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A37200 Another essay for investigation of the truth in answer to two questions concerning I. the subject of Baptism, II. the consociation of churches / by John Davenport ... Davenport, John, 1597-1670. 1663 (1663) Wing D356; ESTC W35681 67,423 96

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suitably t● h●ir membersh p the first in and under their Parents the s●cond in and by th mselves being in full commun●on with the Church Yet I do not finde any where in S●ript●re that such adult p●rso s as they call meer Members are styled Disciple or accounted Memb●●s The adult persons in M●● 8 20. must observe and do all Chr●st commandment● th●r●fore the Disciples there intended with reference to adult persons are members in full commun●on Arg 4. They are in Church-covenant th●r●fore subject to Church-power Gen. 17.7 with 18.19 Reply They are not in covenant ●e fu●● be●ng ad●lt and not admitted into C●urch-communion in ●ll the O●d n nces therefore are not subject to Church power That ●ext in ●en 17.7 hath resp●ct especially to Isaac v●r ●9 for in Is ●c was Abr●hams seed to be called Ge● 2● 12 So the ch●ldren of the fl●sh are not the children of God but th children of the prom●s● are accounted for the seed Rom. 9.8 and The Gentiles are adopted through faith in Christ Gal. 3.26 for it is in Christ either apprehended by pe sonal f●ith as in adult p rsons or co●prehending ch●ldren in t●eir Parents Covenant that the Covenant is everlasti●g and so to be perpetu●lly continued in the substance of it though by mutable si●ns J●● us The Covenant of Grace is eternal though it was to be v●sibly sealed by circumc●si●n t●ll the coming of C●r●st and after the comi●g of Christ by Baptism perpt●ally unto t●e end of the World There is no difference between us concerning the infant-seed but onely concerning adult pe●sons who ar● by age in a capacity of covenant ng for thems●lves and theirs Let these approve th●n faith in Christ to the charitable discretion of the Church and so be r●ceived into Covenant and Church-communion personally and then and not oth●rwise they are r●gularly subject to Ch●rch-power Their second proof from Gen 18.19 hath been spoken to before when I examined their fi●st A●gument for this third Propositi●● A●g 5. They a●e Subjects of the Kingdome ●f Christ and th●●efor● under the Laws and Government of his ●ingdome Ezek. 3 25 26 Reply This A●g●ment may justly be retorted against themselves and ●he Pro f of it For th Subjects of Christs Kingdome there meant are voluntary Subj●cts according to that Prophesie in ●sal 110 3. and such Subjects have full communion in all p●iviledg●s of Christs Kingdome and so under the Government of ●t But they deny that the meer Mem er● of whom they spe●k have communion in all the priviledges of Christs Kingdome Therefore they are not under the Laws and Government of it and by Cons●q●ence they are not Subjects of it Arg. 7. Baptism leaves the b●ptized of which number these ch●ldren are i● a state of subjection to the authorita●ive teaching of Christs Min●●●ers and to the observation of all his commandments Mat. 28.19 20 and therefore in a state of subjection unto D cip●ine Re●l This is not another Argumen● but t●e s●me wit● the third Argument thou h clothed with other words Th●● f●re the same Answer may serve for this also Arg. 7. Elders are ch●rged o take h●ed ●nto ●nd to feed i. e. b●●h to Teach and Rule comp●r● Ezek 34.34 all the Flock r Church over which the Holy Gh●st ●a h m●d● them O●e s ers Acts 20.28 Th●t child●en are a part of the ●l●●k was p●oved bef re an● s● P●ul ●cco●nts then writing to the same Fl●ck or Church of Ephesus Ep. 6.1 Rep●● Be it so that children are part of the Flock which is all that I finde b●f●re proved and tha● Elders are cha●●ed to t●ke heed and to feed ● e. b●th T●ach and R●l● all th● Fl●ck suitably to their different capacities yet all this concern●th no such g●own persons to whom they deny full C●urc● comm●nion For they that are of competent age and understanding must be orderly joyned to t●e Church by holding forth their calling and faith in Christ to the satisfaction of the Chu●ch acc●rd●ng to t●e Rule and so to be received into f●llowsh●p of the Covenant and Communion by their pe●sonal right without wh●ch they are not to be accounted ●f the Flock or Church Nor did P●●● so acc●unt such But t●ose children noted in Ep● 6 1 were eit●er in their minority and so he puts in their duty in that Epistle as part of their Catechetical i●struction