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A85856 Hinc illæ lachrymæ. Or the impietie of impunitie. Containing a short, serious and most certain demonstration of the main (if not, only) rise and originall of all the grand grievances, and obstructions of piety and justice, over the whole kingdome. Together with a soveraign salve, and precious plaisture, for the unquestionable cure thereof (by Gods blessing) if it be seriously and seasonably applyed, according to direction herein, humbly prescribed. / By a faithful friend to the truth and a most humble servant to all the loyall and religious Presbyterian Members of Parliament. Gauden, John, 1605-1662. 1647 (1647) Wing G358; Thomason E421_6; Thomason E540_16; ESTC R204669 24,859 31

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dayes they also having like the Ingling Iesuits craftily and cunningly found by practice and experience that this Bolt was like to shut them out of the Parliament Conutry-Committees and other eminent gainfull gracefull and over-awing places both Martiall and Majesteriall they now therefore just I say like the Jesuits of Rome for the propagation of their Cacolick Cause also I meane Tolleration of All-Religions and diabolicall and accursed Liberty of Conscience aliàs most prophane Libertinisme doe most dissemblingly falsly and fraudulently using the said Sacred Covenant as those Jesuits did the Sacred Scriptures only as a Nose of wax or a Saylers Breechs to help them in a storme or at a dead-lift give selfe-dispensation of Liberty to their Consciences to submit to the taking thereof as well and readily to see to as the best of us all but still with the Jesuits old tacite-trick of Equivacation or mentall-Reservation taking it in their own-sense as most malevolently hating the litterall and genuine sense thereof and the positive and plain intentions and ends of the Parliament in generall in the Covenant as is and long hath been apparent by their practises and professions also both by word and pen among us not only in the Parliamentary and Country-Committees but also and most especially in the Army where most Insolently and audaciously as was toucht before the Commanders Officers and Souldiers slight reject and scorn all Ordinances of Parliament yea and the very Covenant it self as it relates to Church-Government especially and suppression of Errours Schismes and Blasphemies yea not withstanding that some of them pretend they have taken the Covenant which must needs shew and assure us most undoubtedly in what sense and with what Conscience and to what ends they tooke it The serious consideration whereof makes me here also to fetch another deep sigh for his Excellency Sir Tho. Fairfax who of late hath not a little overclouded and eclipsed the former radiant lustre and most specious splendor of his then justly merited Fame and Honour both by some late strange miscarriages in the Army in generall and also in so improvidently and doubtless insnaredly admitting and entertaining as his chief Chaplains for the Army two dangerous and audacious Soul-seducing Schismaticks as Mr. Dell Mr. Saltmarsh together with their bold blustring brother Peters who are most pernicious pestilent instruments to infect poyson the whole Army if it be possible with their seditious and damnable Doctrins by which deceitfull designe of theirs I say forementioned in thus taking the Covenant they most Satanically keep-up and drive-on their owne hopefull and underhand mischeivous Machinations and thereby also mightily molest obstruct and retard almost all our pious Presbyterian-Actings accor ding to our Conscience and Covenant as the fear of the Lord whose vowes are upon us do most importunately command us and our fervent and deeply obliged love to Truth and Peace doth constantly constraine us And thus wee see to our sad sighing indeed that no bands nor bounds will hold or keep in these vild and wild Beasts but that most craftily and unconscionably they break through all and we have now therefore but one only way under God alone which is the last and maine thing I aime at in this discourse to help our selves out of the tearing and tyring troubles of these Bryers and Brambles our Sectaries and Schismaticks and that I humbly conceive is only this and it is backt also with a fresh and experienced pregnant example among our selves some few years past which is as followeth There was as we all well remember at the beginning of this present Parliament a great Complaint and that not without great and just cause against Popish Lords and Prelates sitting in the House of Peeres and of rotten-hearted Malignant Members in the House of Commons who in those times mightily molested and obstructed the most waighty and great affaires of the Parliament and so consequently perturbed the good of the whole kingdome especially then also in matters of Religion and due execution of Iustice upon offenders whereupon the most famous and ever to be honoured and renowned City of London bravely began to Petition the Parliament for the expulsion of them out of both Honses and immediately thereupon almost all the well-affected Counties of the kingdome followed their worthy example and most eagerly and earnestly fell a petitioning against them and continually came flocking up to London to the Parliament in most numerous and mighty multitudes