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A08283 A pensiue mans practise Very profitable for all personnes, wherein are conteyned verie deuout and necessary prayers for sundry godlie purposes. VVith requisite perswasions before euery prayer. VVritten by Iohn Norden.; Pensive mans practise. Part 1 Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1584 (1584) STC 18616; ESTC S121124 83,439 264

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eodem 27 where were 25 eodem 24. desease deseased 26 2 4 as white be as white 32 eodem 6 learne teache 59 2 9 vndeserudly deseruedly eodem eodem 27 wylles wyles ¶ A pensiue mans practise Before we pray we must forgiue if we haue any thing against any man otherwise our heauenly Father will not forgiue vs. Mar. 11. A prayer to Christ. O Sweete Iesus who haste taken vppon thee to bee our intercessor Aduocate vnto God thine heauenlie Father vouchsafe I humbly be secche thee to accompanye me in these my supplications and prayers presenting them vnto his heauenlie maiestie in such sorte as for thy sake sweete Iesus they may be acceptable vnto him to the washing away of my sinnes obteining thinges necessarie for me and all men according vnto his will in all things Amen O Lord increase my faith O Lorde open thou my lips that my mouth may extoll thee with prayse and bee thankfull vnto thee for thy benefites grant that I speake nothinge but that which may bee to thine honour glorie to the reliefe of our necessities bodelye and ghostlie Amen O Lord make speede to sende vs helpe succor from the Tower of thy strength O Lord let thine heauenly kingdome bee alwayes readie to receiue vs to eternall saluation Eternall praises be vnto thee oh God So be it A praier for the assistaunce of Gods holy Spirite Aske what thou wilt and thou shalt haue If thou in Christ the same doo craue For Christ thy Mediator sees When thou to him doost fall on knees ASke and yee shall haue seeke and yee shal finde knocke it shalbe opened vnto you Matt. 7. If yee that he euill can giue vnto your Children good giftes when they aske them how much more shall our heauenlie father giue his holie spirite to thē that faithfully desire it Luk. 11. VVe knowe not what to aske nor how to pray as we ought but the spirite it selfe maketh request for vs with sighes which can not be expressed Rom. 8. Seeing therefore our prayers be vaine and of none effecte without the grace and assistaunce of Gods holie spirite let vs fail downe vnto the throne of his Maiestie praying faithfullie for the same and it shall be giuen vs. O Almighty God omnipotēt father who comfortest such as be sorrowfull and who giuest all good and perfect giftes as thou of thy free fauour and loue hast willed vs in all our afflictions and necessities and as often as we finde our selues burdened with any kinde of tribulation or afflictiō either of bodie or minde to call for ease at thy mercifull handes So vouch safe to heare my crye and to consider the secrete groanes sighes and sorrowes of my sillye soule Oh blessed and eternall God loe heer before the thrōe of thy mercy euen at the gate of thy sweete promises I thy silly creature worke of thine owne hands prostrate my selfe in hearte most humbly beseeching thee to sende downe vppon my darke vnderstanding the bright beames of thine holy spirite to lighten me and to direct me in all my supplications and prayers and especially at this time Oh Lorde for that thou knowest my weakenes wickednes and ignoraunce to be such as I am altogether vnable to frame my requestes according to thy will or to seeke that is truelie for mine owne soules health and am altogether ignoraunt of the right gate to knocke at without thine especiall grace directing and assisting mee VVherefore I most humbly beseeche thee to addresse and prepare mine heart to the true vnderstanding of thy will and my tongue and lippes to the pure and vnfeyned calling on thy holy name euen for thy sonne Iesus Christes sake our onely Mediatour and Aduocate for whose bitter deathes sake I humbly beseeche thee of thy meere fauour and louing kindnes to wasn me and to make me cleane by the operation of thine holy spirite that beeing sanctified I may vtter those thinges which may bee vnto thee an acceptable sacrifice through the same thy sonnes mediation and intercession And that nothing passe the bandes of mine vnsta●ed lippes but that which may beseeme a single heart alwaies sounding to thine honour and setting foorth of thy most woorthy prayse both at this time and at all times Let th●ne holie spirite Oh Lorde come vnto me let it continue with me worke and preuaile effectuallie in me vnto the ende that I may both at this time beginne and for euermore continue as thou willest I shoulde namelie in faith that I fall not in anie temptations In hope that I may constantli● looke for and faithfully attaine vnto perfit vnderstanding of thy will and ablenes in all thinges to fulfill the same Make me also good Lord feruent in charitie that I may freelie and vnfeynedlie euen from mine heart forgiue and forgett all iniuries wronges and euill dooings of such as by any meanes haue ostended me with hartie prayer for their amendment that I approching vnto the throne of thy mercie in a pure and simple hart may hartelie as wel for all others as for my selfe for thinges necessary both for bodie and soule say that prayer which