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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03405 Histrio-mastix· Or, The player vvhipt Marston, John, 1575?-1634. 1610 (1610) STC 13529; ESTC S122282 28,428 60

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whom Horror strikes Exit Horror War Horror adiew These three are Vshers to our Deity Onely vast Ruine heere attends on vs And is a follower of our high designes Ruine thou faythfull seruant to grimme Warre Now teach thy murdring shot to teare mens limm's Thy brazen Cannos how to make a breache In a fayre Citties bozome teach thy fiers To climbe the toppes of houses and thy mines To blow vp Churches in th' offended skye Consume whole groues and standing fields of Corne In thy wild age and make the proud earth groane Vnder the weight of thy confusion Ruine This and much more shall Ruine execute War Meane while wee le steepe our sinowie feet in blood And daunce vnto the Musicke of the field Trumpets for trebbles bases bellowing drummes Broyles Enuy bred but Warre shall end those brawles Deafe warre that will not heare a word of Peace Sharpe pikes shall serue for subtle lawiers pens The Marchants silkes shall turne to shining steele In steed of false-yard stickes large horsemens staues Shall measure out true pattern's of their graues Exeunt Enter Belsh setting vppe billes Enter to him a Captaine Capt. Sirra what set you vp there Belsh Text billes for Playes Capt. What Playes in time of Warres hold sirra Ther 's a new plott Belsh How many meane you shall come in for this Capt. Player t is presse money Bel. Presse money presse money alasse sir presse me I am no fit Actor for th action Capt. Text billes must now be turn'd to Iron billes Exit Captaine Bel And please you let them be dagger pies Enter an Officer Post-hast Gulsh Gut and Clowt Officer Sir Oliuers men the last Players tooke the Townes reward like honest men Gulsh Those were a cupple of Cunnicatchers that Coosen Maiors and haue no consort but themselues But we are a full company and our credit with our Maister knowne Offi. Meane while ther 's presse-mony for your reward Clou. No I thanke your worship we meane not to trouble your towne at this time Offi. Well Masters you that are maister-sharers Must prouide you vpon your owne purses Gut Alasse sir we Players are priuieldg'd T is our Audience must fight in the field for vs And we vpon the stage for them Post. Sir as concerning halfe a score angells Or such a matter for a man in my place Offi. Those daies are out of date Bels. The more 's the pitty sir Exit Officer Guls. Well I haue a Brewer to my Ingle Hee le furnish me with a horse great inough Post. Faith I le eene past all my ballads together And make a coate to hold out pistoll-proofe Clout I meruaile what vse I should make of my Ingle The hobby-horse-seller Gutt Faith make him sell a whole troupe of horse To buy thee one Bel. Sirrs if these soldiers light vpon our playing parrell they 'le strout it in the field and flaunt it out Post. Well sirs I haue no stomacke to these warres Gut Faith I haue a better stomacke to my breakfast Clont A shrewd mornings worke for Players Omn. Let 's be gon Exeunt Enter Mauortius and Larius on one side Philarchus and Hiletus on the other with weapons Drawne Chrisoganus betweene them Ambition breathing amongst them Chri. Haue patience worthy Lords and calme your spirits Mauo. Peace prating Scholler bid the Sea be still When powerfull windes doc tosse the raging waues Or stay the winged lightning in his course When thou doost this thy words shall charme me too Till then preserue thy breath Phi. Mauortius dar'st thou maintaine thy words Mauo. How dare Philarchus yes I dare doe more In bloud or fire or where thou darst not come In the numme fingers of cold death I dare Phi. Swallow those words or thou shalt eate my sword Lar. He is no Estrich sir he loues no yron Hil. And yet me thinkes he should be by his plume Mauo. What are you playing with my feather too They all runne one at another Chrysog steps betweene them Chri. O stay your rages Let not Ambition captiuate your blood Make not your hates obiects for vulgar eyes Mauo. A pox vpon this linguist take him hence Philarchus I defie thee and in scorne Spit on thy bozome vowing heere by heauen If either sword or fire or strength of men Or any other steeled violence Can bring to swift confusion what is thine Vpon this gratefull soyle it shall be done Phi. And when 'ts done I will restore my wrongs Out of thy Forts thy Castles and thy lands Mauo. My lands Phi. I factious Lord till then adiew Wee le shine like Commets in next enter-view Exeunt Phi. and Hile Mauo. My soule is bigge in trauaile with reuenge And I could rip her wombe vp with a stabbe To free th' imprisoned issue of my thought Exeunt manet Chisoganus Chri. O how this vulture vile Ambition Tyers on the heart of greatnesse and deuoures Their bleeding honours whil'st their empty names Lye chain'd vnto the hill of infamie Now is the time wherein a melting eye May spend it selfe in teares and with salt drops