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A67102 Reason and religion, or, The certain rule of faith where the infallibility of the Roman Catholick Church is asserted, against atheists, heathens, Jewes, Turks, and all sectaries : with a refutation of Mr. Stillingfleets many gross errours / by E.W. E. W. (Edward Worsley), 1605-1676. 1672 (1672) Wing W3617; ESTC R34760 537,937 719

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none can adore one that meerly takes vpon him the Maiesty of à King who is not with an Adoration due to that Maiesty so none can honour or adore Christ in the Eucharist with an honour due to Christ when truely and really he is not present but saith Theoderet Christ is to be really adored in the Eucharist and Consequently he is really present there 21. For the rest I remit the Reader to C. Perron who in the following Chapters dissolues and most clearly what euer can be obiected against his Doctrin To end this point be pleased to reflect vpon this one particular Had Theoderet said The Symbols remain in their first essence figure and form and included in that very speech as our Aduersaries will haue the One reflection more very substance of bread He had spoken most improperly which ill beseem's so learned an Author for vpon this supposition he speak's as incongruously as if one should say Peter this very hour who is himselfe both Soul and body remain's in him selfe that is The Cardinals reading clear's all in his Soul and body But if you read with the Cardinal Thus. Car ils demeurent en lae forme en la sigure de la premiere substance They remain and in the form and in the figure of the first substance of bread before Consecration really formed and figured by them the Construction is good the sense most clear perfect and without exception 22. Thus much I haue noted to satisfy the Gentleman and hope neuer to hear Theoderet obiected hereafter against Transubstantiation If I doe I shall say an old obseruation of mine alwaies proues true and t' is That the best Arguments of Sectaries Printed and reprinted in their little books are like old thread-bare garments quite out of fashion cast off and reiected I mean answered ouer and ouer by Catholick Authors yet Brusht vp must appear as new And this less blamable may pass for they can do no better but methinks it is intolerable that they bring again to light such worn-out stuff as you see now done in this particular and dare not inform the Reader how often it hath been torn à pieces Yet the worst of all remain's Viz. That they build their faith vpon sand one dubious Authority of à Father if yet dubious supports it and seem's to these new spirits ground enough to foment Schism to maintain à rebellion against as ancient Church which neuer belieued as they do CHAP. XII A Digression concerning the Real Presence The Fathers plainly assert it Sectaries glosses friuolous The agreement of the Church and Fathers make à Doctrin indubitable The Catholick's certain Principle A word with Mr Stillingfleet 1. BEfore we produce these Testimonies and lay open Mr Stillingfleet's Mistakes turn I beseech you to his Account of Protestancy Part. 3. c. 3. page 567. Where he treat's of Transubstantiation and calls it an vnreasonable Doctrin because repugnant to sense and reason also It seem's contrary to sense for sense tells vs what we see and tast is bread after consecration and reason vpon that sensible suggestion ought to conclude it still remains substantially bread Obserue I beseech you how the Gentleman to maintain his proofs drawn from sense is not only forced to reiect the plain sense of Christ's words according to the letter This is my body which is giuen for you This is the Chalice of the new Testament wich is or shall be shed for you But more Mr Stilling quarrel 's with all Christians except à ferr Protestants ouer how he is thrown into à desperate quarrel wherein he will neuer come off hansomly For he is engaged to make not only the Professors of the Roman and Greek Church who indubitably belieue the Real presence more than stupid because opposit to that he call's sense and reason but besides He contrast's with à far greater moral body of Christians I may rightly stile it the Representatiue of all named Christians in the world excepting à few Protestants I 'le shew you how At this day there are in that famous Temple of Hierusalem dedicated to the Holy Cross called the Church of the Sepulcre Catholicks Graecians Abyssins those most ancient Christians Syrians Maronits Georgians and others All haue their Altars in one and the same Church and all though different in some Doctrinal points and Ceremonies vnanimously belieue à true vnbloody Sacrifice and with it the real presence of Christ after Consecration No moderne sectaries haue place here witnesse Prince Radziuill in his Ierosoly Peregrin Antwerpe Print 1614. Pag. 109. Nay they are so meanly thought of that when the Prince named Lutherans Zwinglians c. The party he conuersed with demanded whether they were Christians What Christians said he and haue no Priest no Altar no sacrifice offerred vp to god in this sacred place where Christ wrought our redemption you may see more hereof in the following page of this Author In the mean while shall any say that à Representatiue of so many Christians are to be deemed fooles vpon this account that they contradict sense and reason It is so vast à Paradox that though Mr Stillings should write volumes on this subiect He would neuer speak à probable word against such à cloud of witnesses You may add herevnto if you please those many Christians conuerted to our The Chineses difficulty Catholick Faith in that vast Kingdome of China à People the whole world knowes most ingenious All of them as I haue heard from two worthy men à long time Missioners there the one is yet liuing who reclaimed many from their errours raise most difficulties before their conuersion against that one Mystery of our Faith the Incarnation of the Diuine word but after satisfaction receiued in this particular they submit easily to the belief of other Catholick verities and neuer Scruple in the least at the Mystery of the Eucharist as à Doctrin Contrary to sense and reason And they proceed most rationally for in real truth there are incomparably Most Concern's the Incornation greater difficulties in this one Mystery of the Incarnation to say nothing of the Trinity might weak reason decide the case than in the other What That God who is essentially immutable becomes man by à vnion betwixt the Diuine word and humane nature which vnion toucheth so intrinsecally on that Diuine Person that we must truly say This word is now intrinsecally affected otherwise then he was before and to conceiue all this done without à real change may the Common notion of mutation stand Mutari est rem aliter se habere is à difficulty so great say good Diuins that it hath rack't many à strong wit and yet can scarse be well solued Vtramque enim Substantiam in vnam conuenisse personam c. They are words of S. Leo Sermo 9. de Natiu Dmi nisi fides credat sermo non explicat That is the Mystery is very abstruse I verily belieue Mr Stilling Metaphysick will not reach
