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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06133 The choyce of ievvels. By Lodowik Lloid Esquier Lloyd, Lodowick, fl. 1573-1610. 1607 (1607) STC 16618; ESTC S108763 23,505 48

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and stones should condemne vs of too much forgetfulnesse Sith neither Syracusa with their conuoyes and prouision to the Romanes at Thrasymenum neither Tyre nor Sydon with their Caedars of Lybanon to Ierusalem were so forward as Denmark was of late to England but as Masinissa sayd of the Romanes that there was one kind of people vpon the earth the people of Rome and among that one people one Scipio to whom he fully deuoted himselfe as one whose soule rested in Scipioes bodie the like sayd Hyra King of Tyre of Salomon King of Israel But neither Hyra with his Sydonians was more grateful to Salomon King of Israel nor Masinissa with his Numidians more louing to Scipio the Romane Consul than Christianus King of Denmarke was to Iames King of great Britane whom neither heauens earth nor seas neither Kingdomes nor Court could keepe that louing King from his loue to come from Denmark as a crowned starre of the North to shine in England and to come to celebrate and to renew the name of great Britane to see the Queene his Sister his Nephew and the rest of the Kings children the sound and sacred anchor of three Kingdomes O loue immortall not to be wayed in ballance not with measure to be measured not knitted with Gordius knot to be cut by Alexanders sword neither with Hercules knot to be vnknitted by Phoebus sith all prophane Histories cannot allow but eight onely of the like loue but not eight Kings most seldome two For to see a King out of his kingdome is as strange as to see the Sunne out of the skie Let England bee of equall loue with Denmarke sith loue is recompensed with loue iustly weyed in equall ballance not with Philips siluer swords in Greece not with Artaxerxes golden Archers in Persia but with Pythagoras weapons one minde one heart and one soule perpetuall weapons the triumphes thereof haue their euerlasting tropheis Among such what needs such leagues and couenants to dippe our weapons in blood as the Scythians did or die our clothes in blood as the Armenians did or to drinke blood out of our armes as the Medians and Lydians did Sith the league between great Britane and Denmarke is consecrated with inward blood of mutuall hearts and confirmed with the entrals and bowels of naturall Parents that two Sunnes may be sooner found to agree in the skie than these two Kings to disagree on earth This God hath appointed nature confirmed fates allowed and fortune thereto agreed Hence grow the cause of our publicke Iubilies and crowned feasts our dayly tropheis and perpetuall triumphes that as the Romans loued and agreed with the Sabins yeelding thanks to their God in the Feast Consualia so the Britanes with the Danes yeelding thanks to their God Iehouah in their Feasts Scaenopegia The Choyse of Iewels THE Empire of Women and Courts of Queenes euen frō Semiramis time haue gouerned countries and kingdomes subdued Realmes ruled States and brought vnder their obeysance both Kings and kingdomes as also before Semiramis time it may ●ee●e probable for that Asia the greatest part of the world was named Asia by a Queene of that name which then dwelt in Asi● whose fame continued vntill Semiramis the second Empresse whose martiall exploytes and gouernment hath been such if authorities may serue as neither Alexander the great could exceede in magnanimitie nor Cyrus in victories nor Xerxes in multitude of souldiers Wee leaue the Court of Sardanapalus King of Assiria who during his life exceeded in all effeminate wantōnesse hauing his Court full of such Iewels as he was wont to ●it amongst them in womans apparell among such light and shamelesse women where women were in mens apparell and men in womens apparell of which I will omit to speake But I will begin with those women that were speciall Iewels appointed not only to saue his people but to saue kingdomes and countryes not only among christi●ns but among Heathens and Pagans DEBORA a woman which dwelt in Mount Ephraim and iudged Israel fourty yeares vanquished the Chananites and slue Sisera HVLDAH a Prophetesse which dwelt in Ierusalem to whome king I●sia● after the law booke was