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A87160 A vindication of the Holy Scriptures. Or the manifestation of Jesus Christ the true Messiah already come. Being the Christians antidote against the poysons of Judaisme and atheisme of this present age. Proved out of sacred scripture, ancient historians, and Jewish Rabbins. / By that learned, and late eminent divine, John Harrison. Harrison, John, of the Inner Temple. 1656 (1656) Wing H896; Thomason E1685_1; ESTC R209168 62,938 174

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right hand of God David saith Thou art gone up on high thou hast led captivity captive and received gifts for men c. And in another place The Lord said to my Lord Sit thou at my right hand c. which is the place alledged by our Saviour wherewith he put the Jews to silence both as touching the Deity and the Humanity of the Messiah for saith he If David call him Lord how is he then his Son Where we may see David acknowledgeth him his Lord and consequently his God even the Son of God sitting at the right hand of God for the present as touching his Divinity afterwards to be accomplished also in his Humanity which David believed as verily should come to pass and foresaw by the eye of Faith as did Thomas when it was come to pass putting his hand into his side and crying My Lord and my God so saith David here my Lord The Lord said unto my Lord c. I say this article of our Faith as touching his Ascension it followeth necessarily to be concluded upon his Resurrection it needeth no other proof For that whosoever seeth and acknowledgeth that Jesus being dead could raise himself to life again will easily believe also that he was able to ascend up to heaven at his pleasure And hereof we have also all his Apostles and Disciples for witnesses eye witnesses in whose presence and sight he ascended as it is in that place They looked stedfastly towards heaven as he went and in witness thereof gave up their lives and sealed the same with their blood Therefore I conclude upon all these premisses so necessarily following and depending one upon another to wit his birth life doctrine actions death resurrection ascension seeing nothing hath hapned in the same which was not foretold by the Prophets of God nor any thing foretold by the same Prophets concerning the Messiah which was not fulfilled most exactly in the person of our Saviour We may most certainly assure our selves that as God is truth and therefore can neither foretel an untruth nor yeild testimony to the same so it cannot be but that these things which have been shewed to be so manifestly fore prophesied and so evidently accomplished in the person of this our blessed Lord and Saviour must needs I say assure us Christians that he was indeed the true Messiah and quite confound the Jews in their vain imagination and expectation of another The sending of the holy Ghost with the first Plantation and wonderful increase of the Church NOw for those things that followed after his Ascension as arguments and effects of his Divine power they were also foretold by the Prophets to wit the sending of the holy Ghost that Comforter from on high with the sudden strange and miraculous increase of his Church throughout the world even against all worldly power and policy by the only power and ministry of his word confirmed with signs and wonders that followed wrought by his Apostles Disciples and other his faithful servants and witnesses in the Primitive Church then the which there can be no greater argument in the world of the truth of Christian Religion if we consider how all other Religions in the world have grown and been maintained by force of Arms Fire and Sword this only by the preaching of Christ crucified in all Nations hath encreased and multiplyed and shal do more and more to the end of the world this must increase all others decrease howsoever the Turks have possessed the greatest part of the world at this day yet our Saviours prophesie in the end shall be found true this Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached throughout the whole world for a witness unto all Nations Now for the first increase of it How small a number were there gathered together after the ascension at Jerusalem from whence they were to march even the twelve Apostles no great army God wot to conquer the world as it is in that place The Law shall go forth from Zion and the Word of God from Jerusalem There was the Rendevous there they stayed there they rested there they continued in prayer and fasting till such time as Christ after his ascension according to his promise sent them the Comforter even the holy Ghost enduing them with power from on high and arming them at all points for so great a work When and where being gathered together all with one accord in one place suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a mighty wind and filled all the house where they sate And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like fire and it sate upon each of them and they were all filled with the holy Ghost and began to speak with other Tongues as there is mentioned And with these fiery cloven tongues these twelve silly souls without any means men money or munition in a very short time conquered a great part of the world insomuch that at one Sermon of S. Peter at the same time there were added to