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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20777 The French historie, that is, A lamentable discourse of three of the chiefe, and most famous bloodie broiles that haue happened in France for the Gospell of Iesus Christ namelie, 1. The outrage called the winning of S. Iames his streete, 1557, 2. The constant martirdome of Annas Burgans one of the K. Councell, 1559, 3. The bloodie marriage of Margaret sister to Charles the 9, anno 1572 / published by A.D. Dowriche, Anne, fl. 1589. 1589 (1589) STC 7159.3; ESTC S352 64,108 86

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THE French Historie That is A lamentable Discourse of three of the chiefe and most famous bloodie broiles that haue happened in France for the Gospell of Iesus Christ Namelie 1 The outrage called The winning of S. Iames his Streete 1557. 2 The constant Martirdome of Annas Burgaeus one of the K. Councell 1559. 3 The bloodie Marriage of Margaret Sister to Charles the 9. Anno 1572. Published by A. D. All that will liue godlie in Iesus Christ shall suffer persecution 1. Tim. 3. 2. Imprinted at London by Thomas Orwin for William Russell dwelling at Exeter 1589. To the right worshipfull her louing Bro-Master Pearse Edgecombe of Mount Edgecombe in Deuon Esquier mercie and peace from Iesus Christ RIght worshipfull and my louing Brother I haue heard it often truelie reported That Lawes maie be broken but Nature cannot be forgotten I finde the force of this in my selfe if I finde not the like in you I blame not your nature but the contrarie crossings of those politique affections that hinder the working of it VVhen I had ended this present Pamphlet I saw that the simplicitie of it required a Patron the often remembrance of your former curtesies inforced me to make bolde with you Consider not therefore the worthinesse of the worke but rather the will of the worker for though the one maie iustlie be condemned yet the other deserues to be accepted This Booke which proceedes vnder your protection if you consider the matter I assure you it is most excellent and well worth the reading but if you weigh the manner I confesse it is base scarce worth the seeing This is therefore my desire that the simple attire of this outward forme maie not discourage you from seeking the cōfortable tast of the inward substance You shall find here manie things for comfort worthie the considering and for policie the obseruing This hath beene my ordinarie exercise for recreation at times of leasure for a long space togeather If I were sure that you would but take halfe so much pleasure in reading it as I haue in collecting and disposing it I should not neede anie farther to commend it If you finde anie thing that fits not your liking remember I pray that it is a womans doing The thing it selfe will sufficientlie prooue this to be true Thus committing the patronage of this my recreation vnto your protection and you withmy good sister in law your wife all your children to the Lords tuition I cease to troble you Honiton the 25. day of Iulie 1589. Your louing Sister Anne Dowriche PEARSE EDGECOMBE The sharpest EDGE will soonest PEARSE and COME vnto AN end Yet DOWT not but be RICHE in hope and take that I doo send A. D. P PVt not your trust in fading earth puft vp with fainting staies Possesse the Lord so shall you still persist in godlie waies E Exalt your eies from common shapes esteeme not of this pelfe Expresse in deeds what faith you haue examine wel your selfe A As windes disperse the wau'ring chaffe and tosse it quite away All worldlie pompe shall so consume and passe without delay R Repleated oft with wandring change recount your life to be Remember wel no blessed fruite remaines on cursed tree S So shal you trace the perfect path saluation to attaine So shal you see this glittering glose set out to be but vaine E EXtinguish then the carnal course exempted from aboue Expell the qualmes of fond delights excell in godlie loue D Depart not from the liuing Lord delight to read his word Delaie no time for he doth still defend vs with the sword G Giue to your God your soule life good gain insues thereby Grieue not the Spirit that warneth you great dangers for to flie C Cast all your care on him alone care for no other praie Considering he your greatest griefes can quicklie take awaie O Of all things lent vnto this life one thing accompt the best Onelie the truth feare of God on which our souls must rest M Make no accompt of trustles trash molesting misers minde Mark how these maskers oftētimes much care sorow finde B Beware