for the iniquitie of our forefathers God brake the Staffe of bands signifying mutuall loue and also Staffe of bewtie signifying order of government and brought in vpon them vpon their posterity even to these Is 9. our latter daies a staffe of diuision and yoke of burden vpon theirs and our shoulders which nowe for al that out of the riches of his mercie he hath also broken in peeces making al one againe as he spake by his Prophet Ezechiel concerning Israel Ezec. 37. and Iuda saying I wil make them one people in the land vpon the mounetaines of Israell and one king shall be king to them all they shall be no more two peoples neither be diuided any more henceforth into two kingdomes This foundation laide as proiect of our whole purpose The trueth sheweth it selfe howe two kingdomes severed in place not much differing in lawes nor dissonant in language but only disagreeing heretofore in neighbourhoode may bee comprehended vnder notion of one name specially seeing when one ruleth both and both become Subiect to one they are no more two but one body lincked in like duety and knit togither in one bande of obedience To doubt this is in Strangers ignorance but in Subiects a great offence For who so considereth that many Shires with the principality of Wales heretofore made one England cannot but confesse that likewise England Scotland with al their territories Ilands Shires and Countries make now one great Brittaine and al the people of both the mighty nations Brittaines and that the Kings Maiestie hath done as princely an Act in vniting both the kingdomes into one name as hee did in vniting the Armes of both the Realmes into one Scutchion hauing a like Right in both For all great Brittaine being his Maiesties inheritance all his Subiects within that continent are Brittaines Iust and reasonable was the demande of Annius chiefe Governour of Latines in vniting Romanes and Latines saying Ex vtraque gente vnum Liv. 1. Dec. 8. lib. oportet esse populum vnam fieri rempub eandē imperij sedem idemque omnibus nomen And albeit the Latines were cōtent for sake of Weale publique to preferre Romanes before themselues and bee called by their names as the History there farther reporteth Quoniam ab alter vtra parte concedi necesse est quod vtrisque benè vertat sit hat sanè patria potior Romani omnes vocemur neverthelesse the case not standing so with vs that Scottish should be called by our name nor we by theirs me thinks a thirde name of great Brittaine might easily equally please both otherwise as King Deiotarus cut of al his children saving one Plut. 3. mor because he would leaue the kingdom but to one so should English swallowing vp name of Scottish or Scottish drowning name of English prooue such a Vine which to bring but one grape to ripenes is content that all Branches bee cut of but one But the questiō here is not which of the branches should best prosper but how all the branches may flourish which abide in the Vine and verily the question carieth in it selfe his
matter to vnite and keep them togither who liue vnder the same climate of heaven are of like language manners countenance lawes customes forme of bodie fashiō of behavior yea and religion à religando Rightly called the chiefest band of hearty vnion For though the Hand Salamis bee controverted betweene Aelian 7● the Athenians Megarenses yet must it be adiudged to the Athenians because they lived after the same fashion and lawes as now the skilful in the lawes of this land easily acknowledge what congruity and affinity is betweene most of the ancient lawes of both our kingdomes more then is to be found betweene those of any other two nations And albeit the Towne Sidas be controverted Athene 1● betweene the Athenians Beotians yet Epominondas wil adiudge it to the Beotians and not to the Athenians because the Athenians called an apple malum punicum but the Beotians called it Sidas There is betweene English and Scottish smal or no difference nay now none at al in vnion al being Brittaines not so much as betweene Gileadites and Ephraimites in pronouncing Shibboleth or Sibboleth but al are of one language even of one Canaan language only a little River Twede is common limit or rather imaginary bounde to both and al from Twede Southward is Brittaine within Twede and al frō Twede Northward is Brittaine beyonde Twede yet both on this side that al but one Brittaine non nos mare seperat ingens exiqua prohibemur aqua as al France hath formerly bin divided into two parts the one beyonde the Alps the other within the Alps and all Jndia Westward within the River Gange and Eastward beyonde Gange And all Scithia within Imaus and without Imaus And though the Iland hath bin long time divided into two kingdomes yet England it selfe hath oft times of divers bin called Brittaine as by a Surname and if pars prototo might haue that denomination much more ought the whole being now made one Therefore Linacre Grocinus of the one part called thēselues Brittaines and Iohannes Maior of the other affirmed that the kings of England and Scotland wanted good Councel to advise them to marie togither so to make of both one kingdome of Brittaine that only envious men and they who neglected the Weale publiq ue did hinder this vnion of peace Which thing King Henry the seventh and King Henrie the eighth wisely forsaw seeking by mariage to vnite both kingdomes into one Discordantis saepe patriae non aliud est remedium quam si ab vno regeretur Therefore the wise men haue most religiously observed two beginnings of things one of evil divisible imperfect manifold called duallitie or Binarius numerus Another of good indivisible perfect and in name and nature alwaies one called vnitas If Duallitie or Binarius