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A91253 The Quakers unmasked, and clearly detected to be but the spawn of Romish frogs, Jesuites, and Franciscan fryers; sent from Rome to seduce the intoxicated giddy-headed English nation. By an information newly taken upon oath in the city of Bristol, Jan. 22. 1654. and some evident demonstrations. / By William Prynne of Swainswick, Esq;. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1655 (1655) Wing P4046; Thomason E843_6; ESTC R203279 28,912 41

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peace and rule all things according to their hearts desire Seconded with their * practises in ejecting imprisoning banishing suppressing persecuting Hospinian Ludovicus Lucius Hist Jesuitical 4. Grimstons Imperiall History p. 821. Romes Master piece Speculum Iesuiticum p. 175 176. all the Protestant Ministers in Bohemia in the years of our Lord 1602. 1607. 1621 and 1652. to the extirpation of the Protestant Religion and Protestants there and their ejecting suppressing above thirty of the Protestant Preachers and shutting up their Churches in the Dukedomes of Julius Cleve and Bergen Anno 1628. To omit other later presidents in Austria and elswhere And is not this the Quakers and their disciples principle designe endeavour labour now to withdraw the people wholy from and excite them against and stir them up to reject suppresse renounce all our lawfull Orthodox Ministers and evangelicall Preachers as false guides dumbe Dogs Seducers of the People Deceivers Antichrists c. Their railing Pamphets preachments and pretended messages to them from heaven enjoyning them to come downe out of their Pulpits to Preach no more hereafter c. contrary to Christ owne expresse commands unto them Math 28. 19. 20. Mar 16. 15. Acts. 10. 42. c. 16. 10. Rom. 10. 15. 1. Cor. 1. 17. Phil. 1. 16. 17. 18. 2. Tim. 4. 17. 1. Tim. 2. 7. 1 Pet. 1. 12. especially 1. Cor. 9. 16. Though I preach the Gospel I have nothing to glory of for NECESSITY IS LAYD UPON ME and wo is me if I preach not the Gospel and 2. Tim. 4. 1. 2. 3. I charge thee before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quicke and the dead at his appearance and his Kingdom PREACH THE WORD BE INSTANT IN SEASON OUT OF SEASON reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and Doctrin Marke the reason suitable to our times and Quakers FOR THE TIME WILL COME and now is the time that they WILL NOT ENDURE SOUND DOCTRINE but after their own lust shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears And they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shal be turned unto Fables But watch thou in all things endure affliction do the work of an Evangelist make full proof of thy ministry Certainly then those Quakers and their seduced Disciples who say unto the Seers see not and to the Prophets prophesie not prophesie not unto us right things speak unto us smooth things prophesie deceit Get you out of the way turn aside out of the Path cause the holy one to cease from before us are like those Jews of old Isay 30. 10 11. Wherefore let them there read their Doome Character and what spirit they are of v. 8 9. and I beseech them with all others to observe it well from Gods own mouth Now go write it before them in a Tabernacle and not in a Book that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever that this is a rebellious people lying children children that will not bear the Law of the Lord But is this all No there is a judgement with a witnesse pursuing all such Verse 12 13. 14. Wherefore thus saith the holy one of Israel Because ye dispise this word and trust in fraud and perversnesse and stay thereon therefore this iniquity shal be to you as a breach ready to fall swelling out in an high wall whose breaking cometh suddenly at an instant And he shall break it as the breaking of a potters vessel that is broken in pieces He shall not spare so that there shall not be found in the bursting of it a sheard to take fire from the hearth or to take water out of the Pit Let those Statesmen or Magistrates who out of designe or self interest tolerate or secretly countenance such dangerous Rebels against God his Word or Ministers remember it as well as these Seducers and their followers least God break them thus to powder suddenly and irrepairably together and our whole three Kingdomes too And if this Text be not sufficient to convince them of and deter them from this their Sin let them read at leasure Mich. 2. 4 5 6 7 10 11. Amos 7. 