Write woe and desolation in the dust Vpon the frighted bosome of our land Pitty and Piety are both exilde Religion buried with our Fathers bones In the cold earth and nothing but her face Left to adorne these grosse and impious times stand a side A noise within crying Liberty liberty Enter a sort of Russetings and Mechanichalls Fury leading them and crying confusedly Omnes Liberty liberty liberty 1. Nay but stay stay my Masters we haue not insulted yet who shall be our Captaine 2. Masse that 's true faith let 's all be Captaines 3. Content so wee shall bee sure to haue no equalitie amongst vs 4. O it 's best for for mine owne part I scorne to haue an equall 1. Well then what exploit shall we do first 2. Marry I le tell you Let 's pluck downe the Church and set vp an Ale-house Omnes O excellent excellent excellent a rare exploit a rare exploite 1. Good this is for exploite but then there 's a thing cal'd Action 3. O that 's going to Sea that we haue nothing to do withall 4. No we are all for the land wee 2. Land I wee le pluck downe all the noble houses in the land e're we haue done 1. It were a most noble seruice and most worthy of the Chronicle 2. Slid these Lords are growne so proud Nay wee le haue a fling at the Lawyers too 3. O I first of all at the Lawyers 4. True that we may haue the law in our owne hands 1. O then we may take vp what we will of the Marchants 2. I and forfet our bonds at pleasure no body can sue vs 3. O 't will be rare I wonder how much Veluet will apparell me and my horse 4. Talke not of that man wee le haue inough All shall be common 1. Wiues and all what Helter, skelter 2. Slid we are men as well as they are 3. And we came all of our Father Adam 2. Goe to then why
faith sir I le go ride and breath my horse Vel. Why whether ride you we will all goe with you Vour. Le ts meet some ten miles hence to hawke hunt Lyon Content this plenty yeelds vs choise of sports Our trades and we are now no fit consorts Exeunt Enter Vsher of the Hall and Clarck of the Kitchin Vsher. Maister Clarke of the Kitchin faith what 's your dayly expence Clar. Two beeues a score of Muttons Hogsheads of Wine and Beere a doozen a day Vsh. Neuer was Age more plentifull Clar. Vsher it is my Lords pleasure all comer bee bounteously entertaind Vsher. I but i st my Ladies pleasure Cla. What else She scornes to weare cloth-breeches man Enter Porter Porter A Morrice-daunce of neighbours craue admittance Clar. Porter let them in man Enter Morrice-dancers Butler make them drinke their skinnes full Omnes mor. dan. God blesse the sounder Clar. Porter are these Players come Port. Halfe an houre a goe sir Clar. Bid them come in and sing the meat 's going vp Exit Vsh. Gentlemen and yeomen attend vpon the Sewer Enter Players with them Post-hast the Poet Vsh. Sir Oliuer Owlets men welcome by Gods will It is my Lords pleasure it should be so Post. Sir we haue carowst like Kings For heere is plenty of all things Vsh. Looke about you Maisters be vncouer'd Enter Sewer with seruice in side liuery coates The Players Song BRaue ladds come forth and chant it and chant it for now 't is supper time See how the dishes flaunt it and flaunt it with meate to make vp rime Pray for his honor truly and truly in all hee vndertakes He seru's the poore most duly and duely as all the country speakes Post. God blesse my Lord Mauortius his merry men all To make his honour merry we sing in the hall Vsh. My Maisters for that we are not onely for causes Come new to the house but also for causes I maruaile where you will lodge Post. We hope for causes in the house though drinke be in our heads Because to Plenty we carowse for beefe and beere and beds Vsh. Sed like honest men what playes haue you Belch Here 's a Gentleman scholler writes for vs I pray Maister Post-hast declare for our credits Post. For mine owne part though this summer season I am desperate of a horse Vsh 'T is well but what playes haue you Post. A Gentleman 's a Gentleman that hath a cleane shirt on with some learning and so haue I Vsh. One of you answer the names of your playes Post. Mother Gurtons neadle a Tragedy The Diuell and Diues a Comedie A russet coate and a Knaues cap an Infernall A prowd heart and a beggars purse a pastorall The Widdowes apron-strings a nocturnall Vsh. I premise yee pritty names I pray what yee want in any thing To take it out in drinke And so goe make yee ready maisters Exeunt players Enter Mauortius Philarchus with Landulpho an Italian Lord and other Nobles and Gentles to see the Play Mauo. My Lords your entertainment is but base Courser your cates but welcome with the best Fellowes some Cushions place fa re Ladies heere Signiour Landulpho pray be merry sir Lady I' st th' Italian guise to be so sad When Loue and Fancie should be banquetting Land Madam your kindnesse hath full power to command Lady These admirable wits of Italy That court with lookes and speake in sillables Are curious seperuisours ouer strangers And when wee couet so to frame our selues Like ouer-nice portraying picturers We spoyle the counterfeit in colouring