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A31927 Englands antidote against the plague of civill warre presented in a sermon before the Honourable House of Commons on their late extraordinary solemn fast, October 22, 1644 / by Edmund Calamy ... Calamy, Edmund, 1600-1666. 1652 (1652) Wing C234; ESTC R5769 41,464 54

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principles or which is worse from sinfull principles and for naturall ends or which is worse for wicked ends You must repent because of your immoderate love of the world and because you would fain serve God and Mammon and because you are afraid to be too good as you are afraid to be very bad so you are afraid to be very good you are afraid to venture too much for God afraid to be too forward in his Cause which are all horrible iniquities You must repent of your inward iniquities your inward adulteries and your inward murders and you must repent of your little oaths and your little sins as the world cals them though properly there is no sin little because no little God to sin against And you must repent of your secret iniquities For he that is but civilly and morally good makes no conscience of inward sins he is never troubled for his originall sin and for the body of sin that is within him He makes no conscience of little sins and for the most part he hath some back-door or other to some secret iniquity which the world knoweth not of You see then there is great reason that they that live civilly should repent also 3. Repentance is not only necessary for those that live civilly but God cals his own children that live religiously and he cals upon them in a more especiall manner to repent And therefore Christ sent Iohn Baptist a holy just man to go before him to preach repentance to shew that holy and just men need repentance When the people of God sinne they sinne against more light then others and against more means of grace then others against more mercies then others they sin against better principles then others God takes it more unkindely at their hands and they dishonour God more by their sins then others And therefore the people of God ought especially to repent They have an ability within them to repent they have the grace of repentance and therefore God especially commands them to repent when they sinne God will chastise them sooner then others surer then others more then others in this life and therefore they ought to repent sooner then others and more then others and surer then others God will chastise them sooner then others 1 Pet. 4. 17. The time is come that judgement must begin at the house of God And in the second of the Romans and the ninth Tribulation and anguish upon every soul that doth evill but first on the Iew and then on the Gentile God will punish the Iew before the Gentile and the Christian before the Iew God punisheth them sooner and therefore they must repent sooner and God chastiseth them surer then others Amos 3. 2. You only have I known of all the families of the world therefore I 'le be sure to punish you And God chastiseth them more then others in this life Lam. 4 6. The punishment of the daughter of Zion is above the punishments of Sodom Dan. 9. 12. Under the whole heaven hath not been done as upon Ierusalem And therefore God cals on his own people to be sure to repent more then others And I doubt not but you that fear the Lord will hearken to my counsell this day When Gods people fall into any grosse sin such as adultery and murder though they do not loose jus haereditarium ad coelum their right and title to heaven For David was a childe of God though a childe under wrath in the midst of his sins he was not a childe of wrath but a childe only under wrath yet they lose jus aptitudinale ad coeium they lose their fitnesse to enter into that holy place of heaven And this fitnesse is not recovered till they actually repent And therefore Repentance is very necessary for the children of God And thus you see that God cals upon the worst of men and upon the best of men upon the least of men and the greatest of men to repent God cals upon all men saith the Text But most especially upon you that are Parliament men You are to repent as you stand in a double capacity First As Gentlemen Secondly As Parliament men First As you are men For as the Prophet Oded said to the Princes of Iudah so do I say to you this day Are there not with you even with you sins against the Lord your God And therefore God cals upon you even upon you to repent There is an Ordinance of Parliament which I named even now that cals on all the Kingdom of England to repent and in that Ordinance you set down fourteen Sword procuring sins you command that that Ordinance be read in our private Families and in our Churches you reckon there fourteen sinnes which are like unto fourteen Iron whips with which God is now whipping England to the very bloud Now it is not enough for you to command England to repent of these sins but God requires that you your selves should repent of them also As it is not enough for a Minister to call upon his people to repent but the Minister himself must repent also So it is not enough for you to desire the subjects of England to repent but you must repent even this day of these sins I will name the sins over For they be your own I mean such which you have commended to the Kingdom that they should repent of God requires that if upon examination you finde your