thy deerlie and well beloued sonne Iesus Christ taught vs to say Oh our Father which art in heauen c. Oh Lorde increase our faith A shorter prayer to the like purpose OH God almighty most louing and moste righteeus who vouchsafest to instill into the heartes of thy chosen seruauntes grace vnfeynedly to serue thee and to call vpon thine holy name in their necessitie and distresse Uouchsafe I humbly beseeche thee ●f thy méere mercie to expell out of mine heart all naturall dulnes misbeléefe and blindnes of error And through thine holie spirite to plant in steede thereof perfect zeale and vnfeyned desire to prostrate my selfe in heart before thine heauenlie Maiestie in fayth vnfeyned That at thys time it may please thée so to accept these my supp 〈…〉 cations and prayers as I may obteyne at thy mercifull handes what soeuer thou seest necessary bothe for body and soule through Jesus Christ our onely Sautour and Redéemer Amen Oh Lord increase my faith A morning prayer for the working day Before thou d●o thy worke beginne Thanke God craue pardon for thy sin And then thy worke shall prosper so As want shall neuer breede thee woe WHat a great benefit we receiue at the handes of almightie God by our naturall sleepe none is ignoraunt what perrils wee escape in the darke dolefull night wee may easilie iudge And what fauome the almighty extendeth towardes vs in giuing vs lodging not in the fieldes but in houses not vpon the harde and colde grounde but vppon softe pillowes warmelie couered experience teacheth VVhat thankes for this so bountifull benefits of his we are daily bounde to yeelde I woulde we allknewe and had will to yeelde them accordingly as did Dauid who Psal. 55 in the morning at midday and at night calling on the name of the Lord with thankes sayde Psal.
again for our deliueraunce out of thys mortall life And whilest I liue heere vouchsafe mee an vnfeyned desire to be partaker of that his holy institution and through thine holy spirite to leade my life according vnto thine heauenly will in all thinges keeping my body vndefiled as a fitt receptacle for so heauenly foode that my soule may enioy the benefitte of the mistery thereof by saith according to thine heauenly prouidence through Iesus Christ our sauiour and redeemer Amen Oh Lord increase my fayth A deuout meditation or confession of our sinnes with humble request vnto almightye God that he will vouchsafe to establish true repentaunce in our heartes and of his mercy turne away his plagues which we iustly haue deserued for our manifold iniquities Let vs fall downe with weeping eyes With one consent from heart on knees Our sinnes haue so deserued th●all Nothing so sure as sodaine fall LEt vs sette as a glasse before the eyes of our heartes the cause of the firste floode which was falling from God working iniquity where in the whole worlde Noe wyth a small number of persons only excepted perished Gen. 6. Let vs likewise call vnto our remembraunce the sodayne distructiō of Sodom Gomorra with sue and brimstone from heauen for disobeying the voyce of the lord pronoūced by Lot for their repentaunce wherein we may as it were beholde before hand what will becōe of vs without our spedy repentance neglecting as we do the words message of the Lord reuealed vnto vs by his prophers prechers threatning plagues to follow our wilful ●e●ellion let vs not be like vnto the deaf Adder stopping our eares frō hearing of our iniquiry which wee embrace with such greedines but like relenting harted Niniuits put on the sackcloth of vnfeined repentāce mourning for our many thousand sins with fasting earnest praier frō the lowest to the high est after the good example of Dauid Iob prostrate our selues in hearte with lamēting spirits vnto the mercies seat of our good god who as he is not hastye in plaging expecting our repentaunce so will his punishment bee the greater without our harty speedy conuersiō let vs not therfore be slowe to turne vnto him let vs not deferr from day to day for sodainly wyl the wrath of god come whē we think not of it in hys vengance wil be destroy vs vnawares Pa●● 7. yet so louing is he merciful that if we cal vpon his name making our prayers vnto him vnfeinedly repenting vs of our sins from the bottome of our harts he will heare vs from his holy heauens receiue vs again vnto hys mercy Esd 10. according to his promise vnto Israell let vs remember the wicked king Achab who humbling himselfe and clothing himselfe in Sackcloth sleeping in heirecloth obteined pardon for his sinnes The mercye of the Lorde is so great towardes them that repent that the examples thereof are infinite in the scriptures VVherefore let vs speedely for sake our sins and more and more growe in hatred therof Eccl 17. vnfeynedly cleauing vnto rightcousnes and holynes of trueth Eph. 4. Repent repent for the kingdome of God is at hand Mat. 3. OH Lorde vouchsafe to poure thine holye spirite into our heartes whereby we may sighe lament weepe and euen rent our hearts at the consideratiō of the wicked and abhominable estate of this world which is so farr gonne with the child of selfe loue that without thine vnspeakable mercy it is euen at the point to be deliuered into the pitt of eternall perdition wherefore gyue vs grace wee humblye beseech thee from the high est to the lowest from the greatest to the leaste to repent vs of our sinnes and heartily to turne