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A00113 The right plesaunt and goodly historie of the foure sonnes of Aimon the which for the excellent endytyng of it, and for the notable prowes and great vertues that were in them: is no les pleasaunt to rede, then worthy to be knowen of all estates bothe hyghe and lowe.; Renaut de Montauban (Chanson de geste). English. Caxton, William, ca. 1422-1491. 1554 (1554) STC 1011; ESTC S106657 375,588 358

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harme thā I shall wyll ye promise me thys said Borgons yea said Reynawde Now hold my swerd sayd Borgons I put my self al together in your hand And Reynawde tooke hys swerde and assured hym that he should not dye and they two went together for to take theyr horses and whan they had theym they lyghted vpon and tooke theyr way towarde Bordews and as they cam againe they met with king Yon that came and hys folke renning agaynst hym as fast as they myght Whan Reynawde saw the kyng he thanked hym muche that he was comyng after hym and presented to hym Borgons that he had thus taken and cōquested as I haue rehersed to you sayd to him Noble king of Gascoyn I beseche you that Borgons haue no harme for I haue assured hym Good freend sayd king yon no more he shall but all honour for the loue of you and I praye to God that I may doo nothynge that is agaynst your wyll And whan Alarde Guycharde Rycharde Mawgys saw Reynawde that brought Borgons prisoner they were neuer so glad for they wend to haue lost hym so ranne they and kyssed hym ful sweetly and made hym great feast and great honour For they had ben in great sorow for the loue of hym BRother sayd Alarde into a great sorow and heuines ye had brought vs this day for we wende that ye had betake but sith that ye haue taken Borgons the warre is doone and blessed be the houre that ye were borne the pappes that ye sucked and whan they were wel feasted they tooke on theyr way towarde Bordews where they led Borgons as a prisoner And whan the kynge yon was at Bordews he lighted downe and tooke with him Reynawde and his brethern by the hande Mawgys also went vp to the palays foūde his folke that made great feast and he called them to hym and sayd Lordes bere honour and worshyp more to this knyght than to me for I am king of Gascoyn by theyr worthynes and great prowes For if thei had not ben I had ben dead and ouer throwen blessed be that good lorde that dyd put in theyr myndes for to come into this coste for they haue quyted my land haue set all my realme in peace To speake shortlye the kynge made the buty to be dealed Wherof the moste party he made to be gyuen to Reynawde hys bretherne And Reynawde wolde take nothyng of it but gaue it all to his folke and whā the kynge saw the great largenes of Reynawde he loued hym more than he did afore and than he sayd that he wolde make Reynawde lorde ouer hym and of all his lande THe kyng yon had a syster the whych was a right fayre damoysell Whan she hearde speake so moch good by Reynawde she called to her a knyght that was called water and sayd to hym tell me by your fayth who hath the pryce of the batayle Madame sayde water I shall tell it you with a good wyll Nowe wyt that Reynawde is the best knyght of all hys brethern of al the world for he tooke Borgons the sarasyn by force wherby he hath brought the warre at an ende whā the pucell vnderstode this worde she was ryght glad dyd thanke our lorde for it with al her hert And the king his knightes ceassed not to make ioye for the victory the god had sent to them thorouh the great pro●esse of the valiaūt Reynawde Whan borgons saw him selfe in pryson he sent worde to kīg Yon that he should come speake wyth hym And as soone the king Yon wyst of it he went to hym And whan borgons saw him he salued hym after sayd to hym Syr I am your prysoner also the moste party of my folke yf it please you ye shal put me to raūsone and my men also I shal gyue you .x. horses laden wyth golde for me for my folke Borgons said the kynge I shall doo wyth a good wil yf Reynawde counsel me so and no otherwyse I wyll not doo and thā the kyng Yon sent for Reynawde for his bretherne and all hys other barons And whan they were come he helde his counsell howe he should doo for the delyuerance of borgons Reynawde his barons counselled the kyng that he should put borgons to raūson whā the kinge saw that his barons counselled hym the same he made borgons to be called and made his delyueraūce to be sygnyfyed vnto hym And thus was borgons delyuered and went with his folke into his countrey yelded Tholouse agayne to kynge Yon sent to hym x. sommers all laden with fyue golde as he had promysed to hym And incontynent that the kynge Yon had receyued them he gaue them to Reynawde and to his brethern but Reynawde did as a worthy knyght For not a penye he wolde take of it nor his bretherne also IT happed vpon a day the Reynawde his bretherne wente in a forest that was not ferre thens toke foure wilde beastes as they were comynge homwarde they foūd themself vpon the riuer of Gironde as they wente Alarde looked ouer the riuer and saw a hyghe mountain and all hyghe on the toppe of it was a fayre roche And whan Alarde saw so fayre a grounde and so stronge he turned hymself towarde Reynawde and sayde to hym Brother yonder vpon that hyghe Mountayne is a fayre grounde and a strong I beleue that there hath be sometime a castel And yf we myght doo so muche to buylde there a stronge place for our selfe Charlemayne should neuer take vs there And ye wyll beleue me ye shal aske it of kyng Yon and yf he gyueth it to you let vs doo make there a stronge castell Cosyn sayde Mawgys to Reynawde Alarde giueth you good counsell And I pray you that ye wyll doo so as he hath sayd Cosyn sayd Reynawde I shal doo it syth that ye counsell me so And whā they were accorded to the same they entred into a barge and wente ouer Gyrounde whan they came a lande they ceassed neuer tyll that they came afore the kynge and presented hym the beastes that they had taken And whan the kynge saw them he receyued them curtoysly for he loued them moche And than the kynge enbraced Reynawde in hys armes THe morowe nexte after that the kynge had hearde masse Reynawde tooke the kynge drew him a lytle at a syde and sayd to him Syr we haue serued you longe well and truly Certes sayd the kynge ye say trouth and therfore I am holde towarde you well for it now looke yf I haue in al my lande cities townes or castelles or other thyng that ye wyl haue for ye shal haue it incōtinēt Syr sayd Reynawde I thanke you muche of your good wyll But heare my wordes yf it please you say on hardly sayd the kynge Syr sayd Reynawde I and my brethern were the other daye comyng fro the chase and as we came alonge by
loued him that ye haue giuen hym your sister to his wife And whan he came in these marches he came not lyke a knaue but he came to you as a noble knighte prue and worthye For he brought in his felawship foure thousande men well armed and well horsed and said to you afore vs all oreuer he tooke of his spurres that he had warre with the kinge Charlemain Neuerthelesse ye receiued him with good herte and after made of him at your wil. And for you he conquested mani batailles did so much that he delyuered you from the handes of your enemyes And therfore syr I tell you that ye be not worthye to calle your self ne to bere the crowne vpon youre heade if for feare of death ye betray such knightes as are the foure sonnes of Aymon For ye haue not yet loste nother Castell nor town if ye doo it otherwise ye shal be taken and holden for a traytoure After spake Anthony the olde earle sayde to the kinge Syr beleue not this counseyll for suche counseyll he gyueth you now wherof ye shall be betrayed at the last For I know better then tent of Reinawde than anye man that is heere ye must vnderstōde sir that Reynawd was sonne to a mā that had but one town and was so proude that he dayned to serue nor obeye his lorde the king of Fraunce but slewe Berthelot by his great pride and outrage Wherfore the kynge Charlemaine chased hym out of the realme of Fraunce Nowe it is happed so that he is in Gascoygne and ye haue gyuen to hym great landes and because he hathe youre syster to wife he is become so proude that none maye dure afore hym And he setteth not a peny nother by you nor by your courte Wherfore I swere to you by the head that I beare if he may by any wise he shal take the life from you for to haue all the realme to him selfe Wherfore I aduyse to you by rightwise counsell that ye yeeld him and his bretherne to Charlemayne And ye shall doo as a wise king and so shall you pease the great wrath of the kyng Charlemayne of Fraunce After spake the duke Guymarde of Bayon and sayd to the kynge Syr I tell you that the earle Anthony lyeth falsly and giueth you euill counseyll for Reynawde as sonne to the duke Aimon of Ardeine which is of ryght great lygnage And Charlemayne made to slea the duke Benes of Aygremount their vncle by great wronge and Reynawd tooke therof vengeaunce vpon Berthelot by good reason and that more is it was his body defendinge Wherof I tell you that no kinge is not worthye to beare any crowne nor to haue honour that wil do treason for thretening of a nother lorde And after spake Humarb an olde knighte and sayde By god Guymard I beleue that ye haue los● your wit to counseill the kinge you for to beare out Reinawd ayenst the great king Charlemain for to make al the lond of Gascoyne for to be destroied wherof ye should care but litell if the realme were wasted and the king brroughte to shame so that ye had laude and praising Than said Guimard thou liest falsly and if we two were in an other place than here I should shew thee that thou were an olde doterd and a foole For I wolde not coūseyl the king yon but al thing that concerneth his honour and profite also of his realme AFter spake one named sir hector an auncient earle said to the king Sir ye aske counseyl of suche that can not counsell theim selfe For it is all otherwyse thenne Guymarde saith And I ensure you that if ye lose in this matter he shal lese therby nothyng Syr ye knowe that Reynawde is a knyghte good ynoughe But by his greate pryd● he hath made warre with Charlemain For he slewe Berthelot his neuewe by his outrage Now he is come in Gascoygne and ye haue gyuen him your sister in maryage wherof ye dyd great foly and ye made hym the castel of Mountawban vpon the strōgest grounde that is within youre realm Now is come the king Charlemain that hath besieged him wherfore I counseyll you that ye accorde with the kynge Charlemain and deliuer your selfe of Reynawd as sonne as ye may For it is better that ye lese foure knightes than al your realme take from him your sister and giue her to another that is a greater gentilman than is Reinawde and that haue no suche enemyes as is Charlemaine and fynde some meanes to yeelde Reynawde and his bretherne to the king Charlemain And this ye shall well may doo wi●hout blame yf ye wil doo that I shal coūsell you Freend said the king yon I am ready to doo that whiche ye shall coūseil me aboue al other that ben heere THan whan the kinge yon of Gascoigne saw that the moste party of his counseil accorded to that he shoulde yeelde Reinawde and his brethern to king Charlemyane he began to weep right tenderly and said in him self that no body could here it by god Reinawd I am sore charged for you nowe shall departe my loue for you for ye shall lese the body I shal lese therby the loue of god of his mother for I shal neuer fynde mercy in hym for to be tray suche a knyght as ye be But I tell you that GOD shewed that day for Reinawde a fayre miracle for the chambre where the coūsell was kept that was al white chaunged colour became al blacke as a cole Lordes sayde the kynge yon I see well that I muste yeelde the foure sonnes of Aimon syth that the most parte of you accordeth therto and I shall doo it sith that that ye counseyl me so But I wot wel that my soule shall neuer haue therof no pardon And shall be therfore taken all my life as a Iudas and than they left the counseyll and went oute of the chambre And whan the kynge was come out of the chambre he set him downe vpon a benche and began to thinke sore And as he was in this thought he began for to weep sore for greate pitie that he had And whan he hadde thoughte and wepte ynoughe he called his secretary and saide to him Come forthe syr Peter and write a letter frō me to the kīg Charlemaine as I shall tell you It is that I sende him salutacion with good loue And yf he wyll leaue me my londe in peace I promyse hym that afore ten dayes been passed I shall deliuer vnto him the foure sonnes of Aymon and he shal find them in the playne of Valcolours clothed with scarlet futred with ermynes and rydynge vpon mules betynge in their handes floures and Roses for a token for because that menne shall better knowe them And I shal make theym for to be accompanyed of eyghte earles of my realme and if they scape from him that he blame me not for it Than sayde the secretory syr your commaundement shall be doone
Reynawde was vpon the ladder thynkyng what he might best doo al the barons of the lande began to crye to Reynawde sweete syr suffre not that our kynge lese his lyfe so it were great shame to vs and to you also Lordes sayde Reynawde by the fayth that I owe to my bretherne and to my Cosyn Mawgys I wolde not that the kynge should take death for me and whan he had sayd so he came downe fro the ladder and after cryed to the admirall Leue the kyng Thomas doo hym no harme for ye shal be deliuered by suche a couenaūt that yee and your two men shall go on foote into percie and ye shall leue here al your goods By mahoūe sayd thadmiral I wyll not doo so but shall ryde on horsebacke I and my two men so shal ye gyue me saufconduyt vpon your fayth if ye wil not doo thus I shall let fall downe the kyng Thomas Admyrall sayd Reynawde the ye aske I graunt it to you vpon my fayth For ye haue with you suche a pledge that ye shal not be touched at this time for me Thadmirall was ryght glad whā he heard Reynawde speake thus so drew he vp the kyng Thomas agayne and sayde to hym kyng Thomas ye shall go quite frō me and than he wente downe with the kyng opened the gate went our he his two men There was made great ioye betwene the kynge Thomas and Reynawde And after of all the other barons of surre and the great thankes that the kyng did to Reynawde and to Mawgis are not for to be named the langage the was betwene them are to longe to be recounted After this thadmyral tooke his saufconduyt and went his way towarde percie Heere of him is made none other mencion and after he was gone the king Thomas reynawde with all thother barons wēt togyther into the towre whā they were come vp the kynge Thomas kneeld afore Reynawde Syr sayde Reyaawde ye ought not to doo so Yes verely sayd the kynge whan Reynawde saw that he wexed red for shame and tooke vp the kyng thā the kyng colled hym and sayd Blessed be our lorde that brought you in thys lande for ye haue succoured Iherusalem the holy citie brought miself out of the sarasins handes Now tell me and it please you if ye haue made peace with Charlemayn the great kynge of Fraūce that hath doon you so great hinderaunce Syr sayde Reynawde yea bycause of the peace I am come heere begging my bread poorely arayed and whā the king Thomas heard him speake he had great pitie of him and swore by the holy Sepulcre that he should araye hym honourably as to hym apperteineth for to returne into Fraunce After that the kynge had sayd thys worde they came downe fro the towre of dauyd for to go to the holy sepulcre And ye ought to wit that they made great feast through out the Citie of that was so befall Thā went they al to the holy sepulcre for to yeelde thākes to our lorde of the citie that was recouered fro the handes of the sarasyns And whan all this was doone the barons of surre tooke leue of the kyng of Reynawde of mawgis after went euery man into hys place in theyr coūtrey the kīg toke Reynawde Mawgis and brought them to hys palays where he feasted them a hundred dayes honourablye And this hanging he shewed them all the crountrey aboute Iherusalē whā Reynawde had sported him ynough with the king Thomas he wolde depart for to go agayne into the marches of fraūce And whan the kyng saw that he gaue to Reynawd many riche giftes as horses silkes gold syluer many other thynges in great plenti And ye ought to wit that Mawgis wolde take nothyng nor chaunge his hermites araye in no wyse but arayed hym agayne as a pylgrime and bare foote wherof Reynawde was sory The kynge made a ship be redy honourabli at the hauen of Iaphes Reynawde ful tēderly weepyng tooke leue of the kyng of his barons and entred into the ship And wit it that by fortune of wedryng they were well eyght monethes vpon the sea at last they tooke lande at a towne called Palerne whan they had takē land Reinawde commaunded that the ship should be vnlade al thus as they vnladed the ship the king of Palerne which was called Simon af puill loking out at a wyndow of his castel than he said to them that were aboute hym I see yonder in the hauen a shyp setteth her good a lande and it cannot be but there muste be some great man in it for I see horses that bē had out great riches I cannot say what it may be but it were pilgrimes thā he commaunded an horse for to be made redy for he wolde sporte himselfe to the hauen syde THe valyaūt kyng Symon of Puill wtout any more taryeng came to the sea syde with many a noble knyght in his companye And whan he was come to the hauen he founde Reynawde that was come a lande assone as the king saw him he knew hym well wherof he was ryght glad also Reynawde knew wel the good king Symon So thā enbraced they eche with other and made great cheare th one to thother Reynawde sayd the kyng ye be ryght welcome I pray you come lodge in my castell for thadmyral barbas is entred in my lande wasteth it dayly I fought yesterday with him but he droue me out of the feelde shamefully dyd great harme to my folke I am sure he shal come to besyege me to morowe I had thought to haue sende for succours towarde Charlemayn but sith that god hath brought you heere I feare not the kyng nother his admiral of Percie Syr said Reynawd I make you sure I shall helpe you withal my power if thadmyrall come to morowe ●he shall not mysse of batayle for I shal neuer eat bread till I haue discomfited him Than the kinge Simon brought Reynawde to hys palays where he made him good cheere and thus as Simon feasted Reynawde came there a knight that was called Ymes that said to the king Simon Syr thadmyrall of Percie is come before Palerne with so great folke that all therth is couered withall Whan the kynge vnderstoode these tidinges he was sory for it and Reynawde glad Than sayd Reynawde to the kynge Syr I pray you be not abasshed of nothynge for this daye shall ye be auēged and god before the holy sepulcre fro whens I came but late and whan the kyng hearde Reynawde speake so he made be cried that euery mā should arme hi● self and whan Reynawde saw that he sent for his herneys and armed hym and sware the body of God he should doo greet to thadmyral that dai sith that he had found hym agayne And whan Mawgys saw that Reynawde wolde arme him for to fight he sayd to hym My
chaptre sheweth how after that Reynawde and hys brethern with their cosyn mawgys were departed from theyr mother for to seeke their aduenture they went so longe tyll they came to the realme of Gascoygne And how goynge thither warde they made manye euylles in Fraunce And howe the kynge of Gascoign whā they were come there ▪ dyd receiue them in his seruise ryghte sweetly in bourdeux vpon Gyrond by cause that than this king of Gascoigne that was called Yon had warre ayenst a kyng sarasin that was entred in to Gascoygne that had to name Porrus that helde Tholouse and all the londe aboute fol. xxxvi THe .vi. chapter speaketh how Reinawde and his bretherne dystressed bourgons a sarasyn that had distroyed the realme of Gascoign and had chased the kinge yon to bourdeux vpon Gyronde that durste not depart from thence for feare of the sarasyns And howe kyng you gaue his sister Clare vnto Reinawde to be hys wyfe for the greate seruyse that he hadde doon to hym And dyd doo make for hym the castell of Mountawban fol. xxxviii THe seuenth chapitre speaketh how Charlemayne for a voyage that he made to saint Iames in Galyce he knewe in his comynge agayne howe Reynawde and his bretherne that were his mortalle enmies were in Gascoygne with in a stronge castel called Mountawban And how he sente worde to kinge yon that he shoulde delyuer to him Reynawd and hys bretherne And yf he refused to doo thys he sholude come and besyege hym in hys loude afore .x. or xii moneths were passed wherof kīg yon answered that he shoulde not doo it And howe after that kynge Charlemayne was retourned to Parys Rowlande his neuewes arryued at Parys which the kyng made knyght And after sent him for to reyse a siege afore Coloyne that a sarasyn had besyeged that was called Estorfawde the which was ouercome by Rowlād And howe Reynawde wan the crowne of Charlemayne for his well renuynge vpon hys baye horse at Parys fol. xliii THe .viii. chapitre speaketh how Charlemayne went into Gascoygne with his host besieged Reynawd and his bretherne within Mountawhan and howe Reynawde wan the fyrst batail of the king which Rowlande conduyted with Olyuer and the bishop Turpin wherof Charlemayne was so sore wrothe that he wende to haue wexed mad for it of the great shame that he had of it fol. li. THe .ix. chapitre sheweth howe Reynawde and his bretherne were betrayed and solde to king Charlemayne by kynge you that sent theym in to the playne of Valcoloures all vnarmed but onelye of theyr swerdes rydinge vpon mulectes clothed with mantelles of scarlace furred with ermynes From the whyche walle they escaped worthylye by the wyll of oure lorde But they were sore wounded Of Charlemaines parrye abode there deade Foulques of Morillon and many other barons for whome the kynge was ryghte sorye folio lvi THe .x. chapitre speaketh howe after that Goodard the secretarye of kynge you had be wrayed all the treason to Mawgys that the kynge yon had doone to hys cosyns whiche he knewe well For he had seene kynge Charlemaynes lettres And had wrytten answere therupon from kinge yon Mawgis brought to reynawde and hys suche a succoures that by his wyt they were kepte from death fol lxxii THe .xi. chapitre speaketh howe by the succours that Mawgis brought to reynawd and to his bretherne into the playne of Valcoloures they discomfited kyng charlemaynes folke wherof Ogier had manye reproches of rowlande for some goodnes and fauoure that he had shewed to reynawde and his bretherne at roche mountbron and was therfore called traitoure wherof a great inconuenience came therof afterwarde a fore king Charlemayne foli lxxxi THe .xii. chapitre sheweth howe that after reynawde and hys brethern were whole of their woūdes that they had had in the playnes of Valcoloures they retourned to Mountawban But whan kyng yon knewe of theyr commynge agayn he fledde awaye and made hym selfe to be shorne a monke in a monastery that was within the woode of the serpente where rowlande and Ogyer the Dane founde him and wold haue made him be hanged for the treason that he had doone to reynawde and to his bretheren yf Reynawde had not succoured him fol. lxxviii THe xiii chapiter sheweth how ●h●● after Reynawd had succou●e●●yng yon was the same houre a m●rueyl●ou●e battaylle betweene Reynawde and the frenshe men For Rowlande was there sore beten and many other wherof Ogyer was glad by cause that Rowland had called him traytoure And also he knewe that the foure sonnes of Aymon were not for to be so lyghtelye ouercomen as men had sayde afore And for this cause there had been a sore medle betweene Rowland and Ogyer yf it had not be the other barons that departed them and in this recountre Rycharde the brother of Reynawde abode for prisoner of Rowlande fol. lxxxviii THe xiiii chapitre sheweth how after that Reynawde Alarde and Guycharde were gone towarde Mountawban after the battayle and that they had made full greate sorowe for Rychard theyr brother which was in kynge Charlemaines handes The sayd Rychard was delyuered by mawgys greate wysedome fol. xc THe .xv. chapitre speaketh how after that Reynawde and hys brethern and Mawgys had discomfyted Charlemayn they came and ouerthrewe downe his pauilyon and bare awaye with theym the Egle of golde that was there vpon the pauilion wherof kynge Charlemayne was sore an angred in so muche that he wolde yeelde vp his crowne vnto his barons sayinge that he wolde be no more kynge for they had fayled hym and habandonned for the foure sonnes of Aymon and sayde to thē that they should crown Reinawd that he might be theyr king for they loued him much more than they dyd hym Than Olyuer sayde to kinge Charlemayne that he shoulde take againe the crown and that he shoulde brynge to him Mawgys that he had taken whan he was aboute to pylle the pauyllyon for he abode alone whan kynge Charlemaine hearde the same he tooke agayne his crowne and was ryghte glad of the prise of mawgys fol. cii THe .xvi. chapitre speaketh how the kynge Charlemayne wolde doo hange Mawgys Incontynente that Olyuer had take hym to him But by the meane of the Douseperes of Fraunce that at the requests of Mawgys pledgyd hym for one nyght onelye He made so muche that he escaped to the honoure and acquytaunce of hys sureties and of hym and bare awaye with hym to Mountawban the crowne and the sworde of kynge Charlemayne the same nyghte Wherof kynge Charlemayne was full sory And therfore he sende worde to Reynawde that he shoulde sende to hym agayne his crowne and his swerde and all that Mawgys had borne awaye with hym and he shoulde graunt hym his truce for two yeres To the which thing Reynawd accorded hym wherof happed to hym after that many great euylles fol. cv THe .xvii. Chapytre sheweth how Reynawde faught with Rowland Which he ouercame by the wyl of god And brought
him to moūtawban wherof kyng Charlemayne was greatly wrothe And also sheweth how mawgis brought king Charlemayne in to the castel of Mountawban vpon bayarde all a slepe And after tooke him to Reinawd within his bed And after went and arrayed hym selfe in maner of an Hermyte poorely clothed And lefte all his kinnesmen and freendes bycause that he wolde not let the peace of Reynawde toward the kynge Charlemayne For the war had lasted to longe fol. cxiii THe .xviii. chapytre sheweth how after that Mawgys had taken Charlemaine in to the handes of Reinawde his good cosin he went with out leaue in to a woode nyghe the ryuer of Dordon in to a hermitage where he dyd dwelle as an Hermyte lyuinge poorely for to saue his soule fol. cxvi THe .xix. chapitre sheweth howe the barons of Fraunce that were at Mountawban made great sorowe by cause that they myghte not awake the kynge Charlemayne that Mawgys by his crafte had made to slepe and broughte vnto Mountawban But whan the houre of the enchauntmente of Mawgys was passed kyng Charlemayn awaked And whan he saw himselfe in Mountawban he sware that he shoulde neuer make peace wyth Reynawde as longe as that he were prysoner And so Reynawde dyd sende him againe vpon his horse bayard free and quite wherof he repented him sore afterwarde For soone after this kyng Charlemayn made Mountawban to be besyeged of so nyghe that he famyshed Reynawd and his bretherne his wife and his children and all the people so that they dyed for hungre and thirst the most parte fol. cxvii THe .xx. chapitre speaketh how after that Charlemaine had besyeged Mountawban of so nyghe that he dyd famysh all them that were wythin knewe howe Reynawd was gone and had habandonned Mountawban and was gone his waye he and his bretherne hys wyfe and hys chylderne by vnder the erthe and were gone to Ardeyne where kynge Charlemayne went and besyeged thē agayne But afore that he dyd set hys syege Reynawde and hys bretherne yssued oute ayenst hym whereby manye one loste their lyfe of the one partie and of the other And the duke Richarde of Normandye was taken there which was one of the Douse peres of Fraunce and a ryghte noble and a worthy knyght preu and hardy wherfore kynge Charlemaine was righte sorye fol. cxxix THe .xxi. chapitre sheweth how Mawgys beynge in his hermytage came in his mynde a vysyon that he hadde by nyghte in his slepe for to goe see Reynawde and his bretherne Than in the mornynge he tooke hys waye and founde two marchauntes the whiche had be robbed by seuen theeues in a wood Of the whiche seuen theues Mawgys slewe fiue of theym with his palster and tooke again to the marchauntes theyr marchaundyses and all theyr hauoyre And than he went forth his waye toward Mountawban for to see his cosyns and his brethern fol. cxxxiiii THe .xxii. Chapiter sheweth how Reynawde wolde haue doon hange Richard the duke of Normandye by cause he myghte not haue peace with the kinge Charlemayne And howe whan the Douse peeres of Fraunce knewe this they came to kyng Charlemayne and prayed him to make peace with Reynawde for to haue againe theyr felawe the duke Rycharde of Normandye to the whiche thynge kynge Charlemayne answered that he would not doo it wherof they were so sore an angred that they left him but kynge Charlemain dyd sende after theym and sent theym worde that they shoulde returne agayne to hym and that he shoulde make peace with Reynawde vnder this condicyon that Reinawd should goe beyonde the sea beggynge his breade fol. cxxxvii THe .xxiii. Chapytre sheweth howe after that Reynawde was departed from Ardeyne for to make his vyage beyonde the sea poorely clothed as a pylgrym seekynge hys breade for goddes sake Rycharde of Normandye tooke Bayarde and brought with him Alard Guychard and Rycharde bretherne to Reynawd and presented them to Charlemayne● the whiche he receyued ryghte honourablye by good loue and after brake his syege and departed for to goe to Parys But whan he was in the citye of Lyege vpon the brydge ouer the ryuer of Mewse he made Bayard to be cast into the water with a mille stone at the necke of hym but bayarde the horse escaped and is yet a lyue in the forest of Ardeyne as men sayen Fol. Cxiiiii THe .xxiiii. Chapytre sheweth howe that after Reynawde was departed from Ardeyne from hys bretherne from his wise and fro hys chyldrene for to goe beyonde the sea for to accomplyshe hys voyage 〈◊〉 to the holy graue he found in Constātynople his cosyn Mawgis and went both togither vnto afore Iherusalem that a kynge sarasyn whiche was admyral of percie had taken by treason but Reynawde and Mawgis dyd so much wyth the folke of the lond that the cyrye was take agayne of the christen fol. cxivi THe .xxv. Chapytre sheweth how that after Reynawde was come agayne from the holy londe where he had doone merueyles he sent Aimonet and Yo●net hys two sonnes to kynge Charlemaine muche honourably for to be made knightes of hys hande For he taughte theym well in armes in all good maners and tooke to them fyue hundred good men well horsed for to conduyte them toward● the kyng at Parys fol. Civii THe .xxvi. Chhapytre sheweth how after that kyng Charlemayne had muche swetely receyued the chylden of Reynawde and made them knightes they fought wyth the sonnes of Foulques of Moryllon and discomfited them in the feeld at Parys whyche is called the ysle of our ladi Bicause that they had charged theyr father of treason bycause he had slaine theyr father Foulques of moryllon in the playnes of Valcolours Fol. Clviii THe .xxvii. chapitre conteineth how that after Reynawde was gone fro Mountawban in maner of a pilgrime neuer to haue returned agayne after that he had dealed his goodes to his children his brethern and his sonne Aymoner made great sorow whan they wyst that he was gone wythout theyr knowledge all barefote with a palster in his hande Folio Clxviii THe .xxviii. chapitre sheweth how after that Reynawde was departed fro Mountawbā for to saue his soule he went to Colcin● vpon the Rine and founde that men builded the churche of saynt Peter And there came to hym a wyll and a deuocyon for to serue the masons that wrought there for the loue that he had to our lorde But at the laste the other labourers had so great enuy at hym of that he was more loued than they were of all the maysters for the good seruice that he dyd that they slew hym and after they put hym in a sacke caste hym into the water of the Ryue but by the wil of our lord his corps appered aboue the water makyng so many fayre myracles healyng of all sykenesses so that he was named a saynte the day of hys buryenge Fol. Clxix ¶ Here finyssheth the table and consequentely foloweth the booke heere after Howe duke Aimon of Ardein brought to
