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A39450 A collection of all the acts, memorials & letters, that pass'd in the negotiation of the peace with the treaties concluded at Nimeguen / translated from the French copy, printed at Paris with privilege ; The articles of peace between the Emperor and the French King, and those between the Emperor and the King of Sweden, translated from the Latin copy, printed at Nimeguen. 1679 (1679) Wing E874A; ESTC R7730 125,743 254

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Majesties true and natural born Subjects and particularly they shall not be liable to such taxes as may be laid upon strangers And all contained in this present Article shall be observed within the Countreys that are subject to the said Lords the States with relation to his Majesties Subjects XI Vessels laden belonging to either of the said Allies sailing by the coasts of the other if they shall be driven into any Road or Port by storm or otherwise shall not be constrain'd to unlade or to utter their Merchandize or any part thereof nor bound to pay any duties but only when they shall unlade voluntarily and of their own accord XII Masters of Ships their Pilots Officers Souldiers Marriners and other Sea-men the Vessels themselves nor the Wares and Merchandises wherewith they are Laden shall be liable to be seized or arrested by vertue of any general or particular order of any whosoever nor for any cause or upon any occasion whatsoever no not under pretence for the preservation and defence of the State and generally it shall not be lawful to take any thing from the Subjects of either party without the owners consent and without payment of what shall be required Wherein nevertheless it is not understood that such seisures or arrests shall be comprised as shall be made by order and authority of Law and in the ordinary methods for lawful debts contracts or other legal causes for which there shall be any proceeding by due course of Law XIII All the Subjects and Inhabitants of France and of the United Provinces may with all safety and freedom sail with their Vessels and traffick with their Merchandises without any distinction to be made who are the proprietors from their own Ports Kingdoms and Provinces and also from the Ports and Kingdoms of other States or Princes to their Countreys who are already or hereafter may be declared enemies as well to France as to the United Provinces or either of them As also the said Subjects and Inhabitants may with the same safety and freedom sail with their Vessels and traffick with their Merchandises without any distinction to be made who are the proprietors from the Places Ports and Roads of such as are enemies to both or one of the said parties without contradiction or disturbance from any whosoever not only directly from such places at enmity to a place neuter but also from one enemies Countrey to another whether under the jurisdiction of one and the same Sovereign or of several XIV This Transportation and Traffick shall extend to all sorts of Merchandises except contrabann'd Goods XV. Within this kind of contraband Merchandises are only understood to be comprised all sorts of Fire-Arms and their accoutrements as Cannons Muskets Mortarpieces Petars Fire-Balls Granadoes Sausages Barrels of Pitch Carriages Pitch-Forks Bandaliers Powder Match Salt-peter Bullets Pikes Swords Head-pieces Casques Cuirasses Halberts Javelins Horses Saddles Cases for Pistols Belts and other accoutrements for War XVI Within this kind of Contrabann'd Merchandises shall not be comprised Wheat corn and other grain Beans Oil Wine Salt nor generally whatever serves for nourishment and sustenance of life but they shall remain free as other Merchandises and Wares uncomprised within the foregoing Article and it shall be lawful to transport them even to places at enmity with their said Lordships the States except to Towns and Places besieged blocked up or invested XVII For the putting whereof in execution it is agreed to be in manner following viz. That the Ships and Barks with Merchandise belonging to his Majestics Subjects having entred into any Haven of the said Lords the States and intending to pass thence to those of the enemies aforesaid shall be obliged only to shew to the Officers of the Havens of the said Lords the States from whence they shall depart their Pass-ports containing the particulars of their Ships burthen attested and marked under the ordinary and known Seal and Sign of the Officers of the Admiralty of the places from whence they first loosed and declare to what place they are bound all in the ordinary and customary form After which exhibition of their Pass-ports in manner aforesaid they shall not be liable to be molested searched detained nor retarded in their Voyages upon any pretence whatsoever XVIII The same shall be observ'd with relation to such French Ships and Barks as shall come within any roads of Lands under the obedience of the said Lords the States without intending to enter into any Haven or entring in without intending to unlade or break their bulk which Vessels shall not be bound to give account of their cargoes unless there shall be some suspition of their carrying to the enemies of the said Lords the States any Contrabann'd goods as aforesaid XIX And in case of manifest suspition the said Subjects shall be obliged to shew within the Ports their Pass-ports in manner aforesaid XX. If they shall have entred into any Roads or shall be met upon the High-Sea by any Ships of the said Lords the States or of Privateers their Subjects such Ships of the United Provinces for avoiding all disorder shall not approach within Cannon-shot of the French but may send their small Boat or Shallop on board the said French Ships or Barks with two or three men only to whom the Masters of the French Ships shall shew the Passports and Letters of Sea in manner aforesaid according to the formulary for the said Letters of Sea that shall be inserted at the end of this Treaty by which Pass-ports and Letters of Sea may appear not only the Ships burthen but also the place of abode and residence as well of the Master or owner as of the Ship it self to the end that by these two means it may be known whether they carry any Contrabann'd Merchandises and the quality as well of the said Ship as of it's Master and owner may sufficiently appear to which Pass-ports and Letters of Sea full credit and belief shall be given And that the validity of them may the better appear and that they may not in any sort be falsified or counterfeited certain marks and counter-scriptions shall be given both by his Majesty and by the said Lords the States General XXI And in case any such Merchandises and Wares as are above declared to be Contrabann'd and Prohibited shall by the means aforesaid be found within the said French Vessels and Barks bound for Havens belonging to enemies of the said Lords the States they shall be taken out condemned and confiscated by the Judges of the Admiralty in the United Provinces or other competent Judges but so as the Ship and Bark or other Goods Merchandises and Wares found therein being free and permitted may not therefore be seized in any manner nor confiscated XXII It is moreover accorded and agreed that whatever shall be found laden by his Majesties Subjects in any Ship belonging to the enemies of the said Lords the States though not being Contrabann'd goods shall be confiscated together
