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A69171 A treatise, touching Antichrist VVherein, the place, the time, the forme, the workmen, the vpholders, the proceeding, and lastly, the ruine and ouerthrow of the kingdome of Antichrist, is plainly laid open out of the word of God: where also manie darke, and hard places both of Daniell and the Reuelation are made manifest. By Lambert Danæus.; Tractatus de Antichristo. English Daneau, Lambert, ca. 1530-1595?; Swan, John, d. 1617. 1589 (1589) STC 6229; ESTC S111048 137,818 208

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if we consider aduisedly of the matter For both of them came to passe before the kingdome of Antichrist wherof now we speake was setled established I meane both the ouerthrow of the Romane Empire the propagation of the Gospel ouer al the world This reconcilement of these two opinions and this exposition of mine is confirmed by a very plaine place of Daniel cap. 2.34 44 7.13 The words whereof are these cap. 2.34 verse 34 Thou didst behould it so till a stone was cut out of the mountaine without hands which smote the Image vpon his feete that were of yron and clay and brake them to peeces verse 44 And in the daies of those Kings shall that God of heauen set vp a kingdome which shall neuer bee destroyed and this people shall not bee giuen to an other people but it shall breake and destroy al these kingdomes and it shall stand for euer Cap. 7.13 I beheld in visions by night and loe one like the sonne of man came in the clowdes of heauen and that this one speach and assertion is sufficient to shewe that Austin was neuer the author of that booke seeing that in his time neither were the French Kings so famously knowne neither was the Empire sustained by the French-men which began long after in the dayes of the Emperour Valence Now out of all these things which haue bin spoken that is gathered and concluded which I haue affirmed namely that both the Gospell was first to be preached and the Romane Empire to be deminished before that the Kingdome of Antichrist could plainely be descryed or established And touching this ouerthrowe of the Romane Empire Paule hath indeede made some signification of it but some-what obscurely and that he seemeth to haue done in two respects first for that he spake vnto Christians and those that were not ignorant of this prophecie and of this peece of worke for they had heard the Apostles in their publike preachings in the Churches often handling that matter as it appeareth by their writings Secondly to the end that none should thereby take displeasure or that any daunger should thereby growe vnto the Church from the Romane Emperours for that some of the Christians should seeme to prognosticate and hartily wishe their destruction But although Paule had vtterly concealed this point yet it might sufficiently be vnderstoode out of Daniell the 2. and 7. that such a thing should come to passe Yet that place of Iohn 1. Iohn 2. seemeth to make against both this mine assertion and also this place of Paule wherein Iohn affirmeth that in his dayes Antichrist was alreadie come But vnto this place of Iohn an aunswere may be easily made namely that the foundations and ground-works of this kingdome and Apostacie were indeede long agoe framed by meanes of heresies and heretikes but yet the whole frame and building of the said state and kingdome was then at last reared aloft in stature and strength to the viewe and open sight of all men after that the kingdome of Christ began to be proclaimed and the Romane Empire to be reuersed That the time of the comming of Antichrist wherein he should seate and settle him-selfe in the Church was by the Spirit of God prescicely set downe to be 666. yeares from the time that this prophecie of Iohn was made knowne the which tearme of time did expire much about the raigne of Constantine Pogonatus the bearded an Emperour of Constantinople The twenteth Chapter BVt in this point concerning the time of the comming of Antichrist this question which conteineth indéede much more difficultie in it is moued whether the time within the compasse whereof the kingdome of Antichrist was to be erected be to be found in any place of Scripture certainly set downe and determined wherein it is verie certaine men are of diuers iudgements Some denie it flatly And therefore Austin lib. 18. De Ciuitate Dei Cap. 25. 53. saith that that time is altogether hidden and vnknowne and is verie earnest héerein that neither the moneth nor the yeare nor the time of his comming and of his kingdome can be learned But they that are of that opinion seeme to be deceiued and heerein they erre for that they vnskillfully and falsely do attribute those things vnto one man as I haue declared whom they take should be the only Antichrist which are to be vnderstoode of the whole state and bodie of Antichrist But that which the Scripture doth in plentifull manner deliuer touching the kingdome of Antichrist is to be taken of a whole bead-rowle of men and of a long succession of matters and times Some therefore are of another iudgement namely that the time is expressely set downe and determined wherein the said kingdome of Antichrist should begin and yet euen heerein also some dissent from others For some thinke that the yeare 1000. is the prefixed time some 500. others 400. after the birth of Christ but séeing that all these because for their assertions they ground vpon no certaine and direct place of the holie Scriptures but rest only vpon doubtfull coniectures of their owne framing we will take an other and that a more sure course grounding our selues except I be deceiued vpon a more firme foundation For if we marke well what the Spirit of God in the Reuelation hath deliuered we shall finde that the time wherein the state of this Apostacie was to be established is expressely set downe And that time in verie truth is not so much to be reckoned from the time of Christes passion or birth as from the time wherein this point of prophecie was reueiled vnto Iohn which falleth out in the yeare 666. as appeareth out of the Reuelation Cap. 13.18 although Irenaeus doth write Lib. 5. cap. 25. that this place of Scripture hath bin notably corrupted the words whereof are these verse 18 Heere is wisedome Let him that hath vnderstanding coumpt the number of the Beast for it is the number of a man and his number is sixe hundreth threescore and sixe I haue sayd alreadie * Chap. 7. that these words The number of a man are not to be vnderstoode of any magicall or misticall word which by the arithmeticall computation of the letters therein comprised would yeeld the iust number of 666. For this manner of noting out a time is altogether strange and vnknowne in the holy Scriptures And to be short it is more méete and agréeing with the brain-sicke Cabalists then proper to the Spirit of God In the which odde facultie although Irenaeus sometime tooke some painefull study yet he derided the same in Valentinian Lib. 2. cap. 40. Againe those that haue waded therein as did Irenaeus and others we sée how vncertayne they are in themselues and how repugnant the one to the other for looke how many heads there are among them so many seuerall iudgements shall we finde Now the cause why they all stumble especially vpon this stone is for that they do not attentiuely
compared with the euent or issue of things which is the best interpretour that can be of diuine Prophecies neither can the Spirit or true Prophet of God report an vntroath This is it therfore which I affirme which both is true and hath testimonie from stories that the Constantinopolitane or Easterly head and Empyre which remained of the fourth Monarchie was first impouerished by the Saracens in that part of the North which looketh towards the East but afterwards being made to stoope as more shrewdlie handled by them and brought to a low ebbe it was quite dasht and defaced by the Turkes We know by the Romane histories that there were deadlie and continuall warres betweene the Constantinopolitane Emperours and those of Parthia and after with the Persians who did succeede the Parthians For after the death of Alexander the great when as for a while the Parthians had liued vnder the obeysance of his successours namely the sonnes of King Saleucus they then began vnder the conduct of Arsaces by plucking their necke out of yoke to enfraunchize them selues into libertie and to reare vp a kingdome among them calling the Kings of the Parthians Arsacides after the name of their first Captaine These raigned vnto the time of Alexander sonne of Mammaeus Emperour of Rome and to the fourth yeare of his kingdome which was in the yeare after the birth of Christ 228. In which very yeare one Artaxerxes a Persian killed Artabanus King of the Parthians the last of the race of the Arsacides This man therefore snatching to himselfe the Empyre and kingdome of Parthia conueighed it vnto Persia And the posteritie of this Artaxerxes and Persian Empyre continued vnto the daies of Heraclius the first Emperour of Constantinople which was in the yere of Christ sixe hundred thirtie sixe and so lasted in the whole almost thrée hundred twentie nine yeares About this time now began the kingdome and Empyre of the Saracens For in the daies of Heraclius and Mahumetes raigned Syrochas the last Persian King saue one at whose hands Heraclius by composition recouered whatsoeuer his Auncestours had at any time before taken from the Empyre of Constantinople So these two kingdomes of the Parthians and of the Persians which mutually succeeded each other were terrible indeede for the time as appeareth by histories vnto the Romane Monarchie and to the Constantinopolitane Emperours but yet they neither sacked nor greatly shaked the Easterne or Constantinopolitane Empire nay the Emperours of Constantinople heald it out lustely with them at euen hand and stoutly made their part good against them But the first batterie that made the said Constantinopolitane Empire to stoupe was as I said in the East South and North perfourmed by the Sarracens who make the first of these two Kingdomes spoken of by Daniell which was to rise from the South and so spread it-selfe ouer the face of the earth in such sort as it should assaile the fourth Monarchie both by Sea and by land in Asia Syria and the North-East And in truth the Sarracens did so sore annoy the said Easterne Empire that it was neuer able afterwards to recouer it-selfe but began there-vpon by little and little to droupe and drop away for they with great expedition euen like lightning ouer-ranne Syria Cilicia Cappadocia and Mesopotamia all which prouinces they puld and possest from the Constantinopolitane Emperours where-in the verie words which Daniell vseth Cap. 11.40 speaking of the Kingdome of Sarracens are to be obserued This nation saith he shall come and shall ouerflowe and passe ouer and shall speedelie ouer-runne the countries of the East and South for so was it perfourmed by them after a verie strange and miraculous manner and with wonderfull expedition as the words of Daniell being ioined and set together do purport like vnto that speach of Iulius Caesar I approacht the place I viewed it well and got the field as if they did flie and were not stopt in their passage either by defenced Cities or deapth of Seas or force of men for within the compasse almost of threescore yeares the Sarracens became possessours of all the East as also of Aegipt Againe they ouer-ranne all Affricke and lastly tooke view of Spaine of whole Fraunce only the westerne people excepting only a part of Spain these Sarracens did rather assay then subdue thē but as for those of the East and South which pertained to the Constantinopolitane Empire by force and armes they made a plaine conquest of them and heald them in subiection as namely Aegipt and also Lybia which is Cyrene where-in for a great space they bare rule in so much as at that time the Sarracens hauing slaine Hormisda the last King of the Persians defaced vtterly the mightie Persian Empire They also made inuasion vpon Iudaea and that pleasant land which Daniell calleth the place of desire and grieuously afflicted the same for as then was Iudaea subiect vnto the christian Emperours to wit those of Constantinople In such sort as they heald the same in their possession a long time as they did Aegipt and enioyed the gold siluer and all the treasures that were to be desired of those nations by the space of 192. yeares and vnto the yeare of our Lord 1051. what time they were themselues vanquished by the Turks Nowe that the Sarracens are a Southerne people there is no man that is ignorant Thus therefore standeth that which Daniell affirmeth of the first kingdome which should ouerthrowe the Romane and fourth Monarchie and that in the East and South And this tempestuous stuxre happened in the world and came from the Southerne coast there-of where-as the Countries of the Agarens or Sarracens do lye Further this kingdome of the Sarracens pitched his tents betwéene those two Seas the Syriacke and the red Sea where of Daniell speaketh for they kept their princely pallaice and chiefe prouinces in that part of the world which is inclosed within these two Seas And where-as heere obiection is made that the Sarracens had two Emperiall places of abode the one at Babylon the other in Cairus which was Memphis a Citie of Aegipt it maketh no matter For the chiefe and principall regions of their Empire lay in that coast which is inclosed with those two Seas Againe their chiefe kingdome and longest regiment was in Syria and Arabia which by Daniell is called Aethiopia where is the Citie Meschita and the temple or sepulchre of that abhominable Mahumet But now we are to talke of the Turks to the end that this whole place of Daniell which no doubt is verie darke and obscure may be made manifest For these make that second Kingdome which was to rise out of the North-East and which vtterly brought to nought the fourth Monarchie in the East South and into the other regions which were enuironed with the foresaid Seas which also set foote into Aegipt opprest Iudaea and enioyed golde siluer and the pleasant things of the whole world by the space now almost of 300. yeares
