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A73751 The rocke of religion. Christ, not Peter As it was deliuered in certaine sermons vpon Math. 16. ver. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, & 20. Summarily contracted out of that which was more largely handled in the parish of S. Anthonline by George Close the younger, one of the readers there. Close, George. 1624 (1624) STC 5433.5; ESTC S124804 70,602 246

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the binding and loosing which God in all ages hath exercised in his Church by the Ministery of Moses and all the Prophets as by his Apostles in the time of grace and of the Gospell so we safely conclude that the power to forgiue or retaine sinnes is not properly giuen to men k 1 Cor. 9. 18. cap. 2. 5. 3. 6 7. but to the word of God and his diuine Sacraments whereof men are but the Ministers to plant and water to teach exhort reproue and correct but the effect is of God which giueth power to his Word and Sacraments as the Sunne to mollifie waxe and harden clay to minister the l Acts 10. 44. 2 Cor. 3. 3 6 8. spirit of grace or Satan to possesse reprobates And to conclude and close vp this poynt of the Keyes whether we vnderstand the Doctrine or Discipline of the Church or both as it may bee safely so extended yet wee ascribe vnto God the effectuall power onely to loose or retaine sinnes Vse 1 But let no man despise the Ordinance of God in the administration of his Word and Sacraments or the iust censures of the Church for the contempt of any of them God himselfe reuengeth as an indignitie done vnto himselfe and so the excommunicate person shut out of the Church by Paul and the Congregation was sayd to be deliuered to Satan who hath great dominion ouer vnbeleeuers and contemners of Gods word and holy Ordinances and there were many fearefull examples in the Primitiue Church of diuers excommunicate persons taken with frenzy and ouertaken with strange iudgments wherby God wrought a feare in the Church to offend presumptuously against his Ordinances So m Actes 5. 3 5 11. Ananias and Saphira censured by Peter for their hypocrisie were immediately strucken to death and cut off by a consteruation of the body from the grace of life and by an eternall malediction of the soule from the life of grace And also n Act. 8. 20 21 Simon Magus being discouered and cut off from the Church was filled with all iniquitie and returned to his Sorceries and the Deuils seruices againe o 2 Sam. 7. 15 1 Sam. 13. 14. and 15. 26. and 16. 14. and 19. 23. Saul being denounced by Samuel to be cut off by the sentence of God an euill spirit possessed him who notwithstanding when he was in the Assemblies of the Church Prophets did also prophesie with them It is safe therefore to bee in the Assemblies of Gods Saints where the Spirit of God hath his residence on the contrary it is a fearefull thing to bee in the Congregations of the wicked p Num. 16. 21 24 30 32. 27. 3. as the complices of Corah Dathan and Abiram which were swallowed vp into destruction and went downe quicke to hell with them To be cast off from God which raigneth in the Assembly of the Saints q 1 Cor. 5. 4 5 11. is to bee cast vnto Satan which rageth out of the Church Let such as neglect the publique Assemblies of Christian Congregations or reiect the word of God or his diuine Sacraments there ministred consider how fearefully they offend against God and their owne soules which refuse to vse that Key whereby the kingdome of grace heere and of glory hereafter is so effectually opened vnto them The Keyes of the Kingdome of Heauen Doct. In that the Word of God is called the key of the kingdome of Heauen it teacheth vs the great power and efficacie thereof being as Augustine affirmeth Potens Instrumentum the powerfull Instrument for the encrease of Gods Church and Kingdome It is most true that this great power promised was as graciously performed by Christ vnto his Apostles which brought greater workes to passe by this their Ministery in conquering the whole world and subduing the consciences of men to the obedience of God than all the Potentates and prudent men of the earth were able by their power and policie to performe Demosthenes among the Greekes and Cicero among the Latines renowned for their Eloquence Solon for his wisedome Aristides for his Iustice Plato for his diuine Philosophy Aristotle for his profound knowledge Alexander for his Prowesse Caesar and Pompey for their power famous in their generations in all the world yet neuer attayned any such conquest ouer Satan or the world as these poore Preachers Fishermen and Fishers of men brought to passe by the vertue of these Keyes and Commission of Christ wherby they surpassed all Conquerours for the vniuersall largenesse and constant continuance of Christs kingdome vpon earth Let Tamberlaine the Tartar and the Turkish Ottomans boast of their great Atchieuements yet they came short of the bounds of their Territories as Christes Kingdome was inlarged from Sea vnto Sea vnto the endes of the earth of these it was prophesied and by these it was performed r Psal 19. 