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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A31951 A new catechisme commanded to be set forth for the instructing of youth in the principles of religion ... written by E.C., and published by authority. E. C. 1645 (1645) Wing C24; ESTC R20329 9,267 34

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using this confession we praise GOD for his bountifulnesse Q. What meaneth the words for thine is Kingdome A. That the whole world is GODS Kingdome of providence by an absolute right Q. What meaneth the word power A. That he hath absolute authority and power to do whatsoever he pleaseth Q. What meaneth the word glory A. That all good things are effected by his Almighty power in his Kingdome of providence and so the praise and glory thereof is his Q. What meaneth the word for ever A. That his kingdome power and glory are not limited with time but are eternall Q. VVhat signifieth the word AMEN A. So be it that is ô LORD let these my desires be granted Of the Sacraments Q. Which is the fourth principall part of GODS service A. Thanksgiving Q. What is thanksgiving A. An acknowledgment of the goodnesse of GOD and of his bountifulnesse towards us and a praising of GOD therefore Q. Which is the common rule of Thanksgiving A. The foresaid confession in the LORDS Prayer Q. Which are the rules of solemne thanksgiving in remembrance that CHRIST by his death hath purchased our salvation A. The institution of the Sacraments Q. What is a Sacrament A. A representing of CHRISTS sufferings and of the benefits purchased thereby by outward visible signes as CHRIST hath ordained in his Word Q. How many Sacraments ordained Christ in the New Testament A. Two Baptisme and the LORDS Supper Q. What is Baptisme A. The seale of the remission of our sins and of our regeneration and entrie into GODS Kirk Q VVhat signifieth the washing with water A. That CHRIST by the merit of his blood and by his SPIRIT washeth away all our sins Q. Declare the meaning of our spirituall washing A. GOD hath forgiven us all our sins and renewed us by his holy SPIRIT because CHRIST hath shed his precious blood for us Q. VVhat duty did your Parents in your name promise at Baptisme A. That I should forsake the Devill and all his works and all the sinfull lusts of the flesh and beleeve all GODS Word which is summarily conteined in the Articles of the faith and live in holinesse all my life time Q. VVhat is the LORDS Supper A. The seale of our daily and spirituall nourishment in GODS Kirk Q. VVhat are the outward elements thereof A. Bread and Wine Q. VVhat do they represent A. The body and blood of CHRIST Q. What signifieth the breaking of the bread A. The breaking of his body and all his sufferings Q. What signifieth the powreing out of the wine A. The shedding of his blood Q. What signifieth the eating of the bread and drinking of the wine A. The spirituall eating of his body and drinking of his blood by faith Q. Declare the meaning thereof A. That is we should seriously meditate upon the love and the sufferings of CHRIST and apply them to us assuring our selves that the SONNE of GOD eternall life happinesse and glory and all his benefits are made ours through the breaking of his body and shedding of his blood that the sweetness of this assurance may comfort and strengthen our soules as men after long fasting are refreshed by meat and drinke Q. What eat they and drinke they who come worthily to the Lords Table A. They eat CHRISTS body and drinke his blood spiritually and sacramentally and thereby they eat and drinke their owne salvation Q. What eat they and drink they who come unworthily A. They eat and drink their own damnation Q. How shall we prepare our selves that we may come worthily A. We should try and examine our selves wherein we have sinned and humbly with sorrowfull hearts confesse our sins crying earnestly to GOD for mercy both in secret places and in the publike assembly And that we may be assured that GOD will heare us and forgive us we should forgive them that offend us And seeking the graces of increase of faith and sanctification we should resolve and promise by his grace to live a better life hereafter A Thanksgiving before Meat THe eyes of all things do look up and trust in thee O LORD Thou givest them their meat in due season Thou openest thine hands and fillest with thy blessing every living creature Good LORD blesse us and these thy gifts which we daily receive of thy bountifull liberality through JESUS CHRIST our LORD So be it A Thanksgiving after meat THe GOD of glory and peace who hath created redeemed and sanctified us and daily dost provide all things needfull for us and now presently hast fed and refreshed our mortall bodies be blessed and glorified and blesse us and feed us spiritually unto life eternall thorough JESUS CHRIST our LORD So be it Or say THe GOD of all glory and peace who hath created redeemed and sanctified us and now presently fed us be blessed and blesse us now and evermore So be it FINIS
