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A14352 Most godly prayers compiled out of Dauids Psalmes by D. Peter Martyr. Translated out of Latine into English by Charles Glemhan. G. Seene and allowed according to the order appointed; Preces sacrae ex psalmis Davidis desumptae. English Vermigli, Pietro Martire, 1499-1562.; Glemhan, Charles.; Simmler, Josias, 1530-1576. 1569 (1569) STC 24671; ESTC S103274 186,941 520

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the sharpe hands of thy iustice ouerwhelming vs through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxxxix Psalme THy inestimable mercy O almightie god is most manifestly knowē A prayer to put God in remēbrance of his promise both bicause all Saintes do celebrate the same and also for that it doth continually vtter and shewe forth it selfe throughout all generations by meanes whereof thou art brought to make a couenant with thy elect people the Christes kingdome his séede which is the Church should alwayes indure neyther ought any mortall man to feare or stande in doubt that thou art not able to performe whatsoeuer thou hast stedfastlye and with a solemne othe promised The euident proofes of thy almightie power appeared by punishing the Egyptians and seeing that the heauens the earth the whole circuit of the worlde the windes the seas and whatsoeuer thou hast made perteyne to thy mightie gouernement we doubt not but thou canst right well preserue thy beloued people whom thou hast adopted vnto thée and which walke in the light of thy blessed countenaunce And herevpon wée haue great néede that thou shouldest doe thus much for vs in especially namely to vouchsafe to forgiue vs the sinnes wherwith we confesse our selues to haue most gréeuously offended thée forsomuch as they truely be the onely things why we are sore afflicted and it is the waight of them that presse vs most downe Giue pardon therefore vnto such as humbly cal to thée for readie helpe and be our strong defence against the fierce aduersaries of thy blessed name stretche out thy mightie arme make thy hand strōg for our preseruation and in these daungers arme thy puyssaunt right hande for our deliueraunce least the outragious violence of the vngodly preuaile against vs and suffer not the children of iniquitie to trouble vs according to their hatred and malicious euill will Shake thou those and turne thou them so aside that they be not able to execute the mischieuous deuises which they intend to doe agaynst our holy Gospell We call vpon thee being our only Sauiour louing God and mercifull father performe therefore and kéepe thy sacred couenant which thou hast fauourably made with thy faithfull ones We haue vtterly forsaken thy diuine law we haue not walked in thy holy commaundements we haue vnhallowed thy sacred thinges neyther haue we bene obedient to thy blessed will wherefore refuse we not to be beaten with the roddes of thy heauie displeasure or to be kept vnder with the scourges of thy most greeuous chasticement but this onelye is our humble request that thou wouldest not berefe vs of thy vnspeakeable mercie fauourable louing kindnesse and vnspotted truth through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme WE hartily acknowledge O almightie God that it is the vse and guise of the Godly to set forth thy vnspeakeable mercie and fauourable goodnesse when as their affayres haue so good successe as they would gladly wish but if we vndoubtedly shall reteyne and kéepe that custome in vnfortunate mishappes and greeuous calamities as to set out thy fauourable mercie and louing kindnesse continually thorowout all generations then shall we bée most assuredly able to beare witnesse of the effectuall working of thy grace in vs. Suffer therefore we humbly beséech thée the promises and couenaunts which thou madest with Dauid thy moste faythfull seruaunt neuer to slip out of our memories namely that thou wouldst of his séede giue Iesus Christ a moste puyssant and euerlasting king for all faythfull beleuers vnder whose gouernment the vniuersall Church should both be defended from the enimies force and also greatly flourish being right well garnished with all kinde of good thinges More then once we haue tryed the assurednesse of these faythfull promises For thou hast oftentimes deliuered thy blessed people from moste gréeuous and horrible daungers for none other cause thē this onely and therefore are we nowe incouraged to be importunate vpon thée that thou wouldest according to thy olde woont and accustomed maner prouide remedy for the necessitie of thy louing people when they stande in most neede thereof through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme THou hast not onely promised vnto vs O most mightie God abundaunce of grace in Christ Iesus our Lorde whereby we maye be acceptable vnto thee and become thy trustie friends déere children and peculier heyres but also thou hast taken vpon thee to bestow so great clemencie vpon vs that if we fall into any kinde of vice through our weaknesse thou wilt chastice our iniquities with a fatherly rodde and mercifull scourge and not turne away thy louing countenaunce well inclined mind from thy blessed Church at any tyme. Bée mindfull therefore O heauenly father of this thy sacred couenaunt which thou didst once determine to bée more firme and of stedfaster continuaunce then the high heauen the bright Sunne and the splendent Moone but forsomuch as thy wrathful indignation is not a little kindled by reason of our most gréeuous sinnes and that thou séemest to thrust down the case of thy faithfull seruauntes and not a little to fauour the aduersaries of true godlynesse and enimies of thy glorious name shewe forth nowe at length we humbly beséech thée thy great mercies of olde neyther suffer vs which are the déere members of Christ although of our partes marueylous vnworthie not to be made a laughter and mocking stocke for the vnbeleuers to iest at through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xc. Psalme ● praier both 〈◊〉 attain vn●● the know●dge of god ●nd the va●tie of this ●e also FOrsomuch as thou O almighty God wouldest we shoulde haue this knowledge of thy holy Tabernacle that it was not in déede of so great bignesse as it could conteine thy infinite power and vnmeasurable nature therefore do we nowe hartily confesse thys to be most manifest that thou art the only tabernacle habitation sure refuge to our weaknesse neyther art thou to be compted a fresh or new made dwelling place for the faythfull but such a one as is perpetuall and permanent seing thou choosest them before the making and constitution of the worlde And therefore the gréeuous calamities and painfull miseries which we indure driue vs from all sides vnto thée our mightie bulwark and most strong defence Surely we lead both a very miserable fugitiue life which floweth abroad like water fadeth away as a sleepe and withereth incontinent in such sort as doth a gréene herbe while we are continually consumed and putte in feare by thy greeuous wrath and heauy indignation We acknowledge that the heynous sinnes which we haue lewdly committed be the onely cause why thou art iustly sore displeased with vs for if thou didst purpose assuredly to be reuenged of them thy most arden displeasure woulde vtterly consume and bring vs to naught Our earnest request is therefore O mightie God that thou wouldest
we here liue cōsisteth in this that we take heede of the wicked counsels and curssed behauiours of men by eschewing the felowship of them who bee so dispitefull that they laugh and scorne at all matters And that in stead of these most deadly things there be placed in vs an excéeding feruent zeale of Gods lawe therein to delight and exercise oure selues both day and nyght therby to perceyue how that hitherto we haue greatly gone astray from the scope and marke of our saluation yea to haue offended very miserably lewdly agaynst this thy blessed lawe and diuine worde wée desire thée that thou wouldst of thy singuler mercie pardon remit whatsoeuer we haue committed against thy excellent maiesty And vouchsafe through the continuall studie and exercise of thy worde to make vs euer hereafter fruitful and liuely plants so that we may not onely bring forth wholsome and pleasaunt fruites in thy sacred Church during this life but also maye in the other worlde stande faste in iudgement before thee who knowest and best vnderstandest the way of the righteous through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the second Psalme WE nowe perceyue O most good and mightie God that not onely Antichrist A prayer for comfort in persecution but also the force power of the world hath cōspired agaynst thée and thy annoynted as they who think the gospel and réedefying of thy blessed Church to be intollerable bandes and a most hard gréeuous yoke Wherfore they indeuour themselues by all meanes they can possible deuise to breake the societie of the faithfull vtterly to cast awaye all discipline but seing that thou sittest in the heauens and art not ignoraunt what the Deuill and wickednesse of the fleshe enterpriseth laugh thou also their vaine counsels to scorne and make such things as they haue begon enterprised of none effect causing them in like maner to bee as a mocking iesting stock vnto thy elect chosen seruants Do those mē to vnderstande thy heauie wrath at the length to be so terrified with the fury of thy indignatiō that they may haue no power or strength to destroy thy blessed Church ouer the which thou hast set Iesus Christ our onely Sauiour for to reigne therein with his blessed worde and holye spirite with suche might and puissaunce as maye neuer haue ende Vouchsafe therefore to giue vnto vs although thy most vnworthy and trayterous children so much faith and constancie as we may both take him to be oure onely king and also confesse hym so to bée and wythout all doubting assure oure selues that we are hys Nation people and herytage knowing this assuredly howe that he is of such force and power as he can torment and vexe whome he liste wyth a dominion farre stronger then any stéele and breake them in péeces like potsheards Conuert therfore O mightie God the hearts of the kings of the earth in such sort vnto thée that they may be so perfite wise as truly to acknowledge heartily imbrace louingly kisse thy d●ere only sonne least his ireful