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A19239 Meditations and praiers gathered out of the sacred letters and vertuous writers disposed in fourme of the alphabet of the Queene Her most excellent Maiesties name : whereunto are added comfortable consolations (drawen out of the Latin) to afflicted mindes. Conway, John, Sir, d. 1603. 1571 (1571) STC 5652; ESTC S4590 71,691 468

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perseuer in thee which art the true way vnto death Builde my sure trust that accustomed with thy promises I neuer waxe old in the exercise of Vertue but forgetting those thinges which are paste I may continually striue to come to perfiter Accept my contrite hart the woonted sacrifice of thy delight and the oblation of these my peticions grauntinge the summe of my requests Blotte out all mine offences for thine owne sake increase thy grace in mee that I may in all things carrie vpright sway and equall iudgement gouerning thy people in the light of thy worde and feare of thy Lawes And daily more and more die to my selfe and liue and be lead by thy Spirite fearinge nothinge but thee then the which nothinge is greater or mightier louing nothing beside thee thē whom nothing is more to be beloued gloriynge in nothinge but in thee which art the glory of al saincts requiring nothinge beside thee which arte the best desiring nothing but thee which art the full and perfite felicitie with the Father and the holy Ghoste aboue the starrie Firmamente to whom be praise both now euer Amen ¶ A discrete and wise woman is an high porcion she honoreth GOD and bewtifieth the worlde vpon her right hande standeth loye and Peace and vpon her left hand Ritches and Honour her Body is the sweete tree of longe life to him that laieth hold on her blessed is he that kepeth her fast EVerye one that saithe Lorde Lorde shal not enter the Kingdom of heauen Therefore confirme my Faithe stronge in thee O Heauenly Father and in my Sauiour Christe quiet my minde with sure hope of his promises and thy Saluacion Destroye in mee the Kingdom of Sinne the power of Sathan the desires of the worlde and the delightes of the Fleashe Guide my feete in the pathes of thy preceptes bringe the conflictinge daies of mine enemies to ende Make mee that am weake in my selfe strong in thee to conquere the force of theire Armes So shall my lippes poure out continuall praise vnto thee O god of my Saluacion and magnifie thy Maiesty worlde without ende Amen L LOoke not extremely what is donne amisse in mee for no fleash is rightuous in thy sight I offer vp my selfe wholy with all my vnsauery and corrupt abuses both in wil and woorkes vnto the flowinge fountaine of thy mercy to be chasticed poullished and washed and made cleane euen at thine owne will and pleasure Wherfore impute not the frailty of my tender yeeres vnto my charge but that thou maist ouercome when thou art iudged Forgeue me receiue me and so arme me with thy holie Spirite that I may treade the rest of my daies with an vpright sway a cleare conscience and a single harte to thy Glory and profite of my Soule Amen I I Liue O God in a most wretched Vale of miserie where cōtinually thy creatures are strained with sinne assayled with affliction tossed with troubles choked with cares infected with ambition vexed with temptacions blinded with erroures ouercomme with vanities of the world and miseraly wrapped in all vntruthe and wretchednesse wherfore O Lord arise stretch out thy hand helpe and comfort mee Asswage my sorrowe assist me with thy Holy Spirite that mine owne substance ouercome mee not this glitteringe vaine world of infinite sorowes and fewe felicities deceiue mee not that Sathan supplant mee not but geue me inuincible power to encounter them patience in suffering them and in thy woorde constancie in perseuering to the ende Amen Z ZEale anger hatred and frō respecte of any persones in Iudgemente Lorde make mee free Arme mee with the patience of my sauiour Christ geue me the Breastplate of his rightuousnesse and the helmet of his equitie Make mee to exercise his Mercy Truthe Meekenesse Faithfulnesse Temperance and Humility Cast out of my harte all that may offende thee and disprofite my Soule Let all worldly things be vile vnto mee for thy sake let me reioyce in nothinge without thee nor loue nothing but to thy glorie So shall my harte keepe thy lawes and my mouthe for euer and euer speake thy praise Amen A ACcepte mee Lorde in the nūber of thy elect behold in mee the Image of thy selfe the worke of thine owne hands remember thou haste geuen thy deare Sonne to the bitter Passion of the Crosse for my redemption Let me not be rewarded therfore accordinge to the deepe sea of my sinnes for then I perishe But for thy Truthe Mercie and deere Sonnes sake correcte mee strengthen mee and imbrace mee yea linke mee so surely to the loue of thy Lawes that I neuer leaue thee and in the daie of my trouble houre of deathe Lorde deliuer mee so shall I liue and glorifie thee through all worldes Amen B BEholde my infirmities O Lord and consider my frailnesse best knowen vnto thee So oft as I shall fall make me lift vp my hart again