vnto thee whose high displeasure wee haue deserued through our manifolde transgressions whō thou hast in respecte of our disobedience pronounced rebels bastards children of the bondwomā without repentance barred frō the inheritance which thy son Iesus Christe hath purchased for all true beleeuers Lord what shall become of vs we haue so much yeelded our selues to the desire of sin walked according to the cōuersatiō of the olde man which is corruption so far degenerating frō thy lawes diuine institutions fellowing so much the wil of sathan the lusts of the flesh the vile alluringes of the wicked world that thou hast caste vs off as none of thy children in so much as when wee consider the heauy intollerable burden which by our vnrighteousnes wee haue deseruedly heaped vpō our selues in loosing the fauour of so louing and bountifull a father and so sweete a sauior it driues vs into a greate feare and terrour procuring a great dislike and lo thing of our selues for the time but our nature beeing nothing but corruption falleth into a present forgetfulnes of our ende and turneth forthwith vnto his vomitt againe But most louing God euerliuing when the deserued punishments which hangeth ouer our heades shall light and fall vppon vs for the same what shall wee doo It is prepared and it is comming we can not by any deserts of ours but onely by the intercession mediation and desertes of Iesus Christ which neyther auaileth without our true repentaunce auoyde it Mollifie therefore our harde and stony heartes Oh Lorde for the same thy sonne Iesus Christes sake giue vs lamenting spirites endue vs with vnfeyned sorrow for our sinnes and make vs wylling and ready to returne vnto thee our nature beeing so vile and our blindnes so great that we are moste apte euen with great obedience care and dilligence to serue to please and to obey men of Aucthoritye heere in thys world by whose dis●auour there can aryse but some smal or no hurte or punishment at all And neuer giue our selues or very seldome to the fulfilling of our duties to thee by executing those thinges which thou commaundest vs wherby we breake and forfeit that bande which thy sonne Iesus Christe sealed with his preacious blood vpon the crosse therby confirming for euermore a league and peace betweene thee and such as forsake sinne and cleaue vnto righteousnes and trueth Oh vnhappye creatures that we are who beeing in the very bosome of so louing and so mercifull a God shoulde by yeelding vnto the desires of the fleshe the vanities of the world and the will of sathan bee thruste out of thy presence wherein consisteth all peace all loue all hope quietnes of minde patience long suffering meekenes and all good whatsoeuer But wandring and going astray after our owne corrupt desires what remaineth in vs but strife hatred misbeleefe dispayre couetousnes adultery witchcraft contempt of thy Lawes and all kinde of euill and rest as accursed Lord we acknowledge that sinne iniquity hath gotten the highest roome it sitteth and ruleth in all corners of the earth and righteous dealing simplicity and innocency is condemned of many Roote out therefore good Lorde roote out of our heartes all hautines deceit
the clowdes with most sweete wordes of comfort but such as haue seene thee euen the poore and little ones to bee sicke and comfortles and haue denyed them helpe releefe and ayde or hungrye and haue with-helde foode Thirstye and haue not giuen drinke naked and haue not clothed them Such sweete Lorde shall suffer hunger colde nakednes and thirst with vnspeakable greefe of conscience which shall neuer haue ende Oh that it woulde please thee therefore Oh mercifull God of thy greate goodnes fauour and louing kindnes to consider of these latter dayes and perrilous times wherein we liue wherein eniquitie hath gotten the vpper hand charity waxing cold and loue banisht from amongst brethren and thy selfe sweete Lorde euen thy poore and little ones the Orphanes and Widowes not onely not releeued not comforted not defended but troden vnder feete neglected and forgotten euen of such as haue aboundaunce Vouchsafe vouchsafe good Lorde according to thy promise to shorten these dayes least also thine elect be seduced with vanitie and forsake thee theyr onely comfort It is come to passe which thou hast sayde That as towardes the Summer trees and plantes of the earth doo budde so before thy comming to make vs so much the more prepared thou hast promised to sende vs foreknowledge by sundry signes and tokens bothe in the earth belowe which hath by thy passing as it were by vs quaked already at thy presence as also by the Sunne and moone other thy creatures apparantly showing thy rodde of vengeaunce to be ouer our heades ready to strike Oh Lorde wee cannot but looke for vtter distruction according to the weight and aboundance of our sins and iniquities vnles it may please thee to show thy mercy for Iesus sake in cōuerting vs we haue sinned we haue gonne astray we haue wrought wickednes in yeelding to the will of the flesh but most sweete Lorde let thy light so shine into our hearts that we may now beginne to seeke onely thy kingdome leaue the darknes of sinne growe to all goodnes and be mortefied as touching the olde man which is corruption dye to the world And remooue sathan that with godly desires we may attayne vnto the perfecte feeling of thy grace that hauing