10 to the end and quake and tremble at the reading of them But if they hold these to be obsolete and Old Testament onely Let them then consider who they were and what transcendent sin it was in those who prohibited not seducing false Apostles and Jesuitical Emissaries as these Vagrant Quakers are but Christs commissioned * Math. 28. 18 19 20. Mar. 3. 14. c. 16. 15. Acts 10. 42. c. 1 22 c. c. 14. 23. c. 13. 2 3. Rom. 1. 1. Rom. 10. 15. John 15. 16. 1 Tim. 2. 7. Tit. 1. 5. 1 Tim. 4. 14. c. 5. 22. Heb. 5. 1. to 6. lawfully called instituted Apostles and Ministers to preach any more in the name of Jesus and dispence his Gospell Acts 4. 17 18 19 20 21. cap. 5. v. 17. to 42. compared with 1 Thess 2. 15 16. Even those who both killed the Lord Jesus and their own Prophets and have chased us out and they please not God and are contrary to all men FORBIDDING US TO SPEAK TO THE GENTILES THAT THEY MIGHT BE SAVED TO FILL UP THEIR SINS ALWAY for THE WRATH IS COME VPON THEM TO THE UTTERMOST 6. That the Jesuites professed doctrine and practice is that if they cannot suppresse destroy extirpate protestant Ministers Kings Princes Churches States and all professors of the protestant Religion by raysing Schisms Seditions Divisions Civill Wars and Commotions amongst them and dividing them one from and against another to their mutuall ruine which hath been their great designe of late years whereof we have felt the sad effects As you may read at large in Hospinian and Ludovicus Lucius their most excellent Historia Jesuita Speculum sive Jubilaeum Jesuiticum and the Epistle to my VINDICATION c. of the good old Fundamentall Liberties and Laws of England which if they cannot effect by these means then to excite all Christian Kings and Princes to accomplish in conclusion BY FIRE SWORD WARRE and THE POWER OF AN ARMY as you may there be satisfied by undeniable Testimonies of Jesuites themselves and presidents of former and later times More particularly by the Words and Writings of Jacobus Crucius the Jesuite in his Explication of the Rules of the Jesuites and his Sermon Anno 1584. Thomas Stapleton his Speculum pravitatis Haereticae Duaci 1580. Thom Capian his Concertatio Ecclesiae Catholicae Treviris 1583. page 22. Paulus Windeck De Extirpandis Haereticis Antid 10. and 11. Franciscus Verona his Apologia pro Joanne Castle part 5. cap. 13. Cunradus Brunus de Haereticis lib. 3. cap. ult Cornelius Cornelii his Praesacio ad S. Trinitatem increatam Commentariis in Minores Prophetas praefix● Wherein Blesleth the Trinity for opening the eyes of Christian Kings and stirring them up all against Calvinisme as the plague of their Realms For inabling the King of France Spain and Emperour
in a short time to overthrow conquer expell and destroy the Arch-hereticks the * See Hasenmulerus Hist Jesuitica l. 5. Speculum Jesuiticum p. 61. Hussites and Calvinists in France Austria Bohemia Mor●via Silesia Hungary and both the Palatinates as the fire-brands of Rebellion to their eternal glogy concluding thus Agite Principes generost pergitis animis opus f●licibus adeo auspiciis caeptum CONFICITE paribus studiis REBELLEM CALVINI HAERESIN pene evulsam STIRPITVS VBILIBET ERADICATE c. And by Antonius Possevinus the Jesuite to omit * See Ludovicus Lucius Hist Jesuitica l. 1. c. 1 2. all others in his Miles Christianus published when Pope Paul the fifth sent an Army into France against the Enemies of the Church wherein he asserts That all Christians are bound of right to defend the Roman Religion against the doctrine of the Gospellers or Protestants with all their forces and the effusion of their blood That neither Peace nor the publique good can be preserved in the Roman Church unlesse these her enemies BE QUITE EXTIRPATED Exhorting the Captains of the Army to permit nothing at all to these Heretick● not to keep their plighted faith with them to suborn secret Inquisitors against them * We may see by this who were the raysers and originall contrivers of our late inrestine wars c. DOMESTICA ET INTESTINA BELLA INTER ILLOS EXCITARI CURENT To take care to stirre up Domestick and Intestine warres betweene themselves Proditores ac Sicarios omnibus locis contra illos instituant and to institute Traytors and Murderers against them in all places Asserting that the Captaines who did otherwise sinned against the Roman Church and were rendered inexcusable and damned Now seeing Barisonius the Jesuit in his Letter to * See Ludouicus Lutius Hist Jesuitica l. ● c. 8 p. 164. 