vnto thee seeke thee feare thee and loue thee and euer to be soary with so stedfast a purpose of amendement that my earnest desire may rightly stirre vp thy mercie and procure mee the assistaunce of thy grace to conioyne mee to all Heauenly thinges to destroye all earthly affections and temptacions that daily plucke mee backe and rebell not sufferinge my soule to liue in rest Against which builde thy feare in my breast true knowledge of thy woorde in my harte fortifie my faith with sure hope of thy Heauenly blisse enter the shininge light of thy woorde so deepe in my minde that all my studies thoughts onely occupied therin my other partes may euer want power to offend the my tongue and lippes euer be singinge thy laude and glory Amen E ENritche my Soule with the continual felowshippe of thy thy Holy Spirite whose deuine humanitie may so temper my grosse substance with trewe condition that alwaies I may seem low in mine owne sight and neither pride nor selfloue ouertake or at any time allure me to exercise the vnseemely pleasantnesse of nature but euer preferringe a pure and chaste life may winne the victory of al vncleanesse and glorifie thee which art the heade and Patrone of al mercy truth and singlenesse whose triumphe my tongue shall neuer cease to aduaunce Therefore most louing Sauiour leaue mee not to my selfe but stande alwaies by mee and with thy stronge hande make my waies sound and perfit and confound mine enimies in their deuises Amen T THou hast saide most sweete redemer Christe that the Mountaines shall remooue and the Hilles shall fall downe but thy louinge kindenesse woorde mercy and truthe shal not moue also that the band of thy peace shall not faile vs Dere Father I beseeche thee for thine owne Truthe and mercies sake remember this thy Promise and Couenaunt graue it so deepe in the inwarde partes of my harte that I may neuer forgeate neyther fall from thee but euer acknowledge thee mine only God and Sauiour Loue thee with all my harte and thy people for
with thy truth and merites of Christes deathe and passion to lay my Prayers before thee requyringe mercy and forgeuenesse of all my sinnes and also the assistance of thy Grace to do thy will all the daies of my life and to obtaine all these my petitions through Iesus Christ thy deere Sonne and my only sauiour to whom with thee and the Holy Ghoste be all Honour power Dominion and Glory for euer and euer Amen A Meditation vpon the Lordes Prayer ¶ Our Father which art in Heauen TRuely thou O almighty father haste iuste cause to execute thy seuere iudgemente vpon vs sinners whiche so often and greeuously moue thy wrath and indignation againste vs but sithence by thy mercy thou dooste not onely pardon but also commaundeste and teacheste by thy Sonne Iesus Christe that wee should holde thee for a Father wee pray thee throughe him that thou wilt geue vs a full and sure truste in thy Fatherly clemency and that we may likewise feele some taste of that security whiche thy Children haue and with ioye call thee Father acknowledge thee loue thee and in all our troubles call vpon thee defende and guide vs that wee may perpetually abide thy children let vs not goe out of thy protection Though we be the children of wickednes yet let vs not holde thee in steede of a seuere Iudge whē thou wilt that wee shall not onely call thee Father but our Father and that wee pray not in our owne name alone but in the name of all thy Children Geue vs therefore an vniforme and brotherly loue that in deede wee may perceiue our selues to bee Brothers and Sisters and thee our generall Father Let vs pray for all the rest no otherwise then Fathers were wont to pray for their children neyther suffer any of vs to seeke his own and forget his brother but taking away what enuie hatred or discord so euer raigneth emonge vs that as becommeth Gods children wee may mutually loue one another and truely call thee not Father but our Father Of our carnall and earthely Father we receiue this brickle body and he is such a one as is subiect to death neither are wee sure how longe he shall remaine a father Furthermore if aduersity happen he can not chaunge that but thou arte a Heauenly Father truely farre better and more Nobler So much more righte is it then that we contempne for thee our Father Countrey Kindred Ritches Fleashe Bloude yea and what so euer is in this worlde vnder the scope of Heauen This also graunt to vs that we may be thy heauenly Children whom thou doest teache that we shall regarde nothinge but the soule healthe and that heauenly Heritage leaste in this carnall and earthly Countrey deceiued stirred vp or letted by ritches wee become heyres of sensuality but truly let vs say our heauenlie Father and that truely wee may be thy heauenly Children Halowed be thy name ALmighty God heauenly father thy holy name is miserably prophaned many wayes in this worlde scorned taunted and blasphemed when it is applied to those thinges in whiche is no glorye of thy Deitie yea many abuse it imployinge it to sinne and truly that vnwoorthy life in a Christian man deserueth to be called a prophanation of thy holy name graunt therefore to vs