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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B11637 Adam in his innocencie. By William Bloys, esquire Bloys, William, 17th cent. 1638 (1638) STC 3139; ESTC S116391 73,020 296

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chasten as many as hee loveth and scourgeth every sonne whom he receiveth which is as the sprinkling on of salt to keep us from corruption The trees of the field are little regarded Planta ferax falcem patitur petitque frequentem Putationes redintegrant juventam afferunc Scal. in Theop. but those of the garden are often look't unto and repaired In exercising of us God dealeth with us as with sonnes correcting us in judgement for our reformation not consuming us in fury to our destruction A plant cut unseasonably dyeth but cut in due time it prospers the better The times and seasons are in Gods hands he doth then purge his children when it may be most for their discipline and amendment that our old errours and infirmities may passe away and we being regenerated may walke in newnesse of life as in pruning the withered and dry branches are taken away and young twigs doe shoot forth that may be fruitfull Let us never forget Gods dealing with us when hee did stretch out his hand Anno 1625. and did threaten to destroy the tree with the fruit thereof and to cut off branch and rush in one day by the noisome pestilence lopping off many ten thousands and leaving the chiefe body of the tree naked and bare yet then he preserved us in safety we were delivered from the mouth of that Lion and we are still defended by the shield of his favour that we may glorifie his Name by a godly conversation Will not all this move us to return unto the Lord His benefits conferred his fatherly reprehension his protecting us by his providence when he severely punished others Behold I have set before you life and death I have declared Gods mercy towards us and his judgement upon others Now what tribute or offering doth the Lord require of us but only the fruit of our thoughts in meditation upon his word and works the fruit of our lips in shewing forth his praise and the fruit of our lives in serving him acceptably with reverence and godly feare We all professe that wee are branches of that Root Mat. 7.17 12.33 Christ Jesus Now every good tree brings forth good fruit and a corrupt tree evill fruit for by their fruit ye shall know them Can a fig-tree beare olive berries Jam. 3.12 or a vine figs If the root be holy so are the branches If wee bee members of Christ Rom. 11.16 wee must doe the workes of our heavenly Father Doe wee desire that every tree in our ground should be fruitfull and yet will we our selves be barren As some parents would have their children walke in a good way yet they themselves will runne into excesse of riot Shall others be excited by the divine blessings and powerfull meanes that they have enjoyed to bring forth the good fruit of obedience and wilt thou who hast been a partaker of the same blessings bring forth impietie and rebellion As the influence of the same Sunne ripeneth the sweet grape and the sowre crab but such wild trees are not suffered long to continue in the Paradise of the Church Every plant which my Father hath not planted shall be rooted up only the fruitfull trees shall be supported and strengthened Being planted in that garden in the midst whereof is the Tree of life which doth distribute of its grace and vertue unto all the trees that are round about it Of Christs fulnesse have all we received and grace for grace Ulmus vitis Ruta ficus It is observed what a sympathie there is among the trees how divers of them prosper best when they have such and such stand nigh unto them and some of them will never beare Exciso mare palmite sterilescit foemina Perottus Sands trav This we know assuredly that we can doe no good thing unlesse we have our ability from Christ who is that tree which is described to beare twelve manner of fruits and to yeeld the fruit every moneth Rev. 22.2 As he is so in himselfe full of grace and truth evermore doing good unto us and bestowing all kinds of blessings upon us so he gives power to us who receive him to become the sonnes of God enabling us in some measure to bring forth not one or some few kinds but divers and sundry fruits The Apostle when hee speakes of the fruit of the Spirit hee nameth love and joy and peace then he addes long-suffering and gentlenesse and yet these are not all for he annexeth goodnesse faith Gal. 5.22 meeknesse temperance And elsewhere expressing the fruit of the Spirit hee mentioneth righteousnesse and truth He that delights in planting Dapibus mensas onerabat inemptis Primus vere roosam atque autumno carpere poma Virg. will not be satisfied with some few sorts of fruit and in being provided for a short time or a part of the yeer but will be desirous of the best choice and varietie that may be and to have such fruit as may be usefull during the whole yeere Some that may bee ripe with the soonest and other that may endure a long time taking speciall contentment in that which is most durable that he may be provided when others are destitute Oh that wee were wise for the good of our soules wee would be more delighted in seeking for graces that wee might be perfect and thorowly furnished unto every good worke than any man can bee in these outward contentments and with an holy emulation wee would be more covetous of the spirituall gifts wherewith others are adorned than ever Ahab was of Naboths vineyard 1 Kin. 21. What diligence would wee give to adde to our faith vertue 2 Pet. 1.5 and to vertue knowledge and to knowledge temperance and to temperance patience and to patience godlinesse and to godlinesse brotherly kindnesse and to brotherly kindnesse charity for if these be in us and abound wee should not be Barren nor Unfruitfull in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ Wherefore when wee see the Almond tree of any man to blossome betimes and to promise a plenteous increase when wee see a young man cleansing his way by taking heed thereunto according to Gods word let us also bee thereby provoked to redeem the time and to remember our Creatour in the daies of our youth When wee observe another mans Vine to bee laden with goodly clusters when we take notice of a man who doth good and rejoyceth in the workes of his hands as Solomon speaks let us also be excited to labour for that gladnesse in our hearts Eccles 3.12.22 which is better than the increase of come and wine Morus quafi 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 per Antiph Serior at Morus nunquam msi frigore lapso Germinat sapiens nomina falsa gerat Alciat Psal 74.47 For Mulberries now it is Sycomores When wee view the Mulberry tree of another man to forbeare sending forth any buds untill the danger of