the Church three thousand souls and so multiplyed successively from time to time and from place to place spreading it self from one Country to another and from one Nation to another and so at length into all Nations There is neither Speech nor Language where their voice is not heard Their line is gone forth through all the earth and their words into the ends of the world as we see it is come to pass this day Of which coming of the holy Ghost in the time of the Messiah Joel prophesied saying And it shall be in the last days that I will pour out my spirit c. and on my servants and on my handmaids I will pour out my spirit c. It filled all the house where they sate and it sate upon each of them and they were all filled with the holy Ghost Here is a deluge of Gods grace poured upon the world immediately upon the ascension of our Lord and Saviour First upon his Apostles and Disciples of those times in greater measure as the first fruits of his spirit by the which they wrought miracles spake all manner of languages healed all manner of diseases cast out Divels raised the dead and lastly sealed the same with their blood Poor Fishermen and such like of no reputation in the world without learning without credit without means as before yet by this means conquered the world to the subjection of their master Christ that stone cast aside of the Builders but now become the head-stone of the corner this the Lords doing and it is marvellous in our eyes The sincerity of the Evangelists NOw for the Evangelists or writers of the Gospel that is to say the registers of his Birth Life Doctrine and Death It is to be noted that our Saviour being God took a different way from the custome of man in delivering unto us his Laws and Precepts For that men who have been law-makers unto the world
not cast thee away but they have cast me away that I should not reign over them c. And as before under the Judges so now under the Kings still as they sinned and multiplyed their transgressions so did the Lord inflict and multiply upon them his judgements one plague after another til at length they were carried captives into Babylon After which long captivity yet restored again upon their repentance the time was not long but they fell again to their old byas and forgate the Lord their God which had done so great things for them yea rather now worse then ever persecuting the Prophets from time to time whom God raised up amongst them and killing them one after another even till the coming of the Messiah and him also they crucified Whereupon ensued this last and final desolation as the full measure of their sine deserved and as themselves desired saying His blood be upon us and upon our children which hath continued now almost these sixteen hundred yeers the longest captivity and greatest misery that ever hapned to any people and so shall continue till they as did their forefathers turn to the Lord by true and hearty repentance cry unto the Lord in their trouble and then will the Lord deliver them out of their distress according to the former examples and not before And this is the state and condition of the Jews at this day the miserable state I say with the cause and the remedy which God grant they may make use of Amen AN ALLARUM TO THE JEWS Or the MESSIAH already come FIrst for the promises and prophesies of old as touching the coming of a Messiah whom we cal CHRIST both they and we agree both of us reading dayly in our Churches and Synagogues teaching and holding for canonical the very selfe same Scriptures even the Law and the Prophets In so much that the Gentile is often times enforced to marvail when he seeth a people so extreamly bent one against another as the Jewes are against Christians and yet do stand so peremptorily in defence of those very principles which are the proper causes of their disagreement But in the Interpretation and Application thereof ariseth all the Controversie they understanding and applying all things literally and carnally to their long looked for Messiah yet for to come We after a Spiritual manner understanding all those promises and prophesies to be most truely and real● fulfilled in the person of our blesse● Messiah already come they expecting a temporal King to rule and conquer in this world we acknowledging a spiritual King whose Kingdom is not of this world as himselfe did many times protest while he was in the world My kingdom is not of this world To begin with Adam and so forward Gods promise to Adam THe first promise as touching the Messiah is this made to Adam after his ●all for the restoring of mankind to wit that the seed of the Woman should break the Serpents head that is to say one of her seed to be born in time should conquer the Devil Death and Sin as the ancient Jews understand this place which being a spiritual conquest and against a spiritual enemy the Devil he I mean the Messiah must needs be a spiritual and consequently not a temporal King as the Jewes imagine Gods promise to Abraham THe second to Abraham Isaac and Jacob often repeated To Abraham Gen. 12.3 In thee shall all the Families of the earth be blessed To Isaac Gen. 26.4 In thy seed shall all the Nations of the earth be blessed To Jacob Gen. 28 14. In thee and in thy seed shall all the Families of the earth be blessed Therefore the Gentiles as well as the Jewes the blessing is general