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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A71096 The verity of Christian faith written by Hierome Savanorola [sic] of Ferrara.; Triumphus crucis Liber 2. English Savonarola, Girolamo, 1452-1498. 1651 (1651) Wing S781; ESTC R6206 184,563 686

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not what is superfluous she forceth not her own she maintaineth what is not her own shee usurpeth not but with all industrie laboureth only about this one thing that is by faithfull prudent handling of our forefathers doings what by them in times past was well entered begun she polisheth what then was well polished and declared she confirmeth what then was confirmed and defined she retaineth To conclude what hath she else endeavoured by the decrees of Councells but that that doctrine which before was simplie credited the same afterward should be more diligently beleeved that religion which before was taught more slowly the same afterward should be preached more instantly That faith which before was more securely reverenced the same afterward should more carefully be practised This I say alwayes and nothing els hath the Church provoked with the novelties of Hereticks set down by the decrees of her Councels to wit onely to confirme that to posteritie by writing comprehending a great summe of things in few words often times for more easie understanding to an old article of faith giving a new name which before by tradition she had received of her forefathers CHAP. XIV BUt to return to the Apostle O Timothie quoth he keep the depositum avoyd prophane novelties of voices Avoid quoth he as a viper as a scorpion as a ba●ilisk least they infect thee not only by touching but also with their very eyes and breath What is meant by Avoid 1 Cor. 5. that is not so much as to eate with any such what importeth this Avoid if any man quoth he come unto you and bring not this doctrine what doctrine but the Catholick and universall that which with sound tradition of the truth hath continued one the self same through all successions of times and that which shall continue to the worlds end What then Receive him not quoth he into the house nor say God save you for he that sayeth unto him God save you communicateth with his wicked works Prophane novelties of voices quoth he What is Prophane Those which have no holines in them no jote of religion wholly unknown to the Church which is the temple of God Prophane novelties of voices quoth he of voices that is novelties of opinions novelties of things novelties of senses contrarie to our forefathers faith contrarie to antiquitie which if we admit and receive of necessitie the faith of our blessed ancestours either all or a great part of it must be overthrown the faithfull people of all ages and times all holy Saints all chast all continent all virgins all widowes all Clerks all Deacons all Priests so manie thousands of Confessours so many bands of Martyrs so many famous and great cities and commonwealths so manie Islands Provinces Kings countries kingdomes nations to conclude almost the whol world incorporated by the Catholick faith to Christ their head must needs be saied so many hundreds of years to have been ignorant to have erred to have blasphemed to have beleeved they know not what Avoid quoth he Prophane novelties of voices to receive which to follow which never was the custome of Catholicks but alwayes the propertie of hereticks And to say truth what heresie hath ever peeped forth but under the name of some certain man in some certaine place and at some certaine time Who ever set abroach any heresie who first devided not himself from the consent of the universality and antiquity of the Catholick Church Which to be true examples do plainly prove For who ever before that prophane Pelagius presumed so much of mans free will that he thought not the grace of God necessary to every particular good act Who ever before his monstrous disciple Celestiut denyed all mankind to be tyed and bound with the sin of Adams prevarication Who ever before facrilegious Arius durst tear in peeces the Unity of Trinity Who ever before wicked Sabellius attempted to confound the Trinity of Unity Who ever before cruell Novatian affirmed God to be so mercilesse that he had rather the death of a sinner then he should returne and live Who ever before Simon Magus punished by Apostolicall censure from whom that old sink of filthinesse came by continuall and secret succession unto Priscilian that was the last durst ever affirme that God our Creatour was the Authour of evill that is the Authour of our wickednes impieties and horrible crimes because God as he said so made mans nature that by a certain peoper motion and impulse of an inforced will it can do nothing else but sinne desire nothing else but to offend because being provoked and inflamed with the surious rage of all vices it is with an insatiable desire carryed away headlong into the pit and sink of all filthinesse Such examples are infinite which for brevity sake I omit by all which notwitstanding it appeareth plainly and clearly that it is an usuall and common thing in all Heresies to take great pleasure in prophane novelties to loath the decrees of our forefathers and so fall from the faith by pretending the false and counterfeit name of knowledge and learning contrariwise that this is proper to all Catholicks to keep that faith which the holy fathers have left and committed to their charge to condemne prophane novelties and as the Apostle hath already said again doth say If any man shall preach otherwise then that which is received to accurse him CHAP. XV. HEre happily some man may demand whether hereticks also do use the testimony of holy scripture To which I say that they do and that very earnestly for a man may behold them ranging coursing in every part of the Bible in Moses in the Kings in the Psalms in the Apostles in the Gospels in the Prophets for whether they be amongst their own brethren or with strangers whether in private or in publick whether in talking or writing whether in the house reasting or abroad walking they almost never alleadge any thing of their owne which they do not pretend to shadow with the words of sacred scripture Read the pamphlets of Paulus Samosatenus of Priscilian Eunomius Jovinian and the rest of such like pestilent Hereticks and you shall find through all their works an huge heap of examples almost no page omitted which is not coloured and painted with the sayings of the new and old testament But the more closely they lurk under the shadow of Gods law the more carefully are they to be feared the more narrowly to be watched for they know full well that their stinking and unsavory drugs be not likely almost to please any if simply nakedly they be set forth and therefore they do temper them as it were with the sweet powder of Gods word that he which would have contemned mans erroneous invention dares not so readily reject Gods divine scripture wherein they are like to those which minding to minister bitter potions to young children do first annoint the brim●●● of the cup with hony that thereby
