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A01711 Certaine sermons, vpon diuers textes of Holie Scripture Whereof some haue been seuerally before published, and other some for the greater benefit of the godly reader are here now added. By M. George Giffard, preacher of the worde of God at Mauldon Essex. Gifford, George, d. 1620.; Gifford, George, d. 1620. A sermon on the parable of the sower. aut; Gifford, George, d. 1620. Two sermons upon I. Peter 5. vers. 8 and 9. aut; Gifford, George, d. 1620. Foure sermons uppon the seven chiefe vertues of faith. aut; Gifford, George, d. 1620. A godlie, zealous, and profitable sermon upon the second chapter of saint James. aut; Gifford, George, d. 1620. A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse the thirtie day of May. aut; Gifford, George, d. 1620. A sermon on the third chapter of Saint Iames. aut 1597 (1597) STC 11848.5; ESTC S120470 152,707 288

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wee trauell on the day hee obserueth vs when wee lie vpon our beds in the night he dealeth with vs there is no time that we can be free from him If hee cannot preuaile at one time he wayteth for another if hee cannot ouercome a man in one sinne hee trieth him in another and most carefullie he watcheth his fit occasions and then he tempteth strongly To bring a man vnto drunkennes riot excesse and to spend his time in vaine exercises he hath his instrumēts euen riotous persons which are wholy giuen that way for to draw and to perswade Wo be to that man which lighteth into the familiarity of such sinners that will so allure and intise him What a wonderfull force there is in companie for to drawe men vnto euill cannot almost bee expressed and therefore when Satan hath founde such instruments for to set vpon a man hee hath gotten great aduantage When a man is in place where he may secretly commit some foule sinne as theft or adultery and the occasions offred then Satan layeth in hard And so is it in other sinnes What should I enter into particulars seeing hee hath a thousand wayes a thousand occasions yea ten thousande sleightes and crafty meanes for to winde in himselfe Alas what shall we doe Our Sauiour saith Watch and pray least ye enter into temptation Mat 26. vers 41. And as hee saide to Peter Simon Simon behold Satan hath desired to sift you as wheat Luk. 22.31 so let vs al be assured that he hath many wayes to sift vs and to make triall what is in vs. We are taught to pray Lead vs not into temptation and this place doth shew how necessarie a prayer it is for if the Lord giue scope to this enemie and leaue vs to our selues hee will find a thousand meanes vtterly to spoyle vs hee wil euen deuour vs as his praie and wee shall not perceiue it for there in lieth the greatest daunger that he blindeth the eies of the minde and hardeneth the heart when men feele not his working nor imagine any suchthing Hee that is sober and doth watch feeleth when he setteth vpon him and what harme he doth vnto him where as on the other side he may doe what he will vnto those that are drunken and asleep and they know it not Thus much touching the second part now let vs come to the third and last part Whom resist stedfast in the faith If a mans aduersarie be too strong for him by many degrees what is he the better that he watcheth if hee can not auoide but that he will find him come vpon him will he not kill him for all his watching The like obiection may heere be made namely that the power of Diuels far exceedeth all power of man as we see they be described to be mightie and terrible and there is no way for a man to hide himselfe from them but they finde him out and come vpon him what is hee then the better that he doth watch Saint Peter doth answere vnto this that although in our own strength we are nothing to this mightie roaring Lyon yet there is a power in which we shall resist him put him to flight and ouercome him and be armed against al harmes and that is the power offaith Whome resist saith he stedfast in the faith Let it not seeme strange vnto any that this power should resist him and keep vs in safetie for it is the power of God The Diuell is strong and mightie but what is he vnto God God is aboue all his power is infinite there is no power that can stand against it He that is stedfast in the faith hee is armed and standeth in the power of God for faith apprehendeth the power of God and armeth vs with it He that standeth in the faith standeth as it were in God compassed about and couered with his power And as it is vnpossible that Sathan shoulde preuaile against the power of God so is it vnpossible that he should ouerthrowe that man which standeth stedfast in the faith for so long as God cannot be ouercome faith cannot be ouercome Is not heere a most singular comfort and consolation vnto vs in this battaile Let the Diuell be neuer so mightie neuer so subtill fierce and raging we haue a rock of defence a safe tower to fly vnto euē the inuincible power of almighty God which we stād armed withal throghfaith This is it which S. Paule teacheth where he speaketh of the battell which we haue with the diuel My brethren saith hee be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power Put on the whole armour of God that you may stand against the assaults of the Diuel For we wrastle not against bloud and flesh but against rulers against powers c. Therefore take vnto you the whole armour of God that yee may bee able to resist in the euill day haning finished all things stand Ephes 6. vers Now it is faith that putteth vpon vs the whole armour of God and maketh vs strong in his mighty power It is faith as he sheweth in the same place by which we shal quench all the fiery dartes of the diuell Likewise S. Iohn setteth foorth this