parte of this description set downe by the Apostle First he saieth Except there come first a back-sliding or falling away Now it is a falling from the faith that he meaneth for his purpose was not to speake of the chaunges of Empyres or ouerthrowes of Kingdomes and agayne the worde Apostacie doth signifie no lesse 1. Tim. 4.1 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 That is They shall shrinke from sound doctrine And further all the Fathers giue it out that the comming of Antichrist shall bee ioyned with a miserable ouerthrowe of religion and godlinesse And whereas the Apostle calleth it simplie an Apostacie which should ensue he thereby sheweth that it should bee a generall and not a perticular defection For he speaketh absolutely without limitation And this may also more manifestly appeare by comparison of other places Luk. 18.8 The sonne of man when he commeth shall he finde faith vpon earth This is that Apostacie and want of faith whereof Paule spake Math. 24.12 Iniquitie shall be increased the loue of many shall be colde And Iohn in the Reuelation foretelleth That the Kings of the earth should commit fornication with the Harlot And that the inhabitants of the earth should bee made dronken with the wine of her whoredome And that all Nations shall drinke of her cuppe And lastly the euent of things which is the best expositour of these matters doth prooue that I say to bee most true For partly by Mahumetisme and partly by Poperie faith hath been long since almost cleane put out in so much as well nigh there is no remnant left in the world of the true and auncient faith and sinceritie After this the Apostle beginneth to describe Antichrist by his proper markes And that that man of sinne bee disclosed euen the sonne of perdition which is an aduersarie In these words he setteth out Antichrist as it were one man who although he be not indeed any one single or perticular man yet is he by the Apostle described vnder the person of one both in regarde of that kingdome which he maketh opposite to Christes and is one and also in respect of that one and the self-same spirit of Sathan wherewith all the Antichristes in the world are caried As the kingdome of Antichrist is one so also is the kingdome of Antichrist one and for that cause as Daniell long before had laied open seuerall kingdomes which were continued a long time by lineall descent and succession of Kings and people vnder the names of a Leopard a Lion and a Beare so also would the Apostle set out Antichrist and the whole bodie of the Antichristian kingdome vnder the figure or resemblance of a most wicked man And seeing the Bishoply kingdome doth fight and contend with the kingdome of Christ and seeing that in the same the Bishop as a principall Monarche doth beare the sway wee rightly tearme the Pope 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by a kinde of prerogatiue Antichrist The Apostle faith that this man was to be reueiled that is should openly affect and possesse a kingdome and exercise his tyrannie the which it is certaine the Pope hath practised aboue nine hundred yeares euen euer since that time wherein he would needes be called the head of the Church and take vpon him the chiefe stroake in the Church And to the end we may euidently perceiue that the Bishop of Rome is that Antichrist as I affirme let vs prosecute the other parts of this propheticall description laied out by the Apostle He laies open Antichrist in the fourth verse following by three adiuncts or properties for first He shall oppose and exalt himselfe against al that is called God or that is worshipped Secondly He shall sit as God in the temple of God Thirdly He shall shewe himselfe that he is God These wordes containe much matter in them and offer great varietie of speach but I of necessitie must obserue a meane First therfore Antichrist was to become 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 opposite to Christ an aduersarie contrarie in such sort as he should aduaunce himselfe aboue Christ So that Antichrist should take vpon him not only ciuill reuerence but euen diuine worship Can any man hereof make doubt but that this doth most fitly agree with the Bishop of Rome For he will needes be greater then God himselfe and setteth himselfe full butt agaynst him And that he would needes be greater then God we shall easilie perceiue if we consider what power and authoritie either of them do challenge to themselues It belongeth only to God to prescribe lawes to binde our consciences who only hath the soueraigntie ouer our soules The Bishop of Rome will needes beare rule ouer mens consciences wherein he attributeth to himselfe a diuine interest yea inioyneth in more hard and seuere manner then he supposeth that God himselfe ought to do For who knoweth not that a man might with greater securitie transgresse the lawes of God than the Popes Constitutions and that he that should offend the sayd Bishop should in more seuere manner smart for it than he that should with notorious wickednesse offend the Lord. To bee stayned with fornications adulteries and vnspeakeable impieties required no great penaunce such sinnes could bee done awaie at a light and easie price but to haue tasted once either of Porke or Beefe vpon a Fryday that could neuer be wiped out but by the bloud of him that offended and yet the one stands forbidden by God himselfe and the other by none but by the Bishop They make it for the most part but a mockery or May-game to breake the lawes of God but to transgresse the Bishops is right mortall and deadly To hurt God by periurie and blasphemy they make it no great sinne but to offend the Bishop only by vnreuerent speach is a huge trespasse and worthy to be reuenged by most extreame torture There are a thousand such like wherein the Bishop establisheth his authority to be reputed as farre more authenticall and holie then the power of God Then what is it to aduance him-selfe aboue God if this be not shall we looke that Antichrist should plucke God out of heauen and climbe vp into his Celestiall seate and the sayd Bishop is also an aduersarie vnto Christ and that not in any one parcell only but simply and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the whole I will in few words make it plaine for neither is colde more repugnant vnto heate or blacke to white more contrary then is Popery to Christianitie and the Bishops profession vnto the doctrine of the Gospell For what a kinde of God do they make of him when they serue such an infinite number of Idols and fill the whole world with their Idolatrie for where euer either among the Graecians or Aegiptians or the ould Romanes were Images more common or more frenticke idoll-worship then was and as we knowe is in the Romish Church and that of a sorie slender crust a God can be made as soone as a Priest shall haue breathed
Idolatours and their Decrees and Constitutions blasphemous against God But after time the said Emperours began to be Christians which began in Constantine the great for whereas some writers affirme of Phillip whome Decius slewe that he imbraced the Gospell certaine it is that he would be a Christian no otherwise but couertly and not by publike profession then I say first of all and by vpon the necke of it this same Romane Empire was translated from Italie and old Rome into Thrace and therein vnto Constantinople For that this should so come to passe the Spirit of God in the Apoc. had fore-shewed as after we shall declare But yet I graunt that Constantine had no regard vnto that Prophecie when he remoued at first from Rome to Bizantium and there setled his Emperiall Pallaice but he respected only a more commodious gouernment of those matters and kingdomes of his that lay Eastward which at that time were miserably disquieted by the Parthians and Persians For Constantinople did séeme to be so scituated whereas otherwise Cōstantine had once thought to haue setled else-where as that it was as you would say the nauell or midst vnto the whole Romane iurisdiction which as we knowe spread it selfe farre and neere and yet it could not possibly otherwise fall out because that so the Romane Empire might become double-headed and haue those two hornes which God before had reueiled So the prouidence of God guided this whole enterprise of Constantine and so fulfilled what him-selfe had decreed And touching this deuiding of the Romane Empire into these two heads and hornes it is warranted out of the Reuel 13.11 and Zech. 4.8 and this is the very true interpretation of that Prophecie where it is said that the Beast had two hornes And heere let this be obserued that heereafter I will coumpt call that the first Beast which in my former deuision and exposition I made the second and againe I will tearme that the second which before I called the third for that head of the first Beast which appeared to be hurt and wounded deadly was indeede one of the seauen before spoken of But that those seauen were in the end reduced vnto two only it appeareth heereby for that the second Beast which before we called the third and which conuayed vnto her selfe all the power that the former had is sayd to haue only two hornes Cap. 13. 11. And it may not seeme strange that in this second Beast I interpret otherwise of the signification of hornes then I did in the former For there by hornes were specified the persons of Kings as afterward shall appeare because it is added that those hornes had Diademes or Crownes on thē But as for the hornes of the second Beast they rather note a State then any persons because that these hornes are said to resemble the likenesse of the Lambe so that they signifie an estate or qualitie of a Kingdome To conclude this interpretation is to be held as a principall ground for the better vnderstanding of many places in the Reuelation whereinto we shall a great deale more easily see if we shall obserue this distinction or deuision of this Romane Empire into two imperiall heads Let vs therefore fall in hand with the exposition of the place of the Reuelation Cap. 13. 1. 2. 3. the words whereof are these verse 1 Then I sawe a Beast rising out of the Sea hauing seauen heads and ten hornes and vpon his hornes were ten Crownes and vpon his heads the name of blasphemie verse 2 And this Beast which I saw was like a Leopard and his feete like a Beares and his mouth as the mouth of a Lion and the Dragon gaue vnto him his power and his throne and great authoritie verse 3 And I sawe one of his heads as it were wounded to death but his deadly wound was healed And all the world wondred and followed the Beast The ten Kings that are spoken of in this place are to bee coumpted from that time wherein and from that Emperour vnder whom this Prophecie was written And that was Domitian the sonne of Vespasian In which accompt notwithstanding all they are not to be reckoned for Emperours and Kings who succeeded in the Empyre For as for some of them they were neuer approoued but refused both by the Senate and people of Rome Some agayne did skarse take a taste as it were of the pleasure and pompe of the Empyre they liued so short a time Therefore they only are to bee reckoned in this Catalogue of ten Kings who both entred with publike consent of al the orders and continued in the gouernment the space of some yeres And lastly whereas any two of them did raigne together there they both are to be accoumpted but for one King and the Kingdome to bee ascribed vnto him that was first in place Wherefore these be they which seeme to me to be the ten Kings and to be vnderstood by that place 1 Traian the Emperour who ruled by the consent of all the people yeares 20. 