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A16081 Here begynneth the pystles and gospels, of euery Sonday, and holy daye in the yere; Bible. N.T. English. Selections. 1538 (1538) STC 2966.3; ESTC S105508 96,318 158

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saluacyon let vs gyue no mā occasyō of euyll that ī oure offyce be foūde no faute but ī al thiges let vs be haue oure selues as the ministers of god I moch pacyēce ī afflyccyōs ī necessyte ī anguysshe ī strypes ī prysōmēt ī stryfe ī laboure ī watche ī fastīg ī purenes ī knowledge ī lōge sufferyng ī kyndnes ī the holy ghost ī loue vnfayned in the wordes of trueth ī the power of god by the armure of ryghtwysenes on the ryght hāde on the lyft hāde ī honoure dishonour ī euyl reporte and good reporte as disceyuers yet true as vnknowen as dyenge and beholde we yet lyue as chastened and nat kylled as sorowynge and yet alway merye as poore yet make many ryche as hauyng nothyng and yet possessyng all thynges ¶ The Gospel on the fyrst Sonday in Lent the iiij chapyter of Mathew A. UUhē Iesus was lede away of the spiryte in to wyldernes to be tēpted of the deuyl And when he hadde fasted forty dayes forty nyghtes at the laste he was an hūgred Thē came vnto hym the tēpter sayd if thou be the sone of god cōmaūde that these stones demade breade He answered and sayd It is wryttē mā shall nat lyue onely by breade but by euery worde that procedeth out of the mouthe of god Thē the deuyl toke hī vp ī to the holy cyte let hym on a pynacle of the temple and sayde vnto hym if thou be the sone of god cast thy selfe downe for it is wrytten he shal gyue his angels charge ouer the with theyr handes they shal holde the vp that thou dassh nat thy fote agaynst a stone Iesus sayde to hym this is wryttē also Thou shalt nat tēpte thy lorde god The deuyl toke hym vp agayn and let hym in to an excedynge hye moūtayne and she wed hym al the kyngdomes of the world and al the glory of them sayd vnto hym al these wyll I gyue the yf thou wylt fall downe worshyp me Then sayd Iesus vnto hym auoyde Sathan for it is wrytten Thou shalt worshyp thy lorde god and hym only shalte thou serue ¶ The Pystell on the seconde sonday in Lent the fyrst pystel to the Tessalouyās The fourth chap̄ A WE beseche you brethrene exorte you in the lord Iesꝰ that you encrease more more euē as ye haue receaued of vs how ye ought to walke to please god ye remēber what commaundementes we gaue you ī the name of the lord Iesu christ for this is thewyl of god euē that ye shulde be holy and that ye shuld absteyne from fornicacyon that euery one of you shulde knowe howe to kepe hys vessel in holynes and honoure And nat in the lust of concupyssens as do the heathē whiche knowe nat god that no man go to farre and defraude his brother ī bargayning because the lord is a vēger of al suche thynges as we told you before tyme testyfyed vnto you for god hathe nat callede vs vnto vnclennes but vnto holynes in Chryst Iesꝰ our lorde ¶ The Gospel on the seconde Sōday in Lent the. xv chapiter of Mathewe C. IEsus went thēe● and departed in to the costes of Tyre and Sydon And beholde a woman whiche was a Cananite came out of the same costes tried vnto hym sayeng haue mercy on ●…orde the sone of Dauyd My doughter is petyously vexed with a deuyl And he gaue her neuer aword to answere Thē came to hym his dyscy●les besought hym sayēg send her away for she foloweth vs cryenge he answered sayd I am nat sent but vnto the loste shepe of the house of Israell Thē she came and worshypped hym sayēg mayster sucker me he answered sayde it is nat good to take the chyldrens bred to cast it to the whelpes she answered and sayde it is truth neuertheles the whelpes eate of the crōmes whiche fall from theyr maysters table Thē Iesꝰ an swered sayd vnto her O womā great is thy fayth be it to the euen as thou desyrest her doughter was made hole euen at that same houre ¶ The Pystel on the. iij. Sondaye in Lent to the Ephesyans the. v. chapyter A. BRethrene be ye folowers of god as dere chyldren walk ī loue euen as Chryste loued vs gaue hī selfe for vs an offryng a sacryfyce of aswete sauer to god so that fornicacyon al vnclennes or couetousnes be nat ones named amōg you as it becōmeth sayntes