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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02799 An antidote against the plague. Or Panchrestōn: a salue for all sores which applied and practised, will soone awaken the Lords mercy, and suddenly cause the storms of his iust iudgements to vanish away. Deliuered in a sermon, preached within the Cathedrall Church of Saint Paules, London.; Antidote against the plague. Hastler, Thomas. 1615 (1615) STC 12930; ESTC S118751 18,369 68

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then our gratious Defender our powerfull Iehovah will speedily take from vs this our great ieopardy Before I conclude it is not amisse to giue you notice that Saint Luke to expresse the Disciples zealous deuotion ingeminateth the title giuē to Christ in this short forme of prayer with a double appellation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Master Master wee perish O gratious defender O powerfull Iehovah wee are ready to bee cast away and buried in the waues hereby giuing vs to vnderstand that breuis oratio sifortis penetrat calū a short prayer though but in 3 words as was the Disciples so it be feruent is most powerful pierceth the skies and is accepted of the Almighty Lord. The prayer of the blinde men was short O Lord Sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon vs and yet preuailed Math. 20. 31. The prayer of the Publican shorter God bee mercifull to mee a sinner and yet as auaileable Luke 18. 13. The prayer of the penitent Thiefe very compendious Lord remember mee when thou commest into thy Kingdome and yet most forcible Luke 23. 42. The prayer of the father of the sicke child most briefe Lord help mine vnbeleefe and yet very effectuall Marke 9. 24. Yea many times wee find that an earnest seeking with the heart hath preuailed without any words vttered by the tongue as Moses when hee cryed to God with his heart and yet opened not his mouth For that is most true which Saint Gregorie saith Tanto minus quis clamat quanto minus desiderat tanto fortius coelos penetrat quanto fortius desiderat the more earnestly wee desire any thing the more lowdly we doe crie vnto God and the colder is our desire the slower is our calling on him and the harder to obtaine it of him Luther to this purpose calleth prayers and supplications bombardas Christianorum the Christians Canons and surely beeing well charged with faith and repentance and fired with zeale and feruencie of spirit they shoote farre and pierce deepe Here therefore wee may bee informed what is the very bane and pests of our prayers and what is the onely cause they are no more auaileable to remoue this mortall sicknesse surely because faintnesse coldnesse and boldnesse doe so much frequent our prayers There is first a faint a fearefull and distrustfull praying amongst vs there is secondly a cold a formall and superficiall praying with vs and there is thirdly a bold a proud and presumptuous praying vnto dreadfull Iehouah and this last is the worst trepida nec procedit quidem nedum ascendit the faint and fearefull prayer cannot get out much lesse get vp it sticketh so fast betweene the teeth or in the throat rather tepida procedit sed in asconsu languescit defecit the cold and formall prayer cōmeth forth fast enough but it cannot get vp it freeseth for want of spirit and feruor by the way ere it come to appeare in Gods presence temeraria ascendit sedresilit the cold and presumptuous prayer flyeth vp apace but it is as fast beaten backe againe for presenting it selfe ouerboldly and saucily in Gods sight Nec tantum non obtinet gratiam sed meretur offensam and in stead of a blessing it bringeth a curse with it thus farre deuout Bernard I haue read of two ladders by which men climbe to heauen seruent prayers and crying sinnes the godly by the one and the wicked by the other By the sinfull Ladder did Sodome and Niniue climbe Oh let not our sinnes bee such climbers rather then they should presse into the Presence Chamber of Heauen and grow acquainted with God let vs keepe them downe and here punish them for Hoc nobis Deus insevit God hath planted this principle in euery mans heart that sinne must bee punished must it by whom Saint Austin tells you aut ab ipso homine poenitente aut à Deo vindicante either by man repenting or by God reuenging Now if any notwithstanding he remaineth impenitent neuerthelesse shall hope for mercy let him heare what Chrysostome saith Quomodo Deum rogas vt tibi parcat cum tu tibi minime parcas How canst thou desire God to haue compassion vpon thee when thou hast no compassion vpon thy selfe Aulus Gellius writes that the Romanes