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A13997 The high-vvay to heauen: or, the doctrine of election, effectuall vocation, iustification, santification and eternall life Grounded vpon the holy Scriptures, confirmed by the testimonies of sundry iudicious and great diuines, ancient and moderne. Compiled by Thomas Tuke.; High-way to heaven. Tuke, Thomas, d. 1657. 1609 (1609) STC 24309; ESTC S102479 78,861 226

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some of them were before their calling notorious sinners committing ●orrible and transcendent enormities ●et now since their calling they were rashed and sanctified and so become new men And as concerning the Thessalonians he saith that the Gospel was not to them in word onely but also in power and much assurance and that they became followers of him and of the Lord and receiued the word in much affliction with ioy of the holy Ghost and turned to God from Idoles to serue the liuing and true God and increased in faith and mutuall loue and were patient faithfull in al their persecutions afflictions So then if with the Romanes we performe heartie obedience to the word if with those Corinthes we be rich in spirituall graces and haue purged our heartes by true repentance from our former iniquities if we be mortified and renewed if like those good Thessaloniās we receiue and beleeue the Gospell if we follow the Lord his faithfull embassadours if we entert●ine the word with ioyfulnesse notwithstanding all afflictions if we turne to God from all our owne Gods our owne delights and vanities to which wee had wedded our heartes if our faith increase and our loue abound and if we haue patience and faith as they had in all our crosses and afflictions then may we assure ourselues that wee are effectually called as they were Finally Peter exhorting vs to giue diligence to make calling sure addeth that if we doe these things wee shall neuer fall Now what these things are hee sheweth to wit that they would ioint vertue with their faith and with vertue knowledge with it temperance and with temperance patience with patience godlines with it brotherly kindnes and with brotherly kindnes loue If therfore these graces shine within vs and bee fast rooted in our hearts and vnited in our liues we may assure our soules of our effectuall calling if we do these things we shall neuer fall and if we shall neuer fall then may wee safely conclude that God hath effectually called vs to light and glorie And thus much concerning effectu-vocation which is the first meane whereby God executeth his eternall Election CHAP. 5. What Iustification is All the causes of it Fiue effects of it The subiects and time of it Fiue properties thereof Foure tokens of it THE second is Iustification For those whom hee calleth effectually in time hee also iustifieth actually in time To iustifie is to repute or account one iust Pro. 17.15 He which iustifieth the wicked that is he which reputeth and iudgeth him to be iust is an abomination to the Lord. Luke 16.15 You iustifie your selues before men that is You would be esteemed iust To be iustified is to be cleared or to bee reputed iudged and pronounced iust To be iustified then before God is to be reputed and esteemed righteous in his sight Iustification therefore in his proper significatiō is an Acceptance wherby God esteemeth vs as righteous being receiued into fauour Or Iustification is a iudiciall and gracious worke of God by which hee iudgeth the Elect being in themselues obnoxious to the accusation and curse of the Law to be iust by faith for Christ through the imputation of his iustice and that vnto the praise of his glorious grace and to their owne saluation The principall efficient of Iustification is God the Father in the Sonne by the holy Spirit For who can forgiue sinnes but God alone It is God that iustifies I saith the Lord euen I am hee that putteth away thine iniquities It 〈◊〉 meet that he should be our pardoner who was our Creator and that he should bee the giuer of grace who was to all the author of nature It is his office to absolue the guiltie by whose iustice hee was made guiltie It belōgs to him to pronounce a man to be iust whose will is the rule of iustice it is his prerogatiue to giue sentence of life and death because he is by nature right and office the highest Iudge The instrument whereby the benefit of Iustification is offered and proclaimed is the Gospel which therefore is called the word of life the word of saluation the word and ministerie of Reconciliation The outward instruments whereby our iustification is sealed and confirmed to vs are the two Sacramentes and thereupon Circumcision is called the Seale of the righteousnesse of faith The inward Sealer of our iustification is the Holy Ghost who testifieth and sealeth it to our consciences so as that we may perswade our hearts of it The Ministers and liuely instruments for the proclaiming testifying and pronouncing our iustification to vs are the Messengers and Prophets of the Lord according to that of Christ whose