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A56194 The Quakers unmasked, and clearly detected to be but the spawn of Romish frogs, Jesuites, and Franciscan fryers, sent from Rome to seduce the intoxicated giddy-headed English nation by an information taken upon oath in the city of Bristol, January 22, and some evident demonstrations / by William Prynne ... Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1664 (1664) Wing P4047; ESTC R8191 28,485 41

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at Vienna records that a Maid possessed with Devils who could not be dispossessed by any Exorcismes coming at length to their Jesuites Church was there freed and no less then 156152. Devils if the Jesuite computed a right were there cast out of her the last of them seeming to him to be Luthers Tutor because after the manner of the Lutherans he spake many things against their Society and Religion Surely this Jesuitical Rector had very intimate familiarity with these Devils who knew both their Number being so incredulous and could so accurately distinguish between them Yet some Devils there were in women whom they could not dispossess and derided all their Jesuitical Exorcismes Let all Christians then beware these incarnate Devils and their Emissaries lest they be really possessed by the Devil with whom they are so familiar and who accompanies them every where 4. That the Jesuites send forth their Emissaries and Agents into Protestant Kingdoms Churches States under the disguises of Souldiers Merchants Mechanicks Physicians Chyrurgeons Travellers Exiles for Religion and pretended Converts to the Protestant Religion in all sorts of h●its disguises the better to conceal their persons the easier to intrude themselves into the Courts Company of all Protestant Princes Nobles Ministers and persons of all ranks to fish out their Secrets insinuate themselves into their favours poyson them with their Errors divide them in their Judgements excite them to Warre upon and destroy each other by their mutuall discords and accomplish their Treasonable designes against them to their ruine Permitting and dispensing with them freely to resort openly to the Sermons Churches and Assemblies of Protestants to dispute and speak against Popery to eat flesh on Fasting dayes and allowing their perverted Disciples to do the like to feign themselves the most Zelous Protestants to be present in the Senates Parliaments and Councils of those of the Reformed Religion to consent to the apprehension and dissipation of Papists by severe Lawes against them together with the rest that so they may the better conceal themselves discover divert or hinder the Consultations against the Papists promote the Popes and Papists affairs with more facility propagate the Popish Religion upon all occasions and give them timely notice of any Intentions against them upon any urgent necessity provided alwayes that they be secretly Catholicks and submit themselves wholly to the beck and counsels of the Jesuits as their Instruments and Intelligencers as you may read at large in Jesuitica per Vnitas Belgii Provincias Negociatio printed Anno 1616 containing the Instructions in this kinde given to Jesuits by their Superiors sent into the Netherlands to imbroyl divide ruine them in Joannis Cambilhonus de Abstructionibus Jesuitarum Artibus Studiis printed 1608. Ludovicus Lucius Hist Jesuitica p. 170 175 676 677 678. Therefore it is no wonder that their Emissaries and Disciples to effect the utter ruine of our Protestant Kingdomes Churches Religion now thus disguise themselves amongst us to promote their most dangerous Designes against them by the self same means and stratagems now 5. That the Jesuits make and profess it one of their principal Designs to withdraw alienate the peoples affections from stir them up against the true Protestant Ministers and Preachers of the Gospel and to cast them out and take them quite out of their way that so they may with more facility and speed seduce devour their Flocks domineer and set up Popery in all places without opposition Witness Gregorius Baderus Provincial of the Jesuits in Bavaria his words at Landsperge We and ours shall have no peace in Augusta or in Germany unless we take care Evangelicos Concionatores ejici ac tolli that the Preachers of the Gospel be ejected and removed out of the way By our Councils THE EVANGELICAL PREACHERS WERE CAST OUT OF VIENNA Whereupon our Society do now there teach in peace and rule all things according to their hearts desire Seconded with their practices in ejecting imprisoning banishing suppressing persecuting all the Protestant Ministers in Bohemia in the years of our Lord 1602. 