the head that was smyttē of from the body and the face that was all to Hewen Ha good Lorde sayd he how well maye I be made now al quicke well I ought for to hate the duke Benes of Aygremoūte that thus hath murdered my sonne he than kissed his childe al bloudiful often and said vnto him in this wise Ha faire sonne ye were a talle man and a gentil knight Now praye I the puyssant God of glorye that he take your soule this yf it be his pleasure into hys Realme of Paradyse Great sorow made the kyng Charlemayne for the death of his sonne Lohier But alwayes recomforted him the good Duke Naymes And thē Ogyer the Dane and Sampson of Bourgoyne tooke him vnder the armes of him and ledde him vnto saynt Germayne of the medowes And there the bodye of Lohier was buried and enoynted with balme as it apperteyneth vnto all the sonnes of kinges Thus was he put into hys graue God haue of hys Soule mercy WE shall bene heere to speake of the good king Charlemayne that was moch sori of his sonne Lohier as ye haue heard and shall tell you of the good Duke Aymon of Reynawde his sonne and of his three bretherne that were at Parys My children sayd Aymon ye know how the Kynge Charlemayne is moche wrothe and not without a cause by cause that my brother your vnkle hath slaine Lohier his sonne And I wote well that he shall go vpon him with all his puyssaunce but verelye we shall not go wyth him But rather shall we goe to Dordon and yf the Kyng make warre agaynst hym we shall helpe him with all our power So lyghted anon on horsebacke the good duke Aymon the foure knightes his children and bayted no wher tyll they came to Laon from thēs they rode so longe tyll they came to Dordon And whan the Lady sawe her Lorde and her foure children she was right glad and went against them for to welcom them and asked after tydinges and yf Raynawde hys other childeren were made knightes Than the good duke answered yea and after she asked why they were departed fro the kinges court And than he rehersed vnto her word by word how hys brother the duke Benes had slayne Lohier the sonne of the Kinge Charlemayne Wherof the good Lady Margery was wonde●full wrothe and sorye For well she knew that this death of Lohier was the totalle dystruccion of the Duke Aymon her housbande of her self and of her childerne and of their lande She heard Renawde her eldest Sonne that thretened Charlemayne the great Kynge then sayd to hym the Ladye hys Mother My Sonne Reynawde I pray thee vnderstande me alytle Loue thy souerayne and thy naturall Lorde and dread him aboue all thinge and bere him honour and reuerēce And God shall rewarde thee for it and ye my Lorde Aymon I am moche maruelled of you that are departed from Charlemayne without leaue of him the hath doone to you so moche good and so great worship and hath geuē to your sonnes so noble and so riche armes and hath made them knightes with his owne handes more great honour he might not doo to you nor to your childrē Lady said the Duke we be thus departed frō King Charlemayne because that my brother hath slayne his sonne as I haue tolde you afore A God sayd the Lady that of the virgin was borne in bethlehem howe hath that euyll thys day surmounted the good For goddes loue my Lorde sayde the Ladye medle not withall For ye shall see this next sōmer that the kinge shall go vpon your brother by my counsell serue the kynge your rightwyse Lorde nor fayle him for nothynge For and ye doo otherwyse ye shall be vntrew and false towarde your Souerayne and naturall Lorde Lady sayd the duke by god omnipotente I wold leuer haue lost my castell and the halfe of my lande than that my brother should haue slayne Lohier Now the wyl of god be done therin and none other wyse TO speake of the good Duke Aymon of Dordō and of his wife the duchesse and of theyr sōnes we shal heere leue shall returne to speake of kynge Charlemayne that was come agayne to parys makīg great sorowe for his sonne Lohier There had you seene many a gowne torne broken many a hande wrongen and manye heares of the head pulled so that it was piti and wonder for to se Alas mi dere sonne said kyng Charlemayne he that hath slayne thee so cruelly loued me but lytle I shall neuer be in quiete nor in reste till that I haue take vengeaunce of thy death Syr sayd the duke Bauyere haue mercy of your selfe For it behoueth not so great a prince as ye be for to make so great sorow as ye doo And in the meane whyle came a messenger afore the kynge which shewed to him howe Aymon Duke of Dordon his foure sōnes were gon into their countrie wherof the kyng was sore an angred and wrothe And sware god and saynt Denis the afore he sholde dye that Aymon and his chylderen sholde abye full sore for it that the duke Benes of Aygremoūte sholde not kepe them therfro The dyner was redy they wasshed their handes and were set at dinner but wyt it that the kynge dyd eate but lytle as he that was in greate melancolye the fayre Salamon serued that day afore hym the cuppe great people was there After diner the Emperour Charlemayne did reason with his barons and sayd to thē lorde sayd he the duke Benes of Aygremount hath doone to me greate outrage that so shamefully hath slayne my sonne Lohier But and it please God I shall go wreke it vpon hym this next somer and I shall destroye all his land and yf I may take him I shall not leaue hym for the duke Aymon the shamefullye is gone from mee nor for his foure sonnes that I haue made knightes wherof I me repente sore but that I shall make them to be hanged Syr sayd than the duke Naymes nowe heare what I shal say to you your sōne is dead by great vnhap well in an euill hour was he put to death for neuer death was so sore solde ne so dere bought as this shal be So sende nowe for your folke through all your londes and than from hens toward Aygremounte take your waye And yf ye may take the Duke Benes let the death of your sōne Lohier be to him ful dere soulde NAymes sayd the kynge ye be a good man sage curtoyse valyaunt euen thus shall I doo for well wysely ye haue counselled me Than gaue he leaue to many of hys barons and gentil men that were in his courte at that time tolde them that eche of them should go into his countrie for to make them self redy and that they should come agayne to him the next sommer So was it doone as the kynge had commaunded And thus wente the barons and the gentil men from
the sydes of Gyronde and of Dordone and namely betwene these two ryuers I saw a Mountayne sore hyghe and yf it please you I wolde well buylde thervpon a castell after my pleasure Wherfore syr it please you ye shall graunte to me thys gift for al the seruyce that euer I dyd to you Whan the king vnderstode this worde he was ryght glad of it and sayd to Reynawde I ryght gadlye graūt this to you And with the same ye shall haue of me .x. thousand marke euery yere for to maynteyne your estate Syr sayd Reynawde gramercie and cast hymself to his feete And the kynge Yon tooke hym vp anon curtoysly and kyssed hym for greate loue and after he sayd vnto hym Noble knight I promise you I shal make you a ryche man and yf God spare me lyfe Syr sayd Reynawde god yelde you and we shal serue you truly thus they departed eche fro other The next day after whan the kynge was rysen out of hys bed he made Reynawde to come afore hym And after he tooke .xx. knyghtes with hym and no more tooke his barge vpon gyrond and passed ouer the riuer Reynawde and hys bretherne with hym and they dyd so muche that thei came vpon the roche and whā they sawe the place so fayre and so pleasaunt the kynge was meruayled of it and Reynawde was ryght glad for the great strength that the place had for if he might doo so muche to buylde there a castelli he should not doubt Charlemayne of a penye nor none other person of the worlde whā vitayles were in it For vpon the highest of the mountayne sprong oute a fayre fountayne and plenteouse ynoughe for .x. thousand persons Whan the knyghtes that were wyth the kynge saw the place so fayre and so pleasaunt and so stronge with all they were greatly abasshed a knight than tooke the kyng and had hym a lytle a syde and tolde him Syr what is this that ye wyl doo Wyl ye haue a lorde aboue you Will ye doo make heere a Fortresse I tell you vpon my faythe that yf Reynawde set heere a Castel he shal feare you litle nother you nor all other barons of Gascoyn for Reynawde is suche a knyght as ye knowe and also hys brethern and theyr cosyn Mawgys and also they be straungers soone they shall beare you great harme yf they wyll doo to hī some other good yf ye wyll beleue me and let thys alone for ouer greate harme myght come to you therof THan whan kyng Yon vnderstode such wordes he became all abasshed of it for he wyste well that the knight sayde trouth and lytell it lacked that the werke of the Castell came not forth he began to thīke a lytle and after he sayde that he had promysed it to Reynawde and thus he sayd to the knyght that thée Castell should be made so called he Reynawde and sayde to hym My good freende where wyll ye that the castel be made Syr sayd Reynawde I wyll yf it please you that it be set here in the same place vpon this roche Certes sayd the kynge I gyue it to you Now hast you to see that it be made and builded vp as ye thynke best and than ye shall doubt nother me nor my folke Syr said Reinawde let be these wordes for it is no need to speake therof For I certyfye you as a true knyght that I had muche leuer to dye an euyll death amonge the Turkes than that I should thīke treason vpon you nor vpon no other Syr I am and haue betake hetherto and holde for a true knyght god giue me grace that I doo not fro hens forthou wherby I should otherwyse be taken Syr thynke you bycause I am enemy to Charlemayne my Souerayne lorde that I should be therfore a traytour and that I haue doone agaynst hym some treason Wyt that whan I slew Berthelot his nenew alas I dyd it in my defence for he drew fyrst bloud vpō me wythout reason or cause whye But I swere to you vpon my fayth that yf any man doo any wrong vnto you I shall auenge you therof after my power but and yf ye haue anye suspection vpon me gyue me it not Good freende Reynawd sayde the kynge I dyd but iape with you For I knowe well your trouth and well ye haue shewed it vnto me god thāke you And therfore I haue graunted it vnto you and yet I doo And I wyll the ye be lorde aboue me and of my lande ANd whan Reynawde vnderstode the curtesye the goodnes of the kyng he thāked him right muche he sent thorough all the lād and made come all the maysters masons and carpēters and many other crafty men in suche worke so muche that they were well two hundred besyde the labourers and whan al hys stuffe was redye he made theym to buylde there a stronge castell wherof the great hall was fyrst made and after many chambres and than the great tower And whā the doungeō was wel closed Reynawde made after all the castell to be closed rounde aboute with double walles hie thick of hard stones many toures vpon that it fered no sawtyng of no syde of it made to this castell foure gates and no mo and also he made the portcolysse fawsebrayes barbacanes well defensable so that it myght be no better Whan the castel was accomplysshed Reynawde and his brethern were therof ryght glad for it semed them that they were assured from theyr enemyes And whā king Yon knew that the castell was accomplysshed and full made he went to see it And whan Reynawde wist that the kyng came he went agaynste hym and welcomed him full honestly made him go vp to the great toure of the fortres bycause he should see the compas of the Castell rounde aboute at his ease for the great toure men myght se all The kyng behelde well the fayre werke that was so pleasaunt and so stronge wyth all and the fayre fountayne that was in the middes of it And thā he called Reynawde sayd to hym Good freende Reynawde how shall this castell be called for me semeth it ought wel to haue a noble name for the great beautie wherof it is garnysshed syr sayd Reynawde it hath no name yet yf it please you ye shall gyue it a name as it shall lyke you best Certes sayd the kyng the place is prety and fayre I wyll that it be called Mountawban and than the kinge made to be knowen through all his lande that who wolde come dwel and enhabite in the sayde castell whyche was as great as a towne he should be free of all maner of duytes the space of ten yeres THan whan the folke of the countrey knewe the freedome of the castel ye should haue see come there knightes gentylmen burgeys yonge and olde yeomen and folke of all maner of craftes so that this castell was so peopled of all maner of folke that in all the
whome her brother had maryed her she was ryght glad of it for she loued Reynawde of a great loue and sayd to the kynge Syr I wyll doo withal my hert your commaundement and your wyll Thā the king tooke her by the hand brought her to the palays and said to Reynawde afore al his bacōs Holde heere worthy knyght Reynawde I gyue you my syster to your wyfe and spouse Syr sayd Reynawde a thousand gramercyes of so fayre a gyft that ye giue to me presentlye for it apperteyneth not so great a gyft to so poore a knyght as I am than tooke Reynawde the pucell and fyaunced her and sware And the kynge wolde make no taryeng therat but tooke the pucel by the hande and brought her to the churche well honourably and the byshop of Bordews wedded thē And whan Reynawde had his wyfe espoused he sente for hys bretherne for his cosyn Mawgys that were at Mountawban the whiche made great Ioye and made all Mountaban for to be hanged wyth ryche tapissery And than they moūted their horses all couered wyth sendall and wente to Bordews and met with Reynawde and hys wyfe by the way where as great Iustinge was made afore the ladyes And after the Iustyng was doone they came all to Mountawban and whan they were come there the Ioye began for to be greate in the castell as god had descended there For to say trouth .viii. dayes lasted the feast many great gyftes were presented and gyuen to the lady And whan the feast had endured as longe as I tell you The king Yon went againe to Bordews ryght glad of the maryage that he had made of Reynawde and of hys syster For he thought wel that Reynawde should helpe hym agaynst al men and he sayd trouth For after that the Mariage was ones made there was no baron in all Gascoygne that durste looke vp and yet there were some that wolde not doo theyr deuoyre to the kynge but Reynawde made them well come foorth for to doo the kynges commaūdement accordynge to theyr lygeaunce wolde they or not For reynawde was both loued and doubted through all the lande of Gascoygne ¶ But now leueth heere the history to speke of Reinawde and of his bretherne and of Mawgys And retourneth to speke of the king Charlemayne that went to saynt Iames in Galyce for to do penaunce for hys synnes ¶ How the king Charlemayne maie a vyage to saynt Iames of Galyce And how at his comynge agayne he knew how Reynawde and hys bretherne were in the Realme of Gascoygne in a ryght stronge eastell called Mountawban And how the kinge Charlemayne sente worde to the kyng Yon of Gascoygne that he should yelde to hym his enemyes that is for to vnderstand Reynawde Alarde Guycharde and Rycharde whyche be the sonnes of Aymon and in case that he wolde not he should com besyege him in his lande afore .x. monethes came at an ende Wherof the kynge Yon answered that he wolde doo nothynge for hym in this behalf And howe after that kynge Charlemayne was returned to Parys with his felowship Roulande his neuew arryued at Parys the whiche the king made knyght and after he sente him to reyse a syege afore Coleyne that a Sarasyn had besyeged that was called Escoufrawde the which Rouland conquered And after sheweth how Reynawde wanne the Crowne of kyng Charlemayne for the good rēnyng that his horse Bayarde made at Parys ¶ Capi. vii Fol. NOw sheweth the History that Charlemayne was at Paris and came to hym a deuocyon for to go in pylgrymage to saynte Iames in Galice And so he departed out of Parys and tooke in hys companye Ogyer the dane and the duke Naymes of Bauyere and many other barons and great lordes Whan they were vpon theyr waye they dyd so muche by theyr Iurneys that they cam to saynt Iames in Galice And whā they were arryued there The kynge went streyght to the churche and offred afore the auter .x. marke of fyne Golde And whan he had offred and doone his deuocyon he tooke on hys waye agayne and came with hys felawship to Bordews And in his cominge thither he looked ouer the riuer of girond not ferre thence and saw the castel of Mountawban that was vpon a roche so fayre so wel made and so well shette wyth fayre walles and thycke in the forme as I haue tolde you afore And whā that Charlemayne sawe it he behelde it well a longe whyle and than sayd A good lorde yonder is a fayre castell strong and wel set I see well that the kyng Yon hath made it of late for it semeth yet to be all newe and it can be none otherwise syth that he hath buylded it in suche a strong place but that he thynketh to make warre to some body And than he called to hym a knight of the lond and sayd to hym tell me howe ye call that castel Syr sayd the knyght the name is Mountawban He had great lust to speake for yf he had keped his peace there had been none other thyng of it but he had suche woordes that afterward bare great harme to hym selfe and to manye other For he tolde Themperour that Reynawde and his brethren the sonnes of Aymon had doo make the castell was called Mountawban And how that the kyng Yon had geuen to Reynawde his syster to his wife WHan Charlemayne vnderstode these wordes he was ryght angry for it and wrothe And wyst not what he should saye and helde hymself a great whyle that he spake not and whan he had mused a lytle he sayde to his folke fayre lordes I shall tell you a wonder For I haue founde myne enemyes in this lond that ben the foure sonnes of Aymon Now vp Ogyer and you duke Naymes lyght on horsbacke incontinent and seke so muche kyng Yon that ye fynde hym and tell hym in my behalfe that he yelde to me againe the foure sonnes of Aymon that be mine enemyes them whiche he hath wythdrawen and borne out agaynst me And that he fynde me knyghtes for to bryng them onlye in to my lond for I am delyvered syth that I haue founde them for to hange them or fley them quycke And yf he wyll not doo so defye you hym on my behalfe And tell hym that wythin this thre or foure monethes I shal be with in his land of Gascoygne wyth all my Hoste and I shall distroy and ouerthrowe all his townes and castelles and yf I maye take hym I shall punysshe hym wythout any mercy Syr sayd Ogyer we shall doo youre commaundement but we shall take with vs Sauces and hostes the whiche been prue and sage and Charlemaine said that he was content and incontinent they went on theyr way And wente aboute to vnderstande where kyng Yon was And so long they asked after hym that they founde hym at Mountawban euen at the foote of the roche For the king yon went agayne to Bourdews and Reynawde conueyed him Whan Ogyer sawe Reynawde
you that those that shall not come yf I euercome agayne from Gascoigne they shall repente it full sore Shortly to speake Rycharde wente into his duchy of Normandye salamon into Bretayne Godfray into auinion Hughe the olde and Dyssyers into spayne and Bretons into Almayne And all the other eueriche into hys owne countrey WHan it was time for to come agayne to the courte at the terme that the kyng Charlemayne had set euery man made hym selfe redy as well as he coulde for to come to the courte as they were expresselye charged they should doo fyrst came there Rycharde of Normandye and brought wyth hym manye a noble knyght and presented hym selfe tofore the kynge Charlemayne euyn at saynt Denys After came Salamon of Bretayne and brought with him of hys barons a fayre company and presented hymselfe to the kynge at saynt Denys After came Dyssyers of Spayne which brought with him well .x. thousand knightes wel armed and well garnysshed of vytayles For in all the hoste of Charlemayne was none so well arayed as they were of all thynges And presented hym self in this maner at saynt Denys vnto the kynge Charlemayne Than came Godfray the Ecle of Auynyon and brought with him all his power and a fayre cōpany and foyson of vytayle And presented him and his folke to the king Charlemayne And after came Ponthus out of Almayne brought with hym afayre companye of men of armes For he had wyth him thē of Islande and of Armony and wel three thousand archers the whych for no doubt of death wolde neuer flee frō batayle And presented hym selfe and hys felawship to the kyng charlemayne the whiche he receyued ryght honourably Than after came the good bisshop Turpin and brought wyth hym a fayre company and well enewred to the warre and presented hymself to the kynge Charlemayne that was ryght glad of hys comyng for the bysshop was a good true man And the king Charlemaine trusted muche to hym for his great fydelitie and also for the great prowes that was in hym AL the great Lordes that helde theyr landes of the kyng Charlemayne came to Parys presented themselfe and theyr men to the kynge Charlemayne that receyued them with great Ioye and was glad to see aboute hym so fayre a companye of good men of warre but I tel you that whan the hoste was assembled at Parys there was so great a derth that it was great pitie for the rasour of where was solde for fourty shelynges and twenty pence and yf the kynge had taried there any lēger there should haue ben so greate a derth that all the small people had ben all dead for hūgre But the king Charlemayne began for to make hys mustres for to know how much people that he had And whan the the mustres were made they found that they were well .xxx. thousande knyghtes that had theyr fyrst berdes besyoe the olde knyghtes that were well an hundred thousand And whā that this was doone the Emperour Charlemayne called Rowland his neuew afore him and sayde to hym Fayre neuew I recomende to you myne hoste and I pray you that ye wyll conduyte it by good maner Syr sayd Rouland I shal doo therin my deuoyre after my power Thā made to be take to hym the oryflambe and departed out of Parys and they did so muche by smal Iourneis that they came to Bloye and than Charlemayne made to be cryed that all the vytaylers of the land should goe wyth vitayle after the hoste And yf that they brought that were worth a peny they should haue two for it And whan that thys greate armye was come to Bloy they passed ouer Gyronde and wente afore the great castell of Mountawban And they lodged themself there rounde about the place And then the Frenche mē began to say the one to the other by myne othe there is a fayre castel and a stornge and but yf wee get some other parte heere shall we wynne but a lytle ANd whan the batayles were ordeyned rounde about moūtawban Rowland began for to say to the kynge Charlemayne Syr me semeth that wee should nowe gyue a sawte to Mountawban And the Kynge answered I wyll not that my folke haue any dommage but fyrste I wyll knowe yf the castel wil holde or yelde vp For yf he wyl be gyuen vp I wolde not that anye batayle should be doone to it And than incōtinent he sent a knyght mounted vpon a mewle all vnarmed the whyche came vnto the gate of the castel and whan they that kept the gate sawe that it was a messanger they opened to hym the gate and the Knight entred into the castel And as he was come in he found the stewarde with an hundred men that wente aboute visitynge the watches and the wardes Incotinente the knyght salued hym and the stewarde rendred hym agayne hys salute and sayd to him What be ye Gentylman and what seke you heere wythin I pray you tell me what folke are yonder wythout so fayre a company Syr sayde the knyght they ben the folke of the Emperour Charlemaine that is come for to besyege the Castell of Mountawban and I am one of his knyghtes that am come heere for to speake with Reynawde from the king Charlemayne Than the stewarde tooke the knyght by the hande and led him before Reynawde the sonne of Aymon And whan the knyght saw Reynawde he made reuerence to him and after sayd to hym Reynawde the Emperour Charlemayne sendeth to you worde by me that yf you wyll yelde your selfe to hys mercy giue to hym your brother Richarde to doo his wyll of hym he shall haue mercy of you And yf ye wyll not doo so he shall doo sawte your Castell and yf he maye take you by force he shall make you for to be hanged or dye a cruell death THan whā Reynawde vnderstode these tydynges that Charlemayne sente to hym he began for to sm●le and sayd Freende go tel the kynge that I am not the man that shal doo any treasō For if I should doo it he him self should blame me for it But and yf it please hym my bretherne Mawgys and my self ben at his commaundement and we shall gyue our se●f● to hym as to our souerayne Lorde our l●ues saue and our membres and we shall yelde to hym the Castel al at hys wyll And tell the kynge that he shall doo well and wysely to take such fyue knyghtes as we ben And yf Charlemayn refuseth this I haue myne hope so fast to our Lorde god that wee shall not set moche by the kynge nor of his great hoste The messanger vnderstode well the answere that Reynawde had doone to hym and incontynent he retourned to Charlemain and shewed to hym all that Reynawde had sayd worde by worde Whan the Emperour vnderstode the wordes of Reynawde he began for to thynke a good whyle for he knew that Reynawde sayde but well And than he sent for the Duke Naymes and Ogier the Dane and