England is playne and loues her mothers guyse Enricht with cunning as her parents rise Land Lady these eyes did euer hate to scorne This toung 's vnur'd to carpe or contrary The bozome where this heart hath residence I wish may seeme the seat of curtesie Vsher. Rowme my Maisters take your places Hold vp your torches for dropping there Mauo. Vsher are the Players ready bid them beginne Enter Players and Sing Some vp and some downe ther 's Players in the towne You wot well who they bee The summe doth arise to three companies One two three foure make wee Besides we that trauell with pumps full of grauell Made all of such running leather That once in a weeke new maisters wee seeke And neuer can hold together Enter Prologue Prol. Phillida was a faire maid I know one fairer then she Troylus was a true louer I know one truer then he And Cressida that dainty dame whose beauty faire sweet Was cleare as is the Christall streame that runs along the street How Troyll he that noble knight was drunk in loue and bad goodnight So bending leg likewise do you not vs despise Land Most vgly lines and base-browne-paper-stuffe Thus to abuse our heauenly poesie That sacred off-spring from the braine of Ioue Thus to be mangled with prophane absurds Strangled and chok't with lawlesse bastards words Mauo. I see my Lord this home-spun country stuffe Brings little liking to your curious eare Be patient for perhaps the play will mend Enter Troylus and Cresida Troy Come Cresida my Cresset light Thy face doth shine both day and night Behold behold thy garter blue Thy knight his valiant elboe weares That When he shakes his furious Speare The foe in shiuering fearefull sort May lay him downe in death to snort Cres. O knight with vallour in thy face Here take my skreene weare it for grace Within thy Helmet put the same Therewith to make thine enemies lame Land Lame stuffe indeed the like was neuer heard Enter a roaring Diuell with the Vice on his back Iniquity in one hand and Iuventus in the other Vice Passion of me sir puffe puffe how I sweat sir The dust out of your coate sir I intend for to beat sir Iuv. I am the prodigall child I that I am Who sayes I am not I say he is too blame Iniq. And I likewise am Iniquitie Beloued of many alasse for pitty Diuell Ho ho ho these babes mine are all The Vice Iniquitie and child Prodigall Land Fie what vnworthy foolish foppery Presents such buzzardly simplicity Mauo. No more no more vnlesse t were better And for the rest yee shall be our debter Post. My Lords of your accords some better pleasure for to bring if you a theame affords you shall knowe it that I Post-hast the Poet extempore can sing Lan. I pray my Lord let 's ha'te the Play is so good That this must needs be excellent Mauo. Content my Lord pray giue a theame Theam Land Your Poetts and your Pottes Are knit in true-Loue knots The Song extempore Giue your Scholler degrees and your Lawyer his fees And some dice for Sir Petronell flash Giue your Courtier grace and your Knight a new case And empty their purses of cash Giue your play-gull a stoole and my Lady her foole And her vsher potatoes and marrow But your Poet were he dead set a pot to his head And he rises as peart a sparrow O delicate wine
with thy power so diuine Full of rauishing sweete inspiration Yet a verse may runne cleare that is tapt out of beare Especially in the vacation But when the terme comes that with trumpets and drumes Our play houses ringe in confusion Then Bacchus me murder but rime we no further Some sacke now vpon the conclusion Mau. Giue them forty pence let them goe How likes Landulpho this extempore song Exeunt players Lan. I blush in your behalfes at this base trash In honour of our Italy we sport As if a Synod of the holly Gods Came to tryumph within our Theaters Alwaies commending English curtesie Our Amphitheaters and Pyramides Are scituate like three-headded Dindymus Where stand the Statues of three striuing Queenes That once contended for the goulden ball Alwaies commending English curtesie Are not your curious Dames of sharper spirit I haue a mistresse whose intangling wit Will turne and winde more cunning arguments Then could the Craetan Labyrinth ingyre Alwayes commending English courtesie Mau. Good sir you giue our English Ladyes cause Respectiuely to applaud th' Italian guise Which proudly hence-forth we will prosecute Land Command what fashion Italy affoords Phil. By 'r Lady sir I like not of this pride Giue me the ancient hospitallity They say 't is merry in hall when beards wag all The Italian Lord is an Asse the song is a good song Actus tertij scaena I. Enter Pride Vaine-glory Hypocrisie and Contempt Pride casts a mist wherein Mauortius and his company vanish off the Stage and Pride and her attendants remaine Pride Braue mindes now beautifie your thoughts with pompe Send forth your Shipps vnto the furthest Seas Fetch mee the feathers of th' Arabian Birds Bring Mermaides combes and glasses for my gaze Let all your sundry imitating shapes Make this your natiue soyle the land of Apes Then Ladies trick your traines