obteined the pure vnderstanding of thy word we may guide our liues by the rule therof that after the finishing of this our pilgrimage we may thorow the merites of thy sonne Iesus Christ enter into thy kingdome of eternall glory there for euer and euer to raigne enioying the sight of thee and to thy name with the rest of thy saintss sing laude and prayse eternally Oh Lord increase our fayth and giue vs grace vnfeynedly to repent vs of our sinnes Amen A praier necessarie to bee sayd after and at the end of all our prayers VOuchsafe Oh Lord and mercifull Father in whose handes resteth the harts of all men who knowest what wee want before we pray what wee will aske before we speake what wee doo in al thinges Vouchsafe to forgiue mine ignorance dulnes and slacke comming vnto thee the fountaine of all health and helpe encrease my faith dayly more and more and kindle in me the perfecte gift of prayer that I may at all times serue thee in trueth and whatsoeuer I haue asked according vnto thy wyll at this time giue me and what I haue omitted vnrequested for my selfe or any for whom thou wouldest we should pray for for thy sonne Iesus Christes sake gratiously graunt for which and for al thinges els necessary for mee and thē for body or soule I pray thee as thy sonne taught vs saying OVr father which art in heauen hallowed bee thy name Thy kingdome come Thy will be doone in earth as it is in heauen Giue vs this day our daily breade And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse agaynst vs. And leade vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from all euill Amen Oh Lord increase our fayth and continue the same effectually in me all men vnto the end Amen Great plagues remaine for the vngodly but who so putteth his trust in the Lorde mercy imbraceth him on euery syde Psal. 32. PAule before he would presume to eate gaue thanks Act. 27 35 Christ likewise before hee gaue the bread and Fyshes to them that were wyth hym in the wyldernes yea although he were Lord of all looking vppe to heauen from whence commeth all goodnes blessed it and gaue thankes and brake it vnto them Mat 14. the store beeing small replenished many thousandes and left many Baskets full wherefore take the blessings of God with thankes A prayer before meate OH bountifull GOD vouchsafe to looke downe with thy fauourable eyes of pittie vpon our weaknes and want and giue vs at this time those things which may be to our cōfort sanctifie these thy gifts that our bodyes beeing replenished we may be thankfull and enioy at thy mercifull handes the bread of eternall life to the releefe of our poore soules through Iesus Christ our onely Sauiour Amen God saue and still increase thy flocke Keepe vs within thy folde Vouchsafe to heare when wee doo knocke Oh Lord our strongest holde Preserue our Queene be thou her stay This Realme of thine defend Indue vs with thy grace for aye On thee we all depend Oh Lord increase our fayth WHen God hath fedde your poore bodyes bee not therewith pust vppe with forgetfulnes what he requireth at our handes for his blessings but in a reuerent and deuout manner giue thankes that he may continue his louing kindnes to your comfort vnto the ende A thankes giuing after meate WE thanke thee most bountifull Lord for this thy fatherly feeding our hungry bodies so vouchsafe to feede our silly soules with the breade of eternall life That after this life ended we may ascend where Christ is gonne before Amen Sith God hath fedde our bodyes poore VVhich els would soone decay Remember such as lye at doore Say not their cryings nay God saue his Church our Queene defende this Realme preserue for aye And graunt vs all a godly ende And ioyfull rysing day Oh Lord increase our fayth FINIS A Table to finde out the principall Prayers conteined in this booke A Prayer to Christ. Folio 1. A prayer for the assistaunce of Gods holy spirite fol. eodem A short prayer to the like purpose fo 3 A morning prayer for the working day fol. eodem A short prayer to the like purpose fol. 5 A prayer for the Queene eodem A prayer for the Sunday morning fol. 7 A short prayer to the like purpose fol 9. A confession of sinnes eodem A short prayer to the like purpose fol. 11 A prayer for the euening fol. 12 A short prayer to the like purpose fol. 14. A prayer for the increase of fayth eodem A short prayer to the like purpose fol 17. A prayer against the deuill the world and the fleshe very necessary to be often sayd eodem A short prayer to the same effecte fol. 20. A prayer for the helpe and assistaunce of God in all our dooings and that we doo nothing but in hys feare and due obedience eodem A short prayer to the like purpose folio 23. The sorrowfull sinner afflicted in conscience by reason of his sins may say thus eodem A short prayer to the like purpose fol. 26. A prayer for a competent necessary liuing fo eod A prayer necessary after the hearing of the worde of God folio 29 A short prayer to the like purpose folio 31 A thankes giuing to God for his benefits eodem A deuout prayer or meditation that we may alwais haue consideration that we must dye which as it is good at all times so especially in the time of any common plague or sicknes a godly meditation folio 33. A short prayer to the like purpose fol. 37 A prayer vpon the Lettany or prayer for all men at all times necessary eodem A prayer for the fulfilling of the tenne