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A18910 A briefe of the Bible drawne first into English poësy, and then illustrated by apte annotations: togither vvith some other necessary appendices. By Henoch Clapham. Clapham, Henoch. 1596 (1596) STC 5332; ESTC S108001 105,612 254

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their souls were Powerfull in the waies of perpetuall death but vnable to all Good Sweete Father as their Creation was the Creation of the Matter whereof all Mankinde is come so this fearfull Fall was not onely to them Two but to Me and all Mankinde considering wee were then enclosed in ` their loynes A fountain of gall can send forth no sweet waters nor could wee bee borne Holy that were conceived in Sin As is the Roote even such are the branches nay our Actuall sinnes do testifie that that Original sin was convayed vnto vs in our Nature by reason wherof I and All Mankinde haue beene justly vnder thy Curse Oh that wee should fall from thee our Creator from thee our Father that of base earth did make vs glorious creatures stamping in our souls thy Image whereof justly wee were deprived carrying vpon vs in steade thereof the Blacke vnholy Image of Satan But thou Our sweete Father didst thou vtterly leaue Mankind to be damned with Satan Oh no. Thou soughtest vp our fore-parents Adam Heuah and Catechized them freely promising vnto them that of womans Seed one should come by whome the seed of man and woman shuld overcome Satan When the fulnesse of time was expired thou accordingly didst send thy Sonne made of a vvoman who in our Nature triumphed over Sinne Death Hell Sathan and so finaly sitteth at the right hand of Majestie making continuall intercession for all such of Man-kinde as do come vnto thee oh Father by him in and by whome Salvation onely is come vnto Iewe and Gentile Thus when of a Father we had justly made thee our Foe it pleased thee sweete Father to appoint a Mediator betwixt thee and vs that so by him thou and wee might bee reconciled and made one Oh Mercie of mercies oh thou fountaine of mercie howe are wee bounde vnto thee our Father our Father by Creation our Father by Redemption in Mercie twise a Father but wee in Obedience not once worthy the name of Children But so it hath pleased thee to call out a companie of Mankinde and amongst them Me most vnwoorthie to whome it hath pleased thee to Seale thy Loue vnto their hearts by thy Spirit thy sanctifying Spirit This testimony of thy Spirit vnto our Spirits causeth vs to open our mouthes boldly vnto thee as children to a father not doubting but thou wilt giue to vs whatsoever is good and necessarie for body and soule Earthly Fathers though wicked will commonly giue good thinges vnto their Children howe much more thou The second part of the Preface Which art in Heaven VVHo art in Heaven and therefore art Heavenly in thy Guifts and excellent in all thy workes Who also as thou art in Heaven as a King in his royall Throne so hast thou all power in Heauen and Earth to serue at a beck Many Earthly Fathers thogh they be vvilling yet are they vnable to help their Children but thou art as Able as vvilling and therfore Can and vvill cause all things even sinne and al to turne vnto the best of such as are called according to thy purpose to be to thee Sons and Daughters adopted I beleeue Lord Lord help my vnbeliefe increase my faith teach me truly howe to pray yea let all thy Sonnes and Daughters see thy Fatherly face thy Heauenly face that thou neither Can nor vvil forsake such as do trust in thy power and are contented to lay themselues down vnder the sheilter of thy wings The first Petition of the supplication Hallowed be thy Name MErciful father thy Name is mightie and excellent amongst the very Heathen but who doe Sanctifie thy Name The Heavens and firmament yea all the visible creatures do make knowne thy name of Power thy name of vvisedome thy name Eternal thy names Provident Bountiful c. Every Barbarian oh Father by the little Light of Nature left in the soul vndestroied is brought to acknowledge that there is a God who is the Cause of al Causes and giveth Being vnto al cretures but do they herewithall Hallow thy name so graven in the fore-heades of all Creatures visible Alas no All this sight sanctifieth neither eye heart nor hand thy Lawe is onely a perfit teacher giving holy light to the spirituall blind and thy vvord is that Trueth wherewith man is first made holy that so hee may Hallowe thy Name thy Nam● plainely written vpon the former creatures but more plainly characterized within thy holy Church and that in the vvorde Sacraments Therein oh Lord thou hast evidently to Eare and Eye propounded Iesus crucified Iesus the onely Redeemer the only Mediator in and by whose blood thou rests satisfied for al these that come vnto thee in his Name Oh mercifull Father howe largely haue we Vn-hallowed thy Name both in the common Cretures in the vvord and in the Sacraments we haue looked vpon the Heavens the Earth Sunne Moone Starres Trees Grasse Flowers Beasts Birdes Fishes but haue we therein spirituallie discerned thy