vpon the othe that ye haue made to me that ye will counseyll me truelye howe I shall be ruled in thys matter and howe I myghte haue thys Castell of Mountawban whan the kinge had thus spoken there was none so hardye that euer durste saye one worde but onely the Duke Naymes of Bauier the pr●e and wyse knyght Syr said the Duke Naymes ye aske counsell for to besyege Mountawban but no manne that hathe any reason in his heade oughte not to counseyll you the same for whye the daunger is there greate because that Guynard the lorde of Berne knoweth of it and so dooth Godfray the Lorde of Poycy that are good knightes and sore dread for theyr worthynes and also the kinge yon that is at tholouse the whiche shall come all to helpe and succour Reinawd by cause they be of his aliaūce and also they know that he is one of the best knyghtes of the worlde And they knowe well also that Reynawd gyueth to vs muche to doone and so I tell you if they see themselfe togyther they shal giue you ynoughe to doo and shall maye beare to you a great dommage But and ye wil haue good counseyll and beleue me I shal gyue it to you truelye Syr sende worde to kynge yon that he withdraw not nor keep your enmyes within hys londe but that he yeeld them in to youre handes for to doo with them youre pleasure and your commaundemente And yf he wyll not doo so ye shall destroye all his londe and no mercy ye shall haue vpon him Naymes saide the kynge nowe gyue you me good counseyll and I wyll that ye haue saide be doone incontynente Than the kyng made come an Heraude of hys and sayde to hym Nowe goe lyghtlye to Tholouse and tell kynge yon on my behaulfe that I am entred in to Gascoyne accompanyed of the twelue peeres of Fraunce with an hundred thousand fyghting menne and with Rowlande and Olyuer and telle hym that by saynt Denys of fraunce yf he yeelde me not my enmyes that been the foure sonnes of Aymon that I shall waste and destroye all hys londe nor to hym shall abyde nother cytie nor Castell but it shal be ouer throwen to the earth And yf I canne take hym I shall take from him hys crowne so shall he be called kynge ouerthrowen Syr sayde the Heraude your commaundement I shall doo without varying of one word euen as your good grace pleaseth to commaunde me and thus departed the Heraude from the hoste of Charlemayne and tooke hys way towarde Tholouse there he founde the king yon of Gascoyn in his pallays with a right fayre company assone that he saw the king he knew hym well so made he than to hym the reuerence and said to him in the Emperours behalfe the thing worde by worde wherof he was sent there ANd whan the kyng yon vnderstoode the Heraude that spake so he bowed hys head towarde the earthe and began to thinke a longe while and said not a word And whā he had thus longe mused ynoughe he said to the messāger Good freend ye muste cary heere a seuen nyght I praye you and than I shall tell you my wyl and what I purpose to doo Syr saide the Heraude I shall abyde with a good will sith that it please you Than wente the king yon in to hys chambre and eyght earles with him and cōmaunded that the doores should be well sheete and than they set theim all vpon a benche And whan they were al set the kyng yon tooke the worde and said in this maner Lordes I beseche and require vpon the faith that ye owe to me that ye geue me good counseyll to the honoure of me not at my will but by reason Nowe wit it that the kynge Charlemain is entred within my lōd with the tuelue peeres of Fraunce and Rowlande and Oliuer with an hundred thousande men And he sendeth to me word but if I deliuer vnto him the four sonnes of Aimon he shall not leaue me nother citie nor towne but he shal cast all to chearth and shal take the crown fro my head and so shal I becalled a kinge ouerthrowen My father helde neuer nothing of him and no more shal I it is better to die with great worship than to liue in great shame THan whan the king you had thus spoken there rose vp a knight named Godfraye that was neuew to king yon and sayd to him sir I merueyll me that ye aske counseyll for to betray suche knightes as ben the foure sonnes of Aimon Reinawde is your man and your carnall freend ye know what good he hath● doone to you and to your londe It is not longe a goe that he dyscomfited Marcyl the puysaunt Sarasin and chased him well foure mile and smot of his heade and presented it to you and ye haue promysed and sworne to him that ye shal defend and keep him him ayenst all menne Mine vncle if ye thynke to faylle him and wil not holde that ye haue promised to him let him and his bretherne goe out of your londe in to some other countrie to seeke theyr aduenture And hapely they shall serue some lorde that shal doo to them more good then ye wyll doo and also I praye you my deare lord and vncle as much as I cā that ye wil doo nothing that turneth you to blame nor to dyshonour nor that can be caste by maner of reproche toward your freendes Than spake the olde earle of Ansom and said Sir ye wil that we giue you counseill yf ye wil doo that we shal counseil you ye shal doo wel for your selfe Now say on hardely said the king that semeth you best to be doo for I wyll doo as ye shall counseyll me Syr sayde the earle ye haue wel heard saye and so it was trouth that Benes slew the earle Lohier wherfore Charlemaine sente for him and made hys head to be smyten of at Parys and at that time Reinawd and his brethern were verye yonge and of them was none mencyon made And afterwarde whan they were great the kyng wold amende it to them For the thynge toucheth them but they had the hert so fell that they wolde take none amendes and lasted theyr hate longe wherof euer syth hathe come greate harmes and euylles For Reynawde slewe Berthelot the neuewe of the king with a chesse borde sir I know not why I shoulde hyde anye thynge fro your knowledge ye knowe well that Charlemaine is so myghtye a kyng that he neuer vndertooke wan● but he came to his aboue of it Wherfore I doo geue you counseyll that ye yeelde Reinawde and hys brethern and Mawgis to the kynge Charlemayne and thus shall ye be delyuered of a greate thoughte and of a greate daunger And after thys spake the erle of Mobandes and sayde syr yf ye wil doo this that the erle of Ansom counseilleth you yee and we shall be traytours For Reynawd is your man and so muche ye haue
the whiche tooke anon pen and ynke and wrote the letters word for worde as the king had deuised to hym And when they were wryten and sealed the kynge called hys stuarde and sayde to hym Now make you ready on horsebacke and goe to the syege of Mountawban and recomende me vnto the kinge Charlemayne and gyue hym these letters And tell him yf he wyl quite my londe I shall doo this that is of reason and none otherwyse Syr sayde the stuarde I shall gladly doo your commaundement doubte not for it than went the stuarde in his house and made him readye on horsebacke and rode out of Tholouse and tooke the Heraude of the kinge Charlemaine with him And whan they were com vnto Mountawban they foūde the Emperoure Charlemaine in his pauyllion where the stuarde lyghted down and went within and saluted the king Charlemayne fro the kynge yon of Gascoygn and presented him the letters fro his behalfe and sayde vnto hym Right mighty Emperour the kinge yon sendeth you worde by me that yf ye wil ensure his lond he shall fulfil the tenour of this lettre and otherwise he wyl not WHan Charlemayne vnderstood these tydynges he was ryghte gladde he tooke the lettre of the messanger and called Rowlande to him Olyuer the byshop Turpyn the duke Naymes Ogier the dane and the .xii. peeres of Fraunce and said to them Fayre lordes be not displeased goe out of this pauillyon for I will talke with this messanger priuely Syr said they al with a good will And than they went all out of the pauillion and whan they were al gone Charlemayne opened the lettres and red theim all alonge And he found therin that whiche he most desyred in this worlde that was the treason as it was ordeyned whan Charlemaine had red the lettre he myghte be no gladder than he was And of the great Ioye that he hadde of it he began to smyle Syr sayd the stuarde yf ye see oughte in the lettre that pleaseth you not blame not me for it For I know not yet what it is Than sayde Charlemaine to the stuarde Your lorde the kinge yon speaketh ful curteously and if he doo that he dooth me to wyt he shall be well my good freend And so shall I doo to hym great worship and shal make hym a great man and also I shal defende him ayenst all men Syr sayde the stuarde of this that ye say ye shal giue me sureties yf it please you Than said Charlemayne I wyl doo so gladlye This I swere vpon the sonne of the vyrgyn Mary and also vpon saint Denis of Fraunce whose man I am Sir ye haue said all ynough answered the messanger of king yon and none other surety I aske of you THan Charlemain called his chamberlayne said to hym make a lettre to king yon of gascoyne in my behalfe as I shall deuyse it vnto you Wryt that I sende him salutacion and good loue and that it he dooth for me as he sayth I shall encrease hys realme with fourtene good castelles and therof I giue him for suretie our lorde and saint denys of Fraunce and that I send him four manteles of scarlette furred with ermines for to clothe withall the traytoures whan they shall goe to the playne of Valcoloures and there they shal be hanged if god wil and I wil not that any other haue harme but only the foure sonnes of Aimon Syr said the chambrelain your commaundement shal be wel doone and than he made the lettres as themperoure had deuised him And whan he had made them the emperour Charlemayn sealed them and after he called the messager afore his presence and saide to him Holde these lettres and take them to king yon from me and recommend me to him And than he dyd gyue hym .x. marke of golde and a Kyng that he tooke of his fynger Wherof the messanger thanked him much humbly and incontinente lighted on horsebacke and whan he was aryued he salued the kyng yon of Gascoyn from king Charlemaines behalfe and tooke him the letters and the mantelles as Charlemayne had commaunded him THan whan the messanger of the king yon was gone Charlemaine made come afore hym Foulques of Moryllon and Ogier the dane and sayd to them Lordes I haue sente for you For I wil that ye two knowe a litill of my secretes But I tell you vpon your faith that none other shall know the same but onely we vs three vnto the time that the deede be accomplyshed Syr sayd Ogier yf ye thinke that we shoulde discouer youre secrete tell it vs not And if ye truste vs declare hardelye your pleasure Certes said the emperoure to Ogier ye be well worthy to knowe al for I know you for a good and a trusty knight Sir saide Ogier your good gcamercy But I tell you that I wyll not know nothyng therof but that ye take fyrste mine othe therupon Lordes said Charlemaine I take it Nowe shall ye goe to the plaine of Valcolours with three hūdred knightes wel armed and whan ye shall come there ye shall finde the foure sonnes of Aimon And thus I commaunde you that ye brynge them to me other dead or quicke Syr saide Ogier I saw them neuer but armed howe shall we know theym Ogier saide Charlemaine ye shal well may knowe theym For eche of theym shall be clothed wyth a mantell of scarlette furred wyth ermynes and shall beare roses in theyr handes Syr saide Ogier that is a good token and we shal doo your commaūdemente They made none other taryinge but departed from the hoste of the kinge Charlemaine as pryuelye as they myght doo And rode to the plaine of Valcolours and put them selfe in a busshemente wythin a woode all of serpyn trees vnto the tyme that the foure sonnes of Aimon came to the playne of Valcoloures Ha god whye knewe not Reynawde and hys bretherne this mortall treason for they wolde not haue come there vpon mules But they shoulde haue come there vpon good horses and well armed as prue and worthy knightes that they were But god had not remedied it thys Reynawde and his bretherne shoulde haue been so one taken in a litill space for they were in daunger of death Whan Ogyer the dane Foulques of Moryllō were in their bushement Foulques called his folke and sayde to theym Fayre lordes I oughte well to hate Reynawde for he slewe myne vncle by great wronge Nowe am I come to the poynt that I shall be auenged on hym and I shall tell you howe Nowe wyt it that the kynge you of Gascoyn hath betrayed thē and they shall come hyther anon all vnarmed sauf their swerdes And therfore I praye you all that ye thynke to smite well vpon them then shall I know who loueth me best Doo so that none of theim scape and ye shall be well my good freendes and I shall loue you well NOw shal we telle you of the kynge yon that was at Tholouse Whan he
to me And whan I sawe that the kyng repreued me thus I was wrothe and right angry for it I beheld vpon my brethern and knewe theyr stomackes and saw myne enemyes before me so neded not that I should haue sought them els where And it suffised theym not of that I had be outraged by Charlemayne but that Berthelot outraged me of newe he and I playinge at the Chesse wherof I tooke the chesse boorde and smote hym with it so greate a stroke vpon hys head that I slew hym afore my feet And Lewes a nother neuew of Charlemayne wolde haue slayne my brother Richarde and had hurte hym all redy full sore But I smote hym in suche wise with my fyst that I feld him downe dead afore me to therth whan Charlemayne wyst of it he wolde haue made me to be killed hewed into peeces but my kynsemē wolde not suffre it for there was great medlyng so that many strokes were gyuen And whan the medling was ended I mounted vpon Bayarde my brethern I made to moūt also th one before the two other behynde me and thus rode we al foure vpon my horse bayarde so came to Ardeyne where I dyd buylde a castell And there Chaylemane came and beseeged me and made swere mi good father Aimon that he shoulde neuer helpe vs wyth none of all his goods and that he should be vtterly ayenste vs and in lyke wise he for closed me fro all my kynsmen that none of them was not so hardy for to haue shewed to vs the least fauour of the worlde Fayre bretherne ye knowe wel the great pouertie that we haue endured so longe time And whan I sawe that I wyst not where to go I came into thys lande wyth suche a felawship as ye knowe I spake to the kynge Yon and shewed hym howe I had warre agaynst Charlemayne and he shewed me great loue and made me great honour so that he gaue me his syster to my wyfe and with her a duchy builded Mountawbā for me And of the other parte my chyldren are hys neuews wherof th one beareth his name that is yonnet and ye see them here and I haue saued hym hys Realme and all hys londe and all his rebelles I haue made come to seeke mercy of hym I foūd him neuer in faute but Charlemayne is so great and so myghty a kynge and also ye knowe well that he hath ouercome and dysshonoured many good mē and for fere of him the kyng Yon betrayed vs wherof he is not to be blamed ouermuche seynge that agaynst Charlemayne nothinge hath power And therfore yf the kynge Yon deliuered me to charlemayne it was by euyll counsell that some of hys barons gaue hym For god made neuer so good a man but that that he misdoeth by euyll counsell somtyme And how can I leaue hym whan I haue not mystrusted hī afore time me semeth that I ought to shew hym goodnes agaynst felonye Therfore I pray you all that ye wyll make you redy for I wyll goe succour him For it were great reproche to my chyldren that theyr vncle should be hanged as a theefe and it were to vs a great disshonour for he is our lord and if he had doone euil we ought to doo well agaynst it and also we ought not to forget the benefaytes that the kynge yon hath doone to vs and I promise you that the faute and the treason that he hath doone is not come through his malyce but through euyll counsel For yf it had be onlye by hys mocyon I wolde see the hert from the bodye of hym but I wot wel nay for Charlemayne is of so great power that euery man feareth him And therfore I tell you that I wil goe rescue him from Rowlande if I can wyth all my power By my fayth sayd Alard ye shall than goe wythout me for I shal not put my feet there for a traytour ought neuer to be holpē nor succoured Nor I sayde Guycharde I shall not goe there ●e shal sayd Richarde and it please you syth that Reynawde wyll haue vs to doo so for he is our Lorde and our welt therfore I pray you fayre bretherne that ye wyll obey him Whan Reynawde had concluded that he should goe for to rescue the kynge Yon agaynst the wyll of Alarde and of Guicharde al the Gascoynes that were there began to crye and sayde blessed be the houre that euer Reynawde was borne For no man erthely is worthe hym of goodnes and of prowes and than they sayde to Reynawde Syr we shall giue vp to you all the lande of Gascoyne and shall make you the Lorde of it For there shall be neuer none other lorde in Gascoyne but you as longe as ye shall lyue so that for god ryght sweet syr that ye suffre not the kynge yon to be had awaye to Charlemayne for it were a great shame to all them of the reame of Goscoyn that men had hanged theyr kyng By mi soule sayd Reinawde ye say trouth And than he tooke his horne and blewe it thre tymes so stronglye that he made all Mountawban to sowne with it And incōtynent without abydinge thei of the towne wente and armed them and came before Reinawde and whā thei were all redy Reynawde lighted vpon bayarde the shelde at the necke and the spere in the hande and they were well in hys felawship syx thousande men on horsebacke and well a thousande a foote And whan thei were out of Mountawban Reinawd spake to his folke and sayd to them Lordes remēbre you that your lorde is in great daunger and in perill of death and but if we fight strongli he is dead without remedye wherfore I pray you all that ye doo this daye that that shall turne to our worshyp And whan Reynawde had said these wordes he wente agayne towarde hys brethern and sayd to thē Fayre brethern ye know that Rowland hateth me to death not through my defawte but only through enuye Wherfore I pray you that ye attende vpon me thys day and ye shal see me doo as a good knight thys day the pryde of Rowlande must be leyde or els mine a downe Whan Alarde hearde his brother Reynawde speake so he sayde to hym And wherof care you● be sure and certayn that as longe that lyfe is in our bodyes we shall not fayle you and with this worde they put them to the waye And Reynawde tooke two thousand knyghtes and gaue them to Alarde and Guichard sayd to them Fayre brethern ye shal make the forward keep your men in good ordenaūce I my brother Richarde shal make the reregarde syr sayde Alarde we shall doo it well yf god wyll and thā they rode forthe so longe that they sawe the folke of Rowland nygh them whan Alarde a perceyued theym he made hys mē to tary and sent worde to Reynawde that he shoulde make haste to come for they had founde
swearde wolde haue slayne the Emperour Charlemayne but Reynawde drew him a syde And the duke Naymes and Ogyer sayde than vnto hym Rycharde Richarde refrayne your courage For it were not wel doone for to kyll a man that slepeth And also afore that we shal departe hence we shall set all at one and God wyll ¶ Shortelye for to speake Olyuer and the Duke Naymes spake so fayre vnto Rycharde that they made him promise them that he should doo no harme to the Kynge Charlemayne Neuerthelesse Rycharde left not to make great sorow for his cosyn Mawgys that he had lost For al them that saw him make so great mone had pitie for to se him It was no meruayle if Richarde made sorowe for Mawgis For I promise you he had greate need of hym not longe after And so had all his brethern as ye shall heare heere after ALl thus as the foure sonnes of Aymon made theyr moue for the loue of theyr cosin Mawgis The duke Nymes began to speake sayde in this wise By god lordes ye doo not wel for to make so great sorowe I pray you leue this heuynes And let vs begyn to speake of your peace that muste be made with the Emperour Charlemayn that an ende maye be hadde of thys warre that hath endured so longe By god sayd Rowlande ye be passynge slow therupon And also we muste fyrste haue his mercy or euer we moue any thing of the peace For ye wot wel that I left him bycause that peace should be made Syr sayd the duke Naymes ye speake wysely and well but howe shal we speake wyth hym wythout Mawgys were heere we cannot awake hym And but yf god remedyeth it we shal neuer speke wyth him But al thus as the barons spake in thys wyse The charme that Mawgys had set vpon Charlemayne was come at an ende and the strength of it was passed And sodenly Charlemaine began to moue hys body and arose anon vpon his feete and right sore abasshed looked al aboute him And whan he saw that he was at moūtawban in the subieccion of Reynawd the sonne of Aymon he was sore an angred and made suche sorowe for it so that al they that were there trowed that he had ben mad and from hymselfe And whā his wittes were come agayne he knew wel that Mawgys had doone it vnto hym sware that as longe as he were manne on liue he should make no peace tyl that he were out of Mountawban and that men had brought Mawgys to hym And whā Rycharde vnderstode this that Charlemayne sayd he began to saye in this wyse Howe the deuill dare ye thus speake syr ye see well that ye be our prysoner And yet ye thretē vs. I make to god mine a vowe and to Saynte Peter were not that I haue promysed that I shal not doo to you no harme at this tyme I should strike the head from the bodye of you Holde your pease sayd Reynawde let the kynge Charlemayne saye his wyll ye are ouer besy in your wordes And let vs all pray hym that he wyll pardon vs. For the warre hath lasted to longe cursed be he that began it For great euyles and harmes the whiche are happed therby REynawde was wyse and wel taught for to stylle thus hys brethern to whome he said My lordes my brethern yf it please you ye shal come with me for to cry mercy vnto our souerayne lorde the Emperour Charlemayne Reynawde said Alarde we shall doo all that ye wyl By mi faith said the duke Naimes My lordes ye doo ryght wisely and I promyse you that all good shall come to you therof Than Reynawd and all hys brethren and Rowland and Oliuer and Ogyer the Dane the duke Naymes the bisshop Turpin and Escoufe the sonne of Oedō began all for to fall on theyr knees before the emperour And Reinawde spake fyrste and sayd in this maner of wise Noble Emperour haue mercy of vs for I and my brethern wee yeeld vs to you to doo your pleasure of vs your will be so that our lyues ben saued there is nothinge but that we will doo it for the loue of you if it please you to graunt vs peace with you And for that piti pardon that God gaue vnto Mary Magdelene whan she wasshed hys feete in the house of Simeon good syr haue pity of vs. And yf it please you not for to pardon me at the least pardon my brethern And take them agayne theyr landes and I shal gyue you Mountawbā and Bayarde my good horse And so shall I goe into the holy lāde I Mawgis where we shal serue to the Temple of our Lorde And whan the kinge Charlemain heard Reynawde speake thus he blastred all for angre and sayd by that good lorde that made me yf all the worlde speake to me therof yet should I neuer cosēt me to no peace but I haue Mawgys in my handes for to doo my wyll vpon hym Alas sayd than Reynawde now haue I hearde that worde bytynge wherof I am al desperate For I should rather let my selfe be hanged thā that I should cōsente to the death of Mawgys my good cosyn For he hath not deserued towarde vs that we should betraye hym but rather he were worthy by reason for to be lorde aboue vs. Reynawde sayd thā Charlemaine thīke not thoughe I am your prysoner that ye shall make me doo anye thynge agaynst my wyll syr sayd Reynawd wyte it that myne entente is for to meke my self toward you for I haue leuer that we suffre wronge of you than ye of vs now tell me syr how I shall delyuer you Mawgys that is our life hope sucours our comfort sheeld our spere and also our swerde our brede our wyne and our flesshe also our refute our mayster our guyde and our defence in all places wherby syr I tell you that yf ye had all my brethern in your pryson and that ye should make them to be hanged and that Mawgys were with in my power and with me yet wold I not yeelde hym vnto you for to quyte wythall my brethern And also I swere you vpon my fayth that I wot not where that he is gone god wot it Ha sayd the Emperour charlemayne goddes curse haue he for I am sure he is heere within you he is not sayd Reynawde I take it vpon my baptysme And than Reynawde turned himself toward Rowlande and all the other barons and sayd to them Lordes I beseche you for God that it wyll please you for to pray our souerayne lorde the kinge that he wyll haue mercye of me and of my bretherne to the ende the peace maye be had in Fraunce yf it please hym And than Naymes that was kneelinge vpon his knees and that heard that Reynawde had sayd and wyste well that he spake but well sayde to the Emperour in this wise Syr I pray you that ye wyll not be dyspleased of that I shall tell you ye know
telle it you with a good wyll Nowe wyt it that I am called Reynawd of Mountawban but Charlemayne hathe casted me therfrom wrongefully the Duke Aimon is my father and I am now come in to the holy londe for to serue our lord ayenst his enmies For thus hathe commaunded me to doo Charlemayne my souerayne lorde whan I made peace with him And that worse is I must needes come thus poorely arrayed as ye see beggyng my brede where so euer I goe or come where ayenst I wolde neuer goe for to haue peace Whan the erle of rames vnderstoode Reynawd he was gladde of him and heaued vp his handes towarde heauen and thanked God and after sayd O noble knight Reinawde of Mountawban the best knyghte of the worlde take heere my homage For I gyue my selfe vnto you and al my goodes And whan Reynawde sawe this he sayde to the earle of Rames Stand vp for ye profer me outrage By god sayd the erle I shall neuer aryse tyll ye haue graunted me a thynge Sir sayde Reynawde I graunt it you with a good wyll and with good herte Gramercye sayd the erle and than he stoode vp and sayde to Reynawde Is it trouthe that ye haue peace with the great king Charlemaine Alas where been youre bretheren the worthy knightes and Mawgys youre cosyn in whome ye haue so great trust your good horse bayard Sir said Reynawd wit that I had peace with the kinge Charlemaine of the warre that so longe hath lasted by suche maner as I shall tell you that it is that I must come heere in suche clothyng as ye see vpon me and heere is Mawgis my cosyn that is comen heere with his free wyll for he is not constrayned therto for the kynge Charlemayn weneth he be deade longe a goe and my bretherne been abyden with my wyfe and my chyldren For the kyng hath returned all oure lyuelode vnto theym again And whan the earle vnderstoode the trouthe of all he was ryghte gladde of it so that he beganne to crye with a hyghe voyce Ha duke Reynawde of Mountawban howe greately be you welcome heere to vs as the most valyaunte knight of the world blissed be the good lorde that hathe conduyte you hyther And I praye you for god that ye receyue myne homage so shall ye saue the worshyppe of the kynge thomas that is nowe prysoner there within the citie for and ye be oure capitayne and oure heade I put no doubt but we shall well soone take Iherusalem And thus shall the kynge Thomas be belyuered oute of the handes of the false sarasyns THere came all the barons of Surrye that were full glad of the coming of Reynawd of mountawban to whome they made greate reuerence and feasted hym ryghte hyghly And shortly to speake they al prayed him to be theyr lorde and head capitayne and that he wolde guyde them as the erle of Rames had doon afore And whan Reynawde sawe that all the barons of Surrye desyred and prayed him so sore for to receyue theyr homages he sayde vnto theym Lordes sith that it pleaseth you for to doo me this great honour I take it saufe alwaye the ryght of kynge Thomas whiche is your souerayne lorde Syr sayde the barons we will haue it thus And thenne he receyued their homagis and whan he hadde receyued theim the erle of Rames kneeled before him and sayd Syr I wil that ye giue me now that thinge that ye haue graunted me Sir sayde Reynawde saye what it is and ye shall haue it Syr sayde the erle of Rames it is that ye wyl vouchesaufe to be lodged in my pauyllion and th●t ye spende none other good but myne And if ye wyl gyue any thing I shall delyuer it to you and I shal gyue you syxe of my knightes for to serue you Good earle of Rames gramercye of the worship that ye doo to me ▪ than the erle tooke Reynawd by the hande and broughte so hym in to his pauyllion and made him to be serued as his souerayne lorde and whan all the barons hadde conueyed Reynawde to the pauyllion of the erle of Rames they tooke leaue of him and went again in to their pauylliōs and thanked God that he hadde sent theym suche a knyghte and so vallyaunte a manne to be their capitaine and theyr Lorde And than whan the erle of Rames sawe that all the barons were gon to theyr pauilliōs he made to be broughte there manye good horses and fayre paifrays and ryche raymentes of dyuers coloures furred with ryche furres and all maner of good harneys for the warre curaces and ryche helmes and noble swerdes and greate plentye of plate bothe of fyne golde and of syluer and all thys he presented to Reynawde But he wolde take nothynge but onlie a complete harneys for his body and a swerde that he chose there amonge all and an horse And all the remenaunt he made to be dealed to the poore knyghtes that had mystre and need of it And whan the erle of Rames sawe that Reynawde hadde taken but one horse one harneys and one swerde he sayde vnto him Syr for God take on you a nother raymente for ye wot well it apperteyneth not to suche a man as ye be for to goe clothed as ye doo Sir said Reynawd pardonne me and it please you for I shall neuer were none other raymente but this that I haue nowe on tyll that I haue kyssed the holy sepulcre wherin God was put after that he was brought downe fro the crosse Sir said then the erle doo as ye wil and than he went to Mawgys and said to him I praye you put awaye this capye and this hood and take other raimentes syr said Mawgis than I pray you be not dyspleased yf I full fyll not youre desyre at this time for I tell you that I haue promysed that I sh●ll were no other cloth as longe as I lyue but such as the same is Thenne whanne the erle sawe that Reynawde nor Mawgys wolde not take none other raymentes for no thinge that he coulde saye vnto them he was sory for it And than he made the tables redye for to goe to supper And whan they hadde supped the erle of rames called wallerauen of fayer and Geffray of Nazareth and sayde to them Now thinke for to doo well syth that god hath sent to vs suche succour And whan the barōs heard the erle speake thus they answered we shal doo oure best by the grace of God And than euery man went to his pauillion and made greate plentie of torches to be fyred so that it was merueylles of the light that was in the hoste and euery man began to daunce and disporte theymselfe aboute their tentes and pauyllions a longe while for Ioye of the comynge of Reinawde And whan turkes that kept the towre of Dauyd sawe the greate lyghte that was in the hoste of the christen they were all merueylled of it Than some of them went and shewed it to
