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A44831 Pilula ad expurgandam hypocrisin A pill to purge formality : wherein is discovered the sad and woful condition of all formal professors in religion : also the glory and excellency of those that walk in the power of godliness ... / by Tho. Hubbert, Esq. Hubbert, Thomas. 1650 (1650) Wing H3215; ESTC R4502 125,199 276

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Saints do so often fall and slip is because they trust to their own strength and rest not on this power which they receive from Jesus Christ for he that hath this power in his soul and doth make use of it by Faith it may contend against Sin Corruption Death and Hell it self yea and overcome all as the Apostle saith I am able to do all things through Christ that strengtheneth me In him we are more then conquerors and certainly did we but know what comforts we lose and what foiles we receive in not making use of this power it would put us upon our Watch and Guard and make us careful to keep Centinel by this power in our souls Had David and others made use of this power and stood upon their Watch he had not committed Adultery Peter had not denied his Master Jacob got the Blessing by a lye Abraham denied his wife for fear of Pharoah and so divers others which I could wish might be as Landmarks unto us whilst we sail through the sea of this world Reas 3 Why godliness comes with power into the souls of the Saints is that it might put another frame of spirit into them then they had before as the Lord spake of Caleb Because he had another spirit with him therefore he shall see the Land yea I will bring him into it and his seed shall possess it Yea he followed me fully saith the Text now this Spirit was nothing else but the Spirit of Faith so he fulfilled after me as the Hebrew Word signifieth that is He was constant in obedience to Me or to my Commands Certainly where Grace raigns in the soul sin doth not onely decay but die the man is become another man as Paul when he was converted he was another man then he was before he was of a new mould a new temper before he persecuted the Saints but now he embraceth them and preacheth to them before he knew not who Christ was Who art thou Lord but now he doth not onely know Christ Ego non sum ego but preacheth Christ and suffereth for him yea now he is willing to die for him yea the Saints know this by experience that there is a certain vis a power infused into the soul from God which was not before in them otherwise they could never have had any dominion oversin never have been made new creatures but should have still remained under the power of darkness and in their natural estate they should never have known any difference betwixt themselves and the wickedest man on the earth but should have committed the same abominations with them they should never have been translated from death to life neither should their spot have been differenced or known from the spot of the wicked had not God made them experimentally to know and feel a mighty overawing and sin-conquering power sent and let in unto their souls from the Almighty Spirit of God which doth divide between the marrow and the bone between the Flesh and the Spirit Reas 4 That it may make us to carry on Gods great design in the advancing of the Lord Jesus for in such souls where this power comes Christ is greatly exalted in his Kingdom in his person and in his offices for he that believeth glorifieth the Father who hath sent his Son into the world and the Son who is the glory of the father these souls put to their seals that God is true such a soul gives a testimony unto the world that whatsoever God hath said of his Son in the word is the very truth of God yea it can freely adventure all and lay all upon Christ for life and salvation yea had it ten thousand souls it would cast them all into Christs arms it s resolved there to live and there to die its faith is surely fixt that the gates of hell cannot prevail against it come what will come he is confident that neither life nor death principalities nor powers shall be able to separate him from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord thus is the soul sustained and upheld by the power of grace and acts couragiously to and for Christ and the exaltation of his glory Reas 5 That such a soul where this power comes may strongly hold its communion with Christ that as Christ gives out of himself and fulness unto the soul by a direct act so the soul may be somewhat enabled to retribute unto Christ of what he hath received by a reflect act as the beams of the Sun are made reflective by the earth unto us which is the cause of the heat we feel so the beams of the Sun of righteousness descending and coming into the soul make it warm vigorous and communicative to and for God and as it hath received mercies so it will be alwayes returning praises whereunto it would be altogether dead for by nature we are dead to every good work had it not first been enlivened and quickened with a power from above for we cannot stir nor move for God until he stirs and moves in us we are altogether senseless till made sensible by him t is in him we live we move and have our being we could not love God had not he loved us first nor could we give out our selves unto Christ did not Christ first breathe into our souls the spirit and power of grace and therefore we may well say that none can hold communion with Christ but those and those onely to whom Christ sends the power of godliness Reas 6 That godliness may predominate and bear rule and sway in the soul that it may be the Queen Regent and sole governess