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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19255 The character of vvarre, or The image of martiall discipline contayning many vsefull directions for musters & armes, and the very first principles in discipline, the ground postures, all the military motions now vsed ... By Edvvard Cooke. Cooke, Edward, fl. 1626-1631. 1626 (1626) STC 5668; ESTC S108654 60,094 84

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THE CHARACTER OF WARRE OR The Image of Martiall Discipline contayning many vsefull directions for Musters Armes and the v●ry first principles in Discipline the groun●●●●●●es all the Military motions now vsed Their vse 〈◊〉 dem●nstration of their vse first by precept then by example Shewing how to doe them how to performe them gracefully how to command them properly playnely without distractions to the Souldiers Contayning many excellent Pollicies and Stratagemes many good Documents for young Souldiers shewing how they must bee qualified what qualities best befits them A worke fitt for all Noble Generous and good Spirits that loue Honour or Honourable Action By EDVVARD COOKE Exodus 15.3 The Lord is a man of Warre his Name is Iehouah LONDON Printed by Tho Purfoot 1626. To the right Honourable and most Noble Lord Edward Lord Sackuile Baron of Buckhurst Earle of Dorset and Knight of the Noble order of the Garter THey that write vpon any serious Subiect right Honorable and most noble Lord whether it be of Peace or Warre commonly doe dedicate their Bookes to Noble persons to the end that what they haue effected by Labour and Study may by their greatnesse be protected from Maledictions and Enuie and they chose such whose eminent vertues exempt from Riualles is of all admired by all obserued and withall beloued where the choycest witts shelter their chiefest workes Hence I take my imitation and in all humilitie prostrate this my poore labour to kisse your noble hands not as any adition to your vncontrolable and approued knowledge but as a weake Fabricke which onely wanteth the support of your much admired goodnesse In former time if any were longheaded as Pericles crooked nosed as Cyrus foretopped with his hayre growing vpright as Alexander he had fauour shewed in all Courts and in euery company he came in Such respect did they giue to their outward shapes who it may be had not any of their Habituall vertues Oh then what loue what respect ought euery one in what degree or place soeuer to giue you that haue the Habit of their vertues onely want their blemishes Pericles loue to his Country Cyrus the elders care of his Souldiers Alexanders vertues not vices are pregnant in your honour the world sees it Demetrius Nero and Caligula not setting their Empire aside are not to be compared with your honour yet let me lay Gold to copper that the gold may appeare the more glorious Demetrius care was more for an Astrologicall Cloake thereby to hang the world on his backe then for his Kingdome or people But your honours care is for the Kingdome to doe good to euery member thereof Mentally Actually to your power Nero the Tyrants care was for new inuented Garments dayly to weare none twice your care is that euery man haue good Armes to grace the Kingdome dayly Caligulas care was to weare Sacras Deorum vestes to set forth the greatnesse of his authority But your care is the Habit of a Souldier shewing power in your command that all may obey These Noble parts being eminent in your honour are powerfull inducments for me to sue euer for such a Noble Patrone therefore to you and onely to your honoured selfe I humbly dedicate this Booke The Booke deserues more your honours censure then prayse for like Phormio it seemes to reade a Lecture of warre to an Haniball who for it was reproued but if I escape from your honour vnchekt I will impute it not to desert in me but to your honours sufferance vsuall Mildnesse passing by my presumption Thus commiting the Booke to your Noble patronage you to the Almighties protection and my selfe to your honours command and seruice I euer rest In Field and out of Field your honours Seruant EDVVARD COOKE To Captaine Pert Lieuetenant Millen Lieuetenant Keneston Ancient Gualter Ancient Clarke Mr. Tho Webster Mr. Iohn Foster Gentlemen and to all the rest of their place and office in the Sixe Cautionarie or trayned bandes of Middlesex ALSO To the worthy Captayne Gostock Mustermaister for the County of Middlesex And to all the suruiuing Founders of the Artillery Garden and Military yard THe Actions of vertue worthy Gentlemen and Souldiers should so much affect the beholders that they should presently not onely admire them but