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A90042 A new years-gift, or A token of love to all persons of what perswasion soever. By a Friend, and lover of all men. Friend and lover of all men. 1693 (1693) Wing N813A; ESTC R231377 12,789 16

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this my Talent by the Blessing of God upon it and your Prayers may be encreased to two at the last Day when the Lord shall say Well done good and faithful Servant enter Mat. 25. 21. into the joy of thy Lord. Amen Lord so be it Hallelujah What shall I say to you my Fellow Christians and Men of Good Will who truly fear God tho you differ in Judgment and what shall I wish you this New Year but that you may all agree in one to serve the Lord in Spirit and in Truth and Rom. 7. 6. not in the oldness of the Letter that you may be all built up into an Holy Temple for Christ to dwell in and become a Royal Pristhood partakers of the Blessings of the Priests and Levites of Old in the Spirit And herewith I shall end this my New Years Gift turning these my Wishes into Prayers to God for you all Deut. 33. 11. Bless Lord his Substance and accept the Work of his hands smite through the Loins of them that rise against him and of them that hate him that they rise not again The Lord hear thee in the day of Trouble the Name of the God of Jacob defend thee Ps 20. 1 2. send thee help from the Sanctuary and strengthen thee out of Zion O England live for ever but let no more Enmity live in the midst of thee Behold how good and how pleasant it is for Brethren to live together in Unity Ps 133. 1. This is the way to bring that Blessing upon thee mentioned by the Prophet when he saith Surely his Salvation is nigh them that fear him that Glory Psalm 85. 9 10 11 12. may dwell in our Land Mercy and Truth shall meet together Righteousness and Peace shall kiss each other Truth shall spring out of the Earth and Righteousness shall look down from Heaven Yea the Lord shall give that which is good and our Land shall yield her Increase Amen Lord let this be the Portion of England yea of thy whole Church all the World over Amen Hallelujah A NOSEGAY presented by the Hand of Love to all the Well-wishers of ZION WAlking in the Paradisical Garden of the Scriptures I have gathered here and there several Flowers to present to you that are Well-wishers of Zion and that prefer Jerusalem above your chiefest Joys Psal 137. 6. Mic. 6. 8. 2 Pet. 1. 5 6 7. 1 Cor. 13. 4 5 6. Gal. 5. 22 23 24. James 3. 17 18. Cant. 1. that you may all this New Year and many more smell the most sweet and refreshing Odour of this Nosegay of Divine Graces which the whole Scripture especially those places in the Margent point to springing up in you in the life and power of them But above all those other Flowers which breath sweetness and life let me recommend to you and my self the Rose of Sharon and the Lilly of the Valleys These are the Flowers that will revive and quicken you in the time of Deadness refresh and comfort you in the time of Trouble and sweeten you in Bitterness and Anguish This Rose will tincture all the Faculties and Powers of your Souls with its Holy Fire and Redness and this Lilly of the Valley will perfume you throughout with its sweet Meekness and Innocence the one will make you all flaming with the Divine Love the other will procure you the ornament of a meek Spirit and deep Humility which in the sight of God are of great price 2 Pet. 1. 4. In a word they will make you Partakers of the Nature of Christ the Rose representing his Divine Nature and the Lilly his Holy Humanity Surely Beloved you that ask the way to Zion with your faces thitherward who take pleasure in her Stones and favour her Dust Jer. 50. 5. Ps 132. 14. will fall in love with this Nosegay as soon as you begin to perceive the sweet Odour of it the Power and Spirit thereof will transport you so as that you will hardly know where you are by reason of the surpassing sweetness and comfort this Rose and Lilly will afford you If that Woman in the Gospel receiv'd Vertue from a Touch only of Christs Garment for the cure of her inveterate Malady what will not your Souls find in this sweet Rose of Sharon in this humble Lilly of the Valleys What Diseases what Evil can stand against this powerful Antidote this Divine Mixture and Composition of Red and White of the Divine and Humane Nature The Divine conveighing the strong force of Love and the Humane sweet Meekness and lovely Humility Strong Faith and earnest Longing after this Divine Nature will make all that is his to be yours For he is made unto us Wisdom and Righteousness and Sanctification and Redemption Hear therefore ye that go from strength to strength in Zion Ps 84. 