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kingdom_n let_v lord_n see_v 2,302 5 3.3656 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A72216 The second booke of the dialogues of S. Gregorie the Greate the first pope of that name containing the life and miracles of our Holie father S. Benedict. To which is adioined the fule of the same holie patriarche translated into the Englishe tonge by C.F. priest & monke of the same order.; Dialogi. Part 2. English Gregory I, Pope, ca. 540-604.; Batt, Antonie.; Fursdon, John, d. 1638.; Gregory I, Pope, ca. 540-604. Short treatise touching the confraternitie of the scapular of St. Benedicts order. 1638 (1638) STC 12350.5; ESTC S125237 72,895 252

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haue read the Rule which the Sainct himselfe wrote with his owne handes I praysed it and confirmed it in à holy synod I commanded it to be most diligently obserued by all who shall be admitted to the grace of conuersion through diuers parts of Italy wheresoeuere the Latin tongue is read euen to the ende of the world I doe also confirme the twelue Monasteries which the Sainct erected THE RVLE OF OVR MOST HOLIE FATHER S. BENEDICT PATRIARCHE OF MONCKE THE PROLOGVE OF OVR MOST HOLY FATHER St. BENEDICT TO HIS RVLE HARKEN ô sonne to the precepts of a maister and incline the eare of thy hart willingly to heare the admonition of a pious ●ther and effectually accomplish them That by the labour of obedience thou ●aist returne to him from whom by ●he slouth of disobedience thou hast ●eparted To thee therfore now my ●eech is directed who renouncing ●y owne will being to fight vnder our Lord Christ the true kinge takest to thee the most strong and bright armour of obedience First of all that what good thinge soeuer thou beginst to doe thou begge of him with most earnest praier to perfect it that he who hath now vouchsafed to reckon vs in the number of his children may not herafter be contristated by our ill deeds for wee must soe at all times serue him with the goods he hath bestowed vpon vs that neither as an angry father he may not herafter disinherit his children nor as a dreadfull Lord exasperated by our offences deliuer vs ouer as wicked seruants to perpetuall punishment who would not follow him to glory Let vs therfore at length arise the scripture exciting vs and saying It is now the houre to rise from sleepe And our eyes being opened to the deifying light let vs with astonished eares heare what the diuine voice daily cryeing out admonisheth vs sayeing This day if you shall heare his voyce harden not your harts And againe He that hath eares let him heare what the spirit saith to the Churches and what saith it Come children heare mee I will teach you the feare of our Lord. Runne whilest you haue the light of life least the darknes of death surprize you And our Lord seeking his labourer amongst the multitude to whom here he speaketh sayeth againe Who is the man that will haue life and desireth to see good dayes which if thou hearing answerest I. God saith vnto thee If thou wilt haue true and euerlasting life refraine thy tounge from euill and thy ●ips that they speake not guile Decline from euill and doe good Seeke after peace and pursue it And when you haue done this my eyes shall be vpon you and my eares shall be open to your prayers and before you can call vpon me I will say Behold I am present What thing deare brethren can be more sweet vnto vs then this voyce of our Lord inuiting vs Behold our Lord through his piety sheweth vnto vs the waye of life Our loynes therefore being girt with faith and the obseruance of good workes and our feet shodde by guidāce of the Ghospell of peace let vs walke in his wayes that wee may deserue to see him who hath called vs vnto his kingdome In the tabernacle of whose Kingdome if wee desire to dwell wee must apply our selues to good workes which is the only meanes wherby it is to bee attained But let vs aske our Lord with the Prophet sayeing vnto him Lord who shall dwell in thy tabernacle or who shall rest in thy holy hill After this question brethren let vs heare our Lord answering and shewing vs the waye that leades to his tabernacle saying He that walketh without spott and worketh iustice He that speaketh truth in his hart that hath not forged guile in his tongue He that hath not done euill to his neighbour and hath not receiued reproch against his neighbour He that reiecting out of his minde the malignant Deuill with all his suggestions hath brought them all to nought and hath taken his beginning thoughts and dasht them against Christ They who feare our Lord doe not take pride in