2 Aelius Adrianus liked and loued of all raigned 21. 3 Antonius Boionius borne at Nimmes in Fraunce surnamed Pius 23. 4 M. Antonius Philosophus together with his brother L. Verus 18. 5 Commodus the sonne of Philosophus ruled alone 13. 6 Septimus Seuerus Afer for Aelius Pertinax and Didius Iulianus did skarcely or rather not at all enter vpon the Empyre neither were they euer admitted as Emperours either by the Senate or Souldiers but this Seuerus raigned yeares 18. 7 Alexander Mammeus for as for Antonius Caracalla he was admitted vnto the gouernment by his Father Seuerus while he yet liued so that he was but a copartner and one that held out the course of his fathers kingdome And touching Heliogabalus he raigned but two yeares skarcely knowne in the meane time either to the Senate or to the Prouinces Agayne his gouernment is to be ascribed vnto the yeares of this Alexander who began his rule euen in the daies of Heliogabalus And lastly concerning Macrinus who was the next he was neuer accepted by any of the orders neither in the time of his short aduauncement did he euer see Rome so that in regard of his small continuance he is not to be accompted among the Emperours but this Alexander ruled yeares 13. 8 Galienus vnder whose time I comprehend the poore aduauncement of Valerian who is vnworthie once to bée named an Emperour sith he indured a miserable bondage vnder Sapor the King of the Persians And as for Julius Maximinus and the Gordians their Empyre was neuer quiet as also that of Phillippes who was neuer accoumpted of or any whit feared among the Prouinces And lastly concerning Decius and Vixius Gallus who insued they skarce bad the Kingdome Good-morrow but Galienus gouerned .15 9 Aurelianus a man much made of by all men a famous and stout Emperour although his gouernment lasted not long namely 5. 10 Dioclesian for touching Tacitus and Florianus they neuer sawe the
for the disposing and getting gift and graunt of kingdomes the Bishop of Rome doth openly lay claime vnto that as appeareth out of the 2. cap. Extrauag of Superioritie and Subiection although Gregorious Magnus did first call himselfe the Seruant of Seruants whereby he might teach his successours humilitie But as for them they kéepe indeede the outward name inscription but as for the royaltie that agréeth not with this poore title they take that vpon them with a mischiefe And touching the free disposing of matters in the administration of the Church like a wicked wretch he sayes it belongeth properly and only vnto him as appeareth Can. Cuncta 9. quaest 3. Can. si Papa dist 4. Can. neminis est de sedis Apostolicae iudicio iudicare 17. quaest 4. Therefore his owne Decrées do prooue this poynt to bée true For he appoynteth at his pleasure newe Sacraments and those that were instituted by Christ he doth repeale tosse turkisse and take away He prescribes lawes to binde mens consciences and as for such lawes as our Sauiour himselfe authorised he playes fast and loose with them as he listeth Can. sunt quidam 25. quaest Lastly like a brasen faced merchant he aduaunceth himselfe aboue a generall Councell Can. nunc autem dist 21. Now what is al this but flat and fayre to take vpon him the power of God He bringeth vnder his subiection all powers Principalities Kings and Magistrates Can. si Imperator dist 96. Yea the very Empyre it selfe then the which there is nothing in the whole world greater more sacred and magnificent together with the very Emperour himselfe whome with much ado he admitteth to come to the humble kissing of his feete in that that he likeneth himselfe to the Sunne and the Emperour to the Moone so that the foolish fellow makes himselfe to bee aboue all power making but a mocke of that of Peter 1. Pet. 2.13 The which cursed poynt of blasphemie of the Pope is to be found registred cap. 2. Extrauag de maioritate obedientia cap quinto seq Extr. de translat Episcop and left in record for remembrance of his impietie to all posteritie Lastly Helmodius reporteth in his historie of Saxonie that Alexander the 3. would in no case acknowledge Fredericke to bee lawfully admitted and all because the poore Emperour held the wrong stirrope while his holinesse should mount on horse-backe But among other authors it were good to reade in this behalfe Bernardus as well in his second booke to Eugenius Bishop of Rome where in conclusion he breaketh out into these words Thou hast more need quoth he to haue a Rake in thine hand than a Scepter to perfourme the office of a Prophet As also in his Epistles namely 230. where at last speaking of the tyrannie of the Bishop of Rome he maketh an exclamation in this sort At first indeed ye began to play the Lords but ouer the Clergie contrarie to the counsaile of Peter and within a while 1. Pet. 5.3 2. Cor. 1.24 contrarie to the aduise of Paule Peters fellow-Apostle you will haue dominion ouer the faith of all men But ye stay not there ye haue taken vpon you more namely to haue a peremptorie power in religion it selfe Now what remaineth whereon ye might further incroach except ye will go about to bring the very Aungels vnder your subiection c. What can a man say more then this whereby we might conceiue that any did take vpon him the power of God So that now no man can iustly make doubt but that the Romane Bishop is the head and chief-taine in the kingdome of Antichrist And that such as imbrace and maintaine his doctrine are to be reputed and reckoned in the number of Antichristes Of the place where Antichrist should sit where it is apparant that neither Mahumet himselfe nor his accomplisses be the men whom the Scripture tearmeth Antichristes The fiftenth Chapter WE are withall to consider of the place where Antichrist that is the Prince of this Apostacie and of all that generation should sit S. Paule hath endeuoured to determine the same but that seemeth to bée done by him somwhat obscurely when he saith he should sit in the Temple of God But yet great and carefull search had been made what those words of his should signifie Origen vpon Math. Hom. 29. by the Temple of God vnderstandeth the Scriptures and word of God Therefore sayth he there shall then be in the Church a false Scripture for in stead of the true word of God a false doctrine shall preuaile Truth it is Paule 1. Tim. 4.1.2 c. and 2. Tim. 3.1.2 c. 4.3 hath plainly auouched that in the latter times men should depart from the faith and should imbrace and spread abroad diuellish doctrine The which also the very worde of Apostacie which wee haue before out of Paule taught should happen vnder the kingdome of Antichrist doth sufficiently proue Agayne Austin lib. 23. De Ciuitate Dei cap. 19. interpreteth the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 For the Church of God and not In the Church of God as if it were written He shall sit for the Temple or in stead of the Church of God But as for this kinde of speach he might haue been well ynough acquainted with it out of 1. Cor. 6.19 and 1. Pet. 2.5 where wee see that the Temple of God is taken for the people and place where God is worshipped which by an other name is called the Church Therefore Antichrist shall sit in the Temple of God that is he shall exercise that his power among the very faithfull and children of God For this defection was to fall out euen in the midst of the Church it selfe In somuch as they that were the authors and maintayners of the sayd Apostacie should notwithstanding boast and vaunt themselues vnder the name and glorious shewe of the Church of God and to make short they only forsooth will needes bee tearmed and reputed for the true Church And that they only are the true Prelates and Bishops of the same Whereby especially appeareth that which I haue often insinuated namely that the Sectaries of Mahumet are not the men of whom Paule spake and prophecied in this place although the doctrine of Mahumet of Poperie began much about a time For Mahumet which was the last of the two began vnder Heraclius and the Papisticall tyrannie began somewhat before vnder the Emperour Phocas So that these two Kingdomes being so opposite repugnant to Christes differ not much aboue ten yeares touching the times of their seuerall beginnings But yet seeing the followers of Mahumet do openly renounce the name of Christes Church and will at no hand admit much lesse pretend that title or calling and seeing on the contrary side the Papistes do so greedelie affect holde and appropriate to themselues the stile of the Church the title of the Temple of God and the name of Catholikes there is none if he would bee accompted of
marke the verie wordes of Iohn and yet the Spirit of God in that place speaketh verie simplie and plainely For after he had foretould the state of Antichrist in the sayd 13. Chapter and also described what manner of one he should be he also in plaine sort did set downe the time wherein all those things should be fulfilled namely the yeare 666. which he tearmeth the number of a man that is a plaine number and easie to be knowne not hard to be reckoned euen as in Esay Cap. 8.1 a writing that is plaine and easie is called the penne of a man and in such sort to be coumpted as men vsually in those dayes were accustomed to number And these yeares beginne not at the time of Christes birth but rather of his suffering and from the time of Iohn Therefore the Spirit of God telleth vs that in the supputation of these yeares we must vse the ordinarie and common kinde of reckoning then practised And the reason why the Spirit of God is so carefull about aduertising vs héereof is least when question is made of the comming of Antichrist we should thinke that those yeares were in such sort to be coumpted as in Daniell Cap. 9.25 where the yeares of Christes comming are reckoned by wéekes of yeares for we should be deceiued if we should take that course Truth it is that God would haue the time and comming as of Christ so of Antichrist expressely set downe vnto vs but yet both of them after a diuers manner of reckoning For the time of the comming of Christ was to be coumpted among the Iewes by wéekes of yeares but the time of the comming of Antichrist by a familiar popular and common kinde of numbring such as all men did ordinarily vse For that kinde of coumpting by weekes of yeares is intricate hard and not so familiarly knowne vnto euerie man but this manner of reckoning which is by adding of yeare vnto yeare is vsuall and truly verie playne and common God vsed the former when he dealt with the Iewes among whome the number of seauen was a solemne matter and religiously accoumpted of and who were alreadie accustomed to obserue and coumpt manie things by multiplication of seauen weekes as namely the yeares of Iubile But he vsed this latter beeing more common which is done by adding eache seuerall yeare as it followed in succession vnto that that went next before when he had to doe with the Gentiles among whome the Church was to be planted and with whome that solemnitie of seauens or weekes of yeares were neuer knowne nor practised but only this other common manner whereby they onely added euerie yeare as it followed vnto those that were past and went before Againe the Interpretours of Daniell Cap. 9. bring another reason why God in pointing and limiting out the time of the comming of Christ wherein the great comfort of the Iewes should consist vsed rather the number of seauens namely to the ende that he might compare the time of their exile and banishment which was by the space of seauentie yeares with the time of theyr comfort and his mercie towards them which should ensue which was seauen times seauentie yeares that is 490. which number of yeares those seauentie weekes prescribed by Daniell do amount vnto Then after this sort must we number the yeares coumpt the time of the Beasts comming because the Spirit of God him-selfe doth prescribe vnto vs the same manner whereby it falleth out that that time wherein the kingdome and state of Antichrist began publikely openly and that especially to be framed and set vp in the Church of God was in the yeare after Christ 666. Although withall I am not ignoraunt that after the tyme of Christ there were dyuers kyndes of supputation of yeares in the Church of God while some began to reckon at the conception of Christ others reckon at the gouernment of Alexander and some againe reckon from the first yeare of Dioclesians Empyre but verely I my selfe doe thinke that in this place those 666. yeares are to be reckoned both from the death of Christ and from the time that this prophecie was reueiled in and especially for the