wrath being kindled enflamed they perishe immediatly and make those which haue wholly committed themselues to thy protection euermore happie and blessed when it shall séeme good in thy sight through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An orher prayer out of the same psalme ALthoughe moste good and myghtie God the Deuill fret the powers of the worlde stande vp daylie and the fleshe wyth all hir seruitors conspire against the kingdome of thy onely sonne Iesus Christ our Lord let vs yet vnderstande yea let vs be perswaded through a constant fayth that thou doest deryde and contemne all such who so soone as it pleaseth thée art hable to destroye them in thy wrath and whote displeasure But alack seing in this confidence we are oftentimes vnstable and moueable in so much as we being led away by dyuers terrours doe obey thy commaūdements lesse than it becommeth vs we beséeche thée of thy fauourable and bountifull goodnesse to bée mercifull vnto vs so that we may ground our selues stedfastly vpō this rock of faith that thy sonne our king and redeemer hath in thée of all thinges the highest power and gouernement for when thou didst beget him thou gauest all Nations to hym to rule and gouerne them by right of inheritaunce Graunt therefore that we maye once at length be so godlye wyse and so ryghtly instructed as seruing thee wyth all reuerence and humble feare wée bee not at the last daye lyke a potters vessell consumed and brought to naught wyth the rod of thy indignation through Iesus Christ oure Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the thirde Psalme THeir armies O most mercifull and mightie God which assault and persecute thy Church A prayer against our persecutors ▪ are increased aboue measure for euen now verie many are so bolde as to disquiet and vexe the same who doe cruelly rise vp agaynst it hauing confidence truely in none other counsell but that they imagine and determine with themselues how that there is no more helpe for vs to be looked for at thy hande as thought thou hast vtterly abandoned and forsaken thy people and bereft them of all manner of succour and defence We denie not truely considering the sinnes and wickednesses by which we haue offended thee but that we haue deserued to be loft destitute of thy help and set out as laughing stockes to the despitefull dealings and iniuries of those which are the enimies of thy holye name But notwithstāding for the faithes sake which through thy fauourable mercie remayneth in vs we are bolde to come nigh vnto thée and beséeche thee that amongst these rauillous false braydings of our aduersaries thou wilt vouchsafe to giue vs somuch spirite constancy as we may not doubt but that thou wilt be the only defence worship mighty reuenger of thy blessed people Hauing this assured fayth confidence that if we shall craue thy ready help in our earnest praiers thou wilt without faile heare vs out of thy heauenly dwelling yea whilst we doe wholy rest and fully repose our hartes on this thy protection we shall be so voyde of feare euen in the middle of thousands of our enimies that we may according to oure accustomed maner safely take our sleepe and wake agayne bicause we doe with a good and bolde courage stick stedfastly to thée alone Wherefore arise O mightie God according to thys our assured trust and according to thy accustomed woonted maner breake the teeth of those that boast themselues against thee so that they be not of force to teare crash thy sacred Church in peeces at their owne wil and pleasure make them to vnderstande that saluation belongeth vnto thée how thou canst of thy fauourable goodnesse rid and delyuer thy blessed people out of these extreme daungers through Iesus Christ oure Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme ALthough O most
of the sea doe so outragiously beate vppon the shore that all things may séeme incontinent to be destroyed and quite ouerflown with waters and on the other side they are indued with a great and notable assuraunce when as thou refreshest them in their grieuous distresses with the most pleasaunt riuers of thy heauenly consolations namelye in setting out the rare and wonderfull meanes of thy assistant helpe through thy fruitfull spirit Vpon which thy excellent goodnesse we also hauing assured confidence notwithstanding the innumerable sinnes which we confesse to be the chiefe cause why we haue offended thee most gréeuously require that thou wouldst shake and make feeble the Nations and Kingdomes which thou seest doe resist thy sacred Churche with great violence and most craftie deuices shew forth that voyce of thine wherewith the earth and euerye creature therin are woont to be shaken and vtterly brought to naught Be thou O our God as a most strong and vnuincible Tower vnto vs cause thou warres here to ceasse and make thou speares horse charets and all kinde of weapons blunt that they may finally leaue of their lewde enterprises who mightily fight agaynst vs and shewe thou thy selfe great and excellent aboue all things while thou doest manifest thy selfe to be better for our deliueraunce then all the armies and puyssance of the whole worlde through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme AFter what sort soeuer a very sodaine or horrible mishappe O most mightie God shall sore vex vs our hope shall not faile vs neyther will we be any thing dismaied or troubled séeing we are now fully resolued that thou art our onely helper and deliuerer although the whole worlde be moued the stormes of humaine flesh do swell and that all the Deuils of hell with their whole furniture shoulde séeme to shake all thinges of ours yet do we repose and settle our selues in thy vnspeakeable goodnesse and inuincible power Oure sinnes truely deserue all maner of trouble and enmitie but forgiue thou vs them according to thy accustomed goodnesse and pitiyng our present calamities graunt that such as vnfeynedly call vpon thee may enioy health peace and quietnesse of minde for thou canst very easily disappoynt and breake the swordes bow warlike ingines and all the craftie deceyptes and imaginations of the Deuill not onely through thy most mightie and inuincible worde but also euen with a becke and at thy onely will and pleasure our earnest request is O good God to applie our selues here vnto that wee maye attentiuely beholde those marueylous actes which thou doest for thy faithfull seruauntes whereby all Nations maye right well knowe and perceyue that thou takest our part and determinest to bée a continuall helper of thy blessed people throughe Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xlvij. Psalme A prayer for the good suc●esse and in●reasment of ●he Gospell THou hast vouchedfafe O moste mightie God to gather and collect a Churche vnto thy selfe on earth which thou hast not conueyed into stonie houses or Temples of Marble but into the liuely hearts of men whome thou deckest and garnishest with thy most wonderfull giftes and doest pollishe the same passing well with the holy Ghost and therefore séeing they be indued with so great a rewarde it behoueth all faythful people to make an excéeding pleasant mirth and ioyfull gladnesse But the most deadly and heynous sinnes which we haue committed doe greatly darken these thankes giuings and mery songs who are worthily verye sore oppressed with the afflictions of them and seing we heartily acknowledge and earnestly confesse that we haue hitherto gone astray and suffer none otherwise then we haue most iustly deserued thou that art very mercie it selfe forgiue thy faythfull people and thou also who art most highe and rulest farre and néere destroy vs not according to our merits Graunt O excellent father that our naughtie and lewd behauiours hinder not the propagation of thy glorious kingdom arise and go forwards by causing straūge people to be in subiection to the fayth and make those Nations which haue béene hitherto Infidels obedient to thy sacred worde and thou who hast chosen thée a Church as a most notable and famous heritage magnifie thy selfe continually by al meanes and with most exquisite prayses therein in such wise as all men maye accompt preach and exalt thée for their king but as for thy faythfull seruants who now séeme to be aboue all others most cast awayes lighten them in such wise with thy blessed spirit and rule them so by thy holy worde as all men may perceyue that they be guyded and gouerned by thy mightye power And vouchsafe that the souereigne estates and what power soeuer is in the world may at length be annexed and knit vnto thée that thou be none otherwise their God then thou wert in olde time the God of faythfull Abraham Graunt that the kings and princes who ought of duetie to helpe and defende their subiectes may perfectly acknowledge thée whereby thy famous honour and renowmed glorie maye most brightly shine therein to the singuler benefite of thy sacred Church through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme IT behoueth all faithfull people O most good and gracious God to extoll and aduaunce the kingdome of Christ with an excéeding ioy wonderfull gladnesse and most hartie endeuour for so thy vnspeakeable goodnesse is both mightily declared and we also are come to the full attainement of our saluation Surely it is verye requisite that all people Nations should be in subiection to his gouernment and the worlde shall go best on our side who be his peculier heritage and especial flock We heartily require thée therefore O our most puyssaunt king who art exalted into the high heauens and vnto the right hand of thy father to vouchsafe for to acquire vs of the heynous faultes we haue gréeuously committed and whatsoeuer sorrowfull calamities and straunge mishaps be like to fall vpon vs put them of from our shoulders through thy inestimable mercie and mightie power whereby thou thy selfe alone mayest beare rule and reigne in our mindes And graunt that all kinges all princes and great states that haue aucthoritie vpon earth may vnseperably cleaue vnto thée being the rightfull and most true God throughe Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xlviij. Psalme THy excellent Maiestie and excéeding honour O moste good and mercifull God aboundeth greatly in the Church A prayer f●● the christia● Church a● congregati●● seeing that thou doest mightilye rule hir with thy sacred worde and holye spirite neyther art thou marueylously praysed there onely but what comlinesse or perfect ioy soeuer is in the whole worlde it issueth and procéedeth doubtlesse from thée And forsomuch as thou art farre better knowne there then any where else it commeth hereof that thou art in the same place a sure defence and moste strong fortresse to thy faythfull
