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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03778 Great Brittaines resurrection: or the Parliaments passing bell By vvay of psalmodie, against the tryumphing of the Papists, in their seuen psalmes. And in imitation of the song of the three nobles of Israel, deliuered out of the fierie ouen of Babell. By VVilliam Hubbard, Chaplaine to the Kings Maiestie, in his Highness Tower of London. Seene and allowed. Hubbock, William, b. 1560. 1606 (1606) STC 13898.5; ESTC S118144 37,262 64

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haue beene trod downe by it when it passed ouer it should haue taken you away and it should haue passed euery morning and in the day and in the night and there should haue beene onely feare as Esay speaketh euery bed should haue beene too straite that it could not suffice and euery couering too narrowe that none could wrap himselfe but that this mantell of woe had infolded euerie one doe you therefore feare and tremble and worship with holy worship this GOD that hath made fast the barres of these gates and blessed all within them from this curse so neare vnto you let there be a new heauen and a new earth among you make a solemne vowe to haue cleane hands heereafter and to banish so deare corruption from the regall palace especially in Church matters be free spirited embrace ingenuitie and plainenes abandon shifts gloses and flatterie for the Lord is the auenger of these thinges Speake the truth euery man from his heart pittie the attendance of suitors with speedie dispatch that remedies bee not worse then diseases for a lingring sicknes is worse then a timely death finally promote Gods glory not your owne ambition with all your meanes and accesse make not sad the heart of the righteous but giue grace and honour to the Saints and them that excell in vertue so blesse you this Lord as you look for his blessing and feare his curse praise him and magnifie him for euer O Thou famous Citie of London of olde called Augusta and Emperesse of the land and chamber of the Kings and Queenes of England the head and mother of the Cities of the land the nurserie of religion and fidelity the store-house of the good Subiects and the nest of the wealth of the realme and therefore the more maligned of the Enemie whose elders are as Barrons and Chapmen the nobles of the earth whose peace they so much enuied whose strength and loyaltie they feared whose wealth the fingers of many insatiable cormorants itched to be medling with intending no doubt all mercilesse rapine dishonour and villanies not to be named towards thee How should thy hidden and secret houres haue beene sought out and thy treasures searched at full Remember what Goteham a Priest and predecessour of these imagined against thee did he not towards his death wish fire brimstone vpon thee from heauen which these were setting from hell thou shouldest haue beene if not sacked yet so cumbred with feares fresh incounters at home and newes of slaughters abroad warres and rumours of warres that thou couldest scarce seeke out the bodies of the dead to gather the Princes and Nobles out of the dust and rubbish doe thou betime repent of thy prodigality deliciousnes and wantonnes thy couetousnes and hypocrisie and euery other sinne pray for sound iudgement to discerne true and wholesome doctrine and beware of humours learne to honour with a perfect heart with all thy peace plenty and strength this Lord that keepeth thee the onely watch-man of the Citie whose eye neuer winketh nor is wearie for he that keepeth Israel neither slumbreth nor sleepeth blesse thou the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O Thou famous Cittadle the royall Castle of the Tower of London the first footing of Coronation of the Kings and Queenes of this land and the possession taking and earnest of the rest of the Dominions belonging to this Kingdome a faithfull and sufficient and speedie seruant at hand to thy soueraigne and Country a friend to their friends and an enemie to their enemies a vowed companion and comfortable neighbour to the honourable Citie of London the sinewes and ioynts of our warlike prouision and commaunder of peace the feare of the rebellious the ayme of the enemies eye the expectation and care of all true subiects how shouldest thou haue beene vsed sore against thy will against thy dearest friends the mischieuous designes against thee the most wise prudent and religious Gouernour within thee The industrious and vigilant officers and attendants there whose surprising they deuoured in their first hopes he knoweth best who is thy Fort and Tower whose name is a strong Tower and deliuered vs before our dead hearts could runne vnto him who brought the pray vnto thy lap and tooke captiuitie captiue and gaue them into thy custodie doe thou and all thy Ministers instruments store furniture with triumphs and trophes with voties and peales of ioy thanksgiuing blesse this great Lord thy keeper praise him and magnifie him for euer O Yee Townes and Countries who tasted of the headlesse skirmishes suddainnes of the brutish furie of these enemies of Sion and the haters of the peace of Ierusalem the very same fatall time by their desperate insurrection among you aboue all other shires and places doe you I say as sonnes likewise of the resurrection vnto whom the Lord said in your blood line you sawe the enemie but felt no harme their letter prophesied safetie in the Country but against their wils doe you therefore blesse this great God that blesseth you the more for Balaams cursing who scattered their forces diminished their power and so quickly quelled them in causing their owne power to brand them in the faces and all their purposes to be defeated without anie great pursuite and some of them to perish in the very acte of their owne sinne some to languish with griefe others to kill themselues and all their mischiefe to returne vpon their owne heads blesse you againe and againe this Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O Yee Ministers and speciall seruants of the Lord the Prophets of Israel and feeders of the sheepe of the Lords pasture whom these smoakie locusts of the bottomlesse pit these rauenous Wolfes greedie of the prey most abhorred to place their owne Baals Priests and all the sacrificers of the Groues and hill-altars in your roomes and so to deuoure the Lords inheritance your safety ministration they enuied your families they vowed to shame and miserie your persons to certaine and more cruell destruction aboue others by a special marshal at armes appointed vtterly to extirpate you Let your Harpe be in your hand and Psalmes of Moses and Dauid and the lambe in your mouthes reioice ouer her all you Prophets Apostles for God hath done your iudgment on her Let Vrim Thummim be for euer with you gird the sword of the spirit about you to destroy all spirituall and corporall Idolatrie thinke it not now a time to striue for complements and to inforce odious exasperations antichristian comparisons against the reuerend Fathers when as you lee your soules and their soules the soule of religion it selfe is sought after making lesse of your liues then of the least of their ceremonies hauing as little conscience to kill you all as to slay a sheepe behold the scope of Diuinitie is a large field Christ crucified