with Turkish pride Plate your disheauled haire with ropes of Pearle Weare sparkling Diamonds like twinckling starres And let your spangled crownes shine like the Sunne If you will sit in throne of state with Pride The newest fashion still must be your guide Vain Vaine-glory vowes to lackey by thy foote Till she hath swolne mens hearts with Arrogance Hyp. In like designes two Hypocrisie Is prest to spend her deepest industry Gont. And till her soueraignty decline and bow Contempt shall be enthron'd in euery browe Pry. Then thus as soueraigne Empresse of all sinnes Pryde turnes her houre and heere her Sceane beginnes Enter Furcher and Vourcher two Lawyers Vour. How shall we best imploy this idle time Four Le ts argue on some case for exercise Vour. You see the full gorg'd world securely sleepes And sweet contention Lawyers best content Is sent by drowsie Peace to banishment Pryd. O these be Lawyers Concords enemies Prydes fuell shall their fire of strife increase aside Enter Velure and Lyon-rash Four Signior Vourcher know you those Cittizens Vour. They are two wealthy Merchants and our friends Four Yt may be they haue brought vs welcome fees Pry. Lawyers and Merchants met bestir thee Pride aside Vel. In faith no sute sir quiet quiet all Pry. Fortune and health attend you Gentlemen Four We thanke you Lady may we craue your name Pry. Men call me Pryde and I am Plenties heire Immortall though I beare a mortall showe Are not you Lawyers from whose reuerend lippes Th' amazed multitude learne Oracles Are not you Merchants that from East to West From th' antarticke to the Artick Poles Bringing all treasure that the earth can yeeld Omnes We are most worthy Lady Pry. Then vse your wisedome to enrich your selues Make deepe successe high Steward of your store Enlarge your mighty spirits striue to excede In buildings ryot garments gallantry For take this note The world the show affects Playne Vertue vilie cladde is counted Vice And makes high blood indure base praeiudice Vour. But wee haue Lawes to limitte our attire Pry. Broke with the least touch of a golden wyer Vel. Yet wisedome still commands to keepe a meane Pry. True had you no meanes to excell the same But hauing power labour to ascend The fames of mighty men do neuer end Four Is not Ambition an aspiring sinne Pry. Yes for blind batts and birds of lazy wing Lyon Me seemes ti 's good to keepe within our bounds Pry. Why beasts themselues of bounds are discontent Spend me your studies to get offices Then stooping suiters with vncouered heads May groaning come vnbowelling the bagges Of their rich burthens in your wide mouth'd deskes Lyon But men will taxe vs to want charity Pry. True charity beginneth first at home Heere in your bosomes dwell your deere-lou'd hearts Feed them with ioy first crowne their appetites And then cast water on the care-scorch't face Let your owne longings first be satisfied All other pitty is but foolish pryde Four Sweet councell worthy of most high regard All our indeauours shall be to aspire Vonr. Ours to be rich and gallant in attire Pry. All to be braue else all of no respect It is the habit doth the mind deiect Vour. Le ts braue it out since Pride hath made vs knowe Nothing is grac'd that wants a glorious showe Exeunt manet Pryde Pry. The puft vp spirits of the greater sort Shall make them scorne the abiect and the base Th' impatient spirit of the wretched sort Shall thinke imposed duties their disgrace Poore naked neede shall be as full of pryde As he that for his wealth is Deifide Exit Enter Steward with foure Seruingmen with Swords and Bucklers in their hose and doublets 1. ser. No Steward with discharge shall vs disgrace Stew. Why all the Lords haue now cashierd their traines 2 ser. But we haue seru'd his father in the field 3. ser. What thinke they boyes can serue to beard their foes Enter Mauortius and Philarchus with their pages Page Be patient fellow seest thou not my Lord 1. ser. What an I see him puppet prating ape 2. ser. We are no stocks but we can feele disgrace 3. ser. Not tonglesse blocks but since we feele wee le speak Mauo. What a coyle keepes those fellows there Stew. These impudent audatious seruing-men Scarcely beleeue your honours late discharge Exit 1. ser. Beleeue it by this sword and buckler no Stript of our liueries and discharged thus Mauo. Walke sirs nay walke awake yee drowsie drones That long haue suckt the honney from my hiues Be gone yee greedy beefe-eaters y' are best The Callis Cormorants from Douer roade Are not so chargeable as you to feed Phil. 'T is true my Lord they carelesly deuoure In faith good fellowes get some other trade Yee liue but idle in the common-wealth Mauo. Broke we not house vp you would breake our backs 1 ser. We breake your backs no 't is your rich lac'd sutes And straight lac'd mutton those breake all your backs Phil. Cease Ruffians with your swords and bucklers hence 2 ser. For seruice this is sauage recompence Your Fathers bought lands and maintained men You