¶ The right plesaunt and goodly Historie of the foure sonnes of Aimon the which for the excellent endytyng of it and for the notable Prowes and great vertues that were in them is no les pleasaunt to rede then worthy to be knowen of all estates bothe hyghe and lowe ☞ The Prologue AS the Philosopher in the fyrst booke of hys methafysyque sayth that euery man naturally desireth to know and to con newe thynges ▪ And therfore haue the Clerkes people of great vnderstandynge desyred and coueite to lerned sciences and to know vertues of thinges Some by Phylosophy other by Poetrye and other by Historyes and cronyckes of thynges passed And vpō these three they haue greatly laboured in suche that thanked be God by theyr good dylygence and laboures they haue had greate knowledge by innumerable volumes of bookes whiche haue be made and compyled by great studye payne vnto thys day And bycause that aboue all thinges the princes lordes of hie estate and entendement desyre to see thy storyes of the ryght noble and hye vertues of the prodecessours whiche ben digne and worthy of remembraunce of perpetuall recommendacion Therfore lace at the request and commaundement of the ryght noble and vertus Erle Iohn Erle of Oxeforde my good synguler and especial lorde I reduced translated out of Frenche into our maternall and Englyshe tongue the lyfe of one of his predecessoures named Robert Erle of Oxeforde tofore sayd which diuerse many great myracles whiche God shewed for him as wel in his lyfe as after his death as it is shewed all a longe in hys sayde booke And also that my sayd Lorde desyreth to haue other Hystories of olde tyme passed of vertues chyualry reduced in lykewyse into our Englishe tōgue he late sent to me a booke in Frenche conteynyng thactes and faytes of warre do one and made agaynst the great Emperour and king of Fraunce Charlemayne by the .iiii. sonnes of Aymon other wyse named in Frenche Les quatre sylz Aymon whyche booke accordynge to hys request I haue endeuorde me to accomplyshe and to reduce it into our englyshe to my great coste and charges as in the translatinge as in enprynting of the same hopyng not doubtyng but that hys good grace shall rewarde me in suche wise that I shal haue cause to pray for his good and prosperus welfare And besechynge his said noble good grace to pardon me of the rude and this simple worke For accordyng to the coppy whyche he sēt to me I haue folowed as nigh as I can and where as any defaute shall be founde I submyt me to the correccion of them that vnderstande the cronycle hystory besethyng thē to correcte it amende there as they shall fynde faute And I shall praye almighty God for them that so doo to rewarde them in suche wyse that after this shorte and transytory lyfe we all may come to euerlastyng lyfe in heuen Amen ¶ Thus endeth the prologue ❧ Heere foloweth the Table of this presente booke WHo that wyll know the history of the foure noble and worthye knyghtes named the foure sonnes of Aymon wherof the fyrste was called Reynawde the seconde Alarde the thyrde Guychard and the fourthe Rycharde let hym first reade this presente table folowynge In whiche men shall fynde that thys presente booke conteyneth .xxviii. chapytres which speaken of many faire and dyuerse matters whiche they that shall reade thys sayde chapytres shall mowe see the history all alonge And ye shall see in this fyrst chapytre howe that after kynge Charlemayne was come agayne from the partyes of Lombardy where he had had great and merueyllouse battaylles ayenste the sarasyns he helde vpon whitso●daye open courte at Parys where was a fayre felawshyp of Prynces and Barons as ye shall heare after alonge And in the same chapitre ye shall also see howe the same daye the duke Aymon of Ardeyne broughte to the courte hys foure sonnes that is to wit Reynawde Alarde Guichard and Richarde and howe kynge Charlemayne made theim knyghtes wyth his owne handes also howe the duke Benes of Aigremounte slewe Lohier the eldest sonne of kyng Charlemain the duke benes was vncle to the foure sōnes of Aimon and after how the duke Benes of aygremount was slaine coming to Parts by the commaundemente of kinge Charlemayne after that he had appointed for the death of his sonne And also in this first chapitre men shal nowe see many other faire matters whiche were to longe for to be reherced in this preambule of this present booke fol. i. THe seconde Chapyter sheweth howe Grysson of hauitefelle and Guenes after that they had slayne the Duke Benes of Aygremount-retourned to Parys and recounted to kynge Charlemayn the mortall treason that they had put to execucyon wherof the kynge was ryghte glad and syn after he was ryghte sorye for it For after that the two bretherne of the Duke Benes made great warre ayenst him and so dyd Gerarde of Rousillon and Dron and Mawgys the sonne of the duke Benes and after they made peace and accorded togyther But the kinge Charlemain accorded not with the foure sonnes of aimon nor to their cosin Mawgys ❧ Item howe Reynawde slew the neuew of king Charlemayne with a chesse boorde as they plaied togyther at the chesse wherof the warre began the whiche was so mortall and lasted so longe that it bare a great domm●ge to the realme of fraunce fol. xiii THe thirde chapitre speaketh how after that kynge Charlemayne hadde made all his barons to forsake the foure sonnes of aymon He went and besyeged them at moūtenforde where he was discomfyted two tymes but the castelle of Moūtenforde was taken after that by treason And after howe Reynawde and his bretherne auenged theim of the traytoures that betrayed theym And after saued theym selfe wythin the forest of Ardeyne where theyr father found thē as he went from the syege towarde his londe of Dordon And howe for to keep his othe that he had made to kynge Charlemayne He dyd assayle hys sonnes so that of fyue hundred menne that they were there abod on liue with his sonnes but xvii persones But Reynawd and his brethern had none euil but slew many of their fathers men fol. xvi THe fourth chapytre sheweth how after that the olde Aimon had discomfyted his chyldern they went and dwelled in the depest of the forest of Ardeyne and abode there tyll that they were al counterfayte blacke and roughe as wilde beastes for the greate hungre that they had suffred and after they went to Dordon for to see their father that made them good chere and feasted them greately And gaue them of hauoyre so muche that they myghte well make war with ayenst the king and howe Mawgis their cosyn arryued whan that they should haue departed whiche went with theym in to the realme of Gascoygne with fyue hundred knightes And whan theyr mother sawe them departe she was for it full sorye fol. xxxi THe fyfthe
thretenynge the duke Benes of Aygremoūt saying that they should take the head from the body of hym yf he doo ought to them agaynst his deuoyre But it shal go all other wyse with them For it haped all contrary to theyr myndes and purpose wherof afterward many ladyes abode widowes wtout husbādes many gentil womē with out a louer And so many churches destroyed and so many landes brēte and wasted wherof it is yet pitie for to see And thus ridinge thretynge Benes of Aygremount a spy heard all that they sayd and came hastelye to Aygremo sit to ward Benes that was in his Palays and tolde hym how messāgers were coming vnto hym from kyng Charlemayne that sore thretened him and that the sōne of kyng Charlemayne was there in person Than sayd the Duke to hys folke wherof he had at that houre fo● son with him in his Palays bicause of the feast of Penthecoste Lordes sayd he the kynge Charlemayne setteth lytle by me that will that I shal go serue him with all my power and my puyssance and that wors is he sendeth to me his eldest sonne for to tel me some message the threteneth me greatly what counsell ye me therto my bretherne freendes Than sp●ke a good knyght that was called syr Simon sayd My lorde I shal counsel you truly yf ye wyll herken and beleue me Receyue honourably the messangers of the kynge Charlemayne For wel ye wote that he is your ryght wyse lorde and wit that who that warreth against his souerayn Lorde he doth agaynst god rayson and haue no regarde to your kynne nor to thys that your bretherne Gyrarde of Roussyllon and the duke of Nantuell wolde not obey hym For I aduyse you wel that Charlemayn is myghty and he shall distroye you of body and of goodes but yf that ye obey him And yf ye amiablie go to hym he shall haue mercy of you Than answered the duke that thus he wolde not doo and that the sayd knight gaue him euill counsell For yet sayd he I am not so low brought but that I haue three brythren that shall helpe to susteine and beare out my warre agaynst Charlemayne also my foure neuewes the sonnes of my brother Aymes of Dordon that ben full fayre knightes worthy and wel taught in faytes of warre Alas sayd than the duchesse My good lorde beleue your good counsell For no men shall prayse you that ye make warre agaynst your right wyse lorde and wit it well that it is agaynst the cōmaundementes of God against all equitie Wherfore yf ye haue misdoone any thīg agaynst hym doo so much that ye be accorded with him And take none heed to your brethern as syr Symon dothe counsell you For neuer good may come therof for to be euyl in fauoure with his souerayne Lorde Than behelde the duke the duchesse in great wrathe and had her that she should holde her peace in the deuilles name that she should neuer more speake to hym of this mater For in certayne he should not do for the kyng Charlemayne the moūtenaunce of a peny So helde her peace the duchesse sayd that she should speake nomore to hym therof GReat was the noyse and the bruyte within the palayce of Aygremount for some counselled the duke that thus as the duchesse sayd he should doo and many other sayd nay Than sayd the duke vnto them that counselled him naye and that he should not accorde nor make peace with the kyng Charlemayne that he could theym thanke muche longe they spake of this mater And the messangers of the Kyng Charlemayne duryng the same haue riden so muche that they ben come to Aygremount And the castell was see vpon a roche ryght hye and well enuyroned with stronge walles thycke highe and wel garnyshed with great towres so that for the strength and sytuacyon of the castell it was imprenable but only by famyshynge Than sayd Lohier to the lordes that were wyth hym Lordes nowe see what a fortresse is there what walles what a ryuer tēneth at the foote of it I beleue verely that in al christendome is not her lyke It can neuer betake by force but yf it is by famysshyng Thā spake a knight that was called Sauary and sayd to Lohier his lorde syr sayde he it semeth me spekynge vnder correccion that my lorde the kynge Charlemayne your father hath enterprised a great foly whan he troweth to come to at an ende of this duke of Aygremoūt for in good sothe he is right puissaūt And I beleue that he shall make as mani men for to make the warre as shall my lorde your father yf it cam there to that he wolde make hym warre It were a fayre thynge yf they myght be accorded together and of my parte I shoulde counsell the same yf it myght be doone But well I wot that yf your father had hym al the golde in Paris should not kepe hym but that he should do hange hym or els slea hym quycke So beseche I you ryght deere syr that ye speake humbly vnto the duke benes of Aygremoūt For in certayne he is ryght fyers and outragyous incontinent might haue there a sore meddle betwene you and hym wher of the losse should tourne vpon vs. For we ben to lew folke Than answered Lohier and sayd to hym that he sayd well and wysely but alwayes sayd he we doubt hym not of any thynge We be here al redy an hōdred knyghtes well appoynted and for sothe yf he say vnto vs anye thynge vnto our dyspleasure he shal be the fyrst that shall repent and be sory for it Than sayd the knight Sauare al softly to hymself that this were not wysely doone For wel I swere said he vpon my fayth that yf it hap you to say any thyng to hym that by any maner shall displease hym he shall make you sorye and shall wreke it vpon you bodye And happelye we shall all be in a waye for to dy Syr aduyse your selfe well wyll to procede prudently in your message For well I say vnto you that he is ryght cruell and of greate worthynesse accomplysshed THus spekyng of one thyng and of other rode so longe the messangers that they ben come to the gate of the castel which was sone shet by the porter then knocked the sayd knightes and the porter answered to them Lordes what be you Freende answered Lohier open to vs this gate presently For we wyll speake to the Duke Benes of Aigremount from the kinge Charlemayn Now abyde you a lytle and hast you not sayd the porter And I wyl goe speake redely to my lorde the Duke So went the sayde porter into the halle where he sawe the Duke his lorde He kneeled incontynent afore him tolde him howe downe at the gate was a right great company of men of armes And that they were well an hondred men or more ryght well horsed well armed and with them is the eldest sonne of
king charlemayne that strongly threteneth you and also your folke My lorde sayde the porter shall I open the gates vnto thē yea sayd the duke For I doubt them nothynge and we ben ynough for them And many worthy knyghtes and esquyers ben no where able for to defende vs all were Charlemayne himself with them with hys puissaūce So ran incontinēt the porter downe agayne for to open vnto them the gate Lohier his felowes entred wtin and mounted vp vnto the dongeon of the castell where the duke was that sayd to hys barons Lordes heere cometh the eldest sonne of the kyng Charlemayne for to tell me his message But di that god that suffred death and passyon Yf he speake wysely to vs he shal do as sage And yf he sayth any thyng that shall dysplease vs we shall soone without delaye take vengeaunce therof So was the duke Benes well accompanyed nobly of wel two hondred knyghtes more Thys was in the moneth of May that all creatures humain ought wel for to reioyce thē and that folke preu and worthy in armes taken hert and hardinesse for to defende them self wel and warre agaynst theyr enemyes And this during Lohier the sonne of King charlemayne entred into the halle of the Palays of Aygremount ryght nobly armed and his folke also and saw the halle ryght well garnyshed of fayre folke rychelye arayed And the duke sittynge right proudlye amonge his barons and the duchesse hys wyfe next by hym and before hym his sonne Mawgys that was a great mayster of the science of Nigromancy that played afore his father of his art of nigromancy wherin the Lordes that were there tooke great pleasure And wit it well that in all the worlde was not a worthyer chrysten nor more able than was the sayd Mawgys Except onlye hys cosyn Reynawde one of the Sonnes of Aymon wherof specyally treateth now this History Than marched forthe Lohier and wente in the fyrst of all and after hym hys folke by good conduyte And salued the duke B●nes of Agremount in thys wyse wherby moch great euill happed vnto him at last That God that created the firmament and made all thynge of nought for the people to susteyne And on the crosse suffred death and passyon for all soules to be redemed out of the paynes of hel keep and saue the king Charlemayne Emperour of Aimayne and king of Fraunce and all hys noble lyne and confound thee Duke Benes of Aygremounte My father the kyng by me expressely sēdeth to thee word thou come incontinent to Paris with fyue hondred knyghtes for to do to him right and reason of thys that thou were not wyth him in armes in the partyes of Lumbardy for to fyght agaynst the enemyes of the christen fayth Where by thy faute were dead there Bawdoyne lorde of Melanke Gesfroi of Bourdel and many other great Dukes Prynces knyghtes and barons And yf thou wylt not doo it I tell thee duke benes that the kinge shall come vpon thee wyth an hundred thousand men of armes So shalt thou be take and brought into Fraunce And there thou shalt be iudged as a theefe and a false traytour vnto thy Souerayne Lorde for to be slayne and hanged all quicke thy wyfe brente and thy chyldren destroyed and banysshed Doo therfore this that I commaūd thee in the kinges behalfe for thou knowest well that thou arte his mā vassayle and subiecte WHan the Duke Benes of aygremount had heard Lohyer thus speake Than yf ye had sene hym chaunged hys coloure pouffe blowe as a mā cruel proude and outrageouse and sayd to Lohier in thys maner I shal not goe to kynge Charlemayne nor nothynge of hys wyll I shall not fulfyll For I hold nother Castell ne Fortresse of hym but I shall goe vpon him with all my puyssaunce and shall destroy all the lande of Fraunce vnto Parys Than sayd Lohier vnto Duke Benes of Aygremount Vassayle sayde he how darest thou answere thus And it the king knew now that thou thretenest hym thus as thou doest he should come incontynent vpon thee and should vtterli destroy thee well thou knowest that thou arte hys liege man and that thou canne not say agaynst it come than redely and serue thy souerayne lorde kinge Charlemyan and beleue me yf thou wyll saue thyne owne lyfe For if thou doo it not I make thee sure and certayne that yf he can haue thee by force that he shall make thee to be hanged there as the ayre and the wyndes with theyr great blastes shall dry vp the bones of thee Whan the duke heard Lohier speake to him in this maner he stode vp anon vpon his feete and sayd that to his euel chere he cam there for to make to hī hys message Thā came foorth a knyght named syr water that was a man of the Duke of Aygremount and sayd to the Duke My lorde keep for gods loue that ye doo no foly Let Lohier say all hys wyll for ye be neuer the worse for his sayenge and as ye well knowe kynge Charlemayne is ryght puyssaūt and so moche that there is nother castell Citie nor towne neuer so stronge that can holde agaynst hī Go than to him by my counsell for ye be his man his vassayle his subiect and of hym you holde your castell of Aygremount and all your lādes and yf ye so doo ye shall doo as sage and it shall be your prouffyte also of al your lande and for to war agaynst your ryght wise Lorde nothyng but euil can come to you thereof Whan the Duke had hearde the wyse knyght to speake he coulde to him right good thanke therfore but alwayes all angry he sayd to hym holde your peace For I shall holde nothyng of hym aslonge that I shal may beare armes and moūte a horse backe I shall sende for my deere bretherne Gerrade of Roussyllon and Dron of Natuell and Garnyer his sonne and than we shal gone vpon kyng Charlemayne and yf I canne mete with him in any place we shall destroy hym shall doo of hym that he troweth to doo of me Wene he that I am a cowarde nay by my faythe for I should not take all the gold in Parys but that I should slea the messanger Euyll was to hym whan he durst so threten me And than sayde Lohier I nether prayse you nor doubt you not Whan the Duke benes of Agremount vnderstode Lohyer he wexed for great wrathe as red as ony fyre in hys face and began to ryse vp and to call Nowe Barons vpon hym brynge hym to me for he shall neuer be wraunted but that I shall make hym to dye shamefullye And the barōs durst not say against theyr lorde but drew al theyr swerdes And incontynent did ren vpon Charlemaynes folke And Lohier called his baner and than began he and his folke to defende them selfe sharpely And god knoweth howe many heades and armes were there cut of that day For at the same houre began
shall gyue theym to the gentyll Reynawde as to hym that is as I wene the moste valyaunt of all and of other good armes I shall gyue to the other three bretherne So brought there the stewarde the armes that were full fayre and riche and than were armed the foure gentyl brethrē children to the good Aimes of dordōne and Ogyer of Denmarke that was of theyr kynne dyd on theyr spurres to the new knight Reynawde the kynge Charlemayne gyrde hym his swearde and than doubed him to a Knighte sayinge God encreace in thee goodnes honour and worthines And than mounted Reinawde on horsbacke vpon Bayard that was suche a horse that neuer was his like in all the world nor neuer shall be except Busifal the horse of the great Kinge Alexander For as for to haue ronne .xxx. myle together he wolde neuer haue sweted The sayd Bayard thys horse was growen in the Isle of Boruscā and Mawgys the sonne of the duke Benes of Aygremount had gyuē to his cosin Reynawde that after made the Kynge Charlemayne full wrothe and sory as ye shal now heare here after REynawde was a horse backe with a Sheelde paynted hangyng at his necke and thwerled his swerde by great fyersnesse And wyt wel that he was a fayre knight wounderful great and well founded and of hym was a fayre syght for well he semed one of the moste valyaunt Knightes that men coulde fynde in all the worlde And the Barons that were there sayde Ha god what a fayre Knight is he Neuer was nor shall be sene so fayre a man of armes as Reynawde god encrease to hym honour and worthynesse goodnes and pryse And after were moche honourably and worthily arayed and armed the other three bretherne of Reynawde and sith lyght all on horsebacke vnder Saint Victor nyghe Parys Than made the kinge Charlemayne to set vp in the grounde a poste agaynst whyche he made the new knightes for to assaye them selfe They Iusted moche worthely but Reynawde Iusted best vpon his horse bayarde ryght well lyked and were a greable vnto charlemayne the faytes of the valyaunt knyght Reynawde vnto whome the king sayd Reynawde frō hens forth ye shal come with vs in batayle and Reynawde answered him in thys maner Syr god yelde it you an hundred thousand tymes and I promit you in good fayth to obey and serue you truly Nor neuer ye shall fynde my selfe in no forfayte but yf it com of you THe Emperour Charlemaine after the Iustynge was doone he retourned to his Palays in Parys Than he resoned wyth hys prynces and Barōs and there were the duke Naymes of bauyres Oger the dane and the A●chebysshop Turpin and sayd to them in thys wyse barons sayd he I cannot maruayle me to moche of Lohier my eldest son that ●a●ieth so longe in hys message I haue great feare that some incontinent be happed vnto hym I dremed this night in my slepe that the thonder bolte fell vpon my Sonne Lohier and then came the Duke benes of Aygremount vpon hym and smote his head of but by my bearde yf he haue doone so whyles he lyueth he shall neuer accorde with me Nor I shall neuer haue Ioye at my herte For it is he that I loue best in this worlde Syr sayd the duke Naymes I beleue not such thinges nor vnto suche dremes ye shall not gyue no credence alwayes sayde the king yf he haue doone so I shall neuer leue him the value of a peny for I shall sende for the Normans the Bernyge●s the Fleminges the chāpenoys the Almaynes the Bauiers and for Englishemen and so shall I goe vpon hym and shall vtterly destroy hym and Naymes sayde euer vnto hym that he shoulde not fraye hym selfe of nothynge tyll that he knewe the certentye And as they spake thus there came rydīg a messenger vpon a horse fauell sore sicke and werye and also sore wounded vnto the death He came vnto Parys afore the Palays where Kyng Charlemayne was at the wyndowes And whan he sawe come the Messanger he came downe lightlye from the Palays halle vnto the gate and with him Naymes of Bauyer and Ogyer the Dane And whan the Messanger saw the kinge he salued him fall soft as he that was ryght sorye and sore wounded and that wyth payne myght speake and said in this maner wyse Great folye ye dyd whan ye dyd sende my Lorde your sonne for to aske trybute and obeyssaunce of the Duke Benes of Aygremounte the whiche trybute your sonne asked him shāfully but the duke whiche is sore fel and cruel whan he heard speak my sayd lorde your sonne he cōmaūded to a mayny of knightes that were there that he should betake that he should neuer retourne agayn to you for to recoūt his message nor what answere he had founde to the which takīg the medle was great and cruell so that your dere sōne Lohier was dead there And the Duke Benes of Aygremount kylled hym and all your folke except me and .ix other that conduyte and bryng your sonne in a byere And I my selfe am sore hurt as ye may se And than the messāger could speake no more But fell downe in a swoune of the greate greefe and sore that he felte bycause of hys woundes And whan the kīg had heard these wordes he fel down vpon the groūd for the great sorow that he tooke therof and wrange his handes and pulled his beard And tare all hys heres sayinge Ha good lorde that made heauen and erth ye haue brought me in great sorowe tourment Irrecouerable that neuer shall cease with me So requyre I vnto you the death humbly For neuer more desyre I not to lyue The good duke of Bauyre began to recomfort him sayinge For goddes loue syr tourment not your self but haue good hert and hope in god and recomfort your folke And thys wolde say the duke Naymes for thē that he saw weepe there for theyr kīsmen and freendes that were dead with Lohier And doo sayd he to the kyng let your sonne be worshypfully buryed at saynt Germayne of the medowes And than ye shall goe vpon the Duke Benes of Aygremount wyth all your noble power and great puyssaunce and shall destroy hym and all hys landes at your pleasure Than the kinge Charlemayne recomforted him selfe and well he knew that Naymes coūselled hym truly and lawfully Than sayd the kyng Barons make redy and wee shall go agaynst my dere sonne Lohier And incontinent all the prynces and Barons made them selfe redye for to doo the commaundement of the kinge And whan they were gone two myle out of Parys they met with the corps And were there with the Kinge Naymes Ogyer Sampson of bourgoyne and many other great Lordes Than sayd the kinge Charlemayne whan he sawe the body of his deere sonne Lohier Alas how shamefully am I created he descended from his horse a foote tooke vp the cloth that was vpō the biere behelde his sonne Lohier Than saw he
