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A66820 The high court of justice. Or Cromwells new slaughter-house in England With the authoritie that constituted and ordained it, arraigned, convicted, and condemned; for usurpation, treason, tyrannie, theft, and murder. Being the III. part of the Historie of independencie: written by the same author.; High court of justice Walker, Clement, 1595-1651.; Andrews, Eusebius, d. 1650. 1651 (1651) Wing W324D; ESTC R203985 41,776 78

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proceedings but at their own pleasure 1. ARTICLE All Petitions heretofore tendered to the States or Cities Corporate against the erecting of New Episcopall Sees or against the Holy Inquisition or requiring a Moderation of Decrees or Acts of State or Parliament are accounted meer Conspiracies against God and the King 2. ARTICLE All Nobles Gentry Judges Magistrates and all others who connived at Hereticall Sermons plundering of Churches and delivering such Petitions as aforesaid pretending the necessitie of the times and did not resist and oppose them 3. ART Whosoever affirms That all his Majesties Subjects of Belgia have not forfeited their auncient Priviledges Immunities and Lawes for Treason and that it is not lawfull for the King to use and handle them for the aforesaid Treasons as he pleaseth to prevent the like Treasons for the time to come and that the King is not absolved thereby from all Oathes Promises Graunts Contracts and Obligations whatsoever 4. ART They that affirm This Counsell or high Court of Justice to exercise Tiranny in their Proceedings or Judgements and that they are not Supreme and competent Judges in all causes Criminal and Civil 5. ART Those that in case of Heresie deny that all manner of Informers and witnesses of whatsoever Degree and condition they be are to be credited and that upon the Testimony of any two witnesses this High Court ought to proceed to Judgement execution and conflication of life and goods without publishing the cause or charge and without any legal form of Triall All these are guilty of high Treason against God and the King The Rigor Cruelty and Injustice of this New erected Counsell of Bloud or High Court of Justice inforced the Lowe Countries to revolt and cast off the King of Spain LEt us now examine whether in some one little Province or Island belonging to that vast Roman Empire and in some meane petty fellowes Natives of that Island men even at home of obscure birth breeding and fortunes we can not finde examples of Ambition usurpation and Tiranny as high and transcendent as bloudy and destructive as covetous and greedy as any of the fore-cited presidents And which is worst of all carried on by those that call themselves Christians nay Saints which is more than they vouchsafe to Saint Peter and the rest of the Apostles though glorified Saints in the Church Triumphant and such as in all their bloudy oppressing cheating Designes promoted by perjury Treachery breach of Faith Oaths and publike Declarations pretend to the singular favour Providence and will of heaven as confidently as if they could shew Gods special commission to warrant Usurpation Treason Tyranny and Thievery It is not unknown by what Artifices frauds falsified promises Oaths and covenants a party of Antimonarchists Schismaticks and Anabaptists lurking in the Parliament fooled the People to contribute their blood and money towards the subduing of the King and in him of themselves and how by the same wayes and subtleties the said Party in the two Houses now combined openly under the Generall Title of Independents engaging and conspiring with the Officers of the Army and Souldiery expelled by armed force seven parts of eight of the House of Commons leaving not above 43 or 44 of their own engaged Party sitting men enriched with publike spoiles and voting under the power of the Armies commanders whose commands are now become a law to the said sitting Members as their Votes are become Laws to the Kingdome In Obedience to their said Masters of the Army The said Remainder of Commons voted down the House of Lords though an integrall and principall Member of the Parliament of England farr antienter then the House of Commons and having a power of Judicature and to administer an Oath which the House of Commons never had nor pretended to have untill this time that they overflow their Bounds and the whole Kingdomes under the protection of their Army which prerogative of the House of Lords is clearly demonstrated by the House of Commons standing bare before them at all conserences as the Grand Enquest doth before the Judges because they rejected the Ordinance for Triall of the King And now these Dregs and Lees of the House of Commons take upon them to be a compleat Parliament To enact and repeal Statutes to subvert the Fundamentall Government Laws and Liberties of the Land To pull up by the Roots without Legall proceedingss every mans private property and possession and destroy his life To burden the people with unsupportable unheard of unparliamentary Taxes Impositions Excise Freequarter buying of New Arms after the Countrey have been disarmed of their old Arms three times in one year Pressings and Levying of Souldiers Sequestrations Plundering of Houses and Horse and many other oppressions more than the Turk Russe or Tarter ever heard of of all which our Grandees are free and lay them upon others as partially as they please purposely to consume them To make Religion but a stalking horse to their designes and the Ministers thereof but hostlers to rub down curry and dresse it for their riding to whom they send Commands what they shall and shall not preach to the people as if preaching were the Ordinance of man not of God At last by way of preparative to their machinanations they passe these following votes 1. That all Supreme power is in the people 2. That the Supreme Authority under them is in the peoples Representatives or delegates in Parliament assembled Meaning themselves you may be sure the Quintessence and Elixar of the House of Commons extracted by those learned Chimicks Doctour Fairfax Doctour Cromwell and the rest graduated at that degraded University of Oxford Here note they voted the Supreme power to be in the people that they might use those Gulles as Conduit Pipes or Trunks to convey the Supreme Authority into themselves the better to enslave the people And tickle them whilest they fasten about their necks the Iron yoke of a Military Oligarchy wearing the Mask of a perpetuall Parliament 3. That whatsoever the Commons in Parliament shall enact shall have the power and force of an Act of Parliament or Law without the consent of the House of Lords or the Kings Koyal Assent any statute law custome or usage to the contrary notwithstandingr they might have said all our statutes laws customes c. notwithstanding This one vote hath more of Dissolution and more of Vsurpation and Innovation in it than any I yet ever read of This is universally Arbitrary and layes the Ax to the root of all our Lawes Liberties Lives and properties at once What these men will they vote What they vote is Law Therefore what they will is Law 4. That to wage warre or beare Arms against the Representative body of the People or Parliament is high Treason By the law all Treasons are committed against the King his Crown and Dignity 5. That the King hath taken up Armes against this Parliament and is therefore guilty