Holy Prophet after à large declaration of the Peoples the prophet Daniels prediction iniquities and à iust affliction laid on them for their Sins an Angel told him that Christ should come and be slain and v. 26. that those were not to be his People who would deny him verse 27. He fortold the ceasing of their sacrifice and v. 24. denotes 4. things Forgiuenesse of sins infusion of Iustice fulfilling of Prophesies and the annointing of the Holy of Holies All which particulars litterally and most exactly agree to our Sauiour and to him only Thus the Prophet Daniel But that which I would haue euery one to ponder is the prediction of Christ our Lord Matth. 21. in the parable of the vineyeard where speaking to the chief Priests and Pharisies he clearly prophesied of their ruin and reiection before it happened A certain housholder saith the The parable of the vineyard Gospel planted à vineyard c. and let it out to husbandmen when the time of fruits drew nigh he sent his seruants to receiue the fruits Those husbandmen seased vpon the Seruants Beat one killed an other and stoned à third Here our Sauiour clearly alludes to the slain and stoned Prophets Again this Housholder sent forth other seruants more then the former who were treated in like manner Lastly he sent his own Son to them saying they will reuerence my Son but saith the Text They apprehended him also cast him out of the vineyard and killed him and thus the Iewes abused and massacred Christ our Lord. Next our Sauiour proposeth this question to the elders amongst them When therfore the Lord of the Vineyard shall come what will he do to these husbandmen They answer Malos malè perdet He will bring these naughty men to naught and let his vineyard out to other husbandmen that shall render him fruit in due season Now followes the very life and soul of the The force of that parable whole parable Iesus said to them haue you not read in Scripture the stone which the builders reiected the same is made into the head of the corner This is done by our Lord and it is merueilous in our eyes Ideo dico vobis Therfore I say to you The Kingdom of God shall be taken away from you and shall be giuen to à nation yeilding the fruits therof c. The Chief Priests and Pharisies saith the Gospel knew he meant them The kingdome therfore wherof our B Lord spake and fortold should be giuen to an other appear's manifestly Gods own glorious work laid open to our eyes and senses in the Christian Catholick Church 6. Hence Tertullian lib. aduersus Iudaeos C. 8. drawes an Tertullians Discourse other forcible argument against the Synogogue from the large extent of Christs glorious Kingdom now established Obserue well It was prophesied saith this learned Doctor Daniel 7. that Christ should reign euery where not like à Salomon in the Confines of Iudaea nor like à Nabuchodonosor from India to Aethiopa nor like an Alexander of macedonia who was neuer Master of so ample à Dominion as Christ Iesus possesseth No. Christi regnum they are his words vbique porrigitur vbique creditur vbique regnat vbique adoratur The Kingdom of Christ is extended euery where is belieued euery where reigns euery where and is adored in all places And thus the Roman Catholick Religion though neuer so strongly oppressed is euery where whilst Mahometisme and Heresy are restraind to such and such Dominions If Therefore the Iewes own à Messias Christ our Lord who hath founded such à kingdom is the only true Messias I proue it Were he not but that an other is yet to be expected God could not haue permitted those manifest Miracles signes and wonders wrought by him to haue introduced an errour in place of the ancient true Religion which the Iewes professed Iudaism therfore would haue stood still vnshaken in its ancient vigour had not Christ Iesus powerful works brought it to an vtter ruin But these and it s Christs own Argument Iohn 15. If I had not done works amongst them c. far suspassed in worth Maiesty and greatnes No prophet so potent in miracles as Christ all the wonders of Moses and the Prophets For none of them euer raised themselues from death to life again None of them reuiued one like Lazarus 4. daies buried None had the sea and Elements at command like Christ None shewed such wonders at their death as our dying Lord did None fed so many thousands in the desert with fiue loaues and two fishes None cured any with the hemm of their garments None wrought such strange Conversions as Christ c. I pafs ouer other signal wonders related in the Gospel as the Prophets miracles are recounted in the old testament and briefly Argue Where greater signes and miracles which cannot but proceed from God euidence Religion there is true Religion But most vndeniably Christ shewed greater signes and miracles at the founding of his Kindom then either Moses or the Prophets manifested therfore he taught true Religion and by virtue of those wonders reuersed Iudaism and made it improbable I say greater and mark wel my Reason Had not Christs illustrious works most eminently surpassed those of Moses and the Prophets but been as it were equal with them Christ's glorious Kingdom could neuer haue come to so mighty à growth to so vast an extent as now it is The reason of our sauiours Large extended Kingdom it could not haue wrought such strange conuersions as we see it done the whole world ouer why A lesser or equal Euidence for Truth can no more obscure or lessen an other greater or equal Euidence then one candle darken on other as we see the light of the sun doth Therfore that euidence which made the Synogogue credible to the Iewes was to be taken away with a far greater light of manifest signes and wonders shewed to Christians For If we suppose the Euidence equal in both cases seing no Religion is manifestly true of it self without antecedent motiues we might all yet as securely profess Iudaism as Christianity and Therfore our Blessed Lord spake à most profound Point of Doctrin when he said Had he not wrought greater wonders amongst them then euer any did they would haue been excusable and without sin which Doctrin implies this great verity that true Religion where euer it is pleads most powerfully for it self yea dead's and vanquishes errour by à most clear Euidence of glorious works and Miracles And mark well this Discourse it is destructiue of all Heresy as shall be proued here after 7. Who euer desires more of this subiect may vouchsafe to read that excellent Epistle of Rabbi Samuel Marrochianus then à Conuerted Christian to Rabbi Isaac an Israelite You haue it Tomo 2. Biblioth Patrum Collain print saeculo 11. pag. 421. He writ the Epistle after the yeare 1000. 6. Centuries since or there about and it contains 27.
