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A31597 The present vvarre parallel'd, or, A briefe relation of the five yeares civil warres of Henry the Third, King of England with the event and issue of that unnaturall warre, and by what course the kingdome was then setled againe / extracted out of the most authenticke historians and records. Chamberlayne, Edward, 1616-1703. 1647 (1647) Wing C1846; ESTC R36298 18,912 26

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counsell in Parliament where he may then be sure he must be Subject to his Subjects and they will be kings over their King where Hee must be content to be lesse then he should be and the Subject will be more where he may be sure they will make advantage of his necessity and Hee must undergoe many hard censures and be vexed with undutifull demands before they will relieve him But whether they part with their money or not let the King take heed of ever parting with his Power Then after the heat and heart of a Rebellion be broken not to be severe against any lest the rest grow desperate Severity may blow up never blow out the flames of Rebellion Yet to shew some acts of Justice and power as well as grace and mercy not to use the extremity of Justice least he thereby renew the present rebellion yet to shew some Justice to prevent a future By a sweet mixture of mercy and justice the King shall at once both humble and oblige his delinquent Subjects By mercy in not taking the rigour of the Law by Justice in taking a part of the Law by this he shall humble them in taking so much by that he shall oblige them in taking no more Next to take speciall care in rewarding and cherishing and countenancing and remembring before others all those that stuck close unto him that by their persons or their purses shewed themselves really for him and without all fallacie loyall After this to prepare speedily for some Forraigne Expedition wherein to imploy all the late Active Spirits and working heads who will quickly make worke againe at home if they have not worke abroad Lastly to place some one as a Scavenger in every County to carry away the dreggs that are left behinde Such as will not beyond Sea cannot work and are ashamed to begg For the People this First that they suffer not themselves to be abused and mis-led into disloyalty by any ambitious unquiet cunning Spirits upon what pretences soever when Liberty Religion or any publique good is pretended then most of all to suspect their private ends Next that the people never get by this course but often loose their former ancient Liberties and Priviledges according to that observable though not observed Maxime EVERY REBELLION SUPPREST MAKES THE KING MORE KING AND THE SUBJECT MORE SUBJECT Lastly that taking Armes without Soveraigne Authority upon what pretences soever be they never so faire as for Religion or Libertie never so foolish as that it is not against the King but for the King is most abominable in the eyes of God and though it seem to prosper for a time yet most surely and severely is it punished in the end ending commonly in a generall impoverishment if not in the end of the people and some dreadfull Judgment upon the Contrivers My Sonne feare thou the LORD and the King and meddle not with them that are given to change For their Calamity shall rise suddenly and who knoweth the ruine of them both FINIS * Anciently called the wood o●mad Parliament or 〈◊〉 in 〈◊〉 styled 〈◊〉 Parli●mentum Fabian * Chron. Norwic * Like the Remonst of Decemb 15. 1641. Matth. Westm. Math. Paris Matth. Westm. Chron. orig. sub sigillo Nil nisi pro umbra nominis habebatur Matth. Westm. Matth. Westm. Regist. Rossen Matth. Westm. Preaching that Religion could never bee throughly reformed or the differe●es fully compeled sine gladio 〈…〉 and that all that 〈…〉 lose their lives in this cause were Martyrs 〈…〉 Chron. Dunst * Rishanger * Cotton Hollinsh * Rishanger For disswading the King to stand to the foresaid Ordinance of Parliament * Rishanger Dover Chron. Dunstan Cambdens observation in the case of Robert Earle of Essex Equites haec haec seditionum seclerumque omnium capita sunt nunc nunc fortiter adjicite tela * Southwell Rishanger * Rishanger Fabian Rishanger * Rishanger * This Lord Henry the Kings Nephew was a valiant Souldier and having found out the Lord Ferrers at Chesterfield gave him battel and overthrew him and because he had been pardoned once before it was decreed that he should be degraded and deprived of his Earledome for ever and fined fifty thousand pounds Dictum de Kenelworth About the end of October the King assembled all the Lords Spirituall Temporall and Knights of Shires to Northampton where this decree was confirmed by Act of Parliament The Barons of Cinque Ports seeing the King prosper made their peace with the King Rishanger Fabian * Then did the King command that Peace should be proclaimed all the Kingdome over which was received with joyfull acclamations So at a late Dyet or Parliament in Germany after they had undutifully strived with the Emperour and wasted the Empire it was concluded That all should be reduced to the same state as it was in the yeer 1618. Prov. 24. vers. 21.22
THE PRESENT VVARRE PARALLEL'D OR A briefe Relation of the five yeares Civil Warres of HENRY the Third King of England with the Event and Issue of that unnaturall Warre and by what course the Kingdome was then setled againe Extracted out of the most Authenticke Historians and Records Vt prospicias futura respicias praeterita The most probable way to know what will be is to observe what hath beene Qui respicit quae fuerunt inspicit quae sunt prospicit etiam quae futura sunt The Historian by running backe to Ages past and then forward to present Affaires comparing one with the other can give a verdict of the State well neere Prophetick Printed in the yeare 1647. THE PRESENT WARRE PARALLEL'D OR A briefe Relation of the 5. yeares Civil Warres of HENRY the third King of England with the event and issue of that unnaturall Warre and by what course the Kingdome was then setled againe HENRY the Third of that Name a man more pious then prudent a better man then King swayed the Scepter of this Kingdome 56. yeares The former part of his Reigne was very calme the