matter saying Whosoeuer is borne of God ouercommeth the world this is the victorie that ouercommeth the worlde euen our faith Who is it that ouercommeth the worlds but he that beleeueth that Iesus is the son of God 1. Ioh. 5. ver 4.5.6 By the world he meaneth the whole corruption of sin or whatsoeuer is against the commandementes of God and so the Diuell the Prince of the world is included He that ouercommeth the world ouercommeth the prince of the world for all the power of Satans kingdome is in darknesse and in sin Then when Saint Iohn saith that faith is our victorie and that by it we ouercome the world he teacheth that it is faith by which wee are armed with the power of God in which we stand safe and ouercome the Diuell Heerby it is manifest what a woonderfull precious thing faith is There is no force that can ouercome it he that hath obtained it cannot be poore he cannot be vnhappy or wretched all the diuels in hel cannot preuail against him They thatt rust in the Lord are as mount the Sion which cannot be mooued but standeth fast for euer Psalm 125. vers 1 If it be then the most excellent thing that is to stand stedfast in the faith then are we aboue all other things to seeke after it For wisdome teacheth to seeke most for the best thinges Golde pearle and precious stones doe excell in price and therefore they be greatly sought after and men do much reioice when they finde them They bee more then drosse being compared with faith by which we put diuels to flight and obtaine eternall glory Shall wee not then seeke for faith Shall we not make account that if we find it we haue found all for what can a
number I need not to repeate them they bee too well knowne and too much practised and yet they be more sought vnto then faith is which armeth vs with the power of God What a dishonor is this to the high Maiestie of the Almightie What an infidelitie is it Shall men run to the diuell for help Is he fitter to teach them or of more power then God But ye say we see the thing is wrought by those meanes which could not otherwise be obtayned Satan is expelled and ease hath followed Hath Satan expelled Satā or hath he taught how he might be expelled indeede Is the diuell become so simple Wil he hinder his owne kingdome Are men so foolish as to beleeue that he is by such things in very deed driuen out A man tormented sore in his bodie he feareth that it is some witch that hath done it He is aduised by his neighbours to sende vnto some cunning man Worde is sent backe that indeed he hath bad neighbours let him do such or such a thing and he shal haue ease Well he doth it hath ease What shall we think that the diuell is driuen out A wofull driuing out He doth cease from tormenting the bodie for a time that he may enter deeper into the soule He winneth by this driuing out The like may be said where he hath power giuen vnto him to destroy mens cattell They be taught many thinges howe to resist him among other to offer some burnt offering vnto him they must burne somwhat aliue Well he commeth no more there is a power aboue faith that hath put him to flight And where as you say that some haue beene of the minde that they would not seek any way or meanes but only to God and would rest vntil he should restrain the diuell but haue been glad in the ende to vse other meanes It is a lamentable hearing that the saith of any should so farfaile that in steed of approching neerer to God by strong repentance they haue turned to the counsell of the diuell If they could not find helpe by praier they might be assured that the Lord would yet afflict them further that with al humblenes they ought to submit themselues vnder his mightie hand yea they ought to haue considered the weaknesse of their faith and the grieuousnes of their sinnes and so haue sought by all meanes possible to get a stedfast faith and vnfained repentance This their affliction by Satan should haue been a warning vnto them to make thē cleaue more firmlie to God to look better to themselues and see how it hath driuen them to run backe from God to the diuell But you say God hath appointed meanes and hee that refuseth the meanes tempteth God As for example shal a man crie Lord help and not stirre Indeed if you could prooue that God had appointed such meanes to driue away diuels where faith cannot your saying were true But where can you prooue in al the whole word of God that any such meanes are appointed to put diuels to flight If those meanes be not in the holie Scriptures they be not ordained of God they be not of faith it is not the power of God that expelleth Satan but it is his owne sleight that seemeth to be repelled and vanquished when he is not they be means of his own deuising which he hath taught by those that haue familiarity with him The holie Scriptures do condemne it as a most wicked thing that men should haue any dealing with diuels to be taught at their handes Wee are to be taught of God Christ Iesus is our onely Doctor shall we then learne at the mouth of Diuels A man is taken lame he suspecteth that hee is bewitched he sendeth to the cunning man Hee demaundeth whom they suspect and then sheweth the image of the partie in a glasse When this is done he sheweth and prescribeth what the lame man shall doe for to get remedie howe hee shall cause the olde witch to come vnto him and how he shall vse her Heer all is done by the direction of the diuell are these meanes then appointed by God Also there is one whome Sathan doth as it were possesse and doth torment the bodie there is seeking vnto god but not like the Cananitish woman that came to Christ to haue the diuel driuen out of her daughter who with the strength of her faith would not be denied Math. 15. but like to king Saule who receiuing no answere from God gate