to that purpose yea and so importunately prest their desires therein till at last by Gods wonderfull providence and the Parliaments most favourable acceptance of their Petitions and so far then from calling or accounting it a breach of Priviledge of Parliament that they gave them all great thanks for their Love and Zeale therein And all these things thus concurring together strook as it was apparent such terror and amazement into the hearts of the Popish-Lords Prelates and Malignants in both Houses that speedily upon it partly by the Prelates own remarkable pride and folly and partly by an univerfall Conscience-accusing fright and terrour at these things both Houses of Parliament were most admirably freed of them and all things thereupon presently after were carryed on most prosperously and with singular smooth successe to the great comfort and universall high content of the whole kingdome and so continued a long time after untill these present crafty Sectarian Mombers unhappily crept into the house of Commons and others have since been poysoned by them And have not We my deare Presbyterian Brethren for to you now I apply this my main and most earnest desire in these our dayes as great and just cause considering all I have already said before and much more that might be said therein as ardently and earnestly to complaine protest and petition against some disaffected Lords in the House of Peeres and against many Independent Members in the House of Commons who next to our own sins are the main if not only restlesse Remora's and most dangerous disturbers and delayers yea mockers and deluders of our Covenant-engaged Reformation to Gods most high dishonour the most justly incensing of his devouring-wrath against us and the deepe heart-wounding griefe and sorrow of all the truly pious and peaceable people throughout the whole kingdome by reason of their hopes thus unhappily damped and delayed yea I say jeered and abused by those Sectaries and Schismaticks in the House of Commons Slight not I beseech you my dear Presbyterian-Brethren both in City and Country this my serious and I hope seasonable advice by supine security in regard of the present seeming serenity of things which hath been the bane of many famous and flourishing States and Common-weales and yet all things considered we have little cause to conceit so of the present times But if they were so yet know that I have read long since in Plutarch's Lives of a Governour of Thebes or Athens if my memory much faile me not
by all the strangely grasped power which the Army hath now got into their clutches wee all see and stand amazed and wonder at And how durst the of late degenerous Gentry of that unconquered County of Kent who formerly began so bravely but afterward I say turned their backes so unworthily upon Piety and Iustice as to endevour to bring that people into one of the greatest and basest Yoakes of slavery and arbytrary Tyranny that ever any people endured or indeed could endure viz. Not so much as to dare to grown out their griefes no not in a modest way of petitioning for ease of them and so to make that an accursed leading-case to all the Counties and Committees over the Kingdome And were it not that the Sectaries in the Parliament and their nauseons neutrall Sidemen were so potent politicke and confident to carry on any designe suitable to their self-aymes and interests especially their damnable Diana an intolerable toleration of Liberty of Conscience how durst a certaine company of them in most high affront to the famous City of London which hath deserved so well of the Parliament and apparent injury to their famous and faithfull late Lord Major Alderman Adams in the time of his renowned Majoralty sodainly enter his house at 12. or 1. of the Clocke at night forcing him out of his bed at that time of the night and as it was generaly reported searching his house yea and his very pockets of his wearing cloathes as if he had bin a very Traitor and all this but only out of meer Chymaera's conceipts and jealousies of him being a most pious and zealous Presbyterian but they were not able to finde ought against him to lay to his charge such was his intact integrity and unspotted loyalty for which so injurious dealing with him and thus affronting him in his peaceable house and bed of rest had he presently clapt them up in prison in the City as t is believed he might they so illegally assaulting him the Cities supreme Magistrate he had done most worthily but we hope time will call them to accompt for this and the rest of their most ingratefull dealings with so renowned and honourable Citizens who have by their persons lives bloud and almost incredible summes of treasure next under God beene the main preservers of the Parliament to this very day yet which hath I say with such black and grosse ingratitude rewarded all their cost and kindnesse by discountenancing and retarding their justest desires calling and counting their most famous and faithfull Petitions and Remonstrances seditious and candalous papers and now of late especially abusing the whole City to please a rebellious Army as touching their Militia and by an Ordinance of the Sectaries and their Sidemen for none else certainly would or did assent unto it of both Houses condemning the Citizens most honest Petition and necessitated Reingagement