be indisputably euident That the vote or voice of à whole moral body I mean of à Vniuersal Church far and neer extended A further proof of our Assertion carries with it greater Moral certainty For all this while we touch not vpon Infallibility than à small and slender Part can haue were such à part found so inuincibly ignorant as to contradict the whole All I would say is No more can à few particular members Though Angels for knowledge contest with the contrary iudgement of our ample Church Than three votes in Parlament with the Contrary iudgement of à whole Kingdom No more can the Authority of particular men equalize much less surmount in weight and worth the Sentiment of à whole Moral body than à hand For example surpass in bigness the whole man As the one exceed's in quantity and Extension so the other doth in weight and Intenfion 7. Hence you see first How poorly Sectaries play at small Game when hauing no ancient Church of their own to recurr to They are fain to run for refuge to à Few Fathers professed members of our Church And here like people picking Salads gather vp some small fragments which now they clip now mangle now peruert now Gloss now dress after their new fashion And at last serue all The new mode of Sectaries arguing fairly vp in the larger Margents of their little English Books With these they flourish and vapour as if forsooth à small parcel were able to contrast with the far greater Moral body or à few stolen gleaning were all true they say sufficient to Vnuote what euer this Oracle of Truth hath defined contrary Leaue of I besecch you Gentlemen this Trifling giue vs weight for weight measure for measure Please to plead by sound Principles or you lose the cause Doge not with vs we deal nobly with you 8. Wee giue you plain and express Scripture The Church is à Pillar and ground of Truth She is founded vpon à Rock c. And you Scriptureless men return vs your fancied Glosses We quote innumerable Fathers most significant for our Catholick Positions And you fob vs off with obscurities with Criticisms and such simple stuff We appeal to Tradition you haue none We And this mainly import's show you à Church à Visible and à most glorious Church which time out of mind Belieued as we belieue And would gladly know where your Orthodox Church was The Sectaries Pleading impertinent which four Centuries since approued or published your Nouelties And you like men losing your way go wandring about till at last you fall vpon Theoderet's Dialogues And with one single Passage ill espied and worse applyed hope to vndoe the whole Catholick cause It is not one nor ten Theoderets though they speak far more clearly than is done That can preiudice our Doctrin whilst you haue neither Church nor Councils for yours These Principles we demand of you but you haue them not Therefore you are cast into an impossibility of writing Controuersies hereafter For the few Shreds of Fathers vnluckily cut out by you are too slight to obscure the greater Lights of our Christianity of our Church of our Councils of our Tradition and innumerable Fathers Belieue it had the Fathers you Quote so much Strength as you imagin others would haue read them before your eyes were open better Iudgements would haue weighed what force they had before your Luthers and Caluins were in Being But That wiser world now gone to Eternity waued such Cauils And knew well That what à Titius or à Ca●us saies may be right And may be wrong But what the Church of Christ Defines and teaches cannot but be sound and Orthodox if God speak's Truth Here is the Principle whereon Christians securely relied in past Ages before our later Sectaries troubled the world 9. You see 2. in what à pitifull case Sectaries are when no more is alleged against our Catholick Doctrin And rest assured They haue no more but à few scattered Authorities now taken Doubtful Authorities of no weight at all from one now from another ancient Father Therefore I discourse thus The Authority is either expresly plain against vs which I neuer yet saw in any Doctrinal Contest between the Catholick and Protestant or Contrariwise doubtful and ambiguous If doubtful it decides nothing nor can the Protestant though He Vow 's it Clear make it soe whilst the learned Catholick auouches the Contrary Hitherto both of them stand vpon Opinions and end nothing Neither can the one or other yet absolutly Say by virtue of such à Passage only Your Doctrin is False And mine is True For à Principle rationally apprehended dubious determin's none to an absolute true iudgement one way or other Let vs therefore suppose contrary to Truth That the Sectary produceth à Father indubitably clear against Catholick Doctrin Thanks be to God These great lights of the Church are not so scarce with vs But that we are able to confront that one Authority with the plain Testimonies of other Fathers far more numerous And thus much I here engage to do may it please Sectaries to come to à iust Tryal and fully examin with me this one point of Transubstantiation now hinted at And if after the Contest we do not only match our Aduersary but quite outvie him with many more Testimonies fully as clear and clearer We may then rationally ask what 's one clear Authority worth I say yet more Though we falsly suppose these particular contrary Authorities to lie euen or equal on both Sides I mean as pregnant for the Sectary as for the Catholick yet I neither lose my cause nor he gain 's his Because neither of vs can absolutly say vpon what if authorities were equal on both sides Moral certainty which Doctrin is à Christian Truth And which not For in this conflict of Authorities Supposed