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A02727 The Messiah already come. Or Profes [sic] of Christianitie both out of the Scriptures, and auncient rabbins, to convince the Iewes, of their palpable, and more then miserable blindnesse (if more may be) for their long, vaine, and endlesse expectation of their Messiah (as they dreame) yet for to come. Written in Barbarie, in the yeare 1610, and for that cause directed to the dispersed Iewes of that countrie, and in them to all others now groaning under the heavy yoake of this their long and intollerable captivitie, which yet one day shall have an end ... Harrison, John, fl. 1610-1638. 1619 (1619) STC 12858; ESTC S116532 67,755 80

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his divine power they were also foretold by the Prophets to wit the sending of the Holy Ghost that comforter from on high with the sodayne strange and myraculous increase of his Church throughout the world even against all worldly power and policie by the onely power and ministerie of his worde confirmed with signes and wonders that followed wrought by his Apostles Disciples and other his faithfull servants and witnesses in the primitive Church then the which there can be no greater argument in the world of the truth of Christian Religion if we consider how all other religions in the world have growne and been maynteined by force of armes fyre and sword this onely by the preaching of Christ crucified in all na●ions hath increased multiplyed shall doe more more to the end of the world this must increase all others decrease how so ever the Turks have possessed the greatest part of the world at this day yet our Saviours prophecie in the end shal be found true this gospel of the kingdō shal be preached throughout the whol world for a witnesunto al natiōs Now for the first increase of it how smal a number were there gathered together after the ascention at Ierusalem from whēce they were to march even the twelue Apostles no great armie Godwat to cōquer the world as it is in that place The law shall goe forth frō Ziō the word of God frō Ierusalē There was the Rendevous there they staid there they rested there they cōtinued in prayer and fasting till such time as Christ af●er his ascension according to his promise sent them the comforter even the holy Ghost induing them with power frō on high arming thē at all points for so great a work When and where being gathered togither all with one accord in one place sodenly there came a sound from heaven as of a mighty wind and filled all the house where they sate And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like fyre and it sate upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as there is mentioned And with these fiery cloven tongues these 12. silly soules without any other meanes men money or munitiō in a very short time conquered a great part of the world In so much that at one sermon of S. Peter at the same time there were added to the Church three thowsand soules And so multiplied successively from time to time and from place to place spreading it selfe from one country to another and from one nation to an other and so at length into all nations there is neyther speach nor language where their voice is not heard their line is gone forth through all the earth and their words into the ends of the world as we see it is come to passe this day Of which cōming of the Holy Ghost in the time of the Messiah Ioel prophesied saying And it shal be in the last dayes that I wil power out my spirit vpon all flesh c. and on my servants and on my handmaids I will powre out my spirit c. It filled all the howse where they sate it sate upon each of them and they were all filled with the holy Ghost Here is a deluge of Gods grace powred upon the world immediately upon the ascension of our Lord and Saviour First vpon his Apostles and disciples of those times in greater measure as the first fruites of his spirit by the which they wrought miracles spake all manner of languages healed all maner of diseases cast out Divils raysed the dead and lastly sealed the same with their blood Poore fishermen and such like of no reputation in the world without learning without credite without meanes as before yet by this meanes conquered the world to the subjection of their maister Christ that stone cast aside of the builders but now become the heade stone of the corner this is the Lordes doing and it is marvelous in our eyes The sinceritie of the Evangelistes NOw for the Evangelists or writers of the Gospell that is to say the registers of his birth life doctrine and death it is to be noted that our Saviour being God tooke a different way from the custome of man in delivering vnto us his lawes precepts For that men who have been lawmakers vnto the world knew no surer way of publishing their lawes and procuring authoritie to the same than to write them with their owns handes and in their life time to establish their promulgation So Lycurgus Solon and others among the Grecians Numa to the Romans Mahomet to the Sarasins But Iesus to shew this divine power in directing the pen and stile of his Evangelists would not leave any thing written by himselfe but passed from this world in simplicity and silence without any further shewe or ostentation of his owne doings Meaning notwithstanding afterwards to his glorie and the aedification of his Church here on earth by foure irrefragable witnesses