betimes of had I wist be not these pleasures vaine Beleeue in Christ and so you shall be sure to liue againe To the Reader AMongst manie excellent precepts which Saint Paul gaue vnto the Church this is to be considered Let al things be done vnto edifying If this had been of all men well considered manie things which now flie abroad might well haue been spared That my onelie purpose in collecting framing this worke was to edifie comfort and stirre vp the godlie mindes vnto care watchfulnesse Zeale feruentnesse in the cause of Gods truth you shall easilie perceiue by the chusing and ordering of these singular examples which hereafter insue In which these speciall circumstances are to be considered First The great furie and rage of Sathan likelie to bee displaced from his Kingdome of error and blindnes the franticke madnes of the ignorant possessed people delighting in darkenesse and striuing to vpholde the Kingdome of their Master and the prompt facilitie and readines of Sathans ministers to put in execution anie kinde of wickednesse al which is to be seene both in the first example of The winning of Saint Iames his Streete in all the rest of the booke Secondlie The power maiestie dignitie of the Diuell possessing the chiefest States of the earth seeming to the outward appearance to weild the Truth vnto his obedience in suppressing the strongest that dared openly to withstand him in the Storie of Annas Burgaeus Thirdlie The policie and crafte of Sathan and his members in deuising by subtiltie to circumuent the godlie vnder the shadow of trust to exercise tyrannie vnder the colour of courtesie to practise crueltie and vnder the vaile of a sacred oath to couer most shamefull villanie This is to be seene in the third example of the miserable Massacre at the bloodie marriage We had need therefore to be watchfull strong and wise watchful in praier that we be not taken sleeping strong in faith that we be not ouerthrowen by Sathans might wise as serpents that we be not deceaued by the diuels allurements We are to learn also what trust we ought to repose in the promises and oaths of professed Papists what shewe so euer they make of loue and frendship Here as in a glasse you shall plainlie see the picture of all the morall vertues most liuelie described in the strange patience the godlie perseuerance the comfortable orations sweete speeches and the constant and famous endings of these sacred Martires Wheresoeuer thou shalt finde the Diuel brought in Poëticallie to make any oration to the King and States of France as in manie places he is then vnderstand that vnder those speeches are expressed all the subtilties villanies cruelties and policies that were deuised and by diuelish meanes put in practise against the godly more liuely to set them down in their colors
great wrong To serue and set vp other Gods to runne a whoring long Thou hast for wooden Gods Gods liuelie Image spilde And with the streams of christiā blood the streets canels fild Thou hast with Egipt long Gods word in prison pent And wilfullie refusde the light that he to thee hath sent The M●ses that begins this light for to vnfolde Thou seekst to lap him presentlie in chaines and irons colde Thou dost with Amalek with all thy wit assaie To lie in waite that in thy land the truth may haue no waie And thou a cruell nursse to Gods elect hast been To blemish thus the shining light that in thee hath bin seene And with Ierusalem Gods Prophets thou hast slaine That in thy popish ignorance thou mightest still remaine If Iuda shall be fed with wormwood mixt with gall If wilfull Egipt plagued were that kept Gods Church in thral If God no pitie showde and mercie none would haue Vpon the land of Amalek nor man nor beast to saue And if the blinded pride that in Ieruslem dwelt Could not escape Gods heauie wrath but man childe it felt What shall become of thee thou blinde and bloodie land How dost thou think for to escape Gods iust reuenging hand But sith I doo not doubt God will reuenge our case And for his chosen when he list prouide a dwelling place I will no more lament in sad and mourning stile But thanke the Lord that set me safe within this pleasant Ile O happie England thou from God aboue art blest Which hast the truth established with peace and perfect rest God giue thee therewithall a good and thankfull minde That to thy louing God no waie thou shew thy selfe vnkinde But still thou maist remaine as thou hast been of yore A Nurse to Gods afflicted flock that he maie blesse thee more But now will I depart the Lord direct my waie And send me in this pleasant Ile some simple