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A91279 The signal loyalty and devotion of God's true saints and pious Christians, especially in this our island towards their kings: (as also of some idolatrous pagans) Both before, and under the law and gospel; expressed by their private and publick prayers, supplications, intercessions, thanksgivings, well-wishes for the health, safety, long life, prosperity, temporal, spiritual, eternal felicity of the kings and emperours under whom they lived, whether pagan or Christian, bad or good, heterodox or orthodox, Papists or Protestants, persecutors or protectors of them: and likewise for their royal issue, posterity realms; and by their dutiful conscientious obedience and subjection to them; with the true reasons thereof from scripture and policy. Evidenced by presidents and testimonies in all ages, worthy the knowledg, imitation, and serious consideration of our present degenerated disloyal, antimonarchical generation. In two parts. By William Prynne Esq; late bencher, and reader of Lincolns-In; Signal loyalty and devotion of Gods true saints and pious Christians, towards their kings. Parts 1 and 2. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1680 (1680) Wing P4082A; ESTC R229902 277,267 460

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of Angels King of Kings and Lord of Lords who didst cause thy faithful servant Abraham to triumph over his enemies didst give many victories to Moyses and Joshua the Governors of thy people didst exalt thy lowly servant David unto the height of a Kingdome didst enrich Solomon with the unspeakable gift of Wisdome and Peace Give ear we beseech thee unto our humble Prayers and multiply thy blessing upon this thy Servant whom in lowly devotion we do consecrate our King that he being strengthned with the Faith of Abraham indued with the Mildnesse of Moyses armed with the Fortitude of Joshua exalted with the humility of David beautified with the Wisdome of Solomon he may please thee in all things he may alwaies walk uprightly in the way of Righteousnesse he may nourish and teach defend and instruct thy Church and people and like a mighty King minister unto them the government of thy Vertue against all enemies visible and invisible and by thy help reform their mindes to the concord of true Faith and peace that being underpropped by the due Obedience and honoured by the condign Love of these his people he may by thy mercy royally ascend up to the throne of his forefather and being defended with the Helmet of thy protection covered with thy invincible shield and all clad with heavenly Armour he may gloriously triumph and by his power both terrifie infidels and bring joyfull peace to those that fight for thee through our Lord who by the power of his Crosse hath destroyed Hell and having overthrown the Kingdome of the Devil is with victory ascended into Heaven in whom doth consist all Power Kingdome and Victory who is the glory of the humble the life and salvation of his people who liveth with thee and the holy Ghost Benedic domine c. hunc Regem nostrum Jacobum qui regna moderaris a seculo tali eum benedictione glorifica ut Davidis teneat sublimitas sceptrum glorificatus in ejus te propitio reperiatur merito Da ei tuo inspiramine cum mansuetudine ita regere Populum sicut Salomonem fecisti regnum obtinere pacificum Tibi cum timore semper sit subditus tibique militet cum quiete Sit tuo Clipeo protectus cum Proceribus ubique tua gratia major existat Honorifica eum prae cunctis regibus Gentium Felix populis dominetur feliciter eum Nationes adorent Vivat inter gentium Catervas magnanimus Sit in judiciis aequitatis singularis Locuplet eum tua praedives dextera frugiferam obtineat patriam Et ejus libris tribuis profutura Praesta ei prolixitatem vitae per tempora ut in diebus ejus oriatur justitia A te robustum teneat regiminis solium eum Jocunditate Justitia eterno glorietur in regno Amen O Lord thou that governest all Kingdomes from everlasting blesse we beseech thee this our King that he may rule like David and by thy mercy obtain his reward Grant that by thy inspiration he may govern with the mildenesse of Solomon and enjoy a peaceable Kingdome Grant that he may serve thee with fear and fight for thee with constancy Protect him and his Nobles with thy Shield and alwaies give him victory by thy Grace Honour him before all the Kings of the earth Let him rule over Countryes and let Nations adore him Let him be singular in Judgement and Equity and make him rich with thy rich right hand Give him a fruitful Country and give to his Children all good things Give him a long life in this world and in his dayes let Justice flourish Strengthen thou the throne of his Government and with gladnesse and righteousnesse let him glory in thy eternal Kingdome through Jesus Christ Deus ineffabilis author mundi Conditor generis humani Gubernator imperii Confirmator regni qui utero fidelis amici tui Patriarchae nostrae Abrahae praeelegisti Regem seculis profuturum Tuum presentem Regam hunc cum exercitu suo per intercessionem omnium Sanctorum uberi benedictione locupleta in solium Regni firma stabilitate connecte visita eum sicut Moysem in Rubro Josuam in Praelio Gedeon in agro Samuelem in templo Et illa eum benedictione syderia ac sapientiae tuae rorae perfunde quantum beatus David in Psalterio Salomon filius ejus te remunerante precepit è coelo Sis ei contra acies Inimicorum lorica in adversis galea in prosperis patientia in protectione Clipeus sempeternus presta ut gentes illi teneant fidem Proceres sui habeant pacem diligant Caritatem abstineant se à cupiditate loquantur justitiam custodiant veritatem Et ita populus iste pullulet coalitus benedictione aeternitatis ut semper permaneant tripudiantes in pace victores per Christum Dominum nostrum c. God the unspeakable Author of the World the Creator of Mankinde the Governor of Empires the Establisher of Kingdomes who out of the loynes of thy faithfull friend our Father Abraham didst choose a King that should save all Nations Blesse we beseech thee this our present King and his Army with a rich blessing Establish him in the throne of this Kingdome Visit him as thou didst visit Moses in the Bush Josua in the Battel Gedeon in the Field and Samuel in the Temple besprinkle him with the dew of thy Wisdome and give unto him the blessing of David and Solomon Be thou unto him a coat Armour against his Enemies and an Helmet in adversity Give him patience in Prosperity and protect him alwaies with thy Shield Grant that other Countries may keep Faith unto him and that his Nobles may live in Peace embrace Charity abstain from Covetousnesse speak Justice and maintain Truth and so this people may grow up together with the blessing of Eternity that having overcome they may rejoyce in everlasting peace through Christ our Lord. Deus qui populus tuis virtute consulis amore dominaris da huic famulo tuo Jacebo spiritum sapientiae cum regimine disciplinae ut tibi toto corde devotus in regni regimine maneat semper idoneus tuoque munere ipsius temporibus securitas Ecclesiae dirigatur in tranquillitate devotio Christiana permaneat ut bonis operibus perseverans ad aeternum regnum te duce valeat pervenire per Dominum Jesum Christum c. God which providest for thy people by thy Power and rulest over them in Love grant unto this thy Servant James the spirit of Wisdome and Government that being devoted unto thee with all his heart he may so wisely govern this Kingdome that in his time the Church may be in safety and Christian Devotion may continue in peace that so persevering to the end in good works he may by thy mercy come unto thine everlasting Kingdome through thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ who liveth and reigneth with thee world without end Amen The Letany being ended the Archbishop begineth to
à Patre oleo exultationis unctus est participibus suis ipse per praesentem sacriung uinis infusionem spiritus paracliti super caput tuum infundat benedictionent candemque usque ad interiora cordis tui penetrare faciat quatinus hoc visibili tractabili dono invisibilia percipere temporali regno justis moderaminibus exeeuto aeternaliter cum eo regnare merearis qui solus sine peccato rex regum cuivit gloriatur cum Deo patre spiritu sancto God the Son of God Christ Jesus our Lord which was anoynted by his Father with the oyl of gladnesse above his fellowes he by his holy anoynting pour down upon thy head the blessing of the holy Ghost and make it enter into the inward part of thy heart so that thou maist receive invisible grace and having justly governed thy temporall Kingdome thou maist raign with him eternally who onely being without sin doth live in glory with God and the Father and the holy Ghost Deus qui es justorum gloria misericordia peccatorum qui misisti filium tuum pretioso sanguine sue gennus humanum redimere qui conteris bella propugnatores in te sperantium eujus arbitrio omnium regnorum continetur potestas Te humiliter deprecamur ut praesentem famulum tuum Jacobum in tua misericordia confidentem in praesenti sede regali benedicas eique propitius adesse digneris ut qui tua expetit protectione defendi omnibus sit hostibus fortior Fac eum Domine beatum esse victorem de invictissimis Corona eum coronae justitiae pietatis ut ex toto corde tota mente in te credens tibi deserviat Sanctum tuam Ecclesiam defendat sublimet populumque sibi commissum juste regat nullis insidiantibus malis eum in justitiam convertat Accende domine Cor ejus ad amorem tuae gratiae per hoc unctionis oleum unde unxisti Sacerdotes Reges Prophetas quatinus diligens justitiam per tramitem similiter justitiae populum ducens post peracta à te disposita in regali excellentia annorum curricula pervenire ad aeterna gaudia mereatur Per Christum Jesum c. God which art the glory of the Righteous and the mercy of Sinners who hath sent thy Son to redeem mankinde with his precious blood who bringest Wars to an end and defendest those that trust in thee upon whose good will and pleasure doth depend the strength of all Kingdomes we humbly pray in this Royal seat to blesse this thy servant who putteth his confidence in thy mercy vouchsafe in thy favour to be present with him that he which desireth to be defended by thy protection may be stronger then his Enemies Crown him with the Crown of Justice and Piety that with all his heart and all his minde he may trust in thee serve thee defend and advance thy holy Church and govern the people committed to his charge in justice and equity Kindle O Lord his heart with the love of thy grace by the inward annoynting wherewith thou hast annoynted Priests Kings and Prophets that he loving Justice and leading his people by the wayes of righteousnesse after the glorious course of this life which thou hast appointed he may come to eternall joy through Christ The prayers being ended First a shallow Quoife is put on the Kings head because of the annoynting If his Majesties haire be not smooth after it there is King Edwards Ivory combe for that end Then the Colobium or Dalmatica is put on him After the putting on whereof the Archbishop saith the prayer Deus Rex Regum c. The King putteth on the Linnen gloves part of the Regalia Then he taketh off his Sword wherewith he was girt before He goeth to the Altar and there offereth it The chief Peer then present offereth and redeemeth the Sword Which having done he draweth the Sword out and carryeth it naked before the King from that time all the solemnity The Archbishop taketh the Scepter with the Crosse and delivereth it into the Kings right hand with these words Accipe sceptrum regiae potestatis insigne virgam scilicet regni rectam virgam virtutis qua teipsum benè regas sanctam Ecclesiam populumque videlicet Christianum tibi à Domino commissum regia virtute ab improbis defendas pravos corrigas rectes pascifices ut viam rectam tenere possint tuo juvamine dirigas quatenus de temporali regno ad aeternum regnum pervenias ipso adjuvante cujus regnum permanet in secula seculorum Amen Receive the Scepter the signe of Kingly power the Rod of the Kingdome the Rod of Vertue that thou maist govern thy felf aright and defend the holy Church and Christian people committed by God unto thy charge Punish the wicked and protect the just and lead them in the way of righteousnesse that from this Temporal kingdome thou maist be advanced to an Eternal kingdome by his goodnesse whose kingdome is everlasting After the Archbishop saith this prayer Omnium Domine fons bonorum cunctorumque Deus institutorum perfectuum tribue quaesumus famulo tuo Jacobo adeptam benè regere dignitatem à te sibi praestitum honorem dignare corroborare Honorifica eum praecunctis regibus uberi eum benedictione locupleta in solio regni firma stabilitate consolida visita eum sobole praesta eum prolixitatem vitae In diebus ejus semper oriatur Justitia ut cum Jocunditate latitia eterno glorietur in regno O Lord the Fountain of all good things and the author of all good proceedings grant we beseech thee to this thy servant James that he may order aright the dignity he hath obtained Vouchsafe to confirm the honour which thou hast given him honour him before all Kings and enrich him with a rich benediction establish him in the throne of this Realm visit him with increase of Children let justice spring up in his dayes and with joy of gladnesse let him reign in thine everlasting kingdome Then the Archbishop delivereth the Rod with the Dove into the Kings left hand saying Accipe virgam virtutis atque aequitatis qua intelligas te mulcere pios terrere superbos Errantes viam doce Lapsisque manum porrige disperdasque superbos releves humiles ut aperiat tibi ostium Jesus Christus dominus noster qui de se ipso ait Ego sum ostium per me si quis introierit salvabitur Et ipse qui est clavis David Sceptrum domus Israel qui aperit nemo claudit claudit nemo aperit sit tibi adjutor qui educit vinctum de domo Carceris sedentem in tenebris umbra mortis ut in omnibus sequi merearis eum dequo Propheta David cecinit Sedes tua Deus in seculum seculi virga recta est virga regni tui imitare ipsum qui dicit Diligas justitiam edio habeas iniquitatem