found sent for Councell to know how and what way God might be pleased with Israell Who knoweth not but Rebecca by God appoynted councelled her sonne Iacob to flee from his brother Esau to M●sopotamia where God appoynted such two Iewels for him as made him the father of the 12 Tribes of Israell in whome he and his posteritie was blessed by the seede of LEA a woman IOSEPH a man sent by God to Egipt though sold by his brethren where the like Iewell was appoynted him to weete Assanetha an Egiptian the mother of Manasses and Ephraim two adopted Tribes in Israell by whome during Iosephs life the Hebrews were Lords of the land of Goshen and free from their bondage in Egipt Was not THERMVTIS the Kings daughter of Egipt a Iewell appointed to saue Moses from drowning in Nilus to name him Moses to bring him vpp as her sonne adoptiue to possesse the Crowne in spight of their Priests of Memphis ESTHER an Hebrew maide maried to A●ashuerosh the great King of Persia a Iewell of God not only appointed to saue M●rdocheus her vnckle but all the Iewes her country-men within an hundred seauen and twenty Prouinces with the daunger of her owne life and the destruction of Seauenty and fiue thousand Persi●ns and the hanging of H●man and his ten sonnes In Bethulia a woman widdow ventured more then any man either Cyrus Alexander Or Caesar in their owne persons as shee did who brought Holofer●●● head in a bagge through the Assirian campe to 〈◊〉 whereby the whole Assirian army was ouerthrowne A famous victorie for a woman to be recorded for the fame of women Obserue therefore how God chiefly by women in all countries saued and defended his people In Mesopotamia by Labans daughters Lea Rachell In Egipt by THERMVTIS King Pharoes daughter In Ethiopia by Tharbis the King of Ethiops daughter whom Moses maried and made her a christian whome Pharaoh and the Priests of Egipt gaue him to th' end to slay him as Saul sent Dauid to the Philistians for the like purpose In Persia by ESTHER King Ahashuerosh wife In Bethulia by Iudith a widdow these were peculier women by God appoynted What should wee seeke proofes far off when we haue examples at home Had we not in England such a Iewell as combined Fraunce vnto England And another Iewell that brought Scotland vnto England being two women Had we not such a Iewell of a woman in England after tenne terrible battels wherein there were a Hundred Knights and Barons slayne tenne Princes and Dukes destroyed and one Hundred thousand Englishmen slayne in the field between the houses of Lancaster and Yorke a woman being the onely cause of a perpetuall League betweene both houses And euen at this present wee enioye such a Iewell that will blesse
THE CHOYCE OF IEVVELS By Lodowik Lloid Esquier LONDON Printed by Thomas Purfoot 1607. T Te●psichore comes with Clio in hand to iudge with graces three O Of one such like Lucina sayd the Sunne did seldome see A As she that suckt Mellissaes milke fed on Sibillas brest N Nurst with sweet Ambrosias meat with heuenly Nectar drest N Now comes Vrania on message sent from states of greatest fame A Aurora like descends from skie to enrowle on earth her name Q Queene Pallas sayd her name in Court should be Pan●●ophia stal'd V Venus smiling wisht her name might be Panphila cal'd E Euer Iuno sadly sayd her name must Pandora be E Each Nymph each Muse each grace agreed Pandora should be she N Now sits shee on Mynerua seat where all Cytherides gree E Euterpe shold to Cynthia say crowne this Queen with Crownes three O On forth Eudora said and send Medeas golden fleece F Fates all agreed Palladium should to Britane come from Greece G Great thrice gracious grac't shee is where graces three do tend R Right happie thrice thrice Queen where kingdom● three do bend E Erato charged Iris streight on knee to Euri●ia bend T That soone Euribia from Samos should her crowne and scepter send B Bellona arm'd with sword and shield Eumenides stands in place R Rhamnusia shall reuenge on those that seeks this Queenes disgrace I In strength from Delos Diana comes with bowe and quiuer bend T The Troiane Ladies from Ida did the goulden apple send A Amarusia comes with Peplon on her chore Calliope ●als N Now Daphnes comes with lawrell crownes to crowne her Ladies all H Her bowers the Dryads build vp braue and these the Oreads decke E Each Nymph with flowers poesies sweet attend Pandoras check A Arabi●n