him by and by vnto a Witch for not finding helpe by faith and prayer or by those waies that God hath appointed they then begin to hearken to the diuell and he telleth them that if they shall doe such a thing such a diuell shall depart Heere be the meanes which some doe holde to bee appointed by God But is not this a woonderfull blindnes that Satan can set vp himselfe to bee a teacher and men learning of him shall thinke that they learne of God Well say some wee are glad to haue ease we find that the diuell is expelled we may think that God doth allow it Shall a man be glad for to buy ease so deare May we call that ease when the diuell ceaseth to vexe the body for a time to the end that he may torment soule and bodie in hell for euer If a man be sicke of a burning ague and take that to coole the heat and to giue ease for the time which will afterwarde cause it to bee more burning is that a good remedie Is that a good remedie which for a little while doth seeme to mitigate but afterward doth increase the disease Euen so the blind people doe imagine that Satan is expelled by those meanes by which indeed he entreth more deepe into them For tell me but this wherein doth the kingdome of the Diuel consist Is he not called the prince of this world and the prince of darknesse This his kingdome doth consist in infidelitie in darknesse and in sinne Hee that is vnder the power of sinne so that sinne hath dominion ouer him hee is vnder the power and working of Satan Sinne is his kingdome there is his throne ye cannot separate them he cannot be cast forth and sinne still remaine in force If pride enuie couetousnesse hatred malice selfe-loue fornication or any other such sinne doe raigne and rule in the heart of man there ruleth the diuell for these be the workes of the diuell Heereupon our Sauiour said to the Iewes Ye are of your father the diuell ye doe the workes of your father Ioh. 8. Hee that will then caste foorth the diuell hee must cast out those workes For hee that committeth sinne is of the diuell as Saint Iohn saith in his first Epistle chap. 3. Hee that still committeth sinne and therefore is of the diuell is the diuell expelled or driuen from him I suppose that there is no man so void of reason that he will imagine that the diuell is driuen
this worlde but in the kingdome of Christ whose power is aboue all and can neuer come to an end but is as hee saith here eternall it is farre otherwise because his state is vnchangeable so is theirs that bee once entred thereinto and therefore they are sure they can neuer fall Whosoeuer doeth but euen straightly looke ouer these words of the Apostle if he haue any sight at all hee must needes confesse all this the matter is so cleere that wee can but maruell how it should come to passe that this doctrine of the Lord set forth by his Apostle should find so fewe friends and so many extreme enemies but in deede men which are lyars doe in this thing confesse the trueth that they feele not any such matter and therefore can not abide to heare that all true godly men and faithfull Christians haue this knowledge in themselues but let vs giue eare to the Apostle who telleth vs how we shal come to haue Christ to be our king and to raigne ouer vs namely if wee yeelde vp our selues to the gouernance of his spirit which worketh all goodnes in our heartes subduing and vanquishing all the rebels which we be are about in vs. Contrariwise it must needes bee granted that such as are beastly Epicures following their owne fleshly minde letting loose the raines and giuing the swinge vnto the raging lustes of the flesh despising the knowledge of Gods will and therefore regard not his worde though with full mouth they call Christ their king and their Lorde yet when God saith here by his Apostle that the entrance into his kingdome is by this meanes that men follow after vertue knowledge and godlinesse they shewe that they bee none of his subiects beeing altogither void of his spirit but the bondslaues of sinne and Sathan whose kingdome they vpholde with tooth and naile and that maketh them euen as those which are of another corporation to fight against the truth and those which professe it deuising all the colours and shiftes they can to maintaine sinne inuenting all the slanders that may be to discredit the godly conuersation of such as follow the way here prescribed condemning them as ouer precise and curious if they doe but looke this way which God willeth all his seruants to walke if God do open their eies to see but euen in a glimmering that which he doth teach in this place they would be ashamed of their master blush at that which now they boast and bragge of they would also confesse that like blind buzzards and madde beasts they haue fought against God and not men finally it would make them change their waies and seeke diligently to haue the witnes within themselues that they be the seruants of God Wee must marke well one other thing which is here spoken to wit that he saith an entrance shall be ministred vnto you abundantly or richly as if hee should say When yee haue laboured and trauelled to be as it were well soked and seasoned in godlinesse and plentifullie decked with all graces and giftes of the spirit yee shall by degrees proceed so far gaine so much that your entrance into the kingdome of Christ shall be very great wherupon it doth follow that they shal be past danger may wel warrant thēselues of sure standing in as much as Christ hath not only begun to raigne in them and to be their king but also in great measure and mightily But doth he not adde this one worde more then needeth Is it not enough to haue an entrance vnles we haue a rich entrance into his kingdome doth Christ once begin to raigne in a man to driue out the power of Sathan