or if they were adult they were personally jo●ned to the ●hurch in communion and so were under the teaching and d●scipline of the C●u●ch Arg. 8 ●t e●wise I●●eligion and Apostacy would inevitably break into Churches and no w●y l●f● by Chr●s● to prevent or heal the s●me which w●u●d also bring ma●y C●●rch-members under ●hat dreadful● j●dgement of being let alone in their wickedness Hos 4 16 17. R ●ly 1. There is no cause of fear that Irreligion and Apostacy will break into Churches if t●e Po●ter look well unto the D ors of the Lords Hous● that no adult persons be r●ce●ved into pe●s●nal Membership but such as reg●larly approve their personal fi nes for all Church-communion O● if such ev●ls break into the Church th●ough the hypocrisi● of such a● creep in u● awares J●de ve 4. yet then Christ ●ath l●ft a clear and plain way to prevent and heal the same by su●jecting such u●d●r ●he W●tch and D scipl ne and G●vernment of the Chu●c● But the admitting of such adult persons as are not qual●fied for Church communion in all O dinances will be found in the ●ss●e the cause of the breaking in of Irreligion and Apostacy into Churches by the fault of men who ga●he● wi hout Chr●st and ●●●ive su●h as he rej ct●t● Nor w ll the Churc●es censuring of such prevent or heal those ev●ls s●eing ●e bl●ss●th onely his own Inst●tutions not mens Devices Humane Inventions usually cause the Evils wh ch they pretend to cure as we see in the Lov-feasts which brake love among the Co●in●hians 1 Cor. 11 18-22 2 Though no Chu●ch-way is left by Chr●st for preventing or healing such evils in men that should not be of the Chu●ch yet if they were kept out of the Church till their fitness of communion should appear as these evils and the like would not inevitably break into Churches so neither need any Church-members be let alone in their wickedness s●eing Christ hath delegated the Keys of the Kingdome of Heaven to binde and ●●s● and Di●ections how t● manage them toward delinquent Members that are orderly admitted into Church-communion Mat. 16.17 18 19. Nor need they who are not thus joyned to the Church be let alon● if the Authority in Famil●es and in the Common-wealth be wisely a●d faithf●lly managed by the Rulers of both to restrain t●ose under their power f om evil companies and courses and to constrain them to a constant reverent attendance to all Family duties of Relig on and to the Word publickly Preach●d in Church-Assembl●es and to the Sanct f●i g of the Christian Sabb●th
the Lords Supper and therefore those that are not interested in this Covenant by Faith ought not to have the Seal thereof applied to them Thus have we given an Account of the principal Reasons which caused our Dissent from the major part of the Reverend Assembly We might adde to all this That there is danger of great Corruption and Pollution creeping into the Churches by the Enlargement of the Subject of Baptism They are the words of a good man and faithful Minister of the Gospel now in Europe in a Letter sent unto one in America I hope saith he some in New-England will with clear light stand up against the Enlarging of Baptism to any but those whose Parents are admitted unto the Lords Supper If ever it be passant Doctrine in the Churches that others have a right to it Farewell to New-England 's Peculiar Glory of undefiled Administrations of holy things These things are Discouragements with me from hastening to New-England Thus he It may be some will think that we do as it is in the Adagy Nodum in scirpo quaerere make scruples to our selves and fear where there is no fear Well it will be for us and for the Churches if in the end it prove so Now the Lord grant that his People may have one heart and one way and that it may be the right way even the way which is called Holy to serve him for the good of them and of their Children after them And the God of Truth and Peace lead us by his Spirit into all Truth through him who is made unto us of God the Way and the Truth and the Life CERTAIN POSITIONS Out of the HOLY SCRIPTVRES Premised to the whole ensuing DISCOURSE WEE may fitly begin this Discourse with what the Reverend Elders say in their Preface to ●h●i● Printed Book That the Prayer of Ep●phra● for the Co● ssians ought to be the Prayer and Labour of us all viz. That we may stand perfect and compl●a● in all the will of God And it is a good Profession which they make saying We trust it is our sincere desire that ●is will all his will and nothing but his will may be done among us To the Law and to the Testimony we do