latter as tempestuous The main tempest was thus raised The King for many years during that high calme had sequestred himselfe wholly to his harmlesse sports and recreations and intrusted the whole managery of the State to his officers and ministers These taking advantage of his Majesties carelessenesse the maine fault of this King insensibly suck't and drayned the revenues of Crowne and Kingdome till the King awakened by extreame necessitie began to enquire not how he came in for his necessities would not permit that but how he might get out The best way that his evill Counsellors could find to releeve their Master and save themselves was the ordinary way of supply in Parliament declined to have recourse to Monopolies Patents and other extraordinary and illegall Taxations But praeter-naturall courses are never long-lived the free-borne English would not long endure such slavery When the King saw there was no other remedy hee throwes himselfe into the bosome of his people for reliefe and advise in * Parliament * where they undutifully taking advantage of his Majesties extremities instead of reliefe outbrave him publiquely with a * Catalogue of all the mistakes and all the mis-fortunes of his former government which comming to the peoples eares soon stole away their hearts and alienated their affections from their Soveraigne and left him wholly to the mercy and will of his Parliament They sensible hereof and that the reines of Government were now cast upon their necks like Apollo's Horses when Phaeton had the driving of them ran violent by-courses till they set the whole kingdome on fire So far they went as to make an Ordinance That whereas there was present want of a through-reformation in the State the government thereof should be put into the hands of foure and twenty Qui Regiâ potestate suffulti who being armed with Soveraigne power should take upon them the whole care and government of the Kingdome should nominate and appoint the Chancellor Treasurer Chiefe Justices Governours of Forts Castles and Navie and all other great Officers and Ministers of State for all times to come To this traiterous Ordinance the King Metu incarcerationis perpetuae compulsus est consentire for feare of perpetuall imprisonment was inforced to give his Royall assent And for further security to be content to give it under the great Seale and upon Oath that whensoever he attempted to assume unto him his Regal power Lice at omnibus de Regno nostro contra nos insurgere ad gravamen nostrum opem operam dare ac si nobis in nullo tenerentur It should be lawfull for all his Subjects to rise against him and oppose him as if they owed no alleigeance to him Strange it is that he should be content to be a meere Cipher that so lat●ly was the onely Figure of the whole Kingdome that hee should be content to part at once with every tittle of Soveraignty but the bare title But prodigious that so many choise Senators so many Fathers and Judges of Law and Conscience should so forget God and themselves as to give their assent for the totall subverting of the Regall authority when as they had all taken their corporall Oathes De terreno honore dicto Regi haeredibus ejus servando Which Oath was well kept saith mine Author Ordinando ne unquam regerent sed semper ab aliis regerentur by making an Ordinance that they should never rule againe but alwaies bee ruled by others These foure and twentie thus setled continue the Parliament during their pleasure put the Kingdome in a posture of defense place governors of their own choosing such as they could confide in in the cheife Forts nominate and appoint Judges of Assise Sheriffes of Counties Coroners Bailifes discharging those that were made by the King took an oath of them all respectively And here they would make the people believe they should never be troubled with licencious Soveraignty againe but never more as it proved for now every one of them began to value his owne worth and to hammer his head on every designe that might enlarge his owne power and command In briefe of so many subjects they became totidem Tyranni as the book of St. Albanes speakes so many Tyrants and for one bad King before they have foure and twenty worse But England like old Rome cannot long endure more Kings then one great faction and deadly feud arose between the chiefest of them which the rest taking into consideration and perceiving that by so many heads not onely Monarchy was dissolved but faction and debate every day increased upon them so wrought that all but five agreed that the foresaid Ordinance should be repealed and the King restored to his pristine power But those five Members stifly oppose this agreement and for the maintenance of their cause trahunt multos pseudoprophetas lupos in ovium vestimentis qui contra Christi Vicarios Christum Domini Regem ipsum murmurant non ut Spiritus Sanctus eloqui sed ut superioris potestatis contemptores obloqui dabant they drew to their side many lying Ministers Wolves in sheeps cloathing who murmure and speake evill against the Lords Anointed not as the Holy Spirit gave them utterance bu● as the despisers of dignities gave them their lessons These Incendiaries by their sheeps clothing a faire conversation drew the people every where to side with them against the King and those that wishe the King his former power Which the King perceiving and how the multitude grew every day more and more tumultuous for all things were now ca●●●ed by tumults was advised by his Privie Councell to withdraw himselfe least His person might be endangered from the Parliament then held at Westminster to His Castle at Windesor After some contestation at this distance it