and afterward cast him off again to destruction I answer that this word is not added in vaine for wee are taught thereby to take heed that we content not our selues with some little taste and small entrance for his purpose is to make a difference between such on the one part as make some beginning haue some good desires and motions in them and doe taste of the good worde of God and are in some sort lightned but ouercome with sinnefull lusts and vaine delights of the flesh they slide back againe suddenly they were but for a brunt it bringeth forth no ripe fruit in thē neither to speak properly did Christ euer raign in them such on the other part as proceed vnto the deepe rooting out of sin sure and fast planting the truth in their hearts going forward daily from grace to grace from strength to strength vntill Christ haue set vp his throne in them beare sway to the ouerthrow of the power of darknes bereauing the deuill of the interest he had and thrusting him from the possession which he held a doctrine which must needs do vs much good if we beleeue it very needful to be vrged instantly considering the nature disposition of men at this day they are afraid of going too farre in vertue knowledge they count it a needles thing to be admonished or taught diligently they take great scorne to be counted such as may be amended yea and that which is more when as they haue not learned the first point of a christiā scholler they will seem perfect so far are they from hauing this abundant entring into the kingdome of Christ Learne here therfore dearely beloued learne it well lay sure hold thereof that it do not slip from you for God teacheth vs here the only way to life and happines let go the vaine dreames and doltish opinions of people sotted in their ignorance which are so farre blinded by the malice of Sathan that which way soeuer they goe still they are in hope of eternall glory as though the way to heauen were so broad that a man could not go out of it the entrance so easie that he may enter whē he will for this is the diuinitie of our time howsoeuer a man spend his time in ignorance not caring for nor seeking after the true knowledge of god howsoeuer he be defiled with foule beastly sins that indeed there be nothing in him but pride selfloue vainglory enuy gluttony the lusts of adultery such like yea so far that the scripture doeth liken him to a swine or a dog yet as if they say he haue God in his mind cā say Lord haue mercy vpō me they think this is all that can be required of men they will not sticke to acquite all such beeing nothing at all acquainted with that which God telleth in this place by his Apostle how farre men must proceed in his feare before they can well warrant themselues to be in good case For yee may as well ioyne heauen and hell togither fire and water will assoone agree light and darkenes are as like one another as the common faith is to that which we are taught in this place But I will returne to apply this doctrine to the godly for
be drunken his senses are then oppressed drowsinesse cōmeth vpon him and he falleth into a sound sleep his aduersary may come vpon him and doe vnto him what he will this we all knowe to be true He that keepeth himselfe in sobrietie is not ouercome with wine or strong drink but vseth them moderately he can if need bee watch for to eschue and withstand perilles and dangers Now as the bodie is made drunken with wine or strong drinke so is the mind oppressed and made drunken with earthly cares with carnal pleasures with euil lustes and vaine delightes which bring a drowsinesse vpon it and a dead sleepe so that the spirituall enemie may come vnto it at pleasure to doe what he will On the contrary part hee that keepeth his mind sober touching those cares and pleasures so that hee is not oppressed nor drowned in them he can watch to auoyd the spirituall dangers This then is the thing which Saint Peter doth exhort vnto that we cast out cares and vain pleasures out of our minde that they make it not drunken and cast it into a sleepe and so into extreame perill but that it may continue sober and fit to watch against all spirituall dangers Our Sauiour Christ doth teach that the heauenly seed is choked with cares pleasures of this life Luk. 8 verse 14. And if any shall now demaunde Doth S. Peter exhort here only vnto that sobrietie of the mind or is it his purpose to exhort vnto sobrietie in drinking also together with that other I aunswere that he requireth both in as much as a man cannot haue a sober and watchfull minde which doth follow the drunkennesse of the body For such as be giuen to gluttony and drunkennesse or to take pleasure in pampering the flesh their minde is drowned in all lustes and carnall pleasures and then cares doe also enter how they may prouide for the filling of those insatiable lustes and so their minde is also drunken and in a deade sleep so that they cannot watch for to eschew any spirituall danger This is the extreame miserie of such as doe flowe in vaine delightes that they bee drunken and asleepe the diuell may put into them almost what he list And therefore our Sauiour Christ warning his disciples to watch for his comming to iudgment willeth them first to beware least at any time their hearts should be oppressed with surfetting and drunkennesse and with the cares of this life and so that day should come suddainly vpon them Luke 21. vers 34.36 Where we see plainlie that our Sauiour ioyneth both the bodilie drunkennesse and the drunkennesse of the mind together as making men vtterly vnfit to watch Then beloued let vs giue good heed and follow this wholsome counsell which the holie Ghost doth here giue vnto vs by this Apostle If we watch not we are vtterly vndone we are vtterly cast away as it shall appeare