commaundements fol. 40 A short prayer to the like purpose foli 44. A prayer for the true ordering of worldly titches very necessary for such as God hath endued with the wealth of this world eodem A short prayer to the like purpose foli 47 A prayer to be sayd of a woman with child fol. 48 A short and most necessary prayer alwayes to bee sayd of one with childe folio 49 A thankes giuing to God after the deliuery fol. eod A prayer for wisedome folio 51. A short prayer to the like purpose foli 53 A prayer in misery and trouble fol 54 A short prayer to the like effecte often to be sayde folio 57. A payer to be defended from enemies eodem A short prayer to the like purpose folio 60 A prayer when a man taketh a iourney folio 61. A thankes giuing after returne folio 62 A thankes giuing to God the father God the sonne and God the holy ghoste woorthy to bee often sayde folio 63 A prayer to bee sayde before the receiuing of the Communion fol. 67 A prayer after the receiuing of the communion fol. 68. A deuout meditation or confession of our sinnes with humble request vnto almighty God c. folio 69 A prayer necessary to be sayde after and at the ende of all our prayers fol. 74. A prayer before meate folio 75 A thankes giuing after meate fol. 76 FJNIS ·GOD· ·IS· ·MY· HELPER a 〈…〉 te the rest 〈…〉 Child be de 〈…〉 ying the 〈…〉 pray●r and 〈…〉 at the ●ude 〈…〉 prayer
vs not forgitt it leaste God forgett vs. ALL possible thanks we giue vnto thee Oh Lord of mercy King of all the Kinges and kingdomes of the earth for that thou hast vouchsafed to place ouer vs thy little flocke of thys Realme so pure a guide of true religion Elizabeth by thine heauēly prouidēce our Queene vnder whom enioying the free libertie of the true seruice of thee we rest in a quiet estate bothe of bodie and minde We humbly pray thy fauourable regarde to beholde with mercifull eies the same thy seruant our soueraigne Lady and gouernes And so fructify her heart with the good graine of thine holye spirite that she alwayes inclined by the working thereof to the settinge foorth of thy worde may walke according to the truth of the same sincerelie that we thy seruants and vnder thee her subiects seeing her godly example may be ashamed to fall frō that due forme of honouring thy name which for thy glory shee hath through thy grace by the rule of thy worde prescribed vnto vs. Banish good Lord from her heart all ignoraunce and print therein perfect wisdome and knowledge of thine heauenly will giue her an obedient minde abounding withall humilitie towardes thy diuine maiestie Saue and defende her from the tyrannie of forraine power and authoritie and from all such as profesle not inwardlie vnfeyned zeale of thy Gospell giue her godlie Counsellors and such zealous and true harted ministers of thy wyl that she and we according to the trueth of euerye our seueral functions may truelie serue thee in this life and in the ende for euermore raigne with thee in thine heauenly kingdome for Iesus Christes sake our only Redeemer Aduocate and sweete Sauiour Amen Oh Lord increase our fayth A prayer for the Sunday morning Let labour passe let prayer bee This day the cheefest worke for thee AS the Lorde hath assigned vnto mā sixe dayes of seauen for his necessarie trauaile So hath he expreslie commanded Gen. 2. the seauenth to be hallowed and kept onely for the seruice of him wher in all busines sette aparte we should referre our selues to prayer to the hearing or reading of the worde of the Lorde without any vngodlie exercise at all wherfore as did Dauid Psal. 55. 6. euery day so let vs especiallie this day instantlie call vppon the name of the Lord and he will heare vs. And with Esay Esay 26. Let our soules with a longing desire in the night seeke vn to the Lorde and in the morning earelie call vppon his name so shall our dooings please him all shall goe well with vs. And especiallie vpon this day which the Lord hath reserued for the seruice of himselfe Nu. 1● Punishing such euen with death who breake the same as appeareth in the booke of Numbers by him who was at the commaundement of the Lorde stoned to death for gathering stickes on the Sabaoth day Esay 56. Blessed is the man that keepeth the Sabaoth day vndefiled seruing the Lorde in prayer Esay 58. Not in seeking his ownewil nor speaking a vaine word Pray that it may bee honoured and not abused dishonoured as it is least God the Creator of it and vs punish our disobedience OH almightye Father most wholesome protectoure keeper both of soules and bodyes of the faithfull I yeelde the humble and hartie thankes for defending sauing mee thy sinfull creature this night past and all my life hethervnto frō suddaine death and from other perrils daungers wher into my sillie soule and weake bodie are subiecte to fall And wherewith I am so besette that had I not beene preserued by thee it could not otherwise haue beene but my bodie had perished and my sillie soule beene carryed into eternall perdition But most sweete Lord my strong Castell defence my shield buckler my sure refuge and succour who hast continuall regarde of the safety of thy seruants that thou neuer sufferest them to bee ouercome with any kinde of euill nor to fall into any kinde of daunger vouchsase to forgiue me what soeuer I haue committed and doone against thy diuine will eyther sleeping or waking this night or anie time secretlie or openlie