the courte into theyr coūtrey and by them were tydinges brought through all the landes vnto Rome that kynge Charlemayne made a great assemble of men of armes so that the renome therof floughe vnto the duke Benes of Aygremountes court which of that other parte dyd sende for his kynsmen and freendes and in especiall for his brethern Gerarde of Roussylon and Dron of Nantuel so that they were whā they came together well foure score thousand fyghtynge men and mo and as fayre folke as euer were sene whiche than sayde I beleue yf the kynge besyege the Castell that the worse shall returne vnto hym Than sayd the Duke Benes of Aygremount to Gerarde of Roussilon Brother sayd he be not dysmayed for I hope to hurte the kyng so sore yf he come vpon vs that he shal be wery of his bargayn but let vs goe forth towarde Troy in chāpaygne and there wee shall fyght wyth the kynge vygorously For well I wote that God shall helpe vs agaynst hī This was at the begynnyng of the moneth of Maye and Charlemayn was at Paris that abode after hys men that should come for to go with a great puyssaunce vpon the Duke Benes of Aygremount And bode not longe that Rychard of Normādy came to the kynge wyth .xxx. thousande fyghtyng men And of a nother syde came to hym the Erle Guy that had wyth hym a ryght noble a great company of good men and after hym came Salamon of Bertayne and the Erle Huon And of al sydes ye should haue sene come to the Kynge Charlemayne Poeteuīs Gascoyns Normans Flemynges Bernyers and Bourgoynes and so many other great Lordes that it was great wonder for to see which came all and Lodged themselfe in the medowes of saynt Germayne THan whan the kyng Charlemayne knew that this folke was all arryued he had of it greate Ioye and incontynent made hys batayles to departe for to goe to hys enterpryse and made of Rychard of Normandy of Valleran of Buyllon of Guydellon of bauyere of yzacar of Nemours of Oger the bane and of Escouf the sonne of Oedon wyth them .xl. thousande men hys forewarde There should ye haue sē a ryght noble companye and manye hardi men they departed from nigh Parys And put them self to the way strayght to Aygremounte and they thꝰ rydyng after many dayes Iurney whiche I can not tel came there streyght to Ogyer the Dane that was in the forewarde a messanger sore hastyly rydynge That asked to whome was thys noble cōpany and he answered to hym that they were kynge Charlemaynes folke Than sayd syr the messanger that he wolde well speake wyth hym than went Oger the Dane and shewed hym the kyng And assone as the messanger saw hym he made hym due reuerēce and the kyng gaue hym agayne hys salute and him demaunded what he was and fro whens he came and the messanger tolde hym that he was of Troye and that vnto him he was sent fro Aubery the lorde of Troye that was his liege man whiche besought hym humbly for socoures For the Duke Benes of Aygremount his two bretherne Gerarde of Roussyllon and Dron of Nantuel and with theim an hundred thousande fighting men had besyeged him within Troye And that yf ye came not to helpe hī he must yelde vp the towne also the fayre towre that Iulius Cesar dyd buylde there WHan Charlemayne the Emperour vnderstode that Troi was besyeged by the duke Benes his bretherne he was full sory of it and he swore by Saynte Denys of Fraunce that he should go there with hys army and that yf he might hold the duke of Aygremounte he should make hym dye a shamefull death so called he the Duke Naymes of bauyere Goodebew of fryse and the Duke Walleran and sayd to theym Barons ye vnderstande what thys messāger sayth let vs ryde hastelye towarde Troy or it be take and they answered to hym ryght gladly that they wolde doo it so So dyd they ryde a good pace tyll that they came nyghe Troye And firste of all came the forewarde with the Oryflame Of the whyche were gouernours Ogyer the Dane Rycharde of Normandy the duke Walleran and which them fourty thousand men And the Messanger of Troy that conduyted them And whan they were come so nyghe that they sawe Troye afore thē a messanger came to Gerard of roussyllon that was afore Troy saying to hym that the kinge Charlemayne came vpon them for to socoure Aubery with a ryght great puissaunt companye Than layde Gerarde to hys bretherne that is to wyte Duke Benes of Aygremount and the Erle Dron of Nantuell that it were good that they should go agaynste kynge Charlemayne with all theyr puissaūce and that eche of them should proue himself a good man They did so as they had deuysed and Gerarde of Roussillon was the first in the forewarde and they rode so longe till that the one partye saw the other Than sayd Ogier the Dane to Richard of Normandy whan he sawe come Gerarde of Roussillon se sayd he howe Gerard of Roussyllon weneth for to fare foule with vs. But now let vs thynke for to defende vs wel so moche that the worshyp abyde to the Kyng Charlemayne and to vs. And than they let renne theyr horses fro one parte and fro the other and Gerarde of Roussyllon wente smote an Almayne wyth his speare so moche that he made it to entre through the body of hym Whiche fell anon dead to the ground and Gerard tooke his baner cryed with an high voyce Roussyllon Roussyllon THan began the batayle sore stronge fell and cruell And whan Ogyer the dane saw thus his folke dye he was wood and mad with it So went he and smote a knight named Pouson by suche a wyse that he put his spere thorough the body of hym whiche fel downe dead afore him And whan Gerarde had seen the same he went and smote one of Ogyers men so that all dead he cast him afore hym And then he said ye haue this for your maysters sake Ogyer Muche great and meruayllous was the stoure and the batayle so fiers For there should ye haue sene so many of sheeldes perced and clouen and so mani a habergeon broken and salettes and helmes vnbokled and sore beten and so many mē lying vpon the other dead that all the earth was couered with the bloud of the dead men and of theym that were hurt there so the it was a great pitie to for to see And than came the duke Benes of Aygremounte that spurred hys horse terrtblie and wēt and smote Enguerran lorde of Peroune of saint Quintine so harde that he ouerthrew him dead afore hī and than sayd Now go goddes curse haue thou and cryed with an highe voyce Aygremounte and than came to him his brother the Duke of Nantuell with all his folke and they went al together vpon Charlemaynes folke and of the other part came with great puissaunce Almaynes poeteuins and
to hym answered his two bretherne that they wolde doo it syn that he counselled thē so and cōcluded together that they should sende thyther as soone as it were day They made that nyght good watche vnto the morning and than they made redi their messangers for to sende to the kyng Charlemayne And whan they were redy Gerarde of Roussyllon sayd to them Lordes say wel to kynge Charlemayne that we be sore dyspleased of the death of hys sonne Lohier and that our brother the duke Benes repenteth him selfe of it full sore that yf it please hym to haue mercy of vs that we shal go serue hym where it shal please him to sende vs wyth .x. thousand fyghtynge men And also ye shall saye to Naymes of Bauyere that we pray hym that he wyll enploy hymselfe towarde the kyng Charlemayne that this accorde may be had AFter that the messāgers had well all alonge vnderstand what they should saye to the Kynge Charlemaine from the three brethern dukes They lyghted on horsbacke eche of them berynge braunches of Olyue tree in their handes in token of peace And ceased not to ryde tyll that they were come afore the tente of the kinge charlemayne Than spake one of them whiche was named steuen that salued the king in this maner Syr I praye our lorde that of his grace giue you good lyfe long And wyt syr that the duke Gerarde of Roussyllon and the Duke Benes of Aygremount and Dron of Nantuell ben come hither the whiche cry you mercye and beseche you ryght humbly that it please you to pardon them the death of your sonne Lohier Of the whiche they are wrothe sory And the duke of Aygremount let you wyte by vs that yf it be your pleasure to doo so that he and hys bretherne shal be your lyege men shall come to serue you with .x. thou sand fyghting men in all that shal be your pleasur to enploy them syr for goddes sake haue remembraūce that god forgaue his death to Longes the cruelly sticked him to the hart wherfore syr please it you to pardon thē take them to your good grace And of this right hūbly they beseche you WHan the kynge Charlemayne had thus heard speake the messangers of the three brethern He frō peled his forehead knitted his browes and looked full angrely and at that houre he answered to them nothynge and than soone after he begā to speake in this maner Bi my faith syr Steuen sayde he well had the duke Benes lost his wittes whan he so shamfully slew my deere sonne Lohier whiche I loued so tenderly Now is he my man wyll he or not Syr sayd Steuē I am certayne that he shall doo to you all reason to the direction of your good counsell Than sayd the kinge of this we shal counseyll vs and withdrewe hym a lytle a side and called to him duke Naymes Ogyer the Dane syr Salamon Huon of Mauns Walleran of Bollon Odet of Langres and Leon of Fryse sayd to them Lordes heere ben the messangers of the duke Benes and of his bretherne that sende me worde that they wyll come for to serue me where my wyl shal be wyth .x. thousand good fyghting mē yf we wyll pardon theym the death of my sonne Lohyer And they shall be our vassayle and true liege men of vs they shall holde theyr landes and theyr lordeships Syr answered the duke Naimes in this is nothing but well So counsell I you that ye pardon them For they be muche valyaunte and of great renome Wherfore pardon them yf it please you THan by the Counsell of the Duke Naymys of Bauyere the kynge dyd pardon the three bretherne called to him the .iii. knightes and said to them how he pardoned the three dukes the death of his sonne Lohier by suche a condicion that the duke Benes of Aygremoūt should come for to serue hym at the feast of Saynt Iohn next comynge wyth .x. thousand fyghtyng men wel arayed and ye shall tel to them that they surely come nowe to me for to take of theym theyr othe and fayth that they shall fro hens forthe obey and serue truly And that of me they shall holde all theyr landes Then departed the knyghtes from afore the kyng Charlemayne and came agayne vnto the Dukes and shewed vnto them how they had sped of their message with the king Charlemayn wherof the three brethern thanked much humbly our lorde God Then sayd the duke Rycharde of Roussyllō it is reason that we take of our good gownes and go to the kynge Charlemayne naked and crye hym mercy of this that we haue thus offended agaynst his hygh puyssaunce lorde shyp and the other two brethern answered that well they ought to doo so So tooke the noble knyghtes their clothes of and al naked bare foote and in poore estate departed from theyr lodges and well foure thousande knightes wyth them all bare fote and in their shertes and in such estate as were theyr maysters In thys wyse they came tofore the king Charlemayne And wyt wel that in right great humilitie were set the three bretherne for to haue peace and accorde wyth the kyng Charlemain that was wroth to them specyally to the Duke of Aygremount as more playnlye ye shall heare here after WHan the kynge Charlemayn sawe thus come the three bretherne wyth theyr barons knyghtes he called to hym the duke Naymes many other barons and sayd to thē can ye not tell me what folke ye see yonder comyng Syr sayd the dukes Naymes it is the Duke Benes of Aygremount with his folke that come for to requyre you of mercie This hanging the Duke Benes of Aygremount came afore the king and cast hymselfe vpon hys knee sayd vnto hym in this wise Syr for god I crye God mercy we ben heere comen by your commaundement if I haue slayne your deere Sonne by my foly I now as your man yelde me my bretherne also Gerarde of Roussyllon and Dron of Nantuell and wyl be your lyege men and serue you with all our puyssaunce where your plesure shal be to set vnto and neuer dayes of our lyues we shall fayle you but yf it belonge in you Than whan the kynge sawe theym thus come humblie towarde hys presence in theyr shertes barefoote and had hearde this that the Duke of Aygremount had sayd to hym he had of them ryght great pitie pardoned them the death of his Sonne Lohier and all his euyll wyll Than should ye haue sene from one part from the other kysse and colle eche other their kynnesmen and som wept for Ioye and the other for pitie WHan were peased the barōs with the king Charlemayne by the counsel of the good duke Raymos than sware promised the three brethern good fydelitie to the kynge Charlemayne and that they should serue him at all tymes that he should cal for thē So tooke they a glad leue from the
the kyng he made to hym reuerence and than withdrew himself abacke And sayd to hys men let vs goe fourth for here cometh the kynge I wolde not for nothing in this worlde that any of you should laye hande vpon hym Whan the folke of Reynawde vnderstode these wordes they put theyr swerdes in theyr shethes and went agayne vnto theyr castel right glad of theyr fayre auenture that was happend to them that daye And whā that they were within theyr Castell of Mountaynforde they made the drawe brydge for to be drawen vp went and vnarmed them and foūde the supper redy and so they set them selfe at the table And there was a great mainy of prisoners And whā thei had eaten and dronken their fil Reynawde came to hys brother and thanked hym muche with al his hert of that he had slayne the erle of Estampes ANd whan themperour Charlemayne saw that Renawde was with in his Castell he lighted downe from his horse into his tente and sware by god that he should neuer departe from thence vnto the tyme that he should haue the foure sonnes of Aymon or that the castell were take ¶ What shall I tell more themperour Charlemayne lay well .xiiii. monethes at syege afore that castell of Mountaynforde and there was no weke but they had a batayle or a scarmyshe I tell you that Reynawde was not so sore besyeged but that he went to chase in woodes and in ryuers as often as hym pleased And dyuerse tymes it happed that Reynawde spake wyth the Frenche mē of trayte the one to the other sayinge thus to them Fayre Lordes I pray you that ye speake to the Emperour Charlemayne tel hym that he shal neuer take vs by no force for our castell is right stronge and well garnished But know the kynge one thing that whiche he may haue by goodnes he need not make by force He may haue the castell and vs also yf it please hym in such maner as I shal tell you Whan I shal put in his hād the castel of Mountaynforde my bretherne and my selfe our goodes and bagage saufe that the warre take an ende that hath lasted so longe he may be well content Reynawde said Ogier the Dane ye say wel and wisely I promyt you I shall shew the same to the kinge as ye haue sayd yf ye will beleue my coūsell I ensure you I shall tell hym that ye doo so for ye are not folke for to be set lytel by thus nor for to be for the courte for yf the kinge had you nyghe him he soulde be the better for it ALl thus as Reynawde Ogier spake together there came Forques of Morillon that cried to Reynawde vassayle yee be but a tool for certes I haue heard youre wordes well ye shall leue vs Moūtaynforde for it is not your herytage and your heades in lykewyse Foulques sayd Reynawde ye haue repreued me full often I know well all the harme that the Emperour Charlemain wyll to me is because I haue slayne Berthelot his neuew with a Chesse borde of whome god haue mercye Certes I could not doo therto but I was full sory for it god wot it It is trouth whan we played together we had some wordes by whyche without any wordes he gaue me suche a stroke vpon my face that the bloud ranne downe at the groūd And whā I saw my selfe so armed I myght not be so soft that I could endure the great ontrage that he had doone to me with out a cause So defended I my selfe to my power For who letteth hym selfe to be slayne his soule shal neuer haue pardon And thou knowest wel Foulques the I dyd was in my defēdyng But to this must be made shorte wordes and if it please you ye shal tel to the king charlemain that he taketh vs to mercy and that we may be freendes And yf ye doo thys ye shall doo your honoure For as soone may ye be slayne there as a nother Than sayde Foulques by god all thys is nought worth vnto you for ye shall die therfore ye and your brethern Foulques sayd Reynawde ye threten to muche it apperteineth not to you for to threten knightes so muche that ben better than you and yf ye haue ony thyng vpon your hert doo it wythout any more wordes for I tell you well that ye purchace your death And whanne Reynawde had sayd these wordes they wente agayne to theyr pauylyons And thus abode the hoste vnto than without any fyghtyng but the frechemen came agayn wolde they or not wherfore the kynge Charlemayne was wrothe THan the Emperour Charlemayne sent for men through all hys lande and whan they were all come he sayd to them Syres I complayne me to you of the foure sonnes of Aymon that hath my lād destroyed and wasted And Mountaynforde is so stronge that bi strength it can neuer be taken but by famysshyng Now tell me what I ought to doo for I shall doo therin your counsell whan the barons heard the complaynt that the kynge made to them of the foure sonnes of Aymō there was none so hardy the durst say a worde but the duke Naymes of Bauiere that sayd to the king Syr emperour yf ye wyll haue good coūsel I shall gyue you good yf ye wyl beleue me Let vs retourne nto hyghe Fraunce for we be to nighe the winter for to make warre And whan that newe tyme shal be come ye shal mow come agayne to lay your syege afore Mountaynforde For I doo you to vnderstond that Reynawde is not sore presed but that he goeth in wodes in riuers at all tymes that he wyl And a man that may goe out and in at his wil is not ouer sore besieged And of the other parte Reynawde and hys bretherne are suche knyghtes that they shall not be lyghtly ouercome This is my coūsel syr who knoweth a better let hym tell THen spake Hornier of Saueyne and to him said syr I shal gyue you a better counsell yf ye wil beleue me gyue me the castell and al the hauoyre that is with in and the Lordshyp fyue myles aboute it and I shall yelde to you Reynawde and al his brethern for prysoners afore a moneth cum to an ende And thā shal we goe into Fraunce for to see oure wyues and children Hernyer sayd the kyng ye haue sayd well and wysely yf ye may doo thys that ye haue said I graunt to you the castell and all that ye haue asked with the same Syr said Hernyer I thanke you for it an hūdred thousād tymes And I promys you I shall delyuer vnto you Reynawde and hys bretherne as youre prisoners or euer that a moneth be passed But knowe you that Hernyer dyd mysse of his enterpryse for he kept not couenaunt to the kynge as he had promised him for Reinawde tooke hym and made hym to be hewen all in peces and made all they that were wyth hym whan he made the treason
I come from the great Citie of Paris where I haue stolen three horses laden with golde here they ben the whiche Charlemayne wende for to haue hid well I gyue you the half of it for I might not bestowe thē better than to you Cosin sayd Reynawde god thanke you And whā he had sayd so he went out of Ardeyne with his bretherne his folke foūd his father that came fro the wood whan Reynawde saw his father he made hym reuerence bowed hymselfe to hym Aymon sayde to them fayre sonnes no when ye well garnysshed honestly arayed I praye you that ye doo so in Fraūce that men speke of your prowes ye my other chyldren I commaūde you that ye obey Reynawde and keep hym aboue all thing for as longe as he shal lyue ye ought not to be aferde of no harme THan sayd Alarde syr we shal doo your cōmaūdement and we pray you for gods loue that ye will be euermore our good father I wyll be so my children sayd Aymon thā Reynawde tooke leue of his father of his mother that conueyed them out of the towne But the good lady fel downe in a swoune whā she saw departe her children And all the towne began to make such a sorowe that it was great pirie and Reynawde and his bretherne went on theyr waye And whā the duchesse came to her self and saw her children departe She began to say Ha poore herte myne why breakest not thou alas if I had dyed longe a goe my soule were the better at ease I am not a mother but a stepmother Alas I se my ryche burden go to exile and yet I cannot witholde them nor helpe them that they abyde with me thus as the Duchesse made her moue to her women Aymon came and tooke her betwene hys armes and recomforted her and sayd vnto her Ladye dyscomfort not yourself so muche for my hert giueth me that we shall yet see them in great prosperiti and honour and great Ioy and gladnes ye shall once haue of them in shorte tyme. Shortlye to speake the good Aymon recomforted so muche the Duchesse that she lefte her sorow went agayne to the palays with the duke Aymon I leue heare to speake of the duke Aymon and of the duches hys wyfe and returne to speake of Reynawde and of his brethern ¶ How after that Reynawd his brethern and his cosyn Mawgys were departed out of Dordone fro theyr mother for to seeke their aduenture they rode so longe that they came into the Realme of Gascoyne ¶ And how by the waye they made greate harme to the Realme of Fraunce And how the kynge of Gascoyne reteyned them in his seruyse ❧ Capitulum .v. NOw sayth the tale that after that Reinawde Alarde Guicharde Richarde and Mawgys their cosyn were yssued out of Ardeī with all theyr felawshyp that was wel of .vi. hundred men well mounted arayed they passed thoroughe Byhense and wasted all Fraunce and passed through the countrie of Gastynoys so forth to Orleaunce where they went ouer the riuer of Loyre and wasted all the lande vnto Poyters And whan they were come to Poyters they hearde tidinges that the kinge Yon of Gascoyn that was a puissaūt prynce was assayled of the Sarasyns And whan Mawgys heard these wordes he cā to Reynawde sayd to him Cosin the Kinge Yon of Gascoyne is a prince of great renome and of great power go we to hym and serue hym and suche seruyce we shall mow do to hym that Charlemayne shall not mow hynder vs by no wayes Cosin sayd Reynawde let vs than go there syn that it semeth to you good and whā they were here to accorded they tooke theyr waye towarde Gascoyn and rode so longe by their iourneys that they came to Burdews a fayre citi where they foūd king Yon with a great company of knyghtes and whan they were downe from theyr horses Reynawde sayd to his folke go we lodge vs. Cosyn sayde Mawgys we shall not doo so but we shall speake streight with king Yon yf he reteyneth vs in a good houre be it yf he not doo so we shal serue borgoyns t●e sarasyn whiche is ryght prue sage hath al redy cōquested almoste all the lande of kynge Yon as Tholouse Montpeller Lietary saynt Gyle Tarascon Arles yf we fayle heere we shall not fayle there Cosyn sayd Reynawde ye speke well and wysely we shall doo as ye haue sayd And thā Reynawde tooke with him L. knyghtes hys three brethern Mawgis and tooke of his armes and clothed hymselfe honestly and rychelye and whan he was well arayed he went to the king Yon 's court vpon a litle nagge and whan he rode thorough Bordews all the people ran for to see him bycause he was so great so wel made and so fayre with all and also hys three brethern but they were not al euin so great And whan they were come to the gate of the kinges place Reynawde light on foote went vp to the Palays and founde the king at the counsell And whan the stewarde saw Reynawde so fayre a man and so goodly and so many folke wyth hym he came him agaynste and sayd to hym My lorde ye be right welcō And Reynawde answered to him god giue you good auenture Nowe tel and please you where is the kyng My lorde sayd the stewarde the king holdeth now his coūsell for Bourgons the sarasin is entred in his lād and hath doone to hym great harme and dommage For he hath brente townes and castelles abbeyes hospytalles Churches and al other monasteries and nowe he is parforce within Tholouse with a great puissaunce Certes sayde Reynawde This Borgons is of great power as me semeth and after that menne sayen Thus as Reinawd the stuard spake togither came king yō out of the coūseil chambre whan Reynawd saw him he tooke his brethern his cosin mawgis with him went ayenst the king which Reynawd salued right humbly said to him Sir I am come to you fro a ferre londe with me three brethern my cosyn that ye see heere for to doo you seruise oure folke if it please you we shal serue you in such a maner that we will haue nothing of you but our seruise be agreable vnto you ye shal promise me as a king if it be your pleasure that ye shal be my warraunt help ayenst al other good freend said the king yon ye be righte welcome to me where ye saye ye be come for to serue me I thanke you for it with al my hert but I wil first know what folke ye ben for ye might be such that I should defende you or that I shoulde be youre enmy Syr said Reinawd sith that it please you to know what we ben I shall telle it to you wyt that my name is Reynawd am sonne eldest to the duke Aimon of
Ardeyn and these three knightes ben my brethern heere is Alard Guichard Richarde heere is Mawgis our cosyn one of the best knightes of the world most wise Charlemayne hath cast vs oute of Fraunce hath disheryted vs our father hath disauowed vs for the loue of him for this cause sir we goe seeke a bout after a lorde that is good and true that shoulde helpe vs to defende ayenst Charlemayne and we shall serue him wel and truely WHan king yon hearde this that Reynawde sayde he was right gladde of it that they were the foure sonnes of Aymon the best knyghtes of all the worlde and most doubted Mawgis that was the moste subtyll of the worlde that were come for to serue him he wolde not haue ben so glad yf men had gyuen to him al parys For he wyst well that yf euer he shoulde fynishe his warre it shoulde be by their meane Than he looked vp toward heauen and thanked our lorde of the comyng of these worthye knyghtes than he sayde to them Lordes ye are reteyned of me for ye ben not the men that ought to be refused I promyt you truely and in feith of a kinge that I shall defende you with all my power ayenst all men ye are dysheryted I also therfore it is well reason that we be togyther and that the one helpe the other of all his power Sir said Reinawd we thanke you a thousande tymes I promyse you that we shall die in youre seruise or elles your londe shall be recouered again The king called his stuarde sayde to him and commaunded that Reinawd his felawshyp should be well lodged Incontinent the stuarde tooke Reynawd by the hande fulfylled the commaundemente of the kyng Now are the foure sonnes of Aymon acqueynted with the kinge yon of Gascoyn whiche went to haue doo wel but he repented him soone after ¶ But here we leaue to speake of king yon and of the foure sonnes of Aymon return to speake of bourgoyns that were at Tholouse the which he had take by force of armes ❧ How Reynawd and his brethern and Mawgys destroyed Bourgons the sarasins that had dystroyed the realme of Gascoygne and chased the kyng you vnto Bordews vpon Gyronde that durst not goe thēce for feare of the Sarasyns And after howe kyng you gaue my ladye Clare hys syster to Reynawde for to be his wife for the greate seruyse that he had doone to him And howe he made for hym the castell of Mounta whan ❧ Capitulum .vi. IN this party sheweth the hystorye that after bourgons had taken tholouse he made a great parlyamente to his folke And sayde to them Lordes ye knowe well that whan the yron is well hot it werketh the better This worde I haue sayde afore youre lordshyppes for to gyue you to knowe what we oughte to doo And therfore me semeth that we ought to ryde now towarde bourdewes while the corne is in the ere For our horses shal haue meat ynoughe sir saide his folke ye speake wel and wisely let it be doone as ye haue deuised whan the morowe came Bourgons departed oute of Tholouse with well .xx. thousand knyghtes wel armed and ceassed not for to ryde tyll that they came afore Bourdews in .ix. daies And he set all hys folke in a bushement within a greate woode that was nygh abode there with theym excepte foure hundred men that wente to the cytie w●sting and brennynge all the countrie vnto the citie of Bourdews and whan the daye watche that was vpon the gate of the citie sawe the sarasins come he cried with an highe voyce arme you knightes for heere ben the Paynymes that come for to hurte you whan the Citie vnderstode this she began to before moued THan whan Reynawde sawe that it was tyme to take hys harneys on he sayd to hys brethern Goe make you all redye and make our trompettes to be blowen that al our folke put them self in armes In contynent made hys brethern his cōmaundement And whan they were al armed Reynawde mounted vpon Bayarde and came to kinge You sayd to hym Syr be not abasshed of nothynge but be sure that god helpe vs thys daye My self my brethern and all our folke we goe afore and make your folke to be redi incōtinet for my hert giueth me that this cursed Sarasyn shal be thys day dyscōfited and ouercomē wyth the helpe of god Freende sayd the king god be wyth you and I shal doo that ye t●l me And thus Reynawde went out of Bordews the formest of all hys folke agaynste the Sarasyns vpon hys horse Bayarde the sheeld at his necke and his swerde in hys hande and ranne fiersly vpon hys enemies and incontynent smote a Paynym throughe his sheelde so that he ouerthrew him dead to the grounde and forth wyth he cast a mother god wot he helde well his swerde for he hew the Sarasyns as they had ben without Harneys And shortly to speake after that Reynawde and hys folke were assembled the Paynymes might not endure For Reynawde and his brethern slewe them as beastes so that they must nedes flee toward theyr busshement And whan bourgons saw hys folke c●me thus he yssued out of the wood wyth hys company and made bussynes hornes to be blowen came for to succoure his men And whan Reinawde saw so great numbre of folke coming out of the wood he was sore meruayled and turned hym self towarde his bretherne and sayd to them Lordes keep that ye be not dismayed for we shall get a great worshyp thys daye and I praye you that euery mā parforce hymselfe to doo well brother sayd Rycharde we shall neuer be dysmayed as longe as ye be vpon Bayarde Brother sayd Reynawde doo as good men for yf ye wyll parforce your selfe a lytle These Paynems shal not holde afore vs. Thus as Reinawde spake to his bretherne they sawe Bourgōs come the spere in his rest and smote a man of Reynawde by such a strength that he shoued his spere through and throughe his body so that h● f●ll downe dead to the earth Whan Alarde saw that he was wrothe sparred his horse and ranne vpon a Paynym so harde that he felled hym sterke dead afore hym And shortly to speke there was neuer seene suche a distresse of folke as Reynawde his brethern mawgys hys cosyn made wyth so fewe folke as they were agaynst Bourgons the Sarasyn THan whan the king you that came to the succours of Reynawde saw the great faytes of armes that he and his bretherne made and how hardlye they dyd set vpon and ouerthrew all that they recountred afore them the blessed hymself of the meruayle that he had of theym And than he sayd to hys folke go we succour these worthy knyghtes for it is tyme longe a go and whan the king You had sayd these wordes he spurred his horse put hymself amonge the thickest began to doo wel and dyd
