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A96264 A sermon touching the divine right and due observation of the Lords day Preached before the Lord Deputy, and the Lords Spiritual & Temporal of the kingdom of Ireland; in time of Parliament. At Christ-Church Dublin. On Sunday the 6th. of October, 1695. With a preface humbly address'd to the whole body of English Protestants: especially those inhabiting the kingdom of Ireland. By Edward Lord Bishop of Cork and Ross. Wettenhall, Edward, 1636-1713. 1697 (1697) Wing W1520A; ESTC R229732 26,838 68

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A SERMON Touching the DIVINE RIGHT AND DUE OBSERVATION OF THE LORDS DAY Preached before the LORD DEPUTY and the Lords SPIRITUAL TEMPORAL of the Kingdom of IRELAND In time of Parliament At Christ-Church Dublin On Sunday the 6th of October 1695. With a PREFACE humbly address'd to the whole Body of English Protestants Especially those inhabiting the Kingdom of IRELAND By EDWARD Lord Bishop of Cork and Ross DUBLIN Printed by Joseph Ray in Essex-street and are to be sold by John North Bookseller in Skinner-row 1697. A PREFACE to the ensuing SERMON Humbly Address'd To the Whole Body of English Protestants Especially those inhabiting the Kingdom of IRELAND I Have long grieved to see the Sacredness of the Lords Day run so low as too plainly it appears to do in the opinion of Multitudes who profess themselves of the Reformed Church of Ireland From the Irish Papists I never expected better since I came to know them They will never have veneration for any thing which Protestants account sacred as witness their constant treatment of our Bibles Nor do I apprehend any possibility of Reforming them either in this or any other of their Ill Principles and practices while they have a sett of such Managers as their present Priests allowed them and those too with so absolute a Dominion over them as is usual in that Church But for men that own the name of Protestants and glory to be thought English Protestants for these I say openly to espouse the calumny of Figmentum Anglicanum in case of a Divine right for the Lords Day and pursuant hereto in their Practice perfectly to fall in with Papists laying aside all Afternoon worship on the Lords Day as is done now in very many Country Parishes in this Kingdom and onely in the Morning sometimes for fashion-sake to come to Church as the others do to their Mass houses is a sad demonstration that either they never were true Protestants because not understanding or not receiving and observing the Doctrine Laws and Worship of the Church whereof they profess themselves Members or that they have now most deplorably degenerated and fallen off from its constitution There is yet a farther and more abominable neglect than that which I have complained of and proceeding no doubt from the same Principle that is mean and common thoughts of the Lords Day perhaps not so constant as the other but very common in Country-Cures namely that they are not supplyed any otherwise but once a fortnight or in some places once in three weeks yea even where the revenues of the place either of it self or by unions would well pay a Curate resident and constantly attendant With an eye at redressing these so insufferable and unchristian evils I first delivered in a great audience and now publish to the World the ensuing discourse In which I struck at the root the Principle before taxed and have laid together in the clearest light briefest compass and most Natural order as neer as I could comprehend all the best Evidences I remember produced i● plea for the Divine right of the Lords Day and the true Christian way of hallowing it Which latter point I have stated I hope so as to conduct all who will hear into truly Holy practice but not to burden or intangle the Conscience of any who will consider And all along as Argumentum ad homines and a Plea which I had great confidence in I have urged sincerely what I take to be the Doctrine of the Church of England in this matter It is not to be expected that in so short a piece all should be said in such manner as is necessary to prevent the Exceptions or answer the Cavils of many I accounted it therefore necessary here to add a few things as well for the one purpose as the other I have asserted a Divine right to the Lords Day Now a Divine Right may arise from a Divine Institution Immediate or Mediate And again either of these may be express or virtual There are not wanting Authors of great Name who have maintained the Lords day to have been appointed for the day of publick Christian Worship by our Lords own mouth at some of his Apparitions and in some of his Discourses to his Disciples in the interval of his Resurection and Ascention If so then would there be a Divine Right by immediate express Institutior But I will frankly acknowledg this although not at all unlikely but rather of the highest probability yet to have been advanced in my judgment with better Intention than Evidence I have therefore mainly as to Authority immediate from our Lord himself insisted upon his own practice by his frequent presence at and solemn meeting in the Assemblies of his Disciples and faithful followers on that day And when he appeared no more sending in their Assembly on that day the Holy Ghost upon them all which I aver to be Virtual Institution And if an Institution there is no question at all of it's being immediately Divine Then in pursuance hereof I insist also on the continued practice of the Apostles from the very day of our Lords Resurrection as far as is Recorded solemnly assembling still on that day which can hardly be conceived without some private directions suggested from himself and their giving order in the Churches especially of the Gentiles which they planted for the publick Assemblies to be made hereon Their practice I aver to be a continuance of a virtual Divine Institution and their Orders given an express Divine Institution but both indeed Mediate And if there be any of our Church who are not willing to allow these and especially the Apostles practice and orders to be sufficient grounds of a Divine Right I desire that they will not herein be too peremptory least they be found less constant to themselves particularly in denying that to be a Divine Right in case of the Lords day which they not onely admit but plead as a Divine Right in other cases to some of them perhaps of more comfortable importance suppose Episcopacy and Church-Rights As to styling the Lords day a Christian Sabbath which I have not done but after our Church I acknowledg it can be called so only 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by proportion and not strictly THE Christian Sabbath properly eminently is that which remains to the people of God Heb. iv 9. A Christian Sabbath I conceive it may with much more propriety be called For if it be a Sabbath at all or a day of Rest ordinarily from servile labour it must be acknowledged a Christian Sabbath Jewish Turkish or Heathen we are sure it is not And for giving it the Name Sabbath though I confess the frequency of this style is more Novel and peculiar to some People yet it is plain by our Homilies that Our Reformers did use it And I am sure Origen so styles it and if I am not mistaken another of the Fathers also whom I name not for fear of errour the