4. Luke 1. 3● Rom. 10. 18. Their sound went out into all the world and their voyce vnto the endes of the earth It is a false bragge of Turkish or Romish Emperours Iupiter in Coelis Caesar regit omnia terris for they neuer had any Empire of comparable extent with this nor of answerable subiection themselues were Lords of men and slaues of vices and it was truely verified which the dogged Diogenes tolde Alexander That he was not a Conquerour but a drudge of the world hee ouercame not the world but the world ouercame him and hee was a slaue to so many Lords as hee was subiect to vices Pride Excesse and Drunkennesse ouerthrew him and his kingdomes were diuided and fayled in the next Generation but of this King and Kingdome it is sayd ſ Isai 53. 8. Act. 8. 33. Who can tell his Generation Mans Lawes and subiection extended but to the body goods and estates of men in this world t 2 Cor. 10. 4 5 Christes Kingdome is ouer Satan Sinne Death Hell and Damnation and ouer the Soules and Consciences of men u Hebr. 4. 12. to bring euen the most rebellious thoughts of the heart into subiection vnto God yea it preuailed mightily against all the powers of the world w Apoc. 17. 14. which by most grieuous persecutions set themselues against it but it was no more possible for them to suppresse it then x Apoc 7. 1 to stay the winds that they should not blow vpon the face of the earth or that the breath of God should be restrayned It is recorded by Ruffinus Ruffin lib. 2. Cap. 5. that when the Christians in Edessa a Citie of Mesopotamia were banished by the Emperors commaundement yet they had their meetings in the Fields Woods and by the Riuers to heare and practise the Word of God wherewithall the Emperour being enraged strucke the Captaine with his fist in fury demaunding why he did so permit them the Exercise of their Religion contrary to his Edict and Commaundement Wherevpon the Captaine vpon the next day resolued to dispatch them but beholding
4. 7 12 21. He that loueth God must loue his brother also according to his commaundement and these two bee commonly if not alwayes conioyned as twinnes of one birth t Colloss 1. 4 Philem. 5 vers 1 Thes 1. 3. Faith towards God and Loue towards the Brethren 3. Text. My Church By Church here is vnderstood that Societie and communion of Saints u 1 Cor. 12. 11 12 27. which are knit together by faith in Christ and fellowship amongst themselues w Eph. 4. 12 13. by participation of Gods diuine Word and Sacraments which are the soule and sinewes of this body and are quickened by his Spirit x Deut. 14. 2. the voyce and word of God is the outward meanes whereby wee are called and gathered into an holy body y Exod. 19. 5 6. Rom. 4. 11. and we receiue the Sacraments as Seales of the grace and couenant betweene God and vs whereby he assureth vs z Deut. 26. 18 19. that hee will bee our God and we thereby bind our selues to be his people and to liue vnder his obedience and lawes a 1 Pet. 1. 15. Luke 1. 75. in holinesse and righteousnesse whereunto wee are called and Saint Paul writing to the Romanes doth not call them the Church but elegantly and significantly implyeth them to bee members of it when hee saith b Rom. 1. 6 7. They are the called of Iesus Christ and called to be Saints For that is The VVord and Sacraments are the infallible markes of the true Church the end of our vocation that we being chosen and called out of the world by the voice of Gods Word should bee an holy and precious people vnto him Ecclesia is therefore deriued from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to bee chosen or called out of one Societie into another out of the kingdome of darknesse into light out of the world into the seruice of God and are seperated vnto that end that we might no more serue sinne in the lustes of our former ignorance but by faith to serue Christ as our Head that hath called vs as also to serue one another as mutuall members of the same body so the faithfull of the Iewes and Gentiles being conuerted by the preaching of Peter and the other Apostles c Acts 13 14 2. 38. to 42. Acts 5. 11 12 13 Became a Primitiu● Church liued together in one place continued in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship in common prayers in breaking of Bread that is communicating Gods holy Sacraments and this Saint Luke calleth the Church saying d Acts 2. 