and the kyng Yon he knewe them well And incontynente he salued the kyng and sayde to him Syr god geue you good lyfe and longe And the kynge rendred to hym his salute and after sayde to him Of whence be you syr sayde Ogyer We been of the sweet Fraunce And also we be sente vnto you And we are of Charlemaynes folke now heare vs if it please you Syr said the kyng ye be ryght welcome Nowe tell on what ye wyll saye Syr sayd Ogyer Themperour Charlemayne sendeth to you worde by vs that ye yelde agayne vnto hym his enemyes the whiche ye haue withdrawen into youre landes and ye sende to hym an hundrede of your men for to conduyte and brynge theym wyth hym vnto Fraunce And yf ye refuse to doo this We by his commaundement defye you of his be halfe And within these iii. monethes he shall be in Gascoigne and shall take all your landes and shall be syege you with in the citie of Bordews And yf he take you he shal punyshe you in your body Now haue we sayde our message and yf it please you ye shall gyue vs an answere OGyer sayde the kynge it is well trouthe that I haue reteyned the foure sonnes of Aymon whyche bene worthye knyghtes and so haue I reteyned theym because they bene prue and valiaunt in armes and also that they haue holpē and socoured me at my great need For I was disherited and vndoone for euer if they had not bene And for the greate good that they haue done to me I haue gyuen my syster Germayne to Reynawde for his wyfe And therefore I should be to cruell and eke well mischaunt if I should now take them into the handes of their enemyes mortall sith that they haue doone to me so good seruyse I haue leuer to be disheryted and dye an euyll death than to yelde them or suffre that they haue anye harme nor shame to my power For namely the kynge Charlemayne should than holde me for a foole wel nyce And therfore Ogyer yf it please you ye shall tell the Emperoure from my behalfe that I shall for sake fyrst all my londe and my realme than I should delyuer them in his handes And thys is my answere THan whan the king had sayd thus Reynawde spake after and sayde Ogier I meruayll greatly of the kynge Charlemaine that will not leaue vs in peace He cast vs out of Fraunce poore disherited wherof I am ashamed as ye knowe I wolde be reformed with reason to the sayenge of his barons but it pleaseth him not And so he casted vs out of Mountainforde shamefully so that we wist not where we shoulde goe And yet it suffyseth hym not but he wyll caste vs out of the londe of Gascoigne wherof he dooth great synne For yet am I redy for to doo his wyll in reason ryght And I tell you well that yf he refuse this by his pryde I wyll well that he know that I and mi bretherne are not suche that shall be taken as lyghtly as he weeneth And I promyse you that or euer he hath vs I shall make hym more than .x. tymes angrie and wroth For this that he dothe he dothe it but of pryde Ogyer I wyll well that kynge Charlmayne knowe that the king yon of Gascoigne hath gyuen to vs leue to builde a Castel that hath to name Mountawban the whiche is strong and imprenable yet I haue knyghtes with me that shall not fayle me at my need and tell to kinge Charlemaine that sith I cannot haue no peace nor accorde with hī that I shal doo to hym all the dōmage and harme that shal be to me possyble for to doo REinawde said Ogier ye speake not wysely weene ye to abashe vs with wordes ye shal not so but whā ye shall see the Hoste and the great power of Charlemayne to gether ye shal be sore abashed and at the ende ye shall be full wrothe and sorye ye knowe well that the Emperour Charlemayne made you knight and ye slewe his Neuewe Berthelot and therfore think not to finde peace toward him and ye weene to be assured bycause the kyng yon hath made you to close a Castell but well I wil that he knowe that he shall repente for it full sore For afore two monethes be past we shal be in the middes of his lande and shall destroy all his Realme and we shall brenne bothe Castelles and townes Ogier saide Reynawde I swere to you vpon my fayth that whan king Charlemaine shal be with his hoste in to this land he shall wisshe hym selfe soone againe in Fraūce with his folke And whan he shall see the hard Iustyng and sharpe warre that I and my brethren shal make against him he and ye shal be sore abasshed of it and some of you speaketh nowe hye that whan the deed shall come to profe he shall be full lowe Reynawde sayde than Ogyer I wyll hyde nothinge from you The kyng Charlemayne hathe so great a power and is delibered for to besiege Bordews and if he maye take you he shall punysshe you cruellye nowe doo as ye will I haue tolde you al my message and I goo againe to kyng Charlemayne Whan he had sayde these wordes he returned toward king Charlemaine and shewed vnto hym what kinge you and Reynawde had saide And whan the king vnderstoode the same he shooke all for anger saide now shall it be seen how king yon and Reinawde shal defende Gascoigne against me than went forth Charlemaine and passed the ryuer of Gyronde rode so longe that he came to Parys and the daye after he called al his barons that thei should come to him And whan thei were all come the kynge helde hys counsell and saide to them Lordes I haue sent for you to tell you the great shame that the kinge yon of Gascoigne doth to me For he holdeth the foure sonnes of Aymon my mortall enemies in dispi●e of me ye knowe what domage they haue doone to me For they slewe my neuew Berthelo● I dyd banisshe them out of Faunce than made thei the castell of Mountaynforde within my land and I chased them out of it Nowe been they in Gascoigne wyth the kynge Yon that saith he shal defend them against me and he hathe geuen his Sister to Reynawde wherefore I praye you all that ye wyll helpe me that I be auenged ANd whā Charlemaine had said this there was none of the barons that answered to him any worde for they were werye of the warre that they had made so long against Reynawde And Charlemaine sawe that no bodye anwered to him no thing he called to him the Duke Naimes and Ogier the Dane and the Erle Guydellon and saide to them Lordes what counsell doo you geue gyue to me in this matter Syr sayde the Duke Naymes yf ye wyll beleue me I shall gyue you good counseyl Suffre youre hoste to reste thys fyue yeres bycause that your folke is
be obeysaunte vnto his will and of this ye may beleue me By my heade sayde Rowlande ye speake curteously by my faith saide Naimes Escorfawde sayth well and we shall doo so they gaue truce to the sarasins and tooke their waie againe to Charlemayne brought Escorfawde with theym and so long they rode that they came to Paris And whā the king Charlemayne knewe that his neuewe Rowlande was come againe to Parys and that he had dyscomfyted the sarasins and brought prisoner with him kyng Escorfawde he was right glad of it and anon he mounted on horsebacke and came ayenst his neuewe Rowlande And whan Rowland saw him he lighted down from hys horse and went and kest hym selfe to the feet of kyng Charlemayne his vncle And anon he made him to rise vp and kyssed him sweetly And than Rowlande said to him Sir here I deliuer vnto you the king Escorfawde that we haue taken He hath tolde vs that he shal make himselfe a christen mā and that he his lignage shal holde their landes of you yf ye will pardone him youre ylle wyll Neuewe sayde the king Charlemayne there is no trust in him and therfore I wil kee● me from hym Than commaunded the emperoure that Escorfaude shoulde be brought to prison and that he shoulde be wel kept and that he shoulde haue all his will of meate drinke And after whan Escorfawde was put in prison the king Charlemayne dyd calle to him the Duke Naymes and sayde to him what thinke you by my neuew Rowlande what dyd he whan the batayl was assembled Sir sayde the duke Naymes of Rowlande nedeth not to speke for neuer sith that god was borne of the vyrgin Marie suche a knight was not seen For he alone hath ouercome the sarasins by hys great prowes And yf he had a horse that might beare him whan he were armed I swere by my fayth that ye should neuer haue enmye but that he should bring him to your mercye by force of armes So muche he is prue and valyaunte The kyng Charlemayn swore by his head that he was right glad therof But tell me sayde he to the duke Naymes where might menne fynde suche a good horse as ye speake of Sir sayd the duke Naymes yf ye will beleue me I shal geue you good counseyll Make to be cryed with a trompet vpon Mounte martyr that ye wyll see renne al the horses of your hoste And he that shal renne best shal win youre crowne of golde and fyue hūdred marke of fine syluer and a hundred rolles of sylke And all thus ye shall mowe knowe the best horse of your realme And whan ye shall haue seen him by hym and gyue hym to your neuewe Rowlande and after gyue leue to all youre barons vnto the feast of saynt Iohn the baptyst next comming Duke Naymes said the Emperoure Charlemaine ye gyue me good counseyll I shal doo thus as ye haue deuised Than the kinge Charlemayne made to be cryed vpon Mounte martyr euyn thus as the duke Naymes had deuised and did make the listes for the horses to renne in And whan thys was done he made his crown to be sette at the ende of the lystes and also the fyue hundred marke of siluer and the hundred rolles of sylke and this hanging a yeman went to hys countrey in Gascoine and as he passed thorough Moūtawbā he recounted to Reynawde and to Mawgys all the thyng that menne wolde doo at Paris And how Rowlande was come to the courte And how he had dyscomfited Escorfawde the kyng sarasyn and howe the king Charlemayne wolde haue the best horse of all his realme for to gyue hym to Rowlande and shewed the sayd yoman the price that the King had ●et And also how the Emperour Charlemayne gathered his hoste for to come to Mountawban And howe the course of the horses should be made at saint Iohns time next commyng THan whan Reinawd vnderstode this worde he began to laugh and after he said to Mawgis Cosyn by all halowes of god Charlemaine shal see the best turne of the worlde but he shall not knowe that I shall haue his crowne For I will goe there vpon Bayarde to see how he shall proue himselfe at this time Syr sayd Mawgis ye shall not doo so yet but and if ye will goe there suffre that I here you companye so shal you be more sure haue with vs knightes well armed Gladly sayde Reynawde sith that ye will doo so whan it was time for to m●ue towarde Paris Reinawde called to him Alarde Guycharde and Rycharde his brethren and Mawgis hys Cosyn and sayd vnto theym It is time that we goe to Paris Take knightes chosen and put oure selfe in the waye Syr sayde his bretherne your commaundemente shall be doone And whan they were all appareylled Reynawd came to his wyfe and sayde to her Lady I praye you that ye doo keep wel my castel and I shal come sone againe Syr sayde she cōmaunde your knightes that they ben not oute of the waye and I promyse you if the king yon my brother came himself he should nor come in nor none other vnto the time that ye be come again Now go god be with you Than tooke Reinawde leue of his wife sette himselfe toward the waye and his folke went to Paris And whan they were come to Orleaūce had passed the riuer of Loire menne asked theym of whens they were And Mawgis that spake for them all answered Lordes we bene Bournoys that goe to Paris for to assaye our horses for to win the price that the kinge hathe set vpon Yf god will so consente Than by fayre wordes they passed forthe so long they rode that they came to Melym but they entred not within the towne but lodged theym selfe in a great valey and there they soiourned theym selfe and their horses foure dayes THan whan came the euen of saint Iohan Reynawde called Mawgis saide to him What shall we do to morowe shall be the courses of the horses wherfore I say that it is couenable that we goe lye to night at paris cosin saide Mawgis ye say wel wisely Nowe lette me do a litil● and please you Than tooke Mawgis an herbe stamped it vpō a stone with the pomel of hys swerde and tempered it with water and rubbed bayarde therwith so that anon he became all white in suche wise that they that had seen him before knew him not after he enointed Reynawde with an oyntymente that he bare alwaies with him in continente he became to the age of xx yeres And whā he had thus aturned Reynawde his horse he tooke hym brought him afore his brethren afore the other knightes said to them Lordes tel me how thynke you haue I not wel trāsfigured him shall not they maye come againe and not be knowen Behold bayard how he is wexen white he shall lese the price for age THan whan the barons saw
way that it semed that the tempest had chased hī And whan the kynge Charlemayne vnderstode thys that Reynawde had sayd to hym he was wode angry for it that he wyste not what he should doo so that he myght not of a greate whyle speake a worde And whan he had recouered his speche he began to crye with a hye voyce nowe after lordes after for it is myne enemye Reynawde the sonne of Aymon And whan the knyghtes heard thus crye the kynge Charlemayne they spurred theyr horses with the spurres and went after Reynawde but their goynge auayled theym nought For Bayard was ferre from them with in a whyle so that they wyst not where he was become and Reynawde cam to Sayne and passed ouer it al at his ease with swymynge for Bayarde was well wonte therto and also he had passed it afore with more great haste And whā that Reynawde was thus passed the ryuer of Sayne he lyghted from Bayarde at the banke of it Thus hanging the king Charlemayne and his knightes that folowed after hym came to the ryuers syde and began to call Reynawde sayd to hym Ha true man soone yelde me my crowne agayne and I shal gyue thee .x. tymes as muche as it is worthe and I shall gyue thee truce two yeres so that thy selfe and thy brethern shall mow go in ardeyne to see your mother the which desireth sore to see you and there is no knyght in my lande that shal say cōtrary to it by god sayd Reynawde as for these wordes auayle you nothīg for ye shall neuer haue agayne your crowne I shall sell it and shall pay my knyghtes withall and the charboncle that thus shyneth shal be set hye vpon my pauylyon to the ende that they that shall go to saynt Iames in Galyee may see it the better and ye shall be blamed of your knyghtes that ye haue loste your crowne by the horse Bayarde whan Charlemayn hearde hym speake thus he wyst not what he should say for angre kept himself styl like as he had ben dead And whan Reynawde had sayde so he mounted agayne vpon Bayarde and put hymself to the way but not the ryght way but rode throughe a lytle pathe whyche he had passed afore tyme. NOw shal I tell you of Mawgys how he dyd for to come out of Parys that was mounted vpon his horse morell Whan he wyst that Reynawde was passed Sayne he issued out of Parys and passed the ryuer ouer the brydge as soone as he might And whan he was without he began to looke after Reynawde as he rode he looked a trauerse and sawe Reynawde so called he after hym as hie as he could cosyn thinke to ryde fast for to tary heere no good shall come to vs cosyn sayde Reynawde ye saye well and we shall doo so And so they tooke theyr waye towarde Myllon And whan Alarde saw his brother come and Mawgis he sayd to his folke Lordes we may well come out of our busshemente for I se come my brother Reynawde Mawgys Alas sayd Richarde I see them come wyth greate haste I fere me muche that men chase them Now light we al on horse backe and yf they haue mystre of vs let vs go helpe and succour them And they answered all we ben all redy whan they came out of theyr busshement there came Reynawde and Mawgis that sayd to them lordes thynke to make haste For the longe taryenge might doo to vs harme bicause that I brynge wyth me the crowne of Charlemayne the whiche Bayarde hath made me wynne by his prowesse And whan Alarde vnderstode his brother speake thus he was so greatly in Ioye that he wyste not what he should say but colled kyssed his brother Reynawde with greate Ioye And than incontinēt they put themselfe to the waye and so longe they rode that they came to Orleaunce and passed the ryuer of Loyre wyth all dylygence and after they made so muche by theyr Iourneys that they came to Mountawban whole and glad thanked be god THan whan they were at moūtawban the lady came them agaynst receyued them right gladly and made them ryght great there and all the folke of the Castell were ryght glad of the comynge of Reynawde and of hys bretherne and asked him how he had doone in his viage lordes sayd Reynawde wel god gramercy I was knowen of myne hoste the whych wolde haue betrayed and accused me but I solde it to him ful deere I cloue his head to the teeth and went out of hys house by night and put vs in the prese of the other but ye wyst neuer folke so wel scorned as we were for the folke of charlemayne mocked me and Bayarde wherof the king was angry thus they left me in peace And whan the trompettes began to blowe for to begyn the course they that should renne departed incontinent and I bode be hinde well the shotte of a bowe and I tell you well for certayne there were well twenty thousande horses And whan I saw me behynde I said to Bayarde that it should be great shame to hym yf he abode behynde but god gramercy and Bayarde I ouer ranne them al. And bare awaye the pryce and of it I haue brought wyth me the crowne of the kynge charlemayne wherof he is ful sory Whā thei of Moūtawban vndestode these wordes they were ryght glad But heere I leaue for to speake of Reynawde and of his bretherne and returne to speake of the king Charlemayne that was at parys ryght sorye for hys crowne that he had loste ¶ How the kyng Charlemayne wēt into Gascoyn with his hoste And how he besieged Reynawde and hys bretherne within the Castell of Moūtawban And how Reynawde wan the fyrst batayle of the king the whyche Rowland conduyted Olyuer and the bysshop Turpyn ¶ Capitulum viii IN this party sheweth the hystory that whan Reynawde had wonne the crowne of kynge Charlemayne The kyng abode all wrothe and sore an angred and he called all his barons sayde to them Lordes I pray you that ye counsell me how I shall may auenge me of Reynawde the sonne of Aymon For ye know how he hath angred me I promise you but that I may haue my crowne againe I shal wex mad al quicke For my courage telleth me that he shall doo breke it he shal put the carbor●tle that is theron vpon his pauyll●on bycause the folke that goe to saynt Iames shall see it to my great vytupere shame Syr sayd Rowland yf ye wil auenge you well of Reynawde go we vpon him and we shall exyle and destroye hym and his lande and yf the kynge You of Gascoyn may be taken so make iustice of hym in suche wyse that it may be remēbred perpetuallye Neuew sayd the kinge ye saye well and wysely it shal be doone as ye haue aduysed me I promise you that I shall neuer haue Ioye till that I be auenged at my wyl Syr
sayd the duke Naimes leue this angre in peace ye know how Reynawde is your enmye prayseth you nothinge but ye wyll I shall gyue you suche coūsell that Reynawde shal be brought to distruccion and his brethern and Mawgys also Syr doo that your barons be redy at candelmas nexte comyng and that euery one of them make good prouysyon of vitayle for vii yere than abide so longe afore mountawban tyll that ye take them and after ye shall auenge your selfe at your wyll vpon them THan whan the kyng Charlemayne vnderstode the good counsell that the duke Naymes had gyuen vnto hym he lyft vp his hed and sayd Naymes it is no● the fyrste good counsell that ye haue giuen to me and I wyll it bee doone as ye saye And than the kynge Charlemayne dyd doo make his letters and sente them through all his empyre In the whiche letters was conteyned that euery man that was accustomed to beare armes to go to warre should come to hym at the feast of Candelmasse nexte folowynge well garnisshed of vitayle for the space of .vii. yeres for to abyde at syege afore mountawban Whan the barons knewe the kinges wil eueri mā made him selfe redy as well as he coulde and came to Parys and presented them to kyng Charlemayne to hys neue with Rowlande and by cause of the great numbre of folke that were com there they myght not lodge al within Parys but they lodged wythout the towne vpon the riuer of Saine Whan the kinge saw that all his barons were come he made them al to come before hym sayd to them lordes ye all knowe right well at the lest the moste party of you howe I haue ouercome subdued .xl. kinges in my dayes the whyche are all to me obeyssaunt excepte the kynge Yon of Gascoyn that hath withdrawē in his lande my enemies mortall that ben the foure sonnes of Aymon ye know well the great dishonour thei haue doone to me wherof I me cōplayne vnto you praye you commaunde you that ye come wyth me into Gascoyn for to helpe me that I be auenged of the greate harme and shame that these foure sonnes of Aimon doo to me for by your othe ye ben all beholden thervnto THan sayd the erle of Nantuel Syr wee shall not goe there at this tyme. Ye know well that that wee ben come out of Spayne but late wherof we ben yet all werye And also in this felawshyp ben many princes and barons that haue not ben yet in theyr coūtrey nor seen theyr wiues and children and ye wil that that we go into Gascoyn vpon the kyng Yon vpon the foure sonnes of Aymon And I tell you that the two woūdes that I receyued in Spaine be not yet whole and therfore we may not goe into Gascoyn at thys tyme. But yf it please you ye shall doo as a good kynge and a sage and shall shewe that ye loue your folke For ye ought to kepe them as youre selfe Wythdrawe your hoste vnto whytsonday next coming and gyue leaue to all your barons to goe to their places for to rest them a while And whan the tyme shall be come that your pleasure is to call theym they shall than be all fresshe and redye to fulfil your commaundement wyth all diligence Whan the kynge vnderstode these wordes he was wrothe and sware by saynte Denys of Fraunce saying in thys maner if I should be dyssheryted I shall goe now into Gascoyn and I shall take wyth me all the younge folke of my hoste the whiche I shall put in good straye honestly and I shall gyue thē all that they shall need thoughe ye should abyde behynde as weke men and feynte Syr sayd the duke Naymes ye say well for thys yonge men shal be ryght glad for to assaye them selfe Therfore wyll I doo it sayde kyng Charlemayne and so shall the kyng Yon be destroyed and whan I shall haue Reynawde and hys brethern and Mawgys the theete takē I shall departe the lande of Gascoyne to these yonge knightes for theyr herytage This hangyng that the king Charlemayne sayd these wordes a spye that longed to Reynawde was in thys companye that vnderstode all that sayde is And whan the spye had hearde all together well he put hymself to the way and dyd so much by his Iourneys that he came to moūtawban where he founde Reynawde his brethern and Mawgys And in contynent that Reynawde saw him he demaunded of hys what tydynges bryng you fro Parys and from the courte of kynge Charlemayne My Lorde sayd the spye wyt it that kyng Charlemayne is greatly wrothe with kynge yon and agaynst you and against your brethern against Mawgys He hath sente for all his subiectes in his Empyre but none wolde haue comen with him into Gascoygne And then he sware Saynte Denys that he should come into th●se partyes and should brynge wyth hym none other but al yonge knightes To the which he shall gyue all Gascoygne And sayth that he shall besyege Moūtawban and shall doo to be cast downe the great towre and shall set al Gascoygne in a tyre and flame Than sayd Reynawde to his folke be not discouraged of nothing For I shall see how Rowlande and Oliuer shall beare themself agaynst me and mi brethern And than went Reynawde into the halle And found his brethern and Mawgys with his knyghtes and sayd to them Lordes I brynge you tidynges Now wyt that the kyng Charlemayne cometh to besyge vs and bryngeth with him all the puyssaunce of Fraunce Nowe let vs thynke to receyue him well for he shall haue more to doo than he weneth brother sayd Alarde haue no doubte for they shal be well receyued for as longe that we shall lyue and shal see you ryde vpon bayarde we shall not fayle you nor wee shal not be a ferde to be taken nor ill handled For no man aliue is worth you nother of goodnes nor of prowes THys hangyng Charlemayn was aduysed and thoughte vpon the counsell that the Duke of Nantuel had gyuen to him And after he called his folke sayd to thē Lordes I gyue you leue and let you wyt that at Easter I shall holde my counsell generall and it please you Now keep that ye faile not to come than well apparelled and redy for I wolde not leaue for nothynge but that I should goe see the kyng Yon. And yf he yelde me not the foure sonnes of Aymon I shall doo to hym with out doubt so much shame that I shal make his berde to be cut of harde by the chynne And also I shal take the crowne of Gascoygne from his hed and I shall make hym come a foote after me begginge his bread And whan he had sayde these wordes The barons tooke leaue of Charlemayne and wente into theyr countryes but at theyr departing Charlemaine sayd to them Lordes remēbre well your selfe that ye come at the terme that I haue set For I swere vnto
Richarde of Normandye and ye Guydellon of Bauyere I praye you all that ye will be my surety for the loue of the good knight Reinawd Mawgys said than the duke Naymes will ye promyse to vs vpō your faithe that ye shall not goe from vs without our leaue ye said Mawgis vpon my faith And than came the duke Naymes with the other peeres of Fraunce before the kyng Charlemayne and said to hym Sir we wil be suretie for Mawgys vpon our lyues vpon our landes that we holde of you that he shall not goe a waye without your leaue also of al your company and we shall deliuer hym agayne to you to morow in the mornynge for to doo with hym what ye wyll My lordes saide the king sith that ye wyll be his suretie I remyse him in to your keepynge by suche a condicyō but that I haue him to morow in the morning erly ye shal leese all your londes And ye shall neuer maye returne in to douce fraunce again Sir said Oliuer we graunt it as ye haue sayd Lordes sayde the duke Naymes sith that this is doon lette vs goe recomforte Mawgys for he is well sory Lordes sayd than Mawgis to them againe Sith that ye haue doon me one good turne doo me a nother I pray you get me some meate for I am yl a hungred Whan Charlemayne vnderstoode Mawgis speake he looked vpon hym and said all laughinge And shalte thou eate sayde Charlemaine yea said Mawgis if I can haue any meate Nowe heare said Charlemaine what it is of this deuil heere that asketh for meate and so lytell a terme he hath to lyue For I were in his plyght I should not nowe haue courage for to eate Syr sayd the duke Naymes ye saye yll for who hath eaten well he is the better at his ease wherof I pray you that ye let him haue some meat And thenne the kinge washed his handes for to goe to soupper and said where shall Mawgis be for to eate syr said Rowlande he shall well be by you Neuewe said the king ye saie ryghte well for heere shal we be sure of him and I hadde thoughte for to doo so For I shoulde not date trust hym to none other man And than the kinge was sette at the table and he made Mawgys to syt nexte hym and serued hym at the table for as longe as the supper lasted he durste not eate nor drynke least that Mawgys shoulde werke wytche crafte vpon him but Mawgis eate ryghte wel for he had a good appetit to his meat And whan Oliuer sawe that he beganne to lawghe and shewed Rowland and after saide to hym Haue ye seen how the king durste not eate all this supper for feare that mawgys should werke wytchecraft vpon hym Surely sayde Rowlande it is true After supper Charlemaine called his stuarde and sayde to hym stuwarde I praye you brynge me .xl. torches and that they brenne all the nyghte Syr sayde the stuarde I shal doo your commaundement And whan Charlemayne hadde ordeined this he retourned him toward Rowlande and sayd to him Fayre neuew I pray you that ye and Olyuer and al the twelue peeres of Fraunce that ye wyll watche to nyghte with me for to keep this theef Mawgys and make an hundred men to be armed that shall watch with vs and make the play at the tables and at the chesses to th ende that none of vs falle a sleepe and also make a thousand knightes to make good watch wythout to the ende that yf Mawgys should escape vs thei should take him againe And whan Charlemayne hadde ordeyned this he set him downe vpon his bedde and he made Mawgis to sit downe by hym And of that other parte Rowlande Olyuer Ogier the Dane and all the twelue peeres rounde aboute the bedde Syr sayde then Mawgys where shal I sleep What say ye said Charlemain wyll ye slepe yea sayde Mawgys full fayne if please you to suffre me By my soule sayde Charlemayne ye shall haue euyll reste heere for ye shall not sleep as longe as ye be a lyue For ye shal be hanged to morow-at the spryngynge of the daye Syr sayde Mawgis ye doo me greate wronge Wherfore haue I giuen you suretie but only that I may haue my ease for so longe as I haue for to lyue Other suffre me to take my reste and that I may slepe or elles holde quite my suretees certes false theefe saide Charlemaine all this shal not auayl thee For I wyll that thy sureties goe quite and discharged But therfore ye be not out of my handes And than he made to be broughte a greate payre of yrens and fetted him with them bothe hys feete togither And made the cheyn to be fastned harde at a piller and with all he gaue him a greate coler of yron aboute his necke wherof the kynge kepte the key himselfe And whan Mawgis was arraied of this faciō Charlemaine saide to him By my soule Mawgis ye shall not escape me now Sir said Mawis ye mock well with me But I tell you nowe before the .xii. peeres of Fraunce that I shall see Mountawban or it be to morowe prime WHan Charlemayne vnderstoode this that Mawgys saide to him he trowed to haue wexed madde all quicke So he stood vp and set hande to hys swerd and came vnto Mawgys all wrothe for to haue smiten of his heade But whan Rowland sawe that he auaūsed hym and sayde to the kinge Syr for God mercy for yf ye slewe him we been all shamed for euermore syr ye ought not to take heed to that he sayth to you For that that he sayth he saithe it like a man that is in despeyre And howe might that be that he shoulde escape you as ye hold hym now Verely my neuewe I wote not how but that he heere afore tyme hathe so often mocked me maketh me to doubte of him but at all auenture I shall leaue hym in peace tyll to morowe that he shall be hanged Syr sayd Rowlande ye saye well Than all they that were there beganne to playe at the tables and at the chesse and many other games And whan it came that they had played longe they began all to haue greate luste to slepe And whan Mawgis saw that he made his charme And whan he hadde made it they beganne all to fall in a stronge slepe and Charlemaine hym selfe slepte so harde that he fell backewarde vpon hys bed And whan Mawgys sawe that Charlemayne was so fast a slepe all the twelue peeres of Fraunce and all the company of them he beganne to make a nother charme that was of suche vertue that his feters that were on his feete the coler and the cheyne of yren fell all to the grounde a sundre And thenne Mawgys rose vpon his feete and saw Charlemaine that slept so wel grouelynge with his head a wrye and he tooke then a pelow righted vp his heade with all And then he vngirded him and tooke Ioyous