care to remember his Majesty The Regal Crown Scepter and Sword with the Great Seal of the Kingdome and Spurs are to be delivered to such Persons as his Majesty will appoint for carrying the same There is likewise to be provided a Red silken Coat having the Places for the Anointing opened and looped which his Majesty is to weare next to his Shirt The Sacred Oyl is to be provided also and put in some Silver Vessel Cloath of some colour red or blew must be prepared and spread on the Ground from the Palace Hall dore to the Stage in the Church for his Majesty to walk upon all the way which Way must be rayled on every side This must be done in the Morning of the Coronation by some Nobleman that his Majesty will make Almoner for that day And this concerning the Preparation The Morning of the Coronation The Bishops Noblemen and Commissioners of Burroughes to the number of six are at that Morning to come unto the Presence The Constable and Marshal who are to carry their Battones in their hands all that day having brought the King from his Bed chamber to the Presence and after he is placed in his Chaire they all making the Reverence that becomes Some one of the Church or Noblemen speaks to this purpose Sir the Estates of this your native and ancient Kingdom calling to mind the great happiness they enjoyed under the Government of your Majesties Father of blessed memory and acknowledging your Highness to be the rightful Heir of this Crown by a long and lawful descent do beseech your Majesty to receivet hem into your Highness protection to govern them by the Laws of the Kingdome and defend them their Rightes and Liberties by your Royal power Offering their Service in most humble manner to your Majesty with their Vows to bestow Land Life and what else is in their power for the safety of your Majesties sacred Person and maintenance of your Crown which they intreat your Majesty to accept and pray Almighty God that you may happily and for many years enjoy the same The King Answers I do esteem your affections more then the Crowns of many Kingdomes and will by Gods assistance bestow my life for your defence wishing to live no longer then I may see this Kingdom flourish in all happiness Then kissing his Majesties hands they prepare all to go in their ranks as they are appointed towards the Church The Lyon K. of Arms having an open Crown upon his Head carries in his hand the Vessel containing the sacred Oyl Two of his Brethren walk on either of his hands one The Trumpets sound and so they march The Receiving of the King into the Church THe Arch-Bishop and Bishops with the Musitians of the Chappel are to meet the King at the Entry in Procession wise The King is received under a Canopy supported by four Barons Two Bishops walk one on his Majesties one hand and another upon the other The Dean of the Chappel is alwayes by to inform the King of the Rites of the Solemnity as need shall be The King is received with an Anthem into the Church Protector noster c. Behold oh Lord our Protector and look upon the face of thine Anointed because one day in thy Court is better then a thousand c. Quam dilecta c. The King passing up the Church goeth to the Stage and reposeth himself a little The Regal Crown Scepter Sword Great Seal and Spurs are laid down on a Taffel besides the Altar or Table The sacred Oyl is delivered by Lion K. of Armes to the Dean of the Chappel who brings it to the Arch-bishop and he sets the same on the Table Then the King comes down from the Stage and the Sermon begins Which ended the King ascends again to the Stage and ls it s down in the Chair of State Then the Arch-bishop the Marshal of Scotland going before him goeth to all the Quarters of the Stage and speaks to the People in these words Sirs I do present unto you King Charles the rightful and undoubted Inheritor of the Crown and dignity of this Realm This day is by the Peers of the kingdome appointed for his Coronation And are you not willing to have him for your King and become subject unto him and his Commandements The King stands up in this time and as the Arch-bishop goes from one part of the Stage to another turneth himself that he may be seen of the People The People declare their willingness by their Acclamations and Shouts crying God save King Charles or Let the King live Then is sung this Anthem Firmetur manus tua c. Let thine Hands be strengthened and thy right Hand be exalted let Judgement be the preparation of thy Seat mercy and truth go before thy face Hallelujah Psal 89. Misericordias Dei c. Glory be to the Father c. Whilest the Anthem is singing the Arch-bishop goeth down to the Altar or Table and resteth there Then is the King supported by two Bishops brought to the Altar and makes his Oblation After which he kneels at his Fald-stool and the Arch-bishop sayes this Prayer Deus visitator humilium O God who dost visit those that are humble and dost comfort them by thine Holy Spirit send down thy Grace upon this thy Servant King Charles that by him we may feel thy presence amongst us through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen The Prayer ended the King sits down in his Chair and the Archbishop goeth unto him and asketh if he be willing to take the Oath appointed to be given at the Coronation of Kings His Majesty declaring his willingness the Archbishop ministreth the Questions following Archbishop Sir will you promise to serve Almighty God and as every good King in his Kingdom ought to do maintain the Gospel of Iesus Christ in this your Kingdom against all Atheism Profaneness Heresy Schism or Superstition whatsoever Rex I promise faithfully so to do Archbishop Sir will you promise to rule this People subject to you and committed to your Charge according to the Laws Constitutions and Customes of this your Kingdom causing asmuch as in you lyeth Iustice and Equity to be ministred without partiality And to endevour the Peace of the Church of Christ and all Christian People Rex I grant and promise so to do Archbishop Sir will you likewise promise to preserve the Rights and Priviledges of the Crown of Scotland Rex I promise so to do Archbishop Sir We do also beseech you to grant and preserve unto us of the Clergy and to the Churches committed to our Charge all Canonical Priviledges and that you will defend and protect us as every good King ought in his Kingdom to defend his Bishops and the Churches that be under their Government The King answers With a willing heart I grant the same and promise to maintain you and every one of you with all the Churches committed to your charge in your whole
THE Signal Loyalty and Devotion OF GOD's True Saints and Pious Christians Especially in this our Island towards their KINGS As also of some Idolatrous Pagans Both before and under the Law and Gospel expressed by their private and publick Prayers Supplications Intercessions Thanksgivings well-wishes for the Health Safety Long Life Prosperity Temporal Spiritual Eternal Felicity of the Kings and Emperours under whom they lived whether Pagan or Christian Bad or Good Heterodox or Orthodox Papists or Protestants Persecutors or Protectors of them and likewise for their Royal Issue Posterity Realms and by their dutiful conscientious Obedience and Subjection to them with the true Reasons thereof from Scripture and Policy Evidenced by Presidents and Testimonies in all Ages worthy the Knowledg Imitation and serious Consideration of our present Degenerated Disloyal Antimonarchical Generation In TWO PARTS By William Prynne Esq late Bencher and Reader of Lincolns-Inne Psal 72. 1 2. Give the King thy Judgments O Lord and thy Righteousness unto the King's Son Then shall he judge thy people with Righteousness and thy poor with Judgment Tertulliani Apollogia adversus Gentes c. 32. Hoc agite boni Praesides extorquete animam Deo supplicantem pro Imperatore Hoc erit crimen ubi veritas Dei devotio est LONDON Printed for Edward Thomas at the Adam and Eve in Little-Britain 1680. Where you may be furnished with most of this Learned Authors Works and a Printed Catalogue To his most Illustrious over-long Exterminated but now happily Restored Soveraign CHARLS the SECOND By the Miraculous Grace of God and indubitable Hereditary Birthright and Succession of ENGLAND SCOTLAND FRANCE and IRELAND KING the invincible constant Professor and DEFENDOR of the truly Antient Catholick and Apostolick FAITH in the midst of manifold Persecutions Provocations Solicitations Temptations and Fiery Tryals the Magazin of all Christian and Royal Virtues and Miracle of Gods preserving and restoring Mercies Most gracious Soveraign THe only potentate and KING OF KINGS who removeth Kings and SETTETH UP KINGS and ruleth in the KINGDOM OF MEN TO GIVE IT TO WHOMSOEVER HE PLEASETH having by his own Omnipotent out-stretched arm and successive Miraculous Providences unexpectedly cut off cast down subverted dissipated without hands or bloodshed the most Execrable Persidious Trayterous Murderers of your Royal Father KING CHARLS the first of Glorious Memory and Unjust disinheriters and proscribers of your Sacred Majestie out of all your own Hereditary Kingdoms and some forein States by Violence War and inhumane Tyranny enforcing your Majesty oft to cry out with the Exiled Kingly Prophet Wo is me that I am constrained to dwell in Mesech and to have my habitation among the tents of Kedar c. who by rigorous Edicts debarred your Majestie not only of the Charitable Relief of your own Protestant Subjects but likewise of the Christian Aid and Evangelical Tribute due to all Pagan as well as Christian KINGS by divine and common natural Right of their daily Supplications Prayers and Intercessions to God for your Personal Preservation and Restitution under severest Penalties imposed many insupportable new Yoaks of Bondage on all your Subjects necks and worse than Aegyptian Burdens upon their galled backs for sundry yeares almost to their Irrecoverable ruine it pleased this Soveraign King over all the earth and God of the Spirits of all flesh by strange Miracles of mercy through the preparatory loyal Endeavours of some of your Majesties most inconsiderable faithfull Subjects upon the very first Reception and reading of your Majesties most gracious Letters and Declarations to the Lords Commons City of London Army and Navy immediately to bow the hearts and spirits of both your Houses of Parliament and all your Subjects yea of the very Military Officers Forces by Land and Sea formerly raised engaged against your Majesties Cause and Kingship as the heart of one man as he bowed the hearts of the men of Judah after rebellious usurping Absoloms death in the case of exterminated King David so that they immediately and unanimously voted your Majesties speedy return dispatched their several Letters Votes Messengers Fleet and Monies to your Majesty without one dissenting voice to hasten your Majesties return and transport you with honour and safety to enjoy your KINGLY AUTHORITY and PATRIMONY contending with a most cordial aemulation who should be first and forwardest to bring back and conduct your Majesty together with your Princely Brothers and Followers from your long most deplorable exile to your Royal City and Palace with all possible demonstrations of their publike joy and dutifull Allegeance to your Majesty and farr greater Magnificence Solemnity Triumph and multitudes of Conductors than any of your most Victorious Royal Progenitors enjoyed when they returned into England from their greatest Forein Conquests And that which crowned this Miracle of Mercies was its celerity and season it having both its inception and perfection within the limits of one Month and its completion on Your Majesties Birth-day May 29. whereon as You were first born a Prince You were now re●born A MOST GLORIOUS KING and most magnificently invested in the possession of Your Royal Throne at Whitehall in the presence of all your Majesties Lords Commons and thousands of your People there assembled who with their united Shouts Prayers Praises Acclamations Benedictions and Panegyricks congratulated your Maties Natural and Political Nativity thereon both as a Man and Monarch together with the new Birth and Resurrection of Your three United Kingdoms and Churches of ENGLAND SCOTLAND and IRELAND and their respective Dominions being all raised from their Graves of Death and Misery wherein they had for some years space before been interred and were new born AS KINGDOMS and Churches too on that joyful day worthy to be celebrated by them in all succeeding Generations and to have this Divine motto engraven thereon The stone which the builders refused is this day become the Head of the corner This is the Lords doing and it is marvellous in our eyes THIS IS THE DAY WHICH THE LORD HATH MADE WEE WILL REJOYCE AND BE GLAD THEREIN What the elegant Prophet Isaiah records of Gods miraculous Mercies towards his Church and people Before she travelled she brought forth before her pain came she was delivered of a man-child Who hath heard such a thing WHO HATH SEEN SUCH THINGS Shall the Earth be made to bring forth in ONE DAY OR SHALL A NATION BE BORN AT ONCE For as soon as ZION travelled she brought forth her children Was now verified both of your Majesty and your three whole Kingdoms Churches all brought forth and born together in this one DAY Wherefore Rejoyce ye with Jerusalem with England and be glad with her all ye that love her rejoyce for joy with her all ye that mourned for her It hath been the antient cavill of our Romish Adversaries against our Reformed Protestant Churches Religion that they are false and spurious because they have no