slender staie Till God grant me returne or otherwise prouide But is not that an English-man that I haue yonder spide Wel met my frend tel what thou art that mak'st this mone And whie within these desart woods art thou thy selfe alone I am a stranger wight and France my natiue soyle Frō which of late by luckles chance need am forst to toyle Such troubles and such warres of late haue there befell That such as feare the Lord aright no suretie haue to dwell Within that wofull Land so God me hether sent To liue with you in happie state which he this Land hath lēt Oh happie then am I my frend I thee desire Come goe with me for of these warres I greatly long to hear And if that thou wilt staie as long as thou wilt craue My house as thine and all therein thou shalt be sure to haue Therefore my frend I praie thy wit and tongue prepare The cause of all these bloodie broiles in verse for to declare And first of all describe the matter and the man The place the time the manner how this Ciuill warre began O Sir but this request doth pierce my wounded hart Which gladly would forget again my woful countries smart For who can well displaie the treasons and the guiles The bloodie murders mercilesse the snares and craftie wiles Which France hath put in vre these thirtie yeeres and more The like of which in Christendome was neuer seene before But sith it is your will to know the wofull state hate Of Christs afflicted Church in France which Antichrist doth Come rest you here a while and marke what I shall tell Great warres broiles I must declare God grāt it may be wel And first to pitch the plot that you doo so desire I will vnfolde the cheefest cause that kindled first this fire ABout the verie yeere of Christ his Incarnation A thousand fiue hundred fiftie seuen by iust cōputation Henrie ware the Crowne the second of that name In whose vnhappie Reigne began this fearfull fierie flame For now in France began Gods truth for to appeere Whose ioiful beames in Germanie at this time shone ful cleer But as the Iewes sometimes Gods Prophets did despise And as the Scribes and Pharisies did set their whole deuise To shade the shining light which God to them had sent So France in furie blindlie set against Gods truth is bent Which truth but latelie sowen and scant appearing greene They seeke by force by fire sword to roote raze it cleene But though proud Pharao did Gods chosen long oppresse Yet still amiddes the fierie broiles his people did increase So now amiddes the flame Gods word a passage found Which did increase his chosen flocke by force of siluer sound VVhich sound in Gods elect did worke such sodaine change In all estates that at the first in France it seemed strange Gods mightie Spirite did worke his mercie still was prest That some of all estates were calde their blindnesse to detest Though riches be a let and noble birth some staie That verie few of these saith Christ do finde the perfect way Yet God to bring to passe the worke he did intend Did also raise some Noble men the poorer to defend So now they fall at square now here began the strife For Sathan could not beare to see a new reformed life That Prophesie is true for Christ did speak the word I came not to giue peace to mine but strife debate sword The sonne against the sire one frend against another The word shal brothers part set the daughter gainst the mother So fel it out in France his word did now deuide His chosen from the rest of those that tooke the aduerse side The Land deuided thus two parts there fell at first Gods people were in number least the greater was the worst Now Sathan was afraid for now he striued sore To keepe the King and chiefest States in blindnes as of yore It pincht him to the quicke to lose his kingdome so It greeude him to the hart that he should let his seruants go He sits not idle now he calls his wits in place Some cunning knacke for to contriue to help him in this case His wilie wilfull craft by long experience bred Hath taught him now an ancient feat to crush the gospels head Now summons he his men and seruants to appeere Now help me at this need quoth he my frends felows deer Now is the time to stirre while matters yet be newe While blinded mindes in doubting hang not knowing what istrue For if the word of God do once begin to shine Then farewell all I shalbe faine my kingdome to resigne But if you will agree and follow mine aduise We shall cut off this sowen word as fast as it shall rise And first we must giue out some vile and leud report Of such as doo professe the truth and such as doo resort Vnto their Sermons so this waie it will be best To