by the next words We cannot watch vnlesse wee keepe our mindes from the drunkennesse of cares and carnall pleasures and our bodies from excesse of wine and strong drink and continue them sober And thus much touching the first part Now to the second For your aduersary the diuell c. If we be not senselesse voyd of all care yea euen as stones almost or blockes if we be not like mad men this may mooue vs vnto all sobrietie and watchsulnesse of minde here is so fearfull and so horrible a danger set before vs if we do not watch namelie that our cruell enemie the diuell seeketh about continually and lieth in waite greedilie to deuoure our soules yea euen to swallow vs vp vnto eternall damnation in hell Is it a light matter beloued to be deuoured of the diuell Is it nothing to goe to hell we are sure to fall into his handes wee are sure to bee deuoured and swallowed vp into the wofull gulfe of hell if wee doe not learne to be sober and to watch and so to auoyd him for if we be drunken and so asleep in mind he commeth vpon vs and there is no helpe nor any way to escape him Behold here what the cares and pleasures of the flesh do bring men vnto that is to say they cannot watch but their mind is drowned and cast into a deepe sleepe so that the diuell commeth vpon them and taketh them as a praie swalloweth them vp vnto eternall captiuitie But there is great force in euerie worde to expresse vnto vs this danger and therfore I will handle them particularlie Your aduersarie Saint Peter propoundeth vnto vs an aduersarie and what doe men looke for at the handes of a deadly aduersarie but all the harme and mischiefe that he can worke them and therefore each man hath an cie to his aduersarie to beware of him that hee catch him not at any aduantage Now this aduersarie which is here propounded doth so burne in extreame hatred and malice against God and against all mankind that it is giuen vnto him as a proper name for in the Hebrue tongue he is called Satan which is as much as to say an aduersarie For he is the aduersarie as I may say of addersaries or the chiefe of all other There is no way of reconciliation to be sought with him there is no truce to bee made nor yet any mitigation of his cruell furie to be looked for but we may be sure of all the mischiefe and harme that hee can any way doe vnto vs make full account of that There is no pittie of mercie with him neither is he any way to be trusted for he is alyar he is a deceiuer hee is a Diuell Your aduersary the diuell As hee is called Satan in the Hebrew tongue so is he in the Greek tongue called Diabolos which we call Diuell it is as much as to say one that doth accuse one that with cauillation doth depraue lay crime Look what is best done that doth displease him most he is nothing but falshood and lies as I said heere is no trusting here is no way or hope of mitigation of his cruell rage But it may bee obiected seeing the multitudes of nations and people vpon the earthare so many how can one Diuell put all in danger for Saint Peter speaketh as it were but of one Diuell While he is in one countrie he cannot be in another and while hee is dealing with one man another then goeth free For answere vnto this we are to vnderstand that S. Peter speaketh as of one diuell not because he is but one for the holie scriptures do teach that there be multitudes and as it were Armies of Diuels which doe compasse vs about seeking our vtter destruction wee reade in the Gospell of a legion of Diuelles which did possesse one man as it is sayd they were manie But S. Peter heere speaketh as of one because there is but one kingdome of Satan one prince of darknesse that kingdome is not diuided Satan is not diuided against Satan as our
flight any where but in God then may we vse some other way to resist him besides faith We are to resist him by praier will some say That is true for prayer is a speciall fruite of faith the liuely faith doth bring foorth true prayer And if the prayer bee not of faith it cannot help to deliuer vs from the tyranny of Satan Faith sendeth vp praier yea with fasting strong praier which draweth downe the power of God vpon vs which shieldeth and defendeth vs from the rage of the fiende All other meanes that haue beene deuised to put diuels to flight are vaine and friuolous yea meere illusions of Satans owne deuising which wickedlie deface the power of God For when men cannot resist by faith then doe they flie vnto those other meanes as more sure Wofull is the state of the world in this thing that when men wil not learne of God to resist the diuell they learne at the diuell himselfe But that this thing may be more euident we are to see how many wayes the diuell seeketh to deuour vs. I doe not meane that we should in particulars see those wayes by which the Diuell deuoureth the soules of men for who is able so to expresse them surely not any mortall man For he hath manifold sleightes subtilties and craftes yea euen ten thousand deuises of all sorts to snare and to entrap the soules withall Hee hath also his forces and fierie dartes of terrour to wounde withall It is no dealing in particulars but to bee armed stronglie to resist him howsoeuer he commeth My purpose therefore is but to touch certaine generall heads which containe the rest So that this cruell aduersarie this roaring Lyon the Diuell may catch the praie deuour it he careth not which way it bee for that is the ende of all if hee may carie soules to hell And therefore according to the seuerall states and conditions that men bee in hee frameth himselfe to set vpon them There is no man I suppose which will make any doubt that the diuel coueteth to plunge al men as deep as he can into all euill but according as men are apt and incliued he is faine to deale as he may with