good Lorde through thy mercy that wee may beware of all those things by which the honoure and glory of thy name is diminished and purifie vs that the Artes of Magike may be abolished let people cease to enchaunt Diuels or other Creatures by thy name see that all distrust and supersticion perish Heresie and wicked Doctrine also whiche notwithstandinge they preferre thy name yet they deceiue many lette them perishe and be broughte to nothynge graunte that thy people be not deceyued through any outwarde shewe of truthe rightuousnesse or holynesse Suffer not any man to forsweare hym selfe lye or deceyue others by thy name Take from vs O Lorde all false aydes which take vpon thē a shewe of thy name remooue from vs that spyrite of Pryde and vaine glory and the study of prayse and glory Graunt that in all our troubles and euiles we may cal vpon thy holy name yea in the feare of our consciēce and euen when deathe assaileth let vs not be forgetful of thy holie name See that in al our successe both in wordes and deedes wee may praise and worship thee onely and not seeke out of these ours but the glory of thy name which alone possessest al things take from vs O Lorde that most foule vice of ingratitude Plant in vs such good woorkes and life that others may be allured to vs not to our but to thy praise and glory Lorde let not others be offended through the vices or euill workes which yet remaine in vs least thy name for our sinnes should be ill spoken of or not henceforth praised Suffer vs not to aske any thing of thee either momentary or eternall which agreeth not to the glory of thy holy name praise if wee do aske any suche thinge of thee in that heare vs not graunt vs so to liue as becommeth Gods Children that wee seeme not vnworthy of thy holy name Thy kingdome come IN this miserable and wretched life all kindes of sensuall apetide and wickednesse beare rule in vs and the euill spirite head and fountaine of all sinne hath gouernmente But in thy kingdome O Lorde grace and vertue guide the sway and Iesus Christe thy deere sonne true patrone of all grace and vertue holdeth Empyre Thou therefore deere Father fauoure vs with thy grace Geue vnto vs a true constant faith in Christe fortifie vs with a firme hope in thy mercie wherwith our weake and feble conscience may be raised vp from the feling of sinnes lade vs with an earnest loue both towardes thee and al other thy good Creatures Take frō vs distrust desperation and hatred remooue from vs the delightes of the fleash and plant in their steede an earnest studye of chastitie with perfect faith in thee which may worthely winne the reward of vndefiled battaile Make vs free O Lorde from discordes ambition warre and discention and let thy kingdome come and let vs leade a peaceable mutuall and quiet life Graunt that neither zeale anger or other vices with the whiche dissemblinge hatred are nourished raigne in vs but a milde simplicity brotherly loue al kinde of duties contentment and humility suffer vs not to be affected with immoderate sorrowe and heauinesse but let vs feele the pleasantnesse of thy grace and mercie and that in fine all my sinnes may be taken away wee abounding through grace and vertu in good works may be thy kingdome I say our minde our soule with al our strength whiche thou hast powred on vs may obey thy commaundementes and beare thy gouernment and neither folowe themselues the world the fleash nor the Diuell See Lord that this thy kingdome happely begonne in vs may so growe and be increased that wee be not
vnaduisedly oppressed of sinne nether causelesse doo cease from good woorkes for so it may com to passe that wee shall labour in vaine Geue thefore vnto vs a firm faith wanting no strength which not onely may instruct vs to a better kinde of life but also in that same may happely goe forward euer emong encrease as the Prophet saithe Psal 13. Illuminate mine eies that I slepe not least whilest the Christian life but begonne wee negligently goe forward and finallie come againe into Sathans power Graunt that wee may constantly endure and thy kingdome to come may performe and consummate the rule begonne in vs Take vs from this life which is ful of sinne and daungers make vs to desire that other life and let vs beginne and continew to hate this graunt that wee do not feare death but rather wish and desire it let vs cast out of our minde the loue of this life that thou onely maist raigne in vs. Thy will be donne IF we should conferre our wil with thine it is alwaies naught but thy will is euer best whiche deserueth that wee shoulde loue and desire that Therefore haue mercy vpon vs deare Father and let not any thinge be donne after our will. Graunt if any thinge happen contrary to that wee woulde wee may patiently beare it temper so our brickle mettall beyng the woorke of thy handes that if any either speake or holde his peace doo or omitte any thinge contrary to our will that thereby we be not prouoked to anger and impatience Let vs not blaspheme complaine crie out iudge condemne or maliciously accuse others therfore but graunt that wee may quietlie geue place to those whiche worke contrary to our will and