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B01569 The testimony of T. Beverley according to Scripture prophecy, concerning the kingdom of Christ near approaching, summ'd up in these following positions. Beverley, Thomas. 1691 (1691) Wing B2179A; ESTC R172739 5,998 1

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And the Lord Said Write the Vision and make it plain upon Tables that He may Run that readeth it for the Vision is for an Appointed Time c. Heb. 2.2.3 The Testimony of T. Beverley according to Scripture Prophecy concerning the Kingdom of Christ near Approoching Summ'd up in these Following Positions Position 1. A Truly Vniversal Monarchy or Kingdom from Sea to Sea and from the River to the Ends of the Earth even the Dominion under the whole Heaven is decreed by God to our Lord Jesus Christ at the End of the Fourth viz. the Roman Monarchy yet in Being in the Papacy in Order to Prepare for His Glorious Kingdom of a 1000 Years in the New Heaven and the New Earth never to end but to be deliver'd up to God All in All. Posit 2. The Time of this Kingdom succeeding may be known by due search of the Scripture and its Prophesies God having Given therein a Line of Time drawn throughout all Ages either by its own History or by its Prophecy and because the Last Times are most notable and of Greatest Concern to be known and Given in Mystical and Prophetical Delineations The Line of Time drawn over those latter Times is supported by Coincident or Collatteral Lines with such Evident Characters of Relation and Agreement that no several Joynts of a Tube can be more known by any Marks or fitness of their Commissures one with Another Posit 3. By such Search There are several Great Reasons of Assurance that the Time is 1697. for the Succession of that Kingdom But that which may most easily Run into General Observation is That 1697 is the 180th Year from the Reformation which Reformation could not have been with so known a Retrenchment of the Papal Kingdom but after the manner of Christ's Rising on the Morning of the Third day call'd yet Three days when Time Times and Half a Time are Sworn by Christ to it if the Half Time had not been Entred which Half Time compared with Time and Times Time Times and Half Time being just equal unto 1260 Days for Years can be but an 180 Years Seeing then the Apostasie of the Christian Church hath in all Protestant Judgment stood so near 1260 Years as by the Prophecy It ought to stand and that the most Recorded Time of the Reformation Beginning was 1517. The 180th from it must be 1697 And seeing as soon as ever Papal Times cease the Kingdom of Christ according to a Great Harmony of Scriptures must succeed The Succession of that Kingdom must be at 1697. Who can but lay All this together It fairly Conspires That the American New World * Such a one Most Remarkably Branded Heresie in the deep Time of the Apostasie by Pope Zechary Anno 745. and the Magellanic Sea were so lately before the Reformation discovered that according to that Landscaph of the Reformation Revel 10. Jesus Christ making his Entry as we speak and Claim of his Kingdom might set his Right Foot on the Sea and his Left Foot on the Earth of a Larger and Greater World then had been Known before and might with his Hand Lifted up to Heaven Swear That there should be no more Time but the Half Time Running out The Time of the Kingdom succeeding to prepare for its Glory and then his Kingdom in Full Glory Brings in Time of a New date as every New Kingdom does and this is such Time as never was before Posit 4. The Papal Kingdom having a Greater Interest in Half Time though as of a Kingdom Retrench'd then Christ in Regard of hi● Oath for Half Time also would Assume in it So many of the Kings of the Christian Name call'd the Ten Kongs did upon so Great an Invitation to Recall their Power from the Beast as the Reformation was by a Joynt deliberate Act as it were a Second Act with One consent Decree to Give their Kingdom still to the Beast mention'd therefore a Second Time and with this peculiar Remark on that Second Mention untill the Words of God should be Fulfill'd in the Half Time also Rev. 17.17 Seeing then this Second Act had its date from 1517 and that so many Kings and States could not have gone off except It had been the Half Time entred and that None of them shall Continue Longer with Him then till the Words of God are Fulfill●d in that Half Time also How certain is it There must be so Great a Change at 1697 the Half Times End which so plainly Appears to be 97 On the same Account The Reformation cannot be perfect but in it will be Found Remains of the Apostasie and this on the Account of the Oath of Christ for Half Time also The Thunders therefore in that Foremention'd Landscaph that open'd the Reformation so far as we find it were Seal'd That it should proceed no further but a far Greater Reformation be Expected at the End of Half Time viz. 97. which will then certainly come to pass wherein All Remains of Antichristianism will be purg'd off Posit 5. Those Two Scriptures urg'd so much against Search into Prophetic Times Mark 13.32 Of that Day and Hour Knoweth no Man c. and Acts 1.7 It is not for you to Know the Times and the Seasons which the Father hath set in his own Power may according to the Best and most Agreed Rules for Interpreting Scripture be demonstratively clear'd to Intend no such Foreprizal