to stand to their Covenant of high Treason and the Authors thereof and Actors therein to bee Traytors to a most disloyall Army thus making our sacred Covenant so solemnly commanded by both Houses taken over the whole Kingdome a most dangerous snare unto us all and hereby bringing all honest and Conscientious Covenanters into a most intricate Labyrinth and dangerous Dilemma viz. That if they will not in the present and most eminent emergency of the Church and States great danger act according to their Covenant they are accursed as forsworne Perjurers to their great God And if they doe act according to it they are proclaimed Traytors to the Parliament or Army rather O inauditum infandum-nefas And if these things were not thus how durst those mercenarie-Scriblers of the weekly Diurnalls and that botching Moderate-Intelligencer as now adayes he tearms himselfe being by his own feare and shame whipt out of his former title the Parliament-Scout forsooth and the rest of their brazen-fac'd brethren the other mendacious News-mongers the undoubted hirelings and pandors of Independents and all other sorts of Sectaries how durst these I say so audaciously stricke with the fist of slander one week and stroake with the fingers of flattery the next weeke the untainted integrity and resplendent reputation of our most loyall and loving Brethren of Scotland as they have done making their incomparable fame and faithfullnesse to stand or fall every weeke at the reversion of the beggarly shreds of their botching pens and pleasures yea notwithstanding that those our most deare Brethren had heretofore requested the Parliament to punish or at least to restraine or silence their insolencies in thus using and abusing them as indeed they do to all others of the Presbiterian-party on whomsoever their saucy humours please to spit upon and all this without the least appearance of punishment or restraint Yea how I say durst all these and more than these most gross and grievous enormities and foule deformities in Government thus boldly break-out among us were it not that such a company of disaffected Members did thus sit Iudges as aforesaid in the Parliamentary Committee for Complaints at Westminster yea and in the very body it selfe of the whole Parliament both Lords and Commons whether all the Schismaticks and Sectaries over the whole Kingdome both City and Country doe too well know all their business are at the last and utmost exigent to be transacted and heard and where they are sure such a company of their fast friends shall sit as their Iudges and therefore whatsoever Complaints are made against them they do but laugh in their sleeves at us and contemn all our threats or menacings of them as being well assured that by these their Patrones meanes either our complaints shall be totally stifled as abortive-Embrio's or if heard so pinch't and pin'd with most tedious-tyrings and languishing delayes that wee weere for the most part better sit still in silence and groan under our grievances than torture and turmoile our selves with remedilesse wrestlings to little or no purpose Which things and many more to these effects too tedious here to be cited being thus alasse to what end is all this noise of our so hoped and longed-for Reformation in the serious Suppression of Blasphemies Schismes and Errours and in the substantiall settlement and completing of our promised Presbyterian-Government Why do the honest-hearted active and religious Covenant-engaged Citizens of London thus toyle and tyre themselves day by day with too lank and empty hopes and pining expectations of redresse of al these high dishonours of almighty God and great grievances on the hearts and consciences of his people in bringing seditious Sectaries as Delinquents and bold Affronters of the Supreme Court of the Kingdome the Parliament to this Committee where they continually find such a company of their Jndependent friends sitting as Iudges of those Offenders whom these very Judges as being known Parties with them in Judgement and Opinion do ardently love and like yea hug in their hearts and as much as possibly they can do labour to maintain countenance
to whom a faithfull friend of his sent a Letter wherein was the discovery of a dangerous plot against him and his City which was intended to be attempted on him that very ensuing night on which his Letter came to him the immediate evening before to have prevented the danger of it had it been timely taken But he being a deboyst drunken Prince notwithstanding that the messenger told him his Mr. desired the speedy reading of it and return of his answer presently put the Letter into his pocket and only returned this answer Res seriae ad crastinum Waighty matters to morrow But that very night the Designe was set upon his enemies suddainly brake in upon him slew this Prince in his bed and surprised his City Take heed timely therefore I say and beartily pray you my deare Brethren of slighting this my coun sell our danger is undoubtedly very great and I know not how neare it is yea and who knowes what a day or a night may bring forth though for the present things seeme faire and cleare about us as here you heard it in this foresaid pertinent and applicable example The King himself Proh dolor stands out still and for my part I cannot much wonder at him therein he being so mightily