the vngodly which thing they are very readie to do vpbrayde vs therewith through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxxj. Psalme A praier that ●ur faith fay●th vs not in ●ge and great ●istresse FOrsomuch as we doe euidentlye knowe O almightie God that there is alwayes spéedie succour in a readinesse to helpe and further such as flie vnto thy protection therefore haue we reposed our whole trust and confidence in thée onely that of whom we ought to craue assistaunce vnto him must our fayth and hope be most aduisedly directed Thou aydest chéerishest and garnishest those which honour thée from their youth insomuch as that if thou séemest at any tyme to leaue them it is woont to bée taken for a wonder We hope therefore that séeing thou hast béene alwayes with vs from our conception birth thou wilt not forsake vs neyther in our crooked olde age nor at the last ende of our life in consideration whereof that what prayses and thankes we are bounde to giue vnto thée the same do we dayly yeelde and as our assured trust is shall yéelde for euer that as thy benefites towardes vs are infinite and the more thy goodnesse also and mightie déedes are set forth so much the more are they knowen to surmount the prowes of all prayse and commendation Notwithstanding vnto the rest of thy benefits adde this also we hartily beséech thée that as thou layest now and then bitter and vnfortunate things vpon thy faythfull seruants so thou thy selfe wouldst vouchsafe readily to comfort and quicklye ease them of the same through Iesus Christ our lord Amē ¶ A prayer out of the Lxxij Psalme A praier that the kingdom of heauē may come vpon vs through the preaching of the gospell FOrsomuch as we shall haue Iesus Christ our Lorde as a moste iust iudge it is méete that wée should alwayes both feare and reuerence him For seing that his father hath as nowe also indued him with a singuler power this was his chiefest care that the righteous might be strengthned to the intent they should both set vp and also inlarge the true worshipping of him so farre as might be Our humble request is therefore O heauenly father that before we be brought vnto his tribunal iudgement seat we may be redéemed from the heynous sinnes which we are giltie of who being thus regenerated by his blessed spirit may bring forth plentie of good workes so that we be not dampned for oure wicked misdéedes which thing if we by strong and constant fayth may perceyue our selues to haue obteyned we shall verily by reason thereof iudge our selues blessed and marueylous happie for the same who minde to extoll and celebrate thy excellent name and glorie with moste high prayses whereby the whole earth if it were possible may haue true and perfite knowledge of thée through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxxiij Psalme ALthough thy goodnesse O almightie and most gracious God A praier th● we may n● repine at th● prosperitie the wicked ▪ be excéeding notable towardes those men that reuerence thée with true and perfect deuocion Yet notwithstanding such is the weaknesse of man that the prosperity of the wicked doth very often bleare and dasell the eyes of thy elect and chosen seruaunts whilest they sée all things happen vnto them luckely and as they woulde wishe who contemne aswell all humaine lawes as diuine and are fallen into so extréeme wickednesse insomuch as they both thinke and preach most shamelessely that thou hast nowe no regarde of our affayres and welfare Neither suffer we humbly beséech thée the féete of our fayth eyther to stacker or to be any thing doubtfull stretch forth thy mightie hand to our great misfortune and bridle our mouthes and imaginations in such sort that we beginne not to ymagine a vaine and vnprofitable maner of worshipping thée Strengthen vs so as we may paciently and with a Christian kinde of sufferaunce abide the issue and vttermost successe of things At what tyme thy last excéeding great iudgement shall mightily shew forth hir selfe then wil it appéere with howe notable an vprightnesse thou orderest all thinges Graunt vs also in the meane season to desire nothing more feruently then that our mindes may be fastned and linked vnto thée with an indissoluble knot through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxxiiij Psalme A prayer for ●e churches ●reseruation ●gaynst the ●duersaries the gospell IF it shall happen O most mighty God which we right well knowe doth oftentimes come to passe that by reason of the manifolde sinnes which are by vs oftentymes committed we prouoke thy wrathfull indignation agaynst vs and purchase the gréeuous scourges wherewith we be much chastised Be mindfull we humbly beseech thée of thy exceeding great goodnesse and louing promises which thou knowest we haue alreadie layde holde of by fayth neyther deliuer thou our soules into the power of the outragious aduersaries of thy glorie and our saluation Forsomuch as they earnestlye bend themselues about none other thing but eyther to throwe downe thy excellent works or to make voyde and of none effect the saluation of mankinde which with so great mercifulnesse thou hast purchased let their enterprises be made frustrate whose driftes tend to none other ende but that thy glorious name maye be blasphéemed and very euil spoken of Be mindefull we hūbly beseech thée of the good thinges which thou hast hitherto bestowed vpon vs neyther ceasse to bring vnto perfection the work of redemption that thou hast alredy mightily begunne in vs. Arise O good god and aide such with thy spéedie helping hand as vnfeynedly call vpon thée that the fonde deuises of the vngodlye haue no successe at all either agaynst thy renowmed glorie or our saluation through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxxv. Psalme A praier that we may be obedient to ●he worde of God OVr earnest and feruent desire is O moste mightie God to celebrate thy glorious name and excéeding wonderous actes for we require thée euen from the bottome of the heart to bring to passe that thy blessed people maye be defended from these terrible daungers in such wise as they come not to vtter ruine Remoue our heynous sinnes out of thy remembraunce we humbly beséech thée neyther impute this thing chiefly vnto vs that where as thou hast called vs vnto thée and set before our eyes an order of true godlinesse and made the same free for euery one of vs to leade our life according to thy blessed word and christian profession we haue not onely behaued oure selues coldely therein but haue most vnthankfully cast away the discipline trade of liuing which the fayth thou inlargest vs with and bestowest vpon vs is worthy of Regard not therfore the nūber of our heynous sinnes neither how great our deserts be nor yet what thy iustice might rightfully require at our handes
mightie God the force of Sathan and all malicious powers who séeke to stop from vs the kingdome of thy déere sonne séeme to augment and increase dayly more more and go about to bring vs in vtter dispaire as though there were no succour nor helpe any more hereafter to be loked for of vs at thy hands albeit wee perceyue that sinne aboundeth much increaseth greatly in vs notwithstanding all this we lift our head hands vnto thée who art our strōg shield glory desire thee according to thy accustomed mercy to pardō and forgiue those things that we haue done amisse and also to giue a fauorable attentyfe eare vnto the prayers supplications which we poure out before thy diuine maiestie that being raised vp from heynous and deadly works and hauing a good affiaunce in thy louing mercy we néede not to feare whole Millions of thine enimies whome now by fayth we knowe thou hast smitten vpon the chéeke bone and dismaied vtterly Graunt O deare Father that we may féele the plentiful abundaunce of thy blessing to be poured vpon vs and be most assuredly perswaded that our saluation dependeth onely vpon thee Through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the fourth Psalme ● prayer for true fayth WE being streightly holdē in with great perilles and distresses crie vnto thée O almighty God that thou ayding vs wyth thy puyssaunt helpe wee may at length haue most large pleasant passage out of the afflictions of this world We acknowledge our selues to bée vnworthie of thy assistaunce bycause we haue verie often gréeuously declyned from thée but our humble petition and earnest request is that thou wouldest vouchsafe not to regarde euerie particuler and seuerall worke of oures but the worthinesse of the cause And forsomuch as O God thou thy selfe art accustomed to shew and approue in euerie point the righteousnesse of thy blessed word defend vpholde nowe mightily thy high renowmed honor and Gospell and vs also who according to thy will and pleasure are corrected and chastised This is it that we bewaile and lament presently before thée that the mightie puissaunt of this world being vnited togither go about by all the meanes they can to defate the glory of thy sacred gospel and pure religion yea and vtterly to subuerf it by meanes of their foolishe deuises and vayne hopes which of themselues they haue imagined I would it were thy pleasure O high and mightie God openly to shewe and make manifest the bewtie of thy true Church vnto them which thou hast picked out and chosen for thy selfe and which also thou hearest so often as it praieth calleth faithfully vpon thée So they should peraduenture vnderstand so should they be rather moued haue a verie great regard they offēd it not They would perhaps weigh with themselues yea euen in their bed they would consider what a regarde they ought to haue vnto ●t and so peraduenture they would be in quiet and perswaded to offer wysh it the Sacrifices of true righteousnesse where as now being altogither blinde they wishe nothing more then to satisfie their madnesse outrage against the same and estéeme it an high felicitie to subuert and vtterly ouerthrow the true church But so many of vs O good God as honor worship thy diuine maiesty in spirite