thereof that as sin hath formerly raigned to Gods dishonor so now grace may raigne to Christs glory That as sin hath raigned unto death Rom. 5.21 even so might grace raign through righteousness unto eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord so that as sin hath mastered and over-powred all the faculties of the soul and members of the body in bringing of them in subjection to Satan so now godliness sitting upon the throne exerciseth them for Christ and brings them into subjection unto him now grace and godliness stand Centinel in the soul and command all so that when any cavalering lust or corruption appears it may take them off or if they should prevaile through frequent assailings that then the soul may flee to Christ for more forces to incounter and cast them out for Christ he hath promised to assist his people against all their enemies who by the power of his death will bury all his and his Saints enemies in his grave so as they shall never prevaile against them here nor hereafter Reas 7 That it may continue a soul in that new nature whereunto it hath been begotten again unto Christ for were it not that there were a certain power in godliness to keep the soul from falling into its old natural condition and a spiritual physick to
sustaine and keep it from relapsing into its former fits it would soon be reduced into its former station and be visited with its old disease wherein it was seated and wherewith it was infected before grace entered into it and the ground is because of the abundance of strong corruptions inherent and accompanying the best regenerate for the flesh is still warring against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh for there was ever a strong antipathy between these two Now Christ who is the Captain of our Salvation make his graces powerful in his Saints that so they may not give ground but stand fast in that condition whereunto he hath called them for the Saints are kept through faith unto salvation by that power of grace which is given unto them of God the Father and and our Lord Jesus Christ otherwise were it not powerful all the grace the Saints had received was but in vain and so Christs death and resurrection had been to little purpose for one end of Christs death was to kill sin and so of his resurrection to raise us up to newness of life and so to keep us there that we should never be surprised and conquered by the old man but contiue in the new and walk as a people ransomed by the Lord. Reas 8 That by this power the soul might act for God for Christ the Gospel and the Saints in the performance of its duty to all that it might honor the Father with that honor that is due unto his name that it might suffer with and for Christ and that it might love embrace and defend the Gospel and the Saints against all oppositions whatsoever for had not the graces of the Spirit of Christ come into the soul with power the soul could never have performed any duty acceptable to God for God accepts of nothing unless it come first from his Spirit for its the voice of his own spirit whereby the Saints cry Abba Father for as on the one hand every good and perfect gift cometh from God who is the Father of lights so on the other hand no man of himself without this power is able to think a good thought or speak a good word much less do any good action man through his lost ability in Adam is spiritually dead but carnally living nothing that he can own or lay claim unto as his act but sin but when godliness comes into a soul with power O then the faculties of the soul are resuscitated and made alive again and the members of the body are regulated brought into conformity unto the spirit and made by it to act for God who before acted against God that before were the weapons of unrighteousness unto sin are now become the weapons of righteousness unto the glory of that God who by his power cast into the soul did change that vile and sinful body and made it glorious and instrumental for his praise hereby the understanding is unvailed it s now brought unto new discoveries its carnal foolishness is sanctified wisdom it 's now able to discern and know the wonderful mysteries of godliness this power of godliness is the Eye-salve of the soul which takes off the condense film of ignorance and works a sensible illumination in that faculty of the understanding also this is the restorer of the will it brings it from nature to grace from willing the things of the flesh to will the things of God it disingageth the affections it stops their pursuit after the world and causeth them to run after God and the things of God nay further this power of God is a new Heaven created in the soul it s the new birth it s the regneration it s the new nature it s the death of the first and the life of the second Adam it s the extirpation of nature and sin and the renovation and transplanting of grace and life in the soul hereby the eyes can see for God the ears hear for God the tongue speak for God and the feet walk for God in a word the whole man by vertue of this power is made serviceable for God which it could never have been had not this godliness come into the soul with power Reas 9 That the Saints might be made fit for a suffering condition Phil. 1.29 for it s not onely given to Saints to beleeve but also to suffer for his names sake The Saints they are Christs witnesses on earth against the world Act. 5.32 Rev. 11.3 how have the people of God stood as a wall of brass in witnessing for the truth of Christ in the times of those ten persecutions what wicked cruel and barbarous dealing did they finde and receive from this world was not