neyther fylthynes neyther folysshe talkynge neyther gestynge whiche are nat comely but rather gyuyng of thākes for this ye know that no wromōger other vncleane persone or couetous persone whiche is the worshypper of images hath any inherytaūce in the kyngdome of Chryste and of god Let no mā deceyue you with vayne wordes for thorowe such thynges commeth the wrathe of god vpon the chyldren of vnbyleue Be nat therfore cōpanyons with them ye were ones darknesse but are nowe lyght ī the lorde walke as chyldrē of lyght for the fruyte of the spiryte is in al goodnes ryghtwysnes and trueth ¶ The Gospell on the. iij. Sonday in Lent the. xi chapyter of Luke C. IIesus was a castynge out a deuyll whiche was domme And it foloweth whē the deuyl was gone out the dōme spake and the people wondred Some of them sayd he casteth out deuylles by the power of Belzebub the cheyfe of the deuylles other tempted hym sekynge of hym a sygne from heuen he knewe theyr thoughtes and sayde vn to them Euery kyngdome at debate wythin it selfe shall be desolate And one house shall fall vpon an other So if Sathan be deuyded with in hym selfe how shal his kyngdome endure because ye saye that I cast out deuylles by the power of Belzebub if I by the power of belzebub caste oute deuyls by whose power do youre chyldren caste thē oute Therfore shal they be your iudges But if I with the fynger of god caste out deuylles no doubte the kyngdome of god is come vpon you when a strong man armed watched hys house That he possesseth is ī peace but when a stronger then he commeth vpon hym and ouercommeth hym he taketh frō hym his harneys wherin he trusted and diuydeth his goodes he that is nat with me is agaynst me and he that gathe reth nat with me scattereth when the vncleane spirite is gone out of a mand he walketh through waterlese places sekyng rest and when he fyndeth none he sayeth I wyl ceturne agayne vnto my house whē se I came out and when he commeth he fyndeth it swept and garnysshed Thē goeth he and taketh seuen other spirytes with hym worse then hym selfe they entre in dwell there and the ende of the mā is worse then the begynnyng It fortuned as he thus spake a certayn woman of the company lyfte vp her voyce and sayd vnto hym happy is the wombe that bare the the pappes which gaue the sucke he sayd happy are they that
kyndnes humblenes of mynde mekenes long suffryng forbering one on ather yf any man haue a quarell to another euen as Chryst forgaue you euen so do ye aboue all these thynges put on loue whiche is the bond of perfectnes and the peace of good rule in youre hertes to the whiche peace ye are called in one body and se they be thankful let the worde of Chryst dwel ī you plenteously in al wysdome teche and exorte your owne selues in Psalmes and Hymnes and spyrytual songes whiche haue fauour with them syngyng in your hertes to the lorde all thynges what so euer ye do in worde or dede do in the name of the lorde Iesu gyuyng thākes to god to father by hym ¶ The Gospell in the. v. Sondaye after that vtas of Epyphanye the. xiiij Chapiter of Mathewe G. IEsus sayde vnto his disciples The kyngdome of heuen is lyke vnto a man whiche sowed goode sede in his felde but whyle men slept there came his foo and sowed tares amonge the wheate and went his way Uvhen the blade was spronge vp and had brought forth fruyte them appered the tares also The seruauntes came to the householder sayde vnto hī Syr sowedest nat thou goode seede in thy close frō whense thē hathe it tares he sayde to thē the enuyous mā hath done this Thē the seruaun ces sayd vnto hym Uvylt thou thē that we go gather thē he sayd nay lest whyle ye go about to wede oute the tares ye plucke vp also with thē the wheate by the rotes let bothe grow togyther tyl haruest comand ī tyme of heruest I wyl saye vnto my reapers gather ye fyrste the tares and bynde thē yn sheues to be brēt but gather the wheate in to my barne ¶ The Pystel on the Sōday after weddyng goeth out called Septuage The. i. pystel to the Corynthy ans and the. ix Chapyter D. BRethrē perceyue you nat how that they which rūne in a course rūne all yet but one receyueth the rewarde so rūne that ye may optayne Euery mā that prouet maystres abstayneth from al thynges they do