Power vvisedome providence kindnes Nay we haue cloathed and fedde our bodies with divers of thy woonderfull workes but haue we there withall hallowed thy Name in the same yea we haue medled with thy Word and Sacraments but with what blinde eyes and dull hearts Oh Lord shame confusion belongs vnto vs not only for not Hallowing thy Name but also for Vn-hallowing and prophaning of thy Creatures Word Sacraments and so consequently vnsanctified thy Name in the same Oh Lord by our rude behavior we haue laboured to obscure thy Name to bury it in darknes by not discerning and orderly hallowing it Yea that which more is wee haue oft remembred thy Name but then wee haue taken it in vaine then wee haue vnjustlie sworn by the same c. as thogh we had conspired with Sathan either to bury thy Name in oblivion or else by speaking of it to pollute it and make it contemptible Sweet Father in Christ Iesus we by the motion of thine own Spirit do therefore beg of thee the Grace whereby we may be fitted hereafter to hallowe thy Name to sanctifie thy Name in beholding the common Creatures in hearing thy worde in receiving thy Sacramentes To which end Lord The second Petition Let thy Kingdome come LEt thy kingdome come even the Spirituall government of thy Son and our Saviour Iesus oh let it Come and bee seated in the heartes of thy People Hitherto Sathan hath had too great power over our body insomuch as our tonges handes feete eares eyes haue done service vnto Satan by being subject to Sinne. Our soules oh Lord in the faculties and powers therof haue bene largely serviceable to Sin Wee haue Minded earthly things our Memories haue bene receptacles of vanitie our Affections haue bene eger after thinges cursed by the Law insomuch as in our whole man Satan prince of darknes hath had a Kingdome and occupied an hellish vnholy Kingdome Sweet Father loose the bands of Satan destroy his power by thy spirit and so let
thy Kingdome that consisteth in Righteousnes and Holines oh let it Come and as a stronger man let thy Spirite cast out the Tyrannie of Sinne that howsoever it dwell yet it may never raigne in our mortall members Sweete Father thou hast begunne a good work in vs and shall Satan overturne it shall Sinne supplant it Alas alas except thou vpholde vs wee shall deceiue our owne soules Satan the World and our Flesh are at league therefore as thou hast hitherto caused vs to put our trust in thee so continue thou our Governour and cause vs to stoup vnto the sugered motions of thine own spirit And for the better building vp of our inwarde man and the repairing of thine owne Image in vs mercifully giue vnto vs faithfull Ministers of thy word that so we may receiue the blessing of Illumination and Sanctification that accompanieth thine owne ordinance And for making roome to thine owne Ordināce vouchsafe to remoue from all thy People such as haue run out without thy bidding Remoue hyrelings dumb dogs and all such cursed plants as thy right hand never planted that so an open way being made for thine owne Servants the Scepter of Iesus may be lifted vp in the midst of thy People that they seeing the Banner of thy Sonne displaied they may bring their sons daughters from farre and so giue vp their names to liue Subjects in the kingdome of thy son Christ. And inasmuch as thou hast commanded Kings Queenes Magistrates to bee Nource-fathers and Nource-mothers vnto thy Church Lord we humblie intreate thee not onely to giue such vnto vs and others thy poore people but also do thou put the remembrance of that dutie in their heades that they may not dare like lewde Nources to mingle with thy Wine and Milke their owne liquor and leaven but that they may compt it their Glory as Elders to cast their Crownes downe before thy Throne spirituall wherevpon thou sittes in the middest of thy Church Let them knowe that thou hast appointed thē to lick vp the dust before the feete of thy Church yea to remoue the smallest lets to godlines so farre let them knowe they ought to bee from casting their owne inventions as stumbling blocks before the feete of thy people These of them that will bee brought to honour thee do thou honour them but if with horne side they wil dedicate themselues to push thy Sonnes Spowsesse then mercifull Father do cut their hornes shorter and breake off their power that so they may learne how the kingdome that serues not thee shall perish And because mercifull Father this spirituall kingdome of thine in vs will here never be perfected we therefore intreat thee to hasten the comming of thy Son our blessed Saviour vnto that finall doome that so having gathered his kingdome of Iewe and Gentile into one hee may deliver vp the same into thine hand and so thou maist be al in all In the meane time oh Lord let thy spirit so guide and leade vs in thy truth as by vs The third Petition Thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven THy vvill may be done in Earth as it is in Heuen by the blessed Angels Oh Lord They could keepe their place but Satan and wee would needes forsake our place They therefore haue continued happie doers of thy will