or remembrancers the four Evāgelists every word should be established recorded As may appear by that place where he saith These things have I spoken vnto you being present with you but the Comforter which is the holy Ghost whom the Father wil send in my name he shal bring all things to your remembrance which I haue told you Wherevpon I inferre that the Evangelists and Apostolicall writers were all of them guided and directed by one and the same spirit even the spirite of God for the registring of all things eyther sayd or donne by our Saviour so farre forth as seemed best to his divine will and pleasure to be registred and recorded for the benefite and edification of his Church For there were many other things which Iesus did as Io. the Evāgelist testifieth which are not written that is to say which the holy spirit of God thought needlesse to faith and salvation but saith he these things are written that ye might beleeve that Iesus is the Christ the sonne of God and that in beleeving ye might have life through his name Now for these Evāgelists foure in nomber which some have resēbled to the foure beasts in Ezek the first last are Apostles that wrote as they had seen the two middle at disciples who registred things as they had ūderstood by cōferēce with the Apostles The first gospel was written by an Apostle to give light to the rest and the last also by an Apostle to give authoritie and confirmation to the former The first was written in the Hebrew tongue for that all those myracles which Iesus wrought were doone in that countrie he was not sent but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel to the end that eyther the whole nation might beleeve them or the obstinate impugne them which yet never any of theire Rabbines tooke in hand to doe The other three were written in the most famous
in worshipping of Images and such like tromperie I am perswaded haue beene two maine obstacles to their conversion hitherto as some of them in Barbarie objected to me saying the Christian Religion could not be the true Religion for that it alloweth the worshipping of images which is expresly against the Law Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen Image And if we say they crucified Christ and therefore we hate and abhorre them even to the third and fourth generation that is to say their posterity for ever so doe we daily by our crying sinnes euen crucifie againe the Lord Iesus they but once and unwittingly as Saint Peter testifieth we often and that both wittingly and willingly to our greater condemnation in respect of the fulnesse of knowledge we haue in the Messiah This is that fulnesse of the Gentiles already come in whereof the Apostle long since prophecied as in knowledge abounding so in sinne super-abounding and that generally through out all Nations Of whom I doubt much whether I may say as it was said in times past of the Amorites as touching their fulnesse it was not yet come for I am sure the fulnesse of the Gentiles as touching sinne is already come fulnesse of Bread and aboundance of Idlenesse as in Sodome yea fulnesse and loathsomnesse even of Manna it selfe as the children of Israel in the end waxed wearie of that heavenly foode so is it with us in respect of the foode of our soules Else what meaneth so many Sects and Schismes in our Church at this day Diseases arising from some bad humours and corruptions in the body as all diseases doe which therefore ought to be purged Surely the varietie of the one argueth a fulnesse and sacietie of the other We are fallen from the names of Christians given to the Primitiue Church to be baptized into new names Anabaptists Arminians id genus farinae Corne I may not call them but chaffe yea rather tares sprung up with the good Corne over-spreading and over-topping it too in many places but both must grow together till the harvest Yea our fulnesse and nicenesse is such as we can taste no maner of meat almost but what some curious cookes for the nonce provide for us every one must have a cooke for his owne palate We are fallen into that time fore-prophecied by the Apostle 2. Tim 4. For the time will come when they will not suffer wholesome Doctrine but having their eares itching shall after their owne lusts get them a heape of Teachers We are even wearie of Manna as the children of Israel were And therefore now that they haue fasted so long time and that fulnesse of the Gentiles come upon us it standeth both with the Lords justice and his mercie both to us and them to doe to them as he did to us at the first and to us as he did to them Behold therefore the bountifulnesse and the severitie of God toward them which have fallen severitie but toward thee bountifulnesse if thou continue in his bountifulnesse or else thou shalt also be cut off and they also if they abide not still in unbeliefe shall be graffed in for God is able to graffe them in againe Of which g●orious worke of the conversion of the Iewish Nation and finishing of that mysterie of godlinesse if you most h●gh and mightie Lords shall be the first beginners in your owne Countrie as you haue already playd your parts against the mysterie of Iniquitie both at home and abroad both by Sea and by Land as the chiefe bulwarks of Christian R●ligion at this day against the power of Antichrist and all his adhaer●nts whereof you have borne the brunt as Tully saith of the Scipioes they were propugnacula belli punici and therefore