equal both iudgements are left in suspence The one saith I quote clear Authorities for my Tenet The other answers Hee doth so too And Therefore hitherto stand so equally poised That neither may cry Victory Neither can yet pretend to so much Moral certainty as excludes All reasonable doubting because both Parties must doubt whilst the Authorities of the one abate the force of the other What then followes from the Fathers Testimonies were they thus equally diuided That is if as many clearly stood for the Negatiue of no Transubstantiation And iust as many clearly for the Contrary Positiue I Answer This followes That we and Sectaries must of necessity will we know Truth either appeal to à third certain concluding Principle or stand doubtfully opining as is often done in what followes vpon arguing out of doubtful Principles schools without à final Decision For to Belieue any thing certainly as Catholicks belieue if that Principle be excluded or to know any thing yet morally certain as Sectaries pretend to know is vtterly impossible Because à Principle purely probable is euidently too weak either to Support
all This as S Austin anciently obserued vpon à like occasion is the greatest Wonder of all That he conuerted innumerable Heathens to our Christian Faith without Miracles CHAP. VIII Miracles euident in the Roman Catholick Church No less induce All now to belieue Her Doctrin Than Apostolical Miracles Anciently Perswaded to belieue that Primitiue Doctrin The Denial of Miracles Impossibili●at's The Conuersion of Iewes and Infidels 1. I I say first Clear and Vnquestionable Miracles of the like Quality with those which Christ and his Apostles wrought haue been euer since most gloriously manifest in the Roman Catholick Church And in no other Society of Christians I hope none for Proof of my Assertion can expect that I write Volumes or bring to light again in this short Treatise so much as the hundred Part of those prodigious wonders which are vpon Record in the liues of Saints in the death of Martyrs and Ecclesiastical History Baronius large Tomes giue you innumerable in euery Century And Bellar Lib 4. de not is Eccle C. 14. Hint's at à few from the first Age to the 15. I must waue this longer work and briefly Argue thus 2. Christ Spake Truth in the Text now cited Iohn 14. 12. Prophesying of future glorious Miracles to be wrought by those vvho belieued Indubitable Miracles euince Christs Prophesy fulfilled in him But the indubitable Miracles wrought in the Roman Catholick Church only through euery age proue that Prophesy exactly fulfilled or effectually Euidence the Verity of it Therefore none can doubt of Miracles done in the Roman Catholick Church if Christs Prediction be true and this Proposition be also proued viz. That This Church only hath effectually manifested the truth of that Prophesy or shewn such Wonders as haue proportion with Christs own glorious works and the Apostles 3. Now to clear the Truth Here is my Principle When I read à Prophesy in Scripture I submit to it by Faith but when I See it actually Accomplished or made manifest by real visible Effects And both Sense and vndoubted History discouer so much euidently Reason grounded on Sense and History Can not but prudently assent to the Verity What I would say is clear in all the Ancient Prophesies of Christ and his Church Take this one instance The Prophets Daniel chiefly and Esay Foretold of the large Extent of Christs glorious Kingdom here on earth of The Principle whereon our Asser●ion is grounded whole Nations flocking to his Church of Her teaching those Truths which were belieued from the Beginning But when all saw with their eyes innumerable Heathens gained to our Christian Faith and heard of other Conuersions conueyed to them vpon certain Relation for few or none of vs saw the latter Conuersions wrought in China Iapan and the like remote places when I say Authority neuer Questioned giues vs certainty hereof Then all bless God And conclude That what the Prophets fortold of great Conuersions hath been visibly fulfilled And that Christs Church is dayly more and more enlarged Answerable to those Predictions 4. Hence I discourse further and Assert that the glorious Miracles which stand vpon indubitable Record and haue been done in the Roman Church only most notoriously Euidence without Dispute the actual Accomplisment of our Sauiours own words The works which I do he shall do also and greater than these shall he do If you Ask how I proue the Assertion I appeal to Sense and certain History Sense first saw these Miracles done and certain History which Supplies the want of Sense conueyes them to vs though innumerable are liuing at this Hour who haue been eye Witnesses of Miracles Now here we might enter vpon à long work and Recount what the Fathers and Historians both ancient and latter haue of this Subiect Read if you please these few 5. Irenaeus Bishop and Martyr who liued about the year 180. lib 2. Cap. 57. And saies The number of these Diuine works which God hath manifested in his Church the whole Fathers produced witnesses of Miracles world ouer are numberles A little before He mentions these particulars Some cast out Diuels other Prophesy others lay their hands on the sick and cure them yea and raise vp the dead who lined with vs for many years Tertullian of the second Age Lib. ad Scapul And Euseb lib. 5. giue you à large Catologue of most glorious Miracles The like doth S. Bafil Lib. de Spir S. Speaking of that worthy Bishop of Neocaesarea S. Gregory deseruedly called Tha●maturgus for the wonders he wrought S. Athanasius and S. Hierom relate the Miracles of S. Hilarion S. Martin And the same 's Hierome Lib. aduersus Vigelantium c. 4. Saith that the Signes and wonders manifested in the Temples of Martyrs proue mightily beneficial both to Belieuers and the Incredulous Responde they S. Hieromes words are his words Quomodo in Vilissimo pulucre c. Answer Vigilantius how it is that we see such Signes and virtue present in à little vnualuable dust and dead mens ashes S. Ambrose an Eye-witness of Miracles wrought by the Reliques of S. Geruasius and S. Ambrose an lye witness Protafius Ep●st 85. for proof of them Appeal's to sense and the Iudgement of others You haue known saith He Nay you haue seen many dispossesed of Diuels many when they touched the garments of Saints free'd from their Infirmities c. S. Austin Lib. 22. de Ciuit C. 8. 