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A09221 The battell of Alcazar fought in Barbarie, betweene Sebastian king of Portugall, and Abdelmelec king of Marocco. With the death of Captaine Stukeley. As it was sundrie times plaid by the Lord high Admirall his seruants. Peele, George, 1556-1596. 1594 (1594) STC 19531; ESTC S110337 23,239 52

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Knee deepe in bloud of these accursed Moores And they that loue my honor follow me Were you as resolute as is your king Alcazar wals should fall before your face And all the force of this Barbarian Lord Should be confounded were it ten times more Auero. So well become these words a kingly mouth That are of force to make a coward fight But when aduice and prudent fore-sight Is ioynd with such magnanimitie Troupes of victorie and kingly spoiles Adorne his crowne his kingdome and his fame Herc. We haue descride vpon the mountaine tops A hugie companie of inuading Moores And they my lord as thicke as winters haile Will fall vpon our heads at vnawares Best then betimes t' auoide this gloomie storme It is in vaine to striue with such a streame Enter Muly Mahamet Muly Mah. Beholde thrice noble Lorde vncalde I come To counsell where necessitie commands And honor of vndoubted victorie Makes me exclime vpon this dastard flight Why king Sebastian wilt thou now fore-slow And let so great a glorie slip thy hands Saie you doo march vnto Tarissa now The forces of the foe are come so nigh That he will let the passage of the riuer So vnawares you will be forst to fight But know O king and you thrice valiant Lords Few blowes will serue I aske but onely this That with your power you march into the field For now is all the armie resolute To leaue the traitor helplesse in the fight And flie to me as to their rightfull prince Some horse-men haue alreadie lead the waie And vow the like for their companions The host is full of tumult and of feare Then as you come to plant me in my seate And to inlarge your fame in Affrica Now now or neuer brauely execute Your resolution sound and honorable And end this warre together with his life That doth vsurpe the crowne with tyrannie Sebast. Captaines you heare the reasons of the king Which so effectually haue pearst wine eares That I am fully resolute to fight And who refuseth now to follow me Let him be euer counted cowardly Auero. Shame be his share that flies when kings do fight Auero laies his life before your feet Stukley For my parte Lordes I cannot sell my bloud Deerer than in the companie of kings Exeunt Manet Muly Mahamet Muly Ma. Now haue I set these Portugals a worke To hew a waie for me vnto the crowne Or with your weapons here to dig your graues You dastards of the night and Erybus Fiends Fairies hags that fight in beds of steele Range through this armie with your yron whips Driue forward to this deed this christian crew And let me triumph in the tragedie Though it be seald and honourd with my bloud Both of the Portugall and barbarous Moore Ride Nemisis ride in thy firie cart And sprinkle gore amongst these men of warre That either partie eager of reuenge May honor thee with sacrifice of death And hauing bath'd thy chariot wheeles in bloud Descend and take to thy tormenting hell The mangled bodie of that traitor king That scornes the power and force of Portugall Then let the earth discouer to his ghost Such tortures as vsurpers feele below Rackt let him be in proud lxions wheele Pinde let him be with Tantalus endlesse thirst Praie let him be to Tisons greedie bird Wearied with Sisiphus immortall toile And lastly for reuenge for deepe reuenge Whereof thou goddesse and deuiser art Damnd let him be damnd and condemnd to beare All torments tortures plagues and paines of hell Exit Enter the Presenter before the last dumbe show and speaketh Ill be to him that so much ill bethinkes And ill betide this foule ambitious Moore Whose wily traines with smoothest course of speech Hath tide and tangled in a dangerous warre The fierce and manly king of Portugall Lightning and thunder Nowe throwe the heauens foorth their lightning flames And thunder ouer Affrickes fatall fields Bloud will haue bloud foul murther scape no scourge Enter Fame like an Angell and hangs the crownes vpon a tree At last descendeth fame as Iris To finish fainting Didoes dying lyfe Fame from her stately bowte doth descend And on the tree as fruit new ripe to fall Placeth the crownes of these vnhappie kings That earst she kept in eie of all the world Heere the blazing Starre Now fiery starres and streaming comets blaze That threat the earth and princes of the same Fire workes Fire fire about the axiltree of heauen Who whorles round and from the foot of Casyopa In fatall houre consumes these fatall crownes One fals Downe fals the diademe of Portugall The other fals The crownes of Barbary and kingdomes fall Ay me that kingdomes may not stable stand And now approching neere the dismall day The bloudie daie wherein the battels ioyne Mondaie the fourth of August seuentie eight The sunne shines wholy on the parched earth The brightest planet in the highest heauen The heathens