as cause efficient beare sway then in the aire it breedeth intemperature if in citties families or kingdomes wars and discorde if in the body diseases if in the minde of men vice and wickednes But where vnion possesseth chiefe place her fruites are to the aire wholsome temper to citties families kingdomes mutual loue and ioie to the bodie health and strength and to the minde vertue godlines For vnitie admitteth no duallity knoweth no contrarietie and by consequence no infirmitie But Duallitie seduced Adam in disobedience seeking to know aswel evil as good who before was sole Monarch of the whole earth and was wholly good and perfect both in bodie and Soule vntil hee drew with a dubble twisted corde of contrarieties vnto his body in steede of health sicknesse infirmities and vnto his soule in steede of Righteousnesse sinne and miserie needing now to strengthen his body bread and to repaire his soule grace euen for body soule Gods mercy For so he turned the Monarchy of perfect good into a Monomachie or duellum of good and euil sin and righteousnes peace and war ioie and sorrow sicknesse health yea life and death And now when the sole Monarch of the whole earth left of to abide in the common obedience and vniuersal vnion of al things to his creator albeit al the creatures were before in voluntary subiection vnited also to their sole Monarch Adam on earth yet now everie creature lifteth vp himselfe against his sole earthly Soveraigne and against his Succession for euer The earth wil not yeeld Adam bread but by the sweat of his browes the beasts become wilde cruel yea the earth openeth her mouth against the succession of disobedient Adam and swalloweth vp Corah Dattan Abiram the waters drowne the whole world except eight persons the poore flie can and doth sometimes choake a man having before neither power nor wil to doe it Lice can devoure and eate vp Herod euen the vilest and weakest creatures can and often doe destroy the greatest Tirants of the earth And in opinion of some the holy Ghost seemeth in misterie to open this matter to a man of vnderstanding forbearing in the second daies worke to say all was good as is plainely said of al the other fiue daies and he saw all things good not but that the worke of this day was also good for al his workes are and were exceeding good but because of waters which in many places of the scripture signifie troubles yea intollerable afflictions and because of division of waters in that daies worke God being a God not of division but of peace therfore the holy Ghost seemeth to forbeare to say in that place and it was good And yet would not these bee mistaken in their curiositie as if they concluded the diuision of waters in that daies worke not to be good seeing that waters in the clowds diuided from the Seas are vpholden by Gods prouidence not to powre down and over whelme the earth for they approue divisions of constructions to be good as the diuiding the light from darknes the day from night and of whatsoeuer into parts for ornament and beauty of the forme diuided but vtterlie condemne diuisions of destructions or of distractiōs which is frangere non dividere comminuere non distinguere to part the body from the head or the members from the bodie to bring order to confusion vnitie to distraction forme to a Chaos ens to privation such division was that whereof Caselius answered the merchant Navem si dividis Macr. 2. sa● nec tu nec socius habebit such diuifion the vnnatural harlot entended requiring the liuing childe to be cut into two partes let it bee neither 1. King 3. mine nor thine but divide it Where two or three are made one there is the image of God of truth of peace of fortitude of praise of perfectiō but where one is drawn diuided and torne a sunder there breaketh forth falshood war feare dishonor confusion They which are of God embrace the one and they which are of the deuil the other For God both in the Center and Circumference of truth
in the whole common Weale it is wholly and in every part thereof whither it be of English or Scottish entire Tota in toto tota in qualibet parte As a shining light it sheweth a way for common good and as a reasonable soule giveth vnderstanding to the blindest body to see the full fruition of al worldly happinesse let no man shut his eies against the Sun nor refuse a living soule for his Carcas If I could expresse the image of this vnion in liuely colours I would surely make her a Goddes faire and beautiful having a garland crowne of al blessings vpō her head sitting in a Chaire of State with al good fortunes vertues and graces attending her and as a Goddes in triumphant chariot going into the capitol or temple of mighty Iupiter where also the Poets haue found her but called by another name even Pallas who is also named Monas that is vnitie because having Macrob. one only parent shee resideth in Iupiters braine even in the chiefe seate of his wisedome where al the Muses are her companions so called Musae quasi 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is altogither in one where al the Graces go hand in hand congratulating to vnion their mutual societie where al vertue and knowledge are neere of affinitie but Iustice and government of cōsanguinity to her her selfe stil holding primacy over al as England Scotland are cheerefully looking one towards the other in the name of great Brittaine as the two Cherubins did looke one towards the other in one propitiatory And thy royal state ô great Ezech. 