seeing so many Scriptures make plain the Abundant Communication of the Knowledge of Times from God to Christ and from Christ to his Servants especially in the Revelation God Gave to Him to shew to His Servants So that That Scripture stands Immutably Firm against all Cavill Rev. 1.3 Blessed is He that Readeth and They that Hear the words of his Prophecy most especially now the Time is so near at Hand Posit 6. The Turkish Tyranny being a Judgment on purpose designed and set out in Prophecy as a Jugdment on the Antichristian Apostasie It cannot pass off either according to the nature of the Thing or according to the Representation of Prophecy till the Time Allowed to the Antichristian Apostasie be Ended and that Remov'd Posit 7. The First Great Dawn of the Great Change that will be at the Succession of the Kingdom of Christ will be seen in the Suffering Reformed Churches lying among the yet Continuing Popish Powers wherein the Vaudois and the French Protestants being the most Eminent the Dealings of God towards Them are especially to be Eyed according to the nearness of the present Time to the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and to be waited for as the Great Signal of it And it is now every day to be expected and to be prayed for with all Fervent Prayer as the effect of this next Summers Action and our Prince's Appearance in it Posit 8. The Desolations on the Jewish People and State are decreed till the End of the War against Christ and his Kingdom first by the Roman Pagan and then
by the Roman Antichristian Empire As therefore the word War is made use of by Daniel c 9.26 as the Bounding of Jewish Desolations So the word War is us'd by the Spirit of God as its own word which It Kept in Memory in the Revelation concerning the Pagan Empire Rev. 12.7 and concerning the Antichristian Empire The word War is Three Times us'd c. 11.7 c. 13. 7 c. 17.14 Now when the Kingdom of Christ is in Succession the War will End and so There is a Great Assurance The Jews will be Call'd by the Preaching the Everlasting Gospel Posit 9. For the Preaching the Everl●sting Gospel by which the Great Atchievments of the Kingdom of Christ will be obtain'd There will be a Pouring out of the Spirit as in the Apostles days and with a much more Perfect Universality which shall first Bring forth the Full Orb'd Light styled the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the Gentile Churches that have been so long under an 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Eclipse and so shall Hasten in the Jews Even All Israel and make them Ready for the First Resurrection For Their Full Light or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 much more then their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Eclipse or so long Diminution shall be the Riches of the World and that Life from the Dead of the first Resurrection Rom. 11.18 Posit 10. The Cessation of the Extraordinary and Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit hath been in Permission of and during the State of the Apostasie For the Fullness of the Spirit is even Essential to the Glory of Redemption and to the Kingdom of Messiah Acts 2.17 Isa 59.21 Posit 11. As a Specimen of the Line of Time drawn over the Last Times I Affirm that after that Great Vision of Ezekiel's Temple and City and the Throne of God in it There is that Grand Line of the 2300 Evens Morns in Daniel as the Line of all Time to the Kingdom of Christ from the End of the Babylonish Captivity and the Entrance of Cyrus's Decree to Restore it * From Litteral to Mystical Babylon Falling c. 8. which is in the after Visions of Daniel and of the Revelation Parcell●d out into lesser Lines and all and every one Engraven with Notes of the Temple Sanctuary or Dayly Sacrifice to Indent with Ezekiels Vision viz 75 Y. * With Great Beauty 75 Y. at first prepare for the Litteral 75 at last prepare for the New Jerusalem as may by Computation be Found for the Word going forth according to the Commandment of the God of Israel by Cyrus Darius and Artaxerxes Kings of Persia Ezra 6.14 From thence 490 in the 70 Weeks Express till the Anointing the Holiest by the Spirit pour'd out on Christ without Measure and then on his Apostles and Christians as the Spiritual Temple Dan. 9.24 Ephes 2.21 Represented Rev. c. 4. From thence to the Temple Measur'd and Shut up with its Worshippers and the Outward Court cast out and Trodden under Foot of the Gentiles Rev. 11.1 c. and so the Dayly Sacrifice Taken away as may be Computed 400 Y. From thence during the Abomination of the Apostasie making Desolate to the Temple seen on Mount Zion by the Followers of the Lamb in the Time of the 7th Trumpet 1260 Express Years From thence to the Temple open'd and the Tabernacle of Testimony more Fully seen c. 15.5.8 30 Express Years making the 1260 1290. as Dan. 12. when the Temple was filled with Smoak from the Glory of the Lord and his Power during the Pouring out of the Vials so that none could enter v. 8. From thence to God and the Lamb Bringing down their Tabernacle to be with Men c. 21. v. 3. v. 22. and being the Temple of the New Jerusalem 45 Express Y. making the 1290 1335 when All the Servants of God shall stand in their Lots Dan. 12.13 as the Kings and Priests of the New Jerusalem and Ezekiel's Visional Throne Ezek. 43.7 Even the Throne of God and of the Lamb are in it Rev. 22 3. All which make