eager bent against their foe Giue onset with great ordnance to the warre The christians with great noise of canon shot Send angrie onsets to the enemie Geue eare and heare how warre begins his song With dreadfull clamors noise and trumpets sound Exit Alarums within let the chambers be discharged then enter to the battell and the Moores flie Skirmish still then enter Ab dilmelec in his chaire Zareo and their traine Abdil. Saie on Zareo tell me all the newes Tell me what furie rangeth in our campe That hath inforst our Moores to turne their backes Zareo saie what chance did bode this ill What ill inforst this dastard cowardise Zareo. My Lord such chance as wilfull warre affords Such chances and misfortunes as attend On him the God of battell and of armes My Lord when with our ordenance fierce we sent Our Moores with smaller shot as thicke as haile Followes apace to charge the Portugall The valiant Duke the deuill of Auero The bane of Barbary fraughted full of ire Breakes through the rankes and with fiue hundred horsse All men at armes forward and full of might Assaults the middle wing and puts to flight Eight thousand Harquebush that seru'd on foot And twentie thousand Moores with speare sheild And therewithall the honour of the day Abdel. Ah Abdelmelec doost thou liue to heare This bitter processe of this first attempt Labour my Lords to renue our force Of fainting Moores and fight it to the last My horsse Zareo O the goale is lost The goale is lost thou King of Portugall Thrice happy chance it is for thee and thine That heauens abates my strength and calles me hence My sight doth faile my soule my feeble soule Shall be releaste from prison on this earth Farwell vaine world for I haue playd my parte He dyeth A long Skirmidge and then enter his brother Muly Mahomet Seth. Muly. Braue Abdelmelec thou thrise noble Lord Not such a wound was giuen to Barbary Had twenty hoasts of men beene put to swoord As death pale death with fatall shaft
reuenge Ring out the soules of his vnhappie brethren And now start vp these torments of the world Wakt with the thunder of Ramusians drum And feareful ecchos of these grieued ghosts Alecto with her brand and bloudie torch Megaera with her whip and snakie haire Tysiphone with her fatall murthering yron These three conspire these three complaine mone Thus Muly Mahamet is a counsell held To wreake the wrongs and murthers thou hast done By this imagine was this barbarous Moore Chased from his dignitie and his diademe And liues forlorne among the mountaine shrubs And makes his food the flesh of sauage beasts Amuraths souldiers haue by this instald Good Abdelmelec in his roiall seate The dames of Fesse and ladies of the land In honor of the sonne of Soliman Erect a statue made of beaten gold And sing to Amurath songs of lasting praise Muly Mahamets furie ouer-rulde His crueltie controld and pride rebukt Now at last when sober thoughts renude Care of his kingdome and desired crowne The aide that once was offered and refusde By messengers he furiously imployes Sebastians aide braue king of Portugall He forward in all armes and chiualrie Hearkens to his Embassadors and grants What they in letters and by words intreate Now listen lordings now begins the game Sebastians tragedie in this tragicke warre Alarum within and then enter Abdilmelec Muly Mahamet Seth Calsepius Bassa with Moores and Ianizaries and the Ladies Abdil. Now hath the Sun displaid his golden beams And duskie clouds dispearst the welkin cleeres Wherein the twentie coloured rainbow shewes After this fight happie and fortunate Wherein our Moores haue lost the day And victorie adornd with fortunes plumes Alights on Abdelmelecs glorious creast Here finde we time to breath and now begin To paie thy due and duties thou doest owe To heauen and earth to Gods and Amurath Sound Trumpets And now drawe neere and heauen and earth giue eare Giue eare and record heauen and earth with me Ye Lords of Barbarie hearken and attend Hearke to the wordes I speake and vowe I make To plant the true succession of the crowne Loe Lords in our seate roiall to succeede Our onely brother here we doo install And by the name of Muly Mahamet Seth Intitle him true heire vnto the crowne Ye Gods of heauen gratulate this deed That men on earth may therwith stand content Lo thus my due and duetie is done I paie To heauen and earth to Gods and Amurath Sound Trumpets Muly Mah. Renowmed Bassa to remunerate Thy worthines and magnanimitie Behold the noblest ladies of the land Bring present tokens of their gratitude Rub. Ar. Rubin that breaths but for reuenge Bassa by this commends her selfe to thee Resigne the token of her thankfulnes To Amurath the God of earthly kings Doth Rubin giue and sacrifice her sonne Not with sweet smoake of fire or sweet perfume But with his fathers sword his mothers thankes Doth Rubin giue her sonne to Amurath Queene As Rubin giues her sonne so we our selues To Amurath giue and fall before his face Bassa weare thou the golde of Barbarie And glister like the pallace of the Sunne In honour of the deed that thou hast-dun Bas. Well worthie of the aide of Amurath Is Abdilmelec and these