it to obtayne a corruptible crowne but we to obtain an vncorruptyble crowne I therfore so rūne nat as at an vncertayne thyng so fyght I nat as one that beathet the ayre but I tame my body brynge hym in to subieccyon lest after that I haue preached to other I my selfe shulde be a cast awaye Brethren I wolde nat that ye shulde be ignoraunte of this as youre fathers were all vnder a cloude all passed tho rowe the see and were al baptysed vnder Moyses in the cloude and in the see and dyd al eate of one spirituall meate and dyd all drynke of one maner of spirituall drynke and they dronke of that spyrytual rocke that folowed them whiche rocke was Chryste ¶ The Gospel on the Sonday after weddynge goeth out called Septuageūma the. xx chapyter of Matthewe A. IEsus sayde vnto his disciples The kyngdome of heuen is lyke vnto an householder whiche wēt out erly ī the mornynge to hyrelabourers in to his vynyard and he agreed with the labourers for apeny a daye and sent them ī his vynyard And he went out aboute the thyrde houre sawe other standynge ydell ī the market place and sayd vnto them go ye also in to my vyneyarde and what so euer is ryght I wyll gyue you and they went theyr way Agayne he wente out aboute the syxte and nynth houre dyde lykewyse And he went oute abouthe the eleuēth houre and founde other standyng ydell and sayde vnto thē Uvhy stāde ye here al the day ydell They sayd vnto hym Bycause no man hath hyred vs. He sayde vnto theym Go ye also in to my vyneyarde what soeuer shall be ryght that shall ye receaue Uvhan euen was come the lorde of the vyneyarde sayd vnto his Steward cal the labourers gyue thē theyr hyre beginne at the laste tyl thou cō to the fyrste And they whiche were hyred about the eleuēth houre cam receaued euery man a penye Then came the fyrst supposynge that they shulde receaue more they lykewyse receaued euery man a peny And whē they had receaued yt they grudged against the good man of the house sayeng These last haue wrought but one houre thou haste made thē equall vnto vs which haue borne the burthen hete of the daye He answered to one of them sayēg frēde I do the no wronge dyd dest thou nat agre with me for a peny Take that whiche ys thy dutye and go thy waye I wyll gyue vnto this laste as moche as to the is it nat laufull for me to do as me lysteth with myne owne is thyn eye euyl because I am good so the last shal be fyrst the fyrst shal be laste for many are called fewe be chosen ¶ The Pystel on the Sōdaye of lx the second pystel to the Corinthyans and the. xi chapyter G. BRethren suffre foles gladly by cause that ye youre selues ar wyse for ye suffre euen yf a man bryng you in to bondage if a mā deuoure if a man take yf a man exalte hym selfe yf a man smyte you on the face I speke as cōcernynge rebuke as thoughe we had ben weake howbeyt wheryn so euer any mā dare be bolde I speake folysshely I dare be bolde also They are hebrues so am I They are Israelytes euen so am I. They are the sede of Abraham euen so am I. They are the minysters of chryst I speake as afole I am more In labours more aboundant of the in strypes aboue measure in pryson more plenteously in dethe ofte of the Iewes fyue tymes receaued I euery tyme. xl strypes saue one Thryse was I beaten with roddes I was ones stoned I suffrede thryse shype wrake nyght daye haue I bē ī the depth of the see ī iorneynge often In parels of waters ī parell of robbers in ieoperdyes of min owne nacyō in ieoperdyes among the hethē I haue ben ī parelles ī cytyes ī parels ī wildernes ī parelles ī the see ī parelles amōge false brethrē in labour trauayle ī watchyng of ten in hūgre ī thryst in fastynge often in colde ī nakednes besyde the thynges which out wardely happē vnto me I am cōbred dayly and care for all congregacyōs Uvho is sycke and I am nat sycke who is hurte ī fayth and my hert burneth nat yf I must nedes reioyce I wyll reioyce of myne infirmities God the father of oure lord iesus chryst whiche is blyssed for euermore knoweth that I ly nat ¶ The Gospell on the Sondaye of lx The. viij chapyter of Luke A. ●Uhē moche people were gathered to gyther and were come to Iesꝰ oute of the cytyes he spak by a similitude A sower went out to sow his sede And as he sowed som fel by the way syde and it was trodē vnder fete and the foules of the ayre deuoured yt vp and some fel on stones and as soone
