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A42679 A general epistle given forth in obedience to the God of peace. [part 1] for the preservation and increase of charity and unity amongst the professors of Christ Jesus, and the teachings of his divine light within / by ... William Gibson. Gibson, William, 1629-1684. 1682 (1682) Wing G684_pt1; ESTC R18589 75,922 183

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Christ through want of watchfulness in the holy fear of God have been drawn out of it by the subtill Adversary of their Souls and when some of the Members of the body who kept their habitation in the Light in which they have a right sence sight savour and discerning of Spirits words and Actions have spoken to them in the Wisdom and Love of God in Order to have Restored them into their places that they might therein have been preserved in Unity with God and his People they have not received in Love that which in Love was spoken to them for the good End aforesaid but on the Contrary have rejected the same and have let up prejudice hard thoughts and evil will against their friends who sought their good and so these evils given way to by them have eaten out the Love gantiness tenderness Meakness and patience that once in some Measure appeared in them and a raging scornful bitter reviling Spirit hath entered some as also from the same root faigned Humiliy faigned words and flattery hath appeared in some these latter mentioned fruits proceeding from the Evil root is more Dangerous to deceive than the former therefore all you who Love your own Souls be warned to fly from the Spirit of dissimulation and flattery as also from the rude railing boysterous quarelsome perverse Crooked self-revengful and scornful Stubborne selfwillful and self-Exalting Spirit Eightly Observe that the same God who by his Spirit and in his own Order set some in the Church First Apostles Secondly Prophets Thirdly Teachers c. by the same Spirit he gives proper or peculiar gifts to some that are not Apostles Prophets or publick Teachers according to the aforesaid difinition of them viz. he sets some in the Church helpers in Government which last mentioned Members are of great service in their places in the body of Christ they being kept by him in true Humility O friends all keep low in your Minds let nothing be done amongst you in highmindedness or vain glory for that God Accepts not but the Meek he Guides in Judgment but the Proud are an abomination to him This is the Testamony of the Lord Jesus Christ to you viz. The more Persons grow in Christ the Root Foundation and Head of his Church the more Meek Humble and Patient they grow Ninthly Observe that though all the Members of the body have not all or any of the before mentioned services in the body yet have they all a place in the Body as I said before and they are blessed who know their place and keep in it though it be the place of one of the least of the Members of the Body for that is to be desired which the good man made choyce of in his days who said I had rather be a door-keeper in the house of the Lord than to dwell in the Tents of wickedness for the Lord God is a Sun and a Shield the Lord will give grace no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly Psalm 84. 10 11. Tenthly Observe that as every Member hath a place in the Body so it hath a service therein though not the place of an Apostle or Propher or helper in Government yet all they who are properly and truly of the body do Preach witness and testitie of God and Christ his Kingdom and Glory and against the Kingdom of Satan Sin Wickedness and the vain Glory and Lusts that are in the World In their Christian Lives and Conversations and every Nember that abides in its place and service in the fear of the Lord and true Humility hath Peace and Comfort with the Lord and Unity with all their fellow-Members who keep in their places and services and all who keep their places and services as aforesaid therein are in a preparedness for whatsoever the Lord God pleaseth to call them further unto and when any is called to further or other service than what God hath already called them unto their Peace with God and Unity with his People will be continued in their obedience to God that calls them Again the Apostle writeth thus of Christ viz. he that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all Heavens that he might fill all things and he gave some Apostles and some Prophets and some Evangelists and some Pastors and Teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the Ministry for the Edifying of the body of Christ till we all come in the Unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the Stature of the fulness of Christ that we henceforth be no more Children tossed to and fro and Carried about with every wind of Doctrine by the slight of men and cunning Craftyness whereby they lye in waite to deceive but speaking the Truth in Love may grow up into him in all things which is the head even Christ from whom the whole body fi●●ly Joyned together and compacted by that which every Joynt supplieth according to the Effectual working in the measure of every part maketh Increase of the body unto the Edifying of it self in Love Ephess 4. 