abjure extirpate their posterities and deprive them of their hereditary Crowns which some now deem their Saintship piety honour felicity to accomplish The 3d. are the several prayers and supplications that Moses made for King Pharaoh the grand oppressor enthraller afflicter of the Israelites when God sent him to rescue them from their intollerable bondage under him and his Officers to remove those very plagues which God himself inflicted on Pharaoh and his Aegyptians thereby to deliver them from their vassallage and bring them out thence to the promised Land thus recorded by Moses himself Exod. 8. 8. to 14. When the frogs came up and covered the land of Aegypt then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and said Intreat the Lord that he may take away the frogs from me and from my people and I will let the people go that they may do sacrifice to the Lord. And Moses said to Pharaoh Glory over me against when shall I intreat for thee and for thy Servants and for thy People to destroy the frogs from thee and thy houses that they may remain in the river only And he said to morrow And Moses said be it according to thy word that thou mayst know that there is none like unto the Lord our God and the frogs shall depart from thee and from thy houses and from thy servants and from thy people they shall remain in the River only And Moses and Aaron went out from Pharaoh And Moses cryed unto the Lord because of the frogs which he had brought against Pharaoh And the Lord did according to the word of Moses and the frogs dyed out of the Houses out of the Villages and out of the Field v. 29 30 31. Moses intreated the Lord that the swarms of frogs he sent might depart from Pharaoh from his Servants and from his Pople And the Lord did according to the word of Moses and he removed the frogs at Pharaohs request there remained not one After this Moses intreated the Lord to remove the mighty Thunder and Hail he had sent spreading abroad his hands unto the Lord in prayer for that end and they ceased Exod. 9. 28 29 33. The like he did at his Intreaty to remove the plague of Locusts Exod. 10 7 18 19. From these Presidents and practice of Moses I shall deduce these genuine seasonable Observations 1. That Moses being born in Egypt and bred up in Pharaohs Court was rather a Native subject to King Pharaoh than a mere Sojourner and Foreiner as Abraham and Jacob were to Abimelech and Pharaoh though he had been absent thence about forty years it thence follows from the premises That Subjects as well as Sojourners are bound by duty and allegeance to pray for their Kings and people 2ly Moses was enforced to fly out of Egypt to save his life because Pharaoh sought to slay him for killing an Egyptian who smote and oppressed an Hebrew one of his Brethren and this Pharaoh to whom God sent him and for whom he thus prayed four times after each other was not only a Pagan-Idolater but in all probability the Kings Son or Grand-son who sought to slay him Aegypt being an hereditary Kingdom as Isay 19. 11. and all Historians record Yea both these Pharaohs with two or more of their Ancestors and their Officers did extraordinarily oppress the Israelites causing all their Male-children they could meet with to be drowned in the River but such as the Midwives preserved against their commands afflicting them by their Task-masters heavy burdens rigorous service and hard bondage which made their lives bitter and caused them to sigh groan and cry unto the Lord by reason of the bondage who thereupon heard their cry and saw their oppression and remembred his Covenant made with Abraham Isaac and Jacob to rescue them from their Thraldom yet notwithstanding Moses prayed four times to remove the Plagues God had inflicted on Pharaoh his Servants and people and no waies endeavoured to deprive or disinherit them either of their Lives Crowns or Succession though a chosen Servant Man and Saint of God commissioned and sent by God himself to deliver the Israelites from their bondage under Pharaoh and bring them out of Egypt Whence I shall irrefragably infer That the eminentest chosen Saints Men and Servants of God yea all other loyal Subjects ought chearfully to obey and pray for not only their Pagan Idolatrous but persecuting and oppressing Kings and their royal Posterity and though they may use all lawfull means to deliver themselves and fellow-subjects from their unjust tyranny bondage oppressions yet they neither lawfully can nor ought forcibly to dethrone disinherit them or their Posterities of their Crowns nor rebel against or deprive them of their lives by tumultuous Insurrections Assassinations and High Courts of Justice 3ly That Godly persecuted oppressed Subjects may and ought to pray for the removal of those Judgements which God himself inflicts upon their oppressive persecuting Kings their Servants People successively one after another for those persecutions tyrannies oppressions under which they groan and cry of purpose to bring them to repentance and deliver them from their bondage pressures vexations under them as Moses did in this case of Pharaoh his Officers and the Egyptians for the removal of 4 grievous Plagues inflicted upon them one after another by God himself and Moses and Aaron as his Instruments Thus much concerning these most memorable antient Presidents before the Law and Kings of Israel which none have hitherto pressed or insisted on in this kind to my knowledge as I have done CHAP. II. I Shall in the next place proceed to Presidents of Gods Servants and people under the Law from the first erection of the Israelites into a kingdom till our Saviours Nativity intermixed with some examples of this kind in Pagan Idolators within that circle of time The first Prayer and President of this nature recorded in sacred Story by Gods own Spirit is that which was used at the anointing and inauguration of Saul the very first King * elected ordained by God himself over his own people of Israel when Saul being chosen by lot and fetched from among the stuff where he had hid himself 1 Sam. 11. 23 24. The Prophet Samuel said to all the people See yee him whom the Lord hath chosen that there is none like him among all the people And all the people thereupon shouted and said God save the King or Let the King live as the Hebrew Phrase renders it which no doubt they oft times repeated according to the usual practice at all Kings inaugurations and coronations ever since which probably they learned from the custom of other Nations round about them who had Kings and kingly Government before them as the 1 Sam. 8. 5 19 20. Make us a King to judge us like all the Nations Nay but we will have a King over us that we also may be like all the Nations compared with Deut. 17. 19. And
shall say I will set a King over me like as all the Nations that are about me more than intimate Now these words Vivat Rex Let the King live or God save the King are not only a most royal loyal Salutation and Acclamation of all the People as directed to King Sauls person and inauguration but a direct Prayer unto God for his long life happiness and prosperous Reign over them as their King as the words themselves and the use of them in succeeding Ages import compared with Psal 72. 15. Ps 21. 4 5. Ps 34. 12. Ps 61. 6 7. Gen. 17. 18. Not long after when Saul had totally routed Nahash the Ammonite and his great Army and rescued Jabesh Gilead from them which they had encamped against 1 Sam. 11. 11. thereupon after this Salvation which the Lord had wrought by him for Israel v. 14 15. Samuel said to the people Come and let us go up to Gilgal and renew the kingdom there and all the people went to Gilgal and there they made Saul King before the Lord and there they sacrificed Sacrifices of Peace-offerings before the Lord and there Saul and the men of Israel reioyced greatly Which words imply that both Samuel and the people by making Saul King the second time before the Lord and offering Peace-offering and rejoycing greatly before the Lord did make special Prayers and Thanksgivings unto God for his life prosperity and victorious success over his and their Enemies according to the subsequent Gospel-text grounded on this President 1 Tim. 2. 1 2. And Samuels subsequent words to the people at this meeting ch 12. 13 14 23 25. Now therefore behold the King whom ye have chosen and whom ye have desired and behold the Lord hath set a King over you if you will fear the Lord and serve him and obey his Voyce and not rebel against the Commandement of the Lord then shall both ye and also the King that reigneth over you continue following the Lord your God But if ye shall still do wickedly ye shall be destroyed both you and your King Moreover as for me God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you compared with the 1 Sam. 15. 35. where it is recorded that after Gods rejection of Saul and repenting he had made him King for disobeying his command in sparing Agag and the best of the Amalekites spoyles Nevertheless Samuel mourned for Saul and ch 16. v. 1. And the Lord said to Samuel How long wilt thou mourn for Saul seeing I have rejected him from being King over Israel All these do clearly evidence that Samuel the Prophet and no doubt all other his loyal pious Subjects Priests and Levites did constantly make Prayers Supplications and Intercessions to God for Saul and bewail and moan for his Sins even after God had rejected him much more then did they perform this Duty before Gods rejection during all his Reign as well as at his inauguration The next King over Gods people by divine election and designation was David in whose House Seed and Royal Progeny God established the hereditary succession of the Crown and kingdom both by his Promise Covenant and Oath 2 Sam. 7. 10 to the end 1 Chron. 28. 4 to 10. 1 Kings 18. 25 26. 2 Chron. 7. 17 18. c. 23. 3. Ps 89. 3 4 28 29. Ps 132. 11 12 13 14. Jer. 33. 20 21. What particular Prayers and Acclamations were made at his Instalment in the Royal Throne over the Tribes of Israel I find not recorded in Scripture or Josephus only I read in general 2 Sam. 5. 3. All the Tribes of Israel came to David to Hebron and King David made a League with them in Hebron before the Lord and they anointed David King over Israel no doubt with many Prayers to God for his life and prosperous Reign and reiterated shouts Let the King live as at Sauls precedent and Solomons and other kings subsequent inaugurations though omitted for brevity in sacred History During Davids Reign I shall observe several particulars pertinent to my purpose 1. Davids Soul-ravishing Prayer and Thanksgiving made to God himself upon Gods message and promise to him by Nathan the Prophet to set up his Seed after him and to establish his House Kingdom and Throne for ever recorded at large 2 Sam 7. In which Prayer David used these expressions amongst other v. 25. c. And now O Lord God the word that thou hast spoken concerning thy Servant and concerning his House establish it for ever and do as thou hast said And let thy name be magnified for ever saying The Lord of Hosts is the God over Israel and let the House of thy Servant David be established before thee c. And now O Lord God thou art that God and thy words be true and thou hast promised this goodnesse unto thy Servant therefore now let it please thee to bless the House of thy Servant that it may continue for ever before thee for thou O Lord hast spoken it and with thy Blessing let the House of thy Servant be blessed for ever Here we have David the first hereditary king over Gods people upon the first tidings of Gods promise to settle the Inheritance and Succession of the kingdom of Israel in his House and seed for ever making a most zealous fervent pathetical Thanksgiving and Prayer to God for the accomplishment of this promise in establishing and blessing his House for ever Which being afterwards put in writing and particularly recorded in sacred Story no doubt was constantly used both in private and publick by himself and all his loyal devout Subjects whether Priests Levites or people all his Reign and registred as a sacred President for all hereditary pious Kings and Subjects future imitation 2ly Davids publick Prayers Psalms and Thanksgivings to God for himself as King and for his Royal Son and his Posterity that should succeed him in the Throne recorded in sacred writ prescribed to the Church and people of God during his Reign and succeeding Ages and constantly used by them and all Churches of God to this very day at the inauguration of their Kings and upon other royal Solemnities Victories Triumphs and Installments or mariages of their Sons and heirs to the Crown I shall instance only in Psal 18. I will love thee O Lord my strength c. Therefore will I give thanks unto thee O Lord among the heathen and sing praises unto thy name Great deliverance giveth he to his King and sheweth mercy to his anointed to David and to his seed for evermore Psal 21. The King shall joy in thy strength O Lord and in thy Salvation how greatly shall he rejoyce For thou hast given him his hearts desire thou hast not withholden the request of his lips for thou preventest him with the blessings of goodness thou settest a Crown of pure gold on his head He asked life of thee and thou gavest it him even length of dayes for ever and ever