wholly referre our selves and if any thing in the following Conclusions be indeed found not to speak according thereunto ●et it be rejected This doth encourage me to joyn with them in seeking the right path in this unfrequented way so far as the Glory of Gods Holiness and Grace together with the honour of his Truth may be manifested to be dearer to us then all Creature-concernments and Self-respects In order whereunto I conceive our principal inquiry should be what those more general Principles of Truth are which lie in the things controve ted and how they may be rightly applied using herein onely such Light as the Scripture affordeth by comparing one Text with another and depending on God in Christ for supply and assistance of the Spirit of Truth to lead us into these Principles and to teach us by them that thereby we may be brought to an universal harmony of Truth all the Lines of Truth however separated in the Circumference meeting together in these Principles as in their Centre and becoming one Point The finding out of such Principles and rightly applying them would make the way to Truth shorter the mystery of Truth clearer and the united force of Truth stronger against Errour a sweeter closing of Spirits among good men and the examining of other mens Opinions easier then walking after the larger Circumference of the voluminous Writings of men which lead us further from these Principles then the Scripture alone This is that which I would attain and am pressing after as in other Controversies so in these Questions For clearing the truth wherein I shall first propound certain Theses or Positions Secondly apply them in a way of Replying to their Propositions 1. The Theses or Positions propounded shall be these following and the like Position 1 The whole Scripture breathed of God holdeth forth a perfect Rule as of Righteousness toward men so of Holiness toward God in all things that concern his Natural and Instituted Worship that the man of God may be perfect throughly furnished unto all good works 2 Tim. 3.16 17. Position 2 Jesus Christ the Apostle and H●gh Priest of our Profession is to be considered by all holy Brethren partakers of the heavenly calling as not inferiour in his Office to Moses For as t●e Office of Moses reached to all the House of God and all the Service of it under the Law so Christs Office reacheth to all the Church of God and all the Service of it under the Gospel 2. And whatsoever Christ did institute or abrogate in the Christian Churches he did it by Gods appointment as Moses by Gods appointment gave out what he delivered in the Church of Israel 3. And Christ is no less faithful therein then Moses was Heb. 3.2 3. So that it is as unlawful for men to alter the Ordinances of Christ given to Christian Churches under the Gospel or to adde thereunto or to diminish ought therefrom as it was under the Law Deut. 12.32 Mat. 28.20 Position 3 Christ is not rightly considered nor duely esteemed except he be preferred as far above Moses as the Father hath counted him worthy of more Glory then Moses and as far above the whole Church as the Builder is above the House in honour and authority Mens authority being but Ministerial as Servants who are to act onely by direction and appointment Christs authority being Magisterial and Despotical which Prerogative he hath as he is Son of the Eternal Father by eternal generation Hence the Church is Christ's own House and he alone may dispose of it and of the Service thereof as it pleaseth him by altering the Mosaical Levitical Ordinances and appointing a more Spiritual and simple way of Worship in place thereof Hebr. 3.3 to 7. Joh. 4.23 24. 2 Cor. 11.2 3. Position 4 The Ordinances of God given by Moses for the Service of God under the first Tabernacle were imposed on the Jews until the time of Reformation at the coming of Christ who being come as the true Melchisedec changed the Levitical Ordinances into other more suitable to his Royal Priesthood Heb. 9.9 10. For the Priesthood being changed there is made of necessity a change of the Law Heb. 7.12 And having taken away that unsupportable Yoke calleth Believers under the Gospel to take his easie and sweet Yoke upon them Acts 15.10 Mat. 11.29 Position 5 Though the Covenant of Abraham was the same in substance to believing Jews under the Law and to Believers both Jews and Gentiles under the Gospel Rom. 4.11 12. And though the Kingdome of God be the same in substance which is taken from the unbelieving Jews and given to the believing Gentiles Matth. 21.43 yet the administration of the Covenant and Kingdome is not the same in all ages