all maner of cruelty exercised against them that hell and men could invent and yet by this power of godliness they were enabled to indure all yea and with rejoycing also that they were counted worthy to suffer for the name of Christ O ineffable support O glorious conquest the sense of pain was swallowed up of the sense of joy the torments of hell vanquished and slighted by the thoughts of Heaven whilest burning burnishing while extinguishing reviving whilest crucifying enjoying Paradise Do but look into the book of Martyrs and see what sawing asunder roasting ailve putting into boiling oil eyes burning out and what not and yet by this power God made them stand strong and oppose his and their enemies to their own shame and confusion so that the Saints slaughterings at length became their persecutors sufferings they were wearyed and tired out with afflicting and butchering of the Saints and as God by his Power did then make them couragiously to stand so is he still the same God nor is his hand shortned that he cannot help but still will continue this power unto his people that they shall stand for Christ and undergo any kinde of suffering with joy for we fight against principalities and powers yea against spirituall wickedness in high places and this is another end why godliness comes into the soul with power That it might make the Saints live above the world that is might elevate their affections and make them live in Heaven where Christ their head is that it might dispossess worldliness and enthrone heavenly-mindedness that it might glorifie the soul and take it off from poring on this dunghil the world and the seeming glory thereof and fix it upon a Kingdom Pecuniam quae permaneat ac continuo duret gloriam quae semper floreat Basil and the real and permanent glory thereof to be enamored of the ravishing beauties of God the King of that glory that so the temptations allurements of the world being slighted and the glory and excellency thereof counted as dirt and dung the eternal glory of God may be advanced and onely aimed at in that soul for it is the glory of the Church here to have the Sun upon her head and to be crowned with a crown of
of this world Christ gives thanks to his Father That he hath hid these things from the wise and prudent of the world and hath revealed them unto babes and this Christ gives as a reason Because it was thy good pleasure It was Gods good pleasure to put godliness into the souls of the poor and despised ones of this world and to pass by so many great and mighty ones Grace is free and God gives it to whom he will O this speaks very sad tidings to men of the world what for a man who was made so excellent to have his portion here in this life to be not differenced from the bruit beasts how miserable is this mans condition whose happiness is terminated in this life now the Saints condition is far better they have their bitter-sweet but the wicked have their sweet-bitter their glory pomp and greatness their heaven kingdom and paradise are in this world onely but their wo misery and torment Job 5.3 is in that which is to come whereas the godly may here endure heaviness and sorrow for a night and enjoy future bliss and happiness to all eternity This also may make men to cease wondering at the Saints Jude ve 3. when they see them so earnest to contend for the faith which was once given to the Saints yea when they contend for Christ the wayes of God and follow the Gospel of Salvation so earnestly here they may see the reason of it they have a certain power given them within that puts them upon it that excites their affections and kindles a holy zeal in their heart and carries them on with strength to wrestle with the strongest oppositions Psal 39.3 My heart was hot within me while I was musing the fire burned saith the Psalmist there is an inward heat in the breast of the godly which makes them lively and acting for the faith of the Gospel they must act will they nill they the power that is in godliness puts them upon it the Love of God that constrains them to do it what made David to dance before the Ark of the Lord when he was despised in the eyes of his own wife but this power of godliness what made the three children so resolute and careless in answering the King when he threatned them that unless they would fall down and worship the golden Image they should be immediatly cast into the fiery Furnace observe their answer Say they Dan. 3.17 18. That God whom we serve is able to deliver us out of thy hand O King and he will deliver us but if not know we are not careful to answer thee in this matter for be it known to thee O King we will not fall down before thy gods nor worship the golden Image that thou hast set up now did not the standers by look on these men as mad men and wonder at their peremptory answer and blame them for their folly in not yielding to what the King had commanded certainly they looked on them as men meer men little dreaming that there was any other power in them then was in themselves but you see how they were deceived for these men had on the armor of proof that the Apostle speaks of they had this power of godliness in their souls that did maintain their courage and fortifie their hearts against what could assay them it was not the fear of the King could shake the loyalty of their hearts to the King of Kings it was not the fire of the Furnace could affright their thoughts or any way dimm or out-burn the glowing raies of the light of the Sun of Righteousness within them so now in these dayes when carnal men see a man so mighty and zealous for a godly Minister or to take much pains in the hearing