his glory is great in thy salvation glory and majesty hast thou laid upon him for thou hast made him most blessed for ever c. Which Psalm though it be mystically applied to Christ the King of his Church and Saints by many yet doubtless it was literally meant of King David himself who compiled it Psal 45. My heart is indicting a good matter I will speak of the things which I have made touching the King literally intended of Solomon but mystically of Christ his kingdom and Church Psal 61. Hear my cry O God attend unto my Prayer c. Thou wilt prolong the Kings life and his years as many generations He shall abide before God for ever O prepare mercy and truth which may preserve him Psal 72. 1 2 c. Give the King thy Judgements O God and thy Righteousness unto the Kings Son Then shall be judge thy people with righteousness and thy poor with judgement c. He shall save the souls of the needy He shall redeem their Soul from deceit and violence and precious shall their bloud be in his sight He shall live and unto him shall be given of the Gold of Sheba Prayer also shall be made for him continually and daily shall he be praised Which Psalm though mystically meant of Jesus Christ the Son of David as all accord yet it was first literally made used in and by the Church and people of God and prescribed to them as a publike Prayer for King David and his Son Solomon who was to succeed him in the throne as most accord and the Contents in our Bibles resolve Or for King Solomon whom some make the penman thereof and his Son Rehobeam However it is a direct form and divine precept for the people of God in all hereditary kingdoms to make continual daily publike and private Prayers intercessions supplications and thanksgivings unto God for their hereditary kings their heirs apparent and successors to the crown and royal posterity according to the 1 Tim. 2. 1 2. grounded on this Psalm I shall conclude with Psal 89. and Psal 132. of like nature with the former wherein not only the Psalmist but the Churches Congregations of the Saints in that and succeeding ages do sing of the mercies of the Lord and make known his faithfulness to all generations for making this Covenant with David and his seed I have made a Covenant with my chosen I have sworn unto David my servant Thy séed will I establish for ever and build up thy throne to all generations c. My mercy will I keep for him for evermore and my Covenant shall stand fast with him His séed also will I make to endure for ever and his Throne as the dayes of Heaven If his children forsake my Laws and walk not in my judgements if they break my statutes and keep not my commandements then will I visit their transgressions with the rod and their sin with scourges Nevertheless my loving kindness will I not utterly take from him nor suffer my faithfulness to fail My Covenant will I not break nor alter the thing that is gone out of my livs Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto David his seed shall endure for ever and his Throne as the Sun before me It shall be established for ever as the Moon and as the faithfull witnesse in Heaven Selah I thy children will keep my covenant and my testimonies that I shall teach them their children also shall sit upon the Throne for evermore For the Lord hath chosen Zion he hath desired it for his habitation This is my rest for ever there will I dwell for I have desired it c. There will I make the horn of David to bud I have ordained a lamp for mine anointed His Enemies will I cloath with shame but upon himself shall his crown flourish From all these Psalms which you may read at large these irrefragable Conclusions may be clearly deduced 1. That it was the constant practise duty not only of King David himself but of the Church and people of God under him and his royal posteritie to make incessant prayers supplications intercessions and thanksgivings to God both publikely and privately for him his royal house and posterity 2ly That they did in their publike and private devotions prayers psalms and thanksgivings take special notice and make particular mention of Gods promise to King David his House and Royal seed that they should inherit the Throne and kingdom over his people by succession for ever and rejoyce therein yea pray for its accomplishment and Gods grace and blessing on his House seed as their own and the Churches greatest blessing happinesse and safety 3ly That as the sins of Davids royal seed and progeny did not cause God himself the king of kings who conferred the kingdom and throne upon them to break his Oath and Covenant with them nor to deprive them of their kingly Government Throne or totally to withdraw his loving kindness and mercy towards them but only to chastize them with his rod and scourge them for their amendment So it did neither withdraw the allegeance loyaltie dutie prayers supplications intercessions or thanksgivings of the Church and their pious subjects from them but rather intend and augment them as is evident by Psal 89. 38 to 59. and Psal 132. All which particulars do apparently check and reprehend the contrary late practice of the Subjects and Saints within our three kingdoms and Churches of England Scotland and Ireland 4ly The pietie and loyaltie of Davids Great Officers and Subjects in praying for him and his people in their conferences with and addresses to him I shall instance only in 3. presidents The 1. is that of Joab his chief Captain and General when David commanded him to number the people much against his judgement and disswasions from it 2 Sam. 24. 3. And Joab said unto the King The Lord thy God adde uuto the People how many soever they be and that the eyes of my Lord the King may sée it The 2. is that of Araunah when king David after the three dayes of Pestilence inflicted for his numbring the People came to buy the threshing-floor of him to build an Altar to the Lord that the plague might be stayed from the people 2 Sam. 24. 21 22 23. And Araunah said unto the King The Lord thy God accept thée Both these are direct prayers to God for King David by these two loyal Subjects The 3. president is the gratulatory salutation and prayer of Hushai when he sent him under a pretended revolt from him to his son Absolom who usurped his throne and forced him to flie to undermine Achitophels craftie counsel against him thus recorded 2 Sam. 16. 16. And it came to pass that when Hushai the Archite Davids friend was come unto Absolom he said God save the King God save the King or Let the King live doubling this salutation of and praier for him Whence I inferr
praying for an Idolater and persecuting king to restore that very hand he then stretched out against him to apprehend and imprison him for prophecying against his idolatrous Altar by Gods special command How much more then would he have prayed for king David Solomon and other pious Kings to restore and preserve their lives 5ly When Athaliah had slain all the seed royal of the house of David but Joash an infant of an year old and usurped the Crown above six years Jehoiada the High Priest called the Rulers of the hundreds and Captains of the guard and all the chief fathers of Israel and the Levites and brought them into the House of the Lord and made a Covenant with them and took an Oath of them and shewed them Joash the kings son whom he hid being but 7. years old and said unto them Behold the kings son shall reign as the Lord hath said of the sons of David Then disposing the Captains Guards and Levites in the Temple with their weapons in their hands round about Joash they thereupon brought out the Kings Son and put upon him the Crown and gave him the Testimony and made him King and Jehoiadah and his sons anointed him and they clapt their hands and said God save the King And all the people of the Land rejoyced and sounded with Trumpets also the Singers with Instruments of Musick and such as taught to sing praise praysing the King And Jehoiada took the Captains of hundreds and the Nobles and the Governours of the people and all the people of the land and brought down the king from the House of the Lord and set the king upon the throne of the kingdom And all the people of the Land rejoyced and the City was quiet after they had slain Athaliah with the sword Here we have the self-same acclamation and prayer Let the King live or God save the King made by Jehoiada the High-Priest and his Sons the Captains of the Army the Princes Officers Priests with all the City and people present at the coronation of Joash right heir to the Crown by descent from the House of King David as was used at the Inaugurations of Saul and Solomon and no doubt was practised at the coronations of all other Kings of Judah and Israel though not particularly recorded in the Sacred History of their lives and reigns being a thing so vulgarly known for brevity sake it being the received practice custom of all other Nations at the Coronations of their Kings and Emperors till this very day as is evident by Dan. 2. 4. c. 3. 9. c. 6. 6. 21. as well as among the Israelites 6. I shall evidence the truth of the Israelites practice in praying for their kings whiles they lived by what the Scripture records touching their lamentation and publike mourning for their pious and good kings when they died It is recorded 2 Chron. 35. 24 25. that when good King Josiah died of his wounds received in battel and was buried all Iudah and Jerusalem mourned for him and all the singing men and singing women spake of Josiah in their Lamentations unto this day and made them an Ordinance in Israel and behold they are written in the Lamentations writ upon this occasion amongst others as is evident by Lam. 4. 20. c. 5. 16. The breath of our nostrils the anointed of the Lord was taken in their pits of whom we said Vnder his shadow we shall live among the Heathen The Crown of our head is fallen Wo unto us that we have sinned If all Judah and Jerusalem the singing men and singing women and Jeremiah the Prophet thus mourned for and lamented the death of Josiah and their other good Kings at and after their funerals no doubt they constantly prayed for their health long life and prosperous reigns whiles they were living as the premises evidence though not particularly recorded in the Abridgement of their reigns in the Books of Kings and Chronicles 7. Ezra c. 9. 7. in his prayer Nehemiah c. 9. 32 34. in his prayer Jeremiah Lam. 2. 9. and Daniel c. 9. 6 8. in his prayer confessed lamented the sins of their Kings and Princes and bewailed their deliverance into the hands of the Kings of the Lands to the Sword to Captivity to a spoyl and Confusion of face and prayed not to let all the trouble that had come upon them seem little c. Therefore no doubt they constantly prayed for their kings during their reigns and prosperity who thus lamented their captivity and misery 8. The Prophet Ezekiels injunction by God c. 19. 10 c. to take up a Lamentation for the Princes of Israel because they were cut off and caried away captives the strong rod of the royal progeny broken and withered so as Israel had no strong rod left to be a Scepter to rule concluding thus this is a Lamentation and shall be for a Lamentation with that of the Prophet Hosea c. 10. 3. In that day Israel shall say by way of Lamentation and grief we have no King because we feared not the Lord what then should a King do to us Are convincing Arguments that these Prophets and all fearing God did constantly pray for the life and continuance of their kings and kingly Government and Posterity whiles they enjoyed them as their principal earthly blessing and security since they thus sadly lamented the want and Captivity of their kings and Princes of the royal bloud to rule over them as their greatest misery and infelicity both for the present and future till restored to the throne again to rule over them 9. The Israelites whiles they were bondmen and Captives under the Babylonians Assyrians Persians having no kings nor Princes of Davids royal posterity to rule over thē did make prayers offer Sacrifices to God for the lives prosperity of these Pagan kings their sons too therefore no doubt they did it much more out of loyalty and duty for their own hereditary kings and their sons whiles they reigned over them For their practice in relation to those forein kings under whom they were Captives though Pagans Idolaters and Enemies to their Nation We have one memorable Precept and at least three Presidents in Scripture The 1. is that of Jer. 29. 1 to 9. where Jeremiah the Prophet by Gods direction and command writ thus in his letter sent from Jerusalem to the Elders Priests Prophets and all the people of Israel when Nebuchodonosor had caried them away captive from Jerusalem to Babylon Thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel uuto all who are caried away captive from Jerusalem to Babylon Build ye houses plant vineyards take ye Wives and beget Sons and Daughters c. And seek ye the peace of the City whither I have caused you to be carried away captive and pray unto the Lord for it to which some Antients adde and pray for the life of Nebuchodonosor and his sons virtually included in the former clause at least for