sinnes ye remit they shall be remitted to them and whose ye retaine they shall be retained The onely internall instrument whereby we apprehend and receiue the grace of iustification offered vnto vs by God is a true sauing faith Iustifying faith is a gift whereby wee apprehend Christ and his benefits Or it is a worke of Gods Spirit in the heart whereby we receiue and lay hold on Christs obedience for the pardon of our sinnes with God and his accepting of vs as righteous in his ●ight The authour of faith is God For vnto vs It is giuen to beleeue This is the worke of God saith Christ that yee beleeue in him whom hee hath sent Faith both begun and finished is the gift of God as Austen truly teacheth The proper forme and life of faith is not charitie which is a distinct gift of God and a fruite of vnfeigned Faith but the Apprehension and Application of Christ and his benefites vnto our selues particularly The proper obiect of a sauing faith is Iesus Christ God-man and Mediator betwixt God and man Remigius saith My whole faith is in Christ by him alone I beleeue that I am iustified and saued And Beda saith The scope of my faith is Christ the end or marke of my faith whereat it aymeth is the Sonne of God Now to be iustified by faith is to be iustified of God for the righteousnesse of Christ apprehended by faith or as Caluin speaketh he shall be iustified by faith who being excluded from the righteousnesse of works apprehendeth the righteousnesse of Christ by faith wherewith he being inuested doth appeare in the sight of God as righteous and ●ot a sinner So that faith doth iustifie in respect of her obiect onely and not as any meritorious or proper efficient of iustification Euen as the hand that receiueth the treasure which is giuen doth not make the receiuer rich but the treasure it selfe so neither the worke or action of faith doth iustifie vs but Christ himselfe whom we doe apprehend And this faith be it weake or strong is yet able to receiue the righteousnesse of Christ euen as a palsie or shaking hand may receiue a iewel of a king as
THE HIGH-VVAY To Heauen OR The doctrine of Election effectuall Vocation Iustification Sanctification and eternall Life Grounded vpon the holy Scriptures Confirmed by the testimonies of sundry iudicious and great Diuines Ancient and Moderne Compiled by THOMAS TVKE LONDON Printed by NICHOLAS OKES dwelling neere Holborne bridge 1609. TO THE WORshipfull Maister IOHN Leuesen Esquire SIR many and great are the Priuiledges of the Faithful and farre more excellent then any which either are or can be granted by any mortall Monarch whatsoeuer For first they were elected of almightie God freely from all eternity to be partakers of his grace in this world and to be inuested with immortall glory in the world to come Secondly when they had reuolted from God and were become the vassals of the Diuel dead in sinnes and the children of wrath God in 〈…〉 recall and gather them and redeemed them from their seruitude with the bloud of his owne and only sonne Christ Iesus who was made sinne for vs that wee might be made the righteousnes of God in him assuming our iniquitie to himselfe and imputing his righteousnesse vnto vs. Magnum autem est quod peccata remissa sunt sed maius est quòd per sanguinem Dominicum remissa sunt Now it is much that we should be redeemed by God who were Runna gates from God but that we should be redeemed by the bloud of God by the bloud of the sonne of God who was perfect God perfect man of the same substance honor and ant●quitie with the Father this commends the wonderfull loue of God vnto vs and is a fauour that all the world besides doth want Thirdly God doth refine and reuiue them breathing into them the breath of life the spirit of sanctification who doth reforme purge and alter them ruinating the cursed workes of the Diuell and repairing rectifying and adorning them by grace with goodnes Fourthly God doth when hee pleaseth bath them in the waters of sorrow and try them in the furnace of affliction to correct and clense them that his graces in them may appeare more fresh and shining as flowers doe in a shower or as the Moone doth in the night Finally the Lord will one day translate them out of the wide and wast Wildernes of this wicked and wofull World and will safely bring them into celestiall Canaan where they shall liue for euer with him in ful freedome from all euill and in perpetuall fruition of all felecity so that as nothing shal be found in Hell which shal be desired so nothing shal be desired in Heauen which shall not be found Ibi laetitia sine tristitia locus sine dolore vitasine labore lux sine tenebris ibi iuuentus semper vigescit nunquam senescit ibi dolor nunqum sentitur nec gemitus vnquam auditur ibi tristitia nunquam videtur sed aeternum gaudium possidetur ibi est summa certa tranquillitas tranquilla faelicitas foelix aeternitas aeterna beatitas beata Trinitas There shal be mirth without mourning a life without labor day without darknes eternall happines happy eternity Ibi nec malitia nec militia ibi nec poena nec