9. Is large in relating the Miracles wrought by the glorious S. Austins Euidence Martyr S. Stephen And Lib. Contra. Epist. Fundam C. 4 5. Saith That the true Church of Christ is proued and demonstrated by Miracles Our Venerable Bede à great Scholler à worthy vertuous man And highly esteemed the whole Christian world ouer certainly deserues credit when Lib. 4. Histor He recount's the Miracles of the glorious S. Cuthbert Bishop of Lindesfern and of others within our England Are any such seen now à dayes wrought by Protestant Bishops No God knowes Their new Faith is à great stranger to all old Miracles 6. Fall if you please lower and read S. Bernard in the life of S. Malachy à worthy Bishop of Ireland what wonders haue we there The ancient Miracles of the Church Saith S. Bernard were apparently manifest in S. Malachy He had the gift of Prophesy S. Bernard in the Life of S. Malachy Cured the Sick changed the minds of men to the better and raised vp the dead Now if you will hear of S. Bernards own Miracles Read Godfridus who liued with him Lib. 4. C. 4. and wrote His life you haue innumerable T' is hard saith Bellarmin to Recount all And as numberles are the known Miracles of those two admirable Saints Blessed S. Dominick and the Seraphical S. Francis Founders of two most glorious Religious Orders S. Francis To omit his other certain wonders was Himself à Miracle of Austerity and Pennance The like was S. Dominick who as we read in his life raised three dead men
no For this we believe by Faith And know not Scientifically Yet they plainly Mark out the great Oracle whereby God speaks to the world And therefore wonder not that Sectaries striue so earnestly to Obscure the euidence Their design is to take from vs the clearest Principle which must end Controversies Why Sectaries endoauour to obs 〈…〉 ●he Churches Lustre For cast onc● off à Church manifested by Antiquity Miracles Conuersions c. Nothing remains to regulate Faith but the dark and yet vnsensed Letter of Scripture which is most grosly abused by the one or other dissenting Party who force vpon it quite contrary Senses And by what means can any one come to the knowledge of Him or these that abuse it if Church Authority be excluded or decide not in this most weighty matter VVe need not saith Mr Thorndicke in his Book of Forbearance P. 2. The Heresies of the Primitiue times to tell vs what Irreligious pretenses may be set forth in Scripture Phrase Our own Fanatiks would furnish sport enough with the Fool●ri●s they pretend as from Gods Spirit because they can d●liuer their Nonsense in the Phrase of Scripture Again This two edged sword of holy Scripture may proue an edged tool to cut their s●ins with who take vpon them and haue not skill to handle it Much better were it say I were the Abuse or ill handling of the Book only found among à few Fanaticks But the euil is spread further you Gentlemen are all alike whether Fanaticks or Protestants that handle gloss and interpret Scripture by Priuate reason conttary to the Iudgement of an uniuersal euidenced Church 13. A third Truth The Church thus manifested by Her Marks which are Obiects of Sense and induce reason to iudge that She only is Gods Oracle Catholicks neuer call into doubt Her Essential owned Doctrin nor seek for further Euidence thereof because there is none in this present State But humbly submit to all she Teaches This Euidence then once attained which ariseth from the Churches Marks And hath drawn Millions to belie●e her Doctrin We next turn to our Bible and learn there that the Language of these Motiues for etiam fact● What these Motiues Speak loquitur Deus saith S. Austin aboue God speaks by his works and the Language of his own written word is one and the same That is what these Inducements point at God expresly deliuers in holy Scripture Obserue an exact parallel 14. The Antiquity of our Church and here is one sensible Mark we plead by giues Assurance that the first Founder was our Lord Iesus Christ No Sectary call's this truth into Question and the Gospel confirms it Luc. 24. 48. Beginning from Hierusalem c. Her Constant Perseuerance visible in all Ages God reueals in Scripture proues Her indeficiency And this is manifest in Scripture A Citty placed on à Mountain Hell gates shall not preuail against Her Om 〈…〉 m etiam infidelium oculis exhibetur saith S. Austin Lib. Con. Crescon C. 63. The Church is so well seen by all that the very Pagans cannot contradict Her She showes you à continued Succession of her Popes Bishops and Pastors from the beginning and Scripture also Ephes 4. 11. And he gaue some Apostles c. long since foretold it She giues in à clear Euidence of Her Miracles through euery age Our Blessed Sauiour prophesied it should be so Iohn 14. 12. Maiora horum facient They shall work greater wonders None can deny most Miraculous Conuersions of Kingdomes and Nations to Her Faith and the Prophesies of Christ's Church fulfilled Prophets euery where Proclaim the truth Many Nations shall flock to Her Zachar. 