a Quaker apprehended by a company of Souldiers and kept Prisoner for a time only for praying in general for all Christian Kings Princes and Governors according to this Text when George Whitehead and George Fox two Quakers blasphemously railed and disputed against Jesus Christ the two other Persons the blessed Trinity and the word of God an whole hour together in the Maiors presence and sundry others without check or punishment such are the atheistical antimonarchical times wherein we live In this text consider 1. The Pen-man of it by divine inspiration S. Paul the Apostle of Jesus Christ specially delegated by him to the Gentiles uncircumcision to open their cies to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God And to bear Christs name before the Gentiles and Kings Acts 9. 15. c. 26. 16 17 18. Gal. 2. 2 7 8 9. Eph. 3. 1 to 12. Acts 13. 46 47. c. 15. 7. c. 18. 6. c. 21. 19 20. c. 22 21. c. 28. 28. Rom. 11. 13. c. 15. 15 to 25. Col. 1. 27 28. 2 Tim. 1. 11. c. 4. 17. Therefore these Duties are specially recommended and prescribed to them 2ly The person to whom this Epistle and exhortation was principally particularly directed even Timothy his dearly beloved Son and Fellow Minister in preaching the Gospel to the Gentiles then residing at Ephesus 1 Tim. 1 3. a City and Church of the Gentiles where he exercised his Ministry and was to perform these Duties publickly in his own person as a Minister to excite all others thereunto Therefore these Duties of making publick Supplications Prayers Intercessions and Thanksgivings for Kings both in publick and private do principally belong and are carefully to be performed by all Ministers and Preachers of the Gospel to and amongst the Gentiles 3ly The manner of pressing these Duties the Apostle doth most earnestly and zealously urge their performance as the words I exhort or earnestly desire import Exhortings being the most passionate pathetical fervent pressing of men to duties Lu. 3. 18. Act. 11. 23. c. 13. 15. c. 2. 40. c. 15. 32. c. 20. 2. Rom. 12. 8. 1 Thes 2. 11 12. c. 4. 1. c. 5. 14. 2 Thes 3. 12. 1 Tim. 4. 13. c. 6. 2. 2 Tim. 4. 2. Tit. 1. 9. c. 2. 6 15. Heb. 3. 13. c. 12. 5. c. 13. 22. 1 Pet. 5. 1. Jude 3. 4ly The grounds of his enforcing these Duties so earnestly implyed in the word therefore relating to the close of the precedent Chapter v. 18 19 20. This charge I commit unto thee Son Timothy according to the Prophecies that went before on thee that thou by them mightest war a good warfare holding Faith and a good Conscience which he could not do or perform unless he discharged these Duties he thus exhorted him to being a part of his spiritual good warfare and both a means and evidence of his holding Faith and a good Conscience and his neglect or contempt of them a ready way to make shipwrack of them as Hymeneus and Alexander had done whom he had dilivered to Satan Antimonarchical and Antimagistratical Ministers or Christians will soon turn Apostates and Blasphemers yea put away and make shipwrack of their Faith and good Conscience towards God when they became disloyal and rebellious to their Kings and give over Supplications Prayers Intercessions and Thanksgivings for them as we have found by late sad experiments 5ly The primacy and excellency of these Duties before all others expressed in the clause I exhort therefore that first of all that is in the first place before and above all other Duties parts of Ministry or Christianity they are carefully conscienciously cordially to be performed without the least omission or neglect 6ly The variety of the Duties set forth by these various expressions That Supplications Prayers Intercessions and Thanksgivings all in the plural number be made for Kings Which pluralities imply 1. A universality of their several kinds to wit That all sorts of Supplications Prayers Intercessions and Thanksgivings whatsoever ought to be made for them 2ly A multiplicity of each of them not a single Supplication Prayer Intercession Thanksgiving and no more but many and manifold Supplications Prayers and Thanksgivings 3ly A frequency fervency constancy perpetuity in the performance of them both in publick and private all our lives long without ceasing or flagging as the marginal Scriptures evidence 4ly An universality in respect of persons and places thus expressed in the verse following I will therefore that men pray every where lifting up holy hands 5ly An universality of things Mercies Blessings c. for which Supplications Prayers Intercessions and Thanksgivings ought at any time ordinarily or extraordinarily publickly or privately to be made to God in behalf of Kings 6ly Supplications for the pardon and remission of all their sins errors miscariages frailties iniquities whatsoever for converting diverting or keeping them from all evil and destructive waies errors counsels designs undertakings whatsoever dishonourable to God scandalous to Religion hurtfull to the Church fatal to their Kingdoms People Royal persons families and posteritie and for removing all inflicted threatned or feared judgements evils from their Persons Families Kingdoms Relations Prayers for all sorts of corporal temporal spiritual eternal Blessings Mercies which they at any time stand in need of and the continuance increase and sanctified use of all they doe enjoy for themselves their Families Kingdoms Counsellors Officers People Allies Intercessions against all machinations dangers conspiracies of spiritual or temporal Enemies Traytors Conspirators against their precious souls bodies lives Crowns Kingdoms Posterities Forces publike undertakings Councils to divert Gods wrath and judgements from and impetrate his gracious love and favour to them upon all occasions Thanksgivings for their births coronations health lives wisdom power justice graces preservations issues posterity all sorts of mercies blessings favors victories successes deliverances from evils sicknesses dangers enemies conspiracies of all kinde conferred on them their Kingdoms Families Posterities Relations for all blessings received from or enjoyed under them and their Government as the free use exercise enjoyment of the Word Sacraments with all other parts of Gods Worship Peace Health Wealth Safety Liberty Prosperity Laws Privileges Parliaments exemptions from Oppressions Rapines Murders Rapes extortions Illegal Taxes Excises Executions Imprisonments banishments wars for all particular benefits and royal favors conferred by them on their own persons or relations All these and what ever else are or may be included in Supplications prayers intercessions thanksgivings are here prescribed to all Ministers and Christians under the Gospel in behalf of their Kings 7ly The primacy and precedence of Kings above all other Governors and persons in authority both in all our supplications prayers intercessions thanksgivings and likewise in their Civil dignity and Authority For although the Apostle to avoid all suspition of flatterie as the Fathers observe exhorts in the first place that Prayers c. should be made for
persons remaining within the circuit of London where the said Edward lay sick ut devote orarent pro Pueri incolumitate that they should devoutly pray for the recovery and health of the child Whereupon amongst others he writ specially to the Abbot and Covent of St. Alban ut pro ipso orantes that praying for him all the Monks should solemnly sing a Masse whose first Collect should be of St. Alban but the second for the sick Prince namely Omnipotens sempiternè Deus salus aeterna credentium c Which being done per Dei gratiam puero sanitas est restituta Haec idcircò dixerim writes the Historian propter murmur populi dicentes ecce laici orant Dominum et exaudiuntur et quare non orat Papa facit pro causa sua imò nostra universalis Ecclesiae Orare imò rapinis inhiat pecuniae indefessus Dictumque est affirmatum quod non sine lachrymis scribo plus confidit in pecuniae thesauris quam fidelium precibus vel Eleemosynis The Abbots of the Order of Black Monks assembling at the Abby of Bermondeshie in the year 1249. Ordained by Common-Council Quod ipse Dominus Rex ab ipsis omnibus impetravit ut pro ips● et Regina dicatur quotidie in missa quae in veneratione beatae Virginis canitur in eorum Ecclesiis Collecta celebis Deus in cujus manu For the preservation and welfare of the King and Queen King Henry the 3d. being very sick at Westminster in the Lent Anno 1270. and despairing of his recovery se orationibus Ecclesiae commendavit recommended himself to the Prayers of the Church Whereupon the Monks of Westminster fearing to lose such a Patriot went in Pilgrimage bare-foot in a rainy season to the new Temple and there singing a Masse for the King and returning thence in the same manner as they went it was told them that the King had recovered of his sicknesse Whereupon he commanded the Monks by his Mandates that they should sing Ga●deat in coelis quod convaluit precibus monachorum George Cassander in his Preces Ecclesiasticae hath sundry forms of Prayers for Christian Kings Emperors Princes and Kingdoms collected out of several antient Liturgies Missals Letanies and Canonical Houres used antiently in most Monasteries and Churches as well in England as in other Kingdoms during the reign of King Henry the 3 d. and in the Kings reigns preceding and succeeding him which I shall here insert Dèus qui populis tuis virtute consulis amore dominaris da huic famulo tuo spiritum sapientiae cum regimine disciplinae ut tibi toto corde devotus in Regni regimine maneat semper idoneus tuoque munere ipsius temporibus securitas Ecclesiae dirigatur ut in tranquillitate devotio Christiana permaneat ut in bonis operibus perseverans ad aeternum Regnum te duce valeat pervenire per eundem Dominum Omnipotens sempiterne Deus qui famulum tuum Regni fastigio dignatus es sublimare tribue ei quaesumus ut ita in hujus seculi cursu in commune salutem disponat quatenus a tuae veritatis tramite non recedat Per eundem Dominum nostrum Deus qui scis humanum genus nulla virtute posse subsistere concede propicius Vt famulus tuus N. quem populo tuo voluisti praeferri ita tuo fulciatur adjutorio quatenus quibus potuit praeesse valeat prodesse Per Dominum Omnipotens sempiterne Deus coelestium terrestriumque moderator qui famulum tuum N. ●●ad Regni fastigium dignatus es provehere concede propitius ut a cunctis adversitatibus libertatus Ecclesiasticae pacis dono muniatur ad aeternae pacis gaudia te donante pervenire mereatur Per Dominum nostrum Quaesumus Omnipotens Deus ut famulus tuus N. qui tua miseratione suscepit Regni gubernacula virtutum etiam omnium à te percipiat incrementa quibus decenter armatus vitiorum monstra devitare hostem superare ad te qui via veritas vita es gratiosus valeat pervenire Per Dominum nostrum Deus in cujus manu corda sunt Regum inclina ad preces humilitatis nostrae aures misericordiae tuae famulo tuo Imperatori nostro regimen tuae appone sapientiae ut haustis de tuo fonte eonsiliis tibi placeat super omnia Regna praecellat Per Dominum nostrum Deus cujus Regnum est omnium seculorum supplicationes nostras clementer exaudi Christianorum Regnum tibi ●ubditum protege ut in tua virtute fidentes tibi placeant super omnia Regna praecellant Per eundem Dominum nostrum Deus qui providentia tua coelestia simul terrena moderaris propiciare Christianorum rebus Regibus ut omnis hostium fortitudo te pro nobis pugnante frangatur Per eundem Domiuum nostrum Propiciare Domine Precibus famulorum tuorum propter Nomen tuum Christiani nominis defende Rectores ut salus ser vientium tibi Principum pax tuorum possit esse populorum Per eundem Dominum Deus Regnorum omnium Regumque Dominator qui nos percutiendo sanas ignescendo conservas praetende misericordiam tuam ut tranquillitate pacis tua potestate firmata ad remedia correctionis utamur Per Dom. nostrum These were the constant publick and private prayers and Devotions of the Clergy and people for their Kings Princes and their Kingdoms heretofore not unseasonable for our present times In my perusal of the Clause Rolls in the Tower of London I have observed sundry Memorable Writs and Mandates issued by King Edward the 1 2 3. Richard the 2. and other of our Kings to their Bishops Clergy Abbots Freers Predicants Minors and other Religious Orders upon sundry emergent occasions requiring and commanding them to make frequent and fervent Supplications Prayers Intercessions and Thanksgivings unto God alone not Saints or Angels in times of War danger Treaties and the like for his special assistance direction protection blessing and favour upon the King Queen Prince of Wales the Royal issue kingdom Nobles Armies the Kings Counsels Treaties affairs of all sorts and for publike peace and prosperity Which Writs because very rare pious pertinent to my present Theme suitable to the state of our affairs and never hitherto published in print I shall here insert the chiefest of them at large pretermitting all others of like nature for brevitie sake those here transcribed comprehending in them the form and substance of the residue except only Writs for Masses Dirgees and Prayers for deceased Kings Queens and Princes of which there are many Presidents heterogeneal to my Subject matter which I shall totally passe by Claus 22 E. 1. m. 11. dorso Rex Archiepiscopo Eborum c. salutem Cum inter magnificum Principem Dominum Regem Franciae illustrem Consanguineum nostrum et Nos aliqua sint