some one way with some another Such as be ignorant in darknesse with them he dealeth that he may keep the pure cleere and heauenlie light of the Gospell out of their harts so holde them still vnder the power and in the kingdome of darknesse Touching these Saint Paule saith If our Gospell be hid it is hid to those that perish in whom the God of this world hath blinded the mindes euen of the infidels least the light of the Gospell of the glorie of Christ shoulde shine vnto them which is the image of God 2. Cor. 4. vers 3.4 To bring this to passe this enemie vseth speciall meanes by which he may diffame the Gospel and the profession of it as a doctrine not to bee suffered breeding and drawing with it so manie euils As namelie he soweth errours heresies and wicked opinions He is the father of al such things He raiseth vp the heretickes and Schismatickes and then suggesteth to the heartes of men which be his chiefe seruants that the Gospell hath bred them and they proclaime it with open mouth Behold and see say they what a doctrine is this yea this new learning that hath brought foorth so many foule heresies and diuisions The diuell say they the diuell goeth with it How can it be of God how can it bee good doctrine which bringeth foorth such fruit Satan did practise this while the holie Apostles were aliue vpon the earth as we read how the false Apostles did seeke almost euerie where to pul down that which S Paule had built S. Iohn in the Reuelation mentioneth the Nicholaitanes and a woman which said she was a Prophetesse that taught seduced the seruāts of the Lord that they might commit fornication and eat of things offred vnto Idols And the same Apostle saith that in his time there were many Antichrists for so he calleth the heretikes which then were 1. Ioh. 2. S. Paule said to the Elders of Ephesus I knowe this that after my departure there shall enter in among you grieuous Wolues not sparing the flocke and there shall rise vp of your selues that shal speak peruerse things to draw Disciples after them Act. 20. When all the Apostles were taken out of this life then was this prophecie fully accomplished for then did the diuell send foorth euen routs of wicked heretickes which did seduce manie greatlie trouble all Churches Then had hee those which cried out Beholde what a Gospell is this which hath brought foorth so foule and monstrous opinions Thus cunninglie did Satan work to keepe manie still in their former blindnes And in like maner in these dayes when the light of the gospell againe brake foorth he raised vp horrible heresies and sectes and then setteth his seruants a worke to crie out See what fruits this new Gospell bringeth forth This hath made many so much offended at it that they will not heare it and so the Diuell holdeth them still in their former blindnesse and deuoureth them as a praie Also hee raiseth vp lies and slaunders to diffame both the doctrine and al that professe it This hath beene his ancient practise Christ was said to haue a diuell to be a raiser of sedition and an enemie to Cesar His Apostles were deemed to be raisers of faction and disturbers of the common peace enemies to the state of princes and the Christians euer were accused to be men whichsecretly amōg themselues did commit most foule and abominable sinnes True it is that in all times he had manie which were hypocrites that professed the trueth for a time and then falling into notorious offences all the professors were said to be such Thus hath he in all times held many in darknesse by making them out of loue with the doctrine of saluation And as when Christ was risen from the dead Satan did raise and spread a lie namely that while the watchmen were asleep the disciples of Christ did steale him away and then sayd he was risen and this lie was beleeued though it were most absurd had no shew of liklihood so looke what lies and slaunders he raiseth vp nowe manie doe beleeue them For as S. Paul saith 2. Thess 2. Because men receiue not the loue of the truth God sendeth them strong delusion to beleeue lies Nowe for a man to resist the diuell in these practises that he be not seduced and held in blindnes it is necessarie to haue knowledge of the trueth and a liuely faith For if he come once to that he shal find that the Gospel is the pure and heauenly light euen the power of God to saluation as S. Paule saith to euery one that beleeueth Rom. 1. And that these sectes and heresies and troubles that follow it are raised vp by the diuell himselfe euen of
to his promises and because the plaine testimony of the scripture compelleth them they affirme it constantly and condemne the contrarie as a soule errour that God hath chosen men and men come to feele and to know this And therefore because it is a true doctrine they say also that they themselues are sure that God hath chosen them but when they take not the way to become sure which S. Peter hath here set downe but goe in a contrarie path and are spotted with filthy crimes wee may boldly say they be lyars for although they brag with their tongues of that that they should be yet there is a birde in their brest which doth sing in a cōtrary note telleth them plainly what they be Another kind of men there be which in no case can be perswaded that any man can be sure of saluation and therefore with scoffes they aske of them which professe the word when God told them so If it were a thing which were not to be or could not be knowen then the Apostle hath greatly ouershot himselfe in telling vs how wee shall come to be sure But aske a question of them whether they doe not beleeue in God euery one will answere I put all my whole trust in him reason then a little further and tell them that the Scripture which can not lie saith That all which trust in God