as it was spronge vp yt wyddred away bycause it lacked moystnes some fell amonge thornes and the thornes syrong vp with it and choked it And some fell on good grounde and spronge vp and bare fruyt an hōdred folde And as he sayd these thynges he cryed he that hath eares to heare let hym heare his dyscyples asked hym sayenge what maner symylytude this shulde be and he sayd vnto you it is gyuen to knowe the secretes of the kyngdome of god but to other in similitudes that whē they se they shuld nat se whē they hear they shulde nat vnderstande the similitude is this The sede is the worde of god those that are besyde the waye are they that heare and afterwarde commeth the deuyl and taketh a waye the worde oute of theyr heries lest they should byleue and be saued They on the stones are they whiche when they heare the worde receaue it wyth ioye and these haue no rotes which for a whyle byleue ī tyme of tēptacyō goo awayne That whiche fell amonge thornes are they whiche heare go forth and are choked with care and ryches voluptuous lyuing bryng forth no fruyte That ī the good groūde they are which with a good pure hert heare the worde and kepe it and bryng forth fruyte with pacience ¶ The Pystell on the Sonday of l. the fyrste Pystel to the Corynthyans The. xiij chapiter A. BRethrē thoughe I speake with the tonges of men and angels yet had no loue I were euē as soūdyng brasse and as a tynklynge cymball And though I coulde prophesy and vnderstode al secreces and all knowlege ye yf I had all fayth so that I coulde moue mountaynes out of theyr places yet had no loue I were nothynge And though I be ●o wed al my goodes to fede the poore and though I gaue my body euen that I burned and yet haue no loue it profyteth me nothing loue suffreth lōg and is curteous loue enuyeth nat loue doth nat frowardly swelleth nat dealeth nat dyshonestly seketh nat her owne is nat ꝓuoked to angre thīketh nat euyll reioyceth nat in iniquite but reioyceth in the trueth suffreth all thīge byleueth all thīges hopeth all thin ges and endureth in all thynges Though that the ꝓphesyeng fayle other tōges shall cease or knowlege vanysshe away yet loue falleth neuer away for our knowlege is vnparfyte and our prophesieng is vnparfyte but whē that whiche is parfyte is cōe thē that which is vnparfyte shal be done awaye when I was a chylde I spake as a chylde I vnderstode as a chylde I imagyned as a chylde but as sōe as I was a mā I put awaye all childysshenes now we see in a glasse euē ī a darke speakīge but whē shall we see face to face now I know vnparfitly But whā shall I knowe euē as I am knowē nowe abydeth fayth hope loue euē these thre but the chefe of thē is loue ¶ The Gospell on the Sōday of l. The. xviij Chapyter of Luke F. IEsus toke vnto hī the twelue sayde vnto thē beholde we go vp to Ierusalē and all shall be fulylled that are wryttē by the prophetes of the sones of man he shall be delyuered vnto the gentyls shall be mocked and shall be despytefully entreated shall be spetten on when they haue scurged hym they wyll put hym to deth and the thyrd day shall he aryse agayn They vnderstode none of these thynges this sayinge was hyd from thē and they perceyued nat the thynges which were spoken it cā to passe as he was come nye vnto Ierico a certayne blynde man sate by the waye syde beggyng and when he herde the people passe by he asked what it meante They sayde vnto hym that Iesus of nazareth went by and he cryed sayeng Iesus the sone of Dauyd haue mercy on me and they whiche went before rebuked hym bycause he shuld hold his peace and he moche the more cryed The sonne of Dauyd haue mercy on me Iesꝰ stod styll and commaūded hym to be brought vnto hym and when he was come nere he asked hym sayenge Uvhat wylt thou that I do vnto the and he sayde lorde that I maye receaue my syght Iesus sayd vnto hym Receaue thy syght thy fayth hath saued the imedyatly he sawe folowed hym praysynge god al the people when they sawe it gaue laude to god ¶ The Pystell on on Asshewednysday The secon de chapyter of Iohel D. OUre lorde sayth turne to me with all your hertes in fastyng and lamentacyon teare