selves guilty you should repent of your Contempt of the holy worship of God and your Contempt of the holy Ordinances of God and your Contempt of Holiness and of Gods holy Ministers God requires and commands that you should repent of grosse and affected ignorance under the light of the Gospel of Unfruitfulness under the means of grace of Unthankfulness for the many mercies you have received from him of Incorrigiblenesse under the judgements that are upon the land God requires you should repent of your Oaths and Blasphemies of your Fornications and Adulteries of Drunkenness and Gluttony of your Contentions and unnaturall Divisions of your Pride Vanity and Prodigality in apparell of your Oppression Fraud and Bribery One Sin I had like to have forgotten and that is the sin of the Profanation of Gods Sabbaths But I would desire you likewise to remember that there is an Ordinance of Parliament lately printed wherein you require the Kingdom of England to apply their hearts to the sanctification of the Lords Day both in publike and private This you command us Now I beseech you tell me Do you do so your selves that which you command the Kingdom as a Minister of Jesus Christ I command you to put in practice and to repent of those sinnes which you command us to repent of so farre as you are concerned in them And to remember further that your Ordinance tels us that we ought not to repent slightly but we ought to be deeply humbled we ought to mourn with a godly mourning and with
a hearty-abhorrency and detestation of these sins Now the Lord cals upon you this day to do thus And to do thus more then others you that are Gentlemen because these sins in you are more scandalous and do more hurt both by Imitation and by Imputation They doe more hurt by Imitation because great men are like unto Looking-glasses according to which all the Countrey dress themselves whatever they do other men follow And your sinnes do more hurt by Imputation for God doth many times impute the sins of the Rulers upon the People as he did impute the sin of David upon the people of Israel And therefore God requires you this day to repent in dust and ashes And to be humbled before the Lord as you are Gentlemen that is the first But then secondly God commands you to repent as you are Parliament men As you are men with a personall repentance as you are Parliament men with a Parliament repentance And here give me leave to speak to you first divisim and then conjunctim First To speak to you singly and severally I beseech you search and try your wayes And if there should be found any amongst you that drive the designs of Oxford and that are present at Westminster only to betray their Countrey the Lord unmask such and the Lord give them repenting hearts This is to build your houses upon the bloud of three Kingdoms this is to sell your souls for preferment And it is just with God that such men should not only lose their souls but lose their very preferment also as Judas that sold his Master and hung himself And then again If there be any amongst you that drive your own designs and seek your own ends and not the publike good and seek your own ends more then the publike good and seek your own ends to the detriment of the publike good these are crying abominations and the Lord cals for a Parliament Repentance this day It was the Complaint of the Apostle of his time Omnes quae sua sunt quaerunt c. Phil. 2 21. All men seek their own and no man seeks the things of Iesus Christ If the Apostle Paul had been alive in our daies I wonder what he would have said of our times For truly if God should unrip us here before the Congregation I am afraid he should finde many of our hearts to be made up of nothing but of self-love and creature-love and yet notwithstanding this is a sin and not only against the light of the Word but against the very light of nature for the light of nature teaches us that all private good should be swallowed up in the publike And the very Decii and Curtii and Aristides and many other Heathens will rise up in judgement against many Christians in this particular There is a famous Text in Ier. 45. 3 4. Behold saith the Lord I do now begin to pull down what I have built and to destroy what I have planted and seekest thou great things for thy self seek them not Is this a time to seek your own ends this is just as if a man should have his house on fire and in stead of seeking to quench his house should go and trim up his chamber what will become of his Chamber when the house is burnt It is just as if a man when the Ship he is in is sinking should go and enrich his own Cabine The Lord give you hearts to repent of this Or if there be any amongst you that favour Malignants because they are your friends though enemies to God and his Cause this is a great sin to be repented on greatly And I say to such as the Prophet to Iehosaphat 2 Chro. 19. 