without exception all the Families of the earth all Nations no Prerogative of the Jew no exception of the Gentile as touching the Messiah I mean the benefit of this so general and great a blessing though otherwise much every way as the Apostle reasoneth to the Romans Whereupon I infer as before that the Messsiah must be a spiritual and not a temporal King otherwise it had been but a very small benediction to Abraham or others after him who never saw their Messiah actually if he must have been only a temporal King and much less blessing had been to us Gentiles if this Messiah of the Jews must have been a worldly and temporal Monarch to destroy and subdue all those Nations formerly blessed and blessed shall they be to the servitude of Jury as the latter Teachers do imagine The Prophesie of Jacob THe third which confirmeth the former is the prophesie of Jacob at his death Gen. 49.10 the rod or scepter shall not depart from Judah nor a Lawgiver from between his feet till Shiloh come and the People or Nations shall be gathered unto him Which the Chalde Paraphrase as also Onkelos both of singular authority among the Jews do interpret thus Until Christ or the Messiah come which is the hope and expectation of all Nations as well Gentiles as Jews the government shall not cease in the House or Tribe of Juda. Whence I infer the same conclusion as before that if the Messiah must be the hope and expectation as well of the Gentiles as of the Jews then can he not be a temporal King to destroy the Gentiles as the latter Jews would have it but a spiritual King as before hath been declared Secondly if the temporal Kingdom of the house of Juda whereof the Messiah must com shal cease and be destroyed at his comming and not before that being a certain sign of the time of his manifestation how then can the Jews expect yet a temporal King for their Messiah the Scepter already departed and gone their Kingdom and Priesthood defaced their City and Temple destroyed themselves scattered amongst all Nations and so have continued almost this sixteen hundred years yea such a fatal and final desolation by Gods just judgement brought upon that woful Nation and that not many years after the death and passion of our Saviour Jesus Christ according to his prophesie in his life time as may fully settle our faith in this point The Prophesie of Moses THe fourth is that of Moses to the people of Israel The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet like unto me from among you even of thy brethren unto him ye shall hearken c. and in the verses following I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren like unto thee saith God to Moses and will put my words into his mouth and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him and whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name I will require it of him Which words cannot be understood of any other Prophet that ever lived after Moses amongst the Jews but only of the Messiah as appeareth most plainly in another place in Deutrenomy where it is said
Scepter was not departed they had their Sheckes that is to say chief men of their Tribes in all parts where they inhabit Moreover that some of the Moores forsooth had brought them word of a People or Nation of the Jewes inhabiting in a far Country he could not tell me the place where but first there is a River to be passed two Trees growing on either side directly one against another which two trees every saturday and no day else do of their own accord bow one towards another making as it were a bridg for men to go over Now the Jews by reason that day is their Sabbath may not attempt to pass over it But the Messiah at his comming shal bring them altogether into the Land of promise they know not how rebuild the City and Sanctuary in a trice much more glorious then ever it was before To which purpose he alledged that place out of the Psalms The Lord doth build up Jerusalem and gather together the dispersed of Israel So likewise interpreting that of Haggai the glory of this last house shal be greater then the first of this third imaginary Temple So literally applying that of Isaiah that in those days the Wolfe should dwell with the Lamb the Leopard lie with the Kid the Calf and the Lyon and the fat beasts together and a little child to lead them c. That these things should thus come to pass litterally according to the very Hebrew Characters This is all the knowledge they have in the Scriptures the bare Hebrew letters and no more Yet can they not speak one word of the true spiritual language of Canaan but in stead of Shiboleth like those Ephraimites they pronounce Siboleth no interpretation spiritual of the Celestial Canaan the Heavenly Jerusalem of the spiritual Temple of the mystical body of the Messiah that is to say his Church no relish at all of the spirit of God or any spiritual worship amongst them And yet forsooth they will be the people of God alone and who but they the Children of Abraham and of the promise and none but they yea they are so vainly puft up with the foolish pride of this their high pedigree that they think verily and will speak it confidently I have heard it from them that none of them unless for very heinous offences as Perjury or such like shall be judged after this life or be in danger of hell fire they only to have their punishment in this world