one cluster so in the soule of a Christian there should be all kinds of graces accumulate and heaped together in stead of that masse of sin and lump of corruption which wee brought into this world Wee should be filled with all knowledge and all joy and peace in beleeving we should be full of goodnesse ready to communicate willing to distribute to the necessity of other men Which workes of charity and all other pious actions are like the fruit of the Vine for as wee have the comfortable use and benefit of that a long time after it hath been trodden in the wine-presse so likewise of Gods free grace wee doe receive the reward of the good things done in our body after our dissolution and doe then drinke the cup of salvation when wee enter into our Masters joy and are delivered from all weaknesse in the body and infirmity in the soule from all inward and outward frailties even as the grapes in the wine-presse are freed and cleared both from the huskes and kernels Such is our corruption and imperfection here in this world that our best performances are polluted by the contagion of sinne dwelling in our members and may in that regard bee likened to these grapes or or other fruits which have either something without to bee pared off and cast away or else some coare stone or kernell within to be rejected In our most devout exercises and godly endeavours there is either some defect and errour to be discerned by man who lookes to the outward appearance or though wee should bee blamelesse before man yet there is some inward rebellion and iniquity that is naked and manifest before the Lord who looketh to the heart When we are sensible of our former excesse and superfluity and are cast downe in acknowledgment of our transgressions wee should not thereby be deterred from continuance in well-doing but rather seek to amend that in which we have failed and gone out of the way that as such fruits are esteemed best in their kinds in which there is the least waste Mollusca quod caeteris nucibus mollior sit Macrob. either in the shell or any other part that is unprofitable so our performances may be most acceptable when they are not defiled by any grosse errour or presumptuous sinne The Lord Mat. 3.12 who is able to purge the wheat from the chaffe will approve of our good endeavours and godly desires being the fruit of the Spirit and will be pleased to pardon our swerving and deadnesse which proceed from the bitter root of a deceitfull heart In divers of our fruits there is some kernell that being sowne doth grow up in such a plant as may bring forth more fruit of the same kind in like manner the end of one good action should be the beginning of another we should labour to increase and multiply in heavenly graces and spirituall gifts and our reward shal be great in heaven For unto us it shall be given to eate of the Tree of life Revel 2.7 22.2 which is in the middest of the Paradise of God A tree that bears twelve manner of fruits and yeelds her fruit every moneth Such fruit as doth for ever exempt us from the dominion of death such fruit as doth open our eyes for we shall see God face to face 1 Cor. 13.12 such fruit as doth make us to be as gods wee shall bee like him 1 John 3.2 for wee shall see him as hee is such fruit as is good for food so very good Isa 49.10 that when we taste thereof wee shall never hunger any more John 6.34 nor thirst any more But as the Disciple said Lord evermore give us this bread so wee shall alwaies desire and for ever enjoy this food that endures in everlasting life Such fruit as is pleasant to the eye 1 Cor. 2.9 for since the beginning of the world the eye hath not seen the things which God hath prepared for them that love him Such fruit as is to be desired to make one wise even wise unto salvation without which all the wisdome of this world is foolishness and enmity against God But this wisedome is a Tree of life to them that lay hold upon her Pro. 3.18 4.9 a Crown of glory shall she deliver to them Did our first parents think that the fruit of the tree of Knowledge was to be desired Gen. 3.6 when it was forbidden And shall we by a stronger delusion beleeve that this fruit of the Tree of Life is to be neglected and avoided when wee are commanded to labour for it All the trees in the garden of Eden could not satisfie them but they would eate of the forbidden fruit though they became subject to the curse thereby The abundant variety of all the precious fruits brought forth by the Sunne should not please nor content us without this blessed fruit of the Tree of Life Adam was prevented that hee might not put forth his hand to take of that Tree lest having eaten unworthily hee deceived himselfe with a vaine hope of life when death should suddenly overtake him But wee have time and liberty granted unto us that we may stretch forth the hand of faith and receive this fruit whereof if wee eate wee shall not dye He might not gather it upon earth but we may receive it from heaven The Manna which was kept untill the holy Sabbath had no worme in it If wee now treasure up this good fruit against the Sabbath of Rest for our soules it shall never be taken away from us Hee that gathers little shall have no lacke But if in this day of salvation we gather great plenty thereof we may then confidently say Soule take thy rest for evermore thou hast much goods laid up for all eternity The Tree of Life is in the middest of the Paradise of God Oh that the fruit thereof were hidden in our inward parts that we could lay it up and keep it in our hearts wee would then esteem all the dignities and delights in the world to be of as short continuance Isa 28.4 Ita in manibus consenescit Plaut as the hasty fruit before the Summer which when hee that looketh upon it seeth it while it is yet in his hand he eateth it up And to be no better than that fruit which was stollen out of the Orchard Non erant formâ nec sapore illecebrosa that had neither forme to catch the eye nor rellish to allure the hand For which that blessed man in his repentance paid the dearest price that ever was paid for any fruit which was eaten by any of the sonnes of Adam We give fruit unto froward children that they may forsake that which is of more value Shall wee bee such children in understanding for the trifling vanities of this life to reject the durable riches of the heavenly Kingdome Shall wee for the three Apples of honour Atalanta sive Lucrum Bacon