2. Because you help the ungodly and love those whom the Lord hateth therefore wrath is gone out from the Lord against you Now let me consider you conjunctim as you are united into one body And here give me leave to put you in minde of a praier of Austins very necessary to be made by you this day Lord deliver me from other mens sins For this is a certain rule That all the sins of the Kingdom which are committed by your connivance or allowance are the Parliament sins and they call for a Parliament Repentance And therefore I beseech you search and try your hearts and consider how far you are accessary to the sins of the Kingdom that so you may be wrought up not only to a personall but to a Parliament humiliation And if it doth appear that you have taken more care in setling your own Liberties then in setling of Religion If you have taken more care to build your own houses then Gods house this is a crying sin and this makes you accessary to a thousand sins that are committed in the Kingdom Again If you do not labour according to your duty and according to your power to suppresse the Errors and Heresies that are spread in the Kingdom all these errours are you errours and these heresies are your heresies and they are your sins and God cals for a Parliamentary repentance from you for chem this day You are the Anabaptists and you are the Antinomians and it is you that hold That all Religions are to be tolerated even Iudaism and Turkism That the Soul is mortall and dies with the body c. These are your errors if they spread by your connivance For the sinnes of the sons of old Ely are imputed to old Ely himself And when the people of Israel had profaned the Sabbath Nehemiah contended with the Nobles of Iudah for suffering them and tels them that it was they that did prophane it because they suffered the people to prophane it Neh. 13. 17. Thus also all the guilty bloud that God requires you in justice to shed and you spare God will require the bloud at your hands And all the Bribery all the cousenage and all the robberies which are committed in the Kingdom which you can punish and do not these are all your sins Oh that the Lord would work up your hearts to the meditation of these things and that the Lord would make your hearts like wax and this word like the Sun to melt them Thus God cals you to repentance as you are men and to a Parliament repentance as you are Parliament men And God cals you to do all this now God now commands you now to repent The commandement is now and the practice must be now There must be two nows the nunc of the Commandement and of that you have heard abundantly but now there must be also the nunc of Obedience God now commands you now to practise this Text for otherwise for ought you know you may be in hell the next hour peradventure you may and peradventure you may not But howsoever you put your everlasting estate upon two peradventures peradventure God will deny thee space to repent next hour or if he give thee space peradventure God will deny thee grace
to repent And if any of these two peradventures should happen thou art undone to all eternity Who can tell but they may happen for God hath threatned Luk. 12. 46. That if that servant say in his heart My Lord delayeth his coming and shall begin to beat the men-servantt c the Lord of that servant will come in a day that he looketh not for him and at an hour when he is not aware and will cut him asunder c. And therefore as the Apostle saith Iam. 4. 13 19. Say not To morrow I will go to such a city c. for what is your life is it not even a vapour So say I say not I 'le repent to morrow for it may be God will deny thee space to morrow and deny thee grace to repent to morrow put not your eternall souls on a peradventure God cals upon you to repent now even now Give me leave to adde three Motives more and to call them Englands Motives to the Parliament of England to perswade them to present repentance First The only reason why God doth not repent of the evil of punishment is because you do not repent of the evill of sinne the only reason why God delays to turn away his wrath is because you delay to turn unto him We cry out How long Lord how long When wilt thou have mercy upon England When wilt thou sheath up the Sword And God he cals How long O England Oh Parliament of England when will you turn unto me with all your heart when will you repent of all those sinnes you command the Kingdom to repent of how long will it be before you be washed from your Uncleannesses when will you turn to me when will it once be Jer. 13. 27. I appeal to your consciences Is it fit that God should cease fighting against us by the Sword before we cease fighting against him by our sins But if you would turn unto God let me assure you The very same day that you turn God will turn You have a Text for it in the second of Haggai and the eighteen verse Mark the very day wherein you begin to build my house from that very day I 'le prosper you Nay let me tell you the very minute that you begin to repent God will repent you have a Text for it Ier. 18. 7 8. At what instant I shall say concerning a Nation to destroy it c. If that nation turn I 'le repent of the evil I thought to do unto them As a personall repentance is a means to obtain a personall salvation so a nationall repentance is a means to obtain a nationall salvation At that very instant that thou turnest from thy sins God will save thy soul so on that very day that a Nation turns from sinne God will turn from his anger A Parliament is the representative Nation and therefore I call a Parliament repentance a Nationall repentance This is one of Englands motives and it is a powerful one God will keep touch to a very day to a very minute Secondly The reason saith England why God begins to repent of the good that he hath begun to do for you is because you do not repent of the evill you have done against him If you look into the Word you shall finde that God is said as well to repent of his good works and of his mercies as of his judgements in Ier. 18. 