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land_n bring_v call_v great_a 1,812 5 2.8892 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68723 An epistle or exhortacion, to vnitie [and] peace, sent fro[m] the Lorde Protector, [and] others the kynges moste honorable counsaill of England: to the nobilitie, gentlemen, and commons, and al others the inhabitauntes of the realme of Scotlande Somerset, Edward Seymour, Duke of, 1506?-1552. 1548 (1548) STC 22268; ESTC S110952 9,124 42

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would lose any poynte of their will of their desire of rule of their existimacion whiche thei knowe in quietnes would bee sene what it wer as it were in a calme water Now in this tumulte of discord whē the realme is tossed vp and doune with waues and sourges of battaill famyne other mischief whiche the warr bringeth thei thynke thei cānot be espied But looke on thē you that haue wit and prudence and consider the state of your Quene and realme YOV wil not kepe her sole and vnmaried the whiche were to you greate dishonour If you mary her within the realme that cānot extynguish the title which we haue to the Croune of Scotlande and what dissenciō enuie grudge and malice that shall brede emonges you it is easy to perceiue You will mary her out of the Realme our title remayneth you be subiectes to a forein Prince of other Countrey another language and vs ye haue youre enemies euen at your elbowe your succours farre of frō you And be we not in the bowels now of the realme Haue we not a greate parte thereof either in subiecciō or in amitie and loue Who shall come into your Realme but he shal bee mette with and fought with if nede be euen of youre awne nacion who bee faithefull true to the realme of England in the way of this moste Godly vniō by mariage And if any forein power Prince or potētate whosoeuer be your aider to norishe still discord sende you an armie also how shall thei oppresse you fill your houses wast your groundes spende and consume your vitaill holde you in subieccion and regarde you as slaues which without thē could not liue take your Quene to bestowe as thei list and leaue your realme especially if their Kyng or ruler as perchaunce he maye be in other warres be otherwise occupied to be a pray to vs a true conquest Then it shal be to late to saie we will haue a mariage and no conquest wee wishe peace and amitie we are wery of battaill and miserie The stubborne ouercomed must suffre the victours pleasure and pertinacitie will make the victory more insolent whereof you your selfe haue geuen the cause If thei sēd money and Capitaines but no souldiors First if thei be Capitaines who ruleth who dooth obeye who shall haue the honor of the enterprise if it bee well achieued But whether it bee well achieued or no whiche numbre is that that shal bee slain whose bloodde shal be shed Their money peraduenture shal be consumed and their commaundementes obeyed But whose bodies shall smarte for it Whose lādes shal bee wasted Whose houses burned What realme made desolate Remembre what it is to haue a forein power within you a strong power of your enemies vpō you you as it were the cāpe and plain betwixt them to fight on and to be troden vpon bothe of the victor and the ouercomed And imagine you se before your iyes your wifes and daughters in daungier of the wantonnesse and insolēcie of the souldiours the proude lookes of the Capitaines and souldiours whō you cal to helpe you the contēpt you shall bryng your nacion in And then take hede lest in deede that follow whiche you feare that is that you shal be by them conquered that you shal be by them put from your holdes lādes tackes and offices that youre lawes by them shal be altered That your naciō shal be by them destroyed Cōsider in this realme Did not the Britaynes call in the Saxons for helpe and by theim wer put out Where bee the Pictes once a great nacion betwixt you and vs Howe did the nacion of Fraunce put out the Galles out of all Fraunce Howe gotte the Turke first all Grecia and now a late Hūgarie but beyng called in for to aide and helpe And did not the Gothes by like meanes get all Italie And the Lombardes one part thereof now called Lombardy What loke you for more Nedy souldiours and hauyng the weapons in their handes knowing that you cannot liue without them what wil thei not cōmaunde you to do What wil thei not encroche vpon you What will thei not thynke thei maie dooe And what will thei thinke that you dare doo This forein helpe is your confusion that succour is your detriment the victory so had is your seruitude what is then to be thought of losse taken with theim The straūgers and forein souldiours shall oppresse you within oure power strength without And of youre awne nacion so many as loueth quietnes Godlines and the wealth of your realme shall helpe also to scourge and afflicte you Is it not better to compose acquiete al this calamitie and trouble by mariage To ende al sorowes and battailes by suche and so honorable a peace How hath the Emperour Spayne and Burgondy not by title of mariage Howe holdeth the Frēche king Briteigne now lately adnexed to that Croune not by title of mariage Howe hath al the greate princes of the worlde happely and with quiete made of two kyngdomes one of diuerse lordshippes one of nacions alwaies at warre with thē self or els in doubtful peace one well gouerned Kyngdome rule and dominion but by that most Godly moste quiete moste amicable composicion of mariage Two meanes ther is of makyng one rule whereto title is pretended and perfite agremēt betwixt twoo nacions Either by force superioritie whiche is conquest or by equalitie and loue whiche is parentage and marryng ye hate the one that is conquest and by refusyng the other you enforce it vpon you you wil not haue peace you will not haue aliaunce you will not haue concorde and conquest commeth vpon you whether you will or no And yet if all thynges were considered wee feare it will appere that it were better for you to bee conquered of vs then succoured of straungiers lesse losse to your gooddes lesse hurte to youre lande lesse dishonor to your realme This nacion which is one in tongue one in Countrey and birthe hauyng so litle diuersitie to occupie the whole thē other powers to come into you neither like in language ne yet like in behauior who should rule ouer you and take you to be but their slaues But we eftesones and finally declare and protest vnto you that although for the better furtheraunce of this godly purpose of vniting the realmes and for the sure defēce of theim whiche fauoreth the mariage we are compelled for the tyme to kepe holdes to make fortificaciōs in youre Realme Yet the Kynges Maiesties mynde and determinate pleasure with oure aduise and counsaill to bee as before is declared where fauour maie be shewed not to vse rigoure if by condicions you will receiue this amitie offered not to followe cōquest we desire loue vnitie concord peace and equalitie let neither your Gouernour nor your Kirkmen nor those who so often hath falsefied their faithe promise and by treacherie and falshed be accustomed to prolōg the tyme fede you further with faire