poenitenria ibi nec peccatum nec perditio There is neither sinne nor sorow neither penalty nor penitency neither foe nor fighting neither corruption nor contention amity and no enmity faith and no fraud godlines and no guile loue without lust ● wisedome without wilines simplicity without simulation perpetuall solace and solacious perpetuity prosperous security and secure prosperity Ibi nil intus quod sastiolatur nil foris quod appetatur ibi rex veritas lex charitas possessio aeternitas There we shall neither lothe nor long for The King is veri●y the law charity the possession eternity yea the fruition of the eternall God who will be Mel in ore melos in aure i●bilus in corde All in all to them that loue him These things you may take a further view of if you please by perusing this little ●ractate which I dedicate to you as a testimony of my desire of your proficience in holy learning And thus hoping of your kind acceptance thereof I commend it to you and both it and you to the Lord desiring him to honor you with his grace 〈◊〉 you may so know him in your youth as that you may be knowen of him in your age and that seruing him like a faithfull Souldier against sinne and all sinnefull vanities in the Church militant you may raigne also like a noble Victor with him in the Church Triumphant February 16. 1608. Your Worships in the Lord to be commanded THOMAS TVKE 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Eduardi Smithi ad Lectorem Laesciuae fa●iem Veneris laudare vetustas Respersam naeuo garrula saepè solet Exhibet iste liber veneres naeuo sine castas Es laetam quicquid sternat ad astra Viam Eiusdem ad Momum Nigro si tibi mos bene facta notare lapillo H●● omnis maculis pagina sparsa foret Vanae at sicarpas tantummodo somnia Mome Crede tuss maculis non locus vllus erit Eiusdem ad Auctorem Ergò age pensentur tibi tot mercede labores A Eternà dignam saecula nostra negant Exhibe tende doc● condigna salubria Verae Christo ●uibus cunctos carmin● voce stylo The names of such as are alledged in this booke beside the Scriptures A AMbrose Angelome Anselme Aquinas Aristotle Augustine B Bede Beza Bellarmine Bernard Bradford Bu●anu● Basill C Caluin Cicero Chrysostome Clemens Alex Cameracensis Cyprian Cyrill D Danaeus F Fox Fulgentius G Greenham Gregorie H Hugo Haimo H●ome I Innocentius Isidore Isychius Iustine K K●●ke ma● L Lacta●tiu● Luth●r M P. Martyr O Origen P Per●iu● P●●lp●t Piscator Polanus Primasius Pr●●p●r R Radulphus Roffensis Rogers Remi●i●s Roil●●● S Sedulins Sturmius T Tertullian Theodulus Trel●atius Tyndall V Vrsinus VV Willet OF GODS ETERnall Election CHAP. I. The word Election hath fiue significations Three reasons to pro●ue that there is an Election to life Two reasons prouing the necessary vse of this Doctrine Foure reasons to shew that Ministers should teach it Three duties to bee done concerning the handling of it ALL men are by a certaine instinct of nature desirous of knowledge and account ignorance euill and vnseemely like a defectiue body or a light-lesse house For knowledge is the eye of the minde the light of the soule the ornament of grace and nature and such riches as will swimme with the master when he suffers shipwracke and sees his whole estate to sinke before his eyes Now the more excellent and commodious a thing is the more worthy it is of our knowledge Therefore it is discommendable and vncomely for any man to bee ignorant of himselfe and of the causes the meanes and maner of his eternall saluation and redemption from horrible and intolerable miserie To
For all flesh is grasse and all the glorie of man is as the flower of grasse The grasse withereth and the flower fa●leth away but the iustification of a sinner remaineth for euer It is enacted and enrolled in heauen it shall not bee repealed and obl●ter●ted vpon the earth Fiftly Iustification may be perceiued knowne and that three waies First by the suggestion of Gods spirit Secondly by faith which is a certaine assurance or perswasion of the loue af God in Christ Now a man may assure himselfe of faith ●f the●● two things be in him First if he loue God for God himselfe and his neighbour truely as himselfe For lo●e accompanies faith as the light doth the sunne Indeed it proceedes f●om faith and as Gr●gor●● saith Quantum 〈◊〉 ta●tu●● 〈◊〉 As is our faith 〈…〉 our loue Secondly a man may assure himselfe of Iustifying faith if he doe striue against his doubtings and with an honest heart doe will to beleeue and vnfeignedly desire to be reconciled vnto God and do with a●l constantly vse the good meanes that God hath ordeined to beget and encrease faith For God accept● the wil to beleeue for faith it selfe and the will to repent for repentance The reason hereof i● plaine Euerie supernaturall act presupposeth a supernaturall povver or gift and therefore the vvill to beleeue and repent presupposeth the povver and gift of faith and repentance in the heart Thirdly a man may come to bee assured of his Iustification by certaine vnfallible tokens and 〈◊〉 of it some whereof I will here set down The first is