41 There was daily added to the Church such as should be saued These markes of the Church are euidently and euery where described and set foorth in the Scriptures but the markes of the Romish Church are not there to be found First their pretended Antiquitie cannot warrant the later Nouelties of their Churches inuentions Secondly their Vniuersalitie is too straightly restrained and pinned vp within the limits of their Citie and Territories Thirdly their Visibilitie fayleth when it falleth out that Elijah cannot see any face of a Church but crieth out that e 1. Kin. 19 10. Rom. 11 ● 4. he is left alone when yet God had a great people knowne to himselfe howsoeuer inuisible to the Prophet Augustine that learned Father and worthy Disputer durst affirme against their Visibilitie of the Church Quod aliquando Ecclesia fuit in solo Abraham c. That sometimes the Church visible was onely in Abraham Noah Lot Elijah c. Fourthly and for that marke of Succession of Bishops no way grounded on the Scriptures is as hardly to bee prooued otherwise then as Annas and Caiphas were Aarons successors in a broken and interrupted disorder neither called nor practising Gods Religion as Aaron but Simonists Sectaries prophane hypocries mis-interpreters corrupters of Gods Word and bloody murderers as likewise haue succeeded in Peters pretended Chaire at Rome Sadducees Monothelites Heretikes Sodomites and such disordered Chaire-masters as poynteth them out rather to bee the succeessors of Simon Magus for their Simonies then of Simon Peter for his singlenesse and sinceritie Let the Romanistes then returne from their pontificall portlinesse to the paterne of Peters pietie let them surcease f 1 Pet. 5. 2 3. to rule as Lords ouer Gods heritage feed the flocke of Christ of a willing mind and not for filthy lucre that we may find and acknowledge some similitude of their succession in the Apostolicall Chaire when we shall finde the Word of God there sounding out and his Sacraments worthily and without humane additions duely administred otherwise if they misse these markes we shall be so farre from acknowledging their Sea of Rome to be the Catholike or Vniuersall Church that wee shall doubt whether they be any particular Church of Christ or members of that mysticall body whereof hee is the onely Head and their false Prophet that teacheth lyes shall be but the g Isai 9 15 taile as the Prophet Isaiah speaketh which being out of conformitie with the body is a deformity to the whole body striuing to be another head with Christ produceth a monstrous and mishapen body of the Church with two heads as indeed they carry like Ianus two faces vnder one hood a shewe of holinesse in their mouthes but hollownesse and hypocrisie in their hearts and the woe denounced against the Pharises and Hypocrites by Christ himselfe shall fall vpon them for their merited portion for they h Matt. 23. say and doe not lay heauy burthens on other mens shoulders but will not touch them with one of their fingers doe all things to be seene of men garnish their garments with representations of holinesse loue the chiefest seates in Synagogues and assemblies and will be called and accounted the only Rabbies Doctors and Fathers of the Church they take away the Key of knowledge and shut vp the Kingdome of Heauen neither entring themselues nor suffering those that would deuouring Widdowes houses vnder colour of long prayers blinde guides and leaders of the blind professing blind ignorance for the mother of their Deuotion straine at a gnat and swallow downe a Camel make more account of a fasting day or holy-day than to commit murther of Princes and grosse Idolatry painted Sepulchers which haue all thinges outwardly beautifull make cleane Cuppes and Pottes but inwardly are full of briberie excesse rottennesse and corruption garnishing the Tombes of the Apostles and Martyres and haue martyred many that would haue imitated the doctrine and doings of Christ and his Apostles by these Emblemes Christ hath already decyphered them by these Markes wee shall vndoubtedly know them to bee the successors of the Pharises and indeede if Peter now could see his pretended successors hee might say as once Almighty God in derision said of Adam after his transgression i Gen 2. 22. Behold how the man is become as one of vs or Simia quam similis turpissima bestia
tense I will promiseth to giue that power vnto his Apostles there were many things reserued till after his ascention and the Disciples were appointed k Luke 24. 49 Acts 1. 4. to wait and attend at Ierusalem for the accomplishment of Gods promise in sending downe the holy l Iohn 14. 26 15. 26. 16. 7. Ghost after the ascention of the Sonne of God to enable and furnish them with meet gifts for the execution of that charge which hee had imposed vpon them It is also further to bee obserued Note 2 that it was Christs free gift I will giue saith he not sell hire out o● lend but as it is with God in all things m Math. 10. 8. freely to giue that those which receiue his gifts should not sell or re●ayle them as n 2 King 5. 20 26. Gehazi and o Act. 8. 18. 19 Simon Magus for gaine as is too too apparant the Peters pretended successours make great and abominable trafique in merchandizing the church keyes in pardoning and retaining sinnes for money excommunicating absoluing for their best aduantage but leauing them to sell what Christ freely gaue let vs proceed to the consideration of the second particular circumstance namely to whom these keyes were giuen I will giue to thee Quest Here a question may bee mooued whether the keyes were giuen to Peter alone or to him with the rest of the Apostles Sol. This doubt I haue already in part resolued hauing largelie prooued that as Christ propounded the question to them all in generall and as Peter made confession in the name of all so Christ made this promise in the name of all as is most liuely exemplified Matth. 