their good obseruance and well doing but knowing that all the good they haue or can doe proceedes not from themselues but is done by our Lord magnifie our Lord thus workinge in thē sayinge with the Prophet Not to vs Lord not to vs but to thy name giue glory So Paule the Apostle did not impute any thinge of his preaching to himselfe saying by the grace of God I'am what I am And aganie he saith He that gloryeth let him glory in our Lord And here vpon also our Lord saith in the Ghospell He that heareth these my words and performeth them I will liken him to a wiseman that hath built his house vpon a roche The floods came the winds blew and beate against that house and it fell not because it was founded vpon a rocke Our Lord fulfilling these things expecteth dayly that wee should by deeds answer to these his holy admonitions Therefore for the amendment of our euills he prolonges the dayes of this our life according to the words of the Apostle saying Knowest thou not that the patience of God bringeth thee to repentance For our pious Lord saith I will not the death of a sinner but rather that he be conuerted and liue Hauing therfore my brethren demanded of our Lord who should be the Inhabitour of his Tabernacle we haue hard what his duty and charge is which if we fulfill we shall be Inheritours of his heauenly Kingdome Now Therefore let vs prepare our harts and bodyes to fight vnder the holy obedience of his commandes and what nature in vs is not able to performe let vs begge of our Lord to supply it with the assistance of his grace And if wee desire to avoyde the paines of Hell and to attaine to euerlasting life whilest yet time serues and whilest wee liue in this mortall flesh and that wee may performe all these things by the light of Grace let vs hasten and doe that now which may be expedient for vs for euer hereafter Wee are therefore now to institute a schoole of the seruice of God In which schoole or institution wee hope nothing shall be ordained too rigourous or burden some But if in somethinges we proceede with a litle seuerity reason so requiring for the amendment of vices or preseruing of charity do not straightwayes for feare there of fly from the way of saluatiō which is always straight and difficult in the beginning But in processe and continuance of this holy course and conuersation the hart being once dilated the way of Gods commandements is runne with vnspeakable sweetnes of loue so as neuer departing from his schoole but perseuering in the monastery in his doctrine vntill death by patience wee participat of the sufferings of Christ that wee may deserue afterwards to bee partakers of his kingdome Amen Of the seuerall kindes or life of Monkes CHAP. I. IT is well knowne that there
but may also reioyce in the increase and profit of his vertuous flocke Aboue all things let him take heede least he dissemble or litle regard the saluation of the soules committed to him and haue more care of transitory and worldly things but let him alwayes consider that he hath vndertakē the gouernment of soules of which he is also to giue an account And that he may not complayne for want of temporall meanes let him remember what is written Seeke first the kingdome of God and his iustice and all these thinges shall be giuen v●to you And againe Nothing is wanting to such as feare him And let him know that he who vndertakes the gouernment of soules must prepare himselfe to giue an account of them And what the number of brethren vnder his care is let him certainly know that at the day of Iudgment he is to giue an account to our Lord of all their soules besides the accoūt he is to giue for his owne And so alwayes fearing the future account of a pastour for the flock committed to his charge whilst he is sollicitous for other mēs accounts he is also made care full of his owne And whi●st he reclaymeth others by his admonitions himselfe is freed from vices Of calling the Brethren to counsell CHAP. III. AS often as any principall matter is to be donne in the monastery let the Abbot call togeather all the cōgregation and let him declare what the matter is And hearing the counsell of his brethren let him consider prudently with himselfe and doe what he shall iudge most expedient And the reason why wee ordaine that all be called to counsell is because our Lord often reuealeth to the younger that which is best And let the brethren giue counsell with all subiection and humility and not presume stifly to defend their owne opinions but let them refer it to the Abbots discretion and what he shall thinke expedient to that let them all submit And as it belongeth to the disciples to obey their