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A00481 Certayne Godly exarcises [sic] meditacions and prayers very necessary and profytable for all persons and for all times, set forthe by certayne godly lerned men, to be vsed dayly as you shalbe godly disposed, and shall feele nede thervnto. And also the letany dayly vsed in churches annexed to the ende hereof. 1565 (1565) STC 10617; ESTC S115579 46,741 130

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grace to do thy wyll all the dayes of my lyfe and to obteyne all these my peticions through Iesus Christ thy dere sonne my onely sauiour To whom be all honour and glory nowe and euer Amen Iohn Lydley ¶ A Godly Prayer for all Christen men O Almighty euer liuynge god thou God of all power before whose eyes all thinges lye naked and bare haue regarde vnto me moste miserable synner shews me the light of thy mercies let my praiers ascende vp before thy presence and be accepted in thy sight for Iesus Christes sake Geue thy holy spirite into my heart Oh Lord and lighten my vnderstanding that I maye dwell in the feare of thy name al the dayes of my life that I maye knowe thee the onely true god and Iesus Christ whom thou hast sente For I come vnto thee Oh Lorde thou louer of our soules not hoping in mine owne righteousenes but trusting onely vpon the multitude of thy great mercies whiche thou hast layde forthe before the eyes of all people offering saluation to the whole worlde and haste promysed that who so euer he be of the whole generation of man that wyll obey to thy grace Repent and tourne vnfaynedly from his synnes he shall haue free remission and forgeuenes through Iesus Christ our lord whiche is our onely aduocate and mediatour in whom our saluation lyeth of whom thou hast sayde This is my deere sonne in whom I am well pleased well pacifyed For this thy sonnes sake by whom I am bold to come vnto thee whiche appereth nowe inthy syght making continuall intercession for vs Haue mercy vpon me O thou mightye God and forgeue mee all my synnes which I haue vnrighteousely committed against thee in thoughte worde dede Oh let me feele thy mercies towardes mee for I do confesse my synnes vnto thee Oh lord and hide not mine vnrighteousenes I doo acknowledge mine offences and accuse my selfe before thee of all my misdeedes Helpe me O God my sauioure for the glorye of thy name O delyuer and forgeue me my synnes for thy riche mercies sake Remember not the offences of my youth O Lorde but thinke vppon thy great mercies and couenaunt made vnto me in Christ Iesus O most merciful father consider mine infirmities which are many and great and beare myne imperfection for thy sonne my Sauiour Iesus Christes sake which had good erperience of our infirmitie that he might be merciful vnto al them that are tempted consider how the ennemye hath gotten an open way into my fleshe wherein I confesse that there dwelleth nothynge but synne wretchednes and miserie Therefore I come vnto thee O Lord my God desiringe thee for Christes sake to renewe in mee a right spirite that I may receaue strength and hablenes to do thy wyll and to stande againste all the assaultes of the deuill that they maye haue no place in me but that the olde man which I bear about in my body may be crucified and dayly dye in me that the lustes of synne maye vtterly be destroyed that I maye euermore be renewed in the spyrite of my minde that the lyfe of Christ may alwayes appeare in me Good lord deliuer me from all kyndes of euyll as fornycation couetousenes malyciousnes enuy murder debate deceyte from whisperynge backbitinge contempt of the my neyghbour good lord deliuer me from euyll ielosie from doinge of wronge pride boasting from adultery vaine glory hipocrisie wantonnes ydolatry witchecrafte hatred variaunce zeale wrath strife seditiō sectes enuying drunkennes gluttony and other suche lyke Good lord for thy great mercies sake deliuer me and graunt me grace to haue thee alwaies before myne eyes that I may also haue a respect vnto thy iudgementes that whatsoeuer I say thincke or do may be agreable to thy holy word that I be not mynded as the vngodlye wycked men are Let me haue no pleasure in such thinges as please thē make me lowe in mine owne sighte O lorde that pryde selfe loue ouertake me not Let not the hand of the vngodly cast me downe but bowe my harte alwaies vnto thee that I may serue thee withoute feare all the daies of my lyfe in such holinesse and righteousenesse as is acceptable before thee Remoue frō me al vanities and lies take fro me the iustes of the bodye let not the desires of vnclennes take holde vppon me and geue me not ouer vnto an vnshamefast or obstynate minde but holde me alwayes vnder thy nurture and correction Of thy fatherly mercy leaue me not to my self but stand thou alwaies by me for I am to weake of myne owne power to do any thinge that is good but my ryghteousenesse strength lyeth onely in thee Therfore O lord I come vnto thee requirynge mercy in thy sight and the assistance of thy grace that I may be strengthened with power in the inwarde mā be armed with thy holy armour whiche is