deserve the prize aboue all other Nations you shall not onely highly advance your honour in this World as you have done already both in those your martiall aff●ires and otherwise also by a generall eye of policie or rather so many Argus eyes watching over all estat●s to keepe them upright and in order especially those extraordi●ary and magnificent I may well call them so workes of Chari●ie towards the poore in those your state●y Ho●pitals and Guest-houses and such l●ke places of provision no crying for bread nor complayning in your Streetes but also in the World to come you shall a●vance your selues in honour and glory aboue the Heave●s where you shall shine like so many Starres in the ●irmament and as the Sunne in his strength for so it is said They that turne many to Righteousnesse shall shine as the Starres forever and ever And they that honour me saith the Lord I will honour then the which what greater incouragement And so humbly craving pardon for this my boldnesse being a Stranger or wherein otherwise I have erred I commit you according to your high and eminent Places Estates and orders which in my heart more I honour than eyther my tongue or Penne can worthily expresse not so well knowne vnto me to the Almighty To whose service I rest devoted IOHN HARRISON To the Reader I Must confesse Christian Reader that a great part of the proofes following together with the methode I have borrowed out of a Booke called the Christian Directorie or Resolution in English which I had with me in Barbarie none else of that argument but the Booke of Bookes which is the Bible And therefore least any one should accuse me hereafter of secret theft I doe ingeniously acknowledge before hand with the Poet Fateor me transtulisse But yet with many additions and alterations of my owne I have made it of right as it were my owne without any wrong to the Author And so I referre it to thy Christian censure THE MESSIAH ALREADIE COME First for the promises and prophecies of old as touching the coming of a Messiah whom we call CHRIST both they and we agree both of us reading dayly in our Churches Synagogues teaching holding for canonicall the verie self same Scriptures euen the Law and the Prophets In so much that the Gentile is oftentymes enforced to marvile whē he seeth a people so extreāly bent one against another as the Iewes are against Christians and yet doe stand so peremptorily in defence of those verie principles which are the proper causes of their disagreement But in the interpretation application thereof ariseth all the controversie they understanding and applying all things literally and carnally to their long looked for Messiah yet for to come we after a spirituall maner understanding all those promises and prophecies to be most truly and really fulfilled in the person of our blessed Mesiah alreadie come they expecting a temporall King to rule and conquer in this world we acknowledging a spirituall King whose kingdome is not of this world as himself did many tymes protest while he was in the world My kingdome is not of this World To beginne with Adam and so forward Gods
Saviour be found true which hitherto they haue found but to true to their woe as I noted before I say unto you that many shall come from the east and from the west and shall sitte downe with Abraham and Isaack and Iaakob in the kingdome of heauen and the children of the kingdome shall be cast out into utter darknes there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth Where are now the Iewes with their loftie pedegree Euen as Esau sould to Iaakob his birthrigh for a messe of pottage so haue the Iewes to us Gentiles their birthright to the kingdome of heauen for a messe of idle dreames add fantasies they imagine to themselues towres castles in the aire crownes kingdomes in expectance euen in this world another paradice here on earth But in the end they shall find themselues to haue been all this while in a fooles paradice and as it were in a dreame which when one awaketh vanisheth and so I leaue them to their dreames and profound sleep till it shall please God of his mercie to awake them Thus then it is manifest both by Scripture tradition and observation of the Iewes themselues that about the tyme before mentioned to witte in the dayes of Augustus Caesar the newe Roman Emperor and of Herod the vsurper King of Iury who was the first that tooke away the scepter from Iuda euen in the tyme of the seconde Temple the true Messiah was to be borne And hence it ●as that the whole nation of the Iewes remayned so attente at this tyme more then ever before or since in expecting the M●ssiah Wherevpon so soone as ever they hearde of Iohn Baptist in the desart the Iewes sent Preists Levites from Ierusalem to ask if he were the Messiah and in another place it is saide as the people wayted all men mused in their harts of Iohn if he were the Messiah Iohn answered saide vnto them c. So that you see in those dayes the whole people of the Iewes wayted for his comming all men mused vppon their Messiah So did also Iohn himselfe being in prison send two of his Disciples to Iesus demanding art thou he that shall come or shall we looke for an other and againe at the feast of the dedication they came flocking to him from all parts they came round about him as it is in that place saying how longe dost thou holde vs in suspence if thou be that Christ tell vs plainly All which importeth the greate expectation