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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68069 A declaration of the causes, for the which, wee Frederick, by the grace of God King of Bohemia, Count Palatine of the Rhine, Elector of the sacred empire, &c. haue accepted of the crowne of Bohemia, and of the countryes thereunto annexed; Proclamations. 1619-11-07 Bohemia (Kingdom). Sovereign (1619-1620 : Frederick I); Frederick I, King of Bohemia, 1596-1632. 1620 (1620) STC 11351.3; ESTC S121195 8,536 24

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Authors of great Inconueniences directly preiudicial to the Electors Princes and States Euangelicall adiacent These circumstances I say considered we could finde out no other more conuenient way then the present resolution we haue vndertaken Whereunto wee were likewise obliged more nearly by the Faith and fidelity which we owe to the sacred Empire through the peculiar interest of our Electorall Family and Principality of the superiour Palatinate and by the hereditary Alliances which the saide Principality from all Antiquity hath held with the Crowne of Bohemia for Protection and preseruation whereof the fore-mentioned reasons to watch the more circumspectly hoping that euery man well inform'd of the Truth and free from all passion will rightly iudge of our Actions and no wayes sinisterly enterpret them And this was the reason why in Gods name for the aduancement of his Glory for the Comfort of the poore afflicted for the preseruation of common prosperity and Liberty and other very important occasions at the humble and instant request of the Estates of the Kingdome of BOHEMIA and the Countries incorporate diuers times reiterated both by writing and Embassies directed to vs as also by serious remonstrances to vs intimated that at last we approued of the Election of our person vnanimously made and accepted the Crowne and Gouernement of the Kingdome of BOHEMIA and of the Countries annexed And to this end we together with the Princesse of great BRITAINE our deare Spouse haue transplanted our selues vnto this City of PRAGVE where with the common Consent and Assistance of the said Estates we haue beene solemnly Crowned and with great popular applause collocated in the Royall Throne which God by his omnipent arme graciously confirme and grant vs this fauour so to begin and continue our Raigne that the Kingdome of Iesus Christ may still more and more be augmented in vs and our Subjects and they happily and long time maintained in true Peace and felicitie So that once more we protest before God and the whole world that from this time forward we are firmely resolu'd not to persecute or molest or suffer to be persecuted or molested any person whosoeuer for matter of Religion no not they which professe themselues to be of the Romane Church neither to trouble or disturbe them in the exercise of their Religion so they liue conformably to the Lawes of the States Edicts of Pacification Royall Letters and to former publicke Grants passed in fauour of Religion As to speake truth a good number of the saide Romane Catholicks within the Kingdome of Bohemia and the Prouinces annexed haue voluntarily expos'd and offer'd themselues by Oath and Subscription to that common defensiue Confederation Instituted between the saide Kingdome and Countries and by yeelding vs their due homage inclusiuely haue approued of our Election and Coronation We in like manner are determin'd to deuice all expedient and possible meanes not onely in short time to recouer by the grace of God tranquillitie and Peace in our Kingdome of Bohemia and the Countries annexed but further entertain plant some better correspondicie between the Estates and the Empire and to preuent all other Iuconueniences so that the saide Estates each one in his particuler be mutually hereunto affected and that no obstacle be interpos'd nor occasion giuen of greater troubles And that the sinceritie of our intentions may more manifestly appeare wee will euer haue a care by all possible meanes to embrace Amitie correspondencie and friendly Intelligence with all Potentates Electors Princes and Estates of Christendome but more especially with those that border and confine vpon vs We presuming no lesse of them that they will reciprocally testifie the like to vs assisting vs with their Counsels and performances against all those who out of some contray Disseigne would hostilely attempt against vs our Kingdome and Countrey And therefore wee request them out of the same affection and loue which we are ready to acknowledge towards euery one of them in all Offices possible within our power and vpon all occasions they may be presented Wee finding it fit and necessary in the times wherein we liue to manifest and make knowne the same to all men by this our publicke Declaration Giuen in our Royall Castle at Prague the 7. day of Nouember 1619. The Iesuits
A DECLARATION OF THE CAVSES FOR THE WHICH WEE FREDERICK BY THE GRACE OF GOD KING OF BOHEMIA COVNT PALATINE OF THE RHINE ELECTOR OF THE SACRED EMPIRE C. haue ACCEPTED OF THE CROWNE OF BOHEMIA AND OF THE COVNTRYES THEREVNTO annexed 〈…〉 CAESAR AVGVSTVS MIDDLEBVRG Printed by Abraham Schilders M. D.C.xx FREDERICKE By the Grace of GOD King of BOHEMIA Count Palatine of the RHINE Elector of the Sacred EMPIRE Duke of BAVARIA Marquisse of MORAVIA Duke of SILESIA and LVXEMEVRG Marquisse of the Higher and Lower LVSASIA c. TO ALL Potentates Electors Princes and States of Christendome happy Greeting WEE make no doubt but all in generall residing either within or without the Empire doe now sufficiently vnderstand the miserable and most perilous estate into which the Kingdome of BOHEMIA is reduced being so Famous for Antiquitie and a principall member of the Sacred Empire as also the Countryes thereunto annexed and Incorporated with other bordering Prouinces Neither can they be ignorant of such actions of Oppression hostilitie and violence which haue beene practised within a little time through continuall Rapines Murders