where Satan and Man-kind haue sought their own will Satan therefore for ever alotted vnto the burning pit whither likewise whol Man-kind had packed had not thy Sonne stept in and made attonement for me and al such as apprehēd him by a liuely Faith which is the Guift even the flower that buddeth out of our adoption Considering all the benefits we haue received from thee oh Lord why should not wee in the Earth do thy will aswell as doe the blessed Angels in Heaven They were created once so were we yea wee haue bene created twise so were not they by so much the more are wee bounde to do thy will even thy will by forsaking our own will yet this will of ours wee are most prest to preferre before thy will Oh false heart crooked heart wilt thou never be duly subject vnto that pure and only holy will of thy Creator of thy Redemer As the Angels do in the heauenlie places continuallie beholde thy face ô Father so hast thou called vs in the Earth to liue before thee as in Heaven and therefore hast thou called vs out of the worlde out of the kingdome of darknes and that to be Citizens with thy Saintes in the Earth who howsoever they are in the worlde yet are not of the worlde howsoever they walke their pilgrimage in the Earth yet their conversation is in Heaven their conversation is heavenly As thou addes vnto thy Sonnes Church such souls as are appointed to be saued so ô mercifull Father it is not sufficient for vs to be in thy Church except thou lead vs doing thy will in the Church It is not sufficient that wee be Cittizens of thy spiritual Ierusalem except we liue according to the Citties Lawes and ordinances Thou having Lord given vs to knowe this giue vs power likewise to do it even to do thy Wil as diligently faithfully earnestly as doe the heavenly spirites whome thou hast appointed to minister vnto the heires of Saluation whome thou hast appointed for to watch over the Church over every the faithfull Giue vnto thy Ministers grace to do thy Wil in preaching thy blessed Wil in season and out of season not measuring what man wold heare but what thou hast commanded them to speake Giue vnto thy people such Pastors as may powerfully Exhort such Teachers as may trulie deliver the Doctrine of faith such Elders as may diligentlie Governe such Deacons as may faithfully Distribute the contribution of the Saintes such Widowes as may with Mercifull Affections attend the sicke and impotent that so the Ministers of thy Church performing dutifully thy will the Communion of thy People as it is called the Kingdome of heauen so it may be beautifull as Heaven Vnto Princes Magistrates People giue grace of subjection to thy wil that all of them seeking thy glory not their owne wil it so may come to passe that thy will may be preferred by Al in every their several callings that Parents and Children Maisters Servants so studying the doing of thy will there may be an heavenly concent and harmony of obedience towardes thee in the Earth as is vnto thee by all the blessed spirits in Heaven And inasmuch as oh mercifull Father after we haue prayed for the glorifying of thy gret Name in the establishing of thy Kingdome and doing thy Will in asmuch as after that we are enjoyned to praye for the things which necessarily and immediatlie concerne our selues wee humblie intreat thee to The fourth Petition Giue vnto vs this day our Daily Bread GIue vnto vs our daily Bread Breade oh Lord is more than we deserue why should wee then be discontented with
and caused the Ark of Gods Covenant to be fetched from Shiloh into the Host. But the Philistims caught away the Arke which afterwards they sent back againe and slewe the flaunting Priests Hophni and Phineas Newes heereof comming to Eli sitting without on a stoole he in a pieuish qualme fell downe and broke his Neck being 98. yeares old Phineas wife big with child hearing all this shee sodainlie brought foorth calling the Childe Ichabod that is No Glorie and so dyed Thus the Lord was as good as his word sent before to Eli by the man of God Chap. 2. They that honour IEHOVAH them will IEHOVAH honour but if they will kick against God and dishonour him by their vnrepentant Prophanations IEHOVAH will assuredly dishonour them by takeing their Glory from them in the sight of all men As they haue lived not glorifying God so they shall dye without glory to themselues Let Rulers chieflie learne this Lesson 26. Staffe But when they cryde to God he a Iudges sent Who did avenge them on their Enemie b At last with Iudges they growe discontent And for King Heathenlike they rudely cry God giues to them then Saul of Benjamin Whome after God rejected for his sinne a As he stirred vp by times 6. sorte of Oppressours so he mercifullie raised vp twelue of their owne people to exercise power over them besides Shamgar that slue the 600. Philistims with his Goade b Eli dead Samuel Iudged Israel passing righteouslie He waxing old his sonnes Ioel and Abiah governed whose inequall waies observed the People loathed Iudgship and desired to haue a King after the fashion of the Gentiles about them The Lord hearing their murmuring doth