wherein the people remayned in those dayes of which fame expectation greedy desire of the people divers deceivers tooke occasion to call themselves the Messiah Iudas Galilaeus Iudas the sonne of Hezechias Atonges a Shepharde Theudas and Egiptus all notable deceivers But aboue all one Barcozbam who as the Talmud affirmeth for thirty yeares together was received for the Messiah by the Rabbins themselves til at last they flew him because he was not able to deliver them from the Romains Which facility in the people when Herod sawe he caused one Nicolaus Damascenus to devise a pedegree for him from the Ancient Kings of Iuda and so he as well as the rest tooke vppon him the tytle of the Messiah whom divers carnall Iewes that expected the Messiah to be a magnificient King as Herod was would s●em to beleeve and publish abroade wherevpon they are thought to be called Herodians in the Gospell who came to tempte Christ But all these deceivers are vanished and gone their memoriall is perished with them wherevnto our Saviour seemeth to allude where he saith All that ever came before me are theeves robbers but the sheepe did not heare them I say all these false Messiahs with their followers they are vanished and gone onely Iesus Christ and his religion contrarie to all other religions in the worlde without either sworde speare or shield against all worldly strength and pollicy hath increased and multiplied and shall doe to the end of the world as Gamaliel longe agoe prophecied to the Iewes wilfully bent but all in vaine even in the verie first infancie therof to have destroyed it His words are these And now I say vnto you r●fraine your selves from these men and let them alone for if this councell or this worke be of men it will c●me to naught but if it be of God yee cannot distroy it least ye● be found even fighters against God Wherefore to conclude at length this maine pointe of the tim● of Christs appearing which cut●eth the very ●hroat of the Iewes vaine expectation seeing at or about that time there concurred so many signes and arguments together as 1. the establishment of the Romane Empire newly erected for then by Daniels prophesie was the G●d of Heaven to set vp his Kingdome 2. The departure of the rod or scepter from the howse of Iuda 3. The destruction of the seconde Temple foretolde by our Saviour and cōming to passe accordingly even in that age 4. The just calculation of Daniels hebdomades or weekes of yeares 5. The observation of Rabbines 6. The publike fame and expectation of all the Iewes together with the palpable experience of more then sixteene hundreth yeares past since Iesus appeared wherein we see the Iewish people in vaine doe e●p●ct an other Messiah they being dispersed over all the worlde without Temple Sacrifice Prophet or any other pledge at all of Gods favoure which never happened to them till after the death of our Saviour for that in all other their banishmentes captivities and afflictions they had some prophesie consolation or promise lefte vnto them for theire comforte but nowe they wander vp and downe God having set a marke vpon them as he did vpon Cain as a people forlorne and abandoned both of God and men His linage or pedegree Secondly the Messiah by the scripture was to be borne of the tribe of Iuda and to descend lineally from the house of David There shall come a rod forth ●f the flocke of Ishai c. So did our Saviour as appeareth by his genealogie set downe by his evangelists Math. 1. Luk. 3. as also by the Thalmud it selfe which sayth that I●sus of Nazareth crucifyed was of the blood royal from Zerubbabell of the h●use of David confi●med by the going vp of Ioseph and Marie his mother to Bethelem to be taxed which was the city of David who was borne ther● as also it is manifest for that the Scribes and the Phar●sies ●●o objected many matters of much lesse importaunce against him as that he was a carpenters sonne c. yet never obj●cted they against him that he was not of the house of David which could they haue proved would quickly haue ended the whole controversie His birth with the circumstances thereof THirdly the Messiah by the Scripture was to be borne of a virgin so sayth Isay. Behold a virgin shall conceiue and bring forth a sonne the Hebrewe is He emphatioum the
behold him whom they haue pierced and smite their brests prick●d in their hearts like those Iewes in the Acts and crye out Men and bretheren what shall we doe and returne to the Lord and be baptised everie one in the name of Iesus Christ for the remission of sinnes which God grant And the Lord powre upon them the spirit of grace and of compassion that in soul spirit they may look upon him whom they haue pierced and lament for him as it is in the prophet everie tribe and familie apart His Resurrection FOr his Resurrection it was also foretold by the prophets and prefigured in Ionas David sayth in the person of the Messiah of whom he prophecied in divers places and was a type I haue set the Lord alwaies before me c. Wherefore myne heart is gladde and my tongue rejoyceth my flesh also doth rest in hope for thou wilt not leaue my soule in the graue nor suffer thyne Holy one to see corruption Also Hosea sayth After two dayes will he rev●ke us and in the third day he will rayse us up Vs in the plurall number poynting as it should seeme both at the Resurrection of our Saviour the third day as also the raysing of a number of the Saincts together with