Selected quad for the lemma: knowledge_n

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knowledge_n grace_n patience_n temperance_n 1,937 5 11.6778 5 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13057 For the colony in Virginea Britannia. Lavves diuine, morall and martiall, &c. Virginia.; Strachey, William, 1572?-1621. 1612 (1612) STC 23350; ESTC S111283 56,375 108

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the Marshall for his owne defence or offence of the enemie A Praier duly said Morning and Euening vpon the Court of Guard either by the Captaine of the watch himselfe or by some one of his principall officers MErciful Father and Lord of heauen and earth we come before thy presence to worship thée in calling vpon thy name and giuing thankes vnto thée and though our duties and our verie necessities call vs héereunto Yet we confesse our hearts to be so dull and vntoward that vnlesse thou be mercifull to vs to teach vs how to pray we shall not please thée nor profit our selues in these duties Wée therefore most humbly beséech thée to raise vp our hearts with thy good spirit and so to dispose vs to praier that with true seruencie of heart féeling of our wants humblenesse of minde and faith in thy gracious promises we may present our suites acceptably vnto thée by our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ. And thou our Father of al mercies that hast called vs vnto thée heare vs and pitie thy p●0re seruants we haue indéed sinned wonderously against thée through our blindnesse of mind prophanesse of spirit hardnesse of heart selfe loue worldlinesse carnall lusts hypocrisie pride vanitie vnthankfulnesse infidelitie and other our natiue corruptions which being bred in vs and with vs haue defiled vs euen from the wombe and vnto this day and haue broken out as plague sores into innumerable transgressions of all thy holy lawes the good waies whereof we haue wilfully declines haue many times displeased thée and our own consciences in chusing those things which thou hast most iustly seuerely forbidden vs. And besides all this wee haue outstood the gracious time and m●anes of our conuersion or at least not stooped and humbled our selues before thée as wee ought although we haue wanted none of those helpes which thou vouchsafest vnto thy wandering children to fetch them home withall for we haue had together with thy glorious workes thy word calling vpon vs without and thy spirit within and haue béene solicited by promises by threatnings by blessings by chastisings by examples on all hands And yet our corrupted spirits cannot become wise before thée to humble themselues and to take héede as we ought and wish to do Wherefore O Lord God we do acknowledge thy patience to haue béene infinite and incomparable in that thou hast béen able to hold thy hands frō reuenging thy self vpō vs thus long yet pleasest to hold open the doze of grace that we might come in vnto thée and be saued And now O blessed Lord God we are desirous to come vnto thée how wretched soeuer in our selues yea our very wretchednesse sends vs vnto thée vnto thée with whō the fatherlesse and he that hath no helper findeth mercy we come to thée in thy Sons name not daring to come in our owne In his name that came for vs we come to thée in his ●●diation whom thou hast sent In him O Father in whom thou hast professed thy selfe to be well pleased we come vnto thée and doe most humbly beséech thée to pittie vs to saue vs for thy mercies sake in him O Lord our God our sins haue not outbidden that bloud of thy holy Son which speaks for our pardon nor can they be so infinite as thou art in thy mercies our hearts O God thou séest them our hearts are desirous to haue peace with thée and war with our lusts and wish that they could melt before thée and be dissolued into godly mourning for all that filth that hath gone through them and defiled them And our desires are now to serue and please thee and our purposes to endeuour it more faithfully we pray thée therefore for the Lord Iesus sake seale by in our consciences thy gracious pardon of all our sinnes past and giue vs to féele the consolation of this grace shed abroad in our hearts for our eternall comfort and saluation and that we may know this perswasion to be of thy spirit and not of carnall presumption blessed God let those graces of thy spirit which doe accompany saluation be powred out more plentifully vpon vs encrease in vs all godly knowledge faith patience temperance méekenesse wisedome godlinesse loue to thy Saints and seruice zeale of thy glory iudgement to discerne the difference of good ill and things present which are temporary and things to come which are eternall Make vs yet at the last wise-hearted to lay vp our treasure in heauen and so set our affections more vpon things that are aboue where Christ sits at thy right hand And let all the vaine and transitory inticements of this poore life appeare vnto vs as they are that our hearts may no more be intangled and bewitched with the loue of them O Lord O God our God thou hast dearely bought vs for thine owne selfe giue vs so honest hearts as may be glad to ●éelt the possession of thine owne And be thou so gracious as yet to take them vp though we haue desperately held thée out of them in times past and dwell in vs and raigne in vs by thy spirit that we may be sure to raigne with thée in thy glorious kingdome according to thy promise through him that hath purchased that inheritance for all that trust in him And seeing thou doest so promise these graces to vs as that thou requirest our industrie and diligence in the vse of such meanes as serue thereto good Lord let vs not so crosse our praiers for grace as not to séeke that by diligence which we make shew to séeke by prayer least our owne waied condemne vs of hypocrisie Stirre vs vp therefore O Lord to the frequent vse of prayer to reading hearing and meditating of thy holy word teach vs to profit by the conuersation of thy people and to be profitable in our owne make vs wise to apprehend all oportunities of doing or receiuing spirituall good strengthen vs with grace to obserue our hearts and waies to containe them in good order or to reduce them quickly let vs neuer thinke any company so good as thine nor any time so well spent as that which is in thy seruice and beautifying of thine Image in our selues or others Particularly we pray thée open our eies to sée our naturall infirmities and to discouer the aduantages which Satan gets thereby And giue vs care to striue most where we are most assaulted and endamaged And thou O God that hast promised to blesse thine owne ordinances blesse all things vnto vs that we may grow in grace in knowledge and so may shine as light in this darke world giuing good example to all men and may in our time lie downe in peace of a good conscience embaulmed with a good report and may leaue thy blessings entailed vnto ours after vs for an inheritance These O Father are our speciall suits wherein wee beséech thee to set forth the wonderful riches of thy grace towards vs