heeretofore by reason of the corruption which remaineth in me And vouchsafe that as I haue quietlie passed this night so I may enioy at thy merciful hands whatsoeuer thy fatherlie prouidence shall thinke meete and conuenient for mine owne and for the releefe of such as thou hast committed vnto my charge and gouernement Establish good Lorde within my weake feeble bodie strength to withstande all euill motions of the flesh all vngodlie desires of the minde worldlie vanities that I may feruentlie as I ought continuallie both in the morning and at night and at noone day yea and at all times and in all places truely serue thee without hypocrisie dissimulation or mallice And for thy mercies sake keepe mee this day and all the rest of my transitory life from suddaine and vnprouided death keepe my tongue and lips that I speake or vtter nothing which may be eyther vncomelie to be spoken or whereof may redownde hurt or hinderaunce to my selfe or others but that I may endeuoure as much as in me lyes to speake and vtter those thinges which may be to the setting foorth of thy glorie maintenaunce of peace and concorde and to the reducing such into the right way as wander and goe astray As for slaundering lying backbyting falsewitnes bearing enuie and such like good Lorde take vtterly from me And keepe mine heart and minde from the moste damnable sinne of murmuring against thee and from dyspayre that in all aduersities tribulations and troubles I may alwayes beare a patient contented faithfull and a thankfull minde with full perswasion that if thou suffer mine aduersaries being maliciousliebent against me to reuile me persecute me to molest or hurte me or if thou permitt either fire to consume me or my substaunce or any other casuall meane to diminish mine estate and stay of my liuing or if I sustaine losse of freendes sicknes of bodie or hurt of my limmes it proceedeth not but by thy diuine prouidence yea onelie of thy meere loue and fatherlie care which thou hast of mine amendment for nothing happeneth to those whome thou louest breede it within theyr weake mindes neuer so great greefe or fall it out neuer so contrary to theyr desires but it bringeth with it some secrete working for their good Wherefore in the name of thy sonne Iesus Christ I most humbly beseeche thee that thou wilt vouchsafe to settle in mine heart such perfection of patience as what soeuer eyther this day or heereafter shall happen or befall vnto me I may accept it as a most wholesome medicine for my so deadlie disease of securitie and so in hope of thy louing kindnes and mercie to goe forwarde this day and all my life in perfect loue vnfeyned zeale and continuall obedience to thy will In hearing thy worde attentiuelie in reading the
that it often happeneth whē we think least thereon it commeth sodamly as the lightninge and taketh vs vnwares VVherefore grant Oh GOD of my life that I may haue such continuall care foresighte and dylligent respect vnto the direction of my dealinges cogitations and wordes that I loade not my poore soule so muche with the burden of scenlesse securitye sinne and iniquitye that the bodye beeing sodainly intangled with the snare of deathe it bee carryed where there is no reste no ioye no comforte or consolation but continual mourning weeping and anguishe of minde as the Glutton spoken of in thine holy Gospell who going on blindly loosly and carelesly without regarde eyther of thee or remem braunce of his ende in moste detestable couetousnes and all kinde of wickednes was sodainly taken from hys mucke wealth which he had wrongfully gotten and myserably whorded vppe and yet denying poore Lazarus the croomes that fell and were taken from his table but was carried by the deuyll and his Angells into euerlasting and moste bitter tormentes where was weeping and gnashing of teeth Oh my sweete Lord let not mine heart be so blinded with the vale of vanitie nor nouseled in the delightes of this world so intangeled in the nette of concupiscence nor clad in the weedes of wilfull forgetfulnes of mine estate that I bee taken as the ritch man who deuising within him selfe to enlarge hys Barnes wherin he might conuey his graine so much encreasing who standing in his euill conceite of couetousnes thinking himselfe most secure was taken vnawares from his aboundaunce and left hys riches he knew not to whom Oh most gratious and most louing God a most vnhappy end wherin steed of heauenly contemplations and godly cogitations which thou requirest at al times of such as are thine but especially at the houre of death there appeared a most horrible intent of couetousnes which thou vtterly abhorrest a manifest token good Lorde of forgetfulnes of his ende and an argument that hee was the childe of Sathan But thou shewest mercye to as many as conuert and turne to thee Oh my most louing father lighten mine eyes that I sleepe not in sinne nor wander in darknes according to the will of the fleshe that I fall not vnawares into the dungion of distruction death and hell but make me alwaies ready and willing to come vnto thee euen with desire when it pleaseth thee to call me by laying thy hande by any plague or sicknes vpon me let me not drawe me as it were backwarde when thou inuitest me to the sweete banquet of thine heauenly kingdome as by the worde and gospell preached and reueiled vnto vs which is an especiall calling vs