2. 11. She Shewes how Her Doctrin was propagated through the whole world And therefore is called the Visible Catholick or Vniuersal Church Scripture also Confirm's it Do●ete omnes gentes Teach all Nations Dominabitur à mari vsque ad mare She shall raign from sea to sea Finally to say much in few words which might be further amplifyed Is it true which the Church demonstrates that Hereticks as Arians Nestorians Pelagians Eutichyans Lutherans and Caluinists once Professed Catholicks shamefully abandoned Her Vnion and for that Cause iustly deserued the reproachful name of Hereticks and Separatists Scripture Foretell's vs of the Breach and Apostacy Iohn 1. 2. 19. Ex nobis prodierunt They left vs went out from vs. for had they been of vs they would haue remained And thus both Church and Heresy are visibly pointed at by clear Marks and Gods written word also Videndum it is the Expression of Optat. Mileuit Lib. 1. à little after the middle Quis in radice ●um toto orbe ●a●serit quis foras exierit We are to see who They were that continued in the root with the whole world and who parted from it We are to see who erected another Chair distinct from that which was before Call these and boldly Hereticks straglers from the Church and the Verities of Christs Gospel And here by the way we vrge our Nouellists to point at à visible Sectaries Vrged to Answer Orthodox Society which the Supposed erring Church of Rome abandoned as clearly as we lay forth to them the time the place the circumstances not only of their own impious Reuolt But of all other more ancient Hereticks from this Catholick Society Could the Sectary do thus much Hee might speak more confidently 15. To end the matter now in hand You see by what is said already If Christs words haue weight Math. 18. 16. In ore duorum vel trium Stet omne verbum That Truth stand's firm vpon the Testimony of two or three vnexceptionable Witnessess Wee here introduce two Testimonies in behalf of our Church which none can except against Gods own voice speaking to reason by Miracles and the Motiues now mentioned is the One And his own sacred reuealed word which most significantly teaches what these Motiues speak is the Other Hence I say Sectaries cannot dispute against this Church without proofs drawn from Motiues as strong and Scriptures as clear as are now alleged in our behalf We press them again and again to giue in their Euidence and seriously demand whether Protestancy was confessedly founded by Christ Or but once owned Orthodox by any sound Christians Sectaries Grauelled at Euery Question As all acknowledge the foundation of the Roman Catholick and the Orthodoxism of it to haue been established by Christ our Lord. We further enquire after à visible Succession of their Pastors after their visible Miracles their visible Conuersions made in foregoing Ages Nothing is answered nothing is or can be pleaded nothing in à word is returned probable Therefore Protestancy is an vneuidenced Religion no Motiues countenance the Nouelty no Scripture speaks for it and Consequently cannot but be in the highest degree improbable 16. A fourth Truth A Church which weares as it were Gods own Liuery and beares the Signatures of Divine Authority in Her Miracles Prodigious Conuersions
Church of Christ and consequently both the Romanists and English wanting fundamentals are People essentially Churchless Now vpon the Supposition of lesser corruptions only not fundamental you haue à dreadful Inference against Protestants And as true as dreadful Viz. That their first Separation from the Roman Catholick Church was damnably Sinful though She were here falsly supposed to haue erred in smaller matters This I A third Inference Say followes not only because the Ancient Fathers expresly teach No Reformation can be of such Importance as to counteruaile the danger of Diuisions And that all things should be rather tolerated than to consent to Schism in the Church But vpon this other account also that the Reuolt of Protestants from our Ancient Church hath laid such à visible disgrace vpon à noble Kingdom That none but the powerful hand of God with the wisdom of our Gracious Souereign and the States concurrence Touching vpon the doleful Diuisions in England can take it of The Nation we see with our eyes is strangely diuided hideously discomposed Religion is of the hinges and men generally are so transported into Extrauagancies that none can say what the Religion is which England Professes at this day There are so many Sects so many Diuisions so many Tub-Preachers so many woemen-Gospellers so many Quakers so many Fanaticks so many Leuiathan-Monsters that you may read and see without turning to the Bible à Babylonian Confusion amongst them Would Popery Sr. think ye you are as I vnderstand moderate and learned had that continued laid England vnder such à publick Disgrace as this Rabble of men and Fanaticks haue done Let the world iudge 19. Now if you Ask from whence came this fearful Disorder which to my sorrow makes our Country ridiculous to forrain Nations I answer The first Rent the first Rupture the first Schism of Protestants from the Catholick Church occasioned all Here is the Source and Sole Origen of these vnfortunate The Origen of all these lamentable Diuisions Reuolutions Wherefore this Argument proposed by à Fanatick against Protestants is vnanswerably conuincing Ad hominem I say ad hominem not that I approue Fanaticism As ye Protestants without recourse to any other iudge but your Selues vpon your own Authority quitted the Roman