animated thereunto by Sectaries and Schismaticks who pleading for Liberty of Conscience stand out boldly against the Parliament and will use what kind of worship and serving God they please yea and are extremely connived at and to lerated therein And why may not King Charles also plead for and be permitted the Liberty of his Conscience and be tolerated to have his Prelaticall Chaplains as now also the Sectaries in the Army have already begun pretty fairly to give the King all this and promise and pretend much more till they have their wills of him and allowance of his Common-Prayer Booke and refuse to be directed in Gods worship by our Directory and resuse to hear our pious preachers as well as our Sectaries and Schismaticks who familiarly resuse both yea almost all of ours running into houses and corners to practise what they please in matters of Religion Why may not King Charles I say expect thus much liberty of Conscience and as I said before be thus hardned by our meanes to stand out stillmost stifly against us besides Malignant-Royalists grow thick and numerous within our City and adjacent Countries round about us bloody-minded Anabaptists such like seditious Schismaticks as cruelly as craftily yea as vigorously as viruently do drive on their designes among us especially that of intolerable Toleration and accursed Liberty of Conscience against all godly Government and religious Order wherein the most desperate Atheists and Malignants for the present joyne and combine most eagerly with them yea our own hoped freinds within us grow mightily disconetnted and mutinously-minded witnesse Smithfields late firy-uproare at the strange miscarriage of things in the Parliament and continued taxations on the poorer sort of people and thou ô loyall London the Kingdomes most famous and magnificent Metropolis art in as great danger of suddain distresse as ever if occafion which the Lord in his great mercy forbid be mischeivously offered thy grandest Guard under God the City Militia being for the greatest part of it notwithstanding all thy petitioning about it even to this day according to that Apologue of the poor Sheepes Mastives committed to the keeping and custody of Wolves and Foxes I mean in known Sectaries and notorious Schismaticks and Neutralls hands and commands in whom thou canst not with any cleare safety trust or confide And therefore againe and again I humbly and heartily beseech you whom it thus mainly concernes timely to looke about you and to be advised as you tender your lives Wives and Children Peace and Prosperity yea your All that is most precious to you even your pure Religion especially your sacred Covenant Countries Liberties and just Freedomes and speedily take some honest lawfull and laudable importunate course by Petitioning soliciting even without denyall for the timely calling into the House of Commons of all the pious and loyall Presbyterian Members and especially of the insufferably abused because most injuriously and slanderously accused 11. Members if they be not come in already and for the serious expunging and expelling of known and pernicious pragmaticall Sectaries out of both Houses of Parliament as being the maine if not only causes as I have most abundantly shewn of all our present and most pressing yea oppressing fears and growing and groaning Calamities Object But here if any object as indeed it hath been objected to me already upon occasion of this very motion of mine in private that though Sir wee acknowledge your counsell is good pertinent to our condition yet we beleeve t is not now so feazable and seasonable in regard of the times and the generall disaffectednesse of most men and the present policy and power of the Independents in the Parliament and else-where Answ To all which I answer first who drave out the popish-Popish-Lords Prelates and other Malignant-Members farre more firmly fastned and rivetted in among us even by a Law although Such which Independents are not as Such both in Parliament and in all other parts of the Kingdome than these our Parliamentary Jndependents are or I trust ever shall or can be who I say thrust and threw these out of both Houses of Parliament Was it not the Lord God himselfe by his speciall blessing on the unanimous confluence of importunate Petitioners protesting against them from all parts of the Kingdome Even the Lord our God who is yesterday and to day and the same for ever and can any thing be impossible for him to bring to passe who within these six yeares last past hath all along done almost all things miraculously for us which we knew not how to have done for our selves Take but this one example hereof did not the Lord beyond our expectation even to our just admiration make the Prelates themselves in a speciall manner by their proud Protestation against the Parliaments just proceedings and their Petitioning to the King for his protecting of them against the power of the Parliament to overthrow and throw themselves out of the Parliament even into imprisonment in the Tower of London And are not our Sectaries of these dayes think you as spiritually yea and carnally proud and ambitious too as ever the Prelates were in their generation and are they not every way as pernicious and pestilentiall to Church and State and many of them most illegally and abusively elected and shuffled in to be Members of the House Secondly for our great yea exceeding great encouragement herein hath not the Lord upon occasion of the late solemn Fast over the whole kingdome against Heresies and Schismes voted in Parl. Feb. 4 1646 and religiously performed and kept accordingly March 10th then next ensuing put into the harts of the most religious and renowned Lords and Commons in Parliament to