A New CATECHISME Commanded to be set fort● for the instructing of Youth in the Principles of RELIGION Truly explaining 1 The Articles of our Beliefe 2 The X. Commandements 3 The Lords Prayer 4 The two Sacraments With usefull instructions for all Persons before they receive the LORDS Supper Psal 34. 11. Come hither ye little children and I will teach you the feare of the LORD Written by E. C. and published by Authority LONDON Printed for H. P. and are to be sold by Francis Coles at the signe of the Halfe-Bowle in the Old-Baily 1645. A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z. A a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p q r r s s t v u w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. A a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s s t v u w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. A a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s s t v u w x y z ā ē ī ō ū sh st ff ss fl s● fi si that the yu. ab eb ib ob ub ac ec ic oc uc ad ed id od ud an en in on un ap ep ip op up ar er ir or ur C R HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE The New CATECHISME ACCORDING To the Form of the KIRK OF SCOTLAND Question WHo made the Hevins and the Earth and all things conteined in them Answer GOD. Q. Whereof was man created A. Of the earth Q. To what end was he made A. To serve GOD. Q. How many principall parts are they of GODS service A. Foure Faith Obedience Prayer and Thanksgiving Q. Which is the rule of our faith A. The Word of GOD the summe whereof is in the Articles of the Beliefe Q. Which is the rule of our obedience A. The ten Commandements Q. Which is the rule of our Prayer A. The LORDS Prayer Q. Which is the common rule of our thanksgiving A. The Confession at the end of the LORDS Prayer For thine is kingdome power and glory c. Q. In what estate was man created A. In the image of GOD perfect and holy in soule and body Q. How fell he from that happy estate A. By sin and disobedience Q. What was the occasion thereof A. Satan speaking out of the Serpent tempted Eva in Paradise and she persuadit Adam to eat of the forbidden tree Q. What punishment deserved they therefore A. The curse of GOD and eternall condemnation Q. Deserve we to be punished for that sin A. Yea for we sinned in Adam being in his Ioynes and so we were a part of him Q. Who then shall be saved A. Onely they who believe to be saved by CHRIST The 12. Articles of the Belief Q. Rehearse the twelve Articles of the Beliefe A. I believe in GOD the Father Almighty 1. Maker of hevin and earth 2. And in JESUS CHRIST his onely Sonne our LORD 3. Who was conceived by the HOLY GHOST borne of the Virgin Mary 4. Suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried he descendit into hell 5. The third day he rose againe from death 6. He ascended into hevin and sitteth at the right hand of GOD the Father Almighty 7. From thence he shall come to judge the quicke and the dead 8. I believe in the HOLY GHOST 9. The holy Catholike Kirk the Communion of Saints 10. The forgivenesse of sins 11. The resurrection of the body 12. And life everlasting Q. What is conteined in the first Article A. Our confidence in a loving and powerfull GOD Q. How many Gods are they A. One Q. How many persons are in the Godhead A. Three GOD the Father the SONNE and the HOLY GHOST Q. What is it to believe in GOD A. To put our whole confidence in him trusting that he wil provide for us all things needfull for this life and the life to come Q. How is GOD our Father A. First by creation because he made us next by adoption and regeneration through the bloud and Spirit of CHRIST Q. Why is he called Almighty A. Because he may do all things whatsoever he pleaseth and he may doe more then he will by his absolute power for of stones he may raise up children unto Abraham Q. By what workes is he knowne to be almighty A. By the making of hevin and earth and of all things that are in them Q. What conteineth the second Article A. The names and stiles of GOD the Son Q. Why is he called JESUS A. Because he is our Saviour Q. Why is he named CHRIST A. Because he is annointed our King Priest and Prophet Q. VVhat doth he to us as a King A. He governeth us and defendeth us from our enemies Q. VVhat doth he to us as a Priest A. He hath offered himselfe once in a sacrifice for our sinnes and he intercedeth for us Q. VVhat doth he to us as a Prophet A. He revealeth the will of GOD to us by the preaching of his Word and by his Spirit Q. VVhy is he called the onely Son of GOD seeing we are his sons by adoption and and regeneration A. Because GOD hath no other sons by nature Q. How is CHRIST our Lord more particularly then of other creatures A. In that he is our Head and hath redeemed us by the price of his bloud Q. VVhat kind of person is he A. Very GOD and very Man in one person Q. VVhy behoved he to be man A. That he might die for us Q. VVhy behoved he to be GOD in the same person A. That he might overcome death and merit our salvation Q. VVhat conteineth the third Article A. His coming into this world Q. By whom was he conceived A. By the HOLY GHOST Q. VVho was his mother that bare him A. The Virgin Mary Q. VVhat conteineth the fourth Article A. The sufferings of CHRIST Q. Vnder what Iudge was he condemned A. Vnder Pontius Pilate Q. VVhat punishment suffered he A. He was crucified Q. VVhat is meant by his crucifying A. His hands and feet were nailed to the Crosse a crowne of thornes wounded his head his backe was beaten with scourges a speare pierced his side and all the sufferings that accompanied his Crosse Q. What was the event of his sufferings A. He died Q. VVhat was done with his body A. It was buried Q. VVhat meaneth the words He descended into hell A. The extremity of his sufferings where in his soule was tormented with the sense of GODS wraith which is the most horrible bitternesse of hell Q. What conteineth the fift Article A. His resurrection upon the third day after his death Q. What benefit have we thereby A. In that