Ladies with Saba came with myrth and Cassia sweet L Like Libanon all these Ladies smell which comes our Queen to greet T Triton sound the Trumpet out make worlds her fam● to know H Heauens haue their starres of states some such on earth be so TO THE MOST NOble and vertuous Queene Anne by the grace of God Queene of Great Britaine Fraunce and Ireland c. LEa and Rachel most Noble Queene left and forsooke their Countrey Mesopotamia to come to Israell to bee the mother of the twelue Tribes of Israell Ruth the Moabite came from Moab to Iudah to be the mother of many great and godly Kings in Iudah Your Maiestie descending from many Kings and Princes came from Denmarke to Scotland from Scotland to England to be the mother of many Kings and Princes in great Britane Thus wee are bound to the prouidence of God by whom Kings do raigne and Kingdomes are supported and that by Gods good and gracious means in women as by Thermu●●s Pharoes daughter to saue Moses in Nylus to bring the Children of Israell out of Egipt by King Tharbus daughter of Ethiop to yeild the Citie Saba and thereby the victorie to the Hebrew Armie thus heathen women by God are appointed to serue Israell at neede How much more is Es●her famous for her great victory ouer the Persians Iudith by cutting off Holofernus head was in Bethulia both for euer famous noble stratagems of women But your Maiestie by putting your Highnes helping hand to pare their feet lesser their eares shorter their eyes out and their monstrous heads off that can come and goe that can see and heare from Rome from Rhemes from Spaine to Great Britaine such victories shold haue double tryumphes the one in earth the other in heauen Whē Rachels Image was buried by Sychē Israel began to flourish then Debora a woman within a while after became a Iudge in Israel for 40 yeres in mount Ephraim when Maachas idoll Priapus was buried and ashes throwne to Caedron then Iudah prospered and Hulda a woman dwelling in Hierusalem to whome Iosias sent to know how to serue the Lord and to be instructed by a woman to purifie Iudah from Images and Idols God raised wise godly and vertuous women in all countreys to feare him to feed his seruants a woman in Sarepta to feed Elias a Sanamite woman to lodge Elizeus to a woman of Samaria Christ asked drinke confessed himselfe to be the Messias Since Christ was so conuersant with womē that to women Christ spake his last speach before his death after his death he first appeared to women I wish some women should haue Christ in their hearts in Great Britane as Anna had in her armes in Hierusalem to pray to him and not to Saints to worship Christ in the Church and not Idols and Images in Closets and Galleries then did Iudah prosper then did Israell florish and then shall Great Britane bee happie Your Maiesties most bounden and dutifull seruant LODOVVIK LLOID To the most noble and vertuous Prince Christianus King of Denmarke c. Lodowik Lloids most humble Gratulation at his comming to great Britane WHo can passe in silence most noble Prince the ioyes and triumphes of these Halcyons dayes wherein Christianus King of Denmarke leauing his Kingdome his Queen his Court forsaking his imperiall Sceptor and his Subiects renouncing all princely dignities as a Prince that had his soule diuided betweene Great Britane and Denmarke esteeming more the one halfe in Britane than the whole in Denmarke O loue excelling all loue and that in a King which the heauens cannot subdue the earth forget nor fortune ouerthrowe of whose eternall fame fame dare not lye Let Maro cease to commend his Troiane Aeneas let Homer blush to aduance the greatnesse of Achilles which disguised himselfe like a woman lest hee should goe from Greece to Phrygia Let Greece not name Vlisses to faine madnesse lest he should depart from Ithaca and his wife Penelope to Ilion But Christianus King of Denmarke whom neither mother Queen Crownes or Kingdome could keepe him from great Britan where his Maiestie may of right more reioyce of his princely Progenie than King Philip of Hercules stocke in Macedonia or Augustus Caesar of gens Iulia in Rome sith the line of Hercules expired in Alexander and the stemme of Aeneas in the Emperour Nero so that Romanes now may say Fuimus Troes and Macedonians say Fuimus Herculani But Great Britane was then neuer so great vnder Brutus the first King as nowe vnder Iames the second King whose continuance well nye three thousand yeres is now againe like the Eagle renewed and reuiued to be by Gods goodnesse continued as long by the second Brutus that babes in cradles may say Iubilate Britanni Much beholden we are to God if we forget not God and great cause haue we to loue and to honour his Highnesse in great Britane if we looke but vnto the greatnesse of his loue to England in Queen Elizabeths time and now with greater at this present to King Iames if we shuld be deafe and not heare of it or be dumbe and not speak of it heauen and earth would accuse vs of too much ingratitude wood