shall be saued how then will they ioyne these togither that they trust in God and yet doubt whether they shall be saued can God deceiue or say they they know not what Vndoubtedly if they did know that they haue trust they should also know they can not perish But let vs learne by this the miserie of our time in which men do still thinke this doctrine to be strange Now let vs come to the particular application of this doctrine in which euery one must come home to himselfe remembring first that such as God hath called home to himselfe and chosen to be his children he doth also giue vnto them true faith and feeling that they bee his elect and such as perceiue no such thing in themselues are in a verie miserable case and as yet wee may say forlorne creatures therefore euery man in himselfe must aske this question of his owne soule How goeth the matter with thee Art thou sure God hath chosē thee Doest thou feele any assurance of eternal life The conscience will answere vprightly if wee be not negligent to make inquirie then if we find this within I am not sure for I doubt and stagger we must inquire with our selues thus what is the cause God is faithfull which hath promised eternall life vnto all which beleeue our heart will make answere Thou regardest not the feare of God thou art full of foule sinnes euill lustes doe reigne in thee thou doest not study for the knowledge of Gods worde thou art vnfruitfull and barren in good workes therefore thou canst not say I am led by the spirit of God and therefore sure I shall be saued If he be wise he will not stay here as the manner of fooles is saying I am not sure indeed neither do I thinke any man can be I commit it to God let him doe with me what he will these speeches may seeme to haue some wit godlines in them but they are indeed deuilish and madde because God hath taught vs a contrary lesson in this place but go this steppe further may I come to this assurance and which is the way The Lord doth answere by his Apostle Thou maiest come to this assurance and pointeth him out the way euē that which you haue heard wherein he must painefully trauell and goe forwarde not for a gird or a braid and waxe idle againe but still labour for these men had gone a great way and yet they are willed to proceede still if the Lorde guie not this assurance we are to labour so much the more and to be so much the more importunate to suspect our iudgement and to seeke for knowledge to call our selues to a more strait account to set a watch ouer our affections to see with what mind we doe things to foster no sinne willingly in vs nor to be slacke to any good worke which God hath appointed to call crie vnto God for faith and his spirit to guide vs to vse the means diligently which God hath appointed as the hearing searching meditating in the word thus in time for it is wroght in mē by degrees they neuer come to the full God wil let thē see that he is their God That neither life nor death height or depth things present or things to come Angels principalities nor powers nor any creature shall separate vs from his loue in Christ It followeth in the next verse For by this meanes an entring shall be ministred vnto you abundantly into the euerlasting kingdome of our Lord Iesus Christ This is a confirmation of the last clause of the former sentence where he saith If you doe these things you shall neuer fall and why because you shall haue a great entrance into the eternall kingdome of Christ as that is a confirmation of the other where he saith Make your calling election sure as the reason followeth there Ye shall come to be sure how because he which proceedeth so far that he knoweth he shall neuer fall away from God to destruction he is as it must needs be sure also that he is chosen for hee speaketh not here of euery particular fall into sin which is of the most godly but saith S. Peter I tell you if you do these things ye shall neuer fall not because there is any such stablenes in our selues or in our own works but we know that they be the fruits of Gods spirit in vs which is his seale set vpon none but those whome he doth marke vp to life eternall he is vnchangeable so it followeth here Ye shall not fall for they that haue a rich entrance into the kingdome of Christ which is euerlasting so that Christ doth raigne in them as hee doth in all the faithfull by his spirit can not fall vntill the power of Christ faile and his kingdome come to an end For we must note that the force of the reason resteth in the difference which is between the kingdome of Christ and the kingdomes of this world in which though they be neuer so mightie and full of pollicie and wisedome yet they should come to an end and therefore a man can not rightly say vnto the subiectes you haue a mightie prince who is bountifull and gracious your peace therefore and happie estate shall endure for euer nay the mightie may bee ouercome if not by men at least wise by death and so they may bee to day in peace and good estate to morrow all in an vprore to day vnder a louing and gracious prince to morrow vnder a fierce tyrant so vncertaine is the state of the kingdome of