10 11. to the 17. First Observe that the gifts of the Apostles Prophets Teachers Evangelists c. were not given only to convince People of the Truth and way of Righteousness but also to build them up in it gradually from strength to strength to a R●pe Age in Christ Secondly Observe that those who were turned to the Light and Spirit of Truth by those whom God sent to turn them to it could not in the Light and Spirit gainsay or oppose them who therein Laboured in their writing and speaking to them to build them up in it from strength to strength for the Light is not Contradictory to it self in the Preacher or the Nearer or in any of the Children of it for that which the Light or Spirit of Truth speaks or dictates to write in one of its Children it doth nor reject oppose or gainsay in any other of its Children for if it could do so then should it be the Author of Confusion amongst ●'s Children which is most false and blasphemous to say for God by this Spirit and Light is not the Author of Confusion but of good profitable and Comfortable order and peace in all the Churches of the Saints The Apostle in this divine Light saw and by Experience knew that which he writ concerning it viz. God is Light in him is no Darkness at all if we say we have fellowship with him and walk in Darkness we lie and do not the Truth but if we walk in the Light as he is in the Light then have we fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ his son Cleanseth us from all sin 1 John 1. 5 6 7. Thirdly Observe that they who profess the Light of Christ within whether they be old or young professors of it that gainsay oppose reject slight and
the Dead the Third Day and appeared to his Disciples and gave them many things in Charge particularly to feed his Lambs and Sheep and to love one another and love Enemies c. after which he ascended according to the Scriptures and is on the right-hand of the Majesty on High from whence be shall proceed to Judg the World in righteousness the man Christ Iesus this is he who was with the Church in the Wilderness the spiritual Rock for saith the Apostle He was with the Church in the Wilderness for saith he They all eat the same spiritual meat they all drink the same spiritual drink they eat and drank of the Rock that followed them and that Rock was Christ this is h● of whom John in the Revelations testifies saying He rides upon a White Horse his Vesture is dipt in blood his Name is called the Word of God and the Armies which are in Heaven follow him This is he that was dead and is alive and lives for evermore who hath the Keys of Hell and of Death who slays the Dragon that plays in the Sea who destroys Death and him that hath the Power of Death which is the Devil this is he who is the Resurrection of the Dead and the Life of the Living this is he who said He that believeth on me though he were dead yet shall he live and said he that liveth and believeth shall never dye Martha believest thou this this is he of whom the Apostle writ to the Saints saying Ye that some time were dead in trespasses and sins hath he quickened by Grace ye are saved through Faith and that not of your selves for it is the gift of God Again this is he of whom the Apostle writ saying We have all been gone astray as Sheep without a Shepherd but now we are returned to the Captain of our Salvation and Bishop of our Souls this is he of whom t is written That there is no Name given under Heaven by which man can be saved but by the name of Jesus Christ it is also written of him That there is not Salvation in any other he himself hath said I am the way to the Father no man can come to the Father but by me I am the Way the Truth and the Life I am the Door he that enters in by me the Door shall go in and find Pasture I am the good Shepherd I lay down my Life for my Sheep all that came before me they are Thieves and Robbers The Apostle saith If any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his Rom. 8. 9. they who Preach the Words of God spoken by his Spirit in and by his Son or in by his Prophets or Apostles without the Spirit of God and Christ they steal the Lord is against them see Jer. 23. Ezekel 13 1. to the end 1 Cor. 2. 10 11. 1 Pet. 1. 11. 1 Cor. 12. 