the brestplate of ryghteousenes the shylde of Fayth the hope of saluation for an helmet and the sworde of the spirite whiche is thy holy worde that I may stand parfecte in al that is thy wil and be founde worthy through Chryst to receyue a crowne of lyfe whiche thou hast promised to all them that loue thee in purenesse of mynde O Lord plant in me true obedience to thy holy lawe let not the cares of this world choke thi word in me Kepe me al so from all desceitefulnes of richesse and vncleane desyres that all vertues maye be planted in me Good Lorde geue me grace to walke before thee all the dayes of thys my Pilgrimage with good conscience and pure minde that when thou shalt appeare to rewarde euery man according to hys dedes I may reioyce and not be ashamed of the at thy comming Increase my faith O Lorde my sauyour in thee and in thy Christ Increase my loue O my Redemer to thee and to thy ryghteous people Increase a sure hope in me of my saluation O my Iustifier Increase strength in me to ouercome synne and to stande agaynste all euil temptaciōs that they haue no place in me Encrease in me true vnderstanding and pure iudgement in thy worde that I be not deceaued and caryed away in the errour of the wicked But graūte O lord that I may grow in thy grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Sauiour Iesus Christ Let thy kingdome come vnto me whiche is righteousnes peace and ioye in thy holy ghost longe sufferyng gentlenes goodnes faithfulnes mekenes temperaunce strength pacience with all suche like vertues as ar prescribed vnto me in thy holy word that in prosperous thinges I may geue thee thankes and in aduersitie be pacient that I be not lifted vp with the one nor oppressed with the other Oh let al worldly things be vile vnto me for thee Let me not be mery with the ioy that is without thee and let me desire nothing beside thee Make me to lift vp my hart oftentimes to thee
warning for vs that we set not vp our selues against thy holy wil graunt free passage to thy holy word that it may worke effectually in vs the worcke of life blessed hope of our saluation to the eternal praise of thy maiestye throughe our mediatoure Christ Iesus to whom wyth the father and the holy ghost thre persons and one god be praise and thankesgeuing in all congregations world without ende So be it Ia. P. ¶ A prayer for the common peace and quietnes of our countrey necessary for this our tyme. MOst mercifull god which hast created man after thyne owne lykenesse to lyue thereafter in godly peace and concorde take away all strife and debate not onely in priuate causes betwyxte man and man but especially betwixt realme and realme cuntrey and cūtrey douchsaf to pacify the troublous affections of worldly mens hartes who inflamed by that spirite of discorde labour to breake that godly knotte of peace and concorde which most besemeth thy elect seruauntes and desciples to performe Gide thou vs in the vnitie of thy spirite that we maye in thee be of one mynde aswell in matters touching the truth of religion as also outward ciuill that all maner groundes of discorde and war being taken away we may liue in holy peace quietnes to the aduauncement of thy glory and the settyng forth spreading abrode of thy gospell Geue good successe O Lorde to the trauayles and counsailes of our gouernoures directed to the safety quietnes of this realme Defend and aide the ministers and trauailers about the same Bryng to naught all the subtill deuises of Sathan of Antechrist and his mēbers deuised againste the veritie of thy word ouerthrow their counsailes and bring their conspiracye to naught beate backe their proud boldnesse in aduancing lies and suppressing of the truth and so make an ende at last of their outragious tiranny that we thy seruauntes may quietly consent and rest in thy truth hauinge both the inwarde peace of minde and conscience also the outward concorde aswell amongest our selues as wyth all forren natyons and cuntreis graunt this O lord for Iesus Christes sake Amen ¶ A praier for the whole church of christ and for euery state and degree therof accordinge to the petitions of the Lordes prayer ⸫ ALmighty god our heauenly Father since thou hast promised graciouslye to heare vs and graunte our requestes whiche we shal make vnto the in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ thy welbeloued son Ihon. 16. And we also are taught by him and his apostelles to make our common prayer in his name promisyng that he wyl be amonge vs Math. 18. and make intercession for vs vnto thee for the obteinynge of all suche thinges as wee shall godly desyre here in earth And moreouer since thou hast commaunded vs to pray for such as thou hast appoynted rulers and gouernours ouer vs 1. Timo. 2. and also for all thynges nedefull for thy people we therfore cōceauinge boldnesse throughe thy holy worde and leaninge assuredly vnto thy most vndoubted promises do make our earnest suplication vnto thee our moste mercifull god bountifull father that for Iesus Christes sake our onely sauyour and mediatour it would please thee of thy infinite mercye freely to pardon our