that there is one body and one spirit one hope of their calling one Lord one Faith one Baptisme and the Scripture testifieth that in the Apostles dayes the multitude of Believers were of one heart and of one soul Acts 4.32 The Universality of the Church is also twofold in time and in place this later was foretold by the Prophet Moses relating Gods promise made to Abraham of an ample posterity and that all the nations of the earth should be blessed in his seed Gen. 22.18 Gal. 3.8 by the Royall Psalmist declaring that God the Father would give unto his Son the heathen for his inheritance and the uttermost part of the earth for his possession Psal 2.8 and that he should have dominion from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth Psal 72.8 and by the Prophet Isaiah affirming that all nations shall flow to the mountain of the Lords house Isa 2. v. 2. For the accomplishment of these Prophecies our Blessed Saviour declared Luke 24. v. 44. that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses aend in the Prophets and in the Psalmes concerning him and v. 47. that repentance and remission of sinnes should be preached in his name among all uations beginning at Jerusalem and for the performance hereof he gave a commission unto his Apostles to teach all nations Matth. 28.19 and to preach the Gospel to every creature Mar. 19. v. 15. That the Church of Christ should be universall for time and continue perpetually unto the worlds end it was plainly foretold by the Prophet Isaiah who speaking of our B. Saviour saith that of the encrease of his government and peace there shall be no end Vpon the throne of David and upon his kingdome shall he sit to order it and to establish it with judgement and with justice from henceforth even for ever and that no doubt may be made of the performance hereof the Prophet addes the zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this And by the Prophet Daniel affirming that in the dayes of those Kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdome which shall not be left to other people but it shall break in pieces and consume all those kingdomes and it shall stand for ever Dan. 2.44 All which was confirmed by the Angel Gabriel saying The Lord shall give unto Christ the throne of his Father David and he shall reign over the house of Jacob and of his kingdome there shall be no end Luke 1. ver 32 33. For the perpetuall settlement and establishing of this Church Christ said unto S. Peter Vpon this rock I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it Matth. 16.18 Touching the sanctity of the Church of Christ God by the Prophet Ezekiel saith I will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore and the heathen shall know that I the Lord do sanctifie Israel when my sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore Ezek 37. v. 26 28. and by the Prophet Malachi Mal. 1.11 From the rising of the sunne even to the going down of the same my name shall be great among the Gentiles and in every place incense shall be offered unto my name and a peace-offering Unto this sanctity our Blessed Saviour exhorts us saying Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorifie your Father which is in heaven Matth. 5.16 and Mark 7. v. 13 14. Enter ye in at the strait gate for strait is the gate and narrow the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it And teaching how to distinguish the good from the bad he saith v. 20. By their fruits ye shall know them As for Apostolicall succession S. Paul saith Ephes 4. v. 11 12 13. that Christ gave some Apostles and some Prophets and some Evangelists and some Pastours and teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministery for the edifying of the body of Christ till we all come into the unity of faith and of the unity of the Sonne of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fulnesse of Christ that is as Doctour Fulk against the Rhem. Test in Ephes 4. sect 4. fol. 335. and Mr. Calvin in his Instit cap. 8. de fide sect 37 38. pag. 233. 234. do expound for ever As for the second point whether the Church of Christ can erre or no S Augustine saith that neither the violence of heathens nor the subtilty of hereticks can overthrow it which agrees with our Savionrs promise Matth. 16.18 that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it and to preserve her from all errour and heresie Christ promised to be alwayes with her even to the worlds end Matth. 28.20 and God made this covenant with her Isa 59.21 My spirit that is upon thee and my words which I have put in thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seed nor out of the mouth of thy seeds seed saith the Lord from henceforth and for ever by which words saith Mr. Calvin in Comment hujus loci God promiseth that the Church shall never be deprived of this inestimable benefit to be governed by the Holy Ghost and to be suported by heavenly doctrine and to this effect he sent down the Holy Ghost to teach the Church all truth and to remain with her for ever Joh. 16.13 Joh. 14.16 Thus thou seest how S. Augustines instructions for finding out the truth are grounded in Scripture but more expressely in S. Pauls doctrine who tells us Rom. 10.17 that faith cometh by hearing and hearing is by the word of God if we ask him how men may come to heare the word of God he answers v. 14 15. How shall they hear without a preacher and how shall they preach unlesse they be sent So that faith is bred in men by hearing and believing the word of God made known unto them by preachers lawfully sent which preachers as he saith to the Ephesians Ephes 4. v. 11 12 13. are alwayes to be found in the Church of Christ and are placed there ver 14. that from henceforth we be no more children tossed to fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleighs of men and cunning craftinesse whereby they lie in wait to deceive which is an office that cannot be performed by men that are frail and subject to errour unles the Lord by his divine assistance doth preserve them from erring Doctour Field having considered the facility and solidity of this method doth advise all those to practise it that desire to be satisfied in matters of Religion in these terms Epist dedic of the Church Seeing the controversies in our time are grown in number so many and in nature so intricate that few have time and leisure fewer strength of understanding to examine them what remaineth for men desirous