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A16095 Here begynneth the Pystles and Gospels, of euery Sonday and holy day in the yeare; Bible. N.T. Epistles. Selections. 1540. 1540 (1540) STC 2972; ESTC S1204 97,658 125

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receyued of vs / howe ye ought to walke and to please god / ye remēbre what commaūdementes / we gaue you in the name of the lorde Iesu Chryst / for this is the wyl of god euen that ye shulde be holy / and that ye shulde abstayne frō fornicacyon that euery one of you shulde knowe howe to kepe his vessell in holynes honour And not in the lust of cōcupiscens / as do the hethen which knowe not god that no man go to farre and defraude hys brother in bargaynyng / because the Lorde is a venger of all suche thynges / as we tolde you before tyme / and testifyeth vnto you for God hathe not called vs vnto vnclennes but to holynes in Christ Iesus our lorde ¶ The Gospel on the .ij. Sonday in Lent the .xv. cha of Mat. C IEsus went thence departed into the costes of the Tyre Sydō And behold a womā which was a Cananite came out of the same Costes and cryed vnto hym sayeng haue mercy on me lorde the sonne of Dauyd My doughter is petyously vexed with a deuyll And he gaue her neuer a worde to answere Then came to hym his disciples besought him sayenge sende her away for she foloweth vs cryeng he answered sayde I am not sent but vnto the loste shepe of the house of Israel Thā she came and worshypped hym saynge Mayster sucker me he answered and sayde it is not good to take the chyldrens brede and to cast it to the whelpes she answered and sayd it is truth neuertheles the whelpes eate of the crōmes which fall frō theyr masters table Then Iesus answered sayde vnto her O woman great is thy fayth be it to the euē as thou desyrest and her doughter was made hole euen at that same houre ¶ The Pystle on the .iij. Sonday in Lent to the Ephesyans the .v. chapiter A. BRethren be ye folowers of god as dere childrē and walke in loue euen as Christe loued vs and gaue hym selfe for vs an offerng a sacryfice of a swete sauer to god so that fornicacion and al vnclennes or couetousnes be not ones named amonge you as it be cōmeth sayntes neyther filthynes nether folyssh talking nether gestyng which are not comly but rather gyuyng of thākes for this ye knowe that no whoremonger eyther vnclene person / or couetous person which is the worshypper of ymages hath any inheritaūce in the Kyngedom of Christ of god Let no mā deceyue you with vayne wordes for thorowe suche thynges commeth the wrathe of god vpon the children of vnbeleue Be not therfore companyons with them / ye were ones darkenesse / but are nowe lyght in the lorde / walke as chyldren of lyght for the frute of the spirite is in al goodnes rightwysnes and trueth ¶ The Gospel on the .iij. Sonday in Lent the .xj. chap. of Luke C IEsus was a castynge out a deuyll which was domme it folowed when the deuyl was gone out / the domme spake / the people wondred Some of them sayde he casteth oute deuyls / by the power of Belzebub / the chefe of the deuilles and other tempted him sekynge of him a sygne from heuen he knew theyr thoughtes sayd vnto them Euery kyngdome at debate within it selfe shal be desolate And one house shall fall vpon an other So if Satan be deuided wtin hīselfe how shal his kyngdome endure bycause ye saye that I cast out deuyls by the power of Belzebub yf I by the power of Belzebub cast out deuyls by whose power / do your chyldren caste them out Therfore shal they be youre iudges But if I with the fynger of GOD caste out deuyls no doubte the kyngdome of god is come vpon you when a stronge man armed watched his house That he possesseth is in peace but when a stronger then he cōmeth vpon hym and ouercōmeth hym he taketh frō him his harneys wherin he trusted dyuydeth his goodes he that is not wyth me is agaynst me he that gathereth not with me scattereth when the vnclene spirite is gone out of a man he walked through waterlese places sekyng rest whē he fynded none he sayeth I wyll returne agayne vnto my house whense I came out and when he cōmeth he findeth it swept and garnyshed Then goeth he and taketh seuē other spyrytes with hym worse then hym selfe they entre in and dwell there And the ende of that man is worse then the begynnynge It fortuned as he thus spake a certayne woman of the company lift vp here voyce and sayd vnto him happy is the wombe that bare the and the pappos which gaue the sucke he sayd / happye are they that heare the worde of god and kepe it ¶ The Pystle on mydlent Sondaye The .iiij. chapiter to the / Galathyans C. BRethren it is wryten that Abraham had two sonnes the one by a bonde mayd the other by a fre woman ye and he which was of