or when I feele my selfe distempered greeued or vexed with any kinde of sicknes plague or disease which is another of thy callinges and an especiall warning that we must dye or when by course of time in extreame age wee may imagine our ende to be neere but Lord when I am at my dayly busines and laboure when I eate or drinke when I am in my best temperature health in childehoode and young yeeres at all times and in all places giue me grace to thinke that death standeth at mine elbowe alwayes ready to strike mee that I sleepe not in sinne and securitie till the time sodainly come of my departure and so be taken vnprouided and perish withour repentaunce who can perswade him selfe to liue long and see many daies especially in daungerous and contagious times of sicknes and seeing so many examples dayly to the contrary euen in the most temperate time of health some we see at their Mothers pappes by humaine indgement likely to liue sodainely to giue vppe the ghoste some in theyr youth some in middle yeeres yea when grauest experience aboundeth to be sodainly called away to be no more seene Al which notwithstanding Oh Lord such is the blindnes of our nature that we think this world a cōtinual being for vs and couer euen with greedines to see many dayes where we heape sinne vpon sinne to the ouerburdening of our poore soules seldome or not at all thinking to dye Graunt sweete Lorde that as I desire to liue so I may haue a greater desire to liue well that I may make an happy ende abandoning all feare of death that the cogitation thereof may dwell in peace with in the mansion of mine heart and when it shall approche neere vnto me I flie not from it but may goe foorth with ioy to meete the same considering that it is a meane to ende my cares and to begin my ioy it is the finishing of sorrow and enteraunce into blisse which made thy seruaunt Paule to say That he desired to be deliuered of the burden of this life and to be with thee where is nothing but ioyes vnspeakable and contrarie heere on earth nothing but care and woe which mooued thy seruaunt Iob to call this life a warfare and this world a wildernes and vale of misery where is nothing but conflictes betweene the flesh and the spirite dayly increase of sinne and continuall care of vanities Oh good God giue vs carefull hearts to loue thee while we liue heere giue vs continual feare vnfeyned zeale perfit faith godly care to doo good to all men and earnest desire to come vnto thee who art the ende of all trouble and laboure and the beginning of ease the ende of strife and the beginning of peace the ende of all misery and the beginning of all blisse wherevnto sweete Lord graunt that with vnseyned desi●e we may faithfully endeuour our selues to come and to take possession of that thy most glorious kingdome where thy sonne is gonne before to direct vs the way and where thou sittest to iudge according to euerye mans desertes making all those that thou findest with the Lampe of true faith burning in their harts partakers of the euerlasting ioyes thereof In number of whome Oh sweete Lord accept me heere that I may appeare among them in the world to come through Iesus Christ our Lorde in whose name I commend my selfe into thy handes to liue for euer in thee sweete God Amen Oh Lord increase my fayth A short prayer to the like purpose OH God in whose handes consisteth the life of all mankind for thy Sonne Jesus Christes sake vouchsafe to giue me grace to sett before mine eyes as a most certaine mark where vnto this frayle body of mine must tende it selfe the Image of that which is to the faythfull the ende of payne and beginning of pleasure the ende of misery and beginning of blisse but to the secure and careles the ende of their pleasures and beginning of eternall paynes Ueuchsafe me therefore earnest desire of seruing thée and leading my life according vnto thy will that whē so euer it pleaseth thee to call me I be not through feare striken with doubt of condemnation but euen at my laste gaspe through vnfayned faith in Jesus Christ may take
143 6. Lord let me heare thy louing kindnesse betimes in the morning for in thee is my trust So let vs yeelde his maiestie due prayses for his continuall louing kindnes towardes vs saying OH almightie God father of our lorde Iesus Christ who hast vouchsafed of thy thy great fauour loue euen from my childhood vnto this day to take such fatherly care of me that nothing hath destroied or hurte me but haue beene saselie preserued bothe day and night frō sodaine death and from all other perrils and dangers incident vnto mankinde haue all my life beene preserued And of thy free fauour and loue without a●●e deserte or merite of mine to my great comforte enioyed the sweete benefite of sleepe and rest which is most wholesome for my poore and weake body yea and so good a nu●●iture therevnto as good soile to the barraine field or thy timely showres to the dry ground or meate acceptable to the hungry stomacke Oh sweete Lord such hath beene thy fatherly care of me this night past that the sleepe which thou hast giuen me is most cōfortable bothe to my bodie and soule in so much as I am the more aptly giuen to the execution of my worldlie busines and the seruice of thy diuine maiestie this morning wherein asist me sweete Lorde with the helpe of thine holie spirite comfort and defende me this day and euer with thy mercifull