7. the Voice of your Beloved calling upon you Rise up my Cant. 2. 10. Love my Fair One and come away Come away from Vanity come away from Gain and Profit yea come away from all things that steal away thy heart from me and bid an eternal Farewell to all the love of the World and let me see Cant. 2. 14. thy countenance and let me hear thy voice for then sweet shall be thy voice to me and thy countenance comely Yea I will never leave thee nor forsake thee I will be unto thee All Things Hebr. 13. 5. Thou shalt taste of my sweetness and be refreshed with the water of life which I will give thee if thou wilt continue and persevere Mat. 10. 38. Mark 8. 34. Hebr. 12. 5. 10. Luke 22. 30. Rev. 3. 21. in my ways Denying thy self and taking up thy Cross daily and following me and taking patiently my fatherly correction of thee seeing that my only aim therein is to make thee Partaker of my Holiness And after I have thus fitted and prepared thee thou shalt eat and drink at my Table in my Kingdom For to him that overcometh will I give to sit with me in my Throne even as I also overcame and am set down with my Father in his Throne PRAYER O Sweet Rose of Sharon that hast been dyed in thine Isaiah 63. 1. own Blood to take away the Spots of Sin that had stained all Mankind have mercy on my Soul that is all over defiled by Original and Actual Sin and wash me in that pretious Blood of thine wherewith thou wast cover'd all over in the Garden and on the Cross O let me never forget that inconceivable Love of thine which made thee willingly to bear the Cruelty of Man the rage of Hell and the Rom. 6. 14. wrath of thy Father to deliver me from the Infernal Pit and from the slavery of Sin which is the worst of the two for sin is the cause of Hell Oh what shall I say of thy Love Oh that I might express it in my whole life O Lord thou knowst I can do nothing
no not so much as think a good thought but all my sufficiency is of thee who hast said by 2 Cor. 3. 5. Ezek. 36. 27. thy Prophet I will put my Spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and ye shall keep my Judgments and do them Lord increase my Faith that I may ask without doubting the fulfilling of this Promise and all other thou hast given to thy Church to uphold her in her Wilderness Condition where the World the Flesh and the Devil fight against her Sweetest Jesu thou who hast said Ask and it shall be Mat. 7. 7. given you seek and ye shall find give me to ask by fervent Prayer and seek by diligent Endeavour thy Holy Spirit who may enable me to answer thy love towards me that I may begin this New Year to live more to the glory of thy Name and the Edification of my Neighbour than ever heretofore Comfort me with thy strong Perfumes thou Rose of Sharon Mat. 11. 29. refresh me with the sweet sent of thy Meekness and Humility thou Lilly of the Valley Adorn me with the Power of thy Love and the sweetness of thy Innocence that my Life and Conversation may be so lovely in the sight of others that they may be led to thee by thy Grace and Gifts to me Amen Beloved ye that follow on to know the Lord this is the Nosegay the Spirit hath caused me to gather for you and which I present to you the beginning of this New Year Which if you shall wear in your Lives and Conversations the sweetness Rom. 13. 14. thereof will make you truly happy both in this life and that which is to come There is such transcendent sweetness in it that not only you that wear it shall be sweetned and perfumed thereby 〈◊〉 likewise all that come near you will be in love with this Rose of Sharon and Lilly of the Valley and shall know that your Beloved is more than another Beloved seeing he is so incomparably lovely we also ought to love him above the rate of other Lovers and be more careful and circumspect in all our Thoughts 1 Pet. 4. 7 8. Mat. 12. 36. Ephes 5. 5. Words and Actions than others that it may appear to all that we always carry this Nosegay about with us which is composed of all the sweet and fair Flowers of Paradise viz. the Graces of God's Spirit which are the Virgins constantly attending the King's Daughter who is all glorious Psalm 45. 