sell your lands and scarse keepe rascall boyes Who Ape-like iet in garded coates are whipt For mocking men though with a shamlesse face Yet gracelesse boyes can neuer men disgrace 3. Ser. Desertfull vertue O impiety Exeunt Mau. My Lord Philarchus follow all my course I keepe a Taylor Coach-man and a Cooke The rest for their boord-wages may goe looke A thousand pound a yeare will so be sau'd For reuelling and banquetting and playes Phil. Playes well remembred we will haue a play Steward le ts haue Sir Olliuer Owlets men Mau. Philarchus I mislike your fashion Phil. Faith I le fly intoo 't with a sweeping wing Me thinkes your honours hose sit very well And yet this fashion is growne so stale Mau. Your hat is of a better blocke then mine Phil. Is on a better block your Lordship meanes Mau, Without all question t is he that denies Either he hath no iudgement or no eyes Phil. Your Lord-ships doublet-skirt is short and neate Mau. Who sits there finds the more vneasie seate Enter a Page Pag. My Lords your Supper staies t is eight a clock Mau. What is 't so late that fashion 's not so good Exeunt Enter Perpetuana Eillisella Bellula with them a Ieweller a Tyre-woman and a Taylour with euery one their seuerall furniture Perp. Of our three Iewells sir which likes you best Iew. An excellent piece this those excells as farre As glorious Tytan staines a silly Starte Filli. Tush be not partiall but pervse mine well See you not proud Vlisses carrying spoyles Iew. The rest are but to this in sooth base foyles And yet they all are ritch and wondrous faire Bell. But trash I le haue a Iewell Amatist Whose beauty shall strike blind the gazers Eye Perp. I le put it downe one promisd to deuise A Globelike Iewell cut transparently And in the place of fixed starres to set The richest stones that mightiest summes could get Fill. Nay I le be matchlesse for a carckanet Whose Pearles and Diamonds plac'd with ruly rocks Shall circle this faire necke to set it forth Bell. Well Goldsmith now you may begone Taylour Exit Ieweller I le haue a purfled Roabe loose boddied-wise That shall enioy my iewells maydenhead Tay. The loosest bodies are in fashion most Perp. We better know what likes vs best then you Let me haue flaring fashions tuck 't and pinn'd That powerfull winds may heaue it all a huffe Bell. True measure of my body shal be tane Plaine dealing is the best when all is done That fall Pride taught vs when we first begun Fill. I le haue a rich imbost imbrothery On which invaluable pretious Roabe I le hang the glorious brightnesse of my Globe Mistresse Pinckanie is my new ruffe done Pinc. Beleeue me Madam t is but new begun Bell. Let pinching citty-dames orecloud their Eies Our brests lie forth like conduicts of delight Able to tice the nicest appetite Mistresse Pinckanie shall I haue this Fanne Pink. Maddam not this weeke doe what I can Fill. Pleasure as bondslaue to our wills is tyed We Ladies cannot be defam'd with Pride Come let 's haue a play let poore slaues prate Ranck pride in meanest sort in vs is state Remember promise mistres Pinkanie Pink. Well Ladies though with worke I am opprest Workewomen alwaies liue by doing best Exeunt Enter Chrisoganus Posthast Gulch Clout Gut and Belch Bell. Chrisoganus faith what 's the lowest price Chri. You know as well as I tenne pound a play Gull Our Companie 's hard of hearing of that side Chri. And will not this booke passe alasse for pride I hope to see you starue and storme for bookes And in the dearth of rich inuention When sweet smooth lines are held for pretious Then will you fawne and crouch to Poesie Clot. Not while goosequillian Posthast holds his pen Gut Will not our owne stuffe serue the multitude Chri. VVrite on crie on yawle to the common sort Of thickskin'd auditours such rotten stuffs More fit to fill the paunch of Esquiline Then feed the hearings of iudiciall eares Yee shades tryumphe while foggy Ignorance Clouds bright Apollos beauty Time will cleere The misty dullnesse of Spectators Eeys Then wofull hisses to your fopperies O age when euery Scriueners boy shall dippe Prophaning quills into Thessaliaes Spring When euery artist prentice that hath read The pleasant pantry of conceipts shall dare To write as confident as Hercules When euery Ballad-monger boldly writes And windy forth of bottle-ale doth fill Their purest organ of inuention Yet all applauded and puft vp with pryde Swell in conceit and load the Stage with stuffe Rakt from the rotten imbers of stall iests Which basest lines best please the vulgar sence Make truest rapture lose preheminence Bel. The fellow doth talke like one that can talke Guit. Is this the well-learn'd man Chrissganus He beats the Ayre the best that ere I heard Chri. Yee scrappes of wit base Ecchoes to our voice Take heed yee stumble not with stalking hie Though fortune reeles with strong prosperity Exit Clou. Farwell the Muses poore Poet adiew When we haue need't may be wee le send for you Enter Steward Stew. My Lord hath sent request to see a play Post. Your Lord what shall our paines be soundly recompenc'd With open hand of honours franke reward Stew. Yee shall haue foure faire Angells gentlemen