Catholick Church and thought your Fact reasonable So we Fanaticks without recourse to any but our own tender Consciences knowing you began à Reformation not yet compleat leaue Protestancy And hold our fact as reasonable as yours And thus others by your first Example The Fanaticks Argument against Protestants may reform Religion to the worlds end Yet all of vs may these men Say make but one true Church For if Mr. Thorndicke Page 9. Answer 's pertinently to that demand Where his Church was before Luther There it was saith he where it is The same Church reformed which was depraued afore If this Answer I say be good Pray you why should Fanaticks Nay why ought the Arians and worst of Heretickes be excluded from being of one and the same Catholick Church For the Church seems to Sectaries an ample field and embraceth all called Christians though differently reformed The only difficulty then is to find out him or se Those who among so many dissenting Reformers the whole world ouer haue happily made the best choise in All seclanes will reform and none can do it mending Religion The Protestant you see reform's the Catholick the Puritan the Protestant and the Quaquer will reform all at once vntil some new Sectary peep out that bring 's in à better Fashion And is it possible shall all these vnreformed People reform one another This difficulty cannot be solued in Protestant principles 20. I say in à word It is impossible to reform any erring Society of Christians but by the Rule Doctrin and Authority of The Church which reform's other erring Socoeties must not need any reformation some one Church which must be owned so pure that She cannot be reformed in what She teaches The reason is clear For à fallible and deformed Church can no more help to reform another like wise fallible or unreformed than the blind lead the blind Hence methinks Mr. Thorndick who hold's Protestancy as fallible and as much out of order as Popery Speak's little to the purpose Page 11. where he saith There is no Power in this Church and Kingdom he mean's England to reform it self in matter of Religion but only by that Form and to that Form which may appear to haue been held by the whole Primitiue Church before the Corruption came in which we pretend to reform I cannot but smile at this word Appear Pray you Sr Say to whom must it Appear What To you or me or to any priuate fallible man You talk as if forsooth the Primitiue Doctrin were so apparently Manifest to People that euery one by opening Books and reading Autiquity may with à wet singer clearly discouer the true and Orthodox Form of Religion Wheras the contrary is euident For haue not we and Protestants to omit others now for à whole Age perused Councils and Fathers and after all do we not see with our eyes that what seem's Orthodox Doctrin to one Party seem's not so to the other It appears manifestly to me that the Primitiue Fathers so openly maintained an vnbloody Sacrifice vpon the Altar that the wit of man cannot without violence wrest them to à contrary sense doth the Truth appear so to Protestants It appeared to S. Cyprian Epist 55. ad Cornel. Dissentions arises after the perusal of the primitiue writings and to me also That Heresy and Schism take their Origen from this That the fraternity of Christians answerably to Gods command Obey not one Priest and one Iudge who is Christs Vice-gerent in the Militant Church on earth Will Sectaries read and vnderstand this as I doe It seemed clear to S. Hierome cited aboue That one out of the Roman Catholick Church wherof Pope Damasus was then Head really belonged not to Christ but to Antichrist and Therefore ought to be esteemed an Alien from the house of God à Person vnclean and prophane Will the Protestant after his reading these words own the Doctrin pure and Orthodox No he dares not 21. What then is the Result though we read these and à hundred other Passages in the ancient Records so Plain for Popery Experience tell 's vs nothing els ensues but an endles contest about their Sense and crossing one an other with contrary glosses This is all that can appear to Mr Thorndick Wherefore Vnless The plainest Authorities Conuince not Sectaries Recourse be had to better Principles then to meer Appearances Disputes may goe on till Dooms day without Satisfaction or fruit to any Be it how you will My hearty wish is that Mr Thorndick who hitherto Stayes in Generallities would please fully to set down that whole Plat-form of Religion which he conceiues exact and suitable to the Primitiue Church Were this
it is manifest and granted by Sectaries that the Roman Catholick Church once was confessedly Orthodox at least for the first three or four Centuries yet A third Question grounded on what Sectaries grant as our Aduerfaries assert failed afterward and brought in strange new Doctrins yea flat Idolatry We vrge the Doctor to satisfy Reason in this one particular viz. Why Protestants deal not as Candidly with vs as we do with them I would say We accuse them for deserting à Church wherein their Progenitors had liued for à thousand years and as à little Method lately published obserues excellently well Speak open and acknowledged Euidence We tell How plainly we deal with them them who began this new Mode of Reformation we exactly Point at the time of its first Rise we Shew how it was Propagated what Abetters it had and omit no Circumstance which may Conduce And how darkly they with vs to à plain discouery of the whole Nouelty Sectaries on the other side accuse the Church of heretical yea of Idolatrous Innouations and yet as the Method notes their charge is so obscure so vtterly vnknown that the very