18 verse 18. where it is euident that what he doth here promise vnto Peter he doth there make good vnto all the Church saying whatsoeuer you bind on earth shall bee bound ● heauen c. Wherupon Aretius Bonum hoc commune non personale quod hereditario iure ad certos pertineat The donation of the keyes and exercise of that spirituall power is not personally tied to one man but is a gift common to the whole Church as also Origen Chrysostome Cyril and many others affirme especiallie Augustine Qui Petrum ecclesia typum facit quae in Petro claues acceperit Whose opinion is that the power of the keyes was not a personall gift neither promised to Peter alone much lesse that these keyes should be tyed by an hereditary succession vnto one particular Sea or Seat as the Papists dreame but to omit these friuolous disputes seeing the Apostles receiue the keyes from Christ we may thence obserue Doct. That the authority of the Ministers calling is deriued from Christ as from the head and the Lord of the Prophets vnto his Apostles and Ministers Matth. 23. 34. Luke 11. 49. Ephes 4. 11. 1. Pet. 1. 11. Reuel 22. 6. Isaiah 6. 8. 9. Matth. 28. 19. Gal. 1. 10 11 12. Vse Vnto the Ministers of God it sufficeth for an exceeding consolation p 2 Cor. 5. 18 19 20. that they haue God the author of their calling whose Ambassadours they are and though the world neither regard them nor reward them yet they being found faithfull dispensers of Gods diuine mysteries shall expect their reward from him that put them in office and sent them who will one day say to euery faithfull Steward q Math. 25. 21 23. Come thou good and faithfull seruant enter thou into thy Masters ioy I doubt not but the Ambassadours of Princes which are messengers of peace finde such acceptance of those to whom they are sent of such a gratefull message that they are not sent away empty and vnrewarded of the common enemy for their message sake which is r Rom. 10. 1 5. Isai 52. 7. so ioyfull to heare of peace after a long and wearysome warfare but because their places require them oftentimes to denounce warre it is no maru●ile if their message bee vngratefully accepted and rewarded Yet is their reward with God their king that sent them whose subiects they are and must execute his designes whether they be good or euill vnto men and what indignity soeuer is done or offered vnto them their mightie King will shew himselfe a mightie reuenger thereof who in one sense and sentence hath said ſ Psal 105. 15 Touch not mine annoynted and doe my Prophets no harme for the iniury done vnto Dauids Embassadours when they came peaceably to the King of Ammon was reuenged as done vnto the king himselfe this is a principle which the Law of Nature all Nations allow and ought to maintaine If t 1 Kin. 13 4 6 Ieroboam dare stretch out his hand to strike Gods Prophet and Messenger God will smite him that hee shall not bee able to pull in his arme againe without the Prayer of the Prophet which was stretched out against the Prophet and persecuting Iezabel which u 1 Kings 19. 2 vowed to haue the Prophets head w 2 Kings 9. 33 37. was made dogs meat and cast out as a carion carkeise her selfe For such vengeance is Gods iudgement threatned and foretold aforehand by the Prophets and howsoeuer Iehu be Gods Executioner to performe it yet it is euer annexed that it came so to passe according to the word of the Lord which hee spake by the mouth of his Prophets And so much for the second branch wee come now to shew what was giuen which is here said to be The keyes of the kingdome of heauen The metaphor of Keyes which in part hath bin formerly handled is diuersly taken yea rested and drawen by constrained Interpretations to the aduantage of that cause which diuers haue diuersly fancyed to make for them and for the building of their Hierarchy euen an earthly Tabernacle which x Math. 17. 4 Peter sometimes would haue made rather then an heauenly kingdome which God himselfe hath appoynted to be y Mat. 6. 33. aboue all things sought for and established First they that by Keyes vnderstand Principalitie to be giuen to Peter aboue the rest and ouer the whole Church and would crowne him and his Successors with an Emperiall Diadem to exercise as well spirituall iurisdiction as to haue ciuill and temporall authoritie ouer Kings and Princes haue much mistaken the word Keyes which are not vsuall for Kings but Porters to carry and vsurpingly inlarged Christs commission z Luke 12. 13 14. who himselfe would neither be made a King nor intermeddle so much in secular affaires as to diuide Inheritances betwixt two brethren much lesse giue away kingdomes from the right heires and owners to strangers and bastards So the vsurper Satan from whom the Pope-kings or King-popes may more rightly claime that power doth falsely affirme that a Mat. 4. 9. Luke 4. 6 7. all the kingdomes of the world are his and giuen vnto him and he giueth them to whom he will which yet he will not giue nor promise to giue vnto