renew as I may say revow and publish to the whole world to Gods high honour and our unexpressible comfort their cordiall and zealous detestation of Heresies Schismes and Blasphemous Opinions together with their religious resolution peremptorily to proceed agaidst them and for fuller satisfaction herein I will give the Reader their one words in that most excellent Ordinance of theirs worthy to be ingraven by us in fair Characters of Gold which were as followeth Die Jovis Febr. 4 1646. An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assombled concerning the growth and spreading of Errours Heresies and Blasphemies setting apart a day of publik Humiliation to seeke Gods assistance for the suppressing and preventing the same THE Lords and Commons assembled in the Parliament of England having entred into a solemn-Covenant to endeavour sincerely really and constantly the Reformation of Religion in Doctrine Discipline and Worship and the extirpation of Popery Superstition Heresie Schisme Prophanenesse and whatsoever shall bee found contrary to sound Doctrin and the power of godlynesse and having found the presence of GOD wonderfully assisting us in this cause especially since our engagement in pursuance of the said Covenant Have thought it fit least we partake in other mens sins and thereby be in danger to receive of their plagues to set forth this our deep sense of the great dishonour of God and perillous condition that this kingdom is in through the abominable blasphemies mark their zealous expressions here and damnable Heresies vented and spread abroad therein tending to the subverssion of the faith contempt of the Ministery and Ordinances of Jesus Christ And as we are resolved to imploy and improve the utmost of our power that nothing be said or done against the Truth but for the Truth so wee desire that both our selves and the whole kingdome may bee deeply humbled before the Lord for that great reproach and contempt which hath been cast upon his Name and saving Truths and for that swift destruction which we may justly feare will fall upon the immortall soules of such who are or may be drawne away by giving heed to seducing Spirits In the hearty and tender compassion whereof Wee the said Lords and Commons doe order and ordaine that Wednesday being the 10th day of March next to be set apart for a day of publick Humiliation for the growth and spreading of Errours Heresies and Blasphemies to bee observed in all places within the kingdome of England and dominion of Wales and town of Berwick and to seek to God for his direction and assistance for the suppression and preventing the same And all Ministers are hereby enjoyned to publish this present Ordinance upon the Lords day preceeding the said 10th of March See hence then may dear Presbyterian Brethren first as I toucht before if here be not singular encouragement unto you all in City and Country to set seriously and speedily upon this worke of modest and lawfull petitioning as a foresaid Secondly whether you are not most likely to receive kind acceptance in so doing and thanks for your paines and care therein And thirdly if the Parliamentary Independents hinder not as they are most likely to be the main if not only obstacles therein what unquestionable good desired success as by this excellent Ordinance may easily be gathered is likely to follow thereon And fourthly and lastly consider from all the foresaid premises thus now put together whether all truly pious Protestants and Presbyterians over the whole kingdome have not as great and just cause to bend all their zeale and combined power of Petitioning aginst the Sectaries and Schismaticks in Parliament as the unquestionable causes of the great growth of all the Errours and Schismes among us and as the most unhappy obstructers and hinderers of the most long and zealously desired building and settlement of the Presbyterian Church-Government as ever they had against Papists Prelates or Royall-Malignants Which if they see not certainly they are wilfully blind or if seeing yet are basely content willingly to yeeld to a most ignominious and slavish security and Laodiceanluke-warmnesse to the unexpressible misery that inevitably accompanyes the being justly spued out of Gods presence and protection of love by most lewdly allowing a most abhominable Toleration of all religions and so by an unquestionable consequence of having no religion among us and then also no God to helpe us O then that it would please the Lord to put into the hearts of his honest and heroick Servants both in City and Country now againe most stoutly and strenuously to shew their godly zeal and faithfull fervour of Spirit against those enemies of our Covenant in this the Churches as great necessity and importunity as ever it was in with a joynt and unanimous consent as then they most happily and honourably did and that with singular approbation and commendation of both Houses of Parliament and with desired