sent the Carthaginians Hastam caduceum a speare and a white wand the Ensignes of warre and peace and offered them their choise So deales the Lord with vs vpon our repentance he offers vs conditions of peace and protesteth to repent himselfe of the euill intended and to remoue farre from vs his iudgements already inflicted Ergofratres puniamus peccata nostra therefore brethren let vs be our owne purishers punish we our selues our sinnes that God may haue mercy on vs and turne this heauie plague from vs hee cannot shew mercy vpon workers of iniquitie Quasi blandiens peccatis aut non erudicens peccata as if hee flattered men in their sinnes or had no purpose to root out sin Prorsus aut punis aut punit Beleeue it either thou must punish thy selfe for thy sins or God will punish thee vis non puniat punitu Wilt thou that God should not pun●sh thee then punish thou thy selfe and wash away thy sins with the bitter brinish teares of vnfained repentance through a liuely faith in the blood of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ that forsaking the Ladder of our crying sins we may climbe vp to heauen with the ladder of our feruent prayers and hauing all brought our selues into the same danger of mortalitie Let vs all with one accord sigh forth vncessantly the Disciples powerfull and importunate request Lord sauevs we perish O Lord our God the giue of all graces the forginer of all our sinnes and the present helper and ready defender of them that fly to thee for succor grant vnto vs wee humbly beseech thee an vnfained remorse for all our misdeeds that our heartie ropentance may awaken thy mercy and cause thy iustice to fall into a deepe sleepe So then we shall with all Saints for euermore sing Helleluja Saluation and glory and honor and power vnto the Lord our God for euermore Amen FINIS Ad Lectorem GRammata si desint si syllaba forte redundet Si praecedenti menda sit vllà libro Ignoscas Lector quid enim labecula laedit Et navos penna corrige quaeso tua Tibi in Christo addictissimus A. L. Ingratos reuocauit in seruitutem Sueton. Aug. ad Licent Epist 41. Bernard de pug spirit Diuision parts 4. Quis à quo quid quomodo 1 Obseruation Diez loco de poenitentia Aug. serm 102 de tempore 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Disco Mat. 10. 1. Mar. 315. Luk. 9. 1 5. Tertul. cont Marci l. 4. cap. 24. Ierom Epist ad Fabi olam Mansio 6. Luk 23. 40 Gal. 2. 9. Mat. 17. 1. Mar. 5. 37. 2 Obseruation Iam 2. 23. Gen. 18. Penult Heb. 3. 6 Exo. 32. 10. Iam 5. 17. Numb 25. 13. Psal 106. 30. Psal 109 6 Oratio de carne pudica de anima innocenti de spiritu sancto offerenda Tertul Apolog. cap 30. Heb. 10. 11. Psal 24. 4. 2 king 2. 12. Esay 62. 6. Ionah 1. 5. Other Countries had other gods the Reliques whereof are recorded by Tertullian in Apol. c. 23. Angelici quia in Angelorum cultum inclinati Ang. de bar c. 39. Angelici vocati quia angeles colunt Isidor Origen l. ● c. s. I ooke Francis de Croy. G. ARTH. in his three Cōformities cap 4 5. 3 Obseruation The latter pestilent God is worshipped in Venice Athan. ●rat 4. cont Arian pag. 260 Aug. Confess lib. 1. cap. 5. Chrysost in 1 Cor. Hom. 1. Reasons 3. 1. Because he is onely omniscient Psal 62. 8. 1 Sam. 1. 13 15. Rom. 8. 26. Rom 8. 27. 2 Chron. 6. 30. Augustinus dicit quia mortut nesciunt eti am sancti quid agant vivi etiam eorum sil●● Gloss interlineal in Esai 63. Aug de cura pro mortuis cap. 13. Psal 65. 2. Exod. 13. 3 Dan. 6. 5 13 22 28. Zach. 3. 2 ●d 5. Aug lib. 1. ●ont Max. Lactant. de vero cultu l 6. c. 25. f. 399. Zanch. in c. 6. ad Eph. Clem. Alex. lib. 7. stromat Esay 56. 7. For denominatio fit à principaliore causa Ro. 15. 30. 2 Cor. 1. 11. Vide Aug. lib. de quantitale anima de moribus Eccles Catholica et Manieh lib. 1. cap. 30. Psal 115. 1. Col. 2. 18. Uide Theod. ibid Ambr. in Rom. cap. 1. Copiosiùs legas apud Ambr. in Rom. cap. 1. Chrysost in dimission Chananaea Tom. 5. edit Savig pag. 195. Vide cund Serm. 7. de poenitent Tom. 6. edit Savil. pag. 802. in Psal 4 Aug. tract 29. in Iohan Apud Lud. Granatens Exercit. de Orat. Medit. Ioh. 2. 19. Mat. 27. 52 1 Cor. 15. 12. Stulte quid est somnus gelidus nisi mortis imago Ouid. Homer 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ligo vere soperatus aut demersus somno profundo Icr. 20. 11. Psal 2. 12 13. Ferrum Fames Morbus Lyps de Constantia lib. 2. cap. 16 Aug. in Psal 56. Aug. serm 1. de tempore Aug. Pellie in Mat. Iames 1. 6. Cypr. 2. ad Don. 4 Obseruation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Domine salua nos Lord saue vs. Aug Enarrat in Psal 58. Chrysost in 1 Cor. hom 23. Aul. Gel. l. 10. c. 27. H●…c Augustinus in loco prius citato