Brittane both with Tribes and Kings as Lea and Ruth did Israell This onely shall suffice that kingdomes and Realmes are combined and ioyned together in perpetuall League of amity by women generally And sithence in the seed of a woman all the people of God are blessed I neede not to name the virgin Mary whose wombe was blessed that bare him and her paps that gaue him sucke Nor make mencion of such women long before Mary of whome lineally Christ descended as Lea and Racheli the wiues of Iacob the mother of the Tribes of Israell of whome the Lyon of ludah and the starre of Iacob descended Ruth the Moabite the wife of Booz the mother of Obed the father of ●sai the father of Dauid of whome came the Kng of Kings How much more then were godly and vertuous women blessed by Angells by Prophets magnified and by Kings and Princes reuerēced Iae●● the wife of Aber the Kenite shal be blessed sayd the Angell for shee slue Sisera King Iabins Generall And the victory of Israell was obtained by a woman as DEBORA sayd to the fame of women Did not Osias the Gouernor of Bethulia and of the army of Israell blesse Iudith And so Achior blessed her saying blessed art thou of thy God in all the Tabernacles of Iacob Tugloria lerusalem Tulaetitia Israell Asmuch and more might be spoken of Queene Est●er But to speake in particular of women it were infinite I shoud but weary the Reader to runne throughout the old and new Testament with the due prayse and commendacions of such Iewels as are fit to attend in Courts of Princes As of the woman of Bahurim by hiding Dauids seruants shee saued their liues from Absalon who made search to destroy the King his father shee onely thereby saued her selfe the Citie and all the Citizens So RAHAB in Iericho hid the Messengers of Ioshua whereby she saued not onely them but also her selfe her family and all the friends that s●● called to her house at the destruction of Iericho The Sunamites wife for her pitie compassi●● of the Prophet Elizeus to make him a cham●● in the house to feed him being the man of Go● The Widdow of Sarepta entertained 〈◊〉 with all the wealth she had which was a handfull of flowre a little cruise full of Oyle See a woman was appointed to feed Elias a woman to make a chamber to welcome Elizeus in Such Iewels are to be entertained in Courts of Kings who are alwaies readie for good and godly suits and not with Moloch his reaching hand and his Caemorims Priests nor with Iudas with open hands to take what they will Againe to speake of wise and discreet women who could be wiser than ABIGAIL Nabals wife who by her wisedome so intreated Dauid that she saued her husbands life and after became Queene in Israell euen king Dauids wife The woman of Abella who with her wisedome councelled with the chiefe Magistrates of Abella and brought Sebaes head the Traitor and threw it ouer the wall to Ioab when neither Ioab offered peace nor the Magistrates of Abella sought peace yet she saued the Towne and the Armie of Israel from much slaughter I will therefore conclude with an Epilogue of the new Testament of women that farre excelled men in faith in constancie and in seruice of the Lord. I will omit to speake of Marie Magdalen Ioanna the wife of Chusa Herods Steward of Susanna with many other such women which ministred to the Lord as he trauailed to preach I need not make mention of Anna who prophesied of Christ to the people receiuing Christ in her armes at Ierusalem confessed as Simeon did the redemption of Israel but euen of Pilates wife whē all men cried Crucifige to crucifie Christ yet this only womā endeuored to perswade her husband Pilate to wash his hands frō such a wicked fact affirming he was a just and a godly man I sieldome read of such faith in a man as of the woman who desired but