of the Word Preached that he will go through thick and thin wet and dry and spare no endeavors that he may enjoy or meet with Christ in an Ordinance when profit cannot tempt him pleasures draw him aside and threatnings divert him from his course they stand and wonder and are as it were at a loss to see a man so industious in such a way O now this will give you carnal wretches a full account this man hath a power in his soul which doth uphold him put him on and carry him thorow in spight of all gainsayers he can say as Paul said I can do all things through Christ that strengthneth me Christ bears sway here godliness is predominant and the man is now led by another power then he brought into the world with him the man is carried captive by the Spirit of Christ and power of Grace so that he is not now as other men are who have not this power in them Cast but your eyes on men of the world and you shall see them given to several vices sins and lusts one who is given to company-keeping that man is never himself but when he is in a Tavern or Alehouse there 's his delight that is the end of his thoughts let all other business sink or swim let his wife or children pine and languish at home with thirst and hunger nay let their tears and silent mournings pierce the hearts of their pittying neighbors yet they shall never reach his his care and pitty are drowned in carowsing bowls and Bacchus alone shall be his god another addicted unto whoring whose own wife though never so honest never so well pleasing and good conditioned can be as she ought to be the sole subject of his content but his sinful and venereous thoughts must carry him on and prompt him unto adulterous actions contaminating his body with lewd and lothsom Harlots satifying and quenching his sulphurous lust in dirty puddles and refusing clearer and pleasanter streams of his own sporting himself in the arms and bosom of a prostituted Strumpet and rejecting and defiling the sweet embraces of a chast wife this man sacrificeth unto Venus and she is the Goddess of his heart And another he is possest with voluptuousness and pleasure and is never wel but when he is swimming in that stream he is presently taken with that temptation of Satans Matt. 4.8 9. who doth but shew him the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them and promiseth to give him all those things to worship him and do him service O this is a welcome prize to him what more delightful what more sought after by him then the pleasures and glory of this life the devil may buy his soul for a Poppit-shew so that his outward man be but pampered and satisfied with a moment any pleasure let his soul perish in eternal wrath and burnings what cares he the devil is his god a voluptuous life the consummation and perfection of his hopes now let a moral civil man cast but his eye on this company-keeper and he admires at his course and looks upon him under the notion of a mad man take a chaste man that beholds the
by mans own industry neither by parts gifts learning or what ever man as meer man is able to attain to That its the meer gift of God flowing to Saints in the streams of the blood of the Covenant of Grace all these are but signs or preparatives to know whether godliness be in thee or no for thou maist know all this and yet be far from the power of godliness but if thou art not clearly convinced of these four particulars let me tell thee thou hast not so much as the least part or step so much as towards the power of godliness These things thus premised we shall proceed First then If the power of godliness dwel in thee thou art changed from an estate of nature to an estate of grace thou art delivered from the power of Satan and translated into the Kingdom of Christ yea This man hath the witness of the Spirit of God in himself and thou knowest it and art convinced of it in thine own conscience for it s not with thee as with a yong Christian that is onely in the nonage of his conversion for he that hath the power of godliness dwelling in him is one of a high Form in the School of Christ yea his condition is such that he can appeal to Christ and Conscience that this power dwells in him and is daily acted by him Where this power dwells there sin is mortified such a man is dead to sin sin cannot seize or take hold on him he hath no lust no affection to entertain the least sin it s not enough that thou art no drunkard no base company-keeper no profane swearer but thou must be dead to every sin of what nature soever it be He that is born of God cannot sin that is so as other men sin with consent of the Will with the least allowance of any sin no though thou mightest gain a Kingdom to tell a lye yet thou wouldst not do it yea though thou mightest be made the greatest Prince in the world if thou wouldst but swear by thy faith and troth yea thou wouldst tremble at it and refuse it esteeming godliness to be the best gain and the reason is first because the Love of God constraineth thee so to do secondly for that the fear and dread of the great God of heaven and earth lieth deep upon thy spirit and for the truth of this thou canst appeal unto God who is the searcher of the hearts and reins of his people Thirdly If godliness dwell in thee then grace is predominant in the course of thy life for grace is the very rock and foundation whereon godliness is built therefore as the cause is so is the effect as I have formerly declared even as sin hath by Adam raigned unto death so grace by Jesus Christ might raign to eternal life so that when a temtation comes and is offered unto thee thou canst say as Joseph to his Mistress How shall I do this