the bond woman was borne after the flesshe but he whiche was of the free woman was borne by promise whiche thynges betoken mistery / for these women are two Testament the one from● the mounte Syna whiche gendreth vnto bondage whiche is Agar for mounte Sina is called Agar in Arabia ●bordreth vnto the cyte whiche is now Ierusalem and is in bōdage with her children But Ierusalem whiche is aboue / is fre which is the mother of vs al for it is wrytten reioyce thou bareyn that bearest no chyldren breake forthe and crye thou that traualest not for that desolate hath many mo chyldren then she which hath an husband Brethren we are after the maner of Isaac chyldren of promyse but as them he that was borne carnally presecuted hym that was borne spiritually Euen so it is nowe neuerthelesse what sayth the scripture Cast away the bond woman and her sonne for the sonne of the bond women shal not be heyre with the sonne of the fre woman So then brethren / we are not chyldren of the bonde woman but of the free woman ¶ The Gospell on mydlente Sondaye The .vj. chapiter of Iohn A. IEsus went his waye ouer the see of Galyle nye to a citye called Tiberias and a greate multitude folowed hym because they had sene the myracles the the dyd on them / whiche were dyseased Iesus went vp into a mountayne there he sate with his disciples Easter a feast of the Iues was nye Then Iesus lyfte vp his eyes and sawe a great company come vnto hym and sayde vnto Philyp whense shall we bye breade that these myghte eate This he sayde to proue hym for he him selfe knew what he wold do Phylyp answered hym Two hōdreth peny worth of breade are not sufficient for them that euery mā myght haue a lytle Then saide vnto hym one of his disciples Andrewe Simon Peters brother There is a lad here whiche hathe .v. barly loues and .ij. fyshes but what is that amonge so many Iesus sayde make the people to sytt downe there was
sondaye after weddynge goeth out called Septuagesyma The .xx. Chapyter of Mathewe A IEsus sayde vnto his dysciples The kyngdome of heuen is lyke vnto an housholder which wēt out erly in the mornynge to hyre labourers in hys vyneyarde and he agreed with the labourers for a peny a daye sent them into his vyneyard And he went out about the thyrde houre and fawe other standynge ydel in the market place and sayd vnto them / go ye also into my vyneyarde / what soeuer is ryghte / I wyll gyue you and they went theyr waye Agayne he went out about the syxt and nynth houre and dyd lyke wyse And he wente out aboute the eleuenth houre and founde other standyng ydell / and sayd vnto them why stand ye here all the daye ydell They sayd vnto hym Because no man hath hyred vs. He sayde vnto thē Go ye also into my vyneyarde and what soeuer shal be ryght that shall ye receyue when euen was come the lorde of the vyneyard sayde vnto hys Stewarde call the labourers gyue thē theyr hyre / begynne at the laste tyll thou come to the fyrste And they which were hyred about the eleuēth houre / came and receyued euery man a peny Then came fyrste / supposynge that they shulde receyue more / they likewyse receyued euery man a peny And when they had receyued it / they grudged agaynste the good mā of the house sayenge These laste haue wrought but one houre and thou haste made them equall vnto vs / whiche haue borne the burthen hete of the daye He answered to one of them sayenge frende I do the no wronge / dydeste thou not agree with me for a peny Take that which is thy dutye and go thy way / I wyll gyue vnto this laste / as muche as to the / is it not lawfull for me to do as me lysteth with myne owne is thyne eye euyll / bycause I am good / so the laste shal be fyrste / and the fyrst shal be laste / for many are called / but fewe be chosen ¶ The Pistle on the Sonday of lx the .ij. Pystle to the Corinthiās and the .xi chapiter G. BRethrē suffre foles gladly because that ye your selues are wyse / for ye suffre euen yf a man brynge you into bondage / yf a mā deuoure / yf a mā take / yf a mā exalte hym selfe / yf a man smyre you on the face I speke as cōcernynge rebuke as thoughe we had bene weke howe be it wherin so euer any man dare be bolde / I speake folysshelye / I dare be bolde also / They are Ebrues / so am I / They are Israelytes euē so am I They are the sede of Abrahā / euen so am I. They are the mynisters of Christ I speake as a foole I am more In labours more abūdāt / ī strypes aboue measure / in pryson more plētuously in deth oft / of the Iewes / fyue tymes receyued I / euery time xl strypes saue one Thryse was I beatē with roddes I was ones stoned I suffred thryse shyp wrake nyght and day haue I bene in the depht of the see in iorneynge often In parels of waters / in parel of robbers in ieopardies of myne owne naciō