thee in thy Church and alwaies sing joyfully that thy mercifull kindness is ever more and more towards us and the truth of the Lord endureth for ever through Jesus Christ our only Saviour and Redeemer Amen III. ETernal God and our most mighty Protector we thy people of this Land confesse our selves above all the Nations of the earth infinitely bound unto thy heavenly Majesty for thy many unspeakable benefits conferred and heaped upon us especially for planting thy Gospel among us and placing over us a most gracious King a faithfull Professor and Defendor of the same both which exasperate the enemies of true Religion and enrage their thoughts to the invention of most dreadfull designs all which notwithstanding it hath pleased thee hitherto either to prevent or overthrow at this time principally thou hast most strangely discovered an horrible and cruel plot and device for the massacring as well of thy dear Servant and our dread Soveraign as of the chief States assembled in thy fear for the continuance of thy truth and good of this Realm We humbly present our selves at thy feet admiring thy might and wisedom and acknowledging thy grace and favour in preserving them and the whole Realm by their safety beseeching thee for thy Son Jesus Christ his sake to continue still thy care over us and to shield our gracious King under the shadow of thy wings that no mischievous attempt may come near nor the Sons of wickednesse may hurt him but that under him we may still enioy this his peaceable Government with the profession of the Gospel of thy Son Jesus Christ to whom with thee and the holy Ghost c. IV. O God infinit in power and of endless mercy we give thee all possible thanks since it hath pleased thee so miraculously to discover and defeat the mischievous plots of thine and our Enemies thou hast delivered our dread Soveraign from the snares of the Fowler and his Nobles from the fire of the fury of the wicked he shall rejoyce in thy Salvation and we his People shall tryumph in this thy wonderfull Deliverance thy Gospel shall prosper and thine Adversaries shall be confounded And multiply good Lord we beseech thee thy great goodnesse towards our gracious King and his Kingdoms from this time forth through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen After this Deliverance from this horrid Powder-plot there were these 2. forms of Prayers used in the Commons House by the Speakers during the Parliaments session very seasonable for our times wherein they expressed their Loyalty and Devotion to the King and his Royal Progeny A Prayer used by the Speaker of the Commons House of Parliament I. O GOD most great and glorious which dwellest in the Heavens over all yet humblest thy self to behold the things that are done upon the earth we the people and sheep of thy pasture assembled by thy providence to the performance of this high service whereupon the honour of thy name the beauty of thy Church amongst us the glory of the King and wealth of our State doth depend knowing that without thee we can do nothing do at this time with fear and reverence in the beginning of our consultations first look up unto thee from whom wisedom and happie successe doth come praying thee to look down upon us who first look up unto thee from whom wisdom and happie successe doth come praying thee to look down from Heaven upon us with the eye of thy mercy to draw near unto us with the presence of thy grace to prepare us all with counsel and understanding and to be President and Director of all our conferences that those things may be propounded conceived allowed and confirmed which may best please thee and most directlie and soundly uphold the honour of thy Name the sinceritie of thy worship the safety of our King and peace of thy people even for thy Son our Lords sake And that we may not our selves be any hinderance to the obtaining of these our desires either by means of any sin formerly committed or of any corruption yet remaining in us we humblie pray thee to forgive our sins and blot out all our iniquities and to stand reconciled unto us in an everlasting covenant of peace as if we had never sinned against thee And because our hearts by nature are not fit for good cogitations create a new heart and renew a right spirit in us remove far from us all vain-glorious humour of advancing our private profit all envious humour of disgracing other mens gifts all malicious humour of hurting anie mans person and finally all froward humour of opposing our selves against just needfull and godly things by whomsoever propounded Furnish us with knowledge wisedom and zeal by sending down thy spirit into our hearts that we may understand discern prefer and set forward all things tending to the advancement of thy glorie and such as may be thought worthie our assent and furtherance And because all good things are not of equal goodness nor all needfull things of equal necessitie let our care and zeal be equallie proportioned to the degrees of things in goodnesse and necessitie different And therefore first make us carefull of the glory of thy Name which is the high end of all thy counsels and works and ought to be the last and first respect of all our purposes and doings And therein let our especial care be to provide for the continuance of thy word and religious practice of thy worship by the Ministery and means that Christ hath planted in his Church next let the good of this whole Island move our care and zeal which consisting in the safety and honour of the King and the enacting and executing of good Laws let us be wisely carefull and faithfully zealous for the Person of our King whom thou the King of Kings hast in mercy set over us And because no Law can be good that is not agreeable to thy Law which containeth the Fundamental equity of all Laws in making Laws to govern thy people let us alwaies have an eye unto thy Law not digressing from the holy equity thereof and what through thy mercy we shall here profitably enact we pray thee through the whole Kingdom it may be truly executed that our great labour may not be disgraced with little fruit And forasmuch as we all and every one of us have in this place with wonder and astonishment and without any merit of ours found a most evident assurance of thy mercy and goodnesse in a miraculous deliverance from the greatest danger by Popish treachery that ever was attempted or threatned towards our King our State and Vs give us good Lord hearts above the hearts of men to offer unto thee in the same place a daily sacrifice of thanksgiving in the highest measure together with a servent and incessant zeal care and diligence in all our proceedings for the setling of the peace and happy estate of thy Church amongst us the preservation of our King his royal
their Cures writ two Epistles to him from thence to dismisse them to their Bishoppricks before the cold winter approached In the first they write thus We beseech you that you cause us not to be banished nor stayd from our Churches but that the Bishops together with the people may live in peace and tranquillity and may humbly pray for your Health Kingdom and safety in which the Divine Maiesty long preserve you Pro tua salute Imperio pace orantes quam tibi Divinum numen largiri dignètur prolixam so Nicephorus renders it but others thus Supplicantes Deo pro pace tui Imperii pariter salutis quam tibi Dominus in perpetuum largiatur They conclude their second Letter to him in these words For this cause we beseech your clemency the second time most religious Lord and Emperor that you command us to depart to our Churches if it so please your Godlinesse before the sharpnesse of Winter come That we may make our accustomed Prayers together with the People to the Almighty God and our Lord and Saviour Christ for your Empire or Reign as we have alwaies accustomed in times past and yet cease not to do and now wish to continue Here we have a most pregnant double Testimony of all these Godly Bishops assembled in full Council of their own and the Peoples constant and continual Custom both for time past present and to come to powre forth fervent publick Prayers Supplications and Thanksgivings to God for the Health Reign Safety and Prosperity of their Christian Emperors though Arrians and Persecutors of them much more then was it their constant usage when Orthodox and Protectors of them thus to do St. Cyril Bishop of Hierusalem thus recites the practise of the Christians in his Age in this particular We pray to God for the common peace of the Church throughout the world For our Kings their Forces and Adherents St. Ambrose Bishop of Millain flourishing in the year of Christ 370. in his Book De Vocatione Gentium l. 1. c. 4. reciting the 1 Tim. 2 1 2 3. thus descants upon it De hac ergo doctrinae Apostolicae regula qua Ecclesia universalis imbuitur ne in diversum intellectum nostro evagemur arbitrio quid in ipsa universalis Ecclesia sentiat requiramus quia nihil dubium esse poterit in praecepto si obedientia concordat in studio Praecepit itaque Apostolus imò per Apostolum Dominus qui loquebatur in Apostolo Fieri obsecrationes postulationes gratiarum actiones pro omnibus hominibus pro Regibus ac pro iis qui in sublimitate sunt Quem legem supplicationis ita omnium Sacerdotum et omnium Fidelium devotio concorditer tenet ut nulla pars mundi sit in qua hujusmodi Orationes non celebrantur a populis Christianis Supplicat ergo ubique Ecclesia Deo non solum pro sanctis in Christo jam regeneratis sed etiam pro omnibus infidelibus inimicis crucis Christi pro omnibus Idolorum cultoribus pro omnibus qui Christum in membris suis persequuntur pro Judaeis quorum caetati lumen Evangelii non refulget pro haereticis Schismaticis qui ab unitate fidei charitatis alieni sunt Quid autem pro istis petat nisi ut relictis erroribus suis convertentur ad Deum accipiant fidem accipiant charitatem de ignorantiae tenebris liberati in agnitionem veniant veritatis c. Which he thus prosecutes in his Commentary on 1 Tim. 2. 1 2 3. Haec regula Ecclesiastica est tradita a Magistro Gentium qua utuntur Sacerdotes nostri ut pro omnibus supplicent Deprecantes pro Regibus huius seculi ut subjectas habeant Gentes ut in pace positi in tranquillitate mentis quietè Deo Domino servire possumus Orantes etiam pro iis quibus sublimis potestas est credita ut in justitia veritate gubernent Rempublicam suppeditante rerum abundantia amota perturbatione seditionis succedat laetitia c. ut sepositis omnibus quae huic Imperio infesta inimica sunt in affectu pietatis castitatis Deo servire possumus Perturbatio enim captivitas nec pietatem servat nec castitatem Unde enim pius qui invidus est unde castitas ubi potestatis suae non est In his Epistolarum l. 5. Epist 26. ad Gratianum Augustum he thus expresseth his servent Prayers for him Et nocte die in tuis castris cura censu locatus Orationum excubias praetendebam si invalidus merito sed affectu sedulus Et haec quidem pro tua salute deferebamus pro nobis faciebamus Nihil hic adulationis est siscit ipse arbiter quem fateris in quem piè credis me non solum officio publico debitas pendere preces sed etiam amore privato Which Epistle he concludes with this Prayer for this Emperor Beatissimum te florentissimum Deus Omnipotens Pater Domini nostri Jesu Christi tueri aetate prolixa et Regnum tuum in summa gloria et pace perpetua confirmare dignetur Domine Imperator Auguste Divino electe judicio Principum gloriosissime In his Epist l. 4. Epistola 28. Ad Theodosium Imperatorem he concludes with this Prayer Beatissimus florentissimus cum sanctis pignoribus fruaris tranquillitate perpetua Imperator Auguste To pretermit all other passages of this kind in his Funeral Oration De obitu Valentiniani Imperatoris he hath this passionat expression Nulla inhonoratos vos mea transibit Oratio Nulla nox non donatus aliqua precum mearum contexione transcurret Omnibus Oblationibus frequentabo c. Quam nostrae vitae temporibus fulcire curaremus ut de nostris Annis viveret qui fungi non potuit suis Which he thus concludes Te quaeso summe Deus ut clarissimos juvenes matura resurrectione suscites resuscites ut immaturum hunc vitae istius cursum matura resurrectione compenses to which this other passage in his Oration De obitu Theodosii Imperatoris might be added Da requiem perfectam servo tuo Theodosio Requiem quam praeparasti sanctis tuis This Godly Emperor Theodosius as Eutychius Patriarch of Alexandria records was by the joynt and fervent Prayers of the Christians in Constantinople who spent the whole night in Supplications and beseeched God and our Lord Jesus Christ ut nobis Regem eligat quemcunque ipse elegerit nobis Regem praeficiamus miraculously elected and chosen Emperor beyond all human expectation being of a very poor and mean condition as he there relates Gregory Bishop of Nyssa in his excellent Book De Oratione p. 6. hath this memorable passage Oratio corporum robur est abundantia domus recta Juris ac Legum in Civitate constitutio Regni vir●s belli Trophaeum pacis securitas dissidentium conciliatio conjunctorum conservatio