appoint Samuel to annoynt Saul of Beniamins Tribe a tall fellowe to the Kingship Saul seeking his Fathers Asses he found a Kingdome for comming to enquire of Samuel concerning his Asses as fooles runne to Witches Samuel annointeth him after the which the Spirit not of Sanctification but of Government and Maiestie came vpon him This Saul afterwards neglecting his charge concerning the slaughter of Amaleks Cattle and Agag the King the Lord therefore taketh from him the former Spirit and put in him a frantick Spirite commanding Samuel to annoynt David the youngest sonne of Ishai of Bethlehem-Iudah the Towne of Boaz and Ruth vpon whome came the former Maiesticall Spirite After this Saul ceaseth not to persecute David which persecution was cause of penning most of the Book of Psalmes but David though hee had him at vantage would not hurte him In the end consulting with a Witch at En●or for before hating Samuel and Samuel nowe was dead hee tunneth to the Devill to speake with Samuel Saul the next daye after was slaine togither with his Sonnes in his warres with the Philistims running himselfe desperatlie on his swordes pointe Thus the wretched King run from sin to sinne till sinne slewe him From a lesser sinne he runnes to a greater from the greater vnto the greatest till hee meete with his match that is with a sinne that overmatcht him and brought him vnder foot Let Kings beware of sparing any cursed Agag or any fat Idole Religion for the bellie is Agags God lest the Lord leaue them to 〈◊〉 sinnes race the best end whereof is but shame confusion of face Seing we are all called to be Kings vnto God Lee vs spare neither fat sinnes nor leane sinnes sinnes lesse or more gainefull and pleasurable but let vs kill them all for as the bleating of the Cattle bewraied Sauls halting so will the crying of one sinne vnmortified bewray our hollowe hearts and prouoke the holy one to Iudgement The time of Sauls Raigne and of Samuel his Iudgship togither making 40. yeares 27. Staffe a Then Samuel did David King annoint Who was of Iudah b gracious good true c Then Salomon his Sonne he doth appoint Him to succeede as book of Kings doth shew This Salomon for d Tabernacles Rite Did build a Glorious Temple Gods delite a Se for this into the Annotation next before b As Dauid succeeded Saul so he raigned in all goodnes excepting the slaughter of Vriah the defiling of his wife Bathsheba marrying at length with Bathsheba by whom the adulterous Childe dead he had Salomon the figure of Iesus the peaceable Spouse of his church even as his Father David was the speciall type of IESVS the slaughterer of his Churches ●oes And here beginneth the Books of KINGS c David in his old age caused Zadok the Priest Nathan the Prophet he that reproved David for his Adulterie with his valiant men to carry his Son Salomon downe on his Mule to Gihon and there the Priest annoynting him with oyle taken out of the Tabernacle to proclaime him King who did so crying God saue King SALOMON After that David having exhorted his sonne to fear the Lord As also informing him of IEHOVAHS will concerning the Temple he dyed having raigned seauen yeares in Hebron where hee was the second time annoynted and 33. yeares in Ierusalem where he was the third time vncted d In stead of the Tabernacle formed in the wildernes Salomon by the Lord his appointment buildeth a Temple divided into the 1. Court 2. Holie and 3. Most Holy as was the Tabernacle The Stone was hewen and first made euen and afterwards were conioyned togither for the rearing vp of walles so that it is saide There was not heard the noise of an hammer in setting of it vp 1. King 6. 7. This signified that the Temple spirituall of our Iesus greater than Salomon namely the Church of the Newe Testament should consist of spirituall stones namely Men and weomen who first shuld be hewed and made smooth as Iohn Baptist smoothed the waye to Christ by the preaching of Prophets and having once the visible spirituall knobs hewen off then they should conioyne and knit togither into one communion This was cause that Iohn Baptist would not baptise any but such as first Confessed Sinne giving hope of Amendment And this was it that holy Peter respected when he said And yee as liuely stones be made a spirituall house 1. PETER 2. 5. Secondly that hammers or forcing meanes are not for ioyning People togither in holy Communion and Vnion spirituall for no Iron sworde can beget Faith but that Princes swords and hard meanes are appointed for the smoothing of them and cutting off their knobs and wicked manners that so they may bee fitted sooner for Christ. This Armie is to appeare willingly in holy beautie at the time appointed Faith is free or voluntarie not forced by humaine power Thirdly that Ratling noyse of Accusations Reprehensions is not fitte teaching within Christ his spirituall Temple the Church Iohn is to charge 〈◊〉 for Generation of V●pers that are without as 〈◊〉 these that are once entred into the Lords house and ●nrolled by Baptisme in his Booke to them appertaine sweeter wordes than Salomon spake in the hearing of his servants and why All ●●thin are hoped to be Christes and