force and vertue as if it were inserted into the body of the aforesaid general Treaty this day concluded Nimeguen the 10th day of August 1678. Le Mal. d' Estrades H. Beverningh Colbert W. Van Nassaw De Mesmes W. Haren We liking well the said separate Article in all and every the Points thereof have by these presents signed with our own Hand allowed approved and ratified and do allow approve and ratifie the same promising upon the Faith and Word of a King to fulfil observe and cause to be observed the same sincerely and faithfully without ever suffering any thing to the contrary directly or indirectly for any cause or upon any occasion whatsoever In witness whereof we have signed these presents with our own Hand and have caused our Seal to be put to the same Given at St. Germain en Laye the 18th day of August in the year of Grace 1678. and of our Reign the six and thirtieth Signed Lewis and underneath By the King Arnauld The States General 's Ratification of the Treaty of Commerce THE States General of the United Provinces of the Low-Countries To all that shall see these presents greeting Since on the 10th day of this Moneth of August in the year 1678. there has been made and concluded at Nimeguen a Treaty of Commerce Navigation and Marine by the Sieur Comte d' Estrades Marshal of France and Knight of the Orders of the Most Christian King the Sieur Golbert Marquess of Croissy Councellor in Ordinary in his Councel of State and the Sieur de Mesmes Comte d' Avaux Councellor also in his Councels Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries of his Most Christian Majesty at the Assembly at Nimeguen in the Name and on the behalf of his said Majesty and by the Heer Hierosme Van Beverningh Baron of Teylingham Curator of the University at Leyden late Councellor and Treasurer-General of the United Provinces the Heer Wilhem Van Nassaw Heer Van Odyke Cortgene and first Noble and representing the Order of the Nobility in the States and Councel of Zeland and the Heer Wilhem Van Haren Grietman Van Blidt deputed to our Assembly on behalf of the States of Holland Zeland and Friesland our Ambassadors and Plenipotentiaries at the said Assembly at Nimeguen in our Name and on our behalf by vertue of their respective plenary Powers of which Treaty and Powers the tenor is as followeth viz. The Treaty of Peace which has been concluded c. page AND inasmuch as the Contents of the said Treaty import That the Ratifications of the same shall be delivered in due form and exchang'd on both sides within the space of six Weeks reckoning from the day of Signing We willing to give proofs of our sincerity and to discharge our selves of the Promise which our said Ambassadors have made for us have agreed approved and ratified the said Treaty and every Article thereof above-written and do by these presents agree approve and ratifie the same Promising faithfully and sincerely to keep maintain and inviolably to observe the same in all points according to the form and tenor thereof without ever acting any thing to the contrary directly or indirectly in any sort or manner whatsoever In token whereof we have caused these presents to be signed by the President of our Assembly and under-written by our Principal Register and our Great Seal to be set thereto Given at the Hague the 19th day of September 1678. Signed D. Van Wyngaerd By Order of the said Lords the States General H. Fagel By the King's Order WE do all to know That a good firm stable and solid Peace together with an entire and sincere Friendship and Reconciliation hath been made and accorded between the Most High Most Excellent and Most Mighty Prince Lewis by the Grace of God King of France and of Navarr our Sovereign Lord and the Lords the States General of the United Provinces of the Low-Countries their Vassals Subjects and Servants in all their Kingdoms Countries Lands and Seignories under their obedience That the said Peace is general betwixt them and their said Vassals and Subjects and that by means thereof it is permitted to them to go come return and sojourn in all places of the said Kingdoms Estates and Countries to negotiate and trade hold correspondence and have communication with one another and that with all liberty freedom and safety both by Land and Sea and in Rivers and other Waters and in all respects as it has been and ought to be in times of good sincere and loving Peace such as the Divine Goodness has been pleased to bestow upon our said Lord the King and the said Lords the States General of the United Provinces their Peoples and Subjects And to continue them therein all Persons of what quality or condition soever are most expresly prohibited to take in hand attempt or innovate any thing to the contrary or in prejudice thereof on pain of being severely punished as breakers of the Peace and disturbers of the publick Quiet Given at Fountain-bleau the 26th day of September 1678. Signed Lewis and underneath was Signed Arnauld By the King ' s Order The Provost of Paris Or Lievtenant Civil BY vertue of his Majestie 's Order directed to us given at Fountain-bleau the 28th of this Moneth Signed Lewis and underneath Colbert We require the King's Proctor being heard to it That his Majestie 's Ordinance that has this day been published be posted up at all cross ways and usual places in the City of Paris and that the Substitutes of the King's Proctor take care to have it read and publish'd in all the King's Courts of Justice from which there lye Appeals to us sitting the Courts all which shall certifie the same to us within fifteen days And we forbid his Majestie 's Subjects to oppose the same on pain of being proceeded against as breakers of the Peace and disturbers of the publick Quiet Done and given by Messire John le Camus Counsellor of the King in his Councels Ordinary Master of Requests of the Houshold Lievtenant Civil of the City Provostship and County of Paris the 29th of September 1678 De Riantz Le Camus Vaillant Principal Register A Memorial of the Deputies Extraordinary of the States General of the United Provinces to the Duke de Villa Hermosa of the 8th of May. THE Lords the States General of the United Provinces having Affairs of great importance to impart to your Excellence have Commissionated us under-written their Deputies Extraordinary and to this end their Hi. and Mi. have provided us of this Letter of Credit to present to your Excellence The Assistances which his Catholique Majesty gave to the State of the United Provinces in the beginning of this War were so useful and advantagious to this Commonwealth that their Hi. and Mi. shall ever be mindful of it And to testifie as soon as was possible their resentment thereof to his Catholick Majesty they failed not to come with all their Forces to his Majestie 's succour
