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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04430 Our sauiour Iesus Christ hath not ouercharged his chirche with many ceremonies Joye, George, d. 1553, attributed name. aut 1543 (1543) STC 14556; ESTC S120429 18,822 46

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Sewerly Luke in th ende of the same chap. openly calleth it the chirch saying The lorde added dayly vnto the chirche sich as shuldbe saued confessing also helth and saluaciō to be in sich a chirche as many as come into the felowship of sich a congregacion to be saued with these very fewe principall institucions and doctrynes may the chirche therfore as ye may here see be gathered perfitlye fynisshed and conserued yea and that is the very iuste and trwe chirch which enstructed with these fewe thingis cleaueth to and is sustayned vpon christe the very rok But here also haue ye the testimonies of holy men For lactancius in his boke of the trwe wisedom the v. boke of his institu cap. xxx sayth That same onely is the vniuersall chirch which holdeth the trw worship This is the fountayn of trwth this is the hous of faith this is the temple of god wherein if anye entreth not or oute of the which if any go forth he shal be farre from the hope of eternall life and helth But yet because heretyks thinke their chirche to be the catholik chirch ye shall knowe that same to be the trwe chirch in the whiche is the religiō and trwe worship of god in spirit and in no vtward ceremonies of men in which is confession of synnes vnto god and repentance which heleth holsomly synnes woūdes vnto the which the weaknes of the flesshe is subiect These wordis Lactancius wrote which disputing of the trwe worship in his .vi. boke of his institu cap. i. saith The holy and singulare maiesty of god desiereth nothinge els of man then onely innocencye whiche if any offreth it to god he hath made a sufficiēt sacrifice both godly and religiously Which thinge I haue added to that thou mightest the trwlyer vnderstande that at he sayd the catholik chirch to be euen the same which holdeth the trwe worship of god And Austen the very trwe doctour of the chirche answering to the questiōs of Ianuary in his c.xviij pistle writeth playnly into these wordis Firste of all I wold thou shuldest holde in mynde the cheif poynt principall of this disputacion euen owr Lorde Iesus Christe as himself sayth in his gospell to haue subdewed and layd owr neckes vnder his moste pleasaunte yoke and his light easye burden Whereby he hath bownde yoked togither the chirch and societe of the newe peple with Sacramēts very fewe in nowmber most easye to be obserued in significacion moste noble and excellent euen Baptisme by whiche we be consecrated into the name of the trinite and the Communion or partaking emōg many of the bodye and bloude of owr lorde with sich like if there be any commended to vs in the scripturs those excepte whiche for the congruence of the hertis of the olde peple and for the tendre tyme of the prophetes burdened their bondage which certayne sacraments and ceremonies be siche as ye read in the .v. bokes of Moses and so forth folowing vnto the grace of the gospell But mennis testimonies left let vs return to the wittnesses of god and agene to the testimonies of the most excellent apostles Peter Ihon and Paul whom I shall yet more largelye allege that in the mouthe of .ij. or iij. this inuicte verite that is to weit that in these fewe poyntis and principals in nowmber the chirch be made perfit might be affirmed the fastlyer and the stronglyer proued For Peter after that he hade put forth a certayn fewe doctrynes precepts of the faith charite pacience and beneficence and had exhorted the godly to expresse thē in holy workes a non he addeth These thinges if ye do ye shal not slyde at any tyme. For verely by this maner shall the entrese into the eternall kingdom of owr Lorde sauiour christe Iesu be aboundantly ministred vnto you But if he had not beleued this kynde of doctryne which now we haue recyted to be sufficient vnto that life to be obtayned for the peple of god to be made ꝑfit he had neuer sayd By this maner or wayes aboundantly obserue the pithei waight of this word Aboūdātly shal thentres into his kingdō be mynistred vnto you Then verely were not these monkisshe and fryerlye odiouse orders nether their vngodly rules of mōkis friers c̄ nor yet them selues Thē were there no misses no siche maner of questions or tradiciōs as haue owr idle belled bisshops and skoldīg scolemen many yeres aftyr at laste dreamed and broughte into the chirche And yet with out these dead dreames sayth S. Peter Aboundant and plentuouse entresse by the dotrine of the apostles to be layd open vnto all men desyeringe to com to that lyfe eternall Saynt Ihon in his pistle sayth The thinge which ye haue herd from the beginnyng abyde there in or let it abyde in you If that doctrine whiche ye haue herde from the begīning abyde in you then shall you also abyde and dwell in the sone in the father Lo here he promiseth to them a perfit and full felowship and coniunccion of the father and of the sone with those faithfull which continewe abyde in that kynde of doctrine which thapostles from the begynning of their prechinge delyuered thē But from that begining thei gaue them no nother doctrine then the same which thei sayd we haue herde Wherfore that tradicion muste be sufficient vnto perfeccion S. Paul not onely bindeth the preacher of the gospell vnto the same breif and simple playne kynde of doctryne but besydes that he prophecieth certayne pestelent pharisais and papistis to come which euē as we now see them will not heare that same trwth delyuered to the chirches confessed and confirmed with myracles but will turne themselues vnto vayne fables and most vayne lyes and trifles ij Timo iij. iiij For thus writeth he vnto Timothe I beseche the humbly before god owre Lorde Iesu christe whiche shall come to iuge the quik deade in his owne aperaunce in his kingdom preche thou the worde sermone be feruent in tyme oute of tyme rebuke blame reproue exhorte with all lenite softnes and doctryne For the tyme shall come when men will not suffer nor abyde the trw doctrine but aftir their owne voluptuouse lustes and desyers thei shall heap vnto them selues techers euen them which mustetykle their eares and shall auerte their eares from t●e trwth euen vnto vayne fables shall thei be conuerted These wordis without dowte had not that diuine breste and godlye herte pronownced with so greate feruencye and feruent affect but that he knew it right wel that that same doctryne which himselfe with also the mother apostles had preched and delyuered to the chirches in writing was iust perfit and sufficiēt the innumerable chirches now constituted welnighe thorow oute all the worlde to be trwe and perfit full chirches Wherfore these same fewe institucions muste nedis be sufficient for the congregacions with which as necessarye