day solemnly in GODS worship and service Q. In what service A. In hearing and reading GODS Word in praying unto God and praising him in holy conference in hevinly meditations and in works of piety and charitie Q. What is forbidden in it A. Beside the committing of that which is sin in it selfe also all civill labours judicatories pastimes and playes are forbidden Q. Why are they forbidden A. Because the doing of them is not a sanctifying of the Sabbbath Q. What is commanded in the fift Command A. To honour and obey our naturall Parents Rulers Masters Pastors Teachers and all our Superiours Q. What is forbidden in it A. All ungodly obedience and unreverent behaviour towards them Q. What is commanded in the sixt Precept A. To take care of the safetie of our neighbours health and life and to take care that he be not hurt by others and therefore to banish away invy hatred malice contempt of our neighbour whereby his hurt is procured Q. What is commanded in the seventh Precept A. To live chastly and soberly in thought word deed and behaviour Q. What is forbidden in it A. All uncleannesse in our thoughts words deeds and behaviour and therefore we should eschew all filthie speeches bawdie songs drunkennesse gluttony wantonnesse and evill company which breed unlawfull lusts Q. What is commanded in the eight Precept A. To be content with the meanes of living which GOD giveth us in a lawfull way and to help others as we are able in their necessity Q. What is forbidden in it A. All covetousnesse whereby we take unlawfully our neighbours goods geer as by oppression or robberie or by colour of law theft deceipt by false measures or false weights Q. What is commanded in the ninth Precept A. To defend the fame and good name of others and to represse reproachfull speeches Q. What is forbidden in it A. All lying slandering backbiting all speaking to the discredit or infamie of others all giving ready eare to calumnies lies and reproaches Q. What is commanded in the tenth Command A. To rejoyce at the prosperity of others and when any good is done And to be sorry at the hard condition of others and when any evill is done Q. What is forbidden in it A. All concupiscence whereby we covet things which lawfully belong not to us and whereby we approve in our hearts the doing of evill or the hurt of others Q. How differeth the duty of this precept from the the inward duty of other Precepts A. We obey or disobey this precept in our desires not intending to execute the thing desired but in other precepts the intention concurreth with the desire whether the purpose take effect or not Q. Are we able to obey these Commandements A. No. Q. What punishment deserve we for breaking them A. The curse of GOD and endlesse torments in hell Q. How then shall we be saved A. By CHRIST who died for our sins and rose for our righteousnesse Q. For whom died he A. Only for the faithfull Q. What is faith A. An assurance of GODS endlesse favour and mercy towards us for CHRISTS sake Q. Who worketh lively faith in us A. The HOLY GHOST by the hearing of the Word Q. By what meanes is our faith confirmed A. By the hearing of the same Word and by the right using of the Sacraments Q. How is lively faith knowne to be in us A. By true repentance Q. What is repentance A. A sorrow for our by-gone sins and a studying to good works and amendment of life Q. What shall we do that we may obteine lively faith and true repentance A. We should pray continually that GOD would blesse the Word and Sacraments to that effect Of Prayer Q. Which is the third principall part of GODS service A. Prayer Q. What is prayer A. A seeking from GOD of things needfull for setting forth his glory and for supplying our wants Q. After what manner should we pray A. AS CHRIST taught us in the most perfect forme of Prayer Q. Rehearse the LORDS Prayer A. Our Father which art in hevin 1. Hallowed be thy Name 2. Thy Kingdome come 3. Thy will be done in earth as it is in hevin 4. Give us this day our daily bread 5. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespasse against us 6. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evill For thine is the kingdome the power and the glory for ever and ever So be it Q. Rehearse the preface of the Prayer A. Our Father which art in hevin Q. Why call ye GOD Our Father A. To stirre up our confidence in his fatherly love and to perswade our selves that he will heare us Q. VVhy say you which art in hevin seeing GOD is also in the earth and in all other places A. That as we speak boldly in calling him Father so we reverently honour him in naming the most glorious place of his residence Q. How many petitions hath this Prayer A. Six Q. VVhat is conteined in the first three Petitions A. Things that concerne the setting forth of GODS glory Q. VVhat is conteined in the last three A. Things that concern mans necessity Q. VVhat seeke you in the first Petition A. That we should glorifie God in a holy remembrance of his Name Q. VVhat seeke you in the second Petition A. That his Kingdome may increase in the meanes of his providence in the ministerie and increase of grace and in hastening the consummation thereof in glory Q. VVhat seeke you in the third Petition A. That in doing and suffering we should alwaies obey his will sincerely and willingly as the Angells obey his will in hevin Q. What seeke you in the fourth Petition A. All things needfull for upholding this present life Q. Why call you them bread A. Because they sustaine our life as bread doth Q. Why say you our bread A. Because it should be ours by faithfull labouring in our calling and by other lawfull meanes Q. What seeke you in the fift Petition A. Remission of sins Q. Vpon what condition seeke you the same A. If we forgive them that sin against us Q. Why say you our sins and not my sins and why include you others with your lelfe so often in this Prayer A. Because we should pray for othres as we do for our selves Q. What seeke you in the sixt Petition A. That GOD would keepe us from the tentation of sinne and deliver us from the evill of it Q. Which is the greatest evill of tentation A. It is such a fearfull estate as Satan by sin would draw us into as dispaire presumption impenitencie and the wraith of GOD. Q. Rehearse the confession immediately following this Prayer A. For thine is Kingdome power and glory for ever Q. How is this confession a reason perswading us to pray A. In that it sheweth GODS all-sufficiencie and goodnesse and so stirreth up our confidence in him Q How is it a rule of our Thanksgiving A. In that by