six hundred seventy eight and of our Reign the Thirty sixth Signed Lewis and underneath was Signed By the King Arnauld The Ratification of the separate Article concerning the Prince of Orange by the States General THe States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countreys To all that shall see these presents Greeting Since besides the Treaty of Peace made and concluded at Nimeguen on the 10th day of the month of August 1678. There was likewise made a separate Article by the Sieur Comte d' Estrades Marshal of France and Knight of the Orders of the Most Christian King the Sieur Colbert Marquess of Croissy Counsellor in ordinary in his Councel of State and the Sieur de Mesmes Comte d' Avaux Counsellor likewise in his Councels Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries of his Most Christian Majesty at the Assembly at Nimeguen in the name and on the behalf of his said Majesty and by the Sieur Hierosme de Beverning Baron of Teylingham Curator of the University of Leyden heretofore Counsellor and Treasurer General of the United Provinces the Sieur Wilhem van Nassaw Heer van Odyke Cortgene and first Noble and representative of the Order of the Nobility in the States and at the Councel of Zeland and the Sieur Wilhem van Haren Grietman van Bildt deputies in our Assembly on the behalf of the States of Holland Zeland and Friezland our Ambassadors and Plenipotentiaries at the said Assembly at Nimeguen in our name and on our behalf by vertue of their respective plenary powers of which separate Article the Tenour is as followeth viz. A separate Article concerning the Prince of Orange since in pursuance of the War c. page We have Agreed Approved and Ratified and do by these presents Agree Approve and Ratifie the said separate Article and that it be inserted into the aforesaid Treaty of Peace and Friendship promising to keep maintain and inviolably to observe all that is therein contained without ever acting directly or indirectly to the contrary under any pretence whatsoever In witness whereof we have caused these presents to be Signed by the President of our Assembly and Countersigned by our principal Register and our great Seal to be set thereto Given at the Hague the 19 th day of September 1678. D. van Wyngaerd By Order of the said Lords the States General H. Fagel A Treaty of Commerce Navigation and Marine betwixt France and the States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countreys Concluded at Nimeguen the 10th of August 1678. LEWIS by the grace of God King of France and Navar To all such as shall see these presents greeting Since our most dear and wel-beloved Cosen the Sieur Comte d' Estrades Marshal of France Knight of our Orders our faithful and wel-beloved the Sieur Colbert Marquiss of Croissy Counsellor in ordinary in our Councel of State and our faithful and wel-beloved the Sieur de Mesmes Comte d' Avaux Counsellor also in our Councels our Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries by vertue of the plenary powers which we had given them have Concluded Agreed and Signed on the tenth day of this month in the Town of Nimeguen with the Heer Hierosme van Beverning Baron of Teylingham Curator of the University at Leyden heretofore Counsellor and Treasurer General of the United Provinces of the Low Countreys the Heer Wilhem van Nassaw Heer van Odyke Cortgene and first Noble and representative of the Nobility in the States and Councel of Zeland and the Heer Wilhem van Haren Grietman van Bildt Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries of our most Dear and great Friends the States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countreys instructed likewise with plenary powers a Treaty of Commerce Navigation and Marine in Tenour as followeth viz. The Treaty of Peace which has this day been concluded betwixt the most Christian King and the Lords the States General of the United Provinces putting an end to all the Subjects of discontent which for some time had altered the affection which his Majesty following the example of the Kings his Predecessors hath always had for their good and prosperity and the said Lords the States General entring again into the same desire which they have heretofore testified for the greatness of France and into sentiments of a sincere acknowledgment for the obligations and considerable advantages which they have heretofore received from it there is reason to believe that this good understanding betwixt his Majesty and the States General can never be disturbed But as his Majesty will not omit any thing that may strengthen it and the said States General being less desirous to perpetuate it have thought that there was no better and more certain means than to establish a free and perfect correspondence between the Subjects on both Sides and to this end to regulate their particular interests in matters of Commerce Navigation and Marine by the most proper Laws and Conventions for preventing all inconveniencies that might weaken the said good correspondence his Majesty aforesaid to satisfie the desire of the said States hath ordained the Sieur Comte d' Estrades Marshal of France and Knight of his Orders the Sieur Colbert Marquiss of Croissy Counsellor in ordinary in his Councel of State and the Sieur de Mesmes Comte d' Avaux Counsellor also in his Counsels to be his Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries at the Assembly of Nimeguen and the said Lords the States General the Heer Hierosme van Beverning Baron of Teylingham Curator of the University at Leyden late Counsellor and Treasurer General of the United Provinces the Heer Wilhem van Nassaw Heer van Odyke Cortgene and first Noble and representative of the Order of the Nobility in the States and Councel of Zeland and the Heer Wilhem van Haren Grietman van Bildt deputed to their Assembly on behalf of the States of Holland Zeland and Friezland to confer and agree by vertue of their powers respectively to be produced the copy whereof is here underwritten upon a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation in manner as followeth viz. I. His Majesties Subjects and those of their Lordships the States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countreys shall mutually enjoy the same freedom in matters of Commerce and Navigation that they ever enjoyed before this War throughout all Kingdoms States and Provinces of either party II. And consequently they shall not exercise for the future any manner of Hostilities or Violence the one against the other neither by Sea nor Land nor in Rivers Roads nor Sweetwaters in any name or under any pretence whatsoever neither may his Majesties Subjects take any Commissions for Privateers or Letters of reprisal from any Princes or States at enmity with the said Lords the States General much less molest or endammage them in any sort by vertue of such Commissions or Letters of reprisal nor so much as go to Sea with them on pain of being prosecuted and punished as Pirates Which shall reciprocally be
Burgovia and of the Upper and Lower Lusatia Lord of the Marck of Sclavonia of the Port of Naon and the Salt-Pits on the one part and the most Serene and Mighty Prince and Lord Charles King of Suedes Goths and Vandals Great Prince of Finland Duke of Schonen Estotiland Lieftland Carelia Bremen Ferden Stetin Pomerania Cassubia and Vandalia Prince of Rugen Lord of Ingria and Wismar and also Count Palatine of the Rhine Duke of Bavaria Juliers Cleves and Berghen on the other part His Imperial and his Royal Majesty of Sueden have desired nothing more passionately than the preventing the further desolation of so many Countreys and Effusion of Blood by restoring a Lasting Peace It hath by the Blessing of Almighty God been at length brought to pass that by the Endeavours of the most Serene and Mighty Prince and Lord Charles the Second King of Great Britain Who being received as General Mediator by all the Parties hath in these difficult Conjuncture of Affairs in Christendom to his Immortal Glory with indefatigable pains employed his utmost Offices and Counsels for the Publick Tranquility and General Peace His Imperial and his Royal Majesty of Sweden have agreed That the Congress for treating the Peace should be held here at Nimeguen in Guelderland In which Place Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries in due form authorized having appeared on