that gifte so riche he was gladde of it by cause of the great valure of it Reinawd called Mawgis saide to him Cosin what shall we doo with this egle My cosin saide Mawgis me semeth that ye ought to put hym aboue vpon the apple of the greate towre of this castell to the ende that Charlemayne and all his hoste maye see it By my soule said Reinawdeye saie wel And they tooke the egle and made it to be borne vpon the highe towre of Mountawban And whan the sonne dyd shyne vpon thys Egle it casted so greate a light that it might be seen .x. myles thence And whan Charlemaine and his folke apperceued it they were ryght sorye for it and an angred WHan Charlemayne the greate Emperoure saw that the foure sonnes of Aymon mocked him thus he called to him Rowland and Olyuer and all the other Peeres of Fraunce and sayde to them Lordes it is sore mishapped to vs sith we came in this londe of Gascoygn for I haue lost my crowne and Ioious my swerde myn egle of golde that was of so great value as ye all know and ye al haue loste youre good swerdes where of we bē wel shamed also we haue ben chased fro the feeld shamefully Now haue wel the four sonnes of Aimon shamed vs al through that falce theef Mawgis Wherfore my faite lordes I complain me vnto you prayinge that you wil helpe me to auenge me vpon theim for they haue doone you shame as wel as vnto me Than said the .xii. peeres of Fraūce syr we be ready for to doo all that ye wyll I wyll saide the kinge that ye Ogier also the duke Naymes and ye byshop Turpyn and ye Escoufe the sonne of Oedon that are of the kinred of Reinawde that ye goe to Mountawban and so tel to Reinawde to his brethern and Mawgys that they deliuer me againe my crowne Ioyous my swerd and also myne Egle of gold and the swerdes of you al and I shall giue them truce for two yeres And I shall doo al mine hoste to returne againe in to fraunce syr answered Ogier I shal with a good wyll doo your commaundement but I feare me of Reinawde that he will keep vs prisoners Ha Ogier sayde Charlemayne ye feare him but litell whan the barons heard the cōmaūdement of the king they made no tarying but lighted on horsbacke and rode to Mountawban And whā thei were come togither to the draw bridge the porter that keept warde vpon the gate said to them lordes what be ye my freend said Ogyer we are of the folke of Charlemaine goe youre waye to Reinawd and tell him that the Duke Naymes the byshop Turpin Escoufe the sonne of Oedon and Ogier the Dane wolde speake with him My lordes said that porter I shal goe to him incōtinent than he went to Reynawde and shewed him howe foure knightes were at the gate that wolde speake with him what be they said Reinawde My lorde said the porter they tolde me that the one is called the duke Naymes that other the bishop Turpin and a nother Escoufe the sōne of Oedon the fourth is named Ogyer the dane Whan Reynawd heard this he stood vp and said to his three brethern My lordes heere cometh foure valyaunt k●yghtes and wise I beseche you that we shew to them that we been no children for to be rocked in a slepe Cosin sayde Mawgis ye speake well and wisely Me semeth it were good that we should know wherfore they come or they entre to the ende that we may best answere to them Than they went vnto the gate and made the drawe brydge to be lette downe And whan it was doone Rycharde yssued out first vpon the brydge and went ayenst them and made to them greate honour and sayd to them My lordes ye be ryght welcome thys castel is ●t your commaundement For I holde me so sure of my brother Reinawd that I dare offre it to you cosyn said the messangers gramercye And than Reinawde auaunced him selfe and saluted them honourablye and after tooke Ogier by the hande he him thother three he brought to the Dungeon where they were receiued honestly by the lady Clare the wife of Reinawde And whan Reinawde had receyued them he made them to sit vpon a benche and than he saide to them fayre lordes I praye you that ye wyll tell vs wherfore ye become For ye come not without a greate cause ye knowe wel syr Reynawd said Ogier that all we that been heere haue euer loued you well And I promise you yf it had been our will ye should haue had good peace with the kinge Charlemayne but many tymes he hathe vnbrayed vs therof ye must knowe that your cosyn Mawgis hath shamed vs al for we were his suretie to Charlemayne vpon our othe to deliuer hym at hys will And the said Mawgis is come hyther without our leaue ayenst hys promyse and that worse is he hath robbed the crowne of the king Charlemayne and his swerde and all the swerdes of vs all .xii. peeres Wherefore Charlemain sendeth to you worde by vs that ye see heere that ye deliuer him again his crown the egle of golde and all oure swerdes And he shall gyue you truce for two yeres and he shall doo returne al his armie in to fraunce After that Ogyer had said this Mawgis stood vp and spake by the leaue of Reynawde said Lordes ye ben right welcome in this castell of Mountawban And yf it please you ye shall not speake no more of this matter now and ye shall abyde this night with vs and to morowe ye shal haue an answere of that ye haue sayde Reynawde saide than Ogier wyl ye keep that Mawgys hath said yea without fault said Reinawde sith that it pleaseth you we shall abyde for the loue of you And than Mawgys went to the stuarde of Mountawban and aduised him the meates Wherof the knightes of Charlemaine should be feasted with all and tolde that they should be wel serued what so euer it coste And see that the great cup be borne afore the duke Naymes the whiche I did conquere at reyns My lorde answered the stuarde doubte not ye shall well be serued at my power And the●●●e Mawgys came agayne And whan Reynawde sawe him come he calles hym and saide to him my cosyn I praye you see that we be well serued sir saide Mawgis I haue purueyed for it al ready Whā Reinawd vnderstood him he was gladde of it and begā to deuise with the folke of Charlemaine right honestly and of many thinges And whan he thought that the meate myght be well ready he his bretherne tooke the foure knightes and brought them to the halle to theyr meate whan they were there Mawgys made them washe than he tooke the duke Naimes and made hym syt downe and my lady Clare next hym And he made syt downe the bisshop Turpyn and Reynawde and than Ogyer and Alarde
that theef Mawgys that hath ben here within for it can none other wyse be AFter that Charlemayne had sayd these wordes he began to walke within the Castell sekynge all aboute to see yf he might finde Reynawde or any of his bretherne And so longe he wente thus heere there that he founde the waye there as they went out whan the kynge Charlemayne saw the caue he was sore abasshed with it and called Ogyer the dane sayd to him Ogyer heere is the way where thoroughe the traytours are gone awaye and all this hath doone me Mawgis For he hath made this caue in dyspite of me wherof he maketh my hert to breke in my bely Syr sayd the duke Naymes ye blame Mawgys but thys Caue sheweth not that it had be vnmade this hundred yeres passed and I tell you for certayne that sarasins made it firste Whan Charlemayne hearde these wordes he beganne to smile with an angri fare and cursed them that made the Caue and was meruaylousli an angred for he knew well that Reynawde and all his cōpany were gone out at the same hole and so he was dismyssed of his purpose he sayd then to his folke Now goe lightly in seke where this hole bringeth men vnto for I shal not be at mine ease tyl I know it And whā Rowland vnderstode Charlemain he put hym selfe wythin the Caue and made lyght a great many of torches for to see in it and after Rowlande went plentie of Frenthe men that folowed hym and they wr●t● so longe til they came at the ende of the caue founde themself in the wood of the Serpente And whan Rowlande was come out of the caue he looked aboute for to knowe where they were but he coulde not hymself know it than he sayd to his folke Lordes me semeth that for to goe any forther for to seke after Reinawd it were but foly for he knoweth wel the countrey and we wot not where to goe Syr sayd his felawes ye say wel therfore let vs returne to Charlemayne your vncle for to tell hym what we haue founde wythin thys Caue WHan Rowlande and his felowes were accorded they returned that waye that they were come And whan the kynge sawe them come out agayne he asked of them what they had founde and yf they had found any yssue to goe out of the Caue Syr sayde Rowlād yea without anye fayle Wit that Reynawde and his folke are scaped you and they haue Bayarde with them for heere ye may see the path And whan the king Charlemayne knew the trouth how Reynawde and hys cōpany were gone he was so greatly an angred the none might be more and the same houre he sent his messangers in all his landes and countreis for to wit yf he might vnderstande any tidinges where Reinawd and his brethern were become And whan he had doone thys he cōmaūded that his hoste should dyslodge that they should come all to Mountawban And whan the barons heard the king they did his commaundement and came al to Mountawban lodged them as wel as they could abode wel there six dayes making great Ioye that Reynawde and hys bretherne were thus expelled out of it And as the barons were deuising wythin Mountawban there came a messanger to fore Charlemayne and salued him as to him apperteyned and to him he said in this wise Sir wyt it that I haue seene Reynawde Alarde Guieharde and Richarde lokynge great to ye with great company of knightes keping a great courte within the citie of Ardeyne where as Reynawde gyueth great gyftes to euery one And I am sore merueyled where he hath gotten so greate treasur And also is there with him the kyng Yon of gascoygne and that more is I tell you for certayne that Reynawde hath made a great assēble of folke for to defend hym agaīst you if ye go in any wise for to assaile hym THe kinge was muche angry whā he heard his messangere so sware he by saynt denis he should neuer lye in no bed tyll he had besyeged Ardeyne And whan he sayd so he commaunded to his barons that euery mā should trusse his baggage and they should take on theyr waye streyght to Ardeyne And whan the barons heard Charlemayne speake so they tooke on theyr way without any more taryinge towarde Ardein and rode so longe tyll that they cam to mountarg weil that was not ferre from Ardeyne for men might see from thens the steples of the towne There was lodged the hoste of charlemayne that nyght and I promise he did doo make good watche for doubt of the foure sonnes of Aymon And whā the day was come Charlemayne did set his folke in good ordenaunce with his baner dysplayed they rode towarde Ardeyne And whan Reynawde wyst that Charlemaine was come for to besiege them within Ardeyn he began to swere that he should not let him besieged as he had doone within Mountawban For rather he wolde fight with Charlemayne And if it may so falle that he come in his handes he shall not haue pitie of him as he had to fore tyme bycause he had founde him so cruell and without pitie Brother sayde then Rycharde now I see you speake like a knight and by the fayth that I owe vnto you I promise you that or euer Charlemayne shall besiege vs I shall slea more than an hūdred of his folke and but yf god fayle vs we shall doo suche a thing that shal be to the great hurte dyspleasure of hym wherof he shal be sory all the dayes of his life For he is not manered like a gentilmā For the more that he is prayed the lesse he dooth Brother sayd Alarde ye speake wel and honestlye And I shall con you thanke for it as longe as I lyue YE ought to wyt that whan Reynawde saw Charlemayne com for to besyege him with a greate puissaunce of folke he was nothing abasshed with it but he made incontinēt Bondy his good horne to be blowen and made his folke to be arryued redely that were in great numbre and made them yssue out of the Citie And whan his army was assēbled in the feeldes it was a noble thynge for to see and than he ordeyned hys batayles bi good ordenaūce as a wise fighter And after he had doone so he called his brethern and sayde to them My fayre bretherne this daye is the day that we shal die or els doo so muche that we shall bringe the warre at an ende Wherfore I pray you that euery of vs shewe hym selfe a good knight for in you is all my truste and so I promyse you that I haue leuer di worthely in batayle than for to be hanged shamfully as theefe My brethern I praye you come all nighe me For I wyll that we ben the fyrst that smite vpō our enemies Brother sayde Alarde we shall doo your commaundement doubt ye not of it and go forth whā ye wyll and whā they were so agreed
you that ye wyl doo of this cope that ye were vpon you For my eyen cannot see you thus poorely arayed Than answered Mawgis to hym and sayde My cosyn be not displeased of that I shal tel you ye must wyt that I haue made my vow to god that I shal neuer eate but alonly breade and wilde herbes and that to my drynke I shal take none other but water and that I shal neuer weare the dayes of my lyfe none other clothes but suche as this is for I haue giuen my self vtterly to serue and loue our blessed sauiour hys glorious mother for to brynge my soule to saluacyon in the blysse that euer shall laste WHan Reynawde hearde his Cosyn Mawgis speke thus he was in a thought whether it was Mawgys or no for he coulde not knowe hym well bycause he was so sore apayred of his person And began to looke well vpon him agayn and he should neuer haue knowen him if it had not be a litle liste that he had by hys right eye And after that he had verye knowledge of hym he made greate ioye for hym And he prayde hym agayne sayinge in this wyse Fayre Cosin I pray you for the loue of the fayth that ye owe to me that ye wyl tell me the trouth of that I shal aske you Syr sayd Mawgis I shall tell it you gladly Cosyn said Reynawde I wolde wyt where yee haue be euer syth that ye went from me fro whens ye come nowe Syr sayd Mawgis sythe it please you to wyt of my lyuynge I shall shew it you with a good wyll yee ought to knowe my fayre cosyn for certayne that I haue made my selfe an hermite I haue left the worlde for to serue hym that made me the blessed vyrgyn Marye his mother for to haue pardon of my synnes that I haue doone in my lyfe for I haue doone many great euilles agaynst my creatour by me are dead so many folke wherof I knowe that our Lorde is greatly wrothe agaynst me After that Reynawde had hearde Mawgys speake thus he had so great pity on him that the teres fell alonge hys chekes fro his eyen for loue of hys good cosyn And than he called hys brethern sayd to them come hyther my bretherne ye shal se your cosyn Mawgys And whan Alarde Guycharde Richarde heard these wordes their hertes rose in their belyes for ioye and ra●● all to Mawgys kyssed him ful sweetly And whan the duchesse wyste that Mawgys was come she cam anon there as he was and kissed hym weepyng ful sore for ioy that she had to see hym And thā came there Aymonet Yonnet that made great Ioye welcomed hym And thorowe all the citie was anon knowen the coming of the valiaunt Mawgis wherof many folke cam to see him But he was so chaunged and so apayred that it was pitie for to see Thus was Reynawde well glad of the cominge of his good cosyn after that they had made greate Ioye a longe whyle Reynawde called his brother Richarde and sayd to hym Brother go fet anon a good gown● for our Cosyn Mawgys and let him be brought a payre of shone that ben wyne ynoughe for I know wel that his feete ben sore than he said to his wyfe Lady arise and fet hym suche lennen as he nedeth Syr sayd she he shall haue of the best ynoughe anon And whā Mawgis heard this worde he sayd to Reynawde Syr I tell you truly that I haue sworne that I shall neuer weare shone nor linnen clothes aboute me But doo to me if it please you to giue me a new slop and a large hoode a palster wel yrende and a male and therwith yee shal well contente me And than I shal comende you to god and I shal go my way for I am not comē heere but only for to see you wherof my desyre was sore set vnto Right sory was Reinawde whā he heard mawgys say so in so muche that almoste he was swouning for sorowe Reynawde sayd thā Mawgis leue your sorow for I haue gyuen my self to god vtterly for to brynge my soule to blesse of heuen and so wyll I goe to the holy lande for to serue to the tēple of Iherusalem and for to vysite the holy sepulcre of our lorde And whan I haue doone so I shal come agayne to se you and God spare me my life and than I shal go agayn to mine hermitage and shal lyue there as a beast with rootes and with wylde herbes as I dyd before that I came heere Whan Reynawde heard thys he was sory for it sayd to Mawgis in this wise Fayre cosin for god take with you a good horse and money ynough For ye shal haue al this of me Holde your peace said Mawgis I wil not therof for whā I haue brede it is to me ynoughe for al my hope is in God to whome I pray that I may come agayne whole and sounde AFter all these thynges thus sayd Mawgys prayed Reynawde that he wolde make haste to make hym be deliuered suche thinges as he had desyred of hym And Reynawde dyd so syth that he myght not make hym to take none other thynge with hym And whan the morow cam and that Mawgis had his newe sloppe and his hoode he tooke hys palster and his new male that Reinawde had giuen him he went and hearde masse and after the masse he tooke his leaue of euery one went on his way And Reynawde cōueied him vnto the wieket of the gate of the Citie and kissed him and in likewise dyd all his bretherne and also the duchesse Clare and her chyldren And whan they had all kyssed Mawgys he commended them to God went out of the towne and went forth the ryght waye But he was not ferre gone whan he was aduyrōned roūd about him with the folke of the kyng Charlemayne And the one sayd to the other heere is the hermite that we saw yesterday but he is now better clothed than he was at that time It might be well Mawgys the cosyn of Reynawde that hath mocked vs diuerse times certes sayde the other it is he verelye let vs slea hym and we shall doo well we shall not sai● some for thys man semeth to be an hundred yere olde It cannot be but that he must be a good man it were synne to do hym harme All thus as these folke sayd these wordes Mawgis heard al that they sayd and held his peace and went on his way styl thoroughe the hoste without any lettynge of any man ¶ Here leueth the hystory to speake of Mawgys that went into the holy lande and returneth to speake of Charlemayne that had besyeged Ardeyn bycause that Reynawde and hys brethern were wythin ¶ How Reynawde wolde do● hāge Rycharde of Normandy by cause he myght not haue peace with the king Charlemayne And how the twelue Peeres required Charlemayne to make peace with Reynawde And how
greate angre that he had and helde a demylaunce in hys handes the whiche he began to gnawe with his teeth so angry he was and whā his wrathe was a litle gone he called a knyght and sayd to hym Now lyght on horsbacke lyghtly and ride after Rowland and after the other barons and tell them in my behalfe that they come speake with me and I shal be demened as they wyl themselfe and that I shall pardon Reynawde yf they wyll come agayne to me Syr sayde the knyght blessed be God that hath brought you to thys mynde And than this knight tooke an horse and rode hastelye after the xii peeres of Fraunce And whan Reynawde that was with the duke Rycharde of Normandye vpon the gate of Ardeyn apperceyued this he sayde to the duke Richarde of Normandy cosin I se rome a knight out of the pauilion of the kynge Charlemayne I beleue that he goeth vnto the twelue Peeres of Fraunce for to make theym to returne agayne I weene we shall haue this daye peace and god before Syr sayd Rycharde ye shall haue peace mawgre them al that letteth it I ought for to loue deerli my felowes the whiche be cause to keepe me from death also to haue peace Wyt it that the knight rode so fast that he ouer tooke Rowlande all the other peeres of Fraunce and said vnto them in this maner of wise Lordes the kinge Charlemayne sendeth you worde by me that ye wyll returne agayne to hym and he shall pardon Reinawd for the loue of you for goddes loue come lyghtly For he neuer left weepyng sythe that yee went your waye from him Naymes sayd Rowland let vs retourne agayne For I holde the peace made wherof this sorowfull warre shall fayle that hath lasted so longe a whyle Whan the Duke Naymes hearde Rowland speake so he was ryght glad of it and Ioyned hys handes towarde heauen and sayde in this maner wise Good lorde Iesus blessed be the tyme that it hath pleased the to tourne the courage of the kynge Charlemayne and that this vnhappy warre is brought to an ende And whan the Duke Naymes had sayde this they returned agayne towarde Charlemayne ANd whan Reynawde apperceiued that the twelue yeeres wente agayne to Charlemayne he sayd to the Duke Rycharde of Normandy Cosyn the Barons returne agayne I beleue that the peace shal be made and that we shal mow wel goe soone at our libertie now shall Reynawde maye say that I and my brethern ben at his cōmaundemēt and shall be as longe as we ben men on lyue Well glad were the Barons of the one part of thother bicause that God had suffred that the peace should be made And whan Charlemayne saw his barons come agayn he went agaynst thē sayd By God my lordes ye are wel ful of great pride that ye make me to be come peasible with Reynawde agaynst my wyll ye know that I haue hated hī so muche that I may not see him but I shal be angry bycause of his pride that is so great Wherfore yf ye will that I make peace wyth hym I wil that he goe into the holy lande poorelye clothed on foote And so I wil haue his hors Bayarde And I shal also returne agayne to his brethern all theyr lyuelode out of my handes Therfore yf thus he wyl doo I shal fal to peace and accorde with hym els not For I make mine a vowe to God that I shall neuer doo other wyse therin thā I tel you now And therfore looke wel whiche of you shall doo thys message Syr sayd the duke Naymes I shal go to Reynawde with a good wyll yf it be your pleasure that I go to hym Naymes sayd Charlemayn It pleaseth me well And than incōtinent the duke Naimes rode to Ardeyn And whan Reynawde saw him come he knew hym well and wente him agaynst and so did the duke Richarde and the brethern of Reynawde whan the duke Naymes saw the Noble Barons come agaynst hym he lyghted from the horse anon went and kyssed them all and after he had doone so he sayd Reynawde Charlemayne sendeth me to you with his greetynge God yelde hym sayd Reynawde Now haue I that I haue desyred so longe Naymes shal I haue peace yea sayd the Duke Naymes vnder a condicion the whiche I shal tell you It is that ye must go poorely clothed and begging your breade for godes sake in the holy lande and so shall ye leue bayarde wyth Charlemayn and this doone ye shal haue peace And he shal giue agayne your herytage to your bretherne Duke Naymes said Reynawde ye be right welcome And I promyse you that I am redy to doo the commaundement of the kinge And yf he wyll haue of me ony thynge more by any wyse I shall in euery poynt fulfyll his wil if it be possible for me to doo it Now shal I be a good truaūt for I can well ●ske bread whan me nedeth Whan the duke Naymes heard Reynawde sp●ake thus he was wel glad of it and so was the duke Rycharde that they saw the noble Reinawde agreed to the will of Charlemayne so muche as for to be come a poore begger for to haue peace And after that Reynawde was thus acorded therto he went into hys stable and tooke Bayarde deliuered him to the duke Naimes than he tooke his ●auer bare it on hie vpon the highe rowre in token of peace And whan Charlemayne saw the baner of Reynawde he shewed it to Rowland Ha god sayd Rowlande howe meke is Reynawde good of kynde to haue made peace in this maner of wyse Blessed be Ihesus that ●ath giuen him that wyll for to go nowe a foote wherof I playne hym sore Rowland sayd Ogier Reynawde is a lambe full of mekenes and in him are all the good condicions that a knight ought to haue This hanging came there the duke naymes that brought Bayarde with him and pre●●●ed him to Charlemayne said to ●●n Sir ▪ Reynawde is redy for to 〈◊〉 all that ye haue cōmaunded hi● and he shal departe to more wyl ye wyll sythe your pleasure is so I wyll wel said Charlemayne but tell me where is the Duke Rycharde for I wil know it Syr sayd the duke Naymes wyt that the Duke Rycharde fareth well and is abiden with Reynawde for he wyll conuey hym whan he goeth And wyt that Reynawde this hangyng made great cheere with his folke at his ease and after sayd to thē Lordes I beseche you be not sory that I go for I haue made this peace more for you than for me I pray you that ye holde wel togither tyl I come agayne and whā he had layd this to them he went into hys chābre and vnclothed hymself from hys good raymentes and cast vpon him a poore mantell a payre of big shoone wel clouted made for to be brought to hym a palster well yrenned for to beare in his hāde And