more easie and readie reckoning let vs beginne to reckon from the time of Christes suffering so in the 666. yeare after his Passion that blasphemous kingdome of Antichrist whereof the Spirit of God had fore-warned had openly and euerie-where seazed vpon the Church of God Most certaine it is that at that verie time and in that verie yeare the Papisticall and execrable Masse a verie defacing and blotting out of the death of Christ began euerie-where priuately in Churches to be celebrated in the Latin tongue as Bale writeth in the first of his Centuries Cap. 80. namely in the time of Vitalian Bishop of Rome Againe this number 666. limited for the reueiling of Antichrist may seeme to some to be so set by God for that it containeth about the third part of those two thousand yeares wherein some thinke the world shall stand and continue from the time of Christ vnto the ende of the world only there is a little ouer-plus of yeares in this multiplication ouer and aboue the iust number of 2000. and those are to be allowed to this ende and purpose that Antichrist might haue a time wherein he should raigne and after haue a fall But touching this which I haue affirmed of the numbring of 666. yeares how true it is let vs now more attentiuely consider For the issue of things and the accomplishment of the Prophecie it selfe ought to be accoumpted an omni-sufficient witnesse and proofe of mine assertion The which that it may the better appeare this I say and affirme that it is most certayne and out of all controuersie that the strongest bulwarke or rather ground-worke of the Antichristian kingdome began then publikely and in verie deede to be layde and to be reared vp in the midst of the Church when one onely man by the publike consent of Christians began to be called and acknowledged by the name of Byshop of Byshops or Vniuersall Byshop and this began and that by the authoritie and will of the Emperour himselfe about the yeare of our Lord sixe hundred and foure as is manifest out of Chronicles For Boniface the 3. Bishop of Rome was pronounced by the Emperour Phocas as I haue shewed before vniuersall Pope and Bishop of all the world and that with this prerogatiue that this priuiledge to him graunted should continue for euer to his successours being Bishops of Rome and there seated This was done by Phocas in the first yeare of his raigne which is reckoned by all Historiographers to bee the yeare of our Lord 603. Neither did Phocas deale thus liberally with the Romane Bishop for nothing For whereas the said Phocas had villanously murdered his predecessour Mauritius the Emperour by this so bountifull a bribe bestowed on the Romane Bishops who alwaies could do much in the Citie with the people of Rome he
redeemed and so recouered the fauour of the people by the helpe and commendation of the sayd Bishop For before the people of Rome bare deadlie hatred agaynst this Phocas for the butcherlie murther so treacherously perfourmed by him vpon Mauritius and in regarde thereof they would none of him for their Emperour Therefore by the industrie of this Boniface Bishop in way of recompence of so liberall a largis Phocas was brought in fauour with the people of Rome who thereupon began in solemne sort to crie God saue the Emperour It may peraduenture be supposed also that Phocas was moued hereunto in regard of a constitution of Iustinian which is to be read lib. 2. Nouella 131. concerning the foure holie Counsells where the Emperour willeth the Bishop of Rome to sit first in the Synod and the Bishop of Constantinople after him in the second place Now touching this priuiledge graunted by Phocas it was afterward confirmed in a Synod assembled at Rome vnder the sayd Boniface the 3. Anno 607. as Sigisbertus affirmeth The which Synod consisted of three score and two Bishops thirtie Priests and thrée Deacons wherein there was full power graunted to the Bishop of Rome to ratifie and disanull the election of other Bishops After that in the Synod of Affricke which was neere about this time and was assembled vnder Constance the Emperour nephewe vnto Heraclius this title and inscription was made him Vnto Theodor Bishoppe of Rome aduaunced to the toppe of the holie Apostolike dignitie vnto the holie Father of Fathers to Theodor the Pope highest Prince of all Prelates the Synod of Affricke c. Thus then wee haue found out the foundations of this Antichristian Apostacie and periured state described here by Paule publikelie layd about the yeare of our Lord 604. but yet wee see that here wants of the former number of yeares for it is to bee sixe hundred sixtie and sixe How then Forsooth from that time forward the power of this kingdome and of this vniuersall Bishoppe that is of Antichrist began more and more to incroach in so much as now all matters appertayning to the Church of God began to bee directed at his appoyntment And to speake brieflie then began the increasing the partes and the whole constitution and frame of this Apostacie openly in the face of the Church to be laied out fashioned and strengthened euen as a little Infant which being within the mothers bellie receiueth there the knitting together and fashion of his members But as yet the foule puppie Antichrist was not fullie brought foorth For hitherto the power of this vniuersall Bishoppe was ouer-shadowed by the authoritie of the Empyre whereunto as yet he acknowledged himselfe subiect A proofe whereof may bee this that the election of the Bishoppes of Rome were yet now by the Emperours of Constantinople ratified and confirmed and the sayd Bishoppes were subiect to their censure and reformation yea and depriuation and that after the time that Phocas graunted them this priuiledge But at last after time the authoritie of the Romane Bishop began to increase in Italie and the Maiestie and power of the Romane Emperour who kept at Constantinople began to quaile daylie more and more or rather began now to bee euen at the last cast in Italie and lastly when at Rome the Romane Bishops became the Emperours Legates or Vicegerents or rather became caruers for themselues and began in their owne name and as of their owne authoritie to meddle in Church and Common wealth matters to dispose of publike and priuate affayres and by the consent of the people to rule the whole roast then at last they easilie intreated the Constantinopolitan Emperours to yeeld ouer vnto them and that by publike edict and vnder a faire Charter all that their interest and iurisdiction which they had ouer the Romane Bishops And further that they would will and commaund that whosoeuer hereafter were by the people and Clergie elected Bishops of Rome should forth-with without any confirmation therof had from the Emperour and without sending him a sacred Epistle as they tearmed it whereby they protested vnto him their loyaltie bee reputed for lawfull Bishoppes of Rome and bee by and by accompted to haue all lawe in their owne hands not subiect to the comptroulement or censure of any Whereby it came to passe that now the Romane Bishops needed not the confirmation of any no not the consent and approbation of the Romane Emperour himselfe who then kept at Constantinople but euen of their owne swindge as being now become their owne men tooke vpon them that authoritie power and dignitie So that from that time forward the sayd Bishops began to liue as men free from all iurisdiction of the Emperour that is without the checke or reach of any man or Magistrate whatsoeuer yea they began to bee compted like vnto GOD himselfe not to bee iudged or called into question by any mortall wight Canon nemini 17. quaest 3. and Canon Nemo quaest 3. Now this without doubt may seeme to bee the full height of the Antichristian kingdome and without all controuersie it is to bee so esteemed especially considering that it was erected came to light and obtayned so ample authoritie at such a time And this so great and ouer-spreading power of the Romane Bishop whereby he was exempted from all censure and iurisdiction of the Empyre was graunted first vnto him by Constantine Pogonatus the bearded an Emperour of Constantinople whose raigne is reckoned to be about the yere 666. or as some reckon 668. But yet Charles Sigonius lib. 2. of the kingdome of Italie had rather referre the graunt of this priuiledge vnto the yeare 684. Howsoeuer it be certaine it is that Benedict Bishop of Rome was the first that euer vsed the benefite of this ouer-lashing and licentious libertie And it is an easie matter for a Clearke or Scriuener to misse in the compt of a yeare or two which is to bee refourmed by making recourse to the Reuelation For it is well knowne to all men what great diuersitie is sometime found among the Historiographers about the supputation of yeares and times and that by reason that the Christian Church hath not alwaies obserued one and the same manner of reckoning Therefore in so great a somme as this it is like ynough that a few daies should either be added or detracted Whereby we see it now appeareth that the kingdome of Antichrist was framed and set vp the very same time and yeare that the spirit of God had fore-tould namely Anno Domini 666. And as for the kingdome of Mahumet it began about the yeare 623. vnder the Empyre of Heraclius and in the 30. yeare of his gouernment So that the kingdomes of Antichrist and Mahumet differ not much touching the time of their rising And as for this of Mahumet it increased so mightilie in a smal space namely within the compasse of 32. yeres that by meanes of his Gallies Nauie he sodainly brought vnder his
subiection the greatest part of Asia the great Phaenicia and part of Affricke in the time of Constance the sonne of Constantine the yonger nephew to Heraclius Anno Domini 655. So that wee see the former yeare and number of 666. mentioned in the Apocal. cannot appertaine to the kingdome of Mahumet And as for the kingdome of Antichrist it did neither so speedilie nor so easily spread it selfe abroad as did that of Mahumet That those thousand yeares after which it is said Sathan should be loosed cannot appertaine to the time of the comming of Antichrist The 21. Chapter YEt there is one thing more which as it may seeme may be obiected vnto that that hath been spoken And that is Reuelation 20.2 7. where it is written that after a thousand yeares Sathan should be let loose and should trouble the whole world and gather together Gog and Magog That is the Gentiles aliaunts and straungers from the Church of God to make warre agaynst her Some therefore suppose that by this place rather the time of the comming and kingdome of Antichrist is set downe and limited But how variable and diuers the interpretation and iudgements of the auncient writers haue been touching the sence and meaning of that place appeareth by Austin lib. 20. De Ciuitate Dei cap. 8. 9. lib. 21. cap. 22. Yet I will speake what I thinke and which after aduised consideration had of all things touching that place I suppose is to be determined thereof namely that those thousand yeares as is euident most manifestly euen by the euent do not a whit concerne or set out the time of the comming of Antichrist but rather that they are to bee reckoned and accompted after that the sayd number of yeares of 666. were once expired Whereby it commeth to passe that by succession in this sort of times we haue plainlie set downe vnto vs what shall fall out and bee perfourmed almost to the ende of the world For before the sayd thousand yeeres were to take place those things should be accomplished which were spoken of Cap. 16.12 namely that Euphrates should bee dried vp and a way opened for the Kings of the East to come and make inuasion vpon those Territories and Countries which were before subiect to the Romish iurisdiction Which surely is come to passe For vndoubtedly those Kings of the East which passed through Euphrates being dried vp that is which gaue them easie passage through the midst of her Channell and surprised the Segniories that belonged to the Romane Empyre were the Turkes Therefore it must needes bee that the Turkes Empyre should first bee raised before those thousand yeares could be fulfilled But if wee begin to coumpt those yeares from the time of Christes suffring then assuredly before the originall of the Turkes which is reckoned to be about the yeare after Christ one thousand two hundred those thousand yeares will bee fullie expired and so the Apocalips that is the prophecie of the Spirit of GOD shall seeme false The which but once to thinke is extreame impietie Wherefore I am still of the minde I was of and begin to reckon those 1000. yeares from the yeare sixe hundred sixtie sixe which two numbers being put together amount vnto one thousand sixe hundred sixtie sixe After which tearme of time those things are then to come to passe and bee fulfilled