1607. 1621. and 1652. to the extirpation of the Protestant Religion and Protestants there and their ejecting suppressing above thirty of the Protestant Preachers and shutting up their Churches in the Dukedomes of Juliers Cleve and Bergen Anno 1628. To omit other later Presidents in Austria and elsewhere And is not this the Quakers and their Disciples principal designe endeavour labour now to withdraw the people wholly from and excite them against and stir them up to reject suppress renounce all our lawful Orthodox Ministers and Evangelical Preachers as false Guids dumb Dogs Seducers of the People Deceivers Antichrists c. Their railing Pamphlets Preachments and pretended Messages to them from heaven enjoyning them to come down out of their Pulpits to Preach no more hereafter c. contrary to Christs own express commands unto them Matth 28. 19 20. Mark 16. 15. Acts 10. 42. c. 16. 10. Rom. 10. 15. 1 Cor. 1. 17. Phil. 1. 16 17 18. 2 Tim. 4. 17. 1 Tim. 2. 7. 1 Pet. 1. 12. especially 1 Cor. 9. 16. Though I preach the Gospel I have nothing to glory of for NECESSITY IS LAID UPON ME and wo is me if I preach not the Gospel And 2 Tim. 4. 1 2 3. I charge thee before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearance and his Kingdom PREACH THE WORD BE INSTANT IN SEASON AND OUT OF SEASON reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and Doctrin mark the reason suitable to our times and Quakers FOR THE TIME WILL COME and now is the time that they WILL NOT ENDURE SOUND DOCTRINE but after their own lust shall they heap to themselves Teachers having itching ears And they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto Fables But watch thou in all things endure affliction do the work of an Evangelist make full proof of thy Ministry Certainly then those Quakers and their seduced Disciples who say unto the Seers see not and to the Prophets prophesie not prophesie not unto us right things speak unto us smooth things prophesie deceit Get you out of the way turn aside out of the Path cause the holy One to cease from before us are like those Jews of old Esay 30. 10 11. Wherefore let them there read their Doome Character and what spirit they are of v. 8 9. and I beseech them with all others to observe it well from Gods own mouth Now go write it before them in a Table and note it in a Book that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever that this is a rebellious people lying children children that will not hear the Law of the Lord But is this all No there is a Judgement with a Witness pursuing all such Verse 12 13 14. Wherefore thus saith the holy One of Israel Because ye despise this word and trust in sraud and
and others write And seeing these Jesuits who make it their Masterpiece to weaken and destroy all others by divisions Schismes Factions Tumules prescribe it as the principle part of their own policy Safety Power Successes and Growth to maintain Unity Peace Amity and prevent all Schismes and Divisions amongst themselves Prescribing sundry Rules and Orders for this end to which they are all sworn to yeild exact Obedience I referre it to the consideration of all prudent Zealous Protestants and Statesmen in our whole three Nations How dangerous a Plot and Jereboam like desperate Policy it may in a short time prove to all our Churches zealous Ministers and Professors of the Protestant Religion yea to our present Governors swordmen and their Posteri●ies likewise any longer to tollerate these Jesuitical fiery treacherous Agents with other Romish Emissaries freely to vent their Errors Blasphemies Heresies Fancies and set up Separat Congregations in all places to multiply our divisions dis-unite us all one from another and augment their strength and party predominating in most Councels Places the better to secure any in actual Power for the present though to hasten their with our whole Kingdoms Churches Ministers and reformed Religions ruine by it in conclusion even by force of Arms and Tumults when they see their opportunity as we have all just cause to fear I shall therefore close up all with the words of Huldricus Zwinglius against those Dippers and Anabaptists in his age who denyed the Office and Coercive Power of christian Magistrates specially in matters of Religion as most of our Anabaptists Quakers disguised Jesuits Franciscans now do Propter istos ipsos qui negant Christanum posse gerere Magistratum maxime egemus magistratu quam vitam omnium talemesse videatis ut rigidissimo magistratu opus habeat Quod si propacato statu orare