10. If you do evill in my sight c. I 'le repent of the good I intended to do unto you and in Iosh. 24. 20. If you do evill I 'le consume you after I have done you good And we see by sad experience that God hath begun to leade us of late back into the wildernesse again and hath given us a great defeat in the West God begins to repent of the good which he hath done for us and why doth God do this Because we repent not of our evils against him God begins to carry us back because we turn our backs to God but if we did repent of our evils against him God would do us good and never repent But England hath a third Motive and Oh that God would give you ears to hearken unto it Thirdly The reason why all our fasting doth prevail no more with God is because we do not joyn repentance with our fasting because our fasting daies are not repenting dayes We have now almost been three years a fasting and we have had many extraordinary fasts and yet we are not delivered We are as farre from the end as we were in the beginning and what is the reason Not because the way of fasting is not Gods way to heal a Nation but the reason is because we do not fast aright Suppose not I but England speaking unto you in her own behalf and bewailing the manner how fasting daies are kept in this place For first You bring not your Fasting apparell with you here are many of you appear in this place rather in a triumphing way then in a penitent way whereas the great King of Nineveh he laid aside his robes and so did his Nobles And though God regards not the out-side so much nay God scorns the out-side without the in-side yet God looks to have the out-side as well as the in-side And then again Secondly Here is a great deal of Fasting but where is your weeping where is your mourning Look into the Word of God and you shall alwaies see fasting and weeping goe together God scorns your fasting if there be not weeping joyned Turn unto me with all your hearts with fasting what next with weeping and with mourning Nay fasting and mourning are all one in Christs sense in Matth. 9. 15. Can the children of the Bridegroom mourn when the Bridegroom is with them but when the Bridegroom shall be taken from them then shall they Fast Here fasting and mourning are put for one and the same thing Now because there is a great deal of fasting and so little weeping that is the reason why our Fastings do no more good We keep dayes of humiliation without any humiliation and therefore God scorns our dayes of humiliation It is a very sad thing to see that in stead of weeping on a fasting day there are many that turn a great part of it into sleeping we turn our weeping into sleeping we weary God and weary our selves and in stead of soul-afflicting we afflict God by our negligent addresses to God on that day Were it not strange to see a condemned Malefactor while he is pleading for his life at the Bar to fall asleep would you not say this man cares not much for his life You come hither like so many condemned Malefactors and you come to pleade for your own lives and for the lives of three Kingdoms and for you to fall asleep while you are pleading for your lives God scorns such fastings and that is the reason saith England why I am not healed by
That Repentance is the duty of these daies Repentance is the unum necessarium for England Repentance is the primum maximum mandatum for England But now God commands all men every where to repent And there are two Reasons why that God commands England to repent now rather then ever before The first Reason is common to England with the Athenians The second reason is proper to England The first reason is Pauls reason The second reason is Englands reason The first reason why England should now repent and why this duty is now so necessary is because that now are the times of the Gospel and not only so but times wherein the Gospel is preached with more purity and power then ever and therefore God commands us all to repent now more then ever And there are divers reasons why that they that liue under the Gospel should repent more then other people and rather then other people 1. Because Repentance is one of the first lessons that the Gospel teacheth And therefore Iohn Baptist that was a harbinger to the Gospel came preaching the doctrine of Repentance and saying Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand Mat. 3. 2. And the first Sermon that Christ preached was a Sermon of Repentance Mat. 4. 17. From that time Iesus began to preach and to say Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand And the first lesson that Peter taught the Iews Act. 2. 28. was to repent And therefore it is called Heb. 6. 1. one of the principles of the doctrine of Christ And he must needs be an arrant dunce in the School of the Gospel that hath been twenty thirty or fourty years in the School of the Gospel and hath not yet learned the first lesson of the Gospel 2. Because Repentance is not only one of the first but one of the chiefest lessons of the Gospel For for this very end and purpose Christ came down from heaven and was made man that he might preach repentance as you may reade Luk. 5. 31. I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance 3. Because Repentance as it is one of the first and chiefest lessons of the Gospel so it is one of the chiefest purchases and priviledges of the Gospel As Christ came from heaven to preach repentance so he shed his bloud to purchase repentance And therefore he bids his Disciples to go and preach repentance in his Name that is as his purchase Luk. 24. 