Clout Faire Ladies meane you we haue foure i' th' play Ste. Nay my good friends I meane in faire pure gold Gull Fie t is to much too long ere it be told Stew. Mas these are single iests indeed But I will double it once ye shall haue eight Post. But are you sure that none will want the weight To wey downe our expence in sumptuous Clothes Bell. Well pleasures pride shall mount to higher rate Tenne pound a play will scarce maintaine our state Stew. Fat Plenty brings in Pride and Idlenesse The world doth turne a Maze in giddy round This time doth rayse what other times confound Post. O sir your morall lines were better spent In matters of more worthy consequent Gull Well whilest occasion helpes to clime alofft Wee 'le mount Promotions highest battlement Stew. And breake your necks I hope clime not too fast A heady course confusion ends at last Post. Preach to the poore looke Steward to your compt Direct your houshold teach not vs to mount Stew. Farewell yee proud I hope they heare me not Proud Statute Rogues Exit they follow Enter Fourcher Velure Lyon-rash Champerty and Calamancha their wiues Champ. Faith husband I le haue one to beare my traine Another bare before to vsher me Cala. Nay I my selfe will learne the Courtly grace Honour shall giue my wealth a higher place Out on these veluet gards and black lac'd sleeues These simpering fashions simply followed Cham. Well through the streetes in thundring coache I le ride Why serues our wealth but to maintaine our pride Lawe Armes and Merchandize these are three heads From whence Nobility first tooke his spring Then let our
haughty mindes our fortunes spend Pleasure and honour shall our wealth attend Calla. Nay I will haue it I that I will Four Containe your speech within your priuate thoughts Wee are encountred with the honour'd traine Enter Mauortius Philarchus Fillissella Bellula and others Mauo. Faire Ladies could these times affoord you cates You should be feasted in Apolloes hall But Lords the chaps of wide-pancht gluttonie Haue wasted all the dainties of the land Seruant Philarchus what no maske too night Phil. A Play a Maske a Banquet wee le haue all Enter Steward Stew. My Lord the Players now are growne so proud Ten pound a play or no point Comedy Exit Mauo. What insolent with glib prosperity Faith Gentlemen no Players will appeare Gallants to your Maske Phil. How soone they can remember to forget Their vndeserued Fortunes and esteeme Blush not the peasants at their pedigree Suckt pale with lust what bladders swolne with pride To strout in shreds of nitty brogerie Mauo. Well though the penny raisd them to the pound Iust Enuie causelesse Pride doth still confound Phil. Well let them blase ther 's none so blind but sees Prydes fall is still frost-bit with miseries Enter a Maske What come they in so blunt without deuise Fill. The night is dead before the sport be borne Mauor Cease Musick there prepare to banquet sirs Phi. Ceres and Bacchus tickled Venus stirres Mau. Gallants vnmaske and fall to banquetting A health about carowse shall feede carowse Phil The first is pledg'd and heere begins a fresh Mau This royall health of welcome greetes you all Vouch. Bacchus begins to reele with going round Phil. The grape begins to fume Mauor Why let it fret not pledge a Nobleman Champ. I like this Iewell I le haue his fellow Bell. How you what fellow it gip Veluet gards Champ. Insolent for-beare Mauor A petty-foggers whoodded wise so pearcht Cham. Why not proud Lord then bid your mincks come downe Vouch. Dishonourable Lord I say thou li'st Mauor I challenge thee on that disgracefull word Vouch. Heere answer I thy challenge in this wine Mauo. I will confirme thy pledge and meete thee too They speake and fall a sleepe on the Stage Sound Musicke Enter Enuy alone to all the Actors sleeping on the Stage the musicke sounding shee breaths amongst them Enuy. Downe climbing Pride to Stygian Tartarie The breath of Enuy fils the empty world Enuy whose nature is to worke alone As hating any Agent but her selfe Turne turne thou Lackey to the winged Tyme I enuie thee in that thou art so slow And I so swift to mischiefe So now stand Peace Plenty Pryde had their competitors But I enioy my Soueraignty alone Now shall proud Noblesse Law and Merchandize Each swell at other as their veines would breake Fat Ignorance and rammish Barbarisme Shall spit and driuell in sweete Learnings face Whilst he halfe staru'd in Enuie of their power Shall eate his marrow and him-selfe deuoure Awake yee Brawne-fed Epicures looke vp And when you thinke your clearest eyes to finde Be all their Organs strooke with Enuie blind Exit They all awake and begin the following Acte Actus 4. Scaena 1. Mauo. O pallid Enuie how thou suck'st my bloud And wastes my vitall spirits I could raue Runne madde with anguish for my slight respect O wher 's the honour to my high borne bloud When euery peasant each Plebeian Sits in the throne of vndeseru'd repute When euery Pedlers-French is term'd Monsignuer When broad-cloathd trades-man and what lack you sir Is wrapt in riche habiliments of silke