offences and in suche sorte to draw and lifte vppe our hartes and affections towardes thee that our requestes maye bothe procede of a feruent mynde and also be agreable vnto thy moste blessed wyll and pleasure We beseche thee therfore O heauenly father as towchinge all princes and rulers vnto whom thou hast commytted the administration of thy iustice and namely as towchinge the estate of oure moste gracious Queene that it woulde please thee to endue her and all her honourable Counsaile with thy plentiful grace and principal spirite and increase the same from time to time in her that ●e may with a pure faith acknowledge Iesus Christ thy onely sonne our lorde to be the kynge of all kynges 1. Timo. 6. Act. 17. Math. 28. and gouernour of al gouernours euen as thou hast geuen al power vnto hym bothe in heauen and in earthe and may vprightly and zelously seke and earnestly maynteine thy true glory minister iustice punishe synne and defende the ryght rulynge her subiectes whiche be thy creatures and the shepe of thy pasture euen as she is taughte and commaunded by thy worde We beseche thee also most deare father for al Pastours and ministers vnto whom thou hast cōmitted the charge of mennes sowles and the ministery of thy holy gospel that it wold please thee so to guide theim with thy holy spirite that they may be founde faythfull zealous of thy glory directing alwais their whole studies vnto this ende that the poore shepe which be gone astray out of the stocke may be sought out brought againe vnto the lorde Iesus who is the chiefe shepeharde head of al Pastours wherby they may frō day to day 1. Pe 5. growe and increase in him vnto all righteous●nes and holines And on the other part that it wolde please thee to delyuer thye churche from the daunger of suche idols shepehardes ●●che 11. wulues and hirelynges as seeke them selues and their bellyes and not the settinge forthe of thy glorye and the safegarde of thy flocke Moreouer we make our prayers vnto thee most mercyfull father for all men in general the as thou wilt be known to be the sauiour of all the world by the redemption purchased by thy onely sonne Iesus Christ euen so suche as haue ben bytherto holden captiue in darcknesse ignoraunce for lacke of the knowledge of thy gospell maye throughe the preaching therof and the cleare light of thy holy spirite be broughte into the righte way of saluatiō which is to knowledge that thou art only very god and that he whom thou haste sent is Iesus Christe Iu. 17. Likewise that they whom thou hast already indued with thy grace and whose hart thou hast lightened with the knowledge of thy word may continually encrease in godlinesse and be plenteousely enryched wyth spirytuall benefytes so that we may altogether worshippe thee both with hart and mouthe and render due honour and seruice vnto thee accordingly In like maner O lord of al true comforte we cōmend vnto thee in our prayers all such persons as thou hast visited and chastised by thy crosse and tribulation all such people as thou hast punished with pestilence warre and famin and all other persons afflycted with pouerty imprisonment sickenesse banishmente or any like bodely aduersitie or hast otherwise troubled and afflycted in spirite that it will please thee to make them perceaue thy fatherly affection towardes thē that is that these crosses be nothinge ells but fatherly chastisinges for their amendment to the intent that they should vnfainedly turne vnto thee that they cleauinge vnto thee mays receaue ful comfort and be deliuered from all maner of euill Finally most deare father we
and vnderstanding Comforte my soule with thy swete promyses and let thy mercies couer my infirmities For the deathe and bloudshedynge of thy Christ O Lord consider myne infirmities which are many and helpe to heale myne imperfection delyuer me from al kyndes of euilles that I do not obey vnto them as from adultery fornication vncleannesse wantonnes ydolatry good lord deliuer mee Frō witch craft lyeng hatred varyaunce zeale wrath strife sedition good lorde delyuer mee From sectes enuiyng whyspering backebityng bringing vp of euyll tumours good lorde delyuer mee From murther drunkennes gluttony and from the spirite of euyl telosie good lorde deliuer me From enuiynge of other which loue thee thy people more then I or be beloued of thee or of thye people more than I am from swelling at other mennes giftes good lorde deliuer mee From surmisynge murmuringe lowring grudging mutteringe when wordes be not spokē to my mind good lorde for thy great mercies sake deliuer mee and geue me grace that I do at no tyme enuye any good man or womaunes loue but labour to increase it that their prosperstie in worde prayse of other may be my consolation and reioysynge O lord graunt me that I may be low in myne owne syght to submit my self to beare all occasions to wrestle wyth fleshe and bloudde and get the victory Graunt me this gyfte that I maye be swyft to heare slowe to speake slowe to wrathe that my hart do not go after any euyll and wicked imaginations Geue me grace to walke soo that I geue none euill occasions and to auoid