a ioy most vnspeakable and glorious wherewith our hearts must needs be rauished when we see ●ur selues by the righteousnesse of Christ of the free grace of God redeemed from death deliuered from hell and freed f●om the fearef●ll condemnation of the wicked The second is the peace of conscience While sin and the guilt of sin remained there was no peace nor quietnes to be found but feare within terrours without and troubles on euerie side But when our sins are once nayled to the crosse of Christ and forgiuen vs then the windes are layed the waues are setled the sea is calmed the soule is quieted and imparked within the pales of peace Thirdly that no man may thinke fleshly sottishnes and the stupour of the spirit to be found securitie true tranquillity being indeed but like a ca●me be●ore some violent no o●●●agious temp●st wee may know that our peace is good and that 〈…〉 f●●●●on is past with God ●f w● 〈◊〉 a promptitude and 〈…〉 to d●e that which is good 〈…〉 a man doth finde 〈…〉 for the forgiuenes of si●nes 〈◊〉 loue of God constraineth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●●y which hee conceiueth 〈…〉 him and putteth life into h●m for 〈◊〉 pe●●o●mance of those things whic● are pleasing vnto God His vnderstanding is inlightned his iudgement is refo●●ed his affections are b●●●r●d his ioies are in heauen his desire are to Christ-ward his walke is t● Canaan his course to Ierusalem 〈◊〉 his anger is consumed vpon his own● corruption For we must know 〈◊〉 when God doth in p●te ri●hteousne● vnto a man to preuent his d●m●●tio● by sin then hee doth also inf●se righteousnes into him to ●inder the ●●●●nation of sin Therefore Paul ioyne● both together when hee saith that Christ is made vnto vs righteousness● 〈…〉 and redemption and when hee t●ls his Corinths that they are v●●sh 〈…〉 and iustified So then he that ci●cumciseth the fore skin of his heart by true repentance he that wa●●eth against all his lusts truely st●●●h to serue the Lord in all his p●ec●p●s he may know for certain● that God ha●h cut the cords of his sinnes and hath cast them all behind● him But ●●●●e are manie circumcised to 〈◊〉 not to the Lord they are the cir●u●●●sion of the King and of the Queene they leaue ma●y grosse sins p●●●shable by imprisonment but for others as great but not p●nal they passe ouer These men must know what so long as they addict themselues to their knowne enormities without repentance they are out of the kingdome of Christ are not clothed with the robes of his righteousnes but co●●red with the rotten rags of their owne wickednes For those that are in Christ vvalke not after the flesh but after the Spirit They th●t a●e ●is haue crucified the flesh vv●th the affections the lusts But to liue in sin is to take sin downe from the crosse and to put life and spirit into it Finally as S. Iohn teacheth we know that we are translated from death to life which is in our iustification because vve loue the Brethren For it is impossible for him rightly to loue a righteous man in Christ who is not as yet himselfe made righteous by Christ But when a man is once ●●s●ified by God he will then begin to loue a iust man for God Loue lo●es his like One iust man will loue another Martin Luther faith that a man may try and know whether h● be incorporated into Christ or not by this that as hee feeleth his heart cheered and sweetned by the feeling of Gods promises and fauour written in his hart so such a man as no man is but he that is iustified ha●h forthwith regard of his Neighbour and helpeth him as his Brother careth for him lendeth him giueth him comforteth coun●elleth him yea and briefly hee is greeued if there bee none towards whom he may be se●uice●ble hee is patient tractab●e and truly friendeth all men he doth not esteeme the tēporall pleasure and pride of this life he iudgeth no man hee defameth no man he interpreteth all things to the best part Finally when as he seeth not the matter go well with his neighbour as that he fainteth in faith waxeth cold in loue he prayeth for him he reproueth him according to his calling hee is sorely greeued if any man commit any thing against God or his Neighbour And all this proceedeth from the roote and iuice of Gods grace for that the bountifulnes loue and goodnes of Christ hath sprinckled and replenished his heart with sweetenes and loue that it is a pleasure and ioy for him to do good to his Neighbour and is greeued for his sins as Samuel for Saul By these and such like workes of grace a man may come to a certaine knowledge of his Iustification Which how well worthy it is of our knowledge they can best tell which feele the comfort of it most And let no mā thinke it imp●ssible to bee discerned by man because it is performed by God without man For though it be acted by God in heauen yet it produceth many notable graces in man vpon the earth by which it may be perceiued as a vine by her grapes or as a lamp by her light Neither let vs be induced to thinke that iustification is a changeable or reuokable act of God and that a iustified man may fall from grace and