with themselues Are we deliuer●d or do we dreame of deliverance Psal. 126. 1. When the fulnes of time concerning Iehouahs secret Decree is come then Devil Vncircumcised and all shall further the Lords work some of them for vainc glories sake some because their Conscience is secretly convicted some for one ●inister occasion some for another Onely let the Lords Israel in patience meane time possesse their soules alwaies believing that the Lord sits at the Helme and therefore the ship steared aright towards the Hauen howsoever by reason of crosse windes the Lord sometimes for winning the Winde doth run the Barke awklie Fresh water souldiers think such Sea-crossing strange and besides rule but the better and experienced Pilot knoweth what he doth The greater Crosse the greater Comfort in the ende And there an end for that 31. Staffe Cyrus a returnes them with full libertie To build Gods house But Enemies arise That for a while do stay That and the Citie Then Nehemi vnto his People hies Then Temple and the Cities Walls were reard b Maugre the hearts of them before they feard a In Cyrus his first year for the 70. were finished the King hauing caused his People to furnish them with necessaries they returne with sheaues in their bosom that went forth by weeping Crosse. And here beginneth EZRA In the First Returne Zerub-babel Contrary 〈◊〉 Confusion is the Peoples Captaine Comming to Ierusalem they lay the foundation but from the 3. yeare of Cyrus his Commandement it was hindred After that falleth out Ahashuerosh his Decree for Massacring Iewes but Hester through her Vnkle Mordechai his stirring vp turned the Iudgement vpon Haman and his house Reade here HESTERS storie and Mordechai is exalted Darius Ar●axast the third King of Persian Monarch he Ezra 6. sensiblie feeling Iehouahs hand against his people because the Iewes were stayed from the holy worke He in his second yeare renueth Cyrus his Predecessors Commandement Now beginneth Haggai to reprooue his People for hauing so great minde to the building of their owne houses in the meane time neglecting the Lordes House Togither with him the Lord stirred vp Zachariah for the worke In the 6. yeare of Artaxast or Artahshasht the substantiall partes of the Temple were finished The next yeare after Ezra and his holy Host make the Second Returne In the 20. yeare of the King Nehcm 2. 1. And here must beginne Nehemiahs Story Nehemiah Tirshatha or Butler commeth to Ierusalem and reareth vp the Cities walles and nowe were the Temples appurtenances finished which was 46. yeares from the Foundation laid Iohn 2. 20. and a Iubile of years that is seven seavens or 49. yeares whereof Gab●●el certified Daniel Dan. 9. 25. But Daniel mourneth for the hinderance Chap. 10. which was in Cyrus 3 yeare b Assurs People Reade of them in Hoshea last Israels King they starting from Samaria and the Cities thereabout did all they could to hinder it but it could not be stopped beyond Gabriels seaven seavens of yeares The Lordes prefixed time shall stop the Devill and all his black band What ●eedes Israel feare 32. Staffe Vnder Mede Perse for a Nehemiahs time Iudea liu'd Then b Alexander Great Winnes Persian Crowne and Raignes a little time c Foure Kingdomes do arise out of his Seate But d two of them aboue the other clyme And cruellie whip Iudah for the tyme. a It semeth that as Nehemiah might see the end of the Persian Monarch so likewise should Ezra see their whole Monarch head and foote Nehem. 12. 22. 26. for Darius Persa is the last King which Canonicall writ recordeth And the Iewish Hystoriographers doe wri●e that Iadduah Nehem. 12. 22. and Sanballat Nehem. 4 1. were in Alexander Magnus his time Of Iadduah Father of Onias they write that hee met Alexander in his Pontificalibz before whome the King reverenced Of Sanballa● they write that he presented Manasseh an Apostaticall Priest that had married with him to Alexander who built for his vse a kind of Temple To whome al such Priests resorted as for marrying with the Vncircumcised were driven from the Temples Alter at Ierusalem Manasses his Temple built as Ioseph Ben-Matthias recordeth on Mount Garizin an hil against Samaria higher than the residue Well hath One therefore concluded that the Persian Monarch may not be streatched aboue 130. yeares except wee will giue vnto Ezra an vncredible age b Alexander the Brasen Bellie Dan. 2. 39. the Leopard Dan. 7. 6. the Westerne Goate Dan. 8. 5. Alexander resembled in them Three hee commeth skipping from Grecia and pusheth the Ramme of Persia Dan. 8. 6. destroyeth the Persian Beare Dan. 8. 5. and succeedeth the Two silvered Armes of the Medes and Persians Paras so cast downe Iavan for of him Genes 10. 2. the Grecians came put on the Monarchs Diademe Him Iaddua Ierusalems high Priest accompanied with the Cittizens in white doth meete for which Alexander graunted them great liberties He raigned 6. yeares Monarch and then in his prime of strength having conquered the Easterne world he suddenly dieth and his house is quickly after rotten c Out of that Rotten Head springeth 4 Hornes or Kingdomes allotted to 4. Captaines To Cassander was allotted Macedonia to Antigonus Asia-Minor Syria to Seleucus Nicator and Egypt to Ptolemi Lagi Dan. 8. 