great wickedness and sin against God how shall I sin against that God who hath been so gratious so tender-hearted and loving unto me who pitied me cleansed me and took me into his bosome when I lay in my blood and filthiness O how shall I how dare I how can I attempt to sin against the God of all my mercies and so wound the peace of mine own conscience and eclipse the enjoyment of that sweet communion with God which I prize and value more then heaven and earth yea then all that can be thought upon Fourthly He that hath godliness in him is an holy and sanctified man in all maner of conversation in his thoughts words and actions he walks up to his profession his head heart hands and feet yea all the faculties of the soul and members of the body are for God and for Christ yea he yeildeth universal obedience to all that God commands as David saith Psal 119.6 I have respect unto all thy Commandements the man doth not pick and chuse what to obey and what not he pleads no exemption of any he leaves not some and takes others his eye is upon them all his Wil is for the performance of all his obedience is not partial but total all Gods Commandements are his delight and meditation day and night the whole bent of his desires runs after the Laws of God its sufficient to him that God commands it he is as willing yea as ready to obey as God is to command It s speedy When God commands he will not delay Gen. 22.3 though it be to offer up his dearest Isaac as Abraham when he was commanded to offer up his son the Text saith He did rise very early in the morning he deferred no time and when Zacheus saw Christ Luke 19.5 6. He came down hastily to receive him joyfully It s willing and chearful obedience Zacheus received Christ joyfully David rejoyced to run the wayes of Gods Commandements Psal 119.16 yea and Christ rejoyced to do the Will of his Father for God loves a chearful doer If ye be willing and obedient then ye shall eat the good things of the Land but if ye refuse and be rebellious ye shall be devoured with the Sword for the month of the Lord hath spoken it So you see it s required to be willing to obey whatever God commands It must be diligent obedience for as the hand of the diligent maketh rich in things temporal Heb. 11.6 Psa 119.4 and is a duty commanded so much more in things spiritual the diligent inquisitive soul after God and godliness is a thirsting soul it stores up grace and comfort against the time of need it s like the Ant in the Proverbs that provideth in the Summer against the Winter The power of godliness puts a man upon diligence in hearing the Word in prayer in meditation it makes a man to make his often addresses unto the throne of Grace and watchful after every opportunity to manifest his love to God to Christ and to the Saints and to be very active in doing what God commands This obedience is continual it s not to obey now and to disobey anon to serve God to day and the devil to morrow no the truly godly man cannot serve God and Mammon God will not be served by fits and starts he will admit of no interpositions or mixtures God is a perfect God and requireth perfect obedience it must be a continued act from the first hour that the power of godliness entred into the soul even unto the expiration of its last breath it must be the souls whole desire to be continually active for God in the general course of its life That soul in whom Christ or the power of godliness dwells is often in communion with God yea and it prizeth it at an higher rate then heaven and earth and all things that can be thought upon there is no pleasure profit preferment or dignity whatsoever that can divert him from this fellowship wherein
Sixthly Let this be also of terror to all wicked and ungodly men who are so far from having this power of godliness wrought in their heart that they resist the offers of it and quench the motions of the Spirit of Grace who are bound up under the power of sin in whose mortal bodies sin reigneth such as these are ruled by the Prince of this world Satan is their Lord they are his Slaves and Vassals they do his work they follow his imployment By this they may know they are of their Father the Devil for his children they are to whom they obey they fight for his Kingdom and are the subjects thereof O tell me you sinners what will become of your souls another day your end of dayes hastens on and the day of account is at hand when you must stand at the Bar of Jesus Christ to answer for things done in the flesh what answer will you make what plea can you have 1 Pet. 4.18 If the righteous shall scarcely be saved who then dares plead your cause And this will not onely be the condition of notorious wicked and ungodly sinners but of all such as have not the power of godliness wrought in their hearts let them carry themselves never so upright and holy in the eyes of men O the civil honest man though never so well qualified and gifted with natural endowments with Moral vertues with loving and affable carriages this man is in that condition which will prove woful to his own soul for ever for where no power of godliness is there is no Christ and where there is no Christ there must needs be a devil do but consider you must shortly come to lie on your death-beds thou dost not know how soon O then it may be thou art tormented in thy body in thy spirit and in thy conscience thy conscience then comes to be awakened which in thy prosperity was asleep and stupified now it opens her mouth wide which before was dumb now it flashes the very flames of hell into thy face now thy sins come into thy minde which thou hast committed twenty thirty nay fourty years