which the Spirit of GOD in the 19. of the Reuelation and the Chapters following hath laied open although withall I knowe it to bee wicked to appoynt or search after the verie time and moment of the latter iudgement Acts. 1.7 Neither haue I that drift or purpose in this mine assertion That the practises which were vsed to frame and set vp the kingdome of Antichrist were deuilish and deceiptfull The 22. Chapter THese poynts being thus made plaine wee are now to lay open the meanes and steppes whereby Antichrist was crept vp by little and little and whereby Sathan was to finish and bring to perfection this worke of his And although the same for the most part are alreadie touched in that that goes before yet Paule hath briefly expressed the same when in a worde he tearmeth all this mischieuous worke A mysterie For thereby he sheweth that so great a wickednesse should bee practised and perfourmed by Sathan couertly craftely closely and subtilely For by the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 A mysterie no excellencie is shewed of that deuilish and Apostaticall doctrine but only the craft and deceipt of the work-maister and author of this kingdome who is that olde Dragon and Serpent who also is called the Deuill Reuelation 20.2 and yet some take this word Mysterium in such sence as though Paule had therein of purpose affected to expresse the great Antithesis or contrarietie that is betweene the doctrine of Christ and of Antichrist That as the sacred Gospell of GOD is in very many places of the Scripture called in way of praise and commendation A mysterie So Antichrist should also tearme his pestilent and damnable doctrine by the very selfe-same name of A mysterie whereby it might seeme to carie the greater countenance of holinesse and maiestie amongst men and so bee the more plausiblie receiued And certaine it is Reuela 17.5 that the Beast which representeth Antichrist should put vpon his most wicked Superstitions the name of A mysterie And this maiestie and solemne title he pretendeth to adde credite vnto his false doctrine and also to the ende men should not make too narrow search into these matters and at last indeed espie them what they are And truelie this strong kinde of delusion was deriued vnto the Papistes as many things else were from the very Heathen themselues who cloaked their Ceremonies of Bacchus their abhominable Church-rites and execrable Church-robberies vnder the name as it were vnder a seemely vaile of A mysterie least such filthie pollutions should euen stincke before men So also the prophane Sacrifices of the Goddesse Ceres and likewise those bawdie solemnities vsed in the worshippe of Pryapus and those banquetting Iunkettes which therein were caried about and openly shewed as Eusebius reporteth in his Booke De praeparat Euangel were set out by the Pagans with the plausible title of a A mysterie As though they were no defiled thinges but mysticall hidden darke and in a worde verie venerable by meanes of their profound significations And trust me it was iust so in the time of Poperie The thing it selfe and long experience hath prooued it to bee most manifest and true For vnder what title and colour did they more commend and couer their Idolatries Superstitious Ceremonies yea and apparant blasphemies but only hereby in tearming them Mysteries Secrets vnderstood but of few and which were not to be published or made knowne So all the masking attire of their Bishops at their first consecration and after at their installing being alreadie consecrate So all the Stage-like furniture and implements at the celebration of their blasphemous Masse So
some c Note this and applie it to our time through out the booke some rubbadge and relliques of that old building I also haue endeuoured most worthie Prince according to my power to scatter and set packing into the pit of perpetual forgetfulnes those shreds and sheards that by the force of the mightie gunne of Gods holy word For such is the nature of this quarrell and controuersie that it requireth the helping hands of manie workmen the state whereof is such as by means of some darke places in the Scriptures it could not on a suddaine so throughlie bee seene into but daylie more and more be cleared and made plaine Againe there haue of late started vp new Proctours and Pettie-foggers to plead and prate in defence of this vsurped tyrannie I meane the Iesuites a kinde of Droanes among the Monkes the vilest dreggs of all poperie and as may be supposed the last brood that the hāmering head of Sathan hath to hatch who endeuour by might and maine to make vp the breaches which their kingdome hath sustained Subtle workmen they are who although they may seeme to counterfet the Syrens yet in truth they are but Iayes Magg-pies in life practises drawing nere to the fish d Mugill is a fish rauenous and swift Mugil the fowle e Larus a bird that maketh a great noyse hauing laid but a little Larus And being but yesterday skipped out of the Cock-boat arrogating to themselues the workes of other Monkes are by by with a mischeif mounted on Cock-horse Now although these vpstart Hucksters bring indeed nothing els but the stale arguments and as it were the foreworne and forelorne stuffe and baggage of the Papists saue onlie that they haue disguised painted and trickt it after the best fashion kepe a craking like Parrats as if they were come from the farthest Jndies yet among the rude people they are taken for marueilous men and such as haue brought straunge and that very precious marchaundise These fellowes taking themselues for the principall supporters of the Antichristian Kingdom they vaunt and bragge it out Iustelie as indeed they sweate sore poore soules in doing the best they can It is meete therfore that somewhat were said to thwart their wilful and obstinate frowardnes especiallie if we consider the times and dayes wherein we liue Now as for this my defence of the Kingdome of Christ against Antichrist himself and his whole f Which before he called the taile of Antichrist and the rubbadge of his building rabble to the end it may be gladly accepted and safelie passe through the hands of men I cannot see most gratious Prince to whom I might better or vppon more iust occasions dedicate the same then vnto your honour For from your verie cradle you haue bin so trained vp in godlie education by your woorthie Father Frederick Countie Palantine and Prince Electour a man of renowned or more then Heroicall minde and so indued by God himself with such a kindlike and vertuous disposition that you among manie maie iustlie be supposed to be borne and giuen by GOD himselfe vnto his Church for the ouerthrow of Antichrist what a profest enimy your selfe haue bin against the enimies of Christ according to the example of Dauid both the former course of your life doth sufficiently declare and the general speeche of all the Godlie in Fraunce wil witnes the same vnto al ages For Fraunce thankfullie acknowledgeth you and your famous father next vnto God to be her Patrons Reuengers and such as enfraunchised her into the libertie she enioyeth and therefore she that out of mine onlie mouth you may perceaue the minds of al the rest which are godlilie affected taketh this right heauilie that she is not able to commend and set out your excellencies deserts towards her in such sorte as is meet For what Oratour is able to frame any still so statelie but that it will seeme vnwoorthie your vertuous deseruings You being of such yong yeares as wherein fewe or none can tel what warr-fare meaneth did take vpon you twise for the name of Iesus Christ and for the defence of his Church against Antichrist and his mighty confederacy to leade an army with great difficulty and daunger into Fraunce you by the only brute and fame that went of you did twise terrifie the power hoast of the French-men whose dreadfull force is knowne felt in other nations You haue twise procured peace among Nations Cuntries and Houses for such as were exiles and the freedome of the Gospel to Churches distressed You to shut vp al in a word haue restored vnto vs our liues naie that which is dearer to vs then life it-self the light of the Gospell the which in deepe dispaire almost wee neuer looked for The which great benefit of vs al receiued from your Highnes to the end I might in some measure according to my hearts desire commend vnto posteritie and so leaue behind me some record of my thankfull minde for the same I haue thought good in all humble and dutifull manner to offer vnto your Excellencie this simple worke The which I entirlie befeech your said Highnes to take in good worth Farewell dated the first day of August in the yeare of this last age 1576. Your Highnes loyallie affected Lambert Danaeus ¶ A table of the Contents of this booke TWo points to be graunted for the better handling of the discourse ensuing touching Antichrist cap. 1. pag. 1. A double diuision of the disputation following the one generall the other more perticular cap. 2. pag. 3. The fore-telling of the comming of Antichrist was a famous prophecie and giuen out by manie cap. 3. pag. 4. Why it was requisite that the kingdome and state of Antichrist should be fore-tould cap. 4. pag. 5. That Anti. should not be one singular or perticular man but that by that name was signified a multitude of men and a long succession and further why Antichrist is called an Apostata or back-slider cap. 5. pag. 6. Why the kingdome and state of Antichrist is called by the spirit of God indefinitelie or without limitation an Apostasie cap. 6. pag. 10. Why Paule calleth Antichrist a man cap. 7. pag. 12. Why Antichrist is called the sonne of perdition Apollion the Beast a Woman and an Harlot cap. 8. pag. 16. Which Beast of those three that are mentioned in the Reuelation doth poynt vs out Antichrist cap. 9. pag. 23. How in what manner Anti. is said to fashion a new to reuiue and set on foote the Image of the former wounded Beast that is the Roman Empire seated in Italie and setled in Idolatrie cap. 10. pag. 34. Why Anti. is termed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is aduersarie to Christ not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 aduersarie to God where also comparison is made in some points betweene the Doctrine of Christ or the Gospell and the positions of poperie cap. 11. pag. 40. Why Antichrist is called
of the kingdome of Antichrist Doubtlesse it is a fearefull and horrible matter that Paule speaketh of that the Church of God which was planted by so great labours of so many Apostles and holy Pastours and after watered with so much bloud of so many Martirs should after by the force of Sathan be ouerthrowne and brought to confusion The consideration whereof can not but in the hearts of all the godly worke great griefe as well such as liued before the accomplishment héereof as such as liued after Whereuppon some maruaile why it stoode with the pleasure of the spirit of God to fore-tell so much séeing the knowledge thereof could not but greatly grieue the godly and make the wicked more obstinate and insolent against the Church when they should consider that according to the word 〈…〉 it should come to passe that true doctrine should be 〈◊〉 and trampled vnder foote and that false doctrine 〈…〉 plausibly and publikely receiued Whereunto I aunswere that this was done and fore-tolde in a double respect both in regard of the godly and vngodly In regard of the godly first that they should not take offence when they should sée those things come to passe which they knowe were fore-told and that by the will and iust iudgement of God Secondly that they or we should not therefore make the lesse accompt of the Gospell as lesse glorious and heauenly for that it should come to passe that it should be publikely and in euery place reiected and that men should vniuersally and in heapes fall from the imbracing of the same therefore we sée how in respect héereof this point of prophecie was requisite for the comfort of the godly and stay of the Church And as for the wicked it serues to tell them that the wrath of God is then ready to be poured on their heads when they shall see those things fullfilled after which the last iudgement of God and their vtter destruction should immediatly insue And therefore in these two respects both Christ himselfe in the 24. of Math. and the spirit of God throughout the whole Reuelation did plainely fore-tell what should befall the Church reueiling euen the most wofull and dangerous conditions So that no man is to thinke that this was vnseasonably or vnreasonably b●wrayed That Antichrist should not be one singular or particular man but that by that name was signified a multitude of men and a long succession And further why Antichrist is called an Apostata or back-slider The fifth Chapter THus much being spoken