both sides viz. on the part of the Emperor the most Reverend and the most Illustrious and Excellent Lords John Bishop of Gurck Prince of the Sacred Roman Empire and Counsellor to his Imperial Majesty as likewise Francis Udalrick Count of the Sacred Roman Empire of Khinschy Chinitz and Tettau Lord of Klumetz of his Imperial Majesties Privy Council Chamberlain Lord Lieutenant one of the Judges of the Royal Provincial Court President for Appeals and Lord Steward of the Royal Court in the Kingdom of Bohemia and Theodore Athletus Henry Stratman of his Imperial Majesty's Aulick Council And on the part of the King of Sweden the most Illustrious and Excellent Lords Benedict Oxenstiern Earl of Korshorlm and Wasa free Baron in Mohrby and Lindholm Lord of Kapuria and Kattila Senator to his Majesty and the Kingdom of Sweden and President of the Chief Court of Judicature at Wismar also as Chief Judge of Ingria and Kexholm and John Paulin Olivencrans Lord of Ulffhol and Hofmanstorp Counsellor in Chancery to his Sacred Majesty of Sweden Secretary of State and Judge of the Territory of Widloe after having humbly implored the Assistance of Almighty God and in due form exchanged and shewn their Commissions the Copys whereof are word for word inserted in the end of this Treaty by the Intervention and means of the most Illustrious and Excellent Lords Lawrence Hyde Esquire Sir William Temple Baronet and Sir Leoline Jenkins Kt. Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries for his Majesty of Great Britian who from the year 1675. until this present have with great Impartiality Diligently and Wisely performed the part of a Mediator in order to the restoring the Publick Tranquility to the Glory of God and Welfare of Christendom they have mutually agreed on the following Conditions of Peace and Friendship I. There shall be a Christian Inviolable and Perpetual Peace and a true and Sincere Friendship between His Imperial Majesty the German Empire and all and every of their Allies comprehended in this Peace and their respective Heirs and Successors on the one part and his Majesty and the Kingdom of Sweden and their Allies comprehended in this Peace and their respective Heirs and Successors on the other and therefore all acts of Hostility shall forthwith cease throughout all and every the Kingdoms States Dominions and Countreys of both Parties wheresoever Situate and between all and every their Subjects and Inhabitants of what Degree soever they be so as that neither Party hereafter do any wrong or unkindness to the other privately or openly directly or indirectly by himself or by others but rather promote the Advantage Honour and Interests of the other to the end that a faithful Neighbourhood and mutual Offices of Friendship and Peace may remain and for ever continue between them II. And for greater Security hereof it hath been thought fit by both Parties that there be a Perpetual Oblivion and Amnesty of all Enmities or Hostilities committed on each side since the begining of the present Troubles in what place or manner soever so that neither Party shall upon that nor any other Cause or Pretence whatsoever do and give nor cause or suffer to be done and given to the other any Hostility Trouble or Molestation in their Persons Estates Rights or Security by himself or by others openly or privately directly or indirectly under colour of Right or way of Fact within or without the Empire any former Agreements to the contrary notwithstanding But all and every the Injuries Violences Hostilities Prejudices Losses and Charges sustained on each side as well before as during the War by Words Writing or Deeds shall without respect of Persons or things be so entirely abolished that whatsoever the one part may upon that account pretend against the other shall be buryed in perpetual Oblivion Likewise all and every the Vassals and Subjects of both Partys shall enjoy this Amnesty and have the benefit and effect of it so that none of them shall be rendred culpable endammaged or prejudiced for having taken part with the one or the other from being fully restored to the same Condition as to Honours and Goods that he was in immediately before the War III. According to this Foundation of an Universal and unlimited Amnesty and to the end a more certain Rule of Friendship and Peace may be setled between the Parties it hath been by mutual Consent agreed between them That the Peace Concluded at Osnabrug in Westphalia on the 24th Octob. 1648. shall remain the Basis and Rule of the present Pacification in such manner that it shall be restored to its first Force and Vigour and inviolably kept hereafter and continue as it was before the present War a Pragmatick Sanction and Fundamental Law of the Empire whereby the Parties shall stand bound and obliged to each other any Acts Decrees Commands or Alterations made upon occasion of the War to the contrary notwithstanding IV. And for the greater strength of this Friendship and nearer Union Neither of the Parties shall have any Treaties contrary to this Nor shall hereafter give their Consent to any Treaty or Negotiation tending to the Dammage or Prejudice of the other but rather shall oppose the same Nor shall either of them afford any succours by Soldiers Arms Ammunition Ships Mariners or other things appertaining to War or Subsidies in money to prosecute it directly or indirectly either on publick or private account to the present or future Enemys of the other Nor supply them or direct that they be supplyed with any Quarters or Accommodation within the Dominions of the Empire and the Kingdom of Sweden saving the Article of
Sieur Comte D' Estrades Marshal of France and Knight of his Orders the Sieur Colbert Knight Marquiss of Croissi Councellor in ordinary in his Counsel of State and the Sieur Mesmes Knight Comte D'Avaux Councellor also in his Counsels and the said States General the Heer Hierosme Van Beverning Baron of Teylingen Curator of the University of Leyden late Councellor and Treasurer General of the United Provinces the Heer Wilhem van Nassau Heer van Odyke Cortgene and first noble and representative of the nobility in the States and Councel of Zeland and the Heer Wilhem van Haren Grietman van Bildt Deputies in their Assemblies on the behalf of the States of Holland Zeland c. Which Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries duely instructed with the good intentions of their Masters were to repair to the said Town of Nimeguen where after a mutual communication of their plenary powers the copies whereof are inserted word for word at the end of this Treaty it was agreed upon Conditions of Peace and Friendship according to this ensuing Tenour viz. I. There shall be for the future betwixt his Most Christian Majesty and his Successors Kings of France and Navar and his Kingdoms on the one part and the Lords the States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countreys on the other part a good firm faithful and inviolable Peace and all Acts of Hostility of what kind soever shall hereafter cease and be forborn betwixt the said King and the said Lords the States General as well by Sea and other waters as by Land in all their Kingdoms Countreys Lands Provinces and Seignories and for all their Subjects and Inhabitans of what Quality or Condition soever without exception of Places or Persons II. And if any Prizes are taken on either side in the Baltcik Sea or the North Sea from Terneuse to the channel 's mouth within the space of four weeks or from the said mouth of the channel to the Cape