carnall parents nor flesh and bloud had reuealed vnto him but his Father in heauen which is indeed a firme foundation to build the Church vpon which else might haue failed in Peters fall but was sure in Peters faith in Christ It is a firme foundation and a perfect assurance vnto vs of the continuance of Gods Church that the gates of Hell shall not preuaile against it whereas Satan preuailed much and often against Peters faithlessenes and purchased him a black name of f Math. 16. 23 Satan giuen by Christ vnto him when hee consulted with flesh and bloud in Diuine matters and was g Math. 14. 31. ready to sincke at the sight of a waue and to h Math. 26. 69 70. forsweare his Master at the breath of a silly Damsell so that as I shal shew more at large hereafter not vpon Peters constancie which was nothing but infirmitie but vpon his confession which had a firmitude of Faith in Christ was the Church to bee founded and Peter pronounced blessed if Peters blessednesse had beene built vpon himselfe and the Church founded vpon him it had bene a sandie foundation as wee see i Matt. 7. 26. 27. When the stormes arose the winds blewe and billowes beate vpon it it soone fell for want of sollid Faith but beleeuing confessing and doing the workes of God that is hearing beleeuing confessing and persisting in the doctrine of Christ hee is compared to a Rocke firme and vnmoueable as mount Zion k Psal 125. 1. 2. which standeth fast for euer because God is in the midst of her and knowne in her Palaces as a sure refuge against this Faith neither the infirmities of the flesh the tyrannies of the the world nor the gates of Hell shall be able to preuaile So that from this gracious promise of Christ the whole vniuersall Church as well at Ierusalem and Antioch as at Rome yea euery particular member hath his stablishment and consolation their assurances of deliuerance in all dangers and the certainetie of their saluation and this I conceiue to be the true and naturall Interpretation Context and Logicall resolution of these words Come wee now to the points of obseruation Blessed art thou Simon Bar-Iona Verse 17. Peter beleeueth and confesseth Christ and Christ therefore pronounceth him a blessed man Doct. Faith and the heauenly knowledge of Iesus Christ maketh a man truely blessed l Prou. 3. 13. Iohn 17. 3. Iohn 20. 31. Ihon 11. 25. Blessed is the man that findeth knowledge c. vse 1 This teacheth vs what is true and perfect blessednesse which all enquire after seeke for and dispute vpon which is not nor can be attained vnto in this life which is subiect to so many mutabilities and aduersities nor in any of the things of this world which are transitorie changeable as the world is no man can finde it in riches for the rich man perisheth and all his substance often doth m Iam. 5. 1 howle and wcepe for the miseries that come vpon him Salomon sawe them n Eccles 5. 12 reserued to the owners there of for their euill and they are as impediments and shakcles o Mat. 19. 22 23 to hinder vs in our race to Gods Kingdome p Marke 14. 19. they are full of deceitfulnesse to choake Gods word in vs and bring foorth many weeds of voluptuousnesse q Luke 16. 13 Math 6. 24. wee cannot serue God and Mammon So that voluptuousnesse carnall Pleasures pride of life Honour and earthly prosperitie can neither bring nor continue vs in any happy or blessed estate r Psal 49. 20. Man cannot abide in Honour saith the holy Prophet and it is in vaine for Saul to sinne against God Å¿ 1 Sam. 15. 30. and seeke to bee honoured of his people Nay the Morall vertues of the Heathens and vnbeleeuers cannot giue felicitie to the Stoicks nor all these accumulated with health of body Prudence and Fortitude of the minde can produce blessednesse to the Peripateticks Oh then the Knowledge Confession Profession and Imitation of Christ onely setteth vs in this happinesse of Peter by this Faith we are highly honoured aboue all earthly honour For t Galat. 3. 26. by Faith we are made the Sons of God u 1 Iohn 5. 1 4 Conquerors more then Alexander of all the kingdomes of the world and coheires with Christ of the kingdome of God in heauen Vse 2 As therefore we desire to bee blessed eternally so should wee labour to get this true Faith and sauing Knowledge of Iesus Christ without which wee are most wretched and miserable no meanes of happinesse but by Christ nor by Christ without faith on our part but when by faith wee are come vnto him then want we nothing which belongeth to true blessednesse in a word Faith is that Treasure and rich Pearle w Math. 13. 