your hertes nat youre garmētes and turne vnto the lorde your god for he is full of mercy and compassyō long yer he be angry great in mercy and repenteth whē he is at the poynt to punysshe who can tell whether the lord wyll turne and haue compassyon shall leaue after hī a blyssyng sacryfice and drynke offrynge vnto the lord your god Blow a trompet in Syon proclayme fastyng and call a cōgregacyō gather the people to gyther bryng thou the elders to one place gather the yonge chyldrē they that sucke the brestes to gyther let the bryde grome come out of hys chambre the bryde out of her parloure let the preestes that mynyster vnto the lord wepe by twene the porche the alter saye spare lorde thy people and delyuer nat thyne enhery taunce vnto rebuke that the hethen shulde raygne ouerthē why shuld they say amōg the nacyōs where is theyr god And the lorde enuyed for his laudes sake had cōpassyō on his people the lord answered sayde vnto his people behold I sēt you corne newe wyne oyle that ye shal be satisfyed ther with neyther wyll I delyuer you any more vnto the hethen ¶ The Gospell on Asshedwednysday The. vi chapyter of Mathewe B. CHrist sayd vnto hys discyples whē ye faste be nat sad de as the hypocrites are for they dysfygure theyr faces that it myght appere vnto mē that they faste Uerely I saye vnto you they haue theyr rewarde But thou when thou fastest anoynt thyne heed and wass he thy face that it appere nat vnto men how that thou fastest but vnto thy father that is in secret and thy father whiche seythe in secrete shal rewarde the openly Gather nat treasure to gyther on erth where ruste and mothes corrupte and where theues breake through steale but gather the treasure to gyther in heuē where neyther rust nor mothes corrupt wher theues neyther breke vp nor yet steale For wher soeuer youre treasure ys there wyll youre hertes be also ¶ The Pystel on the fyrst Sondaye ī Lent the seconde pystell to the Corynthyans The. vi chapiter A. BRethren we exorte you the ye receaue nat the grace of god in vayne for he sayth I haue herde the in a tyme accepted in the day of saluacyon haue I suckered the. Beholde now is the well accepted tyme beholde now is the daye of
heuen is lyke vnto treasure hyd in the felde the whiche a man founde and hyd it for ioy thereof goeth selleth all that he hath byeth that felde Agayne the kyngdom̄ of heuen is lyke vnto a Ma●●haunte se kynge after good peerles which whē he had found one precyous perle wente and solde all that he had and bought it Agayne the kyngdome of heuē is lyke vnto a Nette caste ī to the see that gadereth of al kyndes of fyshes whiche when it is full mē draw to lande and syt and gathereth the good in to theyr vesselles and caste the bad away So shall it be at the ende of the worlde The angelles shall come and seuer the bad from the good and shal caste them ī to a furneys of fyre there shal be waylyng and gnasshynge of teeth Iesus sayd vnto theym haue ye vnderstanded all these thynges they sayd ye syr Then sayde he vnto them therfore euery scrybe whiche is taughte vnto the kyngdome is lyke an housholder whiche bryngeth forth out of his treasure thynges bothe newe and olde ¶ The Pystel on Mary Magdaleyn day Prouerb xxxi AU voman of power verite yf a man culde fynde the valew of her were farre aboue perles The herte of her husbāde trusteth in her that he nedethe nat spoyles She rendereth hym good not euyl al the dayes of her lyfe She sought wolle fla xe and dyd as her handes serued her She is lyke a marchauntes s●●y that bryngeth her vytayles from farre She ryseth yer day and gyueth meate to her houshold and fode to her maydens She consydered a grounde and bought it and of the fruyte of her hādes plāted a vyne She gyrde her loynes with strēgth couraged her armes She ꝑceaued that her huswfry was ꝓfytable therfore dyd not put out her c●●ell by nyght She set her fingers to the splēdle her hādes caughte holde on the dystaffe She opened herhāde to the poore stretched out her hādes to the nedye she feared not lest the cold of snowe shulde hurte her house for al her houshold were double clothed She made her gay ornamētes of byce purple was her apparell Her husbāde was hadde ī honoure ī the gates as he sate with the elders