166. a Noble Venetian who deserted their order dated at Bononia 21. April 1608. printed 1609. amongst other things thus boasts of the excellency power and perfection of their Jesuiticall Order PRO LIBITV NOSTRO ET BELLVM ET PACEM MVNDO APPORTAMVS That they can at their pleasure bring both Warre and Peace to the World as the cheife Authors of both That they lawfully may and do sow discords and divisions between King and Subject Man and Wife Father and Children Brothers and Kindred and usurp absolute Dominion and Tyranny over any private men Citties or whole Kingdoms they suspect for the benefit of the Church and See of Rome in whose Service and Greatnesse true piety and the highest Poynt of Religion consists and that for this end they may in their * of which read Ludovicus Lucius p. 129. 199. 200. Chamber of meditation animane their Assisinates to murder Heretickes Enemies and Rebels to the Church of Rome not only though private Persons but though the greatest of princes and Kings by representing to them the heroicall fact of Ehud recorded in sacred Scripture and promising them a seat in heaven amongst the Saints and martyrs for such an heroicke deed And seeing the Jesuits dispersed like Locusts over the world are increased in few years to so great a Number that they boasted long since * Ludovicus Lucius l. 1. c. 7. p. 156. 172. that they had no lesse then two hundred thousand Schollers in Europe and Claudius Aquaviva their late Generall vaunted that he could bring into the feild and that in a shorter time more souldiers then any one christian king and profered Pope Paul the 5th during the interdict of Venice when they and he were in some danger to ayde him with forty thousand men so as those of them slain in the warres might be reputed Martyrs so infinite are the Numbers of their Society Novices Disciples Treasures Revenues yea all their Colleges in foreign parts so many strong Castles Forts and Magazines of Armes Ammunition Powder and all military provisions as they bost and * Speculum Jesuiticum p. 207. to 213. Lud. Lucius Hist Jesuitica l. 1. c. 6. p. 156. 157. 238. 171. others write And seeing these Jesuits who make it their Masterpiece to weaken and destroy all others by divisions Schismes Factions Tumults prescribe it as the principle part of their owne Policy Safety Power Successes and Growth to maintain Unity Peace Amity and prevent all Schismes and Divisions amongst themselves * Regulae Jesuitarum printed 1627. and Ludovicus Lucius Hist l. 1. c. 3. p. 18. 19. 21. 24. 26. 31. prescribing sundry Rules and Orders for this end to which they are all sworn to yeild exact Obedience I referre it to the consideration of all prudent Zealous Protestants and Statesmen in our whole 3. Natio●s How dangerous a Plot and * 1. Kings 12. 26. to the end c. 13. 2. c. Jeroboam like desperate Policy it may in a short time prove to all our Churches zealous Ministers and Professors of the Protestant Religion yea to our present Governors swordmen and their Posterities likewise any longer to tolerate these Jesuiticall fiery treacherous Agents with other Romish Emissaries freely to vent their Errors Blasphemies Heresies Fancies and set up Separat Congregations in all places to multiply our divisions dis-unite us all one from another and augment their strength and party predominating in most Counsels Places the better to secure any in actuall Power for the present though to hasten their with our whole Kingdoms Churches Ministers and reformed Mat. 12. 25. Religions ruine by it in conclusion even by force of Arms and Tumults when they see their opportunity as we have all just cause to fear I shall therfore close up all with the words of * De vera Falsa Religione cap. De Magistratu printed 1525. Huldrycus Zwinglius against those Dippers and Anabaptists in his age who denyed the Office and Coercive Power of christian Magistrates specially in matters of Religion as most of our Anabaptists Quakers disguised Jesuits and Franciscans now do Propter istos ipsos qui negant Christanum posse gerere Magistratum maxime egemus magistratu quum vitam omnium talem esse videatis ut rigidissimo magistratu opus habeat Quod si * 1 Tim. 2. 1 2. propacato statu orare licet licet et nimirum orare ut Deus pium magistratum concedat quo cōmodius pax et concordia concilientur Quin omnes hoc agimus ut vitam innocentissimam ducamus et nibil nos premet magistratus * Rom. 13. 3. For Rulers are not a terror to good works but to evill wilt thou not then be afraid of the powers do that which is good and thou shalt have praise of the same Hoc ipsum Oro ut diligenter expendant qui Magistratum detrectant Si potestatem odio habent aut timent quod rectum est faciant Expendant simul Principes nè rectè factis timori sint Qui ergo jam NOVIS EXACTIONIBVS TRIBVTIS VECTIGALIBVS non modò expilant miseram plebem sed onerant excarnificant excindunt