him at the same tyme prefigured in Ionas together vvith the tyme of his abode in the sepulchre foreshevved many tymes by our Saviour himself to his disciples such and such things shall be donne to the sonne of man He shall be apprehended evill intreated mocked scourged put to death but the third day he shall rise againe Also to the Ievves demanding a signe he ansvvered Destroy this temple and in three dayes I will rayse it up againe And at another tyme An evill and adulterous generation se●keth a signe but no signe shall be giuen them saue the signe of the prophet Ionas for as Ionas was three dayes and three nights in the whales b●ll●e so shall the Sonne of man be three dayes and three nights in the heart of the earth Which prophecie of his they full vvell remembring and fearing the event immediatly upon his burial they vvent to Pila● saying Sir we remember that deceiver sayd while he was living within three dayes I will rise againe commaund therefore the sepulchre to be made sure till the third day least his disciples steale him away by night say unto the people he is risen from the dead so the last error be worse then the first All which was done according to their desire a strong watch appointed the Sepulchre sealed up all things made so sure by the Iewes as might be for they had gotten from Pilate a speciall commission for that purpose to whom he was as forward to grant it as they to aske it and that in as large and ample maner as themselues knewe or could devise All which notwithstanding after a most miraculous maner The angel of the Lord discending from heauen with an earthquake and rolling back the stone from the doore of the sepulchre the keepers astonied and become as dead men Iesus our Saviour according to the former prophecies is risen againe and hath appeared to his Apostles and disciples his faithfull witnesses a number of them at divers severall times to whom he presented himself aliue as S. Luke writeth by manie infallible tokens being seene of them by the space of fortie dayes and speaking of those things which apperteyne to the kingdome of God how soever the Iewes suborned the soldiours giving them largely to say his disciples came by night and stole him away while they slept which saying is noysed among the Iewes to this day How probably the former circumstances considered let the world judge Therefore I will conclude this point also with that of Paul touching the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour He hath declared himself mightily to be the sonne of God by the Resurrection from the dead and consequently that Messiah promised before by the Prophets in the holy Scriptures as the same Apostle urgeth His Ascention FOr his Ascention it was also foretold by the Prophets and necessarily followeth upon his Resurrection to be believed to wit that having finished the worke of our Redemption here on earth he ascended up into heauen and there sitteth at the right hand of God David sayth Thou art gone up on high thou hast ledde captivitie captiue and received gifts for men c. And in another place The Lord said to my Lord sitte thou at my right hand c. which is the place alledged by our Saviour wherewith he put the Iewes to silence both as touching the Dietie and the humanitie of the Messiah for sayth he if David call him Lord how is he then his sonne where we may see David acknowledgeth him his Lord and consequently his God euen the sonne of God sitting at the right hand of God for the present as touching his divinitie afterwards to be accomplished also in his humanitie which David believed as verely should come to passe and forsawe by the eye of fayth as did Thomas when it was come to passe putting his hand into his side and crying My Lord my God so sayth David here my Lord The Lord sayd unto my Lord c. I say this article of our fayth as touching his Ascention it followeth necessarily to be concluded upon his Resurrection it needeth no other proof For that whosoever seeth and acknowledgeth that Iesus being dead could raise himself to life againe will easily belieue also that he was able to ascend up to heauen at his pleasure And hereof we haue also all his Apostles and Disciples for witnesses eye-witnesses in whose presence and sight he ascended as it is in that place they looked stedfastly towards heauen as he went And in witnesse thereof gaue up their liues and sealed the same with their blood Therefore I conclude vpon all these premises so necessarily following and depending one apon an other to witt his birth life doctrin actions death resurrection and ascention seing nothing hath happened in the same which was not foretold by the Prophets of God nor any thing foretold by the same Prophets concerning the Messiah which was not fulfilled most exactly in the person of our Saviour We may most certainly assure our selves that as God is truth and therefore can neither foretell an vntruth nor yeeld testimonie to the same so it can not be but that these things which have beene shewed to be so manifestly foreprophecied and so evidently accomplished in the person of this our blessed Lord and Saviour must needs I say assure vs Christians that he was indeed the true Messiah quite confound the Iewes in theire vaine imagination and expectation of another The sending of the Holy Ghost with the first plantation wonderfull increase of the Church NOw for those things that followed after his ascention as argumēts effects of