all suspitious thinges wherby euyll occasions maye growe O Lorde assist mee with thye spirite that I may labour to mainteyne peace to increase loue and to further vertue Graunte O mercifull father that I may prosper in all vertue in long suffering gentlenes goodnes faithfulnes mekenes temperaunce strength and pacience with all suche like vertues as are cōmaunded in thy holy law for mee to walke in O lorde geue me ioye in thy holy spirite that I may reioyce in thy holy scriptures that al my whole pleasure felycitie and consolation may be in thy holy woorde night and daye in readinge thinking talkinge of the same to thy glory and my edifienge Assist thy seruaūt against this world with the vaine pompe pleasure beautie thereof that it maye be vnto me as vile dust slime fylthynes and asshes that I maye vse it as thoughe I vsed it not and that it may serue me and I not it that I may take my part therof vnto my necessitie with thankesgeuing that I do not vse thy creatures voluptuousely but that I may at al tymes liue righteously soberly and godly in this lyfe Geue me grace to walke with a good conscience bothe before thee and towardes all men in bying and sellinge and in all other my doinges to cast away allyinge craft and disceite that I be not a reader of thy holy worde and a talker onely but that it may appere also in my lyfe and conuersation O Lorde graunte vnto thy seruaunte the strengthe of thy holy spirite to subdue this bodye of synne with the whele lustes therof that it may be made obedient both in wyll minde membres to do thy will that it may be weake vile simple and of no reputation in it selfe by the way of fastinge prayer and meditation of thy lawe that I may be low harted humble minded gentle spryted and to all vertues obedient Geue me grace O lorde to brydle my mouth from al vayne and lyght communication and geue me an vnderstāding hearte with suche discretyon that neyther fylthynes nor folishe talkinge nor iestinge whiche are not comely procede out of my mouthe but rather geuing of thankes O Lord my sauiour increase my faith in thee and in thy Christe and make it stronge to beleue thy promyses O Lorde my redemer increase in me a loue to do thy wyll and to thy ryghteous people O Lorde my iustifyer increase in me a sure hope of my saluation withoute doubt or wauering in aduersitie with out pride or presumption in prosperytie so that in aduersitie I maye be pacient and geue thankes in prosperitie serue thee with reuerence and godly feare all the dayes of my lyfe Increase in me Lord al other vertues agreable to a godly lyfe for I come vnto thee my god as vnto the wel euerlasting fountaine of health and saluation O heauenly father graunt vnto mee al other wheresoeuer they be dispersed throughout the whole world which professe thy holy worde so to lyue that we may dye to sinne and leade a godly conuersatiō walking innocētly before thee Preserue and defende thy seruaunte from all false opinions that I be not deceyued and caryed awaye in errour of the wicked but that I maye growe in grace and knoweledge of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ O Lord geue me a reuerent and pure vnderstanding of thy holy word that I may therby auoyde al rashe iudgemente and peruerse interpretations O Lorde geue me wisedome knoweledge and vnderstandinge to perceyue those false lying flatteryng spirytes whiche doe deceyue the hartes of innecentes and begyle vnstable soules O Lorde make me to be content with thys woman which thou hast geuen me to be my wyfe that we maye godly lyue together accordynge to thy holy ordynaunce Geue her an hearte of vnderstanding and set thy feare alway before her eyes that she may be obedient in word dede and thought to all that is thy wil. O Lord geue vs the power of thy holy Spirite to rule gouerne and bryng vp these our children and familie in al god lye feare and knoweledge of thy holye worde and that we maye be vnto them an example in all godlynes and vertue to the prayse of thy holy name Saue my soule oh my God whether it be throughe prosperitie or aduersitie losse or gayne sickenes or health life or deathe Ayde strengthen succour and defend thy seruaunt in all aduersitye tribulation and temptaciō and suffer not him to be tempted aboue his strength Increase my ioye that I may reioyce in persecution embrace it to my cōsolacion comfort thinke my felfe happie and blessed when I am counted worthy to suffer rebuke for thy names sake Take from my hearte the care of all worldly thinges only set before my eies the ioye of the crosse of Christe that I maye take comforte therin and despyse the shame for the great rewarde that is laide vppe in heauen for all those that with pacience suffer in aduersitie continue in well doinge vnto the ende O Lorde neither lay thou presumption vnto thy seruauntes charge nor loke not vppon my vilenes whiche am but dust earth and ashes yet lorde I haue taken vpon me am bolde to come vnto thee throughe the merites of Chrystes death and bloud shedyng to lay my prayers before thee requiringe merry pardon and forgeuenesse of all my sinnes and also the assistance of thy