truth haue verie often prayed to thee for these our cruel enimies yea when any good and prosperous things happened vnto thē we did hartily reioyce Graunt therefore for thy infinite mercies sake that we may at the last lyue peaceably and in quiet by them vouchsafe also I saye that reposing oure selues onely in thée and assuredly stayed on thy faithfull couenaunt and promise wée maye dwell with thée in safetie without feare through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme O Mightie God from whom cōmeth all oure righteousnesse who of thy goodnesse art wont to giue eare to those the crye earnestly vnto thée and bring them out of straightnes aduersity into a swéete state of fréedome libertie we humbly beséeche thée not to despise thy faithfull seruaunts the cry and cal vnto thée for help nor suffer our glory which is true and perfect godlinesse to be brought into contempt of anye although he be a great potentate and mightie ruler of this world We haue in déede sinned against thee yea that verie gréeuouslye but neuerthelesse of thy infinite mercie clemency prouide that vanity and lying ouercome vs not nor yet preuaile any thing at all against vs but as thou hast elected chosen vnto thy selfe those whom thou wilt haue saued so graunt that the grace and fauor of thy louing countenance may in such wise shine vpō vs as we may be glad and reioyce euen at the prosperitie and welfare of our enimies vouchsafe O good Father that we being grounded on an excellent and perfite fayth maye take very great pleasure in thée only and trusting also in thy mightie protection maye dwell safely in thée and with thée through Iesus Christ oure Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the fift Psalme A prayer against false Prophets and enimies of the truth WE flie daylie vnto thée in oure prayers O almightie God and doe earely in the morning direct and laye forth our petitions before thy diuine maiestye as those who be not ignoraunt that thou hatest iniquitie and doest marueylously detest sinne wherof although we may not denie but that wee are guiltie for we feele our selues to be laden therewyth aboue measure yet doe we flie and approch vnto thée for succor trusting most assuredly in thy excéeding plentifull goodnesse and clemencie We beséeche thée to pardon and forgiue vs whatsoeuer we haue sinned and committed agaynst thee and leade vs hereafter in thy righteousnesse and innocencie least the aduersaries of our saluation in whom verily there is no part whole and sounde but all full of viciousnesse preuayle against vs let their counsels and deuises be of none effect and cause their force and layings awaite to be vtterly consumed and brought to naught so that we thy déere and faythfull children may perfitely reioyce whilest thou doest defend nourishe and compasse vs about with thy fauourable kindnesse us with a shield Through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the sixt Psalme SO it is A prayer in distresse that we deserue wythout fayle O most mightie God by reason of the euilles and infinite sinnes we haue committed to be gréeuously and sharpely chastised at thy handes Yet we beseeche thée trusting in thy excellent and excéeding great mercie not to chastise vs in thy furious wrath and whot indignation who tremble O good Father and are almost deade whilst wée consider on the one side our owne sinnes and on the other side thy iustice therefore we beséeche thée that thou wylt not as we haue iustly deserued thrust vs downe into the pit bicause we can there neyther
prayer out of the same Psalme WEe acknowledge O moste mightie God with howe great a pernicious infection of sinnes wée haue defiled oure mindes which thing séeing that it is most troublesome and excéedingly gréeueth vs neyther can we through our own strength and good workes wash out the spottes alreadie conceyued but this is our onely refuge that we may come vnto thée béeing the well spring of mercye so that thou hauing compassion vpon vs mayest doe away our greeuous offences washe away our deadly iniquities blot out our heinous sinnes and purifie againe our vices wherwith we are wonderfully infected euen frō our conception and birth For if thou wilt most franklye pardon the misdeedes and wickednesse wherwith we are sore burthened then verily shalt thou appéere to be exceeding true faythfull and most constant in thy faythfull promises Vouchsafe to sprinckle vs with the bloud of thy only begotten sonne by whiche one souereigne thing both the soule and bodie maye bée renued with a marueylous comfortable ioy We earnestly desire a new heart to be created in our bowels and to be indued also with thy most noble spirite to the entent we may not compelled but with right good will offer vnto thee a sacrifice of a troubled and contrite heart which thou neuer vsest to contemne that finally beyng so clensed by thy gracious fauour and louing mercie we maye alwayes offer vnto thée an acceptable sacrifice of thankesgiuing throughe Iesus Christ oure Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lij Psalme SVch as haue through their owne maliciousnesse preuayled A prayer agaynst all pernicious seducement and by their pernicious factes attayned vnto some aucthoritie are woont to boast arrogantly thereof and haue alwaies had a great delight in cursed words accompting it for the singularest pleasure in the worlde to do hurt to lye to speake very deceyptfully But yet like miserable wretches as they be they doe not in the meane while diligently consider howe sodainly in a time vnlooked for their prosperous estate and such transitorie goodes will be turned vp side downe and they also to haue no porcion at all of eternall saluation in such sort as they shall not haue any place in the land of the liuing But we O almighty and most mercifull God who chiefly trust in thy vnspeakable mercy infinite goodnesse beséech thée that the heynous sinnes being done awaye whereinto we haue through humain inbecility oftētimes fallē may be of a right lowly mind neither puffed vp with arrogancye through any of thy excellent gifts but by the fall ouerthrow of prowde persons may rightly perceyue that they tooke not God for their inuincible strength and sure defence but riches and worldlye prosperitie Graunt vs wée humbly beséech thée for thy infinite mercie and goodnesse sake stedfastly to repose our whole confidence in thée only and that we may like the leauie and florishing Oliue trée liue fruitfullye in thy sacred Church and magnifie thée as meete it is so to bée bycause thou art moste richely liberall to suche as be thy faythfull and louing seruauntes through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Liij Psalme A prayer for deliueraunce ●ut of trouble through faith WO be vnto the brainsicke lewdnesse of the vngodly which hath burst forth into suche madnesse that they perswade themselues howe there is no God whereby they leade a most filthy life and are defiled thorowout with detestable conditions and most abhominable factes but as they be beneficiall to none so do they séeke their owne things with doing of wrong to other folke But God whome they little set by knoweth these their lewde practises right well who although he filleth the heauens with his Maiestie yet espyeth he out mens wicked and lewde facts amongst whome alas for sorrow he séeth not one truly that setteth hys minde vpon goodnesse faythfulnesse and vprightnesse all haue strayed aside from the right way al oppresse the weaker sort neyther do they vprightly honor God nor truly call vpon his blessed name But the tyme will come when as these that be so carelesse shall be quickned vp with most vehement feare And such as nowe seeme to welter fortunately in their owne wickednesse shall at the last be depriued of all their goodes and feele God to shewe himselfe angrie with them Wherefore oure earnest request is O heauenly father that thou wouldest be fauourable and mercifull to such as flie vnto thée for succour and losen vs from the Chaynes of our gréeuous sinnes wherewith we are fast bound so that we maye be comforted with a right perfect ioy and liue with thee in perpetuall felicitie and most happie blessednesse thorow Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Liiij Psalme A prayer for helpe in necessitie against the crueltie of the vngodly AT what time thy faythfull seruants O most good and mercifull God bée tost with doubtfull casualties and their mindes very vnstable through most gréeuous thoughts then laying a side all mans helpe which thou tellest them is altogither vaine and in no wise to be trusted vnto do come vnto thée as their most strong defence calling vpon thy inuincible Godhead and that from the bottome of their heart to deliuer them frō the outragious vnmerciful and cruel harted who rise vp to assault thy déere saints whome thou hast chosen vnto thy selfe to inherite thy glorious kingdome and so much the more maliciously doe they deale with them and practise all kinde of outrage bicause they neuer sette thée before their eyes whome they ought to haue in great honour and high reuerence Séeing therefore by reason of the heynous sinnes by vs committed we perceyue that deserued tormentes and gréeuous punishments doe hang ouer our heades we require thée to shewe thy lawfull fauour vnto them which make humble intercession who are hartily sorie in that they haue so gréeuously offended thée and for thy infinite mercies sake stand in their defence when their raging and most cruell enimies do assault them for although our merites require it not yet neuerthelesse doth thy assured faithfulnesse stedfast truth and constant promises assure vs the same But hauing atchieued our desires we shall with songes of prayses continually call vpon thée and wil shewe forth our thankefull minde in the ioyfull Congregation of faithfull and godly men through Iesus Christ oure Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme WE doe continually call vpon thy glorious name O most mightie God to the intent we may find thy present helpe in these extréeme miseries of thy greeuous afflicted Church it is nowe néedefull for thée through thy force inuincible power to rescue vs out of the hands of the vngodlye and take vs vnto thy selfe and although our corrupt maners and wicked life which we haue hitherto led do nothing at all deserue the same yet notwithstanding we knowe thy fauourable mercie to be such that thou wilt not dispise those that flie vnto thée