in ieopardies amonge the hethen / I haue bene in parels in cytyes / in parels in wyldernes / in parels in the see / in parels amonge false brethren in laboure and trauayle / in watchynge oft / in hungre / in thyrst / in fastynge often / in colde / and in nakednes / besyde the thynges which outwardelye happen vnto me I am combred dayly and care for all cōgregacyons who is sycke / I am not sycke / who is hurte in fayth / my herte burneth not yf I must nedes reioyce / I wyll reioyce of myne infyrmites God the father of our lorde Iesus Christ / which is blessed for euermore knoweth that I lye not ¶ The Gospell on the Sondaye of .xl. the .viij. Chapiter of Luke A WHen moch people were gadered togyther / and were come to Iesus out of the cytyes / he spake by a symylytude A sower went out to sowe his sede And as he sowed / some fel by the waye syde / and it was troden vnder fete / and the foules of the ayre deuoured it vp / some fel on stones / as sone as it was sprōge vp / it wythered away because it lacked moystnes / and some fell amonge thornes / and the thornes spronge vp with it / and choked it And some fell on good grounde / and spronge vp bare frute an hōdreth folde / And as he sayde these thinges he cryed / he that hathe eares to here / let hym heare / hys dyscyples asked hym sayinge what maner symylytude thys shulde be / and he sayde vnto you it is gyuen to knowe the secretes of the kyngdome of god but to other in symylytude / that when they se / they shulde not se / when they heare / they shulde not vnderstande / the similitude is this / The sede is the worde of god those that are besyde the way are / they that heare / and after warde commeth the deuyll and taketh awaye the worde out of theyr hertes lest they shulde beleue and be saued They on the stones are they which when they heare the worde receyue it with ioy / and these haue no rotes / which for a whyle beleue in tyme of tēptacyon go away That which fell among thornes are they whiche heare and go forth / are choked wyth care and ryches and voluptuous lyuynge and brynge forth no fruyte That in the good grounde they are whiche with a good and pure herte here the word and kepe it and bryng forth fruyte wyth paciēce ¶ The Pystle on the Sondaye of .l. the fyrste Pystle to the Corynthyans The .xiij. Chapyter A BRethren thoughe I speake wyth the tonges of men and angels yet had no loue I were euen as soūdyng brasse and as a tynklyng cymball And though I coulde prophesye vnderstode all secretes al knowledge ye yf I had al fayth so that I coulde moue moūtaynes out of their places yet had no loue I were nothyng And though I bestowed all my goodes to fede the poore And though I gaue my body euē that I burned yet haue no loue it ꝓfyteth my nothyng loue suffereth longe is curteoꝰ loue enuyeth not loue doth not frowardly swelleth not dealeth not dishonestly seketh not her owne is not prouoketh to angre thynketh not euyll reioyseth not in iniqite but reioyseth in the truth / suffreth al thyng beleueth al thīges / hopeth all thynges And endureth in all thynges Thoughe that the prophesyeng fayle other tonges shal cease or knowledge vanyshe awaye / yet loue falleth neuer away for oure knowledge is vnperfyte our prophesyenge is vnperfyte but when the whyche is perfyte is come / then the which is vnperfyt shal be done away when I was a chylde I spake as
this world now shal the prince of this world be cast out And I yf I were lyft vp frō the erth wyl drawe al mē vnto me This sayd Iesꝰ sygnyfiēg what death he shuld dye The pople answered him We haue herde of the lawe that Christ bydeth euer And howe sayest thou then that the sōne of mā must be lifte vp Who is the sōne of mā Iesꝰ sayd vnto thē yet a lytel whyle is the lyght with you walke whyle ye haue lyght lest the darknes com on you He that walketh in the darke woteth not whither he goeth But whyle ye haue lyghte beleue on the lyghte that ye maye be the chyldren of lyghte ¶ The Pystle on saynt Mathewes day the Apostle THe similitude of the faces of the foure beastes The face of a man the face of a Lyon on the ryght hād of the foure of thē And the face of an Egle aboue them foure And theyr faces / and theyr wynges stretched out aboue an hye Eche had two wynges coupled togyther two that couered theyr bodyes and they went al strayt forward whether they had lust to go / thyther they wente / turned not backe agayne in theyr go●ng And the symilytude of the beastes the fasshyon of them was as burnyng coles of fyre as fyre brandes walkynge betwene the bestes the fyre dyd shyne out of the fyre proceded lyghtnyng the bestes ranne and returned after the fasshyon of lyghtnyng ¶ The Gospel on Saynte Mathewes daye the Apostīe The ix Chapyter of Mathewe B WHen Iesus wente forth