for I was serued of the same the Reynawde was and sometyme etter and so I promyse you syr that the gentyll duchesse hys wyfe made me great cheere and good company wyth her two fayre chyldren Syr I beseche you if that euer ye loued me that ye wyll worshyp Alarde hys bretherne yf it please you for they haue doone to me great honour and they haue giuē me great giftes And yf it please you ye shal haue the good duchesse and her chyldren for recommended for she is the humblest lady of the worlde and the moste wysest Rycharde sayd Charlemayne wyt it that I shal not fayle them as long as lyfe shal be in my body And whā the children of Reynawde shal be in age for to be made knightes I shal doube them to it mine owne handes with great worship and god spare me lyfe and so shall I gyue them lādes ynoughe for to maynten theyr astate Gramercy syr sayd the duke Rycharde of Normandye god yeelde you WHan they had deuysed all ynoughe of the thynges afore sayd the kynge Charlemayne commaunded that he should be dyslodged and anon his commaundemēt was doone and than euery man put hymselfe towarde the way towarde his countrie And whan that the king saw that it was time he moūted on horsebacke and tooke on his way towarde the citie of lege And whan he was come in lege ▪ he lodged him vp on the bride of the ryuer of meuze And whan the mornyng was come he made be brought afore hym the good horse of Reynawde Bayarde And whan he saw him he began for to laye in ●his wyse Ha Bayarde bayarde thou hast often angred me but I am come to the poynt god gramercy for to auenge me and I promyse thee thou shalt now abye it ful deere the tourment and felony that I haue often times had by thee And whan the kyng had sayd so he made a great milstone to be fastened at the necke of bayard and than made him to be cast from the brydge downe into the water whan Bayarde was thus tombled in the ryuer he sanke vnto the botome of it And whan the kynge saw that he made great Ioye and so sayd Ha bayarde nowe haue I that I desyred and wysshed so lōg For ye be now dead but if ye drinke out al the water And whan the frēche men sawe the greate cruelnes of Charlemayne that auenged himself vpon a poore beast they were yll cōtent And than spake the bisshop turpyn and sayd Ogyer of Denmarke what thinke you by Charlemayne he hath well shewed at this a great parte of his great felony syr sayd Ogier ye say trouth he hath doone to great folye for to make dye suche a good beast as this horse was Syr sayd Oliuer to Rowlande Charlemayne is now waxen all folyshe ye saye full trouth sayd Rowlande I perceyue it full well and for to say the trouth there was none of the .xii. peeres but he wept for loue of the good horse Bayarde But who someuer was sorye for it Charlemayne was glad of it NOw ye ought to know that after that bayarde was caste in the riuer of meuze he wente vnto the botom as ye haue herde might not come vp for bicause of the great stone that was at his necke whiche was horryble heuye and whan bayarde sawe he myghte none otherwise scape he smote so longe and so harde with his feete vpon the mylle stone that he brast it and came agayne aboue the water and began to swym so that he passed it all ouer at the other syde and whan he was come to londe he shaked hymselfe for to make falle the water fro him and began to crie hie and made a merueyllous noyse and after beganne to renne so swyftlye as the tempest had borne him awaie and entred in to the great forest of Ardeyn And whan the king Charlemayne saw that bayard w●s escaped he tooke so great sorowe for it that almost he loste his wyt for angre But all the barons were gladde of it Thus as ye haue heard escaped bayarde out of the handes of Charlemayne and wit it for very certayn that the folke of the countrey saien that he is yet a lyue within the wood of Ardeyn But wyt it whan he seeeth man or woman he renneth anon awaye so that no bodye maye come neere hym And after all these thynges the kynge Charlemaine as angrye as he was departed fro Meuse and went in to a chapell that was nigh and called to him al his barons and gaue them leue to goe into theyr countreys wherof they were ryght glad for they wer● sore desyringe for to see theyr wyues their children and their ●●ndes ¶ Howe reynawde found Mawgis his cosyn as he went by the way for to accomplishe his voyage to the holy sepulchre in the countrye of Constantynople And howe they went to gither to Iherusalem which the admyral of persie had taken by treason vpon the Christen but Reynawde and his cosin Mawgis dyd so much with the folke of the countrey that the citie of Iherus●lem was gotten again by the christen people NOwe telleth the history that after that Reynawde was departed from Ardeyn for to goe in to the holy lond he went so much by the iourneys that he came to constantinople and lodged him in an holi womās house whiche serued him as well as she coulde and gaue him suche meat as go● had gyuen to her and after she wash●d his feet as she was wunt to doo to other Pylgrymes And whā this good woman had doon so much she tooke Reynawde by the hande and broughte him in to her owne chambre and sayde to him Good mā ye shall lie heere for in my other chambre ye may not be for there is a poore pylgryme that is sore sycke Dame said Reinawde let me see that pylgryme that ye speake of whiche is so sycke with a good wyll sayd the poore wom●n ye shall see him for I promyse you there is greate pitie in hym And than she tooke Reynawde by the hande and brought him to the pylgryme that was in his bed And whan Reynawd saw him he knewe well that it was his cosyn Mawgis wherof he was ryghte glad so began he to speake to him and sayd Freend how is it with your persōe And whā Mawgis heard Reynawd speake to hym he lept oute of his bed as he neuer had be sycks and enbrased Reynawde more than twentye tymes and after said to him Cosin howe is it with you and what aduenture bryngeth you heere in this poore clothing that ye haue on tell me yf it please you haue ye peace with the kynge Charlemayne Cosin said Reynawd yea by suche a maner as I shall tell you And then he rehersed hym al the maner as ye haue hearde aboue and all the treatye that he had had wyth Charlemayne WHan Mawgis vnderstoode the wordes of Reinawde he was ryght glad of it And than he embraced againe
theyr maister and lorde And whan the admyralle hearde the tydynges he began to crye hie and said O Machomet what ●illeth now that vnhappi folke that make so greate feast I beleue that they ben as the swanne is whan she shall die for I am sure they shal one of these daies be al slaine and therfore they make so great ioye And whan barbas the admirall had sayde this he sware by machomet afore all his barons that he should make an issue on the morow for to hewe al the christen in peeces Syr saide an olde paynym Beware your fleshe well of a greate kerle thae is there new come among them the whiche bereth a great forke in his hande for yf he hyt you ye are but dead I am well sure that all they of thoste make this Ioie for that lurden I know him not sayd thadmyral to the paynym but and I canne hye hym with my branke of steele I shall make him leue his great head behind him for a pledge till he commeth again for he is naked and therfore he may not endure ayenst me WHan the kynge Thomas that was there prisoner saw the great feast ioye that the christen made Wist not what he should thinke but sa it to himself Ha goddes what haue now my folk● that they make suche a noyse suche a sporte alas doo they not remembre me I beleue better ye than naye for the feaste that they make nowe is for somwhat Wyt it that they of rames and of Iaffes and of all the countrey aboute Iherusalem whan they saw the great light they wende that the citie had be set a fyre and some were sore aferde leste thoste had a doo Thus was all the countrey abasshed but they that were in thoste cared but litell for it And whan they had sported themselfe ynoughe they ordeined the watche and after went to rest And whan the day was come the barons rose and went to the pauillyon of Reinawde whiche was vp and redie and they salued him reuerently and after said vnto him thus sir what thinke ye that we must doo shal we assaille the citie or no Lordes saide the duke Reinawde me semeth that it were good for to giue to it a sawte For we haue great auauntage afore hande for he that shall dyein the sawtinge of the holye citie he shal be saued without doubte whiles that the barons deuised thus together for to giue a sawte to the citie the admyrall of Percie made to open the gate a force and yssued out of the town with ten thousande fightinge menne well armed And whan Reinawde and the barons of surry knewe it they ranne to their harneys Reinawd was armed incontinent tooke his helme and his swerde and lighted vpō his horse that the erle of Rames had geuen him And whan reinawde was on horsebacke Mawgis armed him also and mounted on horsebacke and began to crie Barons of Surrye be not dysmayed in no wyse for I promyse god I shal neuer returne to be hermyt yf the turkes be not dyscomfyted and ouerthrowen And after he had sayde so he went to Geffraye of Nasareth and saide to hym Baron keep you by Reynawde for if all the other knyghtes in the felawshyp were suche as ye be Barbas shoulde be discomfited or noone and whan al the barons were wel armed and wel on horsebacke they ordeined theyr battailles as wel as they could And than came the admyrall barbas that smot in to thoste of the christen The fyrste barrailie of the sarasins was conduited by a king that had to name Margarys that was lord of the towre of Tailes whiche was ryght cruell and dare in his armes a dragon pyctured with an horryble fygure WHan the kyng Margaris sawe it was time to smite vpon the christen he spurred his horse with his spurres ran ayenst Reinawd And whan Reinawde saw him come he said to therle of rames Heere cometh one to seeke his death with great haste ye haue doon me great honoure but this king shal haue dyshonoure for your loue at the fyrst And whan Reinawd had saide this he spurred his horse and ranne ayenst Margarys so harde that nother sheelde nor quyras could not saue him but he shoued his spere thorough the brest and ouerthrew sterke dead to the grounde And whan Reinawde had gyuen that great stroke he saide Goe thy waye to helle the deuill spede thee and beare felawship to thy predecessours that went there afore thee And after he put hande to the swerde and smot another sarasin so harde throughe the helme that he cloue him to the teethe and forthe withall he taught another vnder the bauere so that he made his heade to flee from the shoulders and whan he had slain these three he cried Mountawban vpon these panyms And whan Mawgis hearde hym he put himselfe amonge the Turkes so couragyously that the first that he recoūtred he sent him downe in to helle and than tooke his swerd in his hande and dyd merueylles of armes so that he slewe so many turkes that reinawde and the barons meruaylled greatly Than saide Reinawde to the earle of Rames What say you by my cosin Mawgis saw you euer so good an hermyte By my soule said therle he is to be commended blessed be the wombe that bare hym and thoure the ye ben come in to this londe for now I am well sure that Iherusalem shal be recouered the king Thomas delyuered out of prison with the grace of God Whan therle of Rames had sayde this to Reynawde he spurred his horse with the spurres and smote a turke such a stroke that he made the yren of his spere to apeece at the back of him that he fel dead to therth after he tooke his swerde in his hand began to crye Rames as hie as he coulde sayinge barons smite nowe a good for the persians shall be nowe vtterly dyscomfyted yf god keep the valliaunt Reynawd of Mountawbā his valiaūt cosin Mawgis Now is the houre come that the traytoure Barbas shall finish his life that thꝰ betraied the holy citie of Iherusalem by his false wit Than did set on the barons of the londe whiche began to make merueiles of armes ayenst the sarasins Who had seene that tyme Reynawde and Mawgis how they made way to them that cam after thē he wolde haue meruailled greatly for I promise you none durst abide afore them were he neuer so hardy or valliaunt but he was slayne of them After Reinawde and Mawgys was therle of Rames Geffray of Nasareth and wallerauen of fayete with their folke and thei made merueilles of armes ayenst their enemies and whan the sarasins sawe that they could not abide the greate domage of that the christē bare to them they put them selfe to flyght taward the citie WHan thadmirall Barbas sawe that his folke were dyscomfited he was angry for it said whoresōnes whi doo ye slee thus awai know you not thus
cosyn I am yet dysposed for your loue to beare armes for I coulde not suffre you in daunger And whan the king Symon hearde Mawgis speake so he sayd hym great thanke and went enbraced hym and after sayd by my soule heere is a good Hermite for whan it was need he put wel hand to the swerde Syr sayd Reynawde ye say well trouth and I promyse you men should fynde in the worlde but few suche knightes as he is one After all these thynges sayde euery man tooke his harneys and the kinge all armed went to Mawgys sayd al laughyng My freend Mawgis I pray you that ye wyl beare my standarde this day Syr answerde mawgys yf ye take me it I promyse you I shall haue it in suche a place that ye shall swete or euer ye shall come to me And whan the kynge hearde Mawgys speake so he was ryght glad therof and than he tooke him hys baner And whan Mawgis had it in his hande he sayd to the kynge syr now folow me that wil for this day shall thadmyral be discomfited yf it please God whan Mawgys had sayd so he gaue the spurres to his horse put himself amonge the sarasyns as a lyon Reynawde folowed him nighe recountred a persian whome he smote with his spere so great a stroke that he made hym tumble dead to the ground wherof thother were sore abasshed after he put hande to hys swearde shoued himself into the greatest prece smote on eyther syde of him vpon the persians so meruailouse strokes that they were greatly meruayled with it for al they that he hit he brought theym to thyr ending and whan thadmyrall saw the great efforce of armes the Reinawde made agaynst hys folke he sayd to a neuew of hys that was by hym By mahoune I saw not yesterday that great mā of armes nother he that beareth now the baner of Simon from whens the deuil are they come that so greatly greueth vs I see wel they be some straunge knightes I am all redy so feard of them that all the bloud in my body trembleth This hangyng the kyng Symon Reynawde made great slaughter of the sarasyns But whā the admiral saw that hys folke bare thēselfe so yll he wyst not whether he wolde flee or abyde Than came reynawde brekyng the prece that cried as loude as he could mountawban And whan thadmiral heard that cry he was sore a ferde that he wyst not whether to go but sayd by mahoune I beleue that this deuil helpeth himself with some deuilry for I left him in Iherusalem and now he is heere THan whan thadmyral Barbas knew that he that made so great greef to his folke was Reynawde of moūtawbā he shooke al for feare said to his neuew by machomet my god we haue doone yll to come heere for to make warre agaynst the king Simon syth that he hath this deuill Reynawde of mountawban for his like is there not in all the worlde of knighthoode now wolde I be wel in my ship in the middes of the sea for yf I abyde hym he shall make an ende of me Syr sayde his folke haue no doubt of the greate vilayn for and he come ones in our handes he shal not lyghtly scape vs lordes sayd thadmyral ye wot not what ye say ye know not the greate prowes of Reynawde for we were ten times mo folke than we ben yet should not we endure agaynst hym therfore by the fayth that I owe to mahoune I wil abide heere no lenger And whā he had sayd these wordes he turned the brydel as sone as he might fled towarde his galays al his folke after him And whan Reynawde saw that the paynems were discomfited he began to crye after Mawgis after for the truaūtes are discomfited And whan he had sayd so he put hymselfe to the chase the king Simon after him went castyng downe Sarasyns as beastes And wyt that they slew so many of thē that men should not beleue the numbre but they coulde not take thadmirall for he was the formest BArbas the admyrall of Persie whan he founde hymself saued in his shyp he began to looke a lande and saw the great domage that Reinawde Mawgys made of hys folke for all the shores of the sea were ful of sarasīs slayne wherof he had great sorow so began he to pull his heres of his berde cursed thoure that euer he was borne Reynawde came to the shores saw that thadmyrall was saued wherof he was full sory wyst not what he should doo more to him but he made to be cast boltes of wylde fyre into the galley of thadmyrall so that he brent the moste part of it and Barbas was fayne to entre into another ship And ye ought to wyt that all the sarasins that bode a land lost theyr liues whan ye●ing Simō saw that he was to his aboue of his enemies he was ryght glad of it so ranne he and enbraced Reynawde and after sayde to hym Reynawde I know wel that I am kīg by your prowes for ye had not be the admirall Barbas had distroyed me and had made an ende of me wherfore it is reason that ye be rewarded for it therfore Reynawd I make you lorde of all my goodes of all my lande Than sayde Reynawde syr I thanke you muche of your good wyl for we be not they that haue discomfyted the sarasyns It was god and none other for we be not so puyssaunt I and Mawgys for to doo it without him And whā they had thus spoken together a lōg whyle at the sea syde the kyng tooke Reynawde with the one hande and Mawgys with the other hande and went to warde the Citie And whan they were come there the king made the gayne to be brought presented it to Reynawde and to Mawgys wherof Reinawde Mawgis wolde take nothynge but gaue it to the poore knightes incōtinent Mawgis tooke agayn his hermites werd Than began the feast to be there great for the victorye that god had giuen them The cheere that the kyng made to Reynawde in his paleys is not for to say for it was great and for to make shorte tale Reynawde was honourably feasted the space of foure dayes And than he woulde departe asked leue of the kynge wherof the kyng was ful sory bycause he wolde bide no lenger and whan he sawe that he wolde go he gaue him mani fayre giftes made his ship to be garnisshed with muche good vitayles And whan this was doone Reynawde tooke leue of the kyng Symon of hys barons and the kyng conueyed Reynawde to the shyp And whan he came to the patting the king Simō kissed Reynawde sore weepyng and after went agayne to Palerne and Reynawde did doo hale vp saile and tooke sea ceassed neuer tyl he cam to Rome and there they tooke lande and he and Mawgys went and
our coming Children saide the duke Naymes we ben all youre kinnesmen And than the duke Naimes tolde them all theyr names And whan the childrē knew what that they were they meeked themsele before theim honestlye and after yonnet sayde to theim Lordes our father greteth you wel and praieth you that ye wyll haue vs for recommended as youre kynsmen And than whan the barons heard the two children speake so wisely they were glad of it and also of their comming But the two sonnes of Foulques of Moryllon were full sory and wrothe for it by my soule sayde Constans to his brother Rahars the father of these two chyldrene slewe oure father wherof the hert in my body swelleth highe for angre that I see them heere nother min eyen can not looke vpon them brother said Rohars nor I nother by my trouthe but I counseyll not that we fight with them not heere for it were foly But let vs await a tyme and place couenable for syth that they shall dwell heere We shall auenge vs vpon them Brother said Constans lette vs doo one thynge that I shall tell you whiche is easye for to doo that ye shall calle the one of treason and I the other sayinge that theyr father slewe our father by treason And also we shall proue that their father wroughte treason ayenst the king Charlemayn brother sayde Rohars ye speake well but we must suffre a while till we see howe they shal bere themself in court for they doo any otherwyse than they oughte to doo We shal mowe kylle them and be not blamed for it After this doon ye oughte to knowe that the children of Reinawde of Mountawban bare themselfe full honestlye in courte for all the barons loued them dere saue only the two sonnes of Foulques of moryllon wherof Aimonet and yonnet perceyued it ryght well and spake not with them nor haunted theim not It was greate meruayll of the great giftes that the sōnes of Reynawd gaue to the Barons and gentilmen of the court of Charlemain as were fayre horses and harnays and many clothes of sylke of dyuers coloures and in lyke wise they gaue to the ladyes and gentil women fayre gounes of clothe of golde and of syluer And of the other parte they kepte a great estate and good house to al poore gentylmen and squiets and dyd so much good that they were greately praised of euerye manne What shoulde I telle you more the childrene of Reynawde dyd so muche in the courte of the king Charlemayne that of all the worlde they were loued and princypallye of the kinge Charlemayne whan the kinge sawe that they behaued theim so well and so wisely in his court he was ryght glad of it so loued he theym moste of anye yonge knyght of his courte and made them his keruers a fore hym And thenne whan the two sonnes of Foulques of Moryllon sawe that the kynge loued theim so muche they were full angrye in so muche that they wexed mad all quicke for angre of it and so swate by greate angre that they should slea thē or euer theishould goe to from the courte It happed so that vpon whyt sonday euyn as the kyng was at Parys and wolde keep opē courte and there was Aymonet and yonnet with the other barons in the halle This hanging aryued there a knyghte of Almayne that presented to the kynge a fayre knyfe after the facyon of the londe then called the king yonnet gaue it him by greate loue And whan yonner had receiued this gyft of the kyng as he shoulde haue gone to his place agayn he shoued Constans with his elbowe ayenst his wil. And whan Constans saw that yonnet had doon so he had greate dispite at it and saide What is this must there be so muche set by these two boies the sonnes of a traitour whiche been not worth a roten apple this one is all redye become so proude that he hathe nowe shoued me with his elbowe by great enuye and pride muche other langage constans saide by Yonnet Whiche he ought not for to saye and whan yonnet hearde that Constans had called him the sonne of traytour he was sore an angred So came he to him and saide Constans ye haue learned a foule craft that is that ye can speake shrewdely withoute a cause lawfull why for I haue hearde that ye haue called me and my brother the sonnes of a traitour that the kinge knoweth well that our father slewe yours by treason wherof I will ye wyt that ye lie falsely but your father did assail oures by treason as a traitour come of the lignage of traitoures But God wolde not that my father shoulde dye so nor myne vncles my father slew your father it is true but it was in his defendynge of hys body he did then as a noble knight as he is and if ye be so hardy that ye wil maintein that he did it by treasō heere I cast now my gage afore thys noble companye saying that ye haue lied falsely saue the reuerence of the kinge Charlemayne and of his felawshyp THan whan the kynge Charlemayne sawe that none of the barons said nothyng of the stryfe of yonnet and of Constans he was angry for it and sayde Constans ye doo greate wronge for to saye that I and the twelue peeres of fraunce know well that Reinawde of Mountawban slewe your father by treason holde your peace said Charlemayne for yf ye knew well how the matter is ye shaulde not speake of it wherfore I commaund you in as much as ye feare to angre me that ye make amēdes to yonnet of that ye haue said or elles voide incontinent my courte and my realme for ye haue troubled all my courte wherof I am not contente And whan Rohars hearde this that the kinge Charlemayne had sayde to Constans his brother he was angry and so rose on his feete and said Sir I am redy to proue vpon Aimonet that his father slew our father by treason and heere is my gage Rohars saide Charlemain heere ye take a wronge waie and it shall be to you ouer late whan ye shal repent it Whan Aymonet and yonnet vnderstoode these wordes thei kneeled afore the kynge Charlemayne and saide to him Syr for god we praye you ryght humblye that ye take the gages that Rohars hathe caste for with goddes grace we shal wel defend our father of the traison that they put vpon him Childrē saide the king sith it please you that I take them I shall doo so and than the king Charlemayn tooke the gages Constans auaunced himself saide Syr we vnderstonde that we shall fyghte two and two the one ayenst the other ¶ whan the kynge Charlemayne had take the gages of bataile of Constans and of Rohars he asked theym who shoulde be theyr suretes than lept forth the traytoure Guanellon betenger Escouf of moryllon Lyon of pygnabel Gryffon of hautbraunche the whiche said to king
soule said Rowlande nother you nother youre brother be not to be blamed but ye haue doone as good knightꝭ should doo And I promise you that youre enemies shal be this day brought to shame and confusion ANd whan Rycharde of moūtawban sawe Charlemayn he knew well that he was come for to keepe the feeld and that the traytours should not con doo any thing to his neuews So said he to his folke let vs take of our harneys For syth that the kyng is heere himself we need not to wayte heere no more Than went Richarde and his folke and dysarmed them And whan Richarde had doone so he lyght agayn vpon his horse and came agayne ouer the ryuer of Saynt swyminge vnto the foresayd ysle And whan he was on lande he spurred his horse and made him to lepe three or foure lepes afore the company And than he came streyght afore the kyng and made to him reuerens honourably whan the kinge sawe Rycharde he sayd to hym and ye Rycharde wyll ye dyshonour me that are come in arme for to breke my feeld Syr said Rycharde saue your grace for I neuer thought it but wyt it well for certayne that yf Gryffron of hautbraūche had come for to greue mine neues I wolde haue made his forhead for to swete Syr ye be our souerayne lorde so ought ye to maynten and keepe vs and so shall I tell you a thing afore al your barons that yf ye beleue the traytours of Maūt ye shall ones repent it I am well a payed that ye your .xii. peres haue seen the treason of Griffon of haut-braunche how he wolde haue slayne mine neuews Ha by god said charlemayne ye saye trouth he is well worthy to be blamed and I tell you they that shal be ouer come shal be hāged nor shall not be saued for none of theyr lynage Syr sayd Rycharde it pleaseth me well but I tell you that yf I should dye I should neuer suffre my neuews to be wronged By my head sayd the kynge ye shall see that I shal doo reason vnto euerye party For I shall bryng th●m together let god helpe the ryght Than whan Charlemayne had sayde so he went to the two children of Foulques of Moryllon and sayd to them now lordes hye you of that ye haue to doo goe and swere vpon the halowes that iustly ye entre in this quarell Syr sayd they we shall doo it with ryght good wyll for the chyldren of Reynawde ben dead but yf that they confesse that theyr father slew our father by treason Then spake the bisshop Turpin and sayd Lordes come hither and swere vpon the halowes see to that ye forswere not yourself for he that forswereth him selfe shal be ouer throwen no doubte therof whan the bisshop Turpin had said this the two sonnes of foulques of moryllon kneeled downe afore the halowes and sware that reinawde of Mountawban had slayne theyr father by treason after they had made theyr othe they kyssed the Halowes and offred two besans of golde And than went and lyghted vpon theyr horses And thꝰ as they lyghted they were to nye eche other so that th one hurted thother so hard that they fel downe almoste both to the erth And whan Reynawde saw this he sayd to the other barons heere is an euyll token I beleue that they ben forsworne This hanging cam the children of Reinawde that kneeled afore the halowes and swore that the two sonnes of Foulques of Moryllon had lied falsely all that they had sayd And then they put their hādes vpon the halowes and offred a ryche gifte and the Bysshop Turpyn gaue them the benediction in lykewyse the kynge Charlemayne and all the other barons than of Reynawde and of his brethern and after they wente and moūted vpon their horses lightly WHan the foure Champions were vpon theyr horses thei made none other taryenge but gaue the spurres to theyr horses and ran one against an other and smote eche other in theyr sheeldes so sore that the speres flew in peeces without that any of them fell on the ground And whā they had broken their speres thei set hande vnto their swerdes Than Aymonet that helde Flamberge in hys hande sayde vnto Yonnet hys brother I pray you brother thynke to doo well For if ye helpe me they shal be vtterly shamed and discomfited as traytours as they ben Brother sayd Yonnet doubt not for I shall neuer fayle you to the death also we ought to recomfort vs. For we ben in the ryght and they be in the wronge Whan the two brethern had spoke ynoughe they went bothe at ones vpon theyr enemyes wyth theyr swerdes in theyr handes And than Aymonet ouertooke Constans with flamberge his swerd and gaue him suche a stroke that the swerde slyded vpon the viser and kut it and his nose a sunder And whan Aymonet sawe that the nose of his enemie fall to the erth he mocked him said to him By god Constans it is worse with you than it was afore for ye shall neuer ben without a mocke for that that this stroke hath doone vnto you for Flamberge slew your father and so shal it doo you it please god And whan Rohars sawe that his brother was so sore wounded he ranne vpon Yonnet and gaue hym so mighty a stroke vpon hys helme so that yf it had not ben of good fine steele he had slaine hī without fayle This hangyng Aymonet ranne agayne vpon Constans and gaue hī suche a stroke vpon hys helme that he made him for to bowe hys backe vpon the sadle for the great might of the stroke the horse muste for veri need fall down vpon his knees and smote his mussell into the erth And whan that the horse felt that stroke he rose lightly vp agayne all afrayed and began for to runne thoroghe the medowes maugre of his maister as mad nor Constans had not the myghte for to rule hym bycause he was a mased and a stonied of that stroke that he had receyued And than Aymonet and Yonnet wente bothe vpon Rohars and beganne to fare foule with him and whan Rohars sawe hymself so sharpelye handled he began to crye with a hie voyce Brother where be you shall ye ler me thus to be slayne falsly Cōstans that ranne throughe the medow was comen agayne to himself and apeased his horse a litle heard his brother crye So came he agayn to hym and smote Aymonet vpon his helme a great stroke but the helme was good and dommaged hym not And whan that Constans sawe that he had not slayne Aymonet with his stroke he wend to haue gone out of his wit of the other part he saw the place that was al couered with the bloud of his brother so wyst not cōstans what to doo For Aymonet gaue hym so muche to doo THys hanging Yonnet tooke Rohars bi the helme wolde haue strāgled him by fyne force But whan Constans saw that he