of St. Vincent within the space of six weeks and further in the Mediterranian Sea and as far as the Aequinoctial within the space of ten weeks and beyond the Line and in all parts of the World within the space of eight months to be computed from the day on which the Peace shall be published at Paris and at the Hague the said Prizes and the dammages that shall happen on either side after the Terms prefixt shall be brought to account and whatever shall have bin taken shall be restor'd with recompence for the dammages that shall have happned thereby III. There shall be moreover betwixt the said King and the said Lords the States General and their Subjects and Inhabitants mutually a sincere firm and perpetual friendship and good correspondence by Sea and Land in all things and in all places within Europe and without and no resenting of the offences or dammages that have been received either in time past or by reason of the said Wars IV. And in vertue of this Friendship and Correspondence as well his Majesty as the said Lords the States General shall faithfully procure and further the good and prosperity of one another by all Support Aid Counsel and real Assistances upon all occasions and at all times and shall not consent for the future to any Treaties or Negotiations that may be to one anothers damage but shall break them off and give notice of them to one another with care and sincerity as soon as ever they come to their knowledge V. They that have had any of their goods seized and confiscated by reason of the said War their Heirs or Assigns of what Condition or Religion soever shall enjoy such goods and take them into possession of their own private authority and by vertue of this present Treaty without standing in need to have recourse to Law and that notwithstanding any appropriations to the Exchequer engagements gifts in writing sentences preparatory or definitive given by default and contumacy in the parties absence or without their being heard Treaties Accords and Transactions and any Renunciations that may have been made at such transactions to exclude the right owners from any part of such goods and all and every the goods and rights which according to this present Treaty shall or ought to be restor'd on either side to the first Proprietors their Heirs and Assigns may be sold by the said Proprietors without obtaining any particular Licence so to do and likewise the Proprietors of such Rents as shall be setled by the Exchequers in lieu of goods sold as also of such Rents and Actions as stand on charge in the Exchequers may respectively dispose of the Propriety thereof by sale or otherwise as of their other proper goods VI. And since the Marquisate of Bergenopzome with all the Rights and Revenues thereunto appertaining and generally all the Lands and Goods of Monsieur le Comte D'Auvergne Colonel General of the Light Horse of France that were under the power of the said States General of the United Provinces have been seized and confiscated by reason of the War to which the present Treaty ought to put a happy end it is agreed that the said Sieur Compte D'Auvergene shall be restored to the possession of the said Marquisate of Bergenopzome it's appurtenances and dependances and also to all the rights actions privileges usages and prerogatives that he enjoy'd at the time when the War was declar'd VII Each shall continue seized of and shall actually enjoy the Countreys Towns Places Lands Islands and Seignories within Europe and without which they now hold and possess without being disturb'd or molested directly or indirectly in any manner whatsoever VIII But his Most Christian Majesty willing to give back to the Lords the States General his Principal Friendship and to give them a singular proof therof upon this occasion will immediately after the exchange of the Ratifications put them into possession of the Town of Maestricht with the Comte of Uronof and the Comtez and Countreys of Fauquemond Aalhem and Rolleduc beyond the Maes together with the Villages of Redemption Banc d' St. Servais and whatever is belonging to the said Town IX The said Lords the States General promise that what ever concerns the exercise of the Roman Catholick Religion and such as profess it enjoying their Goods shall be re-established and maintained in the said Town of Maestricht and it's dependances in the same state and in such manner as was regulated by the Capitulation made in the year 1632 and that such as shall have been endowed with any Ecclesiastical goods Canons Places Parsonages Provostships and other Benefices shall continue setled in them and enjoy them without any contradiction X. His Majesty restoring to the said Lords the States General the Town of Maestricht and Countreys thereunto belonging may yet take and carry away all the Artillery Powder Bullets Provisions and other War-like Ammunition that shall be found there at the time of it's Restitution and they that his Majesty shall have
appointed for this purpose may if they please make use of the Boats and Carriages of the Countrey for two months time and shall have free passage by Water and Land for the carrying away the said Ammunition And the Governors Commanders Officers and Magistrates of the said Town shall give them all the facilities they can for the carriage and conduct of the said Artillery and Ammunition Also the Officers Soldiers Men of War and others that shall leave the said Place may take thence and carry away all their moveable Goods but it shall not be lawful for them to exact any thing from the inhabitants of the Town of Maestricht or it's neighbourhood nor to do any hurt to their houses or carry away any thing belonging to the said inhabitants XI All Prisoners of War on both sides shall be delivered without distinction or exception and without paying any ransom XII The raising of contributions demanded by the Governour of the Town of Maestricht of the Countreys subjected shall continue for all that shall become due till the Ratification of the present Treaty and such Arrears as shall remain shall be paid within three months after that at convenient times for which a valuable caution shall be given in some Town within his Majesties Dominion XIII The said Lords the States General have and do promise not only to maintain a perfect Neutrality without being at Liberty to assist directly or indirectly the enemies of France or it's Allies but also to garrant all such engagements as Spain shall enter into by the Treaty that is to be betwixt Their Most Christian and Catholick Majesties and especially that whereby the Catholick King shall be held to the same Neutrality XIV If through inadvertence or otherwise there happen any want of due observance of this present Treaty or other inconvenience relating thereunto on the part of his said Majesty or of the Lords the States General and their Successors this Peace and Alliance shall remain in full force notwithstanding so as no breach of friendship or of good correspondence shall ensue thereupon but such contraventions shall be speedily repaired if they shall be occasioned by any particular Subjects faults those Subjects only shall be punished XV. And for the better securing Commerce and Friendship hereafter between the Subjects of the said King and those of the States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countreys it is agreed and accorded that in case there shall be in time to come any interruption of friendship or that a breach shall happen between the Crown of France and the said Lords the States