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land_n call_v good_a king_n 2,217 5 3.5127 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02966 The declaration of the King of Nauarre touching the slaunders published against him in the protestations of those of the League that are rysen up in armes in this realme of Fraunce. With priuiledge. Truely translated into English according to the French copie.; Déclaration du roy de Navarre sur les calomnies publiées contre luy ès protestations de ceux de la Ligue qui se sont eslevez en ce royaume. English. Henry IV, King of France, 1553-1610.; Mornay, Philippe de, seigneur du Plessis-Marly, 1549-1623, attributed name.; Hollyband, Claudius, 16th cent.; Navarre (Kingdom). Sovereign (1572-1610 : Henry III) aut 1585 (1585) STC 13106; ESTC S115687 28,419 81

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Heire apparent This certainly is the poynt that most of all others sticketh in theyr harts wherevpon the sayd King of Nauarre hath hetherto thought least and nowe last of all it is presented to him Touching this point the said Lord the King of Nauarre contenteth himselfe in hope that God will long preserue life to the Kings Maiestie for the benefit and common wealth of thys Realme and graunt him issue in due time to the great gréefe of all his enemies Hys confidence also is that hee hath to doo with Frenchmen notwythstanding al the care and dilligence that hath béene vsed to corrupt them who know the rights are not ignoraunt of the discentos and will maintaine him in the place and degrée which he ought to hold He comforteth himselfe in God the defender of all right the reuenger of all violence who ●eth both parties whose most righteous iudgment is not like to to corporal mens whose most diffinitiue sentence is certaine and the execution therof inuariable in sort that nothing is of power to resist the same For conclusion and as concerning religion the said Lord the King of Nauarre declareth to the King hys soueraigne Lorde to all orders and estates of thys Realme and to all Princes and estates of thys Realme and to all Princes and estates of Christendome as well temporall as ecclesiasticall that he is and euer wyll be most ready to submit hymselfe to the determination of a lawful Generall or naturall counsell as is expressed in hys Maiesties edict of pacification And as concerning this estate the administration of the same that he most wyllingly dooth and wyll embrace and repose hymself vpon whatsoeuer in that behalfe shal be ordayned in a lawfull assembly of the estates of thys Realme when it shall please hys Maiestye to call the same together In the meane space the onely request and petition of the said King of Nauarre is nothing els but that be may liue quietly vnder the benefite of the edicts Béeing ready to employ hys lyfe his meanes lands and goods and all hys fréends for the defence of the King of hys Maiesties estate and all the good subiects of thys Realme And forasmuch as they of the said league haue taken the said King of Nauarre for the matter pretence of theyr rysing in Armes I would haue all men think that their quarrell is onely against him no man els sowing diuers slaunders abroad against him in their saide protestations wherin by expresse name they publishe him to he desirous of the kings death a disturber of the estate sworn enemy of the Catholiques c. Duer and aboue all the premisses which he thinketh sufficiēt to satisfy euery man the K. of Nauarre with al reuerence most humbly beséecheth the K. his soueraigne L. to whose eares he doubteth not but these slāders are come not to take in euil part sauing alwaies the honor respect due to his M. that he affyrme and pronounce in this place in that maner and sorte which presently he he doth to wit that all they which haue sowen abroade and published the saide flaunders contained in the said protestations against him haue falsly and slanderously lyed excepting the saide Lorde Cardinall his Vncle. And further to giue their slaunders the lye by his acttons the said Lord the R. of Nauarre most humbly beséecheth the King his soueraigne L. to vouchsafe the good liking of his most hūble fidelitie and deuotion in this offer which hee hath thought good here to make to his Maicstie to witte that for the quietnes and ease of his Maiestye and people it would please him wyth good liking to decyde thys quarrell betwéene them of the sayd league and hym the sayde King of Nauarre wythout hazarding his Maiesties life therein which would be too greate a losse in thys kingdome and without any further paynes to be taken by his M. about the same Hoping that God wyll gyue him grace to find sufficient fréends and allyes of hys crowne to bring them to reason to driue thē to acknowledge theyr most bounden duetye which they owe to the saide Lord the king hys soueraigne and the respect and honour that vnder hys M. ought to appertaine to the sayd king of Nauarre But specially for that he can not without sighing and shedding of teares think vppon the great spoyling of the Nobileties blood which may procéede of thys warre nor vpon the extreame pouertye and