breaking it and his Grace for inclining our hearts to keep it What to keep a Jewish abrogate Ceremony No no It s moral obligation is by our Church and us before God solemnly acknowledged in these very Prayers as oft as we make them and further as before hinted in the Homily of the time and place of Prayer to which I refer my self it is more at large asserted Now sure our holy Mother never intended both her self to falsify with God and Man and to breed her Children too to so hopeful a practice A hopeful practice I say to falsify with God in her Prayers even in her most solemn Office the Communion Service and with Man in her form of Doctrine or Homilies both which she does if this be not her sence It is then the Judgment of our Church what we have otherwise proved that by the eldest positive Law of God a Seventh day is holy to him Sect. XII And this Seventh day is now the Lords day or First day of the Week The Reasonableness of Christian Peoples observing the Lords day instead of the Jewish Sabbath by the Law Christian Here also the evidence is too long to give it in in full at present But. First a word or two for the reasonableness of the First day of the Week under the Christian state The very self same reasons with which God of old bound the Seventh day-Sabbath on Adam and on the Jews bind the observation of the First day of the Week upon us Christians The reason to Adam was on the Sixth day God ended his works that he had Created and Rested the Seventh In like manner the Seventh day of the Week being ended our Lord Jesus had finisht his work of the new Creation in that thereon by his resurrection he made Man again the second time happily immortal and having wrested from Death its Sting from the Grave its Victory opened the Kingdom of Heaven to all Believers entred into it himself and began the everlasting Sabbatism of the new World Which work had he not finisht what had it advantaged poor mankind to have been Created once Alas had not the work of Redemption been compleated Mans first Creation had only capacitated him to have been eternally miserable This reason therefore from the Divine Rest thereon holds to us Christians much stronger for this Christian Sabbath The Reason to the Jews in speciall was because the Lord thy God brought thee out of the Land of Egypt through a mighty hand and an out-stretched arm therefore the Lord thy Deut v. 15. God commanded thee to keep the Sabbath day On the Sabbath or Seventh day say the Jewish Doctors their Forefathers sung their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Triumphal Hymne to God at the Red Sea over the drowned Egyptians And on the first day of the Week while it was yet early Our Lord rose from the dead as out of a Red Sea of Bloud and brought with him the raised Bodies of many Saints which slept the Bodies of our first Parents saith an old tradition and having thus rescued mankind from under the bonds of Sin and Death and of him that had the power of Death the Devil he made a shew of them triumphing over them openly Thus also there is the like reason for the First day of the Week to be a Christian Sabbath as there was for the Seventh day to be the Jewish Sect. XIII But where have we any Institution for this day in the Records of the Of the Institution of the Lords Day 1. By Christ himself New Testament I answer our Lord Instituted it the most effectual way imaginable namely by his own practice His frequent if not constant shewing himself to his Disciples on this day during the Forty days after his Resurrection his meeting them in their Assemblies sometimes with some of them breaking bread with all of them always speaking of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God was as solemn a dedication of this day to the Christian worship as well can be conceived John XX. 19. The same day which was ver 1. the first day of the week at evening the doors being shut for fear of the Jews came Jesus where the Disciples were assembled and stood in the midst of them and said Peace be unto you and shewed them his hands and his feet And on the Eighth day which reckoning after the Jewish use inclusively was the next Lords day they are met again ver 26. and now Thomas was with them for the course of Sunday-Assemblies was begun and Jesus came again the Doors being shut and said Peace be unto you Then addressing himself more particularly to Thomas for the satisfying his doubts and thereby confirming the Faith of them all he pronounces a Blessing not only on them but on all that should believe on him to the end of the World How often in those Forty days our Lord appeared to his Disciples it has not pleased the Holy Ghost precisely to set down Two Lords days apparitions to them in their assembly we have thus seen expresly on Record and on the same days several private apparitions to diverse of them apart are recorded also which we may not stand to examine Thirdly the most famous and often fore-appointed appearance on the mountain in Galilee a place distant enough from Jerusalem that none might fear disturbance from the Chief Priests and their Partisans is by some very great men placed on the Lords day at which time he was seen of above Five hundred Brethren at once speaking no doubt as his use was of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God And being that this his appearance cannot consistently with St. Paul's account be 1 Cor. xv 6 7. coincident with that at his Ascension there is little probability all circumstances being considered for placing it on any other day Last of all our Lord chose to bless the First day of the Week by that most illustrious manifestation of his being the Son of God in sending the spirit of Promise Acts. XI 1. When the day of Pentecost was fully come Pentecost that is the Fiftieth day there is no reason to regard precisely the Jewish Festival or to make a proper name of a common one on the Fiftieth day I say which from the Resurrection must needs fall on the First day of the week reckon it at leisure they were all with one accord in one place continuing still their Assemblies on the First day of the week and suddenly there came a sound from Heaven as of a mighty wind In a word the Holy Spirit most miraculously came upon them all as the Lord had promised Here is from our Lord himself another sanctifying of the Lords day to the purpose For indeed with it he miraculously sanctified the whole body of the faithfull assembled thereon Subsequent hereto or after the 2. By his Apostles mission of the holy Ghost the Apostles and Apostolical Churches constant observing the Lords day in