countenaunce through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme SO long as we liue here O most mightie God all things are so vnquiet and at so small stay vnto vs through the desert of our gréeuous offences that we be on euery side assayled with the deadly assaults of the force of oure aduersaries but vnlesse thou puttest to thy helping hande we shall séeme to be swalowed vppe out of hande Wherefore to the intent we may be defended so oft as our fraile mindes be possest with a vehement feare we poure out our feruent prayers before thy mercie seate which glistereth and shineth most farre abroade that regarding and highlye estéeming thy sacred wordes and louing promises in such sort as being strengthned by them we may with a stout courage ouercome whatsoeuer sorrowfull horrible vnpleasaunt and rough thing setteth it selfe agaynst vs. As our teares O excellent father are gathered and written by thee euen so when thou art called vpon deliuer thy faythfull seruauntes from the Gyues and Fetters of their carefull myndes and thou of thy infinite goodnesse purging our gyltinesse bestow vpō vs so much strength and stedfast hope as we néede nothing at all to feare the violence and power of malicious disposed persons for if thou shalt be our redemer especially from eternal death we will alwayes in oure dayly prayers shew forth the worthie prayses of thy most glorious name through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme WE doe dayly indeuour our selues O moste mightie God lamentably to call vpon thy mercie when as they go about to subuert thy sacred Churche who being not a fewe in number and waxen strong aboue measure do not ceasse by sundrie meanes to assault the same Neyther is there any thing that maketh vs more afrayed then these our owne proper sinnes wherewith we haue moste greeuously offended thée and made our selues vtterlye vnworthy of thy gracious fauour yet notwithstanding of the great and vnspeakeable louing kindnesse that is in thée wée ceasse not to hope but set thy louing promises before our eyes the sayinges and words wherof we commend and approue and also so much as in vs lyeth take holde of them by fayth Graunt therefore O excellent father that we be not more feareful then is decent which the flesh is able to worke agaynst vs. We know assuredly that the wicked do now euery where maliciously rayle vpon vs bending all their deuices agaynst thy most sacred doctrine lying in wayte and séeking occasion by all meanes possible quite to subuert and vtterly ouerthrowe thy sacred Churche Dispise not thou O good God the prayers and sighes of thy faythfull seruauntes so strengthen and confirme our weake consciences that we passe nothing at all what men doe agaynst vs. Deliuer our soules from sliding and destruction so that we may both nowe and also after this life be partakers of thy most commodious and splendent blessed light throughe Iesus Christ oure Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lvij. Psalme SEing that there is no refuge for vs O moste gracious and moste mightie God but to flie vnto thée onely A prayer for the aduaūcement of the Gospell contrary to hir enimies expectation we commit our whole saluation into thy tuition and gouernment to the intent thou shouldest miraculously preserue the same so that thou mayest bée our strong defence vntill this their outragious furie who violently oppresse thy sacred Church be much abated and greatly brought lowe Therefore we incessauntly call vpon thy euerlasting name through whose mightie power and high aucthority all thinges maye for the Godly be surely brought to passe Graunt we humbly beséech thée that our heynous sinnes be not the cause thou withdrawest thy mercifull goodnesse from vs which as we confesse them to be most gréeuous and infinite so are wée nothing doubtfull but that they shall be forgiuen vs for our onely mediator Iesus Christes sake through whose louing fauour thy faythfull seruaunts shal not only be preserued in the glorious kingdome of heauen but for thy excellent promise and goodnesse sake they shall also at length be brought to confusion whosoeuer they are which go aboute to oppresse thy constant and stedfast beleuers Thou thy selfe right well seest O excellent father howe his blessed Church is compelled to haue hir dwelling continually amongest Lyons in the middest of whote burning flames inuironed with moste forceable weapons and tongues chiefly that be very noysome and do excéeding great hurt To the intent therefore thou mayst shew forth and mightily declare thy inuincible power touching hir preseruation graunt that the snares and great layings awayte which be prepared for thy holy ones may in conclusion be onely hurtfull to the Authors and chiefe deuisers thereof but vouchsafe to giue vnto vs a right stedfast heart and excéeding constant minde touching the confession and publishing of thy blessed name For wée heartily acknowledge and earnestly confesse thy vnspeakable goodnesse to be so great as it deserueth high prayse not onely in voyce but with Lute and Harpe and by all wayes and meanes of commendation that possible may be which pearceth the clowdes euen vnto the glorious heauen And for bicause it may dayly increase the better and be more vnderstood lift vp thy selfe in this our age by shewing forth thy right excellent power in being oure shielde of defence and buckler through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme THere is nothing that doth more reléeue and comfort our féeble mindes being in great distresse and extréeme calamities O most good and merciful God then the Ancre of fayth which dependeth most stedfastly vpon thy excellent goodnesse Wherfore seing that not without iust cause we burne and frie in our lewde vices we resort vnto thy diuine Maiestie and being marueylous sore burthened with the gréeuous fardell of our most heynous sinnes do dayly call vpon thée for thy assistant and readye helpe Send vs ayde from heauen we humbly beséech thée otherwise we shall not be in safetie from the Lions Speares Darts and deceiptfull tongues wherewith Sathan doth merueylouslye aflict thy holye Church Aduaunce thy selfe and make thy infinite power most manifest in taking vs out of our enimies handes For so thy vnspeakable clemencie and notable faythfulnesse which farre surmount the Clowdes and glorious heauens shall appéere bright in their owne excellent greatnesse and we in giuing due thankes for our deliuerance will ioyfullye sing double prayses to thy glorious name for euermore through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme SEing that thy blessed Church O moste mightie God is so vexed with the cruell enimies of thy glorious name and blessed doctrine we repose our whole confidence in thee onely and flie for succor vnder the shadowe of thy wings we acknowledge and confesse that it is our partes to direct oure supplications parpetually vnto thée when thou only and none else art
sake thou stablishest the Moūtaines stillest the raging of the sea appeasest the madnesse of the people and doest refresh and lighten with great ioy the vttermost partes of the earth through the brightnesse of the heauenly fiers Thou sendest seasonable and timely showers whereby onely commeth fertilitie and the fieldes wonderfull garnished with all kinde of fruits whereby both men and beastes haue abundantly whereon to feede Graunt thou therefore thus much also vnto vs who art the auctour of so many good things that we may render moste condigne thankes and vse to oure health and comforte those thinges which thou so louingly bestowest vpō vs through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxvj. Psalme A prayer in necessitie to the glorie of God for set●ing vs at libertie SVch is thy mightye power and inuincible force O moste good and mercifull God that thou at length vsest to subdue vnder thy obeysaunce the enimies of thy name and glory euen by thy puyssaunt strength how muche so euer they striue agaynst thée in their furious madnesse which thing the godly duly waying with themselues haue a very great and feruent desire to honour thy diuine Maiestie to exalt thée with prayses and faythfully to worship thy excellencie For as thou in tymes past causedst the sea to open hir selfe vnto the children of Israell and didst turne aside the riuer of Iordane agaynst his streame and hast expulsed the Iewes enimies from their auncient inheritaunce who séemed otherwise not to be subduable so we now earnestly require thée that thou wouldest doe the like for thy déerely beloued let them flourishe in heauenly giftes so that they faint not through exercise of temptations but being well tryed fined and thorowly pourged with vnfortunate mishaps they maye shine in the brightnesse of vertues who hauing comfortable things prepared for them of thée being their father creator after their gréeuous afflictions much troublesomnesse of minde let them in the ende render vnto thée the vowes of praise and songes of commendation Moue vs forwarde I humblie beséech thée to feare and honor him by hauing his benifites very diligently in our remembraunce which of his infinite goodnesse he hath bestowed vpō vs who being prouoked by our thankfulnesse may hereafter giue a more louing and fauourable attentiue eare to our lowly prayers through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxvij. Psalme THe two thinges O most mightie God which mortall creatures doe very greatly wishe for are these A prayer for the augmentation of the Gospell namely that they may be acceptable to thy diuine Maiestie replenished with the light and brightnesse of thy louing coūtenaunce which two we right well know do faile vs by reason of the sinnes we haue very gréeuously committed therefore our earnest request is that thou wouldst heale our deadly woundes with the playster of thy vnspeakeable mercie and whatsoeuer we haue offended thée in let thy louing fauor wholy remit and cause thy most gladsome light to driue away the darknesse that we haue procured vnto our selues which sute if we may obteyne yet shall we readily acknowledge although we be inuironed with the darknesse of this mortall life the deuises ordinaunces meanes wherby thou doest greatly gouerne prouidently mainteine puyssauntly defende and mightily preserue all things with