let vs in hand with the former place of Paule wherein touching the words there is some difficultie or doubt For our bookes haue vsually the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is a defection being a nowne substantiue or primatiue and which includeth more then one man And yet Augustine readeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a deriuatiue and which intendeth no moe then one and therefore he translateth it the Reneger in his booke De ciuitate Dei and 19. Chap. But all the Greeke and most auncient coppies agree and the greeke interpretours themselues do reade it as we do 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Doubtlesse that erronious reading which Augustine followed bred a great errour for thereupon some haue in such sort interpreted this place as if Paule had spoken of one onely man whome he so pointed out and tearmed him only by the name of Antichrist and not of a whole broode or bodie of a multitude But both the meaning of Paule reason it selfe and the issue of things can in no wise admit this reading or exposition For Paule speaketh not of any one man but of a crewe clustered together an assembly and kind of fraternitie of men agréed and sworne together in horrible and blasphemous manner against God himselfe Therefore he vseth the primatiue word Apostasie and after in the twelfth verse he vnfoldeth himselfe and speaketh plainely in the plurall nomber That all they might be damned c. Agayne reason it selfe inforceth that it cannot bee vnderstood of one man but of a multitude and kingdome For one and the selfe-same man cannot possiblie liue so many yeares as there were betweene the daies of Paule and the ouerthrow of the Romane Empyre after which the very Antichrist was to come Lastly the euent hereof declareth that it is to be vnderstood vniuersally of the estate of the Church of the whole world the which hath continued many ages and as yet is in vre and not of the life or age of any one man For the life of one man though he were of a great age is but short if it be compared with the time of this defection which hath lasted now full out 900. yeares And as touching this Apostacie or falling away it is a wofull or most miserable Estate or condition of things which should take place in the world before the second comming of Christ wherein should be not only a fearfull and lamentable persecution and slaughter of the Church but also a killing and almost a finall quelling and putting out of all Christian faith from the face of the earth because that commonly publikly and in euery corner a doctrine most false and contrarie to the Gospell should bee admitted approoued and published and that in the midst of the Church it selfe This exposition of mine is warranted first by the words of Christ himselfe Luk. 18.8 When the sonne of man shall come do ye thinke he shall finde faith vpon the earth And of Math. 24.12 The loue of many whereby Faith in that place is meant shall waxe colde Therefore that miserable estate of the Church made known vnto vs by the name of Antichrist reacheth to many and concerneth not one alone So also it is warranted by the Prophecie of Iohn in the Reuelation Chap. 17.1 18.3 where so great and so farre spreading power of this Apostacie is in such sort described as that it is there tearmed an Harlot flat opposite and contrarie to Christ which with her poyson and corrupt doctrine should infect the Kings and Nations of the earth Lostly it is warranted by the 1. Iohn Cap. 2. vers 18. where it is apparant that the name of Antichrist is attributed to many Vpon the which place Maister Caluin writeth thus Paule 2. Thes 2.3 speaking of the Apostacie or falling away that should insue plainlie giueth it out that it should bee a bodie or as you would say a kingdome of defection This being so wee may from hence gather and conclude and that vpon an Antecedent or thing gone before that before the last comming of Christ this was to be fulfilled namely that the Gospell should bee preached ouer the face of the earth the Church generally enlarged and planted and the doctrine of saluation publikly receiued the which our Sauiour himselfe fore-tolde Math. 26.13 But for the due and orderly handling of this poynt let vs see what this word Apostata signifieth Apostates or back-sliders are otherwise taken and defined among the Lawyers then they
who otherwise for the most part shewes himselfe the Popes claw-backe writeth of these matters in many places but especially what he reporteth of Samosatenus in the life of Dionisius the first where he sheweth that neuer was there seene or heard of more retchlesse and lewde behauiour then was found in the pontificall and Romish minions Ierome also in his Prologue De spiritu sancto confirmes this same where he tearmeth Rome Babilon and that purple coloured whore spoken of in the Reuelation Therefore to conclude seeing this place of Paule is not to be vnderstoode of any one man but of the whole bodie and order of Apostates which should succéede and last for many ages boasting it selfe vnder the name of the Church it may now easily be discerned who be the men and what corporation or state that is whereof Paule in this place fore-warned and no man can doubt except such as are wilfully blind that the Papists are they VVhich Beast of those three that are mentioned in the Reuelation doth point vs out Antichrist The ninth Chapter THe which that it may yet more plainely apeare let vs sée which beast it is vnder whose shape or figure Antichrist is expressed and shewed vnto vs in the Apocalypse And first it is manifest out of Daniell that by the name of a beast a certaine state or condition of things is signified Cap. 7. and 8. Now the Beasts that are mentioned in the Reuelation are in number three besides the Dragon himselfe who is the Diuell as the Angell there expoundeth it the father and begetter of those other three Beasts The first whereof is that which there is said to come vp out of the bottomlesse pit and is not otherwise described vnto vs by any expresse fourme or shape Reuel 11.7 17.8 The second is that which commeth vp out of the Sea and is there likened vnto many beasts as vnto a Leopard a Beare and a Lyon which also is there described to haue seauen heads and ten hornes euen as his graundsire the Dragon had Cap. 13.1 12.3 The third is that which is there said to be like vnto the second but hauing two hornes like vnto the hornes of the Lambe and this to rise out of the earth Cap. 13.11 And vnto this Beast in other places is added as a companion a false Prophet by whose helpe the Beast can worke many things and is maintained in flourishing state whose father also the Dragon is said to be Cap. 16.13 19.20 Concerning the first Beast mentioned in the 11. Chapter it is all one with the third as we may perceiue by the effects of them both For by either of these Beasts one and the selfe-same order and state of men is signified which was hatched by the Dragon their Sire and vphelde and maintained by the same false Prophet But in the said 11. Chapter there is first briefely and in generall that set downe which after in more perticular plentifull manner is described where the beginning the end the drift practise and purpose thereof is displayed that so we might take the déeper knowledge of it Cap. 13. 17. And it is all one to rise out of the earth and out of the bottomlesse pit for the pit in the Scripture is said to be vnder the earth but yet he is said to rise out of the pit and out of the earth in diuers respects For this Beast is said to rise out of the earth in respect héereof for that they that should sway and rule this state and kingdome should rise of the riffe-raffe and skomme of the people Againe he is said to rise out of the pit because those raskals brewe breathe out nothing else but that that is dogged dunghill-like and diuelish and flat opposite to God and godlinesse Therefore in regard of the base condition of those by whom this gouernment is manadged this Beast and this kingdome is said to rise out of the earth that is of the verie raskally people For for the most part such are the Cardinals of Rome and such others as are crept vp into the Prelacie and Primacie in the Kingdome of Popery And in regard of their precepts rules and doctrine the same Beast and this order of men is said to rise out of the pit that is out of Hell for that it sauoureth teacheth followeth and enioyeth nothing but diuelishnes that is as the Spirit of God teacheth Reuel 2.24 the déepenes of Sathan and out of doubt such is the doctrine of Popery Therefore the first second Beast is all one but heerein the difference that the description of the first being but rudely or confusedly at first set downe is after distinctly handled and laide open that so we might the more easily take knowledge of it So it is also in Daniell with whome the Reuelation is principally to be compared both in respect of the order by them both obserued and of their stile or manner of writing where after the Prophet had in vision séene the 4. Monarchs and so briefely set downe Cap. 7. those things which made for the comfort of the Church and were to be obserued in the two latter Monarches afterwards he rippeth vp the same matter againe and handleth it more distinctly and seuerally Cap. 10. 11. and as there so héere there are two Chapters interlaced betwéene the first generall propounding and the last more perticular handling of those matters Wherefore séeing the first and the third Beast signifie all one thing the question is only of the second whether by it rather then by the third Antichrist is purtraited of whome Paule in this place speaketh Truly that I may speake my mind briefely in this behalfe I thinke that by this second Beast mentioned Apoc. 13.1 is signified euidently the Romane Empire being Idolatrous such as it was while the Emperours had their residence in Rome before they remoued their seate to Constantinople For that Romane Empire together with the succession of the Gouernours in the same is purtraited out vnto vs vnder the tipe of seauen heads and ten hornes But these ten were after abridged and brought vnto two for afterwards there were but two hornes of the Romane Empire that is two Princes seates or places of residencie whereof the first and most auncient was at Rome in Italie the second and latter at Bizantium otherwise called Constantinople in Thracia whether Constantine the Great translated his mansion or abiding place whereupon it came to passe that both in generall Counsels and in the Decrées of Emperours mention is of two Romes one the olde which is the true Rome built by Romulus the other the new which is Constantinople which also began to holde vp the head by vertue of the priuiledges prerogatiue of olde Rome But betweene these two hornes of this one and the same Romane Empire this was the difference which also is of vs diligently to be obserued that so long as the horne or seate was in Italie the Romane Emperours were