Accusers cannot say who first publish'd them Or where they began from what occasion they had their Origen who patronized them Or who opposed them 14. Please now to mark what my demand is in this place The Doctor and his Partizans suppose these and the like wicked Innouations of an vnbloodly Sacrifice of Adoring the Sacred Host what the Doctor is obliged to to haue been euidently brought into the Church Contrary to the Primitiue Doctrin For that publick act of Adoration came not in by night but was à thing notoriously known notoriously practized Is not therefore the Dr obliged either to tell vs plainly when where and how this visible worship first began That is to proue by Euidence what He supposes euidently innouated we accuse and giue in Euidence Or to giue à reason Why when Catholiks euidently proue the Sectaries reuolt from the Roman Church Protestants cannot vpon the like Euidence Proue that the Roman Church in latter Ages receded from any former Roman Church pure and Orthodox Obserue well the difference We accuse them of an actual Reuolt from our Church whether they had reason for it or no is not here disputed The ground wherevpon our Accusation relies is euident and notoriously known They accuse as boldly as we do But when their Proofs come to the Test all of them dwindle into lame guesses false Suppositions in à word into Sectaries accuse vpon guesses and false Suppositions à meer Nothing as will better appear in the next Chapter 15. Now here is à Point I would haue euery prudent Reader to reflect on for I hold it à manifest Conuiction of our Sectaries open Injustice If whoeuer accuses à whole Kingdome euer known loyal of Treason against the Soueraign Power in it ought A Point worthy Reflection to Produce no less then Euident Proofs in so weighty à Matter Much more ought he or they who impeach à whole ample Church of high Treason plead by Euidence or sit down Silent The The Loyalty of the Church euidenced Loyalty of this Church to the most Supreme Soueragn Christ Iesus is manifest She hath as is noted in the Other Treatise dilated his Empire defeated his Enemies perfidious Heathens gain'd him Friends and innumerable Seruants Her repute was neuer yet stained by any nor Fame blemished but only by Infidels Iewes or known Hereticks Now Start's vp à little late Knot of inconsiderable Sectaries who both Cauil and accuse boldly Of what poor Condition her Accusers are They impeach this Church of high Treason For She hath changed the true Doctrin of Christ and in place of it taught and yet teaches Plain Idolatry She is therefore à Rebel against that King whom She hath serued so long and most faithfully Here is à loud and euident Impeachment an abhominable Treason The impeachment loud and criminal laid to the charge of à Spouse most euidently Loyal But where are the Euident Proofs answerable to this euident Accusation against the already Loyal Euidenced Church There are But Proofs answer not none so much as Probable as shall be euinced in the following Chapter where I positiuely proue that Sectaries most iniuriously Calumniate the Church without Law without Authority or any rational Argument 16. If Doctor Stillingf Shall please to return à plain Answer to How the Doctor may gain applause what is here briefly proposed as also to the rest which followes Concerning ●his very point in the next Chapter he will certainly gain the applause of à singular great Doctor but if he Fob's vs off with his old Raillery of killing Flies of Small Grains Woolsacks and such like stuffe the world will iudge as to my knowledge many do already That He cannot Answer For thus they Discourse and Methinks reasonably Had he not found himselfe more then à little in the briars that is in plain language vnable to Answer such Arguments as are pressed vpon him by thole two Authors he Slights He would most indubitably before this day haue replyed to what is Obiected The Dr bewrayes his weaknes in wauing difficulties which vrge without mispending time in publishing à triuial thread-bare Cauil as is now done Concerning the Idolatry of the Roman Catholick Church which destroyes not only Catholick Religion but Protestancy also as is amply Proued in the 2. Disc C. 4th and In this wauing of difficulties and he is told aboue which they are he bewrayes too much weaknes 17. The fourth Demand is and it will giue the Doctor some trouble Suppose falsly the Roman Catholick Church to what Church Succeded in place of the Roman Supposed I dolatrous haue brought in that abominable Sin of Idolatry many Ages before Luther It is euident that when Luther and Protestants deserted Her She was far if Idolatrous from being the pure Spouse of Christ or any thing like an Orthodox Church in the very Fundamentals of Faith Herevpon à great doubt Occurr's which ought to be cleared It is What other Church neither Idolatrous nor notably erroneous succeded in the Place of this supposed Pestiferous erring Roman Society Such à Church distinct from the Roman free from Idolatry and gross Errour must be Pointed out and plainly named or it followes ineuitably that the world was then without à true Church 18. Perhaps the difficulty may yet be more significantly Proposed Christ's Promises made voyd if then there was no Orthodox Church in Being after this manner When Luther reuolted from the Roman Catholick Church infected as is now imagined with Idolatry and false Doctrin There was then another Church in the world pure and Orthodox Or not If not All our Sauiours Promises of being with the Church to the End of the world He made no Promise of being with an Idolatrous or any notorious erring Church are false Again All that the