8. and Chap. 11. 4. d The Kings of the North and South so called Dan. 11. because their Kingdoms so stood coasted from Iudea they roote out the other Two Corrivals and mary togither Dan. 11. 6. These Two Powers conioyned are liuely resembled by the Images Two Iron Legges Dan. 2. 33. As all haue consented that the first 3. mettles of Golde Silver Brasse did represent the Monarches of Golden Chaldea silverie Persi● brazen Grecia so vsuallie they haue vnderstood the Iron Legs to import the Romane Monarch The Iewes opening the eare willingly to that doe cast this bone back to Christians The Iron leggs are the Romane Monarch but the Romane Monarch is not yet abolished Therfore Christ is not yet come because Christ the Stone from aboue comming shall at his comming abolish the fourth Monarch aswel as the former Three Dan. 2. 34. 45. Nay they go on Triumphing thus Oh foolish Christians the Two Legs must denote Two King domes vnder whose feet we must bee trampled till Messiah come and as your selues graunt the Romish kingdome to bee One so we beleeue the Turkish kingdome to be the Other Iron Legge Herevnto over weakly me thinks there hath bene returned this Answer The Stone Christ hath rushed vpon R●mes Monarch in so much as by that power of Christ it still diminisheth some and some and wil be abolished quite at his second comming The lewe calleth this an Abolishment in Conceipt not Reall and for any thing I can smell it is too-too improper First an improper sense is vnnecessarie where a proper is at hand Secondly betweene the Two Legges and that One Goverment of the Romanes there is not proportion or likenes That the Iewes well obserue though they
evill applie them two As by the Two Armes were meant not O●e but Two Kingdomes namely Madai and Paras so by rule of likenes Two Kingdomes but both One against Iudea must here be meant That proportionablie holdeth in giving the two Legges vnto Aegypt and Syria which two Kingdomes as two Leggs did spring out of the Brazen Belly and Loynes Iavan or Grecia Thirdly the Stone was to fall on the Images Toes That IT did not regarding the Romanes for It rather rushed on that Monarchs Heade or prime of Government over Iudea but that it did on the Toes of Syri-Egypt for Herod Matthewe 2. 1. of Anti-pater an Idumean as hee was appointed to governe by Romes Cesar so was hee by Aegypts Antoni and Cleopatra then in Syria shee sprung of Syri-Egypts seed such commixture Daniel foretold 2. 43. and 11. 6 confirmed to that Regiment over Iudea The blessed Stone so tumbled on Gog-Magogs Toe See the 1. Staffe of the newe Testament following Fourthly the vision was for confirmation of the Iewes faith patience vntil Messiah came to case them and not so for Tyme after Messiah the like falling out in all Daniels following visions Fiftly we shal see that this Image is first for the Whole then for the Partes in the sequences expoun ded For the whole That vision Dan. 7. of the 4. Beasts is cleare The three Beasts expounding the three first Mettles as for the fourth Beast wherein lyeth the doubt it is set out by notable Periphrases but not said as were the former to bee like this or that Beast for being so changeable in goverment even nowe 12. raigning even nowe 4. even nowe two al Terrible and Tramplers of Iudea vnder foot it cannot at any hand be properly affirmed of Rome but wonderfull plainly and properly of that disordered Iron kingdom that came out of Iavans brazen bellie And of this kingdome doe the Iewish Antiquitaries vnderstand it teaching the●ewithall that Antiochus Epiphanes was that litle horne that vttered great blasphemie Let vs not hinder them in comming forwards to Iesus Messiah For the Partes of the Images-vision First Daniel hath a vision Chap. 8. of a Ram and a Goate This overthrowing That that is Mede-Perse or Paras ouerthrowne by Alexander the brazen Bellie and Goate saltant Secondly in the eleventh Chapter Daniel is told by the Angel of each excellent particular that concerneth the plaine pointing out of Mede-Perse Grecia and the braunched Hornes or Governments issuing on t of Alexanders Monarch every latter vision more open than the former and a plaine expositor of the first 33. Staffe These a Two hight thus Aegypt and Syria The Iron legges whereof good Daniel writes From Syri rose The b Horne blaspheming ay Which doste the Ievves and holy worship spites But after c Seventie seavens of years from Hy A d Sacred stone puts all these Kingdomes by a The two kingdomes springing out of Greciaes Monarche whereof sufficient lie is said in the annotation vpon the former Staffe b Of Tenne Syria-stampers vpstarts an Antiochus more base than any before him Hee would needes be called Epiphanes that is Famous but many then called him Epimanes that is Furious and Furious hee was against the pleasant Land Iudea His blasphemies and abrogation of holy thinges thou maiest see Dan. 7. 8. c. and Chap. 8. 