2. Position 1 The Rules given of Christ Concerning the Communion of Christian Churches are 1. Concerning the Ground of it which is their Spiritual Union under one Head Christ Eph. 1.22 23. in one Body one Spirit one Hope of their calling one Lord one Faith one Baptism one God and Father of all and they must endeavour to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace Eph. 4.3 4 5 6. As they have one common Faith Tit. 1.4 so they must contend earnestly for the faith once given to the Saints Jude ver 3. They have also one and the same Rule Gal. 6 16. The same Officers in all Churches Tit. 1.5 The same Ordinances and Decrees 1 Cor. 7.17 16.1 Acts 16.4 The same Order Col. 2.5 The same Doctrine 1 Cor. 4.17 15.11 Gal. 1.7 which all the Churches must hold fast Rev. 3.3 and renounce all other Doctrines Gal. 1.8 9. 1 Tim. 1.3 6.3.14 2. Concerning the Manner of it for as the Church generally considered is the Mother of all the faithful Gal 4.26 so particular Churches are Sisters each to other Cant. 8.8 and there is a Brotherhood of visible Saints throughout the World 1 Pet. 5.9 Hence the manner of their communion must be social as between equals none exercising jurisdiction and authority over another Par in parem non habet imperium The giving of Laws to the Churches is Christs Prerogative I●m 4.12 who hath also committed the Keyes of the Kingdome of Heaven to each particular instituted Church to be exercised by each Church within it self without dependance upon the Authority of other Churches in re propriâ Mat. 16.19 1 Cor. 5.12 3. Concerning the Things wherein this communion must be exercised 1. In general in mutual Helpfulness according to God by mutual care one of and for another 1 Cor. 10.24 Phil. 2.20 21. 2. Particularly 1. By Spiritual Helpfulness and care exercised 1. In mutual Prayer and endeavours for their edification Cant. 8.8 9. 1 Cor. 12 7. 1 Pet. 4.10 11. and for their confirmation and establishment in the truth Acts 15.41 16.4 5. and for strengthning each other in the regular application of Church-censures to their delinquent Members 2 Thess 3.14 2 Tim. 4.15 2. By outward Supplies unto their Necessities Acts 11.29 Rom. 15.26 27. 2 Cor. 8.2 c. throughout that Chapter 3. By their mutual care to avoid Offences 1 Cor. 10.32 4. That when a Church findeth need in respect of want of light or of competent consent within it self it is their duty to seek help by the counsel of some other Church or Churches and the other Church or Churches ought to give it in a brotherly way from the Word of God not by the Elders apart but in the presence and with concurrence of the Brethren Acts 15.4 22 23. nor may they bind such a C●urch to rest in their determination further then the same shall be found upon searching the Scriptures to seem g●od to the Holy Ghost as well as to them Acts 15.28 or if Neighbour-Church●s finde it ne●essary to offer their helpfulness to a Church in case of the Officers Male-administration or of Errours and Scandals and Schisms and the like cases to prevent the infection of themselves or to remove corruption from such a Church which being obstinate in their way seeketh not for help the Neighbour-Churches ought to exercise the Comm●nion of Churches by enquiring to finde out the truth and by admonishing the offending Church in a brotherly way whereunto that Church ought to submit according to God R●m 16.17 G●l 2 11-14 And if it obstinately persisteth in scandalous Evils after convincing light held forth the offended Churches may renounce communion with them to avoid fellowship in their sin Eph. 5.11 1 Tim. 5.22 Position 12 The Rules given by Christ to Christi●n Churche in the Premises and the l●ke are to be Received by all the Churches and the Members of them and to be obeyed as his Laws and Commandments who is our ●ne Law-giver In observing whereof and not otherwise the Purity and Peace of Christian Churches will ●e preserved by the blessing of C●rist Iam 4.12 Mat 28.20 1 C●● 14.37 1 Tim. 6 13. Gal 6 16. These and the like being general Principles of Truth the particular Determinations of the Synod in the Two Question● are to be Examined by them and so far and no further to be Approved and Rece●ved as a consent and harmony of them with these may be cleared to the consciences of men rightly informed which may be manifested by a right application and compari●g them together 2. The Application of the former Theses or Posi●ions to the Questi●ns and