praise them geuinge thankes as to those which stirre vp thy will whiche is good againste ours which is yll And further assist vs that we may paciently beare all trouble neede pouerty sicknesse slaunder imprisonmente and all other discommodities and acknowledge al these to happen vnto vs by thy wil that our wil may be mortified let vs paciently beare iniuries and take from vs the desire of reuengement suffer vs not to encounter one euill with another nor resist force with stronge armes but graunte thy will whiche hath throwne vs into those euils may satisfie vs that with thankes geuing wee may beare aduersiries Yf any yll come contrary to that wee woulde graunt wee beseeche thee that we iudge not that calamitie to proceede either of Sathan our wicked enimie or of yll men but of thy deuine will whiche dooth Minister all thinges so that it may let our will whereby thou mightest the better raigne and beare rule in vs Graunt that wee may patiently and with ioyfull minde die leaste beinge ouercome with impatience or desperation wee seeme lesse obedient to thy will. Graunt that al members of our body eyes tongue harte hands and feete folowe not their owne delightes but ouercom and constrained may doo al thinges after thy will. Take from vs O Lorde a hardned and vntractable hart free vs from frowardnesse obstinate and stubberne minde graunte that wee may obey thy will that wee committe our selfe wholy to thy iudgement in all things whether they perteine to the body or the soule whether they be momentary or eternall take from vs these horrible vices that wee impeache not the fame of any flaunder anie rashely iudge accuse or condempne them that vice of the tongue I beseeche thee amende in vs And teache that if others committe any euill wee may retaine and hide it to thee only let vs shewe it and leaue it to thy iudgemente that wee may remit what is committed againste vs and let vs take pity vpon them teach vs to know that none can hurt vs but he shal more disprofite him selfe before thee that we may be the rather stirred to mercie then to anger in any thing let vs not reioyce if they be throwen into calamitie which either haue not obeyed our will or whose life hath been little allowable to vs neither lette vs hate their good successe Geue vs this day our daily breade THE breade is our Lord Iesus Christe whiche feedeth and refresheth the soule Thou therfore heauenly father graunt vs this through thy mercie that the life woordes and deedes of Christe with his Passion may be euery where truely preached acknowledged folowed kept Graunt that both his dooinges and sayings may be ensample to vs to the whiche wee may compare our life liue more rightlie Confirme vs that in calamities and trouble his Crosse and passion may strengthen and comfort vs Assiste vs that by his deathe our deathe may be ouercomme in true Faithe that wee may constantly folowe him being our Captaine to eternall life Bringe to passe that they whiche haue taken vpon them the ministery of thy woorde may happily teach with the greate profite of the hearers woorke that those which heare thy word acknowledge Christe and diligently goe forwarde Let it com to passe that the straunge and wicked sectes who teache not Christe be throwen out of his Churche Let the true vnderstandinge of thy woorde so shine in Bishops and Pastours and likewise vpon all Magistrates whether they haue care of the bodie or Soule that beinge illuminate with thy grace they may rightly teache vs and be exsample vnto vs as wel in Doctrine as in pure life Let not the weak in f●●th be offended through the Sinnes of the Maiestrates Pourge vs O Lorde from all heresi●s and wicked Faith that wee may be singly and daily fed with one bread may abide agreeable in Christes woordes teach vs by thy grace t●at wee may well studie vpon Christes Passion and rightly holde that and let his imprinted steppes sticke and be founde in vs. Graunte that the Ministers of thy Church may treate and vse the Holy Sacrament worthely and to the greate profite of thy Churche And furthermore that wee and all Christians may in his kinde worthely and to his soule health receiue the Sacramente Geue vs peace and concorde take from vs warres contention ambition priuy hatred bloudie hartes vsurping hands and al other kinde of strifes that those thinges which wee haue to the sustentation of our body wee may enioy with thanks geuing Geue vnto thy seruant Elizabeth our most gratious Queene and Gouernoure thy equall guiftes to her estate and dignity with vprighte Iudgememente in all thinges and to all magistrates true faith and single iudgement with loyall mindes to keepe the publique peace that her ioyes and Rule may longe stande and multiply Take from al Subiectes Sedition and disobedience teache vs by thy Holy spirite to order housholde affayres that wee may instruct our Children and Families to worship praise and glorifie thee Graunt O good Father that our childrē and family fall not into any sin and wickednes neither be ouerthrowen in any daunger or calamity whether it be either of bodie or Soule Comforte and deliuer thou moste louinge Father the captiue the hungry thirstie