Combustions Deuastations plentifull effusion of Innocent blood violation and rauishing both of Wiues and honest Virgins dismembring of little sucking Children with many other inhumane most Cruell and Barbarous insolences In like manner the true source and originall of all these euils of what afterwards ensued or may in future time accrue most euidently appeareth and is as cleare as day both by experience and the ample Relations that haue beene diuers times made thereof that they who by their depraued Councels and suggestions haue bene the means to precipitate the mightier sort into present danger and losse are now themselues conuinced euen within their owne consciences And notwithstanding the successe of these latter times wherein sundry opinions haue been hatched about the subiect of Religion may make one clearely discerne with his eye and as it were touch with his finger that according to the veritie of holy Scripture and a Maxime heretofore held and maintayn'd by the ancient Doctors of the Church that mens Consciences ought in no sort to be violated vrged or constrained and whensoeuer men haue attempted any thing by this violent course whether openly or by secret meanes the issue hath beene pernicious and the cause of great and wonderfull innouations in the principallest and mightiest Kingdomes and Countries of all Christendome Yet so it is that a certaine extrauagant and strange kinde of people hauing dispersed themselues ouer Christendome but especially within the Empire and other Kingdomes and Countries bordering and depending thereupon and hauing there brought in and planted a new Doctrine absolutely funestall and obnoxious to all Potentates and Magistrates nay and further hauing not onely obtained fauour and accesse to great men but also drawne to their own bent both their Councellours and Officers and generally the most Honourable and opulent of euery place through the false charme of a counterfeit and masked Sanctitie an implaceable desire and thirst did meruailously grow and increase of persecuting all those who were seperated from the Romaine Church yea and totally to extirpate them if they did not yeeld and come vnder that Iurisdiction Whereupon it came to passe that notwithstanding all the good endeauours that precedent Princes and Gouernours haue bestowed both in the Empire and more especially in the Kingdome of BOHEMIA for preseruation of common Peace and carying an euen hand between the adherents of the one and th' other Church conformable to the Concessions and Edicts of pacification granted in fauour of Religion their Successors for all this more through others instigation questionlesse then of their owne proper disposition haue beene vrged so farre as to giue a large field of leaue and Libertie to these pestiferous kinde of people and their complices who entring herevpon into a full and mayne Careir they presumed somtimes to innouate one thing then another and not onely by publike writing to draw into doubt and controuersie but also really to annihilate and make frustrate the said Concessions liberties of Religion Pacts Obligations and Oathes solemnly assumed for their confirmatiō But wee will not heere set downe in particulers what hath beene practised for many yeares since and attempted in all parts of the Empire vpon the purchase of this Licence and Lliberty neither in how weake and instable manner affaires still continue and stand referring our selues herein to that which Time shall further manifest by sufficient tryals and proofes in whatsoeuer shall be requisite and conuenient But as for the Crowne of BOHEMIA and the Countryes thereunto annexed wee must no wayes dissemble it and it is very well knowne that according as the light of the holy Gospell spred his beames more and more from time to time the lustre and repute of the Roman Catholike Religion hath there beene wonderfully eclipsed not without procuring much trouble and strife so that finally it most necessarily behoued to prouide for the maintainance of common Peace and tranquillitie within the Realme and this was effected by certain permissions and Licences to preuent that diuersity of Religion might not wholly alter or disturbe a generall and peaceable humane Societie So long as things remained in these indifferent tearmes both one and other party held themselues well contented But those turbulent Spirits of whom wee formerly spake hauing no will to consent to publike repose and peace they rather chose to hazard and reduce thinges to an vtter extremity then to diminish the least tittle of that intention which was so deeply grauen in their hearts which was that all things might come vnder the Popes spirituall iurisdiction and at last vnder the secular Dominion of some strange and forraigne gouernment All which added more and more agrieuances and molestations to Religion And aboue all the rest many plots were laide to frustrate the Royall Letters and Concessions of his Majesty to dimolish or at least shut vp the Euangelical Churches and Temples newly built to raise vp thunderings and threatnings amongst the Estates to interdict and actually prohibite their lawfull defence horribly to persecute the poore Subiects with comminations of more terrible Oppression Insults with losse of body Life and goods besides sundry other in-iustices perpetrated against men of euery seuerall condition And on the other side when naturall and iust resistance opposed these insolences or any other meanes which necessity vrged vnto as those Manifests published by the said Estates can testifie they of the contrary party in stead of referring their cause to reason and equall hearing proceeded further by open hostilitie and force of Armes to such a point that a good part of the said Kingdom of BOHEMIA and the Prouinces Incorporate remayneth now dismembred by Fyer and Sword being as it were turned into Blood and Ashes Whereunto we might also add that whereas many yeares since and especially the last past the said Kingdome and Countryes haue exposed their liues and substance for the