28. Brittaine is as the annointed Cherub And as in the hart of man is placed fortitude in his liver temperance and in his minde Iustice yet al these with al other vertues are annexed to Prudence the common ligament of al so is great Brittaine by vniting al his kingdomes principalities countries and honours the compleate proportioned forme of al and al in it both vniversally and particulerly are fashioned and made fit on every side for happy coniunction and mutual correspondence For this renowned name of great Brittaine standeth in steede of a Loadstone drawing al into one chaining them togither with links of loue as Lisippus made an image of fowre mettals mixed togither gold silver brasse and yron expressing hereby absolute perfection of vertue putting in gold to signifie Prudence silver Iustice brasse Fortitude and yron Temperance whereof they are altogither ignorant as if they had never seene vertue so much as painted who to overthrow vniō in the name of great Brittaine bring no vnion of vertues euen excellencies of many Countries to this so excellent worke But skilful Zeuxes going about to depaint an absolute worke of a perfit virgin tooke not onlie view of one womans beautie but had varietie of many the fairest to accomplish out of al these a more excellent and consummate forme of bodie Shal we not thinke the kingdome of Fraunce containing Pickardy Normandie the I le of France Champaigne Averne Dalphenie Bry Bloys Turin the Dutchie of Aniow Xantoin Burgundie and vniting to it little Brittaine to be more glorious in al these being made one then if but one only of al these were that kingdome Doe we not see that the enlarging of the dominions of Spaine in vniting and establishing diverse kingdomes and territories as those of Aragon Castile and that of Portugal with others hath so enlarged that kingdome as that the like hath not befallen other Christian Potentates Hath not the King of Denmarke beside the Cimbrian Chersonese where Holsatia Theutomartia the Dukedome of Sletia Flensburgh Friesland and Iuthland doe lie other spacious Ilands fifteene in number all comprehended vnder the name Denmarke and vnited to that Crowne Did not Iagello taking to wife in the year 1380. the princes Hedingee the last of the blud Royal of Polonia after he was installed king there vnite al his owne principalities of Lithuania and Samotgathia Provinces of Russia to the kingdome and Esth 1. Crowne of Poland Did not Ahasuerus raigne from India to Ethiopia over an hundred twenty and seaven diuerse Provinces And was not he so mightie by reason of this varietie subiected and vnited to his sole government that hee was an hundreth and fowrescore daies shewing the riches and glorie of his Greatnesse to al his Princes and to the mightie men of Persia Media But to take example of one only Rome for all How hath it beene renowned through the whole world by ioyning al the nations of the world into one euen to it selfe Herehence it was called terrarum dea gentiumque Roma communis patria mundi compendium Omnia Romanae cedant miracula terrae Propertius Natura hîc posuit quicquid in orbe fuit But the Maiestie of this Empire grew so great by adioining other nations and bringing them all into one Haec est in gremium quae victos sola recepit Humanumque genus communi nomine fovit Matris non dominaeritu civesque vocavit Quos domuit nexuque pio longinqua revinxit And againe Fecisti patriam diversis gentibus vnam Dumque offers victis proprij consortia iuris Vrbem fecisti quod prius orbis erat And so may wee say of this renowned name of great Brittaine comprehending vs all of diverse nations in one vnder our gracious King Huius pacificis debemus moribus omnes Quod cuncti gens vna sumus I could set forth and confirme by sundry examples this vniting of many into one and thereby shew that the enlarging of dominion consisteth in vniting altogither into one name and establishing diverse Territories vnder one Soveraignetie and government and that the greater states and Imperial powers of larger extent and far spreading domination are the more durable Arist Pol. and that the Monarchie of great Brittaine is like to be hereafter of more durance strength honor as partly comming vnder our Kings government without conquest or constraint nam errat longè mea quidem sententia qui credat imperium stabilius aut firmius quod vi adiungitur quam quod facilitate clementia so now especially it beeing vnited in the whole then heretofore divided in parts his contexture being of a greater frame thē before holding by more then one naile and vp-holding it s own greatnes even as great buildings endure and subsist by their owne weight as the Poet speaketh Pondere tuta suo est But I thinke it here as needeful to lay open that great fault imputed to Constantine dividing the Empire among his Children whereby of one Empire hee made three and withal a memorable diminution of his authoritie and forces which part Brutus also played dividing this whole Empire of great Brittaine among his three Sonnes of which though two parts afterward namely England Wales were againe in good time vnited yet Scotland stood till now divided from the rest the rest from it till God in special goodnes nowe restored to