3. Observe This is he by whom God brings forth his New Creation in man who was fallen dead in Trespasses and Sins the Apostle saith If any man be in Christ he is a New Creature old things are passed away behold all things are become New and all things are of God and he writ to the Saints saying We are Gods workmanship Created in Christ Jesus unto good Works which God before Ordained that we should walk in them Observe This is he that burns up the old Heavens and the old Earth which Satan hath filled with Sin and Wickedness this is he that Baptizeth with the Holy Ghost and with Fire who burns up all the false Joy false Pleasure which is as a false Heaven for as the Kingdom of God the true Heaven consists in true Joy and Peace so Satan transforms himself in his dark Kingdom in fallen man which he has filled with sin and gives him for a short time a false Joy and Peace in Evil doing this is that Joy that must be turned into Sorrow this is that Peace which is not the Peace of God therefore God will destroy it Heaven and Earth and all things were good in the beginning and man was good yea very good his Spirit Soul and Body but being fallen from God degenerated into a Plant of a strange Vine his Heart Mind Spirit Will and Affections all Corrupted Poisoned Slain Dead from God he is now become as the corrupt Earth which brings forth Bryers and Thorns whose end is to be burned Mankind in the fall is accounted by the Prophet as a Forest or Wilderness overgrown with Bryers and Thorns and he Prophesies of the day of the Lord that shall come upon this Wilderness Bryers and Thorns Sin and Wickedness and shall burn them up And again the Prophet of the Lord saith The day of the Lord shall come which shall burn as an Oven and the Proud and all that do wickedly shall be as stubble and it shall burn them up and leave them neither Root nor Branch All have sinned and come short of the glory of God Sin brought Death and Separation from God God saith by the Prophet Your Sins separate betwixt you and your God your sins with-hold good things from you wash you make you clean put away the evil of your doings from before mine Eyes and then draw near and let us reason together though your sins were as Crimson I will make them as Snow though they were as blood I will make them as Wool I will carry them into a Land of forgetfulness and Will remove them as far from you as the East is from the West Again God commands by the Apostle saying Cleanse your hands you sinners purifie your hearts ye double minded be afflicted and mourn let your laughter be turned into heaviness and your joy into mourning humble your selves under the mighty hand of God and he shall exalt you in due time And the Apostle saith Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the Dead and Christ shall give thee Light Ephes 5. 14. Observe That all the fallen dead sons and daughters of Adam who come to be made alive to God to become a generation to him to bring forth fruit to his Glory they must come to be Awakened by the Spirit and Voice of God sounding an alarum in their own Hearts and Souls to have their ears opened to his voice the eyes of their unberstandings opened to see him a God nigh at hand they must know the Revelation of the Righteous Judgments of God upon the head of the Serpent in their own Hearts Minds Wills and Affections and through his Righteous Judgments to know the old man with his deeds which are Corrupt according to the deceitful Lusts of the flesh put off and so to know the fulfilling of the Apostles words who said They that are Christs have Crucified the flesh with the Affections and Lusts He that is in Christ is a New Creature Again observe this work of Redemption of the Creature out of the bondage of Corruption into the glorious Liberty of the
and Christ and the Divine Light within of living without Sin of Perfection or of perfecting Holiness in Gods Fear yet being out of the Light and Life of Christ in Death and Darkness and the Works and Fruits thereof It is but Death and Darkness in them which talks of Light and Life and Faith Holiness Perfection c. Their talk of these good things with their Mouths is an Abomination to God Almighty while their hearts are far away from him while they are not in the Love and Obedience to God and Christ and his Divine Light they make profession of such profession without Subjection and Obedience God doth reject it is loathsome to him neither can his tender people whom he hath sanctified by his Spirit of Judgment and Burning have unity with these dead talkers nor their dead words and works for Light hath no communion with Darkness though Darkness talk of Light Something concerning Self Separation JVDE the Servant of Christ writ concerning the Self-Separated ones thus viz. they are the RAging Waves of the Sea foaming out their own shame to whom is reserved the mist of Darkness for ever and Enoch also the seventh from Adam prophesied of those saying Behold the Lord c●meth in Ten thousands of his Saints mark so it is rendred from the Greek and is so in some English Translations to execute Judgment upon all and to convince all that are ungodly amongst them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodlily committed and of all their hard speeches which ungodlily they have spoken against him c. these be they who separate themselves sensual having not the Spirit But ye Beloved building up your selves in your most holy Faith praying in the Holy Ghost keep your selves in the Love of God looking for the Mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto Eternal Life and of some have compassion making a difference and others save with fear hating even the Garment spotted by the Flesh Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling before the presence of his Glory with exceeding Joy to the only wise God our Saviour be Glory and Majesty Dominion and Power now and ever Amen Jude 13 and 19 to the end see also 1 Tim. 4. 