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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00060 An harborovve for faithfull and trevve subiectes agaynst the late blowne blaste, concerninge the gouernme[n]t of vvemen. wherin be confuted all such reasons as a straunger of late made in that behalfe, with a breife exhortation to obedience. Anno. M.D.lix. Aylmer, John, 1521-1594. 1559 (1559) STC 1005; ESTC S100367 81,623 134

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children and women 1. Cor. 14. 1. Tim. 2. 3. that S. Paule forbiddeth thē to speake in the congregaciō Before that I answer particulerly I must saye this to them all in general that the scripture medleth with no ciuill pollicie further then to teach obediēce And therfor what so euer is brought out of the scripture cōcerning any kynd of regimēt is without the booke pulled into the game place by the eares to wrastle whether it will or no. For Christ faith Luc. 12. Quis mo constituit inter vos iudicem VVho hath made me be betwixt you a iudge as though he shuld saye myne office is not to determyne matters of pollicie of succession and enheritaunce for that belongeth to the ciuill magistrates If he had thought that it had bene within the compasse of his function why and with what conscience refused he to set thē at one whiche were at stryfe and to put that out of doubte which was in sute If he ought to do it and wold not he lacked charite and did not his dutie if it belōged not to him how belonged it to any of his Apostles disciples or successors Had not he as large cōmissiō as he gaue or could he gyue that he had not But he knowing his office as the prophet Esaie had forspoken of him to be to preache the Gospel to heale the broken c. would do nothing without warraunt therfore being axed if he were a kyng he aunswered simply by a playne negatiue Regnum meum c. Math. 27. Marc 15. Ioh. 18. my kingdom is not of this world If his kingdom were not here neither the ordring of pollicies was his for remouing from his functiō the whole he must nedes remoue the part pollicie is a part of a worldly kingdome yea when they woulde haue taken him vp to make him a kyng Ioh. 16. as one that refused that belonged not to him he conueyed himselfe from among thē If tēperal iurisdictiō belōged to him why refused he his calling If it did not where had Paul Peter or any other any authorite to medle with that he refused Seing he said Sicut misit me viuēs pater Ioh. 22. ita et ego mit to vos He gaue them no more scope then he had him selfe wherfore it is not like that Paul or any other would vsurpe a further authorite then he had receiued of his father or they of him and therfore Paul sheweth howe farre he wil be folowed Saying Imitatores mei essote sicut ego Christi Followe me and herken to me in those thynges that I followe and herken to my maister in he teacheth in effect this part of pollicie whiche he hadde learned of his Lorde Date Caesari quae sunt Caesaris Mar. 12. Math. 22. obey the magistrates and those that be in authorite not only for feare but for conscience he ly miteth no magistrates Rom. 13. he altereth no polycie he medleth neither with Democraties Aristocraties nor monarchies nor pscribeth whe ther old or yong riche or poore lerned or vnlerned mā or womā shuld reigne But as he findeth thē so he leueth thē empaireth none altereth none disturbeth none knowing as Christ sayd Math. 20. Luc. 23. Principes gentiū domina būtur eis vos aūt nō sic It falleth not into a disciples an apostles or churche mans office to meddle with suche matters thei haue their princes guides and gouernours the churche men be no suche 2. Tim. 2. For Nemo militans deo implicat se mundanis negotijs It is inough for them to wayte vpon one office Priestes of fice is ouer the soule to attende as soule priestes not erraunt bay lifes Thus farre to the whole in generall nowe to eche reason in special where it is said Et ad virum erit conuersio vel desiderium tuum I myght aunswer it with the common interpretacion whiche is Though both in conceauing and brynging forth thy child thou shalt feele throwes and exceding pāgues yet shalt thou not be hable to withdrawe the from thy husbande but shalt gyue occasion to haue more The payne of the former shall not make the to auoy de the next This is no euill interpretacion for it aunswereth in the maner of the payne the qualite of the offence As who should saye thou hast intyced thy husband to turne to thy folly I shal therfore make the to turne to him to thine owne smarte This place thus interpreted maketh no more for this matter then Gloria in exelsis doth proue that S. Peter say de masse But by cause some reiect this interpretaciō and we seke not to cauil but to fynd the truth therfor I wil admyt the other that it maketh for the wiues obedience toward hir husbande that she must hange vpon him as vpon hir guide followe his wyll as the wyser obey his commaundement as hir superior and to be short to knowe him for hir head and hir selfe for his subiect VVhat Graunt you this that is inough yea I must nedes do so for the truthe els and myne owne conscience would reproue me How than answere you forsothe as I did before that she muste do all this and more but vsque ad aras So far forthe as he comaundeth like a husband like a christian and like her head But if he passe his commission as if he commaunde that is vngodlye then she may answer him as S. Aug. doth the ruler Da veniam imperator Tu minaris carcerem sed deus gehennam Aug. habetur 11 q. 4. cap. ita corporis qui resistit Thou wilt haue me obey thy will for fear of thy prison and sword but I must obey goddes will for feare of his eternal fire and damnacion if her husband will commaund her in the publike weale she beinge the magistrate and not he she may say to him as the cōsul said to Fabiꝰ siste lictor Limidec 3 Law make my husbād to obey for heare he is not my hed but my subiect yea if he breake any lawe if it were capitall she myghte strike with the sword A vvomā maye rule as a magistrate and yet obey as a vvife and yet be a wife good inough for the dutye that she oweth to him is not omitted in that she obserueth that she oweth to the commō weale wherein he is as a member conteyned But if for her wedlocke dutie to him she will neglecte the common vvealth Then is she a louing wife to him and an euel head to the countrey The ii reson The .ii. reason out of Esay maketh as muche as for debarringe of yonge Princes rule as Ioas Iosias and our swiet kinge Edwarde as his sister Marye helde as it dothe againste women for they be ioigned together but in dede it maketh againste neither Esay the Hebrues Demosth For Esaye beinge worthelye called the Demosth of the Hebrues vseth suche goodly figures of speaking as all the scripture hathe not beside