indeauour to follow them Plutarch in the life of Julius Caeasar Iulius Caesar reading the braue acts of Alexander the great fell saith Plutarch a weeping and was angry with himselfe to thinke how Alexander a young man iust about his age had notwithstanding conquered the whole world whereas he as yet had done nothing worthy the name of a Generall From this Princely Emulation he fell to Action and became so excellent that Plutarch himselfe paralells him onely with Alexander I make no doubt but that setting before your eyes the braue exployts of your Ancestors you haue beene mooued to practize Armes by which you haue gayned great applause and worthy of it because you haue done good seruice to your King and Country The greatest seruice that men can doe is to saue their Country frem danger The Romans gaue him a crowne that saued one Cittyzen then how many crownes deserueth you that helpeth to saue a number They vsed to make a Coyne for his commendation with this inscription The Senate and people of Rome for Citizens saued You saue the liues of men by teaching them the right vse of their Armes whereby they saue themselues from danger Would to God that all would follow you as you doe follow the vertues and Actions of the Romans and Grecians The Grecians were the first that out of varietie of actions and long experience reduced the knowledge of Armes into an Art and gaue precepts for the orderly mouing of a battaile and taught that the moments of victorie rested not in the hands of multitudes but in a few men rightly instructed to mannage Armes and trayned vp in the obseruation of the dicipline of the field In which regard they had Schooles and Schoole-maisters called Tacticks which deliuered the Art Militarie to such as were desirous to learne Out of whose Schooles issued those chiefs of Warre in number so many Captayne Bingham in Skill so exquisite in Vallor so peerelesse in all vertues beseeming great Generalls so admirable that no Nation of Europe euen to this day hath been able to match much lesse to ouer-match their same and glory The braue Romans c●m● farre short of them yet the Romans following their ordinances both haue kept in vse and also set forth in writing the rules of Martiall policie or discipline And you haue Schooles wherein you teach this Martiall policy or discipline to such as are desirous to learne The one is called the Artillery garden the other the Millitary-yard The first of these was erected by the Vertuous Gentlemen of London The second by you the no lesse vertuous Gentlemen of Midlesex out of these two Schooles as out of the former haue issued men of worth taking their degrees As
Captaynes Lieuetenants Antients and Sergeants so that all the trayned bands in London Midlesex are furnished with able sufficient Officers out of both these Schooles to your honours that were the Founders I the last in degree of inferior officers had my first egresse from the Artillery Garden In that Schoole I spent Foure yeares compleat to gayne the little knowledge which I haue neuer presuming to shew my skill much lesse to contend with others in it vntill the Scollers of another Schoole Low-Country-like banded together for tryall of skill vrged me thereunto Then for the honour of my Schoole put on by my owne Schoole fellowes I entred the List to play my Schollers Prize And I haue now done it but whether I haue performed it ill or well resteth not in me the Scholler to iudge but in you the Maisters of Science most skilfull in the Art Military Iudge then and Censure Your Friend Edward Cooke To the worthy Company and whole body of Noble Souldiers seruing in the Fift Cautionarie or Trayned Band of Midlesex otherwise called Captayne Perts Company WHere a generall voyce warrants an approbation worthie Gentlemen and Souldiers there euery seruice is a Duty The truth of it concernes inuites mee to write a peculiar Epistle vnto you and therein to extoll your worth And none will discommend me for it that either imitates your vertues or would be praysed as you for worth Your worth Implyes your rare parts your rare part● though many may bee Epitomized in Foure 1. Your pronesse of mind to beare Armes 2. Your actiuenesse in all Millitary motions 3. Your Subiugated wills to obey your Officers 4. Your Damon and Pythian like affection one to another The three first are rare but the fourth and last is the most rare and excellent For as a Diamond fairely set in Gold it giues luster to all the rest and makes me stile you Philonida or Philonis a bande of friends or true friendship or indeed the Holy band Plutarch telleth of an holy band errected by one Gorgidas Plutarch in the life of Pelopidas which did consist