46. which a wise man would sell all his goods to buy and if any should desire to know how this pretious treasure is to bee gotten the next doctrine that commeth in order to be considered will direct him therein For flesh and blood hath not reuealed it vnto thee but my Father which is in Heauen Doct. Faith and the heauenly knowledge of Jesus Christ are the peculiar gifts of God and such as by Nature no man can attaine vnto In handling of which poynt we will first prooue the negatiue part which is that the naturall man cannot conceiue or apprehend the mysteries of Saluation by Christ And secondly it shall bee declared that God onely by his Spirit doth reueale them First concerning the first it is certaine that no man by his owne wit be it neuer so sharpe nor by his owne humane wisdome be it neuer so profound can conceiue beleeue or comprehend the Mysteries of the Gospell as witnesseth the Apostle The naturall man saith he x 1 Cor. 2. 14. perceiueth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishnesse vnto him neither can hee know them because they are spiritually discerned Heere by naturall man is not meant onely the carnall and sensuall man swinishly wallowing in vanities and pleasures but as the best Interpreters conceiue it euen a man considered with the whole compasse of the reasonable soules possibilitie a man indued with a sharpe wit a quicke apprehension a strong mind a piercing iudgement and faithfull memory inabled by Action Experience and Obseruation with such an vniuersall Wisdome that it may bee fitted for notable Offices of Societie and intercourse in politicke bodies I say all these and many more perfections may concurre vpon the soule and yet without supernaturall illumination remaineth starke blinde in the mysteries of saluation and cannot onely not perceiue the things of the Spirit of God but which is an horrible and fearefull curse euen esteeme them foolishnesse The most learned Rabbins of the Iewes the Scribes and Pharisies disputers of the Law were farthest from beleeuing in Christ neither could they vnderstand
the knowledge of our Lord Iesus Christ u 1 Cor. 3. 12. in whom only consisteth the whole strength of the building though weake wood and timber be built thereupon so as looking into our selues and the examples of Gods best beloued Children yea Peter himselfe after this promise how foulely they haue falne we may euer finde cause of feare and distrust but lifting vp our eyes vnto God the stablenesse of his counsels and certaintie of his promises we may rest safely in confidence of his word which hath said w Ios 1. 5. I will not leaue thee nor forsake thee x Iohn 5. 24. hee that beleeueth in him shall not perish for euer He it is that doth nourish the holy fire in vs and keepes vs vnto the end y Iohn 13. 1. for whom hee loueth he loueth euerlastingly z 1 Ioh. 3. 9. and the seede of God abideth in the elect that being borne of God they sinne not vnto condemnation a Rom. 8. 1. for there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus which walke not after the Flesh but after the Spirit Christ prayed for b Luke 22 31. Peter and he prayed also for vs c Ioh 17. 2. 12. 20 24. and for all that should beleeue in his name that none of his might be lost neither is any able to take them out of his Fathers hand which is stronger and greater then all and loueth vs in Christ as hee loued him before the foundations of the world were laid against these the gates of Hell cannot preuaile for they haue the Lords priuie Seale not seene nor knowne to men but d 2. Tim. 2. 19 the Lord knoweth his Vse 2 Secondly this Doctrine iustly impugneth that error of the Romanists holding opinion that the visible Church and the pretended successors of Peter cannot erre whereas the contrary is apparantly verified in the Scriptures that Peter himselfe did erre and therefore though it bee true that the inuisible Church that is the elect of GOD cannot erre finally yet the visible Church consisting both of good and bad may erre as appeareth through the whole History of the Bible and in the primatiue times particular Churches haue erred witnesse Corinth Galatia Philadelphia Pergamus c yea the Church of Rome it selfe whether wee regard the Head or the Body hath grieuously erred First as touching the Head Romish Bishops haue erred and diuers of them became Heretickes Scismaticks Antipopes Negromancers Sodomites and what not Marcellinus sacrificed to the Idols of the Gentiles Leberius was an Arrian Nicholas changed the decrees of Iohn the two and twentieth Gregory of Pelagius Innocentius of Gregory yea in those things which belong to faith Cardinall Ragusanus proueth that the Pope may erre and did in the great Schisme at Rome Cardinall Cusanus affirmeth the Pope may fall from the faith the Councell of Basill auoucheth that the priuiledge of not erring belongeth not to the Popes more then other Bishops Secondly and as for generall Councels which haue a more liuely representation of the whole Church and where the Bishops of Rome haue been present may yea they haue erred one repealed the Actes and Decrees of another and there can bee no correction without errour the Councell of Nice defended Images that of Constantinople was against them the third Councel of Carthage saith that he is Antichrist that calleth himselfe an vniuersall Bishop the Councell of Rome and Trent say and maintaine the contrary therefore except there be more Truths then one Councels may erre and the Pope may erre and consequently the whole visible Church may erre and the truth is e Isa 9 17. many hypocrites making a great shew of godlinesse haue fallen away from grace and the truth of the Gospell become Apostatates in faith and Satanists in conuersation and yet the Church standeth For f Rom 3. 