9. c. This Beast stayed not afflicting Aegypt as Aegypt pinching at him but Iudea being in the middle it alwaies payed for their losses The nerer they came to Christ the greater was their Crosse. Of some his abhominable Actions the Apocriphal Machabees maketh true mention This Begger got on Horse-back ridde a mad gallop till the Lord cast him downe to his dounghill beginning Stinking in his death more fowlie than a dunghill This blasphemous Home was a special type or figure of the Newe Testaments Antichrist or Man of Sinne or Sonne of Perdition whome God shall destroye by the breath of his mouth committing his whole tyrannous body to the devouring fire Apoc. 19. 20. even as was not onely this speciall Horne but his whole Kingdome Dan. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. This blasphemous horne ariseth out of one of the four Beastes that Daniel sawe come out of the Sea as for the Newe Testaments sonne of Perdition he springeth out of a Beast that likewise came out of the Sea a Beast containing all Daniels Beastes Revel 13. 1. 2. And it may be that our Antichrist was not a Perfect Body till he had eate vp the former Beast as one Serpent eating another doth thereby growe to a Monster Pray for spirituall eyes for this Beast hath brewed a spiritual wine wherewithall all Nations haue bene made drunk as drunk as Beggars Wil-worshippers He that will not with Iohn Rev. 17. go into the Wildernes and that in the Spirit hee shall not knowe what the Mysterie meaneth neither is he worthie Whether Malachi prophecied in the end of the Persian Monarch or what time vnder this Iron Goverment I know not but plaine it is that all things were out of order in his time as also that hee was the last Canonicall Prophet of the Olde Testament c Daniel was tolde by Gabriel Dan 9 24. 25. 26. That 70. seavens of years were cut out for his People for the Holy Citie and for consuming wickednes abolishing Sinne for making reconciliation for iniquitie to bring in Everlasting Righteousnes and to shewe Christ the Holie of Holies c. Then doth Gabriel devide the number of 70. into three partes into 7. Seauens then into 62. Sevens then into one Seauen Vnto the first namely 7. times seaven yeares which is a Iubile of 49. yeares hee appointeth the building of Ierusalems walles and the finishing of the whole Temples worke which Nebuchadne●zar had burnt and rased down Isaiah 44 28. The time of which building was A troublous Time Daniel 9. 25. The 62. seavens or 434. yeares aster Ierusalems building finished reach vnto the last weeke or 7. yeares wherein Messiah shall be slaine The last week or 7. yeares breede much question Some translate Daniel thus In the Midst of the Weeke hee shall cease oblation Others translate it thus In the Halfe of the Week he shal cease oblation The word importing Halfe some vnderstand it of the first halfe Some of the latter halfe of the 7. yeares These that vnderstand it of the first halfe do teach that Iesus his Baptisme begun the first year of the Seauen and that his death ended that halfe and so they leaue the other halfe of the Seven vnto the Newe Testaments Revelation where it is saide that the two witnesses prophecied 3. yeares and an halfe Revel 11. and the Woman is said to be so long in the Wildernes Revel 12. Neither is this for many mysteries that seeme to arise from hence to bee reiected as a thing grossie absurde These that vnderstand it of the latter halfe do fullie finish Daniels latter 7. in Messiah his death affirming that the Newe Testaments 42. Moneths
To what end gaue he such Ministers for two ends First For gathering togither the Saints Secondly For the Ministeriall worke even for the edification of Christs bodie once gathered Howe long hath he appointed Ministers First for Gathering People into a body Secondly for Ministring vnto a Body so gathered or built vp He hath given such Ministerie Till wee all meet togither in the vnitie of Faith and Knowledge of the Sonne of God vnto a perfect man c. But yet we are not all So me● therefore still endureth the Guift of Christ for gathering the Saintes Which guift considering Apostles and Evangelists ceased doth onely rest vpon the head of this Prophet Let not the greatnes of any mans guiftes or fame bring preiudice vnto this so open truth Hee that holdeth not chieflie to this place for vpholding the Doctrine against Romanistes forsakes the surest string of his Bowe b Men fore-warned are half armed Iesus his Loue-Letter foretold this Revel 11. 7. and 13. 7. In Patience therefore let vs possesse our soules c See Revel 13. 16. 17. But a fearefull plague must Gods Angell or Prophet sent of God denounce against such branded People Revel 14. 9. 10. 11. The fearefulnes of which torment might feare them from all obedience to the Beast but if they will serue the Devill in his Rulers the Devill that setts them on work shal pay them their black wages 18. Staffe The Gentiles once got to the height of sinne And fulnesse of the a Saued come to Light The b Elder Brother Ievv shal straight com in And mourne for that he had no sooner sight Their comming in shall be the Gentiles Light Nor till that time will Sun againe be bright a When the Gentiles as a woman big bellied hath brought forth the F●lnesse of her spirituall wombe then shal all Israel be saved Rom. 11. 