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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03926 A sermon preached at Yorke before the right Honorable, Henrie Earle of Huntington, Lorde President of her Maiesties councell established in the north, and other noble men, and gentle men, at a general communion there, the 23. of September in the eightienth yeare of her Maiesties raigne: by Mathewe Hutton Deane of Yorke. Hutton, Matthew, 1529-1606. 1579 (1579) STC 14034; ESTC S104336 25,148 72

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A SERMON Preached at Yorke before the right Honorable Henrie Earle of Huntington Lorde President of her Maiesties Councell established in the North and other noble men and Gentlemen at a general Communion there the 23. of September in the eightienth yeare of her Maiesties raigne By Mathewe Hutton Deane of Yorke ¶ Imprinted at London for Richard Sergier Anno. 1579. W. C. ¶ To the Reader the knowledge blessinges of the trueth AS the zeale strength of our gracious soueraigne the Queene was verie great to the prayse of God and the blessednes of hir kingdome in bringing the Gospell by a reentrie into this lande when the Lorde brought her in his rich mercie vnto the kingdome So her Maiesties care hath beene from time to time great also by the preaching of the worde by many good Lawes by the authoritie and countenance of her Magistrates to further the course and aduaunce the estimation thereof to the releeuing of the people from that darkenesse wherein they walked that comming to the light of the trueth they may become children of the light and inheritoures of the life which is in Christe Iesus This hath appeared manie wayes in manie places and namely in her Prouince of York at a solemne assemblie of the honorable and woorshipful of those partes where after a verie learned and godlie Sermon fitte for that assemblie and action they were together partakers of the Lordes table to testifie to God their religion to shewe their obedience to her Maiesties proceedings and to leaue it witnessed to the whole worlde that they embrace the Gospell and labour by their example to drawe others also to the loue of the same trueth Touching the Sermon For the Authors greate learning and good Spirite it must carrie great prayse with as many as knowe him especially with them that knowe him best As manie as knowe him not may in reading it beholde the good graces of God in him for the worke of the Gospell and a notable spirite plainelie and soundly confuting the chiefest groundes of the Popishe religion vpon which sandie groundes notwithstanding though they pretend Peter to be the rocke manie builde not foreseeing the ruire and great fall of the house For Antiquitie and Generalitie are good markes of the church ioyned with better alone they may aswell iustifie sinne and errour as the Romishe Churche Those other chiefe markes it hath not the true and pure vse of the woorde and Sacramentes But as it wanteth the chiefest markes of the Churche of Christe whiche deceiue not So it hath vndoubted signes of the church of Antichrist a doctrine preiudiciall to the offices and merites of Christe a foundation that GOD hath not layed the persecutions of Antichrist the blasphemies of Satan the marchandises of the greate whore of Babylon and the marke of the beaste O that they which haue trafique with her would come out of the Merchauntes false lighte and might haue their eyes open and their heartes also to consider what stuffe they haue for their soules laid in pawne to her for paymēt of their obedience and tribute As for their iustification by workes and not by faith onely it doeth plainely shewe they vnderstande neither the imperfection of their perfectest woorkes nor the grace of GOD which saueth them that beleeue thorow faith in the merites of Christe alone Whiche faith notwithstanding necessarily bringeth foorth good woorkes not meritorious causes but manifest notes to vs of our saluation in the merites of Christe Iesus the Lorde and Sauiour In that they forbid the people to read the scriptures they commit too too manifest violence in withholding our euidēce in dispossessing vs of our fathers last will and Testament How shall they demaund the legacie that know not the gift How shall they keepe the conditions that know not the couenaunt If they say the scriptures are hard they speake to say no woorse ignorantly of the will or power of God that either would not or could not speake plainely and to the hart of his people to the vnderstanding of his children But as the children of this worlde they were wise in their generation they kept that backe which might bring the kingdome of God forward they put the light vnder a busshell that it might not shine to those that came into the house Darkenes did best set out and most mainteine the workes of darkenes Neuerthelesse sure it pleased God for his glory to shew mercie vnto manie causing the light to shine out of darkenes and bringing this euidence into light and the light therof into the possessiō of the sonnes of men They as many of thē as appertaine to the holy electiō of God haue had eyes to see and hartes to consider what it is to walk in darkenesse and in the shadowe of death what it is to lye fast bound in Babylon in miserie and yron and what it is to dwell in the house of God to beholde his beautie and to visite his holy temple to serue the Lord and to wayte for the fulnesse of his rich mercies in Christ Iesus our Lorde As for the sufficiencie of the Scriptures if no man maye adde any thing there wanteth nothing If no man may take any thing away there is nothing too much Wherevppon they that haue eyes to see and will see may beholde that the scriptures are all sufficient and perfect dangerous therefore is the cōtrarie doctrine of Hosius one of the Maister Masons at the greate building of Trent But his doctrine is lately and sufficiently confuted Whereas they denye some the lawful remedie against fornication theire deeds bewray their doctrine for they not regarding it died in the disease whereof they condemned the remedie For the Inuocation of Saintes and the doctrine of the newe mediatourship to the Mediatour which is but one it sheweth a greate faith and trust in those Saintes as being more readie and willing to helpe where they promise no helpe then God that dooth both promise and keepe the couenaunt of mercie made to Abraham and his seede euen as many of them as seeke the face of God and walke in newenes of life which is the true seede of Abraham and the Israell of god But if Saintes can be neither so able if they be able at al nor so willing to heare helpe vs as is the mightie most louing God of our saluation why doo any in a blinde nicenesse straine curtesie to pray vnto God which is commaunded and make no conscience to giue his honour to others which is forbidden Concerning the masse it hath been long agoe publikelie indited and truely condemned of grosse Idolatrie and forgerie Saint Paule in that greate mysterie testifieth for himself to the Corinthians That he added nothing to the simple institution of the Lordes supper but what he receiued that he redeliuered and what he receiued not that he deliuered not at all But they of the Masse haue deliuered in charge to be beleued and receiued a bodie without quantitie or