47. Repentance is a back-door to escape Gods wrath by made up of Christs bloud A door that the Angels had not nor Adam till Christ had purchased it for him The Covenant of Works admits not of it Repentance is the proper priviledge of the Covenant of Grace 4. Because Repentance is one of the chiefest gifts of the Gospel For as Christ became man to preach Repentance and shed his bloud to purchase repentance so he is also risen from the dead and exalted at Gods right hand to be a Prince and Saviour to give repentance to Israel and forgivenesse of sins Act. 5. 31. Hence I gather That to be under the Gospel and to live impenitently is to sinne against the incarnation of Christ it is to sin against the bloud-shed of Christ it is to sin against the resurrection and exaltation of Christ it is to sin against the purchase and donation of Christ and against the chief priviledges of a Christian But then again God requires that you that live under the Gospel that you especially should repent more then other nations because the Gospel doth hold forth two powerfull Arguments and Motives to perswade you to repent such as no other Religion can hold forth The first Motive is The consideration of Gods infinite love to mankinde in sending Jesus Christ to die a cursed death to save all that beleeve and repent from hell and damnation This is in a kinde an omnipotent Argument to perswade a sinner to repentance Was Iesus Christ crucified for me and shall I crucifie him by my bloudy oaths and blasphemies c. Was the Lord Iesus Christ broken for me and shall not my heart be broken for my sins against him this is instar mille argumentorum There is a story that when Caesar was killed in the Senate by Brutus and Cassius Anthony the Senator took his bloudy Robe and carried it to the Market-stead and shewed it to the people Behold saith he the bloudy Robe of your quondam Emperour And thereby he did provoke them to the revenge of his death And certainly the contemplation of the bloud-shed of Jesus Christ is an unanswerable argument to constrain us to repent of our sins against Christ He that would repent aright of sinne let him go to Mount Calvary and there he shall learn two lessons that no other Religion can teach him First Mount Calvary will teach him that God is so displeased with sin that nothing but the death of a God could satisfie the wrath of God for sin Mount Calvary will teach him that all that Christ did there suffer must be suffered by him to all eternity if he doth not repent This is an omnipotent argument if God makes it effectual But besides this motive the Gospel holds forth as in a clear glasse a second motive which is The consideration of the eternall Iudgement This is an Argument that Paul brings in the verse after my Text But now God commands all men to repent because he hath appointed a day wherein he will judge the world in righteousnesse by that man whom he hath ordained c. There will come a terrible day of judgement and in that day if there be any one sin unrepented of the devils shall assoon be saved as you This is a mighty Argument to perswade you to repentance The least sinne will damn you in that day without repentance the greatest sin cannot hurt you in that day if you repent But besides these Motives the Gospel doth also afford two great Helps to work repentance which no other Religion can afford and therefore we that live under the Gospel we must repent rather then other The Gospel affords the help of Knowledge and the help of Grace First 1. The Gospel affords the help of Knowledge for God hath promised that in the times of the Gospel all men shall know him from the least to the greatest we that live under the Gospel know that Drunkennesse and Adultery and Swearing are the works of hell and will bring to hell we know this and therefore though God winked at the times of ignorance God will not wink at us if we be guilty of these sins We that live under the Gospel know that the worship of God the more spirituall it is the more beautifull it is in the eyes of God who is a Spirit And that the outward pomp of Gods service is an attire more fit for the Whore of Babylon then for the modest Spouse of Christ And
your fastings And then again Thirdly there is a great deal of Fasting but there is no Reformation a great deal of talk of reformation but there is no practice of reformation we have a great many Covenants of Reformation but there is no performance of our Covenants We swear to reform but we do not reform we fast one day and feast the devil all the moneth after many times Do we do as the King of Nineveh did and as his Nobles and people did they cried unto the Lord and turned every man from his evill way but because there is no such turning from sin amongst us because there is no reformation that is the reason why our fasting doth no more good Beloved in the Lord suffer me to speak my minde plainly Could I see the Parliament of England do as the King of Nineveh did and all the Nobles of Nineveh did could I see them all appear here and lying down in dust and ashes weeping and mourning and lamenting before the Lord and humbling their souls in good earnest and every man turning from his iniquity and from the violence in his hand such a fasting day would save the lives of three Kingdoms such tears would