being like to one Cittie even one Ierusalem which is a Cittie at vnitie within it selfe Hoc verè Regium duos populos vnum efficere As the king of kings hath in mercy done to Iew and Gentile to Grecian and Barbarian fecit vtraque vnum he brake downe the partition Wall and hath gathered the people and kingdomes togither to serue him dissociata locis concordi pace ligavit And why should not many and moe then two kingdomes as well civilie abide in vnitie of Subiection as many Christian nations continue in vnitie of faith But that the one hath the spirit of God which is authour of peace and louer of concorde directing them and the other the spirit of Satan authour of contention and cause of confusion perverting them Which thing King David well perceaved praying God for his Sonne Solomon that hee might enioye the fuil possession of the whole dominion from sea to sea promised to Israel vnder Moses but not fully obteined till then because of the peoples sins And albeit for our manifold great sins this whole Iland hath been overlong divided into two and forced by former division to many battels much shedding of blood yet we praise God that in these our daies the ful possessiō therof is restored giuen to our peaceable Solomon so as not only al his own subiects even from Sea to Sea of both the kingdomes are in him vnited into one but even the potent powerful neighbour kings seeke peace and make league with Israell even the kings of Tharsis of the Isles bring presents the kings of Sheba Seba brings guifts as in the daies of Solomon This change even the happiest chaunge that ever was from a people so divided from one by Gods eternal decree and special mercy to bee made one biddeth vs open our eies calleth vs a lowd come see speque fideque inquit maiora videbis For our Iland formerly for sin divided as the Echinades Insulae were fained by Poets once far seperate distracted for contempt of their Gods is now become like that Iland Delos which though it floated was tossed sometimes vpon the waters àgente in gentē as one waue forceth another was neverthelesse reported to bee afterwards truly firme and stable Doubtles that God which hath written in the waters the Sea legible for every eie to see read Mare Britannicū who hath continually carried in directing the pens pēsils of al Cosmographers Mapmakers or whatsoever Historiographers whō Alphon sus Siciliae calleth optimos Consiliarios mortuos not to alter the first old name but to cal it in all their writings descriptions Mare Britannicū hath graciously miraculously effected for the lande also that out of the dead ashes of olde great Brittaine should be raised evē the selfe same Brittain as the Phenix living and dying est cadem sednon Lactan. eadem quia ipsa nec ipsa est O admirable Metamorphosis happy change England Scotlād haue left though not lost their names both being preserved in the Bosome of great Brittaine nō duo sunt nec forma duplex but neutrūque vtrūque videtur and of both vs English Scottish being now Brittaines may it be said as of thē two brethren altervter vterque altervter est vterque vterque autem neuter Which I againe call that faire Phenix dying living eadem non eadem quia ipsa nec ipsa est In which excellent wonderful work the rather better to bring to passe the good purpose of vniting the two kingdoms people into one it hath seemed best to the godly wisedome of divine prouidence first long since to knit all our harts in one holy religion in the same service godly worship to make vs al like Citizens with the Saints and of the houshold of God renewed in Christ and reconciled into one body acknowledging but one God professing but one faith religion the hope of our vocation Whereby we learne cannot but confesse if as Ciprian saith consiliorū gubernaculum lex sit divina that that common Weale best pleaseth God which commeth neerest to the Church of God that wisest Politeans are best Christiās that best governments haue correspondence with Gods lawes that those kingdomes are best ruled the more blessed which are of one heart one obedience even as al are one in Christ who is the head al vnder his government are by one spirite but one bodie Wherfore the good Emperors Theodosius Valentinianus writing to Cipriā Bishop of Alexandria were bold to cōmende their government according to the platform before described saying A pietate quae in deū est Reipublicae nostrae cōstitutio pendet multa vtrinque est cognatio societ as c. Which most excellent patterne and forme of government is after the example of Christ vniting al into one this the Psalmist resembleth to that precious ointment powredon the head of Aaron running down his beard even to the skirts of his cloathing for so doth sweete and precious vnion rest chiefly in the heade which is but one from thence run al along alike to al the parts of the people which are but one But shame on Schisme whither it be civil or ecclesiastical for it renteth the seamlesse Coat of Christ both in the Church and in the Civil state even in the doctrine ceremonies of the one against the truth of God in christian charitie common civillity of the other against the peace of mē Wherfore whosoever opposeth himselfe against the one or other is more vnreasonable may be thought more cruell then the souldiers which would not divide Christs seamlesse Coat but castlots whose it should be saying sortiamur cuius sit For it caunot be denied but that they which divide great Brittaine to haue it divided within and against it selfe divide that for which they cannot say sortiamur seeing cuius is known sit cannot be denied but sortiamur cuius sit must wholly and only be left to king Iames to his royal succession for ever Only let our contention be as was that of Israell and Iudah who should be forwardest in bringing our king vnto the seate of his kingdome so nowe to preserue the possession of his kingdome sartum tectum inseperably vnited to the king iointly vnited and vndivided within it selfe Vnus rex vna lex vnus pater vna communis patria vnum caput vnum corpus Let not privat respects hinder a common good let every man be as one man of one hart one soule vnited to the kings designe for the everlasting good of every one If the king had commanded thee a great thing wouldest not thou haue done it How much more then when he saith be you all of one minde to liue agreeably togither in one vniforme gouernment for your owne vndoubted good Cedat ius proprium regi