ago now they stand in array before thee now they strike horror and amazement into thy wounded soul there is no cessation of Assaults no parle to be admitted there is none come to thy relief thy friends forsake thee thy God forsakes thee that is thy unrighteous Mammon thy riches thy gold thy silver thy lands nay thy wife thy children and all things in the world cannot administer one drop of comfort unto thee but on the contrary they are as fuel to thy torments thy sight of the want of help in them aggravates thy woes at length thou sendest for Physitians to prolong thy days well they come to thee and tell thee there is no hope thou art a dead man all the means in the world are inavaileable what sad tidings is this what duplication of thy pain is here well maist thou truly say My sins are become a burthen too heavy for me to bear and cry out Was ever sorrow like unto my sorrows what must I die O that I had never been born O that I had been abortive from the Womb that I had never drawn the first breath of life now thy soul sits on thy trembling lips ready to take her flight for Eternity then comes the devil to claim his Interest Give me thy soul I am sent for thee thou art mine thus he sets upon thee like an armed man he will weary thee like a mastive Dog and will not leave thee whilest thou hast breath do but consider what a woful time this will be whilest thou art here and do but weigh these several aggravations First When thou comest to Judgment as thou shalt stand at Christs left hand when on his right hand thou shalt see many that were inferior to thee for breeding and education for estate and for parts yea them whom thou didst despise as fools and silly men men of no account or esteem in the world O I say when thou shalt see these on Christs right hand whom he doth own and embrace for his people and thou left to misery and destruction will not this be an aggravation to thy misery When thou shalt see them which lived in the same parish with thee under the same Ministery and thou hadst the same means of grace preached to thee as they had and yet they are saved and thou art damned will not this cut thee to the very heart yea it may be thou mayest see some of thy servants there whom thou hast checked and rebuked nay whom thou hast despised and hated for their forwardness in Religion and following the means of grace calling them Fools Sectaries and Separatists O how wilt thou be amazed astonished and confounded how will this terrifie thy soul when thou shalt see them united and joyned to Christ their Saviour and accompanied with holy and blessed Spirits and thou separated and cast out into utter darkness amongst the devil and his cursed angels When thou shalt see those who have told thee from the Lord that thou shouldest not come to life and glory but that thou wert a castaway and couldst not be saved for that thou rebelledst against God Christ Gospel and the light of thine own conscience yea thou that wouldst trust to thy morality and good dealings with men thou that lookest for some excellency in thy self but didst see none in Christ nor his ways O now these men are come to witness against thee to thy wo and it may be thou wilt think and say with thy self of such a man as Ahab said of Elijah Hast thou found me O mine enemy O this will heighten thy misery this will heap coals of fire upon thy head When thou shalt be convinced that hadst thou made as good use of the mercies that were offered thee had God given thee an heart so to have done as those that stand before thee did thou mightest have been as happy as any of them thou mightest have enjoyed the like sweetness of God excellency of Jesus Christ with them but when it shal be said unto thee thou enjoyedst thy good things in this world thou rejectedst the proffers of grace thou wouldst none of the counsels of God but didst cast his Laws behind thy back therefore art thou punished and they blessed now do thy repentings come too late now are thy thoughts fruitless O into what a gulf of horrors will this plunge thy soul When Christ now shall call thee by thy name and say Soul in what place of the earth didst thou dwel peradventure thou mayst say Lord I lived in London now why may not Christ say in a place where my word was as powerfully preached as in any place of the world where the Sun-shine of the Gospel shined as bright as any where under heaven where my mercy was extended as largely my goodness flowed as abundantly as in no place more what at
yet it may be just with God to give them a denial O know that every one that saith Lord Lord shall not enter into the Kingdom of God but Christ shall say Depart from me you workers of iniquity I know you not and remember what the Lord saith to such a man as this Psal 50.16 What hast thou to do to take my word into thy mouth and hatest to be reformed Fourthly See and read that dreadful Scripture against ignorant and rebellious sinners 2 Thess 1.7 8 9. 