4. Psal 116. 1● Titus 1. 2. Hebr 6. 18. let God be true and all men lyers in his truth it standeth and Satan a lyer from the beginning cannot ouerthrow it g 2 Thess 2. 9. Antichrists deceiueable delusions and lying wonders cannot preuaile against it Verse 19. And I wil giue vnto thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen and whatsoeuer thou shalt bind vpon earth shall be bound in heauen and whatsoeuer thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heauen Vpon such a sure and grounded confession of Peter proceedeth a twofold promise of Christ 1. as is formerly laid down that hereupon he will lay an vnmoueable foundation of his Church that the gates of h●ll should not bee able to preuaile against it 2. that he would for the gouernment thereof commit to his Apostles and Ministers the Spirituall keyes of the kingdome of heauen with a power to bind and loose in such manner as he would ratifie in heauen their proceedings in earth according to the tenure of his Commission wherby hee had so authorized them to execute his power in his Church In these wordes obserue two things First Datum The donation wherein consider 1. who is the giuer 2. to whom 3. what was giuen Secondly Applicaum The Application in these wordes whatsoeuer thou shalt bind on earth c. Doct. Concerning the first in as much as hee saith I will giue it teacheth vs That Christ is the giuer of the keyes who onely had this power from heauen as the heire of God the Messiah and Mediatour betwixt man and God who h Heb. 2. 3. Psal 8 6. 1 Cor. 15. 27. Iohn 17. 2. Phil. 2. 9 10. put all thinges in subiection vnder him in heauen and earth and so the Apostle affirmeth that Christ first receiued this power from God his Father to bee made the head of his Church and onely had right to giue and communicate such power vnto his Church thus Christ expresseth it in the Gospel i Math. 11. 27. 28. 18 19. All power saith he is giuen me in heauen and in earth and thereupon he groundeth his commission to send his Apostles into all the world this point is not onely verified by apparant and plentifull texts of holy Scriptures but euen our aduersaries in words not greatly contradict it howsoeuer in their practice and in effect they haue paralelled sundry of the Saints with him as the Turkes and Infidels haue wholly dethroned him and placed their false prophet and abominable idole Mahomet before him and aboue him but because they deny the principles of faith and religion wee will not contend nor spend much time in disputing with them but willingly acknowledge and subscribe to the Soueraignty and absolute power of Christ as disposer of all things in heauen and earth Vse And let the true Church and Spouse of Christ heare and obey his voyce and deriue her subordinate power from him alone which hee then promised and afterward gaue vnto her to execute for him for wee must note that he then instantly gaue not Note 1 but speaking in the future
any but Idolaters which will fall downe and worship him whereas contrarily when Christ perceiued such an ambitious inclination in his Apostles of Lording ouer their brethren hee forthwith b Luke 22 24 to 30. forbad such affectation of Pope-like domination and sent them to climbe by humilitie and innocency at the lowest step of the ladder to exaltation that so they might attaine greatnesse aboue the rest when they had bin most seruiceable to the rest and then hee would appoynt them a Kingdome as his Father had appoynted him c Iohn 18 36. which was not of this world as himselfe clearely witnessed and expressed and howsoeuer the Pope liketh to haue the Keyes vnder his girdle yet hee liketh better of the two Swords that by them hee may ●eepe all men vnder his girdle and to speake the truth in the one as well as the other the Romish Church is driuen to a constrained construction of the words of our Sauiour Christ and turneth the Keyes which were spirituall into a temporal sword of Authoritie and the Swordes which were temporall into spirituall iurisdiction of his Ecclesiasticall Censures and Excommunications d Luke 22. 36 38 50. It is true that Peter did rashly attempt to draw and vse his temporall sword and was commanded to sheath it againe for such weapons his Master needed not which might haue more then twelue Legions of Angels to deliuer him and destroy his enemies if he had aymed at such defence of himselfe or offence of his enemies but the e Math. 26. 51 52 53 54. Scriptures could not so bee fulfilled for hee foretold of his Passion and that persecutions should so rage that a man should need to f Luk. 22. 