to touch the hem of Christs garment and to be healed thereby as she confessed to whom Christ said her faith had made her whole Now hauing heard that as women ministred vnto Christ in his preaching so women followed him to his death and also attended him to his graue and more women were at Christs death than men and as it seemed wept more bitterly than those fewe men that were there No doubt Iohn the Euangelist wept Ioseph of Arymathia and Nichodemus wept and a few others wept of whose weeping Christ took no notice but to the women who were many wept much the Lord spake saying why weepe ye for me yee daughters of Syon with much compassion he pittied the women who much lamented his death and after his death Christ first appeared to women when the Apostles fled forsooke and denyed him I know most men doubted of Christ his resurrection yea the Apostles whome the Lord reprehended for their incredulity because they would not beleeue Mary Magdalen to whome the Lord first appeared neither would the Apostles beleeue the other women whome the Angell sent to tell them that the Lord was risen and went before them into Gal●lie Marke how the Lord spake to women his last words at his death and likewise appeared twice to women after his death before he appeared to his Apostles If you reade prophane histories you shall find Asia first christened by a woman so named And Europe by the name of a woman called Europe Agenors daughter King of Phaenicia Scithia of a woman that sprang out of the earth and named her sonne Scytha The Romans might better brag of Rhea a woman a vestall virgin well knowen the Mother of Romulus than of Rom●●●● whose Father was not knowen or of a farr●● more ancient woman named Roma The Greeks might better bragge of Helena 〈◊〉 woman and not as they would haue it of Hellas 〈◊〉 man Helena made Greeks then vnknowen to be knowne she was the woman that was the whetstone of Greece by this woman the Greekes became first famous But we leaue Asia Europe Phrygia Greece Scythia and Rome if we omit the fame of women in these what should I recite Prouinces and Isles Cities and Townes named after the name of women as Rhodes Corcyra Salamina Aegina of many more which Diodorus writes of to whome I referre you And as the most part of the earth is Christened and named by women so also the most part of the starres are constellated with women not onely with the names of women but with the forme shape and figure of women of which I wish you conferre with that Astronomer Astratus who filled the starres of women considering there be but a thousand and twenty starres names knowne I thinke the most part are figured and named after the names of women I would haue a good Scholler to answere me that
their Philosophers called Gymnosophystoe within 2. or 3. yeeres after they were borne would examine what kind of trade they should professe And the same Gymnosophists thought Diem mortis esse diem natalem for the same Nation in Thracia weepe and lament the birth of their children and at their death reioyce and triumph The Persians had such care of their Infants that they prouided such Nurses as should bring them vnder in such seuere discipline that they might not spit nor clense their noses in publicke presence neither might they sit in sight of their Elders they might drinke no wine they might see no naked persons for such faults by the law of Persia were capitall crimes which was as strict a lawe as the Nazarites had Saba in Iosephus called Nicaule for her wise propositions to Salomon called Arabica Sybilla and of whome Christ maketh mention in the gospell Hydra also whome Plato much commends for her probleame and darke questions that it grew to a prouerbe capita Hydrae conficere And Dama Pythagoras daughter in expounding her fathers darke and obscure questions might worthily claime to be Pythagoras daughter Caelius writes of some women named Mantinea Lasthenia and Axiothea which came in apparell like men to heare Plato reade Philosophy in schooles Were not the Fathers happy to bring vp such daughters and were not their husbands more happy to marry such wiues To be short and to verify a french prouerbe non est faelix natus qui non est faelix maritatus so Aristotle saith that he which is not well married hath lost the one halfe of his ioyes in this life and so Pharoneus a wise man and a law maker in his country told his brother