13. within The Letter of the Scripture pointing us to these Divine Mat. 26. 7. Mark 14. 3. Graces is like the Alabaster Box fill'd with pretious Ointment whose very outside doth not want its Beauty and Fragrancy But when the Box is broken and the Spiknard poured out than it is quite another thing for the whole House is filled with Perfume of the Ointment So when the Spirit opens the Letter in us then the ineffable Sweetness of the Name of God which is as Ointment Cant. 1. 3. poured forth diffuseth it self every where and fills the whole House of the Soul and Spirit yea and of the Body too But before we can attain to this Spiritual Knowledge our Old Man must be crucified with Christ that the Body of Sin Rom. 6. 6. may be destroyed and we no longer serve sin And when we are thus made one with him in his Death we shall also be made one with him in his Resurrection And if we make it our business this New Year and all the rest of our Life to enter into the Death and Resurrection of our Lord then the sweet Odour of this Divine Nosegay and the pretious Perfume of the Ointment will make the Virgins in love with our Beloved and make them seek him together with Cant. 6. 1. us Be it so O Lord. Amen Hallelujah The Conclusion of this New-Years-Gift by PRAYER O Most holy God whose Thoughts are not as our Thoughts nor thy Ways like our Ways for as the Heavens are Isaiah 55. 5. higher than the Earth so are thy Ways above our Ways and thy Thoughts above our Thoughts c. Thou dost manifest this Truth in me this Day For who wou'd think that the Lord should humble himself to visit a poor sinful Worm and to speak in and through it to the Glory of his great Name Thou shewest thy self O Lord to be no Respecter of Persons and that thou canst work by the most weak and despicable Means and that the Vessel is nothing and has nothing that is Good but what it receives from above I Jam. 1. 17. humbly entreat thee O Heavenly Father in the Name and Merits of my pretious Redeemer to own what is of Thee in this Writing to bless it and make it prosper O thou who searchest the Hearts and the Reins thou knowst I have no other aim in the publishing of it but only thy Glory Yet since the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked Jer. 17. 9. if there should be any sinister end lurking in my Heart Lord discover it unto me and nail it to the Cross of thy Son for through thy Grace I utterly detest and abhor it Wherefore I am bold most glorious God Father Son and Spirit to implore thy Blessing upon this New-Born Babe O Lord thou knowest that from my Youth thou hast made me conceive a longing desire to send forth a few Lines were it possible throughout all the World to incite all Mankind to love thee and this longing Desire hath still grown in me till at last thy rich Mercy and free Grace hath made me to bring it forth in my Old Age. Wherefore gracious Lord be pleased to take this New Birth into thy Protection against the many Oppositions it shall meet with from those that reject every thing that hath not the Ornament of Learning and Eloquence and do thou cover this simple Naked Child with the Garment of thy Blessing that it may be received into the hearts of Men of Good Will of what Persuasion soever O Lord my God thou didst command the Children of Israel to Offer to thee their First-born accordingly I here offer unto thee 〈◊〉 First Born The Conception Exod. 22. 29. is thine the Birth is thine Let not the De●●●●…nt it hath contracted in the Womb of my Soul hinder thy Blessing upo● it nor any of my Sins and Transgressions but let them all be washed away in that Fountain Zech. 13. 2. which is opened to the House of David c. for Sir and for Uncleanness Let all these Egyptians he drowned in the Red S●a of my Saviours Blood and let me hear the same comfortable Promise thou madest to the Children of Israel by the mouth of Mos●● The Egyptians whom ye have seen to day ye shall see them again no ●ore forever The Sins that have pursued you all your Life time you shall never see them any more having the Dominion over you and if I leave any Canaanites in the Land it is only to keep you humble and that you may know that the Land is mine and that it is I that fight for you against your Enemies and will do so till your last Breath Amen Lord so be it Hallelujuh FINIS LONDON Printed for Thomas Whitledge over against the Hatt and Feather on Addle-hill near Doctors-Commons 1693.