incomparable goodnesse and faythfulnesse and prouidest wonderfully for thy blessed people which things being well seene and rightly considered we and all people shall shewe foorth thy worthie prayses and be also thorowly replenished with pleasaunt ioy forsomuch as thou rulest all Nations Prouinces and Kingdomes with rightful iudgement and most indifferent iustice For if al people did manifestly know the same in such sort as it is euery man would praise thée in the open face of the worlde Graunt vnto vs therefore O excellent father these two things neyther disdeyne to adde vnto them a plenteous fruitfulnesse of the earth for the more boūtifully thou dealest with thy déerely beloued children the more shalt thou be feared amplier honored through the whole vniuersal world by Iesus christ our lord Amē ¶ A prayer out of the Lxviij Psalme A prayer for the vnity an● inlargement of the Christian Congregation WE haue both our health and also all other commodities of this life at thy mercifull handes O most good and mightie God being the fountaine and originall of all good things who doest both adorne and continually bestowe so great benefites vpon thy faithfull seruants that impossible it is to compt the nūber of them But this chiefly ought not to be passed ouer with silence that thou thy selfe hast so happily with so good successe fought our battailes against sinne death the deuill and all euilles insomuch as the deadly enimies of our saluation felt thée to be our present helpe when as thou diddest puyssauntly ouercome mightilye subdue and greeuously punishe them Wherefore it is our right bounden duty to render perpetuall thankes wyth Psalmes louing prayses godly songes and all kinde of ditties and Musicke which thing that it may not be done maliciously and grudgingly but with a minde voyd and frée from fleshly cares and carnal desires we humbly beséeche thée to pardon whatsoeuer we haue transgressed either through the darknesse of ignoraunce or weaknesse of minde and procéede also euer hereafter to defende vs from the craftie snares and subtill layings awayte of the force of our enimies as thou hast heretofore stedfastlye from tyme to tyme assisted such as trust in thée whereby all men shall assuredly perceyue that thou so fauourest the faythfull beleuers as thou giuest vnto them aboundaunce of strength and power inuincible through Iesus christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme SEing that thy power is such O moste good and mercifull God as no enimies although they be neuer so strong mightie are able to stand agaynst thée our earnest request is that thou wouldest for thy infinite mercies sake most puyssauntly arise to helpe vs. The children of Israell felt thy presence to be a continual safegard vnto them at what time they encountred to fight with their enimies althoughe kinges and armies throughlye furnished were raysed vp agaynst them forsomuch as therefore thou hast lifted vp thy inuincible power and puissant strength on high disdaine not wée humbly beseeche thée to turne thy louing countenaunce towardes vs who do continually wrestle with Sathan the fleshe and lustes thereof surely we acknowledge that thou art our sole and onely defence who flye therefore vnto thée bicause thou art the fountaine and roote of all good things requiring that wée being mightily deliuered from the mischieuous euilles which inuiron vs on euery side may set forth the worthy prayses of thy most glorious name euen as it hath right well deserued through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme THy force and puyssaunce O most good and mighty god is of so great a
deserts the outragious enimies of thy blessed name are raysed vp and haue mightily preuayled agaynst vs who dayly strengthen themselues agaynst thy sonne our Lord and fauiour Iesus Christ We know right wel that by reason of the life which we haue hitherto liued repugnant to thy glorious name and our profession all these most gréeuous euilles haue happened to thy sacred Church But our earnest request is that thou wouldest be mindefull of thy faythfull couenaunt wherein thou promisest that we should be the méeting line of thy blessed heritage for thy couenant is not transitorie but perdurable Thou hast vsed at other tymes to chastice kinges that they should not hurt thy elect people who doest preserue and defende thy blessed seruaunts inhabiting here vpon the earth so often as it is thy holye will and pleasure The Heauen Elements and all creatures haue serued thée as souldiours in Egypt for the deliueraunce of thy faythfull people As thou therefore wert not then forgetfull of thy sacred couenaunt so shewe thy selfe mindfull thereof at this present for wicked men the deuill and Antichrist practise by all the meanes they can possible imagine and deuise to swallow vs vp Wherefore renue thou thy wonderfull workes in vs O mightie God who being altogither voyde of helpe require thée to hide vs vnder thy mercifull winges and spread them so ouer vs as thou mayest not onely bée our defender but cause vs to leade a quiet and peaceable life towards thée through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme SEing that the godly O almightie God can not haue an excellenter and more noble desire then vnfeynedly to remember thy marueylous and excéeding great actes by celebrating the same both in worde and most exquisite commendations being now folowers of the fayth of Abraham and children not degenerate from the aūcient holy fathers members of Christ and instructed by the tradicions of his blessed Apostles do call to remembraunce how vnuiolably thou hast kept the sacred couenaunt which thou madest with thy holye Church from the beginning Thy sure protection most strong defence hath béene alwayes merueilous readie to helpe thy elect seruaunts at what time they reposed their whole trust in thy vnspeakable mercie and when thou tookest vpon thée to be their strong helper and mightie deliuerer no man could in any wise hurt them Moreouer when thou didst strike the whole world by any calamitie with thy seuere iustice or didst trouble it with scarcitie of foode and lacke of vittailes al that so much as it was turned at length to thy singuler welfare and famous glorie of the people of Israell We being greatly admonished by these thinges are of verye good comfort who come humbly vnto thy diuine Maiestie and hartily pray thée that thou wouldest be no lesse mindfull of thy holy couenant towards thy blessed church at this daye then thou wert in olde time For thou seest howe many discommodities do on euery side assaile hir and besiege it about we humbly beséech thée O excellent father who alone canst doe this to commaūd all those things either to fade away or else graunt them power to pourge vs of our lewde condicions through Iesus christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme OVr earnest request is O most good and mercifull God that thou wouldst augment the felowship of thy déere children as well in nūber as also in faith all other ornaments of thy excellent grace And like as thou hast giuē Aaron to be a most faythfull pastor of thy children of Israell when they grew to be a very great people so now also prepare godly learned and wise Ministers for thy sacred Church by whose good behauiour the Egypt of our men maye fade away and let the doctrine wherewith we be instructed by them be kindled dayly more and more in vs so that euery one of vs may be inriched most abundantly both with spirituall goods and spirituall fruites Suffer vs not O excellent father to be at any time destitute of the bright light of thy sacred word and guyding of the holy ghost wheras otherwise we shall both miserably stray in the Wildernesse of this miserable lyfe and also perishe excéeding vnfortunately that when as innumerable perils of temptations hang ouer thy faythfull seruaunts let them not want the strength of thy good grace and louing fauour wherby they may be able so long as life indureth to set out thy glorious kingdome vnto many and finallye obteyne at thy louing handes the dwelling place of perpetuall felicitie thorowe Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme SEing that the holy scriptures make not mencion without iust cause of the children of Israels vngratitude and rebellion agaynst God for they were alwayes troublesome to him by reason of their complaints we humbly beséeche thée O heauenly father so to rule gouerne vs with thy vnspeakable mercy and fatherly louing kindnesse that we be not found like vnto them They did lately and very readily forget thy wonderfull workes whereby thou deliueredst them from bondage then they trusted in straunge Gods they were defiled with fleshly pleasures and finally did both dispise the amiable lande which thou promisedst them also polluted themselues with most gréeuous and shamefull offences For the which notable and gréeuous sinnes thou hast oftentymes chastised them with a fatherly discipline but yet such was thy vnspeakable goodnesse thou wert neuer forgetful of thy couenant made with their forefathers Euen so we humbly beséeche thee O good God to chasten and correct thy blessed Churche when it doth now and then slide very sore with thy accustomed mercifulnesse and fauourable louing kindnesse sauing the right of the euerlasting couenaunt which thou hast renued with vs through the death of thy onely beloued Iesus Christ our Lord who lyueth reigneth with thee euermore worlde without ende Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme THy vnspeakeable goodnesse is such O most mightie God towards the congregation of thy faythfull seruaunts that looke whatsoeuer thou hast done hitherto for setting thy faythfull people at libertie the same also might she now both hope for and also assure hir selfe of if she had abidden in the couenant that she made with thee For euen as the persecutors of the Israelites were sore vexed at length opprest through thy mightie power so in likewise when it shall seeme good vnto thée let all such as be enimies to thy sacred Church and veritie be consumed with the force of thy inuincible spirite We now therefore require this especially at thy mercifull hands that thou wouldst so long as we be straungers from thée in this wretched lyfe and are compassed about on euery side with an infinit nūber of perils lighten the night of our darknesse with the bright fire of thy blessed spirite and vouchsafe to mittigate the heate of our manifold temptations with the most sweete clowde of thy benigne grace