the 2300 Evens Morns of Years to the Great Sabbatism So from the Temple are the Two Voices It is done It is done Rev. 16.17 c. 21.6 Posit 12. There is no Parcel or Collatteral Line of These 2300 Evens Morns but is under Express Prophetical Number except the 75 of the Word going forth before the 70 Weeks and the 400 from the 70 Weeks ending unto the Churches going into the Wilderness upon the Apostasie Beginning Now if the 400 Y. can be any way Ascertain'd the 75 before the Weeks must needs be Ascertain'd also because all the other parts but these Two being numbred if the Certain Number of the 400 be fix'd There can be no more then 75 at the first Now therefore besides many Reasons of Essential Intimacy to the Prophecy of the Revelation and to History Assuring this Time was just 400 Y. as is elsewhere Fully Argued It hath pleas'd God to bring to my mind this Great Observation The only Prophetical and Mystical Time God gave to his Church before the Babylonish Captivity when All Time was drawing up into Prophecy was the 400 Years Given to Abraham till His Posterities going out of AEgypt into the Wilderness and the 40 Days for Years in the Wilderness Between which 400 Years and the 400 Years to the Christian Churches Going into the Wilderness and its being in the Wilderness There are so many Admirable Agreements that must needs perswade One was Intended for the other as a Type 1. The 400 Y. were Given to Abraham on the Covenant Renewed by Sacrifice so to the Christian Church 400 Y. at the Covenant on Greatest Sacrifice Confirmed by Christ and his Apostles Gen. 15.13 Dan. 9.27 2. The first 400 Y. Reach'd to Pharaoh as a Dragon Essaying to destroy Israel God's First born by Killing the Male Children so the Pagan Emperour Thought to devour the Imperial Manly Child Jesus Christ King of Kings and Lord of Lords Revel 12.2 c. 3. When the Church of Israel went out from under Pharoah It Immediately pass'd into the Wilderness The Christian Church was no sooner Fully Free from the Pagan Persecution but it went into the Wilderness as the Revelations sets out c. 12. 4. God carried Israel into the Wilderness as on Eagles Wings The Christian Church was carried into a Retired State by a special Care of God to be Nourish'd in its place 5. The Wilderness State was a State of Apostasie So the Apostasie of Antichrist covered the General Christian Profession and the True Church was Hid as in a Wilderness 6. There were Days for Years in the Wilderness so in the Christian Church the 1260 Days are Days for Years and the 42 Months are Months of Years 7. There were 42 Encampings * As it were Months as the excellent Mr. Mede long ago observ'd and They are Numb 33 strictly reckon'd and there are 42 Months of the Gentiles * As it were Mansions and of the Beast Complicated into one 8. As the Israelites provoking God by their Apostasie caus'd their Long Stay in the Wilderness so the Apostolizing Eastern and Western Roman Empires VVings carried the Christian Church so far into the Wilderness 9. As Israel was Fed with Manna so the Christian True Church was Fed with Hidden Manna during the Apostasie 10. As it had a Balam then to Seduce it so had the Christian Church in its Wilderness State Rev. 2.14.17 11. As the Israelites had divine Protection as a Pillar of Cloud on the Tabernacle that made the 42 Mansions * As it were Months or Delays to Canaan before spoken of So the Christian Glory is under a divine Reserve till the End of the Apostasie secur'd from All Enemies to its Future State during the 42 Months of delay * As it were Mansions 12. As the Cloud was a Night and darkness to the AEgyptians and Light to the Israelites Exod. 14.20 So Spiritual Egypt is in a Dark Foul Place as in a Night Accounted by Time of the Moon or 42 M. but the True Israelitish Christian Church had as the Appearance of Fire to Guide all its Motions Saints Time is therefore accounted by the Day 1260 D. although in Sackcloth because of the Apostasie 13. As the Israelites moves towards Canaan were by divine direction by the Cloud taken off so the Moves of All the Witnesses of Christ against Idolatry Image-worship Superstition was by that Dark Cloud of the Apostasie taken off from Them so in the Enemies of Images the Waldenses John Hus Jerome of Prague Wickliff the Bohemians the Reformation which was indeed like that small part of the Tribes Reuben Gad the Half Tribe of Manasseh before the Rest Possessing part of the Promised Lands but still to be in Arms as the Protestant Churches ought to be Bind up the Testimony seal the Law among my Disciples and I will wait c. Isa 8.16.17 c. and not to Take Rest Grandieur and splendor to Themselves till the Full Reformation least that sin Find them out as Numb 32.23 14. The End of the Wilderness was the Promised Land by Joshuah or Jesus so the True Jesus and his Kingdom shall be the End of the Wilderness-state of the Christian Church From All this I Conclude That there being other most Substantial Proof This Parallel is a very Assuring Illustration that the Time from the 70 W. ended to the Church of Christ going into the Wilderness or being out of sight during the Apostasie was just 400 Y. ending at 437 and so It must come out of the Wilderness 1697. after the 1260 Days for Years and the 42 Months of Years Ended and so is most certainly to be Expected For 1260 Years from 437 must Terminate in 1697. The TESTIMONY is FINISH'D