Answer● as they are stated and express●d by the Reverend Elders in their Printed Book followeth The first Qu●stion propounded to them by the Honoured General Court was Quest 1. Who are the Subjects of Baptism Answ The Answer may be given in the following Propositions Which are seven in number Propos 1 They that according to Scripture are Members of the visib e Church are the Subjects of Baptism Propos 2. The Members of the visible Church according to Scripture are Confederate visible Believers in particul●r Churches and their infant-seed i. e. children in m●nority whose nex● Parents one or both are in Covenant Reply I cannot approve the two first Propositions without some change of the terms In the first thus they that accord●ng to Christ's O●d●nance are regular and actual Memb●● c. The second thus The actual and regular Members of th● visible C●urch acco●ding to Christs Ordinance ar● c. The nec●ssity of this alteration will appear if either the p emised Positions be duely co sidered wherewith these Proposit on● w●ll not otherw●se agree or if the Proofs alledged by them from Scripture for co●firmation of these two Propositions be duely ex●mined o● if what is hereafter to be Replied unto the following Prop●sitions shall be duely weighed Propos 3. Th● infant-seed f confederate visible believers are Members of the same Church with their Parent● and when grown up are person lly under the Watc● Discipline and Government of the Chur●h This Proposition c●nsisteth of two parts both which they endeavour to prove distinctly 1 Th●t ●hey are Members of the same Church wi●h heir Parent This may pass in a rig t sense being understood of Medi●te Member in and by th●ir Parents covenanti●g for them in their infancy or minority I shall no oppose it 2 That when h●y are g own u● hey are pe s●n lly under the W●●ch D scipline a●d Government of the Chur●● This expressi●n c●ll● for serious consideration and the Proofs of it ●e●ui●e due ex●●ina●ion 1. F r the Exp●●ssion the meaning of ●t ●●●ms to be this That when the child●en that were baptized in their minority are grown up to years of discretion or become men they are Members or as they speak afterw●rd 〈◊〉 Membe● and by that membership are under the Watch Discipline and Government of the Church But what
but varied according to the different times wherein the Church hath been gathered the progress thereof in that variety being from less perfect before the coming of Christ to more perfect after his coming the former was more external and carnal Heb. 9.10 the latter more internal and spiritual Ioh. 1.17 that was accommodated to the state of the Church being a childe this to the state of the Church being an heir grown to full age Gal. 4.1 to 5. Position 6 Though Baptism is come in the place of Circumcision and therefore infants of Confederates are now to be baptized as then they were to be circumcised they both being outward Seals of the same Covenant in substance Col. 2.11 12. Rom. 4.11 Yet neither must we look at Circumcision as it was of Moses but of the Fathers I h. 7.22 nor at every subject of Circumcision as the subject of Baptism extensively Circumcision was extended to all that were born in the house and bought with money Gen. 17 12 13. But Baptism is limited to believing Iews and their children and to so many as the Lord our God shall call Acts 2.38 39. 1 Cor. 7.14 Your children are holy he saith not Your servants ●c Position 7 The Rules accommodated by Iesus Christ our Lord for the manner of applying the Covenant and of administring the Kingdome of God under the Gospel concern either the constitution and ordering of Christian Churches or the propagation and continuing of them or their communion together In all which both the Truth and the Arguments for confirmation of it must be drawn expresly or by good consequence from the New Testament in such particulars wherein we have Christ's appointment or the Primitive Churches planted or approved by the Apostles for our Patterns Not from the Old Testament further then they may be inferred thence by parity of reason M●t. 28.20 1 Tim. 3.14 15. Position 8 The Rules given of Christ 1. Concerning The Constitution of Christian Ch●rches are 1. That the Matter of them must be if adult approved Believers Acts 5.14 if infants or children in minority such whose Parents both or one are orderly and visibly joyned to the Church of Christ Acts 2.39 1 Cor. 7.14 2. That the Form of them must be their visible confederating with the Lord Christ as the Head of the Church and one with another mutually to walk together according to his Rules for the attainment of the ends of Church communion 2 Cor. 8.5 1 Pet. 2.5 Position 9 The Rules given by Christ for The Ordering of Christian Churches are 1. In general that all Gospel Ordinances be dispensed and administred according to Gospel-Precepts and Patterns Col 2.5 6. 