1. 2 Tim. 3. 1. 2 Pet 3. 3. Oh my dear Friends seriously consider that as in the Primitive Gospel days there were such Self-separated ones makers of Sects or Parties which caused great grief and deep Exercise to the Faithful in Christ Jesus some such like have been in our Age and some such like yet are who having been convinced of the Truth have come amongst us under the Christian Profession of the Spirit and Light of Christ within who for some time did in some measure follow and obey the Teachings of it but have since turned from it yet keep in a Profession of it these are they who separate themselves without it in opposition to it and the Children of it blessed be God that their number is but small but alas they are too many for we have received the mind of God and Christ and his Apostles whose will was and is that all Men might know the Truth and not only know it but obey it that so they might be saved but alas a few restless spirited Instruments of Satan who under the pretence of the Spirit and Light of Christ make War against the God of Peace against Christ the Prince of Peace and against the Subjects of his Peaceable Kingdom these are in danger to deceive others and bring them to be restless like themselves the Lord in Mercy stop these evil Works and Workers Oh that there might be a place of Repentance yet found by them Oh that they could yet see from whence they are fallen and Repent and come into that simplicity and loving and peaceable frame of mind into which the Truth had once in some measure drawn them Oh! this would be matter of great joy to those whom they in their darkness account their Enemies as some ●loting dark Notionists did the faithful Apostle Paul for his faithful and stedfast Testimony against their Looseness Confusion and Disorder It is my stedfast belief in God that he will not long suffer this Evil Work to go on to the grief of his People and the indangering the loss of Souls but he will plead with these Evil Workers these Serpentine wise and self-conceited he will stop and drive them backward and woe will be to them if they cannot find a place of Repentance which will be hard for some of them to find they have so highly magnified themselves against God his Tabernacle and them that dwell in Heaven but as Jude the Servant of Christ well observed in his Epistle that there was a difference to be put betwixt them who were so gone out into disorder loosness or confusion in his time some no doubt of those were unwarily through the subtilty of Satans Agents drawn from the simplicity honest mindedness and good intention which the Spirit of Truth had wrought in them into ungodly Jealousies and a wrong liberty from their obedience to the Cross of Christ Jude saw there was a Compassion to such and therefore wisely in the Wisdom of God put the Churches in mind of it and we are sensible such there hath been in our day who hath been betrayed and prevailed upon by Satan and his Agents as aforesaid these have been sought in the Love of God and Bowels of Jesus Christ their Advocate with the Father travelling for them in his Faithful ones who hath kept their Habitation in God and we have seen the travels and desires of our Souls answered in their returning into Unity with God and his People through their unfeigned Repentance and Condemnation upon the Spirit of Darkness which led them from God and upon the evil Words and Works it led them into and we believe that there are divers that yet remain in the same Snare for whose return to God we travelin Spir it and Hope that we shall see the Fruit of the Travel of our Souls in the Love and Power of God for their good and shall have cause to rejoyce and praise God for the same Wherefore oh my dear and well beloved Friends who are exercised by these sorts of Evil Agents and their Evil Works under a spacious profession of the Light Grace and Spirit of Christ and the Teachings of it All keep in the love of God and in the patience of Jesus Christ let Patience have its perfect work in those your deep Tribulations and sorrowful Exercises fret not because of evil Men nor their evil Works for behold the Judg of Heaven and Earth he sees them and you he will not suffer you to be tryed by them above what he will give you Ability to travel through without hurt and fear without loss or disadvantage to your Eternal Estates if you diligently wait upon him and move speak and act in his Council It is true which was anciently written