desolation which the poore people of thys Realme shall bee driuen to suffer neyther vpon the disorder and confusion which thereby will bee brought into all estates in stéede of the great piety mereye and wysedome of hys Maiestie in preparing if this commotion hadde not happened as all men knowe to establish thys estate agayne in her former beautye prosperity dignity and integrity in all resperts and aboue all the rest hee can not without sighing and great anguish of mynde thinke on the execrable blasphemies which war bringeth foorth against God and the ouerflowing of vices which growe through the licence and liberty of the Armies To shorten these mi series which the sayd L. the King of Nauarre would willingly redéeme with hys proper bloode he most humbly and with all duetifull affection beséecheth hys Maiesty not to thinke straunge of the offer which presently hee maketh to Mounsir de Guyse séeing the aduersaryes haue taken him the sayd king of Nauarre for party in theyr pretence and the sayde Lorde of Guyse commaundeth in theyr Armies to wyt that thys quarrell as well wythout puttyng all the orders and estates of thys kyngdome to any further dammage molestation or trouble as also wythout leuying or bringing in any domesticall or forrayne Army touching the same which coulde not choose but be the destruction of all poore people may be decyded and determined betwéene the sayd king of Nauarre and the sayd Monsir de Guyse by way of Combat in their owne proper persons either one against one two against two ten to ten or twenty to twenty more or lesse in such number as the saide L. of Guyse will appoint with such kind of Armour weapons as are accustomed to bee vsed amongst Knights of honor And cōcerning the place if be desire it within this kingdome the said K. of Nauarre most humbly be●cheth his M. to vouchsafe him the honor to naminate the same Or in case Mounsier de Guyse shall suspect this Realme then the King of Nauarre offereth him to bee readye in such other place out of this Realme as he the said L. of Guyse shall choose so it be a place of sure accesse suspected to neither party An honor certainely considering the difference and in equality of their persons and degrées being such as all men know that the sayde L. of Guyse ought by all meanes to embrace and purchase a felicity also which the said Lord the King of Nauarre and my Lorde the Prince hys Cozin wyll most wyllingly buy with they re owne bloods to redaeme the King theyr soueraigne Lord from the vocation 〈◊〉 which the aduersaryes moste distoyally put hym to hys estate from trouble and confusion his Nobility from destruction and all his people from extreame misery and calamity The sayde Lord the King of Nauarre protesting before God and in hys conscience that he is not mooued to choose thys way through any ambition raigning in hym nor by any hatred that he beareth to hys enimies nor for any reuenge that he wysheth toward them nor yet in regarde of that spightfull and malicious spoile and destruction which they would tryumphe and reioyce to see executed vppon hym But contrariwyse hys resolution to take the fortune of the Combat procéedeth as well from the great zeale feruēt desire which hée hath to sée God true ly serued and honoured hys Kyng frée from vexation and trouble hys estate in peace and the people at reste and quietnesse as also from the great displeasure annoyaunce and woe whych euery moment he setteth before his mynde not onelie to see God blasphemed againe in thys estate béeing in the waues and perills of shypwracke but also to see thys poore people caste againe into the extreamytye and myseryes paste whereinto yf they fall once agayne skant can any man reléeue and delyuer them from the same Fynally the sayde Lorde the Kyng of Nauarre is most certainly perswaded and reposeth all hys trust and confidence in the almighty who séeth the secretes of all harts and is chéefe president and bea reth the whole sway in all exploytes and déedes of Armes that he of his infinite mercy and goodnes by the euent and successe wyll manifestly declare and shews to all the whole world not onely the sincerety but also the righteousnes of the cause to the intent it may serue for an example to all posterityes and ages whose wrath vengeance and curse he wysheth to fall vpon him yf he protest falsly or euer imagined barme eyther toward the kynges person or against hys estate or subiects of what calling degrée or religion soeuer they be If euer he contriued any deuyse or plotte to take effect vppon the kinges Tombe or death Or euer compassed or cast in hys mynde any violence against either the Romish religion or the Catholiques reposing his whole and onely hope in God to receiue from hys eternall Maiesty hys mercifull blessing gracious goodwyll and louing fauour against all them that wythout occasion séeke hys destruction and vnder shaddowe of hys name molest the kingdome ouerthrowe all good order destroy the people and meane to stryp the kyng out of his royall estate and diguity Gyuen at Bergerac the tenth day of Iune in the yéere of our Lorde a thousand fiue hundred fourescore and fyue Signed Henry Lallier