noble dames Rubin thy sonne I shall ere long bestow Where thou doest him bequeath in honours fee On Amurath mightie Emperor of the East That shall receiue the impe of roiall race With cheerefull lookes and gleames of princely grace This chosen gard of Amuraths Ienizaries I leaue to honor and attend on thee King of Marocco conqueror of thy foes True king of Fesse Emperor of Barbarie Muly Molocco liue and keepe thy seate In spite of fortunes spite or enemies threats Ride Bassa now bold Bassa homeward ride As glorious as great Pompey in his pride Exit omnes Enter Diego Lopis gouernor of Lisborne the Irish Bishop Stukley Ionas and Hercules Dieg. Welcome to Lisborne valiant Catholikes Welcome braue English-men to Portugall Most reuerent primate of the Irish Church And noble Stukeley famous by thy name Welcome thrice welcome to Sebastians towne And welcome English captaines to you all It ioyeth vs to see his holynes fleet Cast ancor happily vpon our coast Bishop These welcomes worthie gouernor of Lisborne Argue an honorable minde in thee But treate of our misfortune therewithall To Ireland by pope Gregories command Were we all bound and therefore thus imbarkt To land our forces there at vnawares Conquering the land for his holynesse And so restore it to the Romane faith This was the cause of our expedition And Ireland long ere this had bin subdude Had not foule weather brought vs to this bay Diego Vnder correction are ye not all Englishmen And longs not Ireland to that kingdome Lords Then may I speake my conscience in the cause Sance scandall to the holy sea of Rome Vnhonorable is this expedition And misbeseeming yoo to meddle in Stuk. Lord gouernour of Lisborne vnderstand As we are Englishmen so are we men And I am Stukley so resolude in all To follow rule honor and Emperie Not to be bent so strictly to the place Wherein at first I blew the fire of life But that I may at libertie make choise Of all the continents that bounds the world For why I make it not so great desert To be begot or borne in anie place Sith that 's a thing of pleasure and of ease That might haue bin performd else-where as well Die Follow what your good pleasure will Good Captaine Stukley be it farre from me To take exceptions beyond my priuiledge Bish. Yet captaine giue me leaue to speake We must affect our countrie as our parents And if at anie time we alianate Our loue or industrie from doing it honor It must respect effects and touch the soule Matter of conscience and religion And not desire of rule or benefite Stuk. Well said Bishop spoken like your selfe The reuerent lordly bishop of saint Asses Herc. The bishop talkes according to his coate And takes not measure of it by his minde You see he hath it made thus large and wide Because he may conuert it as he list To anie forme may fit the fashion best Bish. Captaine you do me wrong to descant thus Vpon my coate or double conscience And cannot answere it in another place Die T is but in iest Lord bishop put it vp And all as friends daine to be entertaind As my abilitie here can make prouision Shortly shall I conduct you to the king Whose welcomes euermore to strangers are Princely and honorable as his state becomes Stuk. Thankes worthie gouernor come bishop come Will you shew fruits of quarrell and of wrath Come let vs in with my Lord of Lisborne here And put all conscience into one carouse Letting it out againe as we may liue There shall no action passe my hand or sword That cannot make a step to gaine a crowne No word shall passe the office of my tong That sounds not of affection to
Promiseth aide of armes and sweares by vs To doe your maiestie all the good he can With men munition and supply of warre Of Spaniards proud in king Sebastians aide To spend their blouds in honor of their Christ Legate And farther to manifest vnto your maiesty How much the Catholike king of Spaine affects This warre with Moores and men of little faith The honour of your euerlasting praise Behold to honor and inlarge thy name He maketh offer of his daughter Isabel To linke in marriage with the braue Sebastian And to inrich Sebastians noble wife His maiestie with promise to resigne The titles of the Islands of Moloccus That by his roialtie in Iudah he commands These fauors with vnfained loue and zeale Voweth king Philip to king Sebastian Sebast. And God so deale with king Sebastians soul As iustly he intends to fight for Christ Nobles of Spaine sith our renowmed brother Philip the king of honor and of zeale By you the chosen Orators of Spaine The offer of the holdes he makes Are not so precious in our account As is the peerlesse dame whom we adore His daughter in whose loyaltie consists The life and honor of Sebastian As for the aide of armes he promiseth We will expect and thankfully receiue At Cardis as we saile alongst the coast Sebastian clap thy hands for ioy Honourd by this meeting and this match Go Lords and follow to the famous warre Your king and be his fortune such in all As he intends to manage armes in right Exeunt Manet Stubley and another Stuk. Sit fast Sebastian and in this worke God and good men labor for Portugall For Spaine disguising with