Whilst vrgent need makes Princes bend their knee As seruile as the ignobilitie To crouch for coyne whilst slaues tye fast our Lands In Statute Staple or these Marchants bands Bellu. Wan ghostlike Enuie spungeth vp my bloud Whil'st I behold yon halfe-fac'd Minion The daughter of some Cloues and Cinamon To equall me in rich accoustrements O wher 's the outward difference of our birth When each odde-mincing mistresse Citty-Dame Shall dare to bee as sumptuously adorn'd With Iewels chaines and richest ornaments As wee from whom their Fathers held their land In bond-slaues Tenure and base villianage Vouch. Why should yon bubble of Nobility Yon shade of Man appropriate Epithetes Of noble and right honorable Sir To the blind Fortune of his happy birth Why should this reeling world drunke with the iuice Of Plenties bounty giue such attribute Of soueraigne title place and dignity To that same swolne vp Lord whom blinded chance Aboue his vertues merite doth aduance To high exalted state whilst all repine To see our sweate rewarded and our paine Guerdond but with a single fee an Angels gaine Champ. God for his mercy how yon Lady ietts And swoopes along in Persian royalty O I could pine with Enuie and consume My heart in fowle disdaine that she should strout And swell in ostentation of her birth Decking the curled tresses of her haire With glittering ornaments whilst I am pent In nice respect of ciuill modesty I le not indure it Lawyers wiues shall shine Spight of the lawe and all that dare repine Vel. Drops of cold sweat hang on my fretting brow O I could gnash my teeth and whip my selfe Parboyle my liuer in this enuious heate Of deepe repining Malice I am vext Stung with a Viperous impatience That yon Nobility yon Iohn a Stile Should sole possesse the throne of dignity Whilst wee fat Burgomasters of the State Rich treasuries of gold full stuft vp trunkes With all the fattest marrow of the land Should be debarr'd from types Maiesticall And liue like Aesops Asse whilst our meane birth Curbes our aspiring humours from the seate Of honours mounted state I cannot sleepe My entrailes burne with scorne that Merchandize Should stand and lick the pauement with his knee Bare-head and crouching to Nobility Though forfeited to vs be all their state Yet Enuie still my heart doth macerate Perp. Gip Mistresse Madam and French-hood intaild Vnto a Habeas Corpus Iesu God How proud they iet it and must I giue wall And bend my body to their Mistresse-ships O husband I am sick my cheeke is pale With Vel. With what my sweete Perp. With Enuie which no Physick can preuent Shall I still stand an abiect in the eye Of faire respect not mounted to the height To the top gallant of o're-peering state That with Elated lookes of Maiestie I may out face the proud pild Eminence Of this same gilded Madam Bellula And yon same Ione a Noke chain'd Champertie Vel Content thee wife the tide of Royalty Shall onely flowe into our Merchandize The gulphe of our Ambition shall deuoure All the supports of honour lands and plate Rich minerall Iewels sumptuous pallaces All shall be swallow'd by the yawning mouth Of hungry Auarice Thus I plotted it You see Mauortius stormie brow portends Tempestuous whirle-windes of tumultuous armes Now when the breath of warre is once denounc'd Then troupe the gallants to our wealthy shops To take vp rich apparrell pawne their land To puffe vp Prides
full-mouthd bags may now be fild with ayre The Diuell and Ambition taught it me Mauo. Is that Philarchus that complaines 't is so Phil. See how Mauortius turnes away his face To seeke to friends 't is holden for disgrace Mauo. Time was I could haue din'd amongst my friends Now stands at euery doore a lack and Apes And tels me 't is too late his Lord hath din'd Phi. This miserable world would make one mad I stept vnto a Vintner at the Barre And offered him my Rapier for a pawne The sawcie slaue tooke it in such a scorne And flung it in the streets replying thus Meere want brings weapons out of vse with vs Mauo. See poore Philarchus powring out his plaints To vnrelenting walls relentlesse men Phil. Are wounds rewards for Souldiers in the field What sell our lands are these the fruits of Warre Then dye Philarchus let not shame suruiue Thy fainting honour dead and yet aliue Mauo. Heere come our wiues how wretchedly they looke Enter Perpetuana and Bellula Bel. My Iewels pawnd my rings are gone to wrack The greedy Vsurer hath gotten all Perp. I am a prey to wretched Pouerty Ill featur'd Famine will deuoure vs vp Whose wrinkled face is like pale deaths aspect Phil. Behold my wife like Winters parramour Rob'd and bereau'd of nuptiall Ornaments Hide thee Philarchus lower then the graue The Earth will couer though it cannot saue Perp. If men lament whose wonted yron-hearts Were harder then the Armour they haue worne And waile the Agent of a womans voyce What shall weake women and poore Ladies doe Fall to those teares that we were borne vnto Exeunt Mauo. Could I but learne with Craesus to endure The falling sicknesse of sad Pouerty Who lost a rich commanding