General of the said United Provinces which God forbid then six months after such breach shall always be allowed to the Subjects of both parties to retire with their effects and transport them whithersoever they think fit which also they shall be permitted to do as likewise to sell or transport their goods and moveables with all freedom so as no hindrance shall be given to them nor any proceedings be to seize their effects much less to secure their Persons XVI As for the pretences and interests that concern the Prince of Orange upon which there has been a separate Treaty and Agreement by an Act this day Signed the said writing and all the Contents of it shall be effectual and shall be confirmed fulfill'd and executed according to the Form and Tenour thereof neither more nor less than if all it's points in general and every one of them in particular were word for word inserted into this present Treaty XVII And as his Majesty and the Lords the States General acknowledge the powerful Offices that the King of Great Brittain has incessantly imploy'd by his Counsels and good Advertisements for the publick Weal and Repose so it is agreed on both sides that his said Majesty of Great Brittain and his Kingdoms be comprehended by name within this present Treaty according to the best form that may be XVIII Within this present Treaty of Peace and Alliance shall be comprehended on the part of the said Most Christian King the King of Sweden the Duke of Holstein the Bishop of Strasburg and Prince William of Furstemburg as interessed in the present War And there shall likewise be comprehended if they will themselves the Prince and Crown of Portugal the Duke and Seignorie of Venice the Duke of Savoy the Thirteen Cantons of the Ligue-Switzers and their Allies the Elector of Bavaria Duke John Frederick of Brunswick Hanover and all Kings Potentats Princes and States Towns and particular Persons to whom his Most Christian Majesty shall grant at their request to be comprehended within this Treaty on his part XIX And on the part of the Lords the States General the King of Spain and all other their Allies that within six weeks to be computed from the exchange of the Ratifications shall declare their acceptance of the Peace as also the Thirteen laudable Cantons of the Ligue-Switzers and their Allies and Confederates the Town of Embden and moreover all Kings Princes and States Towns and particular Persons to whom they shall grant at their request to be comprehended on their part XX. The said King and the said Lords the States General do consent that the King of Great Brittain as Mediator and all other Potentats and Princes that shall be willing to enter into the like engagement may give his Majesty and the said States General their promise and tie themselves to garrant the performance of all that is contain'd in this present Treaty XXI This present Treaty shall be Ratified and Approved by the said King and the said Lords the States General and each parties Letters of Ratification shall be delivered in proper due form within the Term of six weeks or sooner if it may be reckoning from the day of Signing In witness whereof We the aforesaid Ambassadors of his Majesty and of the Lords the States General by virtue of our respective powers have on their behalfs Signed these presents with our ordinary Seals and have set our Coats of Arms to the same At Nimeguen the 10th of August in the year of our Lord 1678. Le Ma' D' Estrades H. Beverning Colbert W. van Nassaw De Mesmes W. Haren WE liking well the aforesaid Treaty of Peace in all and every the points and Articles therein contained and declared have for our Selves our Heirs Successours Kingdoms Countreys Lands Lordships and Subjects accepted approved ratified and confirmed and do Accept Approve Ratifie and Confirm the same and do promise upon the Word and Faith of a King to keep and observe the whole inviolably without ever acting to the contrary directly or indirectly in any sort or kind whatsoever and thereto we oblige and morgage all and every our goods that are or shall be In witness whereof we have Signed these presents with our own hand and have made our Seal to be set thereto Given at St. Germain en Laye the 18th day of August in the year of Grace one thousand six
our Assembly on the behalf of the States of Holland Zeland and Friezland have signaliz'd themselves in many important employments in our service wherein they have given instances of their fidelity their presence of mind and readiness in the management of Affairs so for these causes and other considerations us thereunto moving we have appointed ordained and deputed and do by these presents appoint ordain and depute the said Heeren van Beverning van Odyke and van Haren and have given them and do hereby give them full Power Commission and special Order to repair to the Town of Nimeguen in quality of our Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries for the Peace and to confer there either immediately or by the interposition of the Ambassadors Mediators respectively received and agreed to with the Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries of his most Christian Majesty and his Allies armed with sufficient Powers and there to treat upon means for determining and appeasing the Differences that occasion the War at this day And our aforesaid Ambassadors and Plenipotentiaries all three together or two of them in absence of the third through sickness or other impediment or one only in absence of the other two in like case of sickness or other impediment may agree thereupon and conclude and sign a good and firm Peace and generally may act negotiate promise and accord what-ever they shall think necessary in order to the said Peace and generally may do what-ever we might do if we were there present though to that end there should be need of more particular Power and Order than is contain'd in these presents Promising sincerely and faithfully well to like and firm and stable to hold what-ever by the said Heeren our Ambassadors and Plenipotentiaries or by two of them in case of sickness absence or other impediment of the third or by one only in absence of the other two in like case of sickness or other impediment shall have been stipulated promised and accorded and to cause to be dispatched our Letters of Ratification within such time as they shall have promised in our Name to furnish them Given at the Hague in our Assembly under our Great Seal Signed by our President and with the Sign of our Principal Register the fourth of January in the Year One thousand six hundred seventy six Signed J. Bootsma Upon the Fould By Order of the said Lords the States General Signed H. Fagel And Sealed with the Great Seal in Red Wax In token whereof we the Ambassadors aforesaid of his Majesty and of the Lords the States General by vertue of our respective Powers have in their Names signed these presents with our ordinary Signs and have caused our Seals of Arms to be put thereto Nimeguen the 10th of August in the Year One thousand six hundred seventy eight The Mal. d' Estrades H. Beverningh Colbert W. Van. Nassaw De Mesmes W. Haren We liking well the foregoing Treaty of Peace in all and every the Points and Articles therein contained and declared have for us our Heirs Successors Kingdoms Countries Lands Seignories and Subjects accepted approved ratified and confirmed and do accept approve ratifie and confirm the same and do promise upon the Faith and Word of a King and bind and morgage all and every our Goods that are and shall be to keep