2 Thess 1.7 8 9. When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty Angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power Read also these Scriptures Jer. 3.7 the 7.24 the 9.14 the 11.8 the 16.12 the 18.12 the 23.17 Heb. 12.25 2 Pet. 3.10 11 12. Revel 20.12 the 22.15 c. O lay these Scriptures to heart and then consider how thy estate stands with God and what thou shalt be able to say another day when God shall call thee to an account now when thou hast taken a serious view of these Scriptures and hast considered of what hath been formerly said against thy company-keeping and thy disobedience certainly if thy natural conscience hath but its eyes opened thou wilt confess thy estate to be very sad Object But some may say It s true I am convinced that its very bad to keep company I would leave it but I cannot dispense with the many occasions that draw me to it but I hope I shal leave it ere it be long Answ Alas poor wretch art thou convinced of the evil of thy company-keeping then know that every time thou keepest evil company that thou sinnest against Conscience and know that one sin against Conscience is worse then ten thousand sins of ignorance It was Belshazars sin that he knew but did not reform Dan. 5.23 For if thy conscience condemn thee God is greater then thy conscience and he will condemn thee Conscience is Gods Vicegerent here on earth it s all in a natural man that takes Gods part O doth thy conscience flie in thy face here what dost thou think it will do hereafter when thou shall stand at the Bar of Jesus Christ when it shall bring all its Items before God there registred against thee As Item Such a day so many hours spent in such an Alehouse so many hours spent in such a Tavern Item So much wine spent that might have been well spared and given to the necessity of the Saints Item Such a day spent so much in such a place when thy wife and children were in want at home Item Such a day thou wert the occasion of such and such a mans keeping company wherein so many oaths were sworn against God and both Families neglected both for soul and body O how ever thou thinkest of it now let me tell thee that when thou shalt come to give answer to these Items it will be a dismall and woful time unto thee thou wilt wish the mountains to fall on thee and the hills to cover thee to hide thee from the face of the Lamb and his wrath Whereas thou saist that thou hopest to leave it before it be long To this I answer according to the Proverb Though true Repenntace be never too late yet late Repentance is seldom true O it s a dangerous thing for a man to defer and put off his returning from the evil of his wayes Thou that dost now delay thy returning from a course of sin saying thou wilt return a year hence or six moneths hence know that it is not in thy power to repent when thou pleasest for repentance and turning from sin is the gift of God The longer a man staies and procrastinates his Repentance the more sin lies upon his soul you know if a man go to a yong tree that hath been planted but a year or two and endeavors to pluck it up but cannot and saith that he will stay two or three years longer before he will attempt to root it up again certainly all men will judg this man to be void of Reason to attempt the harder and let slip the easier so wilt thou finde it in the case of sin Know that thou hast no assurance of the time of the life thou maist be cut off this night as the rich Glutton was in the Gospel who said Soul take thy ease there are goods laid up for thee for many years but with what an unexpected answer did he meet withall This night shall thy soul be taken from thee and then whose goods shall these be O this may be thy case and know that Eternity depends upon this short moment of time in this world if thou return not now thou shalt never return O it s just with God that that man which abuseth his time should be deprived of time and cut short of his hopes Know that there is a time in which God hath appointed men to return to him if they return not in that time they shall never return O Jerusalem Jerusalem if thou hadst known in this thy day those things that did belong to thy peace but now they are hid from thine eyes God he hangs forth a flag of mercy to the sons of men in which time is their day if in that time they come in and return to him and make their peace then is he exorable and to be found of them but if not then is displaied the red Flag of his Justice which is Gods day O then thy day is gone Gods Day is come and thou art undone for ever and who knoweth but his Day may be accomplished this very night and upon this thy Eternity depends how mad then is that man that will enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season though he lose his soul for ever Men say It s bad jesting with edge Tools but this is the maddest jesting in the world for a man to dally with his soul to hazard the loss of a Jewel for the enjoyment of a Pebble should God call unto thee this very hour and say What provision hast thou made for Eternity now art thou lanching into that Ocean how is thy soul rigg'd and trim'd for that Voyage are thy Sails full blown with the gales of the spirit of Grace then maist thou safely sail unto that Haven of eternal Life and Rest O how many men would the consideration of this astonish and yet no man knows how neeer that hour is and yet regards it not O turn you from your evil ways Why will you die O house of Israel why will you die eternally ye sons of men O know thou that wilt take no warning by Gods calling to thee and threatning his Judgments against thee but wilt still go on in thy rebellions and in the perversness of