Emperie Patience would prooue a tutor to my grieues Chri. Thou want's a Solon to consort with thee To proue affliction is the perfect way That leads to Ioues tribunall dignity Ill hast thou gouern'd thy prosperity That canst not smile in meere aduersity Looke vppon me the poorest slaue in shew That euer fortune buried in mishappe Yet this is Natures richest Iewell-house And teacheth me to weepe at all your wants Phil. Why thou art farre more wretcheder then wee How canst thou teach vs then tranquillity Chri. See'st thou this poore and naked bozome heere Dost thou behold this scorn'd vncouered head When thou wast rich and Peerelesse in thy pride Content did neuer harbour in thy brest Nor ere had loue her residence in thee I meane the loue of perfect happinesse But skillesse grudging from a haughty spirit Did blind thy sences with a slender merit Whil'st I poore man not subiect to such thought Gaue entertaine to those sweet blessed babes Which Sapience brought from Wisedomes holy brest And thought me rich to haue their company By nursing them in Peace I shun'd all Sloth Nor yet did Plenty make me prodigall Pride I abhor'd and term'd the Beggers shield Nor euer did base Enuie touch my heart Yet alwayes loou'd to beare as Solon sed A Turtles eye within an Aspicks head Nor could the ratling fury of fierce warre Astonish me more then the mid-night clock The Trumpetter to Contemplation For Pouerty I shake her by the hand As welcome Lady to this wofull Land Mau. How might we tread the path's to happy ends Since foes to Learning are not Vertues friends Chri. First entertaine submission in your soules To frame true concord in one vnity Behold the faire proportion of a man Whome heauens haue created so compleate Yet if the arme make warre against the head Or that the heart rebell against the braine This elementall bodie thus compact Is but a scattred Chaos of reuenge Your lawes appoincted to be positiue By Warre confounded must be brought againe For law is that which Loue and Peace maintaine Phili. Thou Sonne of knowledge richer then a man We censure thy aduise as oracles Chri. Follow and I le instruct you what I can Ma. We followed beasts before but now a man Exeunt Enter Fourcher Vourcher Lyon-rash and Velure Four O Heauens powring high-pryzd sauours forth Like to the honny dew that sweetes the Leaues Once send vs Peace that fairest Palme-crownd Queene Vour. Ruine and Warre the precedents of Wrath That crop't the fifty Sonnes of Hecuba Haue rid their circuite through this fertile soyle And quite transform'd it to a Wildernesse Vel. Come let vs sit and mourne with sad laments The heauy burdens of our discontents Lyon To waile our want let speaking slacke the paine For words of griefe diuide the griefe in twaine Vel. Our Shops sometimes were stuft with cloath of gold But Warre hath emptied them and Spyders build Their Cob-web-tents weauing foule dusty lawne For poore woe-working Pouerty to weare Four O woes behold our poore distressed wiues Enter Perpetuana and Filissella Perp. From Pouerty to Famine worse and worse Fili. The scurge of Pride and Heauens detested curse Perp. Wher 's that excesse consum'd vpon the back Fili. Suncke downe to Hell whil'st hunger feeles the lacke Perp. Who now will pity vs that scorn'd the poore Fili. Pitty is past when Peace is out of doore Perp. Drincke thou my teares and I will drinke vp thine For nought but teares is miseries salt wine Fill. We that haue scornd to dresse our meate our selues Now would be glad if we had meate to dresse Perp. And if Lament were remedie for want Their cates weare course that in Lament were scant Lyon Comfort sweete wife ill lasts not alwaies so And good some-times makes end of lingring woe Perp. My griefe is thine Lyon And mine is most for thee Per. My care is thine Lyon Be mine for thee and me Exeunt Enter country seruing-men 1. Faith Pouerty hath paid my wife on the petticoate 2. From these deuowring woormes eate men aliue And swollow vp whole Mannours at a bit The whil'st our hungry bodies die for lacke And honest husbandy must goe to wracke 1. Pray sirs for Peace that best may please vs all From citties Pryde the country takes his fall 2. T is Time for plough-shares now are turned to bills Carte-horses prest to cary Caualliers True laboring seruants counted Souldiours slaues 1. Though Famine hungerstarue yet heauen saues Omn. Then let vs pray to heauen all for Peace For thence comes comfort plenty and increase Exeunt Enter Posthast with his Hostesse Host. Post me no posting pay me the shot Yow liue by wit but we must liue by mony Post. Goody sharpe be not so short I le pay you when I giue you mony Host. When you giue mee mony goe to I le beare no Longer Post. What and be vnder fifty Enter Cunstable Host. Maister Cunstable hoe these Players wil not pay their shot Post. Faith sir Warre hath so pinch't vs we must pawne Cun, Alasse poore Players hostis what comes it to Host. The Sharers dinners six pence a peece the hirelings pence Post. What sixepence an Egge and two and two at an Egge Host. Faith Famine affords no more