of the lāde She made lynnē solde it deliuered a girdle to the merchaūt Strength glory were her raymēt she laughed in the later dayes She opened her mouth with wysdome the lawe of ryghteousnes was on her tōge She had an eye to her housholde eate nat bread ydly Her chyldrē arose blyssed her her husbande cōmended her many doughters haue done excellētly but thou haste passed thē al. Fauoure is a deceauable thynge beautye is vanyte but a womā that feareth god she shal be praised Gyue her of the fruite of her hādes let her workes prayse her in the gates ¶ The Gospel on Mary magdaleyn day The. vij chapiter of Luke E ONe of the Pharyses desyred Iesꝰ that he wolde eate with hym and he came ī to the pharyses house sat downe to meate And beholde a womā ī that cytie whiche was a synner as soone as she knewe that Iesꝰ sat at meate in the pharyses howse she brought an Alabaster boxe of oyntmēt she stode at his fete behīde hī wepyng and begā to wasshe his fete with teares dyd wype thē with the eares of her heed kissed his fete and anoynted thē with oyntmēt whē the Pharyse whiche bade hym to his house sawe that he spake within hym selfe sayenge yf this man were a prophete he wolde surely haue knowen who what maner woman this is whiche touched hym for she is a sinner And Iesus answered and sayde vnto hym Symon I haue somwhat to saye vnto the and he sayd mayster saye on There was a certayne lēder whiche had two detters the one ought fyue houndred pens and the other fyfty Uvhē they had nothynge to paye he forgaue them bothe Uvhiche of them tell me wyll loue hym moost Symon answered and sayde I suppose that he to whome he forgaue moost and he sayde vnto hym Thon hast truely iudged And he turned to the woman and sayde vnto Symon Seest thou this womā I entred in to thy house and thou gauest me no water to my fete but she hath wasshte my fete with teares and wiped then with the heares of her heed Thou gauest me no kysse but she sence the tyme I came in hath nat ceased to kysse my fete My heed with oyle thou dydeste nat anoynt and she hathe anoynted my fete with oyntmente Uvherfore I saye vnto the many synnes are forgyuen her bycause she loued moche To whome lesse is forgyuē the same doth lesse loue And he sayd vnto her thy synnes are forgyuen the. And they that sa●e at meate with hym began to say within thē selues Uvho is this which forgyueth euē synnes he sayde to the womā Thy fayth hath saued the go in peace ¶ The Pystell on saynt Iames daye the Apostle The seconde chapiter to the Ephesyans D BRethrene nowe ye are nomore straūgers and foreners but cytesyns with the sayntes and of the houshold of god and are bylte vpon the foūdacyō of the Apostles and ꝓphetes Iesus Chryst beyng the heed corner stone in whome euery buyldynge coupled togyther growethe vnto an holy temple in the lorde in whome ye also are bylte togyther made an habitacyon for God in the spyryte ¶ The Gospel on saynt Iames daye the Apostle The. xx Chapiter Mathewe C THere came to Iesus the mother of zebedes chyldren with her sones worshyppyng hym desyryng a certayne thynge of hym he sayde vnto her what wilt thou haue she sayde vnto hym Graunte that these my two sones maye syt one on the right hāde and the other on thy lefte hāde ī thy kyndome Iesꝰ answered sayde ye wotte nat what ye aske Are ye able to drinke of the cuppe that I shall drynke of to be baptysed with the bapty me that I shal be baytysed with They answered to hym That we are He sayd vnto then ye shal drynke of my cuppe shall be baptysed with the baptyme that I shall be baptysed with but to sytte on my ryght hāde on my lyfte hande is nat myne to gyue but to then for whom it is p̄pared of my father ¶ The Pystel on saynte Annes daye Awomā of power veryte c. ye shall fynde this pystell on saynte Mary magdaleyn day f. lxvi ¶ The Gospell on saynt ānes daye The fyrst echapiter of Mathewe A THis is the boke of the generacyon c. ye shal fide thꝭ gospel on the ●cepcyō of our lady f. lvi ¶ The Pystell on saynt Peters daye ad vincula The. xij chapi of the Actes of the apostles C. VUhē peter cam out of prisō he came to the house of Mary the mother of one Iohan which was called Marke where many were gathered togyther in prayer as Peter knocked at the entrey