and observe the same inviolably without ever acting contrary thereto directly or indirectly in any sort or manner whatsoever In witness whereof we have signed these presents with our own Hand and have caused our Seal to be set thereto Given at St. Germain in Laye the 18th day of August in the Year of Grace One thousand six hundred seventy eight and of our Reign the thirty sixth Signed Lewis and underneath By the King Arnauld A separate Article concerning the Imposition of Fifty Sols per Tun upon Stranger 's Ships sailing out of Ports in France LEWIS by the Grace of God King of France and of Navarre To all that shall see these presents greeting Since our most dear and well-beloved Cousin the Sieur Comte d' Estrades Marshal of France and Knight of our Orders our faithful and well-beloved the Sieur Colbert Marquess of Croissy Councellor in Ordinary in our Councel of State and our faithful and well-beloved the Sieur de Mesmes Comte d' Avaux Councellor also in our Councels our Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries by vertue of the plenary Powers which we had given them have concluded agreed and signed on the tenth day of this Moneth in the Town of Nimeguen with the Heer Hierosme Van Beverningh Baron of Teylingham Curator of the University at Leyden late Counsellor and Treasurer General of the United Provinces of the Low-Countries the Heer Wilhem Van Nassaw Heer Van Odyke Cortgene and first Noble and representative of the Nobility in the States and Councel of Zeland and the Heer Wilhem Van Haren Grietman Van Blidt Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries of our most dear and great Friends the States General of the United Provinces of the Low-Countries armed likewise with full Powers this separate Article in tenor as followeth viz. It hath been stipulated on the behalf of the Most Christian King and consented to by the Lords the States General of the United Provinces of the Low-Countries That the Equality which is precisely to be observed with relation to the Subjects of each and the Natives as to Duties Charges and Impositions according to the seventh Article of the Treaty of Commerce this day concluded shall not derogate from the Imposition of fifty Sols per Tun imposed in France upon Stranger 's Ships and that the Subjects of the Lords the States General of the United Provinces of the Low-Countries shall be bound to pay the same as other Strangers unless his Majesty upon such Remonstrances as may hereafter be made to him on the behalf of the said Lords the States General considering the same with that great affection with which his Majesty is pleased to honour them shall order otherwise But necessary Orders shall from this present be given by his said Majesty That the said Imposition of fifty Sols be exacted from Ships belonging to the Subjects of the said United Provinces but once in each Voyage at their going out of the Ports of His Kingdom and not at their coming in and that the said Ships if laden with Salt pay but a Moiety of the said fifty Sols upon condition that if the said Lords the States shall think fit to lay the like Imposition upon Stranger 's Ships with them which they shall be free to do they shall not exceed with relation to his said Majestie 's Subjects the proportion of what their own Subjects pay in France the said seventh Article remaining in relation to all other Duties Charges and Impositions present and future in full force and vertue without being lyable to be limitted or exceeded by any other exception or restriction whatsoever other than as above is expressed Which separate Article shall be of like
point according to the form and purport thereof without ever acting to the contrary directly or indirectly upon any pretence whatsoever In token whereof we have caused these Presents to be Signed by the President of our Assembly and underwritten by our Principal Register and our Seal to be set thereto The Treaty of Peace betwixt France and Spain Concluded at Nimeguen the 17th day of September 1678. IN the Name of God the Creator and of the most Holy Trinity To all present and to come be it known That whereas during the course of the War that arose some years since betwixt the most High most Excellent and most Mighty Prince Lewis the 14th by the grace of God Most Christian King of France and Navar and his Allies on the one part and the most High most Excellent and most Mighty Prince Charles the second by the grace of God Catholick King of Spain and his Allies on the other part Their Majesties have desired nothing more vehemently then to see it end in a good Peace and whereas the same desire to put a stop as far as in them lay to the ruine of so many Provinces the tears of so much People and the shedding of so much Christian blood hath induced them to comply with the powerful Offices of the most High most Excellent and most Mighty Prince The King of Great Britain to send their Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries to the Town of Nimeguen so it is come to pass through an effect of the Divine goodness that hath been pleased to make use of the intire confidence that their Majesties have always reposed in the mediation of the said King of Great Britain that at length the said Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries to wit on the behalf of his Most Christian Majesty the Sieur Count D' Estrades Marshal of France and Knight of his Majesties Orders the Sieur Colbert Knight Marquiss of Croissy Counsellor in ordinary in his Councel of State and the Sieur De Mesmes Knight Count D' Avaux Councellor also in his Councels and on the behalf of his Catholick Majesty the Sieur Dom Pablo Spinola Doria Marquiss de les Balbases Duke of Sesto Lord of Guinossa Casalnosetta and Ponteucrone Counfellor in his Councel of State and Chief Protonotary in his Councel of Italy Dom Gaspard de Tebes and Cordova Tello and Guzman Count de Venazuza Marquiss de la Fuente Lord of Lerena of the House of Arrucas of the Isles of Gundalupa and Matalione perpetual Master de la Victoire perpetual Major and Recorder of the Town of Sevil Gentleman of the Bed-Chamber to his Imperial Majesty one of his chief Councel of War and General of his Artillery Dom Pedro Ronquillo Knight of the Order of Alcantara Counfellor in his Councels of Castile and of the Indies and Dom John Baptisse Christin Knight Counsellor in the high Councel of Flanders near to his said Catholick Majesty's Person and one of his Councel of State and of his Privy Councel in the Low-Countreys by vertue of the Letters and Commissions which they have communicated to one another and the Copies whereof are word for word inserted at the end of this Treaty have come to an agreement and conclusion upon mutual Conditions of Peace and Friendship in manner following viz. I. It is Covenanted and agreed that from henceforth there shall be a good firm and lasting Peace Confederation and perpetual Alliance and Friendship between the Most Christian and Catholick Kings their Children born and to be born their Heirs Successors and Inheriters their Kingdoms Estates Countreys and Subjects so that they shall love one another as good brethren procuring with all their might one another's good honour and reputation and faithfully preventing as far as they shall be able one anothers dammage II. In pursuance of this good Re-union the Cessation of all manner of Hostilities agreed on and Signed the 19th day of August of this present year shall continue according to the Tenour thereof betwixt the said Kings their Subjects and Vassals