Ghost through all ages world without end Another blessing of the Queen before the Nobles to be said at the Altar before she be anoynted Deus qui solus c. God which onely hast immortality and dwellest in Light which cannot be approached whose Providence is never deceived which hast made all things ●hat are to come and callest those things that are not as the things that are which castest down the Proud from their Seat and dost exalt the Humble and Meek we humbly beseech thy unspeakable mercy that as for the good of the people of the Jewes thou didst deliver Queen Hester from Captivity and didst bring her to the bed of King Assuerus and the society of his Kindome so for the good of thy Christian Flock thou wilt of thy mercy by our Ministery advance this thy Servant to the most high and Royall company of our King that she continuing alwaies in the chastity of Princely Wedlock she may obtain the Crown that is next unto Virginity and may in all things and above all things study alwaies to please thee the living God and by thy holy inspiration to perform those things that are acceptable unto thee through Christ our Lord Amen Here the Holy Oyle shall be poured upon the Crown of her head in the manner of a Crosse The Queen is to be anoynted two times first in the forepart of her Head the Bishop saying these words In the name of the Father the Son and the holy Ghost let the anoynting of this Oyl increase thy honour and establish thee for ever and ever Secondly on her Breast saying the same words In the name of the Father the Son and the holy Ghost let the anoynting of this Oyl increase thy honour and establish thee for ever and ever After the Anoynting this Prayer is to be said Omnipotens sempiterne Deus O Almighty and everlasting God we beseech thee of thy Goodnesse poure out the spirit of thine abundant blessing upon this thy servant that as by the Imposition of our Hands she is this day Crowned Queen so she may by thy sanctification continue alwaies thy chosen and worthy Servant that she may never hereafter fall from thy Grace through Christ our Lord. Here the Ring must be given her and put on the Fore-finger of her Right hand the Bishop saying Accipe annulum Receive this Ring the Seal of a sincere Faith that you may avoid all infection of Heresie and by the power of God compell barbarous Nations and bring them to the knowledge of the truth This Prayer must follow Deus cujus est God to whom belongeth all Power and Dignity grant we beseech thee to this thy Servant by the signe of Christian Faith prosperous successe in this her honour and that she may continue firm in the same and endevour alwaies to please thee through Christ our Lord. Then the blessing of the Crown Deus tuorum O God the Crown of the Faithfull which dost Crown their heads with pretious Stones Blesse and sanctifie this Crown that as the same is adorned with many precious Stones so thy Servant that weareth the same may of thy grace be replenished with the manifold gifts of all pretious virtues through Christ our Lord. Amen Then the Crown is set upon her Head the Bishop saying Accipe Coronam Receive the Crown of Glory and the honour of Joy that you may shine in Righteousnesse and be crowned with everlasting gladnesse This also Officio nostre Seeing you are by our Ministery solemnly Consecrated for our Queen receive the Crown of Royal excellency which is placed upon your head by the Episcopal hands of us though unworthy and as you are Crowned without with Gold and Pearl so labour to be beautified within with the Gold of Wisdome and the Pearl of Vertue that after this life ended you may with the just Virgins decently meet the everlasting Bridegroom our Lord Jesus Christ and enter the Kingly gate of the Heavenly Court by his help who with the Father and the Holy ghost liveth and reigneth for ever and ever Amen Then the Archbishop purteth the Scepter in her right hand and a Rod of Gold in her left hand saying Omnium Domine O Lord the fountain of all good things and the giver of all perfection grant unto thy servant that she may order aright the high Dignity she hath obtained and with good works establish the glory that thou hast given her through Christ our Lord. Amen Then is the Queen carryed back into the Throne by the two bishops As she passeth by the King she boweth to him She is placed in her Throne and thus continueth untill she come down with the King to offer and receive the Communion The Queen going with the King into Saint Edwards Chappell putteth off her Crown there at the Altar before which Altar she stayeth untill the King hath made himselfe ready in the Traverse After they both put on their Crowns Imperial and so go to the Pallace For the fourth I shall communicate to the World this Form of King Charles the I. his Coronation in Scotland Anno 1633. Written with Mr. Dells own hand Secretary to the late Arch-Bishop of Canterbury Dr. Laud. The Form of Coronation and Rites to be used therein collected from other the like Solemnities known to have been used either in this Kingdom or by other great Princes abroad LEaving the choice of the Place and Church to his Majesties own appointment wheresoever the Coronation shall be done A Stage must be set up made square and fastned to four Pillars of the Church railed about and the Rayles and Stage overspread and covered with Carpers and Tapestry The Stage being made of some convenient height and breadth must have some Steps for ascent on the West part about the mid'st thereof and as many for descent to the Altar or Table which is to be placed on the East Upon the Stage another little Scaffold must be erected of two foot high which two steps to ascend on which the Throne of State must be placed and adorned as is meet A Chayre of State must also be set on the Stage on the right hand of the little Scaffold with a Fald-stoole and Cushions for his Majesty to do his Devotion A little Traverse is to be made on the South side of the Altar or Table for the King to repose and disrobe himself Round about on the right and left hand of the Stage there must be Scaffolds for Noblemen Barons Knights Gentlemen of the Chamber and others to rest and behold Within the compass of the Altar or Table a Pulpit must be set for Sermon Over against it a Chayr of State for his Majesty with a Foldstool to kneel at On the West side of the Pulpit a Foarm covered with Tapestry for the Arch-Bishop and Bishops serving at the Coronation The Evening before the King would be at service in Chappel besides his private Devotion whereof the Bishop of Dunblane now Dean of the Chappel must have
Rights and Priviledges according to Law and Justice Then the King rising from his Chair is led to the Altar where in sight of all the people laying his hands upon the Bible he takes his Oath and sayes All the things which before I have promised I shall observe and keep So God me help and by the Contents of this Book After the Oath the King returns to his Chair of State and then is sung the Hymn Veni Creator c. The Hymn finished the King kneeleth at his Foldstool and the Archbishop sayes this prayer We beseech thee O Lord holy Father almighty and everlasting God for this thy Servant King Charles that as at the first thou broughtest him into the world by thy Divine Providence and in the flower of his youth hast preserved him untill this present time So thou wilt evermore enrich him with the gift of Piety fill him with the grace of Truth and daily increase in him all goodnesse that he may happily enjoy the seat of supreme Government by the gift of thy supernal grace And being defended from all his Enemies by the Wall of thy mercy may prosperously govern the people committed to his Charge After the Prayer the Letany is sung and at the close thereof this is to be added That it may please thee to keep and strengthen in the true Worshiping of thee in Righteousnesse and Holiness of life this thy servant Charles our King and Governor and so to the end Then is said this prayer by one of the Bishops that sings the Letany O Almighty and everlasting God Creator of all things Ruler of Angels King of Kings and Lord of Lords who madest thy Servant Abraham triumph over his Enemies didst give many victories to Moses and Joshuah the Governors of the people didst raise and exalt David thy Servant to be a King over them didst enrich Solomon his Son with the gift of Wisdome and Understanding and blessedst him with peace and great prosperity Give ear we beseech thee unto our humble Prayers and multiply thy blessings upon this thy Servant who is now to be consecrated our King that He being strengthned with the faith of Abraham endued with the mildness of Moses armed with the fortitude of Joshuah exalted with the humility of David and beautified with the Wisdom of Solomon may please thee in all things and ever walk uprightly in thy wayes Defend him by thy mighty arm compass him with thy protection and give him to overcome all his and thine Enemies Honour him before all the Kings of the Earth Let him rule over Countries and let Nations adore him Establish his Throne with Judgement and Equity let Justice flourish in his dayes and grant that He underpropped by the due obedience and hearty love of his People may sit on the Throne of his Forefathers for many years and after this life may reign with thee in thine everlasting kingdome through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour Amen The Letany thus ended the Archbishop beginneth to say aloud Lift up your Hearts and give thanks unto the Lord. Answer By the Bishops that sings the Letany We lift them up unto the Lord and to give thanks unto him it is meet and right Then the Archbishop says It is very meet and right and our bounden duty so to do and at all times and in all Places to give thanks to thee O Lord holy Father almighty and everlasting God the strength of thy Chosen and the exalter of the humble who in the beginning by sending the floud of Waters didest punish the sins of the World and by a Dove bringing an Olive branch in her mouth didst give a token of Reconcilement to the Earth Who afterwards didst consecrate thy Servant Aaron a Priest by the anointing of Oyl as also by the pouring out of the same didst make Kings Priests and Prophets to govern thy People Israel And by the voice of the Prophet David didst foretel that the Countenance of thy Church should be made joyful with Oyl We beseech thee to bless and sanctifie this thy Servant King Charles that he may minister Peace unto this People that he may attain to the perfection of Government in Counsel and Judgment and that his Countenance may be alwayes cheerfull and amiable to all his People through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen This Prayer said the King rises from his devotion and reposeth himself awhile in the Chair of State in which he is to be Crown'd Afterwards he goeth to the Altar and standeth with his Back close unto it disrobes himself of his upper Garment his under Coat having the loops opened in the Places where he is to be anointed Then he comes to the Pulpit side and sitting in a Chair a Canopy is held over his Head all the time of his Anointing The Archbishop first anoints his Hands in the Palms saying In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost which wordes he repeats in all the several Anointings let these hands be anointed with Oyl as Kings and Prophets have been anointed And as Samuel did anoint David to be King that thou mayest be blessed and established a King in this Kingdome over the People whom the Lord thy God hath given thee to rule and govern Which he vouchsafe to grant who with the Father and the Holy Ghost is one and reigns in glory everlasting Amen In this time the Singers do sing the Anthem Sadocke the Priest and Nathan the Prophet anointed Solomon King and all the People rejoyced and said God save the King for ever Then the Archbishop says this Prayer Look down Almighty God upon this thy Servant our dread Soveraign King Charles with thy favourable countenance and as thou didst bless Abraham Isaac and Jacob so vouchsafe we beseech thee to water him plentifully with the Blessing of thy Grace give unto him of the dew of Heaven and of the fatness of the Earth abundance of Corn Wine and Oyl with all plenty of fruites and other good things Grant him long to continue and that in his time there may be health and peace in this Kingdome Grant O Almighty God that he may be a mighty Protector of this Country a bountiful Comforter of Churches and holy Societies the most valiant of Kings terrible to Rebels and Infidels amiable to his Nobles and to all his faithful Subjects Make his Royal Court to shine in Princely dignity as a most cleer Lightning far and wide in the Eyes of all men Finally let him be blessed with happy Children that may reign as Kings after him and rule this Kingdom by Succession of all Ages and after the glorious and happy dayes of present life give him of thy mercy an everlasting Kingdome with thee in the Heavens through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen The Prayer ended the Archbishop proceeds in the Anointing 1. His Breast 2. Betwixt the Shoulders 3. Both the Points of the Shoulders 5. Boughs of his Arms. 5. The Crown of his