and not else As though hell fire were only prepared for us Gentiles and Heaven only for the Jews which unless they repent they shall finde quite contrary if the words of our Saviour be found true which hitherto they have found but too true to their wo as I noted before I say unto you that many shall come from the East and from the West and shal sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of Heaven and the Children of the Kingdom shall be cast out into utter darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth Where are now the Jews with their lofty pedigree Even as Esau sold to Jacob his birth-right for a mess of pottage so have the Jews to us Gentiles their birthright to the Kingdom of Heaven for a mess of idle dreams and fantasies they imagin to themselves Towers and Castles in the air Crowns and Kingdoms in expectance even in this world another Paradice here on earth But in the end they shall find themselves to have been all this while in a fools Paradice and as it were in a dream which when one awaketh vanisheth and so I leave them to their dreams and profound sleep till it shal please God of his mercy to awake them Thus then it is manifest both by Scripture Tradition and Observation of the Jews themselves that about the time before mentioned to wit in the days of Augustus Cesar the new Roman Emperor and of Herod the usurper King of Jury who was the first that took away the Scepter from Judah even in the time of the second Temple the true Messiah was to be born And hence it was that the whole nation of the Jews remained so accent at this time more then ever before or since in expecting the Messiah Whereupon so soon as ever they heard of John Baptist in the Desart The Jews sent Priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask if he were the Messiah And in another place it is said ' As the people waited and all men mused in their hearts of John if he were the Messiah John answered and said unto them c. So that you see in those days the whole people of the Jews waited for his comming all men mused upon their Messiah So did also John himselfe being in prison sent two of his Disciples to Jesus demanding Art thou he that shall come or shall we look for another and again at the feast of the Dedication they came flocking to him from all parts they came round about him as it is in that place saying How long dost thou hold us in suspense if thou be that Christ tell us plainly All which importeth the great expectation wherein the people remained in those days of which fame expectation and greedy desire of the people divers deceivers took occasion to call themselves the Messiah Judas Galilaeus Judas the Son of Hezechias Atonges a Shepherd Theudas and Egyptus all notable deceivers But above all one Barcozham who as the Talmud affirmeth for thirty years together was received for the Messiah by the Rabbins themselves till at last they slew him because he was not able to deliver them from the Romans Which facility in the people when Herod saw he caused one Nicholaus Damascenus to devise a pedigree for him from the ancient Kings of Juda and so he as well as the rest took upon him the title of the Messiah whom divers carnal Jews that expected the Messiah to be a magnificent King as Herod was would seem to beleeve and publish abroad whereupon they are thought to be called Herodians in the Gospel who came to tempt Christ But all these deceivers are vanished and gone their memorial is perished with them whereunto our Saviour seemeth to allude where he saith All that ever came before me are theeves and robbers but the sheep did not hear them I say all these false Messiahs with their followers they are vanished and gone onely Jesus Christ and his Religion contrary to all other Religions in the world without either sword spear or shield against all world strength and policy hath increased and multiplied and shall do to the end of the world as Gamaliel long ago prophesied to the Jews wilfully bent put all in vain even in the very first infancy thereof to have destroyed it His words are these ' And now I say unto you refrain your selves from these men and let them alone for if this councel or this
blindness in this point and in them the whole Nation of the Jews to this day Ye perceive nothing at all nor yet do you consider that it is expedient for us that one man die for the people and that the whole Nation perish not c. But he that will read the whole story of Christ crucified with the particulars described many hundred yeers before the same fell out let him turn to Isaiah and acknowledge him for an Evangelist who to signifie the strangeness of the case beginneth first with a preface Who will believe our report c. All which narration Rabbi Jonathan the author of the Chaldy Paraphrase applyeth to the murder of the Messiah by the Jews whereunto agree Rabbi Simeon Rabbi Hadersan and others proving further out of Dan. 9.27 That after the Messiah shall have preached half seven yeers he shall be slain which disagreeth little or nothing from the account of us Christians Also in their Thalmud it is set down for a principle and the sentence pronounced beforehand peremptorily and in plain terms that the Messiah at his coming shall be put to death So then I may conclude upon all these particulars of Christ his Death Passion foretold by the Prophets prefigured