sutable to such places would not be better spent in prayer reading the Scriptures self-examination godly conference and ●ther holy duties would it not bring more glory to God and peace to thy soul when thou comest to die do but make trial one week in spending thy time in holy duties and then compare that with the hours spent in profane company and if thou hast any spark of grace glowing in thee to thy own apprehension or any working of conscience remaining then see and judg impartially which time is best spent thou wilt certainly conclude and say with David One day in thy Courts is better then a thousand in the tents of the ungodly one hours communion with Christ in publike in family or in closer duties is better spent then ten thousand hours in any other places though it may seem to the flesh to be never so profitable or never so pleasurable Now that God that dwels in heaven so rule in and dwell upon the spirits of all his Saints on earth and make then so wise that they may keep such company on earth as are fit for heaven or at least that look heaven-ward Now one word or two to those which no man that hath any spark of spirituality dares calls Saints who say that they would not keep company with profane men nor lie at the Tavern or Alehouse as they do could they well avoid it it is not the greedy desire of the wine or the beer but the company that is there that causeth them to come to those houses and when they are called by such company they cannot withstand it Let these men know and take notice that they read this Text backward for the Text saith From such turn away but they read it But to such we will turn O it s a fearful thing to dally with the Almighty and to fall into the hands of the living God who is a consuming fire O dare you provoke God to his face and by your practice plainly tell him you will not obey his Word I say to all such that the time is at hand that God will make you know that his Word shall not return unto him voide but it shall accomplish that whereunto he sent it O thou bold sinner dost thou dare thus to affront the great God of heaven and earth before whom thou must sportly come to give an account of things done in the flesh I say think with thy self how thou shalt be able to answer these Scriptures O read them and lay them to heart And it shall be when he heareth the words of this oath that he bless himself in his heart Deut. 29.19 20. saying I shall have peace though I walk in the imaginations of my heart to add the drunken to the thirsty the Lord will not spare him but then the anger of the Lord and his jealousie shall smoak against that man and every curse that is written in this book shall lye upon him and the Lord will blot out has name from under the heavens do but read the former part of this Chapter and consider what thy condition is and remember that this curse doth extend to every breach of the Law of God Gal. 3.10 for cursed is he that continueth not in every point of the Law to do it or in all things of the Law to do them O you that imagine to your selves peace and prosperity in a way of evil in your wayes of company keeping the Chaldee renders such imagination but a conceit and that 's all that 's in it you do either conceit that God doth not regard your sinful course of life or that Scripture-prohibitions are but conceits but the time is coming wherein you shall know that these conceits of yours do but add your drunkenness to your thirst that is your sins of ignorance to your sins of presumption O know that if you refuse and be rebellious you shall be destroyed for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it Isaiah 1.20 Isa 66.4 Secondly That of Isaiah 66.4 They have chosen their own wayes and their souls delight in their own abominations I also will choose their delusions and will bring their fears upon them because when I called none would answer when I spake they did not hear but they did evil before mine eyes and chose that wherein I delighted not O sinners you will chuse your own companions though the Lord hath prohibited you yea though he calls upon you to turn away from them now you have your choice now you have that which your soul delighteth in the next thing unto you is That God will make a choice for you also but it shall be for your wo and misery Thirdly Pro. 1.25 But you have set at naught all my Counsels and would none of my reproof I also will laugh at your destruction and mock when your fear cometh upon you Object But some will say That God is merciful and if we can but say at the last The Lord have mercy upon us we need care for no more Answ To this I answer That all the mercy in heaven is not sufficient to save such a sinner as thou that continuest in this condition what for a man wilfully to sin that Gods grace may abound O thou bold sinner wilt thou obtrude thy iniquity upon Gods Mercy dost thou dare to think that God will endure this O know that lenity provoked will turn to fury that God is as just as merciful that he is a repaier of the wicked as well as a pardoner and know further that if ever thou hast thy sins forgiven thee thy pardon must be as well sealed in the Court of Justice as in the Court of Mercy as thou hast sinned so know that Justice must be satisfied yea and that for thee if ever thou art pardoned But for you that think to go to heaven with Lord have mercy upon you in your mouths Do but well consider the sad story that I shall relate There was a man that was a notorious Swearer a wicked Company-keeper and being oft-times reproved for his sin His answer always was Tush God is merciful Upon a time as the story relates he being on horse-back riding over a Bridg that crossed an arm of the Thames part of the bridg fell in and as he was going he was heard to say Horse and man and all to the Devil as his Companions testified O here you see though he might have gone to hell with Lord have mercy upon me in his mouth yet God would not suffer him so much as to take his Name into his mouth O then let this one example make ungodly sinners tremble and not to dare to harbor a thought or conceit within them that so many words at the last hour shall do them any good or redeem their souls from eternal burnings and carry them into the bosom of everlasting Loves but admit they were sure to have Lord have mercy on me in their mouths at the last gasp