maister so it behoueth him to dispose all things prouidently and iu●●ly In all thinges therefore let all follow the Rule as their mistris and let no man rashly swarue from it Let none in the monastery follow their owne wills Neither let any one presume with in or with out the monastery peruersly to contend with his Abbot which if he doe let him be subiect to regular discipline Not with standing let the Abbot doe all thinges with the feare of God and obseruance of the Rule knowing that he shall ūdoubtedly giue an accoūt of all his iudgements to God our most iust Iudge And if any lesser thinges are to be donne for the benefit of the Monastery let him onely vse the counsell of the Seniours as it is written Doe all thinges with counsell and thou shalt not afterwards repent thee of it Which bee the instruments of good workes CHAP. IV. FIrst of all to loue our Lord Go● with all his hart with all his soul● with all his strength Then his neighbour as him selfe Then not to kill No● to commit adultery Not to steale No● to couet Not to beare false witnesse To honour all men And what he will no● haue donne to himselfe let him not do● to another To deny himselfe to himselfe that he may follow Christ To chastize his body Not to seek after delights To loue fasting To releeue the poore To cloth the naked To visit the sicke To bury the dead To help those that are in tribulation To comfort the sadd To withdraw himselfe from worldly businesses To preferre nothing before the loue of Christ Not to giue waye to anger Not to beare reuenge in his mind Not to foster guile or deceipt in his hart Not to make fayned peace Not to forsake charity Not to sweare ●t all least perhaps he forsweare himselfe To speake the truth from hart and ●outh Not to doe euill for euill Not ●o doe any injury Yea and patiently to ●uffer an injury donne To loue his ene●yes Not to speake ill of such as speake ●●l of him but rather to speake Well of them To suffer persecution for ius●ice Not to be proud Not a louer of wine Not a great eater Not drowsie Not slouthfull Not a murmurer Not ● detracter To put his trust in God Whē he shall see any good thing in himselfe let him attribute it to God not to himselfe But let him always know ●hat euill is donne by him selfe and therfore let him attribute it to him selfe To feare the daye of iudgement To be affraid of Hell To dester life euerlasting with spirituall th●rst To haue death always before his eyes To obserue eue●y houre the actiōs of his life To know for certaine that God beholdeth him in euery place Presently with the remembrance of Christ to put away euill thoughts entering into his hart and to reueale them to his spirituall father T● keepe his mouth frō euill and naughty words Not to loue much talking Not to speake vaine words and such a mooue laughter Not to loue muc● and dissolute laughter Willingly t● heare holy readings To praye ofte● deuoutly To conses dayly to God i● praier euills past with tears and sighes To amend those euills for the time t● come Not to fullfill the desiers of th● flesh To hate his owne will To obey the commandements of the Abbot i● all things although he him selfe whic● God for bid should doe other wise being mindefull of that precept of ou● Lord what they saye doe yee bu● what they doe doe yee not Not to desier to bee called holy till he be soe an● first to be soe that he may truly becalled so Dayly to fullfill in deeds th● commaundemēts of God To loue chastity To hate noe man To fly enui● and emulation Not to loue contention To fly haughtines To reueren his elders To loue his inferiours for Christ his sake To praye for his eni●yes To make peace with his aduer●●ry before the setting of the sonne ●nd neuer to dispare of Gods mercy Behold these are the instruments of ●pirituall prosession which things when they shall night and day con●tantly be performed by vs and layd ●pen in the day of Iudgement that reward shall be giuen vs in recompence ●y our Lord which he hath promised that eye hath not seene nor eare ●eard nor hath ascended in to the ●art of man what God hath prepared for those that loue him The worke house where all these things ●re to be done is the cloyster of the monastery and stability in the Congregation Of the obedience of the disciples CHAP. V. THe first degree of obedience is obedience with out delay This beseemeth those who esteeme nothing more deare to them then Christ by reason o● the holy profession they haue made o● for the ●eare of Hell or glory of life euerlasting Presently as soone as any thinge shall be commanded them by the superiour as if it weare commanded by God they make noe delay in doeing it Of whom