he sawe a man syt receyuynge of a coustome named Mathewe sayde to him Folow me and he arose folowed hȳ And it came to passe / that Iesꝰ sat ate meat in the house behold many Publycans synners came and sate downe also with Iesus his discyples When the Pharyses had ꝑceyued that they sayd to his disciples Why eateth your master with Publycans synners When Iesu herde that he sayd to thē T●e whole nede no Phisiciā but they that are sicke Go lerne what that meaneth I haue pleasure in mercy not ī offering for I am not come to call the rightwyse but the synners to repētaūce ¶ The Pystle on S. Myghels day The fyrst Chapyter of the Reuelacion of saynt Iohn̄ A IEsus sent shewed by his angel vnto his seruaūt Iohn̄ which bore recorde of the worde of god of the testimony of Iesꝰ Christ of al thynges that he sawe Happy is he that hereth redeth the wordes of the prophesye kepe those thinges which are wrytē therin for the tyme is at hāde Iohn̄ to the vij cōgregaciōs in Asia Grace be with you peace frō him which is which was the which is to come frō the vij spirites which are present before his trone frō Iesus Christ which is a faythfull wytnes fyrst begottē of the deed lorde ouer the kynges of the erth vnto him that loueth vs wasshed vs frō our sȳnes in his owne bloud ¶ The Gospell on s Myghels daye the .xviij. cha of Math. A THe disciples came vnto Iesus sayeng Who is the gretest in the kyngdome of heuen Iesꝰ called a chylde vnto him set him in the myddes of thē said verely I say vnto you excepte ye turne become as childrē ye can not entre into the kingdom of heuē Whosoeuer therfore shal submit him selfe as this chyld he is the greatest in the kyngdome of heuen whosoeuer receyued such a chylde in my name receyueth me but whosoeuer offende one of these litel ones which beleueth in me / it were better for hī that a mylstone were hāged about his necke that he were drowned in the depth of the see Wo be vnto the world because of offēces / howbeit it can not bē auoyded neuertheles wo be to the mā by whō the offence cōmeth Wherfore yf thy hāde or thy fote gyueth the an occusacyon of euyll cut him of caste hym frō the it is better for that to entre into lyfe halte or maymed rather then thou shuldest hauyng two handes or two fete be caste into euerlastinge fyre And yf also thyne eye offende y● plucke him out and cast hym frō ye. It is better for the to entre into lyfe with one eye thā hauynge two eyes to be caste into hell fyre Se that ye despyse not one of these lytell ones For I saye vnto you that in heuen angels beholde the face of my father which is in heuen ¶ The pystle on the Trāsfiguraciō of s Edward kīge cōfessour THe iust man wyll gyue his herte watche in the mornynge to the lord which made him wyl pray in the syght of the most hyest He wyl opē his mouth ī prayer wil pray for his sinnes And yf the great lorde wyl he wyl fulfyl him with the spirite of vnderstandynge he wyl shew forth y● eloquēce of his wysdome of swete shoures wyl know●edge to the lord in prayer he wyl dyrecte his coūsayle discyplyne wyll haue coūsel in secrete thīges he shal speake opēly the discipline of his doctrine shal glory in the T●stamēt of y●●ord Many mē shal prayse his wysdome it shal not be done awaye vnto the worldes ende His remembraunce shall not go aw●y and hys name shal be requyr●d from generacyon into genera●ion ¶ The gospel on the Translacion of s Edward kynge and confessour The xj chapyter of Luke E IEsꝰ vnto his disciples No mā lighted a cādel putteth it in a preuye pla●e neyther vnder a busshell but on a cādelstycke that they that come in may se lyght The ●yght of thy bodye is thyne eye Therfore when thyne eye is syngle then is all th● body ful of lyght but yf thy●e eye be euyll then shal al thy body be ful of darknes Take hede therfore that the light which i● in the be not darknes for yf all thy bo●y shal be syght hauynge no parte darke then shall all be full of lyght euen as when a cādell doth lyght the with his bryghtnes ¶ The Pystle on Saynt Luke the Euangelystes day THe similitude of the faces Ye shall fynde this Pyst●e on Saynt Mathewes daye the Apostle Folio lvi ¶ The gospell on s Luke the Euāgelistes day the .x. cha of Lu. A OVr lorde apoynted other seuentye also sente thē two two before his face into euery cytye place whether he him selfe wolde come And sayd vnto the the haruest is gret but the labourers are fewe pray therfore the lord of the haruest to sende forth his labourers into his haruest Go your wayes beholde I sende you forth as Lābes amōg wolues beare no wallet neither scrippe nor shoes salute no mā●y the way In what soeuer house ye entre in fyrst say peace be to this house And y● the son of peace be ther your peace shal rest on him yf not it shal● returne to you