father let their cursings and blasphemies which they haue continually in their mouth returne vppon them ouertake and sore oppresse them hauing a iust rewarde for their hatred and iniuries which they extend chiefly both towardes thée and also towardes vs that be thy faythfull people But deale not with vs O moste mercifull father according to the worthinesse of our iniquities who haue in such wise sinned and behaued our selues so wickedly in thy sight as there are no punishments though they be neuer so gréeuous but that we haue deserued thē Yet haue thou not a regard vnto vs but to the glorie of thy owne name preserue and succour vs for thy infinite goodnesse sake when we be gréeuously afflicted and vtterly destitute of all succor let the Antichristians bée put to rebuke and clothed wyth shame and cause reuilings to be a daylye cloke to couer them withall But be thou alwayes readie to assist vs with thy readie helpe saue the soules of thy faythfull seruauntes which depende wholy vpon thée through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme SEing therefore thou art the same God O heauenly father which we make a vaunt that thou art Neither be thou silent or at rest in so great oppressions of thy sacred Church when as none other thinges are euery where heard then meere blaspheemies agaynst thee agaynst thy pure doctrine and agaynst thy blessed people yea and that chiefly of such for whose preseruation shée hath alwayes prayed hartily to thée Thou knowest right well how we haue continually wished that peace and all good things might happen vnto our chiefest aduersaries who notwithstanding are nowe moste impudently puffed vp forsomuch as they verily thinke that they haue espyed a conuenient time to ouerthrow thy blessed heritage Wherefore they surely do right well deserue that thou shouldest paye them the hire of their lewd behauiours and all those things which we haue now heard thy holy spirite to threaten agaynst obstinate and vncurable sinners But our conscience doth accuse vs that we haue behaued our selues most vnworthie of thee and thy sacred doctrine who first confesse our sinnes to be excéeding gréeuous and secondly doe earnestly desire thée for thy infinite mercies sake to forgiue vs the same and finally that thou wilt succor thy afflicted people to the intent we may both confesse thée and also celebrate thy glorious name in holye and great congregations bicause thou hast set thy selfe as a ready defender at the right hande of the poore and of such as are verye like to be ouerthrowne and hast preserued their life and religion from the force and madnesse of Antichrist who now séemeth to presume and take vpon him to do what he lysteth agaynst them through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme O Most good and mercifull God who of all the prayses wherewith the Church magnifieth thée art the rightfull and rich ground and matter it is not hidden from thy diuine Maiestie what the subtile and deceyptfull sort doe dayly practise agaynst the same Shée of hir gentlenesse loueth them with a motherly affection and with prayers both most feruent and also moste often doth make supplication to thée for their welfare Notwithstanding seing that they do not amend but are more stubburnly boldned in their naughtinesse we humbly beséeche thée at length to asswage and represse their furious rage and appoynt some meane and ende for thy seruaunts afflictions Thou séest howe all thinges are nowe in a maner brought to extréeme weaknesse so that there is almost nothing in thy worshipping but is shamefully defiled and very lewdly corrupted Make haste therefore to be our ready helper to the intent it may be perfectly knowen that thou wantest neyther strength nor wisdome to succor those that be thine which shall bée marueylous conuenient for the delating and publishing of thy blessed name most worthie prayses wherefore seing that there is now great scarcitie of good and spirituall stuffe in thy blessed Church remedy thou the same with the most plentiful treasures of thy bright light pure doctrine benigne graces and vnspeakable benefites through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cx. Psalme ● prayer for ●e benefite our re●mption ●rchased ● Christ SEing that thou O most mightie God hast vouchsafed thy dearely beloued Sonne our Lord and sauiour Iesus Christ to sitte at thy right hand hauing a full perfect and souereigne power insomuch as he doth rule and gouerne all things neyther shall there be any of his aduersaries remayning but may at length be cast vnder him as his footstoole ponder diligently we humbly besech thée after what sort the vngodly and most outragious Antichristiās aduaunce themselues in these dayes who dare openly say of him we will not haue this man raigne ouer vs neyther can they be any thing satisfied by shewing forth this their outragious anger after a moste spitefull maner both against thy blessed spirite and also vpon vs thy chosen people wherefore sende out from heauen O mightie GOD thy puissaunt Scepter and rod of thy great furie vpon them so that thy déere sonne may by the holy ghost and sacred Gospell be of souereigne aucthoritie euen in the middest of his deadly enimies Graūt also his faithfull people to be of such a willing and readie minde as they being a very great number maye assemble and méete togither for the defence of his glorious kingdome not onely with their most feruent prayers but also by all that meanes they can possible imagine and deuise We truely are by reason of our heynous sinnes vnworthie of so great and vnspeakable a benefit who haue hitherto ledde our life nothing faythfully Haue no regarde to vs at all O heauenly father but vnto thy solemne othe and promise wherewith thou hast ordeyned thy déere sonne to be both a noble Prince and also a louing priest in the true Church for the preseruation therof Vouchsafe therfore in these our dayes that the kings rulers mightie powers of this wretched worlde who haue so layde their heddes togither agaynst him maye bee vtterlye consumed with the furie of thy heauie displeasure and do due execution vppon these blasphemous and most dishonest aduersaries so as this sacred Dominion and Empire of the glorious Gospell may be greatly inlarged thorowout the vniuersall world and that Iesus Christ thy déere sonne which séemeth to be in a maner altogither opprest in vs may be right well knowen to lift vp his heade most renowmedly and after an excellent maner for whose sake we heartily require all these things which liueth and reigneth with thee euermore worlde without ende Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme FOrsomuch as it is thy gracious wil and pleasure O moste good and mercifull God that our sauiour Iesus Christ thy deere sonne should shewe forth his notable power ouer all creatures and set in suche wise on thy right hande as at length the
confessing thée they maye both in this life and in the life to come be farre more happy and blessed then their enimies bicause they reioyce vaunt themselues aboue measure in their present luckie estate through Iesus Christ oure Lorde Amen Another prayer out of the same psalme FOr this intent and purpose we nowe pray O most mightie God bicause we nothing at all mistrust but that thou wilt harken and giue eare to our humble petitions which we poure out before thée not of hypocrisie and double dealing but sincerely and from the heart for séeing that we desire to be tryed rather by thy iudgement then mans graunt that when wée are sore tempted and proued by greauous aduersities nothing maye be found in vs whereby we should be condemned and adiudged to perpetuall destruction but forsomuch as we are naturally euill how can this thing come to passe vnlesse thou doe stay and gouerne our steps with thy excellent grace and holy spirite and so vpholde and vndersette vs as thy vnspeakeable mercy may wonderfully vtter and shewe forth it selfe by our saluation defende and keepe vs therefore from all men which resist the force of thy glorious Gospell and striue agaynst thy holy will so much as in them lyeth Thou seest what diligent watch our enimies lay for vs and howe lyke deuouring Lions they couet to praye vpon vs they are as swordes O good God prepared to be the handes and instrumentes of thy indignation defende and kéepe vs neuerthelesse vnder the shadowe and moste sure defence of thy wings that during this wretched life wee may be comforted with thy fauourable countenaunce and in the blessed resurrection haue with an exceding great pleasure the fruition of thy glorious presence through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xviij. Psalme A prayer to be deliuered out of great distresse WE acknowledge and confesse thée O most mightie God to be our onelye health buckler defence strength and sure refuge and therefore do wée both earnestly loue thée and greatly couet to publishe and set forth thy worthy prayse euerlastingly but our extreeme enimies do now thus greauously oppresse vs bicause our sinnes deserue the same so that we being sore discomforted are almost in the straite pangues and anguishes of death wherfore it séemeth that no other helpe and succour remayneth for vs but to make our crye vnto thée and to direct our prayers towardes thy mercies seate vnto whom séeing that the Mountaines the earth the heauens lightnings windes clowdes raynes hayle and tempestes are obedient without any delaye or gainsaying it shall be a thing most easy for thée to rid and deliuer vs from the force of our outragoius enimies although they bée neuer so mightie which we earnestly require O good God that thou wouldest vouchsafe to graunt vnto the feruent praiers of thy sacred Churche hauing no regard at all to our lewde deserts but chiefly to thy exceeding great clemencye and vprightnesse of the cause it selfe so that thou mayst deale holily with the holy and contrariwise vpon the wicked sende trouble and aduersitie preserue thy afflicted people according to thy accustomed maner and in so great darckenesse lighten them with the bright lampe of fayth and perfite wisdome to the intent they may acknowledge none other buckler or defence but thee onely Graunt vs O most deere father so to walk without fal or stumbling as the