a single Combate Gurdon accepts it and performed it so gallantly that the Prince assured him of his life and estate if he would submit which he did and was received into great favour with the Prince but divers of his men were there executed But now the Isle of Ely was strongly fortified by a great multitude got together that refused to submit to the Ordinance of Kenelworth Upon the naturall strength of this Isle and the plenty of all provision therein seditious Rebels have often presumed and from hence have molested more Kings then one as they did now the neighbouring Counties robbing and pillaging Norfolk Suffolk and Cambridgeshire plundering the City of Norwich and carrying away the richest Citizens made them redeem themselves at length a message was sent unto them requiring them to submit to the Ordinance of Killingworth to leave off robbing their fellow subjects and to return to their alleigeance Hereto they return this insolent answer that they had taken up arms to defend the good of Church and State and therefore ought to be restored to their lands without paying any fine In briefe they require hostages into the Island and that they might hold it five yeers peaceably till they saw how the King would performe his promises perfidious subjects ever suspect their Princes fidelity which high insolency of theirs unheard of till our times so exasperates the King that he resolves to try the utmost to reduce them to their obedience for that purpose marches with a mighty Armie against them the Prince also joyns with a considerable power after many assaults at length after they had held it above two yeers by the helpe of new made bridges and boates they stormed it on every side that they were forced to yeeld And now men thought that the fire was quite out But there were yet some live embers which the Earle of Glocester upon some distaste blowing suddainly flamed out again in London where the Commons of the City forgetting their late punishment and as men saith mine author without dread of God or the King drew up in Arms again flock't to the Earle of Glocester plundered the well-affected to the King sequestred their estates brake the Prisons chose a new Mayor and Sheriffes made Bulwarks and Barbicans and forfeited the City wonderously and were so confident of their strength and cause that they durst bid the King battell appointing Hou●sloe-heath for the field The King by a speedy march came to the place at the time appointed but they instead of meeting his Majesty ran about the Citie in a tumultuous manner Some to Westminster and there plundered the Kings Pallace fenestras ostia fregerunt saith Mat. Westm. vix manus à combustion● totius Palatii cohibentes brake the doores and windows hardly forbearing to set it all on fire Then the King removed his campe to the other side of the City and had his head-quarters at Straisord three miles off the Citie the rest of his Army lay at Ham a village hard by The wiser Citizens foreseeing the danger that hung over them desired a treaty with the King wherunto though they were most unworthy of so much clemency His Majesty was graciously pleased to condescend and upon these easie termes they were vain received to mercy Imprimis Salvo in omnibus aicto Killingworthi that the ordinance of Killingworth should be observed in all points then that the fortifications should be razed and the trenches filled up lastly that 1000. Marks dammages should be paid down to the Kings brother for his Mannour of Isleworth fi●●d by them long before Also his Majesty for some yeares following cho●● the Mayor and Sheriffes himselfe but toward the latter end of his Reign being fully reconciled he restored them their often forfeited * Priviledges Thus after the Almighty whose judgements are unsearchable had suffered crafty seditious spirits to seduce a whole Nation to trample upon his Anointed and to tread his Honour in the very dust for a time yet at length all his enemies are clothed with shame and upon himselfe his Crown flourisheth again And now after this furious dreadfull Tempest after so many storms and showers of blood began a joyful long-expected Calm which that they might enjoy without any intervening of more stormes and for the better setling and quieting the Kingdome the King gives expresse command for the razing of divers in-land Castles as Farnham c. That so if another Rebellion should be begotten it might no where find a Nurse and then it could not be long lived Also for the more quiet and secure travelling of his Subjects he appoints a Captain in every County who with a Troop of Horse should alwaies assist the Sheriffe for the taking and punishing all stragling reliques of the late Armies and high-way robbers wherwith the Kingdome did abound at that time no place free from them In some places also Ruricolae saith Rishanger the Countrey people would generally rise against them as against Wolves or Beares and at one time they took and kill'd fifty of them that were got together neer St. Albans in Hartfordshire Besides the King Proclamari fecit contra pacem regni disturbantes set forth a Proclamation against all such as should any way disturbe the quiet of the Realm by plundering or stealing c. And that if any man should presume to steal but a Cow or a Sheep vel aliquid aliud saith mine Author he should surely be put to death These were the petty devises of that Age to pump and draine the huge sinke of the Kingdom but the Staple Policie was by a Forraign expedition like a wide ●uce to let out all the filth at once for which purpose therefore among others it was resolved upon that a great Army should be raised under the Command of the Prince for a voyage to Palestine And by this course especially did his Majesty soon spend the insolencies of his owne and the Rebels Souldiers made Lawlesse by the late unavoidable Liberty of Civill Armes And here was an end of this wasting groundlesse unnaturall War wherin the Subject having struggled and wrestled with Soveraigntie till they had wasted the Kingdom and wearied themselves at last are content to sit downe by the losse to let the King have his own Rights again and some of theirs according to the usuall event and issue of such imbroylements A Postscript OUt of this briefe Narration may be extracted somewhat for KING and Commons For the KING First for preventing Seditions and Rebellions then for setling a Kingdome after the Rebellion supprest For the first That he beware how hee entrust the Government of His Kingdome to others How he suffer His Favourites and great Officers of State to suck him into necessities and inthrall Him by indigency and be thereby drawne by extraordinary illegall Impositions and Taxes to vexe and alienate the hearts and affections of His Subjects and then as he must be constrained to flie to them for reliefe and