fruiturque iterum quibus haeserat olim Auspiciis Capitique errantia Membra Reponit I shall conclude this whole Treatise with the usual thanks and Prayer of the Prelates Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament in the name all of other Subjects of England whom they represent entred upon every general Pardon of the King passed in Parliament wherein they pray God to give him a peaceable good and long life in these words Les Prelates Seigneurs Commones en cest Parleament assembles au nom de touts vous autres subjects Remercient treshumblement vostre Majesty Prient deiu vous doner en sante bone die longe And with these Prayers and Collects for the King of England in the Book of Common Prayer Priest O LORD SAVE THE KING Answer by all the people And mercifully hear us when we call upon thee Almighty God whose Kingdome is everlasting and power infinite have mercy upon the whole congregation and so rule the heart of thy chosen Servant CHARLES OUR KING AND GOVERNOUR that he knowing whose minister he is may above all things seek thy honour and glory and that we his Subjects duly considering whose authority he hath may faithfully serve honour and humbly obey him in thee and for thee according to thy blessed word and ordinance through Jesus Christ our Lord who with Thee and the holy Ghost liveth and reigneth one God world without end Amen Almighty and everlasting God we be taught by thy holy word that the hearts of Kings are in thy rule and governance and that thou dost dispose and turn them as it seemeth best to thy godly wisdome we beseech thee so to dispose and govern the heart of CHARLES THY SERVANT OUR KING AND GOVERNOR THAT IN ALL HIS THOUGHTS WORDS AND WORKS HE MAY EVER SEEK THY HONOUR AND GLORY AND STUDY TO PRESERVE THY PEOPLE COMMITTED TO HIS CHARGE IN WEALTH PEACE AND GODLINESSE Grant this O merciful Father for thy sons sake Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen 1 Sam. 2. 6 7 8 9 10. The Lord killeth and maketh alive he bringeth down to the grave and bringeth up again The Lord maketh poor and maketh rich he bringeth low and lifteth up He raiseth up the poor out of the dust and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghil to set them among Princes and to make them inherit the Throne of glory c. The Adversaries of the Lord shall be broken in pieces out of heaven shall he thunder upon them the Lord shall judge the ends of the earth AND HE SHALL GIVE STRENGTH UNTO HIS KING AND EXALT THE HORN OF HIS ANOINTED GOD SAVE KING CHARLES THE SECOND AMEN FINIS ERRATA COurteous Reader Correct those mistakes at the Press pag. 15. line 22. read finierunt p. 16. l. 1. r. Catholicae l. 38. r. seculi p. 32. l. 8. r. stabilitate p. 4. l. 23. r. liberatus p. 45. l. 3. r. subventionis p. 60. l. 14. r. processionale p. 73. l. 26. sermons l. 30. Charles r. James p. 82. l. 32. countenance r. continuance p. 129. l. 34. multiplicetur p. 133. l. 22. firmet p. 157. l. 24. r. circundatus p. 158. l. 8. perfunde p. 234. trisone p. 239. l 37. mille p. 240. l. 13. penetrassent p. 275. l. 34. r. liberis tribue p. 277. l. 21. 1. populis p. 277. l. 11. 1. nos p. 282. l. 4. vivis l. 22. corona p. 284. l. 19. profectuum p. 292. l. 13. r. salvatore p. 293. l. 28. pice Margin p. 25. l. 1. 298. r. 292. p. 104. l. 5. fection p. 13. l. 7. Ibidem a 1 Tim. 6. 15. Rev. 19. 16. b Dan. 2 21. c. 4. 25. Job 12. 19 20 21. 1 Sam. 2. 8. Psa 113. 7 8. c Psal 98. 1. Exod. 15. 16. Deut. 4. 34. d Dan. 2. 34. 43. e Psal 120. 4 5 6. f 1 Tim. 2. 1 2 3. g Ps 46. 7. h Num. 16. 22. ● 27. 16. i 2 Sam. 16. 9. to 10. a Psal ● 18. 22 23 24. b Isa 66. 7 8 9. c Bellarmin de Notis Eccles c. 14. B●shop Jewels Def. of the Apology of the Ch. of Engl. ch 16. Divis 1 D. John White his Way to the true Church Sect 42 Digress 44. * Psal 43. 10. 11 See Surius Lippomanes Ribadenira in their lives of the Saints * Deut. 32 31. a Exod. 15. 11 12 13 21. b Psal 21. 1 2 3 c. * Psal 106. 48. * 2 Chron 9. 5 6 7. * Regis ad exemplum totus componitur orbit Claudian a See here P 1. 2. and ch 4. throughout b Histrioma p 825. E. 26. 943. 516. to 520. * See the Homelies against Rebellion and on Whitsunday Deus Rex 3 Jac. c. 1. 4. * Page 27. Page 116. * Page 1117. 1118. * See my plea for the Lords and House of peers p. 461. 462. * A new discovery of the Prelates tyranny p. 141. 142. c. e Interest will not lie f * Collect. 3. * Tertulliani Apologeticus c. 30. to 38. Athenagoras Apologia pro Christianis * See Beatus Rhenanus la Cerda on the place * A great Republican at first afterward a greater Protectorian christning one of his Sons by the name of Cromwel Hull * Rom. 4. 1 12 16 17. * See Cooks 7 Rep. Calvins case f. 6 7. 1 Instit f. 68 b Spelmanni Glossarium Tit. Fidelitas Ligeantia ‖ See Rom. 4. 1 10 25. Heb. 7. 4 to 10. * Exod. 1. 6 to the end c. 2. 23 24 25. c. 3. 7 8 9 10. Acts 7. 18 to 35. e Exod. 1 8. c. 2. 1 to 16. Act. 7. 20 to 32. Hebr. 11 23 24 25. f Exod. 1. 11 to 16. Acts 7. 24 to 30. g Exod 1. 8 to 22 c. 2. 1 to 23. c 3. 6 to 11. Acts 7. 18 to 35. Ps 105 25. h Numb 12. 7. Ps 90. 1. Ps 106. 23. i Exod. 3 4 to c. 15 Acts 7. 30 to 37. Ps 105. 26 to 30. Mat. 5. 43 44 45 See page 1. 1 Sam. 8. 22. c. 9. 16 17 c 12. 12 13 c. 15. 1. 19. Josephus Antiqu Judai l. 6. c. 5 6 7. * Josephus Antiq Judaic l. 6. c. 5. 6. * Basil Augustin Arnobius Mercer others * 1 Kings 2. 1 to 23. 1 Chron. c. 28. 29. * 1 Kings c. 7. 8. 2 Chron. c. 5. 5. ‖ 1 Kings 8. 14 to 22. 2 Chron. 6. 4 to 12. * 1 Kings 8. 22 to 27. 2 Chron. 6. 12 to 18. 42. * 1 Kings 8. 34 to 62. 66. * 1 Kings 8. 66. 2 Chron. 7. 10. * 1 Kings 13. 1 to 7. ‖ 2 Kings 11. 4 c. 2 Chron. 23. * Rhemigius Haymo * Ps 137. Jer. 50 51. * Iosephus Antiqu Iudae l. 11. c. 4. ut non desinentes quotidie sacrificare TAM PRO ME quam pro Persarum gente Deum deprecantur * Josephus Antiqu. Jud. l. 18. c. 10 11. philo de legatione ad Caium Fusebius Eccles Hist l. 2. c. 5. Nicephorus l 2. c.
a Title to this in Bochellus we read Traditio Gladii quem Rex tenet erectum nudum usque ad finem Orationis sequentis Antiphonam k Benedictione Bochellus l So in Bochell but it should be Molem that and some other passages are in that of the Roman Pontificale m Patre S S. vivit regnat Deus Per omnia saecula saeculorum Amen Bochellus n Iudicia quocunque Bochellus o Ac te pro illo Idem p Statim dare Idem a To this the Title is in Bochellus super Regem genuflexum with Oremus b Iacob sic Bochellus c Coruscante atque Bochellus d Paganorum Idem e Digneris qui cum unigenito filio tuo c. Bochellus f Praestare c. ut supra g In that place in Bochellus his Copy hath this note Hic debet fieri mistio de Crismate oleo caelitùs misso h Privilegio ut Crismate juxta cum oleo caelitùs misso modo alio quàm caeteri Reges singulariter inungantur Alii enim Reges inunguntur solùm in Humero iste verò in Capite in aliis membris sicut inferiùs distinguetur Parata c. So it is in Bochellus But whoever drew in this Glosse was vainly deceived For the use in England as well as France was antient and so also by the Ordo Romanus in other Kingdoms where Anointing was allow'd to anoint the Head notwithstanding what we find otherwise in the Popes Canons which Princes obeyed at their pleasure But for this matter see before p. 155. a Plainly this Prayer was first made for the English Saxon Kings For what had ever any of the French Kings to do with these people but the wonder is most strange that this place of the Prayer which might have been sitted for any King is thus left here In Bochellus Nordam Cimbrorum is for Nordanchimbrorum which should have been doubtlesse Nordhanhumbrorum for those beyond Humber And it is plain that the very Syllables of the Saxon Ceremonial are afterwards used in this of the French The Annointing the French King * Manu victoria omnis gloria Bochellus * Connectuntur ansulae aperturarum vestiment●rum Regis per Diaconum Bochellus * This and the Prayer following is not in Bochellus * Hyacinthina * Copertura Bochellus The anointing of the French Kings Hands The Benediction of his Gloves The putting on his Gloves * Haedorum The wiping the French Kings hands being anointed if he will have no Gloves The Benediction of the Ring * This with the two Prayers or Benedictions following is wanting in Bochellus and is written in the Margin of the Copy of King Charles and directed to come in here * l. immune The giving him the Ring The giving him the Scepter The giving him the Rod or Verge which they now call I think La Maine de Justice The Benediction of the Crown * This is in the Margine of the Copy of King Charles and directed in here but not in Bochell a Exnomine à Cancellario si c. Bochell b Et vocantur primò Laici posted Clerici Clerici vocantur eo ordine quo dictum est superius de sedendo quibus c. Bochellus c Coronae Bochell d tenet Bochell and after this presently follows these words Teneat Metropolitanus Coronam altè primò duabus manibus posteà sinistra tantum quando benedicit * Quam semper tenet manu finistrâ Bochellus b Ita tu contra Bochellus c Bonedictionis Bochellus e Dyonisii atque Beati Remigii atque Bochellus a Statim fiat ista secunda Benedictio Boc●e●lus d Laud●mus non dicitur nisi post Coronationem sequentem Quo c. Bochellus * Lacesseret Bochellus e Condiscat Bochellus f There follows in Bochellus in ordinatio sancti Dyonisii post Inthroni●ationem Regis ponitur Professio ejus ante osculum Parium a In Bochellus there follows Hic incipiet Achiepiscopus Te Deum quo incoepto recedat b Here the Copy of Bochellus hath this note Notandum antequam pax Domini sit semper vobiscum dicatur Archiepiscopus debet dicere hanc Benedictionem super Regem super populum And then follow both that Benediction and Benedictio Vexilli or of the Oriflamb which are both at the end of this anon added a Cum libro Bochellus b Dici m●ttere c. Boch c Thus far also that in Bochellus And here it is concluded with Explicit consecratio Coronatio Regis Franciae But he hath not the Ceremonial for the Queens Coronation Which here followeth The Coronation of the French Queen The an●inting of the French Queen The Ring given to the French Queen The Scepter given to the French Queen and the Rodor Verge The Crown put on the French Queen l. Eam * Et tua Boche●lus * Defendat * Titles of Honor part 1. ch 8. p. 151 152 174 175 177 178 179 180. ● Sceptr●m * This was given into the left hand as the Scepter into the right See Mat. Paris pag. 206. edit Londin * This is in the old Ritual called Ordo Romanus This is almost the same in the old Ritual called Ordo Romanus Elemosin magnus Episc Dunelm Bathonien Portatio Calicis Sancti Edwardi Portatio patenae dicti Calilis Portatio Sceptri virgae aureae Portatio Gladiorum Portatio Calcarium Portatio ensis redempti Senescallcus Portatio Coronarum Marescallus Pincerna Constabularius Camerarius Panetria Salsaria Furnival Assistentes reginae Dom. assisten● reginae Ordo coronationis Richardi secundi Iur amentum regis ante coronationem suam Preces dicendae in coronatione Solemnizatio missae in die coronationis Ioh●… regis Coronatio Regis Generalis processio Conc. Roff. Ep. Rex equitabit Sedes Regalis Pulpitum Thronus Regalis Abbas Westmonast Tunica Camisia Processio Crvx caetera Barones 5. portuum A●●as Wes●m Archiepiscopus inquiret voluntatem populi Oblatio Regis Rex prosternitur Rex praestat juramenta Vnctio Regis Abbas Westmonast deponet pi●eum Regi Rex induitur tunica longa per Abbatem Benedictio ensis Impositio coronae capiti Regis Oblatio ensis Acceptio sceptri Praelati alii facient homagium Oblatio panis vini Corona S. Edwardi Renovatio Regalium Alia Corona Regis reversio in palatium Liberatio Sceptri Coronatio Reginae Juramentum Domini Regis Eleemozinarius magnus Episc Dunel Episc Bathon Cancellarius Angliae Thesaurarius Angliae Comes Cestriae alii Comes Leycestriae est Senescallus Dux Ebor. Comes de Arundel Comes Herford Comes Oxon. Comes Norfol. Furnel The Arch-bishop kneeleth The Arch-bishop anointeth kneeling Five pound to redeem the Sword The King is Crowned with St. Edwards Crown Homage Nota. * Since to the Dean thereof Nota. Nota. From the New dore Anthem 1. Sermon Anthem 2. He offered twenty pieces The Oath Veni Creator Letany Nota. By the Lord Chamb. By the Earl of Bohun By the Earl of Bohun ● Deum Nota. * Bibliothecae Histor lib. 1. sect 70. p. 61. 62. a Claudian de 6. Consulatu Honorii p. 156. b Claudian de Laudibus Stil●conis l. 3. p. 196 197.