which is the Pope and such as he consecrateth and imployeth about the broaching and maintenaunce of his Apostaticall doctrine as namely Bishops Monks Kings and others his drudges and bond-slaues These all euerie one as much as lyeth in his power indeauour and helpe forward that worke which the third Beast in the Reuelation hath in hand namely to put life againe into the Image of that Beast which had his deadlie wounde and to restore vnto it the power and aucthoritie which it had before while they labour with all their possible care and diligence that all men should take vpon them some ensigne or token of the profession and worship of the former Idolatrous Beast And in verie truth the Romane Emperours them-selues who were Idolatours were neuer so earnest and sharpe set in enforcing men to Idoll-seruice as these men haue done and that in seueare manner and sauadge kinde of crueltie Lastly the verie phrase or manner of writing in the Reuelation is wondrous like to that in Daniell Cap. 3. which seemeth of purpose to be affected by the Spirit of God least perhaps we should thinke that in both places one and the selfe-same thing were not meant How and in what manner Antichrist is said to fashion anew and to reuiue and set on foote the Image of the former wounded Beast that is the Romane Empire seated in Italie and setled in Idolatrie The tenth Chapter BVt the very word Image doth euidently lay open vnto vs both the thing it-selfe and the intent and meaning of the Spirit of God the which therefore is the more aduisedly to be considered of all and expounded by me Why may some say did euer the Pope cause men to worship any of the Romane Emperours specially any of those that were Idolatours Whereunto I aunswere that by the name of Image which by him is quickned not the persons of the Emperours are signified that made their abode at Rome but rather by that name was meant and specified the State fourme of the Romane Empire I meane the Italish and Idolatrous Empire the which being starke dead the Pope hath againe raised and made whole in euery point For euen at this houre the kingdome of Poperie doth as liuely represent the ould state of Idolatrie as if it were spit out of the mouth of it the which euery man may easily perceiue by the comparing of them both together and by the seuerall instances which héereafter insue The state and condition of the Romane Empire as well as of all other Kingdomes relieth vpon two speciall and principall grounds whereof the one respecteth Religion and the seruice of God the other outward and humane pollicie that is the well ordering guiding of the common wealth it-selfe Touching Religion and the seruice of God I pray ye what a manner of thing was it in the Romaine Empire being Italian and Idolatrous that is so long as Rome was the mansion place where the Emperours kept it was wholly Idolatrous and more wood and furious in infinite superstitions then any Nation of the world beside whatsoeuer Dionisius Halicarnasseus an Heathen in his second Booke of Antiquities doth thinke and giue out to the contrary And euen so in the Papacie there was and is as after shall appeare as grosse and outragious Idolatry as euer was heard of In both of them there were vsed Processions purging by Sacrifices Holy-water Praiers and Sacrifices for soules departed and Candles set vp in the worship of the dead Concerning the gouernment or pollicie of the Idolatrous Romane Empire it consisted both of matters essentiall and accidentarie I call such essentiall as without which a common wealth can not stand such as these thrée are 1 The kinde of gouernment it selfe as namely a Kingdome or an Aristocratie 2 The Magistrates who should mainteine the same 3 The Lawes that kéepe and preserue the publike quiet Accidentall I tearme those on the which the safetie and prosperous state of the weale publike doth not depend as the vniformitie of one language the attire of the bodie the Citie where the Princes Pallaice is seated Now the Romane kinde of gouernment or pollicie at such time as Iohn wrote his Reuelation was to see to Aristocraticall in respect of the authoritie of the Senate but in very deede it was a detestable tirannie and sauadge kind of Monarchie by meanes of the absolute power and authoritie which one only Prince and Emperour had ouer all And euen so in the Antichristian and Popish Iurisdiction the fourme of gouernment seemes to be Aristocraticall as wealded by the aduise and direction of the Beast but in plaine truth it is a plaine tyrannie For there is but one that hath a maine and deadly stroke in all matters namely the Bishop of Rome who hath to meddle in euery matter and at whose becke all men must bowe like slaues and peasaunts Wherevpon it is that I gather and conclude that in respect both of Church-matters and also of such as concerne the common-wealth Antichrist reuiueth and restoreth vnto vs the Image of that Beast that was so deadly wounded that is of the Romane and Italian Empire which was so fowly defaced and brought to confusion Now let vs go on and consider of the Magistrates of that Empire being yet Italian Idolatrous The Magistrates at Rome were of two sorts Supreme and Inferiour The supreme Magistrate was the Emperour And he contrarie to the receiued custome of all other Nations tooke vpon him to be both a King and a Priest For in all other places almost these two offices are seuered and administred by diuers As indeed the office of a Priest and of King are distinct and diuers But the Romane Emperour not content with these two dignities which are the highest vnder the coape of heauen tooke vpō him yet a third became also a Tribune of the people and that not annuall but standing and perpetuall Insomuch as this one high Romane Magistrate so long I say as the Empyre was Idolatrous and kept it selfe in Italie held in his hand at once these thrée the greatest and mightiest prerogatiues namely the Soueraigne kingdome and power ouer all the high Priesthood and chiefe stroake in matters of religion and the peremptorie power of a Tribune whereby he might at his pleasure nippe in the head all decrees whatsoeuer the other Magistrates were disposed to haue established To conclude he so handled the matter as that he might be coumpted to containe in himselfe a kinde of Deitie to bee Sacred not to bee touched most holie not to be reproued or comptrouled vnuiolable Now the Pope of Rome being the highest in that State made as bould to vsurpe and incroach vpon these three Soueraignties namely the super-eminent power and rule ouer all for he forsooth is to be supposed farre aboue all Iurisdictions himself hauing power to censure them the high Priesthood as arrogating to himselfe libertie to establish what he list in religion And lastly the stately Tribune-ship whereby he
thought vpon the reducing or restoring of the Italian Empire vnto her former dignitie but laboured their vtmost her vtter ouerthrowe for they were barbarous men such as were the Rugians and Gothes who began now openly to beare rule in Italie Now all these Kings of whome I haue spoken raigned almost but an houre that is a verie short time and space yea they raigned and died much about a time in as much as all of them came to the Crowne within little lesse then the compasse of tenne yeares and it may be that the Image thereof I meane the state of Poperie may héerein resemble her * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 platfourme and agrée iompe there-with in hauing her tenne last Popes verie short liu'd for a finall conclusion and ruinous confusion of that kingdome Therefore both the number of the Kings which is specified in the Scriptures and the verie short time of their gouernment confirmeth my interpretation and proueth it to be most true which I had rather follow then that exposition which Primasius giueth of this place vnderstanding by an houre any time whatsoeuer either short or long where-vnto the 8. Chapter verse 1. of the same Reuelation is repugnaunt That these three things were the chiefe and principall groundes of the kingdome of Poperie First the diuers haeresies that sproong vp in the Church touching the natures and office of Christ Secondly the bitter bickerings that were among the Bishops and thirdly the large bounties of Emperours and certaine other men who both were able and superstitiously bent which they bestowed on the Church of Rome The 24. Chapter WHich being so we are now to lay open by what steppes this seate and tyrannie of the Romane Empire stept vp to such a tipe and magnificence and how at last it attained his finall furniture and perfection of building in the place of * Geddon-Harma desolation that is where the sheards and asshes of ruinous Rome were to be found The first and originall ground-workes in laying and establishing the kingdome of Antichrist were three to weete the errours of Heretikes the contentions of Bishops and the superstitious deuotions and excessiue liberalities of Christian Princes for so that their foolish and immoderate largisse bestowed vpon the Church is rather to be tearmed then true deuotions for they were too-too ouer-lasshing and cockering fauourers towards the Church and chiefely the Church of Rome And touching these three causes which I called ground-works of the Antichristian kingdome it may easily be perceiued that they likewise were three mightie and effectuall steps or degrees whereby Antichrist by little and little reared him-selfe vnto that huge and tyrannous power which afterwards he attained And first touching errours in matters of faith and religion truth it is that the Romane Church yea all the Westerne Churches remained more pure and sound then the Easterne and those in Syria by two especiall meanes the one for that in the Weast there were continuall persecutions stirred vp by the Emperours of Rome the other for that the wits of the Westerne men were alwayes more grosse and dull whereby it came to passe that they of the Easterne Churches repayred often in matters of doubt vnto the Church of Rome and required their iudgement and helpe in condemning newsproong Heresies and so by this meanes the credit and estimation of the Bishop of Rome began more and more in wonderfull sort to increase and be highly reputed of in the Church of God for the many and diuers Heresies that then were did not only shake the Christian faith but made it as a matter greatly doubted of among many in the East especiallie where-by also they made readie way for that generall back-sliding which after insued And therefore those Heresies are called by Chrisostome Armies of Antichrist especially such as sprang last whereby bitter contention was raysed and heald repugnaunt to the word of God touching the natures of Christ and of their vnion or lincking together of the office of Christ and of the merits of our workes suche as those were which were stirred vp by Arrius Nestorius Eutyches and Pelagius which Heresies were both most detestable and most forceible to ouerthrowe the vprightnesse of mens iudgements And therefore by this meanes vpon a suddaine the superstition of Mahumetisme began in the East and by occasion of the continuall dissentions that were among the Christians touching such points of Doctrine it was admitted willinglie and preuailed greatlie For the Easterne Churches were now tainted turmoiled and foulie deformed with an infinite number of heresies for looke how many heresies there are about matters of faith and doctrine so many foule blots and blemishes there are in the Christian Churches And truely Chrysost vpon Math. Hom. 49. obserueth very wel that after such time as Theodosius the great had once graunted temples and places of publike assemblies euen vnto heretikes it came to passe that the Churches receiued great deformitie wonderfull increase of heresies Therfore the Churches of the East séeing they had lost all credit and reputation of Christian profession among their neighbours countreymen at home they intreated Symmachus then Bishop of Rome that he would by his censure cōdemne the heresies of Acatius seeing that as then the Easterne Bishops had no such power authoritie ouer their people so also they desired of Agapetus that he would depose Antimus Bish of Constantinople as an heretike And to make short all Ecclesiasticall histories are plentifull in such examples This therefore was the first meanes whereby the kingdome of Antich began to get footing The secōd meanes hereof was the continuall dissentions garboiles brawles wofull contentions of the Bishops among thēselues whereby not only thēselues became odious among men but euen the doctrine of Christ wherof they were the pillers begā to grow into vtter cōtempt These sturs were very cōmon in the Easterne Churches but not so vsuall in the West by meanes of the continuall persecutions that were there for idlenes long rest doth make mē more wanton dissolute whereby it came to passe that the Bishops that were thus molested were glad faine to flie vnto an other Bish of greater coūtenance wherby they might be eased kept frō wrongful dealings offered thē by other Bishops Now as for the Bish of Rome he no doubt by meanes of the famousnes of the City it selfe seemed the most principal who also was ready willing to yéeld his helping hand in the redresse of other Bishops their distressed estates for both Athanasius being put out of his Bishoppricke by the Arrians made his repaire to the B. of Rome as vnto a sure refuge after him Fabianus before him many other did the like as appeareth by histories infinite it were to reckon vp all exampls in this behalf in so much as in processe of time this repaire vnto the Romane Bishops in times of exigence procured him great authoritie among all nations in Christendome and that indéede so