2. In particular 1. That fit persons be orderly admitted into this holy Fellowship by the Door which is Christ believed on and professed Ioh. 10.7 9. 2. That Officers appointed by Christ be regularly chosen and ordained and that the Elders both Teaching and Ruling especially Teaching be singularly loved and honoured with double honour and obeyed 1 Tim. 3. T●t 1 Ph l. 1.1 Acts 6.6 14.23 1 Thess 5.12 13. 1 Tim. 4.17 18. Heb. 13.17 2. That the Members exercise mutual Watchfulness one over another Heb. 10.24 25. with mutual Submission of one to another and of every one to the whole Body 1 Pet. 5.5 3. That the visible Seals instituted by Christ for Gospel-Churches which are onely two Baptism and the Lords Supper 1 Cor. 12.13 be administred by the Teaching Officers according to Christs Institution Mat. 28.19 1. Baptism is to be administred by Christs Ordinance to Disciples ibid. Viz. 1. To grown persons not before baptized after their holding forth their Repentance and Faith in Christ and voluntary taking hold of the Covenant for themselves and their seed Mat. 3.6 Luke 3.3 Acts 8 37 38. 2.38 39. 1 Cor. 12.12 13. These for distinction sake I call Immediate Members 2. To their infant-seed or children in minority who also are members in the right of their Parents covenanting for them Acts 2.39 1 Cor. 7.14 these I call Mediate Members because the membership which they have is Mediante Parentum foedere therefore these being grown up must be admitted into immediate fellowship and full communion with the Church by their personal faith held forth to satisfaction of the Churches charitable discretion and by their taking hold of the Covenant for themselves and their seed as their Parents before them did as it is prophesied of Gospel-Churches in Isa 56.6 7. 62 5. 2. The Lords Supper is to be administred according to Christ's Institution in reference both to the Ordinance it self 1 Cor. 11.23 to 27. and to the Communicants ver 27 to 32. 4. That Church-censures be applied to delinquent Members in private offences according to Mat. 18 15 to 18. and in publick criminous Scandals according to 1 Cor. 5.11 Rev. 22.15 but so as the publick judgement be not by the Elders alone but together with them by the Fraternity 1 Cor. 5 12. Position 10 The Rules given of Christ for the Propagation and Cont●nuing of Christian Churches are properly suited to their Congregational and Spiritual state They are not the same with those before the Law when the Church was onely in Families nor with those under the Law given to the Church of the Jews in both which the Church was to be propagated and continued by natural generation in a lineal descent from Noah by Shem and from Abraham by Isaac and Jacob till the coming of Christ this way best suiting to a Domestical and National Church in their respective constitutions Christian Churches are of neither of these sorts but are by Christ's appointment cast into a Congregational and more Spiritual Form and therefore are not capable of being propagated and continued in a lineal succession by natural generation ordinarily but must be propagated and continued 1. In adult persons by Regeneration visibly manifested to the charitable discretion of the Church Joh. 3.3 5. being wrought in the working of Faith in Christ Joh. 1.12 13. and made visible by a right conf●ssion and profession of Faith both quae creditur Rom. 10.10 and quâ creditur Gal. 3.26 2. In their infant-seed by their Parents covenanting for them to the end that such being engaged to God in their infancy may be thereby engaged and excited the more to give up themselves to God in Christ when they come to years of discretion not by constraint but willingly Psal 110.3 through the operation of God working Faith in their hearts Col. 2.12 by the Spirit who is a voluntary Agent and therefore likened to the wind which bloweth where it listeth Joh. 3.8 Sometimes in some of the next posterity yet not in all 2 Joh. 4. sometimes in the Grandmother and Mother and childe as in Timothy 2 Tim. 1.5 Accordingly the Church must make a difference of children grown up where God makes a difference as he did between Jacob and Esau Mal. 1.2 and receive onely such whom Christ receiveth Rom. 14.1