of three Hundred chosen men entertayned by the state kept within the Castle of Cadmea called the Townes band as you the Kinges band This band was neuer broken nor ouerthrowne before the battaile of Chaeronea where they were all slaine found lincked together with cordes of silke arme in arme Pikes sticking in their brests Philip King of Macedon Father to Alexander the great King Philip their enemie shedding teares for them and causing them to bee buried together who in death would not be parted Thus the louing Holy Band Fell by the Macedonians hand Each one dying for his Frend Keeping Friendship to the end From whose ashes doth arise You that them doth Sympathize Neuer to dissolue together Nor like God to liue for euer For one by one be sure to die Time takes away time will supply And as he brought you to the Wombe So backe hee leads you to your Tombe Yours in life and death Edward Cooke To his Brother in Law Thomas Chamberlaine a louer of Armes and an expert Souldier WHen I first made entrance into this worke you know worthy Brother that there was no speech made in the Citty or Subburbes of Plague or Pestilenc But when I had almost finished it the Plague began amongest vs. Then was both speech complaint too in an vncessant manner So I least of In●ited by you in the heate thereof to finish it least dying and leauing it an abhortiue it should vtterly fayle and come to ruine But what auailed it mee to write of warlike ●tratagemes and Policies to oppose opugne repell an humaine Enemie in the field when tht Lord God of Hosts great in pow●r whom none could resist was entred the field destroying Thousands on his right hand Ten Thousand on his left hand and all the Kingdome in generall had not his mercy exceeded his Ivstice Then it was for mee not to write but to pray not to forcast where to flie from the sword of the Lord but how to submit my selfe to the sword of the Lord which when the Lord saw he manifested his power to me preseruing me that I might hereafter trust in him and declare his goodnesse to the Sonnes of men Thus the Presse of the Lord went forth it tooke away whole families it contynued many Moneths together in the Subburb in be Citty The Citty was almost desolate yet not desolate because she had a gracious God with a fla●ming sword purging not consuming her A blessed Sauiour interceding for mercy not Iustice A King on earth as Hezekiah weeping and praying in secret for her calling vpon his Lord●●pirituall and Temporall on all the Moyseses and Arons in the Kingd●me to ioyne with him in Prayer as they had in fasting to crye mightily vnto the Lord to spare this Citty the holy Citty the Citty where his name was called vpon Nay shee had a carefull Magistrate in her whom diuine prouidence did preordayne to that place to do h●r good S●r John Gore was then Lord Mayor of London And Alderman Heylyne and Alderman Parkebust were Shriefes who went in person to visite her releining her relinquished members readie to starue for want of foode Sending his two worshipfull Brothers the Shrieues to doe it for him if his Lordship was otherwaies imployed These two good Samaritans came into the Suburbes among the poore Trinobantes of Saint Sepulchers inquiring their number their estate their wants their greiuances finding them great past their expectation they returned with melting hearts condoling their miserie and informing the Lord Mayor of it who by them through their meanes sent instantly a supply of Fourteene Poundes for their reliefe commanding information weekely to be giuen of their wants they should be relieued Which was done by me and performed by them euen till the sicknesse was mightily decreased our Gentlemen returned home so they left off being seconded by M. George Allington Esquier and one of the Maisters of the Pipe office who sent them Fortie shillinges as formerly he had done at other times weekely This money was truly distributed though it came not to my hands The money that came to my handes from the Lord Mayor Sheriffes and Churchwardens was Twenty Fiue Poundes Ten shillinges So when all this was discharged and the plague quite ceased and thankes rendered to Almighty God for our deliuerance I betooke my selfe to Penn and Paper againe to fininsh what before I vndertooke which by Gods helpe I haue effected and would not haue published it to the world had not some Low Country-like forced You brotherlike perswaded Now if any good come thereby let such as reape it thanke you who would not let me rest till I had finished then printed it If none at all then let them blame me not you if not excuse me thus he had a good intention but hee failed of the execution in this I rest and resting rest