is a spacious argument vrge that and walke in that and forbeare other impertinents See you not that the resolution of our state hateth Antichrist with a perfect hatred this 48. yeares and is therfore hated vnreconcilably as beeing in it selfe the most Euangelical monarchie in the world and a sanctuarie of refuge for all the professours in the earth vnder her shadowe let this whet your courages and set an edge on your zeale and teach you spirituall discretion to goe with one shoulder to ruinate Babel and not be diuided in your selues in your seuerall stations Cursed be he that doth the worke of the Lord negligently Let your voices and spirits declare in all the congregations that the Lord himselfe is a Champion for the house of Aaron a defender of the tribe of Leui and that he holdeth all the starres of all our Churches in his owne righthand and that his mercie to that function endureth for euer Celebrate you the Lord of the haruest so benigne and gratious vnto you and remember him that said Occupie till I come and so much the more because the enemie is so busie Let the house of Aaron then and all the tribe of Leni blesse this Lord their speciall Lord and Maister and patrone praise him and magnifie him for euer O All ye louers of the Gospell and faithfull professours of Christs holy religion in this Kingdome who next after magistracie and ministerie were most hated noted and obserued and appointed to cruel butcherie massacre your families to be singled out to pillage dishonour of whichsome of thē peraduenture they had surueyed taking notice of their number strength and to haue been sacrificed not as Isaac also but as Abraham also euen the father and children and the very seruants at the foot of the hill how would not Rome haue bragged ouer you as a Lady and Conqueresse who shall not feare the beast and worship his image or take his marke in his forehead or right hand But the Lord caused the knife to stay that was so neare the throat and made the Ramme that pushed at you to be taken in the thicket of his owne deuises and to be a ransome for the innocent Lambs of his flock be wise hereafter as serpents thinke not they haue done Beware the dogge that barketh not who said they shall not know nor see vntil we come into the midst of them and slay them doe you blesse and honour this God of your life and beliefe adorne his glorious Gospel in your selues and families so much the more praise him and magnifie him for euer O Ye wealthie fat ones of the world who haue gathered siluer as dust and gold as stones that haue grace and place fauours and honours aboue others Mannors and demeanes and children and call the lands and houses by your names that haue ships and shops and store-houses and ware-houses and wealth laide vp for many yeares Loe in one moment your soule gone whose should all these haue beene how quickly should all haue been turned returned and ouerturned in an houre therefore let thi teach you not to trust in vncertaine riches but in the liuing God to treasure vp religion not pelfe to confesse all to bee transitorie learne hence the contempt of the world and to be prouided that the day of the Lord come not as a snare vpon you make friends of vnrighteous Ma●●●● in this life that you may be receiued into better tabernacles yeeld it to be true the world passeth and the iolity thereof and all flesh is grasse and all the glory thereof is as the flower of the field onely the word of God and them that are begotten by it abide for euer doe you therefore hee reafter in all your graces and places countenance maintenance wealth and store for this so great patience towards you blesse this Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O Yee that take pleasure in pleasure though to Gods displeasure and in your owne voluptuousnes in drinking away the health of body and soule in gaine stealth and robberie in ambition iniustice oppression or any other wickednes and all the impenitent learne a parable of the figge tree you that write or speake parables let them take one from our Parliament and state therefore if it bee so much pleasure and honour to take pleasure to bee ioyned in affection with the creature know is farre greater honour and pleasure for the creature to bee ioyned with the Creator who is blesse for euer Learne in all your pleasures and contentments to remember this Lord who speaketh suddainly of a parliament a kingdome a nation a citie a towne a family a man a woman to pluck vp to roote out to destroy as suddainly as the Potter dasheth in pieces a vessell of clay despise not counsell refuse not instruction neglect not the riches of Gods bountifulnes and long suffering which loueth not to take you tardie and at aduantage to vndoe you in the Act of your sinnes but leadeth you to repentance harden not therefore your hearts nor heape not vp wrath against the day of wrath and the declaration of the iust iudgement of God who wil reward euery one according to his works put not off from day to day for you know not how nor when nor by what meanes he commeth and when he commeth hee commeth as a whirle-winde and laugheth at the destruction of the vngodly Be sober therefore and watch blesse you the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O Yee desperate refractarie malecontents and irreligious Atheists that looked for a troublous time to fish in as in middle waters for a mist and smoakie time to goe vnespied as false thieues being readie and yawning to make hast to the pray Loe the pray is pluckt out of your teeth know that there is a God that iudgeth the earth and hath meanes to deliuer his from temptation in the very flames as he did Lot in Sodome that the wicked shall not haue their wills on them nor one of their bones be broken and that the stones are at league with them but vpon the vngodly he raigneth snares fire and brimstone stormes and tempests as thick as haile this shal be their portion euen hence learne to bende your selues to some lawfull calling and be content with your estate and thereby to blesse the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O You hard hearted Papists and indurate hypocrites whose consciences are seated with hote irons to make the commandement of God of none effect whereas hee strictly forbad murther to establish your owne traditions which you call the catholike religion you spare no blood where are your brags of ●8 of the late Queenes death of happy memorie and of this infernall tragedie where are your hallowed altars to be erected in Paules the threatnings against our bibles promising of