36 38 sell his coat and buy a sword and when the Disciples by a mis-interpretation and in a carnall sense thought hee had meant a materiall weapon they told him they had two swords he replied that it was enough for that conflict Hence the Pope hath drawen out his two swords spirituall and temporall and vseth one of them as a fooles dagger which is often drawne out and in vpon slight occasions excommunicating and absoluing hourely for petty offences and the other is made like the tyrannicall Turkes Semiter which being once vnsheathed cannot bee put vp till it be made g Apoc. 17. 6 drunken with the blood of the Saints as our times haue seene and doe feele by lamentable experience two such swords as Christ spake of and the Apostle shewed forth are not enough for him nor all the swords of two Kingdomes Italy and Spaine But many Princes swords must rage against their owne bowels to vphold this their Romish Idole whose Image they haue adored as a God for pardoning their sinnes The h Iudg. 9. 8. noble Vine and Oliue would not leaue their goodnesse and sweetnesse to vsurpe a dominion ouer the Trees as this base i Verse 15. Bramble dare attempt but his reward shall be to perish with the Sword of Gods Word and to bee k Apoc 18. 6 serued with like plagues of blood and warre as he hath serued others And as for mis-interpretation of metaphoricall phrases as we see the Apostles before they were taught of Christ misconceiued his Parables vnderstood not what Leauen he spake of nor what Keies or Swords he meant yet now let vs looke into the Popes Library and heare his Interpretations Our Papistes they say are honest men and will bee tryed by themselues let vs therefore see what their Church Champion Bellarmine Bellar. de Rom. Pont. lib. 5. ca. 3. will maintaine for Catholike and Canonicall in this poynt his words be these Ex Scripturis nihil habemus nisi datas Pontifici Claues regni Caelorum de clauibu● regni terrarum nulla fit mentio Out of the Scriptures saith hee wee finde nothing giuen to the Pope but the Keyes of the Kingdome of Heauen but of the Keyes of the Kingdomes of the Earth there is no mention at all and so farre we need not care much to agree with them Secondly others interpret the Keyes to bee nothing else but Munus docendi Euangelium the Office of teaching the Gospell wherunto for our owne part we so consent that we thinke it yet falleth short of the full scope thereby intended for administration of Discipline as well as Doctrine in the Church of God which matter because it would require a more ample and exact discourse than is perhaps fitting for this place time and Auditory I will passe by also and referre them that are desirous of further resolution in that Argument to that which is purposely written of diuers concerning the same and the rather because I would not haue the sores of our Church fresh launced and ripped vp and therefore omitting these mis-interpretations which are peccant and vnsound either in defect or in excesse let vs come precisely to vnlocke the true meaning of the Keyes The Metaphor of Keyes is borrowed from that Instrument which we commonly vse in opening or safe locking vp of things appropriated to our owne priuate vse and commoditie and so the sense of the Keyes is diuersly taken in Scripture First the Keyes are taken for matters of trust and authoritie committed to some more worthy person of trust as a Steward to dispose of whatsoeuer is needfull in an household And so Ioseph had the Keyes of l Gen. 39. 4 Potiphar m Verse 22. the Gaoler and n Cap. 41. 40 41. Pharaohs house that is a power to order the affaires of the prisoners and family So it is in this sense vsed when the Lord threatned to depose Shebnah and to preferre Eliachim to be chiefe Steward in the house of Hezekiah Hee saith that he would o Isay 22 22 lay vpon his shoulder the Key of Dauid that he should open and no man should shut c. which in the precedent verse himselfe expoundeth saying vnto Shebnah I commit thy power into his hand which is vnderstood by the Key of Dauid Secondly it is likewise sayd That p Apoc. 1. 18. Christ hath the Keyes of Hell and Death that is a power as a Iudge to condemne and punish delinquents against his Lawe temporally and eternally Thirdly Satan as a tormentor and executioner vnder Christ to execute his Iudgements vpon the damned is sayd to haue q Apoc. 9. 1. and 20. 1. the keyes of the bottomlesse pit that is power and authoritie to execute Gods Iudgements vpon the reprobates as Aretius interpreteth it Dispensator hic est poenarum diuinitas ordinatarum a dispenser saith hee of the Iudgements ordained from heauen by God and thereunto Brightman accordeth ioyning the Pope with the Deuill as an Executioner of Gods Iudgements vpon them which haue fallen from the truth and stedfastnesse of their faith vnto lyes and delusions and these Keyes Antichrist may well place in his Armes to denotate his power ouer Apostatates and back-sliders from the truth and ancient faith of the