féete of our fayth may not stacker in such great perilles arme and strengthen thy beloued seruants to battaile and confound them O most mightie God who go about to gainsay and resist thée to the intent thy blessed name may be spoken of and magnified amongst all Nations bycause thou hast giuen great and glorious prosperitie vnto thy renowmed Church through Iesu● Christ our Lord. Amen Another prayer out of the same Psalme SEing that we are verye weake by nature an● compassed about on euery side with most thicke clowdes of darknesse we come vnto thée O most mightie God and require at thy handes that the splendent light of thy holy spirite may bée kindled in our heartes for so shall we vnderstand thy vndefiled word and most vncorrupt spéech of thy sacred scriptures wherein it is most cléerely and euidently promised that thou wilt be an excellent strong defence for all such as haue their onely aff●aunce in thée The sinnes truly which we haue committed deserue not that we should obteyne so much fauour and helpe at thy hande but our earnest desire is that these things may happen vnto vs euen for the glory of thy most renowmed and excellent name Forsomuch as therefore none other God is to be sought out or founde who may be compared with thée eyther in power or goodnesse garnishe thou vs with holinesse and gird● vs about with such strength as wee may once be led out and vtterly deliuered from imminent daungers and obteyne full triumphe and conquest ouer the enimies both of thy glorie and our saluation through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Another prayer out of the same psalme WE can not choose O most mightie and mercifull God but earnestlye loue thée séeing that by the fayth whiche thou hast giuen vs wée well perceyue thée to be our onely refuge stay and deliuerer for our sinnes haue oftentymes purchased vnto vs most deadly griefes and mightye and valiaunt enimies who haue like vehement streames of water enuironed and compassed vs aboute with tribulations snares yea and death it selfe but thou O good God who as thou being the souereigne Lord of all thinges art knowne to haue thy throne in heauen euen so for thy infinite mercies sake haue respect vnto vs and when thou hast remitted and pardoned our offences vouchsafe that we maye be deliuered from thy wrath and extréeme punishments which thou art woont to laye vpō the vngodly And graūt that whilest we inuocate cal vpon thée our loud cries and earnest praiers be not poured out in vaine through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme THou knowest O mercifull and most mightie God howe many and howe great aduersaries we haue both within and without who as they can not awaye with thy name and glorie so do they also most lewdly wickedly repine at our saluation wherefore we do not without iust cause humbly sue vnto thée that as thou hast often deliuered vs out of the daungerous perilles of damnation and perpetuall destruction so now also notwithstanding the most grieuous and heynous offences which we haue committed against thée and for the which we repent vs at this time of them from the bottome of our heart it would please thée to fortefie and strength vs in such wise with thy assistaunce as we may vanquishe and ouercome what thing soeuer hath set it selfe against thy glorious kingdome whereby we maye at length shewe forth and magnifie thée onely in the chiefest assemblies of men for our alone defender and excellent sauiour throughe Iesus Christ our
Lord. Amen Another prayer out of the same psalme SEing that we are O heauenly father during this miserable life wrapped in and compassed about with an infinite nūber of perilles we direct our humble prayers and hartie peticions vnto thée to the intent thou wouldest stretche foorth thy mightie arme to be our defence and not suffer the great and verie strong enimyes of oure saluation to preuayle agaynst vs. When we are most busily vexed and afflicted of them O good God make it manifest that thou art our mighty protector redy defender There is no righteousnesse or puritie in our workes which we maye vaunt and boast off in thy presence wée francklye acknowledge and confesse that we haue greatly strayed from thy holy precepts Neuerthelesse yet pardon according to thy accustomed woont and mercie the grieuous sinnes committed by vs and vouchsafe of thy gracious fauour to graūt that we may hereafter liue as becommeth thy chosen blessed and innocent people so that on the other side we may finde thee elect holy and hurtlesse vnto vs throughe Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xix. Psalme ● praier that ●s may be ●rtakers of Gods diuine ●orde THy wonderfull power wisdome and goodnesse O most mightie God which thy nature is excéeding plentifully indued withall sheweth it selfe in all places vnto vs by those things which thou hast fourmed and created The heauen truly with all hir ornaments with the alteration of tymes with the brightnesse of the Starres and of the most whote burning Sunne are nothing else but plain voices and a vniuersal doctrine for all sortes of people by the which the prayses of thy Maiestie are most amply blazed and set forth Wherfore we confesse howe that we can make no excuse at all of our so slender confidence and féeble loue towardes thée who ought truelye to haue béene assuredly perswaded by the aucthoritie of these thinges that we should vnseperably cleaue vnto thée alone being the chiefe and principall causer of so many good workes bestowed vpon vs but alas these admonishments not regarded we haue folowed the lustes and desires of our filthie fleshe with mad imaginations and feyned thinges of our owne braine and made very little accompt of thée who art the Creator and maker of all thinges And for that cause doe well deserue the offlictions which we are assayled with who haue not onelye dispised and had in contempt the workes of nature that should haue allured and drawne vs vnto thée but haue coldely altogither vnprofitably heard thy worde that is to say the holy Scripture and Gospel of thy déere and welbeloued sonne prouoking thy indignation towardes vs by that from whence we shoulde to the comfort of our soules haue drawne out wisedome light ioyfulnesse and perfect righteousnesse but although we now séeme for these weighty considerations most vnworthie of thy mercie yet we instantly require thée to pardon and forgiue vs and not to afflict thy Church according to hir deserts Graunt we humbly beséech thée that we may hereafter to our great profite and cōfort haue these thy creatures in estimation and let thy wordes be not only swéeter vnto vs than hony but farre excéede all the ioy and pleasure of this world Take from vs our heynous sinnes and shewe thy selfe to be a true defender and redéemer of thy chosen people through Iesus Christ oure Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme WE vnderstande it commeth to passe through thy excellēt goodnesse O almightie God that the knowledge of thée may be graft and imprinted in mennes mindes by the fourme order and most beautifull comlinesse of the thinges that be created whom the circles and globes of the Heauens the continuall alteration of the day and night and most goodly brightnesse of the sunne do declare to be their most wise Creator with wordes plain ynough doe teach vs both to knowe and also to wonder at thy Maiestie herevnto are added thy written lawes which haue brought vnto vs mortall creatures the true wisedome the testimonie of thy will the substanciall pleasure of the soule heauenly delicates But as we be lewd and wicked wretches so haue we neuer made an ende of abusing both these most faythfull scholemaisters Therefore our earnest request is that thou wouldest vouchsafe to pardon and forgiue wherin we haue offended thee contrary to the admonitions of so worthy instructions and graunt vs hereafter so attentiuely to beholde with due fruct the creation and workmanship of the world that we may become very earnest obseruers of thy sacred lawes through Iesus Christ oure Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xx Psalme OVr dayly peticion is O almightie god that the kingdome of our Lorde Iesus Christ may be augmented A prayer for the prosperou● successe of christs kingdome again●● the enimies thereof and appeare at length to be most perfect which thing we nowe also desire very instantly in our hartie prayers and humble supplications Be alwayes mindfull thereof O good God of his fatte and most pleasant oblation which he made for vs vpon the Aultare of the Crosse and graunt that by the tryumphe of his moste perfect victorie and conquest wée maye take both saluation and delyghtfull pleasure Althoughe wée denie not but that the same shall come to passe without oure deserts who haue through our manifolde wickednesse offended thée very many and infinite wayes yet for thy tender louing mercies sake put them to shame and confusion that repose all their trust in Charets horse and worldly power but raise and lift vp to saluation such as are wholy bent to depend vpon thee and bow downe thy merciful and fauourable eares to heare the feruent prayers and peticions whiche we make vnto thy diuine Maiestie for the mightie inlarging of our Lord Iesus christ his kingdome throughe the same Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xxj. Psalme A prayer for ●he prayse ●nd augmen●ation of the Gospell WEe confesse with a singuler ioy O most mightie God that Iesus Christ our king being indued with power and honour after his resurrection doth abide and liue with thée And forsomuch as he hath nowe obteyned and gotten most largely whatsoeuer may bee wished or desired tending to moste perfect and euerlasting blessednesse it can not otherwise be but that verye much of his saluation giftes and glory be shedde abroade and light vpon vs also which are his members Of which felicitie and most singuler gift although we acknowledge and confesse our selues most vnworthie by reason of our wicked maners and vngodlye life yet forsomuch as we heartily repent vs of them we are nothing doubtfull of his redy helpe but doe also most assuredly beleue that he will once vanquishe and bring to nought so many as do aduaunce and sette themselues agaynst hys glorious Kingdome Graunt wée humblye beséeche thee moste deere father that their pestiferous deuices being of none offect thy high and famous power