licet licet nimirum orare ut Deus pium magistratum concedat quo commodius pax concordia concilientur Quin omnes hoc agimus ut vitam innocentissimam ducamus nihil nos premet magistratus For Rulers are not a terror to good works but to evil wilt thou not then be afraid of the powers do that which is good and thou shalt have praise of the same Hoc ipsum Oro ut diligenter expendant qui Magistratum detrectant Si potestatem odio habent aut timent quod rectum est faciant Expendant simul Principes ne recte factis timori sint Qui ergo jam NOVIS EXACTIONIBUS TRIBU●IS VECTIGALIBUS non modo expilant in seram plebem sed onerant excarnificant excindunt ut videantur esse in communem nati perniciem Qui malis defectantur bonis minacitur imminent Principes non sunt sed Tyrannt sed Tortores sed Lanii Qui ergo omnium malo praesunt videant quo pacto Christinomine glorienter qui non modo ut Praedones Furis in omnium bono sed ut Pestes quoque in omnium corpora grassantur Sunt autem isti Ministri Dei sed quomodo Satan Minister Dei est qui ubique adversatur circumvenit terdi Omni a in manibus sunt cupidissimorum hominum ut jam non unum Tyrannum habeant qui sub talibus Imperiis degunt sed sexcentos Friget omnis justitia fervet cupiditas imo dominatur putant enim si Tribut a sint quacunque ratione amplissima jam recte administraci Imperium Ne ergo tenure summam rerum imprudentibus pueris stupidis CUPIDISVE nedamus sediis quorum probitas fides prudentia longo usu perspectae sint alioqui frustra nos aliquando queremur quod dicitur non putavisse Tribuat nobis omnipotens Pater Magistratus tales qui nullum aliud exemplum spectent quam ejus cujus ordinatione ad hoc cocuneris inautorati sunt ut ad modum Creatoris nostri sese geraent quo Patres nos multos habere gloriare possimus Nec queri cogamur quod Propheta Mic. 7. ver 1. 2 3 4. 5. 6. queritur Vae mihi c. Amen A brief Reply to John Audlands Rayling Paper Christian Reader MEeting since the premises sent to the Presse with a printed Pamphlet lately published Intituled The Innocent delivered out of the Snare c. full of unchristian Raylings against our Ministers Magistrates in general and my self with others in particular written by John Audland an Arch Quaker who cannot write six lines of true English together and finding in the Title page and p. 36. c. thereof this inscription An Answer to a scandalous Paper put forth by William Prynne Intituled The Quakers unmasked and clearly detected wherein his slanders are made to appear and he is clearly unmasked and plainly detected being taken with A LYE in his mouth I thought meet by way of Reply to so much only as concerns my Paper to give thee this brief accompt thereof in the close of this Enlarged Edition 1. That his chief Exception is against Cowlishaw his Oath as untrue only upon this slender ground p. 37. Two of us whom the world reproachfully calls Quakers came from the North being moved of the Lord in the Moneth of June we came into the City of Bristol the 12. day of the Month called July and on the morrow being the 13. day we were at two meetings the one with the people called Anabaptists the other with the people called Independents and we were moved by the Lord to speak at both their meetings which we did as several of those people can bear witnesse Thou saith in September George Cowlishaw being asked by Coppinger if there had been none of those people called Quakers in Bristol He answered NO Now this is false For some of us who is so called marke his English was then at Bristol For we had meetings at the Fort and Redde-Lodge in Bristol the 10. and 13. of September at which was several hundreds of people which will all witnesses That THY Oath IS FALSE But doth this convince the Oath to be false No verily but rather confirms it for truth For though two of you went to two private meetings of Anabaptists and Independents in Bristol and spake there to them on July 13. yet that was unknown to Cowlishaw and most others and you spake to those people then not under the name or notion of Quakers but only of Anabaptists Independents And your speaking to sundry after in and about Bristol on the 10. 13. 15. 17. 19. of September at which time you began to take upon you the name of Quakers and to be known in Bristol by that Title was after Cowlishaws conference with Coppinger who adds that about 18. dayes after there came to this City two that were named Quakers Now several of you coming thither like the Franciscan Fryers two by two after each other just about that time he deposeth by your own relation convinceth Audland of an apparant slander and double Lye First in