prevent the effusion of the bloud of thousands such a day would be loud musick in the ears of God The Lord make this day to be such a day Thus much I thought good to say in reference to the generall expression in the Text But now God commands All men Secondly But then it is added in the Text God commands all men every where that is another expression to repent If we must repent anywhere we must repent every where for First Because God fils every where If thou canst commit a sin where God is not there I 'le give thee leave not to repent but if God be every where we must repent every where because God is every where And then again Secondly Because some devil or other is every where I do not say that the devil is every where but some devil or other is every where and therefore we must repent every where because our Accuser is every where and our Judge is every where And then again Thirdly Because death will meet us every where If there be any place wherein thou art exempted from death I 'le give thee leave not to repent there but death will meet with thee every where and therefore God commands all men every where to repent And then again Fourthly Because we must give an account for all the Actions that we do every where God at the day of judgement will ask thee an account of that that thou hast done anywhere and therefore we must repent every where And then Fifthly Because we sin every where we sin in our Churches and therefore God cals for a Church-repentance We sin in our Parliament therefore God cals for a Parliament-repentance We sin in our Sacraments therefore God cals for a Sacrament-repentance We sin in our beds in our shops and therefore God cals for repentance in our shops and in our beds God cals to the Assembly of Ministers to repent of their sinnes God cals not only to the people at Oxford to repent but to the people at Westminster to repent God not only cals to the pretended Parliament at Oxford but the true Parliament at Westminster to repent God cals all men every where to repent And then again Sixthly Because Gods judgements are every where Gods judgements fill every Town every City every Countrey the Sword devours every where and therefore God commands us to repent every where Thus much for the second exhortation There is one Question yet behinde which must have an answer before I can conclude Some will say What is that Repentance which is the unum necessarium for England and which is The great Commandment of God for England Is there any man that doth not repent There is much talk indeed in the world and much dispute about Repentance and much profession of repentance And every man saith he repenteth But I fear that most people mistake the nature of true repentance and so are cheated of their salvation by a rotten and false repentance There is a threefold mistake of repentance First Some think it an ominous thing to repent and judge of repentance as some ridiculously judge of making their Wils who refuse to make their Wils in their health as thinking it an omen and presage of their death So many refuse to repent in health because they think it a work of sicknesse and if they should do it in health it would hasten their death This opinion is not worth confuting Secondly Some think it an easie thing to repent and therefore deal with repentance as one saith as countrey-people do with Physicians who never send for them till they be breathing out their last breath So many never think of Repentance till they be upon their death-bed and then they conceive that these five words Lord have mercy upon me are as efficacious to send them to heaven as the Papists conceit that their five words of consecration are able to transubstantiate the bread in the Sacrament into the body of Christ Most people think it very easie to repent It is but repenting saith the sinner But this But is a hard But It requires the omnipotent power of God to work repentance 2 Tim. 2. 25. Therefore it is called a rending of the heart Joel 2. 13. which is a hard work And it is likewise called a ploughing up of the fallow ground of our hearts It is a Transmutation a change of the whole man from sin to God which is no easie work Thirdly and especially Most people think they repent when they do not And I beleeve that the reason why so many goe to hell is not so much for want of repentance as for want of a right repentance We reade Act. 11. 18. of a repentance unto life and 2 Cor. 7. 10. of a repentance never to be repented on where note there is a repentance which is not unto life and a repentance to be repented on Repentance is a rare jewell But as there is no jewel but it may be counterfeit so there is no grace but it may be counterfeited As there is a counterfeit faith a dead carcasse of faith so there is a bastardly repentance poenitentia spuria non genuina or as Austin cals it Poenitentia infructuosa And as a counterfeit jewell is nothing worth no more is a counterfeit repentance And as many are undone by the buying of a counterfeit jewel so there are many in hell through the mistake of this jewel that yet thought it may be they had repented aright and so might all their friends possibly think likewise Now therefore the great question will be What is that repentance unto life that repentance never to be repented on which if I have I may assure my self that I am in the state of salvation For the answer to this I will briefly shew 1. What is not that repentance which is