in the Law and so expounded and acknowledged by the Jews themselves the ancient Rabbins before mentioned and finally so exactly fulfilled in our Lord and Saviour as by the quotations in the margent may appear together with the mild manner of his death praying for his enemies Father forgive them and meekly recommending his soul into the hands of God Father into thy hands I commend my spirit with other strange accidents and circumstances that miraculous eclipse of the Sun at that very instant from the sixt to the ninth hour there was darkness over all the land the vail of the Temple rent in twain from the top to the bottome and the earth did quake and the stones were cloven and the graves did open themselves and many bodies of the Saints which slept arose c. I say upon all these particularities and circumstances I hope I may conclude as it is in that place with the Centurion and those that were with him watching Jesus who when they saw the earthquake and the things that were done they feared greatly saying Truly this was the Son of God And all the people that came together to that sight beholding the things which were done smote their breasts and returned So may I conclude Truly this was the Son of God truly this is the Messiah and let all the people of the Jews come together again to this sight and behold him whom they have pierced and smite their breasts pricked in their hearts like those Jews in the Acts and cry out Men and Brethren what shall we do and return to the Lord and be baptised every one in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins which God grant And the Lord pour upon them the spirit of grace and of compassion that in soul and spirit they may look upon him whom they have pierced and lament for him as it is in the Prophet every Tribe and Family apart His Resurrection FOr his Resurrection it was also foretold by the Prophets and prefigured in Jonas David saith in the person of the Messiah of whom he prophesied in divers places and was a type I have set the Lord always before me c. Wherefore mine heart is glad and my tongue rejoyceth my flesh also doth rest in hope for thou wilt not leave my soul in the grave nor suffer thine holy One to see corruption Also Hosea saith After two days will he revive us and in the third day he will raise us up Us in the plural number pointing as it should seem both at the Resurrection of our Saviour the third day as also the raising of a number of the Saints together with him at the same time prefigured in Jonas together with the time of his abode in the Sepulcher and foreshewed many times by our Saviour himself to his Disciples such and such things shall be done to the Son of man He shall be apprehended evil entreated mocked scourged put to death but the third day he shall rise again Also to the Jews demanding a sign he answered Destroy this Temple and in three days I will raise it up again And at another time An evil and adulterous generation seeketh a sign but no signe shall be given them save the signe of the prophet Jonas for as Jonas was three days and three nights in the Whales belly so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth Which Prophesie of his they full wel remembring and fearing the event immediately upon his burial they went to Pilate saying Sir we remember that Deceiver said while he was living within three days I will rise again Command therefore the Sepulcher to be made sure till the third day lest hit Disciples steal him away by night and say unto the people he is risen from the dead and so the last error be worse then the first All which was done according to their desire a strong watch appointed the Sepulcher sealed up all things made so sure by the Jews as might be for they had gotten from Pilate a special commission for that purpose to whom he was as forward to grant it as they to ask it and that in as large and ample manner as themselves knew or could devise All which notwithstanding after a most miraculous manner The Angel of the Lord descending from heaven with an earthquake and rolling back the stone from the Door of the Sepulcher the Keepers astonied and become as dead men Jesus our Saviour according to the former prophesies is risen again and hath appeared to his Apostles and Disciples his faithful witnesses a number of them at divers several times to whom he presented himself alive as S. Luke writeth by many infallible tokens being seen of them by the space of forty days and speaking of those things which appertain to the Kingdom of God howsoever the Jews suborned the Soldiers giving them largely to say His Disciples came by night and stole him away while they slept which saying is noised among the Jews to this day How probably the former circumstances considered let the world judge Therefore I will conclude this point also with that of Paul touching the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour He hath declared himself mightily to be the Son of God by the Resurrection from the dead and consequently that Messiah promised before by the Prophets in the holy Scriptures as the same Apostle urgeth His Ascention FOr his Ascension it was also foretold by the Prophets and necessarily followeth upon his Resurrection to be believed to wit that having finished the work of our Redemption here one earth he ascended up into heaven and there sitteth at the