25. 26. Hereof read in 1. part at Iudahs king Ozia● there the 11. b I allude vnto the Parable Luke 16. 11. c. By the Elder sonne I vnderstand the Iewe by the yonger sonne the Gentile the Gentiles sprung specially of Iaphet the Iews of Shem and both of them sonnes to Noah who as a Gyant refreshed with wine rose from the wine giving Shem the Priviledge in the first place but plainly telling Iaphet that he should in time obtaine Shems Priviledge When the Prodigal Gentile was received home to eat of the fat Bullock and well liking Sacrifice Iesus the Iewe stubbornly stood without the spirituall Tent refusing to come in●●y they haue refused hitherto to come into the spirituall banquet and to communicate with vs. But the Fulnesse of the Gentiles once accomplished then shall Israel be called to the Faith of Christ Iesus who perceiuing that Messiah was slaine before by them they shall wayle Familie by Familie with a great Lamentation Zech. 12. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Vpon which humiliation a Fountaine shall bee opened to Dauids house for sin and vncleannes Chap. 13. 1. c. Their Fall brought a blessing to the Gentiles but their Rising shall bring much glory to such as will walke in their light Rom. 11. 12. 15. This their Rising the Apostles were not ignorant of who the last time that ever they asked a question of Iesus did demaunde If so hee would at that time Restore the Kingdome to Israel ACT. 1. I well knowe that some otherwise godly and learned haue blamed the Apostles there for exspecting a worldly Kingdome but Tantorum pace I dare not thinke that the Apostles are blame-worthie nay I deeme them praise-worthie who had so speciall care for their owne peoples good First If they dreamed that Israel should haue restored to them a Kingdome not onely spirituall such a dreame cannot be infringed nay reade the Prophets attentiuely and they insinuate a Kingdome not onely spirituall Secondly they saying Wilt thou at this time Restore the Kingdome to Israel what answer doth Iesus returne doth he reproue them No what saith he Thus he answers It is not for you to know the times or seasons which the father hath put in his own power Hee is so farre from denying the Kingdome they dreamed of as he doth plainly graunt it He grants it by answering only to the Tyme wherein they exspected such Restauration as though hee should say You are greedy of vnderstanding WHEN the Kingdome I shall be restored the Time thereof is in the Fathers hand neither is it necessarie for you to know looke you to your own present busines c. This I take to be open plain ynough specially if we remember that in the next place before Hee had taught them the things that concerned his kingdome immediatly wherevpon they demaunde onely the Tyme of Israels Restauration and onely hee answereth to the Tyme as graunting their meaning of the Kingdome If they had now erred in Iudgement I cannot think but hee would not haue ascended before he had reformed it considering the holy Ghost afterwardes was not sent downe so much to teache them any Newe thing as to bring vnto their remembrance The things he had before taught First God dwelled in Shems Tent even in the middest of Israels People and such Gentiles were blessed as had recourse vnto them Secondly God hath inhabited amidst the Gentiles and such Iewes haue bene happy as haue had recourse to them Thirdly God will againe dwel amidst the Iews and blessed shall such Gentiles be as gather themselues vnto them Thus the Lord concludeth both vnder Sinne that on both hee may haue mercy and that neither may swell in any thing of their owne he hath shut vp all in vnbeliefe that so hee may haue mercie vpon all The first shall be last and the last shall bee first Oh the deepnes of the riches both of the wisdome and knowledge of God! howe vnsearchable are his Iudgments and his waies past finding out 19. Staffe Iewes called once and all the nomber ron Rushing from Heaven shall a fire on the world The b Good living in Clowds shall meet the Son But wicked rowt shall in the fire be whorld Then c Iudgment comes and there an end of all To God for grace it resteth that we d call a After the Mysticall Body of Iesus consisting of Iewe and Gentile shall be accomplished downe shal fyre fal on the World Prophane Prophets tell of Atlas his sustaining the Earth on his shoulders but sure I am that the Elected Iewe and Elected Gentile are the Pillers of the whole world So soone as these Elected are remoued so soone the world falleth and perisheth b The Faithfull that then shall be living 1. Thess. 4. 17. shall in a moment be changed 1. Cor. ●5 51. 52. and togither with the Faithfull before deceased shall bee lifted vp on high to meet Iesus in the Clowdes Thus the Faithfull shall bee ●ree from the power of that devouring fire what time the Infidels and false counterfait Christians shall frye in the flame that fire being the gate vnto the