successe too to petition Both Houses in a warrantable modest fair and befitting manner for the removeall of the persons of such Parliamentary Independents out of their Houses as are the known fautors and favourers of all Schismaticall Covenant-contemners and Ordinance violaters in reference to their contempt and obstructing of the Presbyterial Church-Government and power of godlynesse even as perniciously and impiously though more clandestinely and craftily as ever the Popish Lords Prelates or Malignants formerly were in their way and therein most invincibly to endeavour the just exonerating of our soules of the kingdomes great and groaning spirituall grievances the best way of all others to remove all our temporall disturbances also in the unsufferable abuses both of God and man among us even the intolerable growth and spurious spreading of blasphemies heresies errours and schismes together with the most abhominable impunity of the Broachers and Abettors of them and for the holy and happy compassing and completing of one of the maine ends of our sacred Covenant with our God and with our most loyall and loving brethren of Scotland namely the solid and substantiall setling of the Presbyterian Church-Discipline according to the word of God and the example of the best Reformed-Churches And O that it might please the Lord who has the hearts of all men in his hands and who can most easily turne them as the Rivers of water to put into the hearts of our most renowned noble and precious Patriots the unbyassed and honourable Presbyterian friends of Truth and pious Peace in Both Houses of Parliament who cordially and christianly casting away all ignoble selfe-seeking aymes and interests do religiously and conscientiously cohere and correspond with sound and settled judgements and resolutions to set up Christs kingdome according to the Apostolicall institution in Gods word to be happy and honourable means for the more smooth and certaine carrying on of this said blessed businesse to purge if it bee possible Both their Houses in general and inparticular of al Committees from such incompetent and unequall judges as Sectaries and Independents are who ever they be from sitting in such seates of Iudicature to hear over-rule vote and determine such waighty Causes as are matters of Religion and Church-Reformation as wherein they themselves are so faulty and offensive yea devoted enemies to the Church and Children of God in poynt of Godly-Government and Church-discipline wherein that the Lord the great God of wisdome the only guider of every good action and the only giver of every good gift would direct and erect the hearts of our truly pious Parliamentary Patriots and sound Presbyterian Lords and Commons with profound wisedome impregnable fortitude of Spirit and invincible Christian Courage impartially and efficaciously to vote act and execute in pursuance also of their most excellent and religious Ordinance against the growth of damnable errours and blasphemies forementioned in the first place to remove those sorely offensive rubs and Remora's out of their Houses which thus have and doe and till they bee removed unquestionably will most sadly interrupt impede and retard the somuch and so long desired glorious work of Reformation it is and ever shall be a speciall part of my most serious and incessant prayers That so this being at length holily and happily effected Iudgement may run downe in our streets like waters and Righteousnesse as a mighty and strong streame That so our God may in Christ take pleasure in us and delight to doe us good all our dayes and to our succeeding Posterity after us Amen A Post-script CHristian Reader I have thought fit in this last place to desire thee to take serious notice but not without a most deep sigh from thy Soul that whereas the Parliament intended as we then hoped to have done some great and remarkable work for the just impeding of the growth of blasphemous Errours Schismes and Heresies among us as is most abundantly evident by that most excellent Ordinance of the 4th of March 1646 forementioned yet notwithstanding that Ordinance and the solemn day of Humiliation kept over the whole kingdome the 10th of March following nothing hath been done therein ever since which is now above 5. Moneths past but contrariwise a most foule and filthy greater growth and increase of them in all parts and places of the kingdome without the least controul or restraint by any authority O consider I beseech thee good Reader in the feare of the Lord what a horrid and hideous face of most abhominable hypocrysie and dissimulation does this neglect therein represent to the Lord our God and the whole world unto our everlasting indelible shame And vvhence my Christian Brethren can you possibly conceive this most black sin hath its rise and originall but mainly if not only from the Sectaries in our Parliament who as we have apparently seen all along have without all question most strongly and strangely and yet most craftily and cunningly crost and crusht all motions and means of carrying on this or any other waighty work of Reformation among us And will not our God be avenged on such a genearation as this And shall they prosper shall they escape or shall they be delivered that do such things and that thus break their Covenant with their God Ezekiel 17.15 16. FINIS