with not by absolute power as formerly had bin used and as is now used by this bloudy High Court But before these Slaughter-men of the High Court all manner of witnesses Legal or Illegal one or two sworn or not sworn or apparently forsworn and suborned and all proofes cleere or not cleere are sufficient The Prisoner is sent thither fore-doomed and hath his deaths Marck his fate in his forehead 10. The said Act 26. March 1650. Carries two faces under one hood and looks backwards as well as forewards To facts Precedent as well as Subsequent the said Act Contrary to the Nature of all Laws whose Office is to prohibite before it punish to warn before it strike Where St. Paul defineth Sinne to be The breach of Commandement or Law I had not known Sinne but by the Lawe The Law must therefore be precedent to the Offence But these Acts are not Laws to admonish but Lime-twigges and Trappes to ensnare and Catch men See Col. Andrewes 3. Answers at the latter end of this Book Fourthly and lastly I am to consider To what end and purpose this New invented High Court is constituted and appointed Concerning which see a Letter dated 6. June 1650. Stilo veteri from the Hague supposed to be Walter Strick-lands the Parliaments Agent there as I finde it in Walter Frostes Brief Relations of some Affairs and Transactions c. from Tuesday June 11. to June 18. 1650. wherein the Epistoler hath these words One peece of the cure viz of the daungers that threaten your New State must be Phlebotomy but then you must begin before Decumbency and then it will be facile to prevent danger c. They are here most of all affraid of your High Court of Justice which they doubt may much discourage their party they wish you would not renewe the power thereof but let it expire then they think that after Michilmas they may expect Assistance with you And indeed that Court is of almost as much use to you as an Army and will prevent the rising of as many Enemies as the other will destroy onely you must be sure to execute Justice there with all Severity A few of the first stirrers taken away by the power thereof without respect to cousen or Countrey will keep all the rest quiet But whosoever that Court condemns let them be as already dead c. But let them be most free in cutting the vena Coephalica that is the Presbyterian Party for the Basilica or Royal Party will be latent The Median or levellors would be spared as much as may be that the body be not too much emaciated Besides the bloud is most corrupt in the Coephaliks or Presbyterians and is the very causa continens of your disease You need not fear to take freely of this vein c. Heere you see this State-Mountebancke gives you the use and Application of this corrasive The High Shambles of Justice so fully that I shall not need to comment upon it And in the latter end of a Letter from Cromwell dated from Dunbar 4. September 1650. as I finde it in Politicus speaking of his new purchased victory over the Scots Cromwell saith God puts it more and more into your hands to improve your power viz. your absolute Authority wee pray own his People more and more that is The Army they are the Chariots and Horsmen of Israel of the Kingdom of the Saints disowne your selves but owne your Authority vvhich you enjoy under the Protection of the Army your Lords Paramounte and improve it to Curbe the Proud and the Insolent c. That is all men of different Opinions and Parties from them that will not engage to be true and owe Allegeance to the Kingdom of the Saints and resigne their Lawes Liberties and properties to their lusts and wills That I have not misconstrued the contents of Cromwells mistical Letter will appear by a Discourse in the same Politicus Numb. 17. from Thursday September 26. to October 3. 1650. Where according to his Custom delivering forth State Oracles to the people He tells them in plaine English That after the Confusions of a Civill warr there is a Necessity of some settlement and it can not in reason be imagined the Controversy being determined by the sword that the Conquerers should submit to the conquered though more in number then themselves Nor are they obliged to settle the Government again according to the former Laws and Constitutions but may erect such a form as they themselves conceive most convenient for their own preservation For after a Civil war the written Laws viz. established Laws of the Nation are of no force but onely those which are not written And a little after The King having by Right of war lost his share and interest in Authority and power being conquered by Right of war the whole must needs reside in that part of the People which prevailed over him There being no middle power to make any claim and so the whole Right of Kingly Authority in England being by Military Decision resolved into the prevaling Party what Government soever it pleaseth them to erect is as valide de Jure as if it had the consent of the whole Body of the People That he should affirm That after a Civil war the Established Lawes cease is so grosse a piece of Ignorance that there is hardly any History extant but confutes it After our Barons warr and the Civil warr between York and Lancaster Our Established Laws flourished so did they after the Norman Conquest How many Civil Warrs in France have left their Lawes untouched That of the Holy League lasted 40 years Belgia keeps her Lawes maugre her intestine Warrs What is now become of the Parliaments declared Supream power and Soveraigne Lord the People the Originall and Fountain of all Iust power are they not all here proclaimed Ear-bored slaves for ever But I had thought that an Army of Mercinary Saints raised payed and commissioned by the Parliament to defend the Religion Lawes Liberties and Properties of the People and the Kings Crown and Dignitie according to the Protestation and Covenant and the Parliaments Declarations would not have made such Carnal and Hypocriticall use of their Victories gotten by Gods Providence and the Peoples Money as to destroy our known Laws Liberties and Properties and claim by Conquest and impose their own lusts for Laws upon us Thereby rendering themselves Rebells against their God their King and Countrey Nor was it ever the State of the Quarrell between the King and Parliament whose Slaves the People should be Or whether we should have one King Governing by the known established Lawes or 40 Tyrants Governing by their owne lusts and Arbitrary votes against our written Lawes Nor can the successe make a Conquest just unless the cause of the warr were Originally just and the prosecution thereof justly managed As 1. To vindicate a Just Claim and Title 2. Ad res repetendas To recover Dammages wrongfully sustained