whome it is written how they may as we vse to say make this thing dead sure for there is many a godly man which after long trauell and much care to please God is yet so matched with stubborn nature so deeply infected and poisoned with sinne that he is compelled although hee haue gained much and doeth feele the power of Gods spirit in him sometimes to be in doubt and to thinke his labour but lost because he can not get so great a victorie as hee would faine let not this man be dismaied but let him goe forward remembring what is here promised the more he wanteth the more let him striue and he shall plainly perceiue that God regardeth his care trauell considereth his sighes and grones and will performe all his desires let him remember that these men whome S. Peter wrote vnto had obtained the precious faith did know and were established in the present trueth and yet they were not so far but that they may be mooued to make their election sure to seeke a further entrance into the kingdome of Christ so to continue that which was but begun Wee ought the more to be mooued hereunto because the world is euer full of fearefull examples which if they were wel considered would make a mans haire to stand vpright when he shall see that for want of this doctrine or at the least the not practising of it there be many which seeme not only to haue had some good liking of the truth but also a great zeale euen to suffer somewhat for the same which are become as cold as ice scarse any point of godlines left in thē yea though they would beare men in hand that they haue like good schollers proceeded to the highest fourme yet when our great master shall pose them they shall not be allowed to sit in the lowest so dangerous a thing it is once to relent or slacken our care vntill we haue gotten this full assurance and made this rich entrance into the kingdome of Christ that wee feele our selues to be led by the spirit of God feele it not by the vaine conceit of our owne foolish braine nor by sensles securitie but by the working and fruits of the same spirit If this were well weighed men would not content themselues with so little or nothing they would not make so sleight account of teaching they would leaue off their slanderous reprochfull railings they would not like filthy swine wallow themselues still in the filthy mire of their sins they would not prattle so much of this that al are sinners therefore thinke all are alike shuffling togither one with another nay God will sunder them for hee hath taught here who be godly and faithfull such as hee taketh and accepteth for his children and who be vngodly Infidels children of the deuill and heires of hell For in very deed though all be sinners yet they greatly differ for some continue in their sinnes seducing deceiuing themselues with vaine hope of Gods mercie some do repent after the maner here prescribed them which standeth in this that they clense themselues more and more from all filthines of the flesh and grow in all vertues and graces vntill they be decked in their soules with heauenly ornaments and haue yeelded vp themselues to haue Christ raigne in them As for the common repentance to cry onely with words for mercie in some light measure to be greeued to feare the iudgements of God and yet the soule within nothing changed nor the spirit renued nor Christ raigning in the heart it doth but deceiue al which trust to it Most true it is that what time soeuer a sinner doth repent he is forgiuē but this is as like to that repentance which is here by S. Peter described as wee say an apple is to an oister for if we looke well vnto them both we shall find thē to agree but in very few things those euen the least Let vs I say once againe fasten our steps in this way let vs goe forward and not so much as looke backe vntill such time as wee haue by our owne experience prooued that to be true which is taught by S. Peter For it is not enough to beleeue that this is true although that be somwhat vnles we trie it to be so by our selues Hee is now a starke foole which seeth this to be the only way to happines and for sloth will not walke in it as though the kingdome of heauen were not worth the trauelling for Wee may gather also in this place if wee be not senslesse how great enemies they be to the saluation of men which would vtterly debarre them of the word that is appointed to be the instrument by which God worketh all these good things in his seruants for without that as it may be easily gathered here we can do nothing It doeth also appeare that those are in a miserable case whose office and duty is not only to shew mē some part of Gods will but to bring them thus far as S. Peter doth require if they be not well furnished haue walked first this way themselues for how shal they bring other mē to that which themselues haue not nor know not It doeth appeare also that God hath shewed a sore iudgement against that people which haue such a guide as can not shew them this way which is the onely way to heauen for doubtles it is more then if he should thunder vpō them from heauen or fire their houses ouer their heads especially whē they are so blind that they see not the plague but thinke themselues in better case then those whom God ouer rules by his word But wo be to those blind guides which do not feed wretched is that people that want a shepheard For how shal they euer hear of these things We cā but pity their miserie and desire the Lord to send redresse in so lamentable and desperate a case which is thought to be nothing because in deed the most men knowe nothing for had they but knowen what God requireth in that man whome he will saue though they were not partakers of it themselues yet they would consent and agree to the doctrine and confesse that there is no way to attaine eternall life but by so sound teaching as may bring people to the things here required But I will here make an end O Lord graunt that this doctrine which thou hast taught vs in this thy holy worde may enter into vs and dwell in vs for euer that so we may be sure of thy fauour and of eternall life through Iesus Christ thy deare sonne our Lord and onely Sauiour Amen FINIS A godlie zealous and profitable Sermon vpon the second Chapter of Saint Iames. The Text. vers 14 15 c. 14 What auaileth it my brethren though a man saith he hath faith when he hath no workes can that faith saue him 15 For if a brother or sister bee