as well by Sea and other Waters as by Land and generally in all places where the War is carried on by their Majesties Arms as well between their Troops and Armies as between the Garrisons of their several places and if any Contravention shall have happened to be committed contrary to the said Gessation by the taking of any place or places whether by attack or surprise or by private intelligence nay though Prisoners shall have been taken or other Acts of Hostility committed through some accident that could not be foreseen or by such Persons as could not foresee it contrary to the said Cessation of Hostilities such Contravention shall faithfully be repair'd on both sides without delay or difficulty restoring to the full whatever shall have been taken and delivering the Prisoners without ransom or paying of charges in such manner that all things be restored in such manner to the same condition they were in on the said 19th day of August when the said Cessation was agreed and Signed the Tenour whereof shall be observed till the day of the exchange of the Ratifications of this present Treaty III. All causes of enmity or misunderstanding shall remain for ever extinct and abolished and whatever hath happened or been done by reason of the present War or during the same shall be put into perpetual oblivion so as for the future no inquiry shall be made into the same on either side directly or indirectly by Law or otherwise under any pretence whatsoever nor may their Majesties or their Subjects Servants and Adherents on either side express any manner of resentment of whatever offences may have been committed against them or dammages received by them during the present War IV. In contemplation of the Peace the Most Christian King immediately after the exchange of the Ratifications of this present Treaty shall put into the Catholick King 's power the Place and Fortress of Charleroy the Town of Binche the Town and Fortress of Aeth Oudenard and Coartray with their Provostships and Castellanies Appurtenances and Dependancies in the same manner as his Catholick Majesty possess'd them before the War of the year 1667. All which Towns and Places the Catholick King yielded to the said Most Christian King at the Treaty signed at Aix la Chapelle the 2d of May 1668. from which this present Treaty doth expresly derogate for so much as relates to the said Towns and Places their Appurtenances and Dependances In pursuance whereof the said Catholick King shall take possession of the same and enjoy them to him and his Successors fully and peaceably excepting the Verge of Menin and the Town of Conde which though heretofore pretended by the Most Christian King to be a Member of the Castellany of Aeth shall nevertheless remain to the Crown of France together with all its Dependances by vertue of this present Treaty as shall be said hereafter V. The said most Christian King obligeth himself and promiseth to put likewise
Guaranty hereafter inserted V. And forasmuch as it highly imports the Publick Tranquility That the War which yet continues between his Majesty and the Kingdom of Sweden and their Allies and the King of Denmark the Elector of Brandenburg the Bishop of Munster and the Dukes of Brunswick-Lunenbourg namely the Bishop of Osnabrug and the Dukes of Zell and Wolfembutel be with all possible speed composed His Imperial Majesty and the Empire aswell by themselves as joyntly with others shall most effectually interpose their Offices to procure a Peace saving always to the Emperour and the Empire the King and Kingdom of Sweden the reciprocal Obligation of not assisting each others Enemys stipulated in the preceding Article And so long as the Peace shall not be made between the aforesaid Partys no hinderance or impediment shall be given to his Majesty of Sweden in the prosecuting the War against his said Enemies but the Peace being made the same shall be deemed to be in such manner comprehended in this Treaty as if it were therein specifically inserted VI. A free Liberty of Trade and Commerce by Sea and Land shall be restored on both sides and the same Freedom Immunity Rights Priviledges and Advantages shall be and remain to the Subjects of his Imperial Majesty and the Empire more particularly to the Hanse Towns in the Kingdom Countrys Dominions and Ports of Sweden and in like manner to the Subjects of Sweden within the Empire that both Parties mutually enjoyed before the War VII His Imperial Majesty sutable to his Obligation shall afford his Protection aswell to the Lord Christian-Albert Duke of Sleswick and Holstein Gottorp as to the other States of the Empire pursuant to the Laws and Constitutions of it to the end his Dominions situate therein and the Rights belonging unto him may be preserved entire and shall interpose his Offices that the other Disputes depending between the King of Denmark and the said Duke be also composed VIII The Emperor and the King of Sweden do Consent That the King of Great Britain as Mediator as also all Kings Princes and States may give their Guaranties to his said Imperial Majesty and his Majesty of Sweden for the due Execution and Performance of all and every thing and things contained in this present Treaty IX And whereas his Imperial Majesty and his Royal Majesty of Sweden retain a Grateful Sense of the Offices and continual Endeavours the Most Serene King of Great Britain hath used to restore a General Peace and the Publick Tranquillity it is mutually agreed That he together with his Kingdoms be included in this present Treaty in the best and most effectual manner that may be X. In this Peace those also shall be comprehended who shall be named by either Party with common Consent before the Exchange of the Ratifications or within 6. months after Those things also which have been agreed between his Imperial Majesty and the Empire and the Most Christian King shall be deemed to be in the same manner comprehended in this Treaty as if they were word for word inserted therein XI The abovementioned Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries of the Emperor and the Empire on the one part and the King of Sweden on the other do promise that the Peace thus concluded shall be ratified in the manner mutually hereby agreed on and that they will take effectual care that Authentick Ratifications be within the space of 8 weeks to be computed from the day of the Signing thereof or sooner if possible reciprocally and in due form exchanged here XII And whereas his Imperial Majesty hath been humbly desired by the Electors Princes and States of the Empire in pursuance of a Resolution of the 31. May 1677. delivered under the Seal of the Chancery of Mentz to the Ambassadors of Sweden to take care by his Imperial Ambassadors in this Congress of the Interests of the said Electors Princes and States of the Empire as well the Imperial as the Swedish Ambassadors have in testimony and for the greater validity of all and every thing and things contained in this present Treaty of Peace Signed and Sealed the same with their Names and Seals and promised interchangeably to deliver sufficient Ratifications thereof within the space of time abovementioned and the former therein agreed on nor shall any Protestation or Contradiction from the Directory of the Empire against the Subscription of this Treaty be received or esteemed valid Done at Nimeguen the 5th day of February A. D. 1679. Ls John Bishop and Prince of Gurk Ls Francis Udalrick Count Khinsky Ls T. A. Henr. Stratman Ls Benedict Oxenstiern Ls John Paulin Olivencrans FINIS