ayde that none affliction hurte or misfortune dismay me no tribulation or anguish of minde draw me from thee no worldlie care delight or fantasie carrie me at any time into anie wicked cogitation action or speeche for Lord I knowe that it is not thy wil that any euill shouldedwell in vs or that we shoulde at anie time offende thee but to keepe our hearts pure and vndefiled as a fitte receptacle for thy Maiestie Yet thou sufferest sometimes vnlawfull affections to haue the vpper hande to the end that we feeling our weaknes and corruption should wholie confesse all our strength all our godlie cogitations and workes to proceede from thee And for that all flesh is full of sinne and that the iust fall seauen times a day forgiue Lord my wickednes mine offences and sinne committed either this night past by foolish dreames fantasies or other temptations or at anie time since I came into this miserable worlde beeing a moste sinfull creature and that beeing pardoned by thy mercie in Iesus Christ I may proceede in the residue of my dayes gouerned by thy holie spirite voyde of all offences vsing my vocation and calling so as may be to the setting foorth of thy glorie maintenaunce of thy fauoure towardes me and getting those thinges which may be sufficient for the maintenaunce of mine estate heere and for the reliefe of such as are committed to my charge And graunt me alwaies such regarde of seruing thee as thine hande may alwaies directe mee to good and happy successe in all mine affayres Blesse thou the worke of mine handes good Lorde and graunt mee so to flye ydlenes the mother and Nurce of all euill that both this day and all my life I may by godlie care and trauaile get me a sufficient competent liuing heere that I be no burden and charge to such as are rich and welthie nor depend vpon the succor helpe and furtheraunce of others whose helpe is moste slippery and deceitfull Least that in hope thereof I giuing my selfe to ydlenes and loytering when their helpe shalbe with-holden from me I be driuen as the wise man sayth to goe in a ragged coate to want my foode But contrary wise Oh Lorde graunt that I may so imploy my selfe to laboure and dilligent execution of thy busines this day and euer that I may through my blessing luckelie prosper therein and shew my selfe so helpefull to the poore impotent and needy as the fruite of my trauaile shall extende vnto That thou maiest fulfill in me that most sweete promise of thine That who so considereth the poore and needye thou wilt deliuer him in the tyme of trouble Lord thy mercie is infinite and thy loue towardes vs vnspeakeable wherefore giue me grace alwayes to serue thee yea at all times and in all places both in laboure and rest welth and pouertie sicknes and health yea all my life and at the howre of my death that I may passe this day and all the rest of my transitorye life in the fulfilling of thy lawes and be readie at thy fauourable becke and call to come and appeare before thy throne of mercie in perfect hope of thy louing receiuing me into the bosome of thy sweete imbracinges not for my woorthines or d●serces which is but corruption but for the merites of thy sonne Iesus Christ there to rest inioying the fruites and benefit of his death and bitter passion in whose name I referre my selfe and all mine both this day and euer vnto thy Fatherlie protection humbly beseeching thee to direct almy thoughtes wordes and actions vnto my liues ende Good God Amen Oh Lorde increase my fayth A short prayer to the like purpose I Thanke thee most mercifull Father my maker and preseruer that thou hast so louinglie vouchsafed to tender my safety this night past giuing me sweete sléepe to the refreshment of my feeble and weake bodye So of thy goodnes vouchsafe to extend y e like louing fauour to wardes me this day whereby I may bée both safelie preserued from all kinde of euill and imploy my selfe dilligentlie vnto the execution of my vocation to the releefe of mee and mine and to thy glory Amen Oh Lord increase my faith A prayer for the Queene What so thou he pray God alwayes To blesse our Queene with happy dayes Whose wisedome vnder God so long Hath kept this Realme from sorrame wrong THe vnspeakeable benefite of our long peace and gratious tranquilitie may without manie circumstaunces or manie wordes suffice to mooue thankfull mindes to praise the God of Heauen for his vnspeakable loue towardes vs in giuing vs so gratious a gouernesse vnder whom we haue not only these xxv yeeres peaceablye liued but enioyed the comfortable passage and foode of the gospell when manie other nations haue wanted the same to the famishing as it were of their poore soules wherefore considering that wee may if not the more to our shame feede thereof at ful and thereto freendlie intreated and inioyned not onelie which is generall by the word it selfe but by seuerall iniunctions sette forth for the further aunce of Gods glorie and our profit by her maiestie in England onelie And therefore as we ought for all men so especiallie we are commanded to pray for the good prosperous estate of Kings and Princes and those in authoritie 2. Tim. 2. Let vs as we haue vnspeakable cause beseeche God of his goodnesse fauourably to looke vpon our most gratious Queene Elizabeth to graunt vnto her a prosperous raigne with manie and happie dayes to the plesure of him and comfort of vs Let