the Gospell put on armour and bend the sword agaynst the Papistes who vndoubtedly are the state stay and kingdome of Antichrist and vse such weapons as are called carnall as wee reade to haue been done in Germanie England Scotland Flaunders and Fraunce yea and so practised at this day And this doubt may seeme the deeper and increase the more for that Constantine the great being now become a true and perfect Christian did notwithstanding and that by the counsaile and consent of al the Christian Bishoppes take warre in hand agaynst Licinius his fellowe and companion in the quarrell of religions namely to the end he might giue ayd and release vnto the Christians whom the other did deadly persecute For they were compelled by Licinius to sacrifice vnto Idolles agaynst their consciences Now I do not herein make question touching the persons or the men themselues whether Constantinus might lawfully in any respect wage warre agaynst Licinius or no who was his fellowe-mate in the Empyre For there is none I thinke that doubteth but he might seeing he was a chiefe and high Magistrate as well as Licinius and equals are not subiect the one to the other But now I consider reason of the cause of warre whether to deliuer and set free the Christian profession from persecution and to remoue Idolatrie Constantine might iustly moue and wage warre This question is somewhat intricate and doubtfull for it often troubleth mens consciences and especially by meanes of this place of Paule The Lord shall destroy Antichrist by the breath of his mouth For the better vnderstanding whereof I must first make this distinction The endes or occasions of matters for which such enterprizes are taken in hand are not all of one force nature and degree For some are proper some accidentall I call that a proper cause or occasion whereunto the drift of our purposed determination and indeuour tendeth and that in such sort as we seeme to respect it only as though there were thereto adioyned no other reasons or inducements that might leade vs thereunto as when a pined man eateth the direct cause of his eating is the slaking of his hunger Accidentall I call that which concurreth and falleth out together with the proper and principall occasion but not directly or of necessitie therefore wee do not at the first in our aduisement ayme especially thereat For though that occasion were wanting yet would we notwithstanding in hand with the action as though delicate dressing were not added to the meat yet would an hungrie man fall to eating Now by this distinction if we hold and make vse of it it will bee no hard matter to fit an aunswere vnto the former scruple or doubt For he that maketh warre agaynst the Papistes or other Idolaters or els agaynst the Turkes or Heretikes either he doth it chiefly and only to take away their error and superstition or else not but whereas other occasions and those iust ones of waging warre went before the which he being a Magistrate had an eye vnto it falleth out withall that those agaynst whom he is to proceede bee Papistes Idolaters Turkes or Heretikes Truely reformation of error and heresies is not well sought for by force of armes neither should the certaintie of Christian doctrine seeme to depend vpon the vncertaine yssue and euent of warre Therefore neither Christ himselfe nor his Apostles do at any time teach that force is to bee vsed agaynst such as are not well affected to the Christian faith as if that were a lawfull and readie way to take away their error For looke what religion is embraced vpon feare and dispersed by compulsarie meanes the same is to be compted rather Mahumetisme then Christian profession But when as they that are enemies to religion shall haue offered other iust occasions of warre as if either the Papists or Turkes shall breake truce and violate the conditions of publike peace then it falleth out that the defence and maintenaunce of Christian religion is ioyned with the quarrell of publike right and iustice and so inforced against the Papists or Turkes being aliaunts and straungers from the profession of Christ and Christianitie but not in this respect for that they differ from vs in religion but for that they are perturbers and breakers of the publike quiet And so it commeth to passe that then and vpon such an occasion weapons are iustly taken in hand agaynst such as are dissenting from vs in profession of the faith but that is not in regard that they are Heretikes Idolatours or Papistes but in asmuch as they are seditious disturbers of auncient rite and open enemies to publike peace And this distinction and censure is certainlie most true And touching that of Constantinus Magnus and of the warre that he had with Licinius it is most certaine that there had passed betweene Constantine a Christian and Licinius an Heathen certaine couenaunts and leagues for the maintenaunce of the peace of the Common wealth and those solemnely ratified by the consent of both parties as Eusebius reporteth in the life of Constantine the great The which conditions seeing Licinius was the first that brake when agaynst expresse couenaunt he fell to persecuting the Christians wee cannot make doubt but that vpon very iust occasion warre was waged agaynst him For among those conditions this was a principall one that the Christians might freely make profession of their religion throughout the whole Empyre of Rome that their meetings should be approued as lawfull assemblies and that neither Constantine nor Licinius himselfe should stirre vp persecution agaynst the Christians in regard of their faith in Christ Seeing therefore that this first and chiefe poynt of their league and common agreement was afterward treacherouslie violated and broken by Licinius Constantine did iustly and vpon good ground moue warre agaynst him but not as being an Idolatrous King or to the ende to redresse his error which he heald of Christ but to the ende that those publike couenaunts and knowne lawes of the Empyre and perticular conditions agreed vpon betweene them should bee kept in force being it was not lawfull for either of them to violate the same Other people and Nations haue done the like who in that respect are sayd to haue waged warre for the Gospels sake For there were at first certaine couenaunts drawne and publike lawes made and after proclaimed by consent of both parties for the peace and safetie of the whole kingdome wherein among other things it was expressely prouided for that the Christian religion should not be disturbed put out of place or stopt and that no man should by any be molested or sustaine wrong for that quarrell The which poynt of truce and league in as much as afterwards it was not kept by the a Who hould for a principle that Fides non est seruanda cum haereticis by heretikes vnderstanding true Christiās Papistes but openly violated by them hereupon those greeuous warres which are called deadlie and
These therefore wasted by Sea and land with wonderfull successe the Easternely head of the said fourth Monarchie And these also pitched their tents and kept their chiefe Pallaice place of residence in that part of the world which is inclosed within these two Seas where-of I haue spoken about the hill Taurus and Syria of Damascus before the comming of the Tartarians and before they had surprized Constantinople For in that part at first the greatest part of the Turkish Empire was established Now there is none that maketh doubt that the Turks are risen of the Scithians that dwell in the East And these were more terrible to the Romanes then were the Sarracens as also Daniell describeth who also are reported should succéede and in time to come after the said Sarracens for the kingdome that is said should come out of the North-East is spoken of by Daniell in the second place And this prophecie agreeth with the storie of things done For the Turks did suppresse the Empire of the Sarracens at what time they were by Hormisda King of Persia stirred vp and allured out of their countries and afterward which also Dan. fore-tould should come to passe they were made fellow-partners of the Empire by Mahumet the Sarracen being Sowdan of Persia Sogdiana and Media because he was not able to match in power with Calipha the Saracen of Babylon Thus therefore the Sarracens being set by the saddle the Turks enioyed the Empire and raigned in Asia Syria full out the tearme of 192. yeares but afterwards being molested by the Tartarians and Assumbeans Kings of the Parthians their power was some-what appalled and almost brought to the last cast After that in the yeare of our Lord 1300. vnder the raigne of Romanus Diogenes Emperour of Constantinople the house of Ottoman restored the Turkish Empire to his former dignitie the recouerie where-of was the full and finall ouerthrowe of the Easterne and Constantinopolitane Empire So the boundes of the Turkish Empire are now become the very same which were the limits of the Orientall Empire of the Romanes but as for the Occidentall and Italian he shall neuer say his fingers on it because this portion of the fourth Monarchie seemeth in the Reuel Cap. 13.12.13 c. to be allotted vnto Antichrist And where as it is further added in Daniell vers 45. that none should become an helper either to the Sarracens or to the Turks experience hath proued it true for God did so raise vp and aduance these Kingdomes as that they were not holpen by the power or furniture of any other forraigne nation nay they were rather hated of all others but they vsed and rested vppon their owne only aide and prouision wherein the worke of God appeareth the greater by the swift and suddaine promotion of these Kingdomes And it is sayd of Ismaell Genesis 16.12 of whome no doubt the Saracens are descended His hand shall be against euerie man and euerie mans hand against him he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren To conclude where-as the last obiection is made out of the Reuelation 20.8 touching Gog and Magog whiche should conspire with the false Prophet I confesse I am as yet ignorant what Nation is thereby signified Certaine it is that Gog is a prowde people such as are all the enemies of Christ and of the Church and this manner of speach is taken out of Ezech. 38. 39. And as for Magog it appeareth he came of Iaphet Genes 10.2 That the enlarging of the kingdome of Antichrist was in imitation of Christ to be perfourmed by these two meanes especially namely the publike preaching of a kinde of doctrine and the vauliting shewe of diuers miracles The 34. Chapter NOw followeth the seauenth head of this discourse to wit by what signes and meanes Antichrist was to establish and hold his outragious power and tyrannie We haue alreadie taken viewe of the wayes where-by he attained the same It pleased the Spirit of God that these points should be seuerally handled to the ende that the godly should be the lesse offended when they sée them accomplished both because they are brought to passe by the will of God for the triall of the faithfull and againe their comming was fore-tolde to strike the greater terrour into the hearts of the wicked Now Paule telleth vs héere with what aides and supporters this kingdome was heald vp and strengthned the which he maketh to be of two sorts the one chiefe and principall as the working of Sathan and that mightie and effectuall the other inferiour as seruing to the other which he calleth Signes and wonders but with-all he addeth what manner of ones they should be namely Lying and againe to what ende they tended to wit to deceiue men and hold them in all wickednesse and errour All which points containe in them both singular comforts and profitable considerations forewarnings of those things which afterward insued And touching the matter of consolations assuredly they are most sweete and behoouefull séeing there can nothing more acceptable be reported then that all those things which are done against the doctrine of Christ and that to the great admiration of men in such sort as that they should tearme them Miracles and Wonders are notwithstanding nothing else but detestable practises of Sathan and false miracles And as for fore-warnings this place is also furnisht with such where-by men are enabled to perceiue how it commeth to passe that all the world is so easily drawne into that errour For where-as some do indeede obserue the same they wonder and are astonied marueiling how such a thing could so easily be brought to passe And in the end thus they resolue vpon the matter saying except the religion of Antichrist which indeede is nothing else but a flat blasphemie were the true doctrine of God it would neuer haue bin so easily receiued nor established vpon such a suddaine but the aunswere is easie God had fore-tolde that all these things should thus come to passe and that he would giue such power vnto Sathan the which prophecie and with-all iust iudgement of God could not but be accomplished Now why God would haue it so and that vpon verie iust cause the reason shall be after rendred And to the ende this mine assertion might be throughlie strengthned I haue to alleadge a place very like vnto this out of Math. 24.24 And againe another which is in Reuel 16.14 And lastly the example of the Magitians and Enchaunters which resisted the truth as Paule alleadgeth 2. Tim. 3.9 all which do make plaine by what meanes the enemies of the heauenly truth haue alwaies withstoode the same so that we are not now to thinke it strange if this verie practise be ascribed to the pollicie of Antichrist and Sathan who hath in hand to worke this whole mysterie of iniquitie and to the sleights which he vseth in mainteining this his kingdome against the doctrine of Christ and indéede reason it-selfe doth yeeld no lesse