a double face Flatters thy youth and forwardnes good king Philip whome some call the catholike king I feare me much thy faith will not be firme But disagree with thy profession The other What then shall of these men of warre become Those numbers that do multiply in Spaine Stuk. Spaine hath a vent for them and their supplies The Spaniard readie to imbarke himselfe Heere gathers to a head but all to sure Flanders I feare shall feele the force of Spaine Let Portugall fare as he may or can Spaine meanes to spend no pouder on the moores The other If kings doo dally so with holy oaths The heauens will right the wrongs that they sustaine Philip if these forgeries be in thee Assure thee king t will light on thee at last And when proud Spaine hopes soundly to preuaile The time may come that thou and thine shall faile Exit Enter Abdelmelec Muly Mahamet Seth Zareo and their Traine Abdelm. The Portugall lead with decoining hope Hath raisde his power and receiu'd our foe With honorable welcomes and regard And left his countrie bounds and hether bends In hope to helpe Mahamet to a crowne And chase vs hence and plant this Negro moore That clads himselfe in coat of hammerd steele To heaue vs from the honor we possesse But for I haue my selfe a souldier bin I haue in pittie to the Portugall Sent secret messengers to counsell him As for the aide of Spaine whereof they hop'd We haue dispatcht our letters to their prince To craue that in a quarrell so vniust He that intituled is the Catholike king Would not assist a carelesse christian prince And as by letters we are let to know Our offer of the seuen holdes we made He thankfully receives with all conditions Differing in minde farre from all his wordes And promises to king Sebastian As we would wish or you my Lords desire Zareo. What resteth then but Abdelmelec may Beate backe this proud inuading Portugall And chastice this ambitious Negro moore With thousand deaths for thousand damned deeds Abdilm. Forward Zareo and ye manly moores Sebastian see in time vnto thy selfe If thou and thine misled doe thriue amisse Guiltlesse is Abdilmelec of thy bloud Exeunt Enter Don de Meuysis gouernor of Tangar with his companie speaking to the Captaine Gouer. Captaine we haue receiued Letters from the king That with such signes and arguments of loue We entertaine the king of Barbarie That marcheth toward Tangar with his men The poore remainders of those that fled from Fesse When Abdilmelec got the glorious day And stald himselfe in his emperiall throne Cap. Lord gouernor we are in readines To welcome and receiue this haplesse king Chased from his land by angrie Amurath And if the right rest in this lustie Moore Bearing a princely heart vnvanquishable A noble resolution than it is In braue Sebastian our christian king To aide this Moore with his victorious armes Thereby to propagate religious truth And plant his springing praise in Affrica Ano. Capt. But when ariues this braue Sebastian To knit his forces with this manly Moore That both in one and one in both may ioyne In this attempt of noble consequence Our men of Tangar long to see their king Whose princely face that lyke the summers sonne Glads all these hether parts of Barbarie Gouern. Captaines he commeth hetherward amaine Top and top gallant all in braue araie The 26. daie of Iune he lefte the bay of Lisborne And with all his fleete at Cardis happily he Ariu'de in Spain the eight of Iuly tarrying for the aide That Philip king of Spaine had promised And fifteene daies he there remaind aboord Expecting when this Spanish force would come Nor stept a shore as he were going still But Spaine that meant and minded nothing lesse pretends a sodaine feare and care to keepe His owne from Amuraths fierce inuasion And to excuse his promise to our king For which he stormes as great Achilles earst Lying for want of winde in Aldest gulfe And hoisteth vp his sailes and anchors waighs And hetherward he comes and lookes to meete This manly Moore whose case he vndertakes Therefore go we to welcome and rescue With canon shot and shouts of yong and olde This fleet of Portugals and troupe of Moores Exit The Trumpets sound the chambers are dischargde Then enter the king of Portugall and the Moore with all theyr traine Sebast. Muly Mahamet king of Barbarie Well met and welcome to our towne of Tanger After this sodaine shocke and haplesse warre Welcome braue Queene of Moores repose thee here Thou and thy noble sonne and souldiers all Ropose you here in king Sebastians towne Thus farre in honor of thy name and aide Lord Mahamet we haue aduentured To winne for thee a kingdome for our selues Fame and performance of those promises That in thy faith and roialtie thou hast Sworne to Sebastian king of Portugall And thriue it so with thee as thou doest meane And meane thou so as thou doest wish to thriue And if our Christ for whom in chiefe we fight Heereby to inlarge the bounds of christendome Fauor this warre and as I do not doubt Send victorie to light vpon my crest Braue Moore I will aduance thy kingly sonne And with a diademe of pearle and golde Adorne thy temples and inrich thy head Moore O braue Sebastian