at his death that he had wanted no felicity in this world if he had not maried such a wife Yet such sharpe dames are sometimes necessarie to Philosophers to Phisitions and to Preachers to reprehend them of their faultes and to cure them of their maladyes at home as they reprehend and find faultes in others abrode Socrates so confest that Zantippe his wife did him as much good at home by chiding to learne him patience as he did in Schoole to learne his schollers Phylosophy I wanted more time than matter to write of such Iewels as our mothers our wiues our sisters our kinswomen and finally of such Iewels as the world would be no world without women the Mothers of the world But to be briefe let Semiramis be commend●● in Babylon let Atlanta with her marshall women in feats of Armes bee praysed in Ar●●dia let Camilla be spoken of among the Volskans Tomyris amonge the Scythians Queen 〈◊〉 in Aethyopia and all other renowned Ladies of worthy women that with foeminine feats merited manly fame be eternized and let them worthily sit in the triumphant chaires of fame crowned with Garlands of Lawrell with braunches of Palmes in their hands as Victors ouer conquerours and Conquerours of Kings and Kingdomes To these valiant exploits of women Hercules must yeeld or else Omphale Queene of Lydia will make Hercules to yeeld To these ex-exployts of women wise Salomon must yeeld or else Pharaohs Daughter will make Salomon to yeeld So must Achilles to Polyxena So must Caesar to Cleopatra and so in fine all men must yeeld to women FINIS Asia builded by a woman of that name Semira●is the second Empresse of Asia DEBORA a Iudge in Isarell HVLDAH a Prophetesse in Ierusalem IOSEPH 〈◊〉 to Egipt by his brethren THERMVTIS the daughter of Pharo K. of Egipt ESTER rare and zeale for the Iewes The bold and rare attempt of Iudith a woman England Scotland Fraunce combined by women Kingdomes Realmes combined in a League by women Ruth the Moabite Ia●l that slue Sisera The prayse of Iudith The woman of Bahurim cōmended RAHAB the like woman in Iericho The widdow of Sarepta Moloch The praise of wise women Sebaes head the Traytor Women more zealous than men Pilates wife More women followed Christ than men Christ first appeared to women after his resurrect on The Apostles ●●redulous of the resurrection of Christ. Christ appeared twise to women after his death before he appeared to his Apostles The Romans brag of Rhea The Greeks named of Helena a woman ra-rather than of Hellas a man Many Isles named after the name women The most part of the starres are figured by the names of women The queens of Amazons and their exployts Myrinaes marshall acts vic●●ries Queene Medusaes warlike acts Hercules was amazed at the fame of those Queenes The queene of Saca Queene Tarinaes victory The Queens of Scythia The Queens of Amazones 〈◊〉 with the most famous conquerors of the world Camilla The women Laxamathae marshallwomen The women of Sparta pr●ferred for councell and courage before men The women of Persia. The women would be pres●●t in eue●y battell where their husbands fought as whe●stones The Lawe in Courts of women Women ruled all Sarmatia Scoffes of Cato in Rome against women Thalestres Queene of Scythia went to see Alexander the Great Queene Saba went to heare Salomon The Roman courage to fight with wilde beasts on Theaters Due commendacions of the Roman Ladies Veturia Volumnia two women much commended The Midwiues of Egipt 〈◊〉 many thousands of the Hebrewes children from Nilus The Sab●ne virgins saued both the Roman and Sabine army The women of Rome of Rhod. Liuia Isabella Artimesia● queene of Caria The women of Lacedemonia admitted to ●it in councell Women in Celtiberia Wise women in Rome had accesse to the Senate The praise of Queene Candaces The Hebrew women gaue names to their children without the consent of husbands The Law among the old 〈◊〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 A catalogue of rare women Aspasia Sappho Leontinū Hortensia Amesia 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sara Mary Magdalen Licurgus lawes in Sparta Solon laws in Athens Chrysippus lawes The custom in Greece at mariages The ceremonies in Greece vppon the next day after the mariage Licurgus Law of the orders and ma●ners in any mariage in Sparta The manner of the Lacedemonians in their mariages Of the order of the Athenians in marriage 〈…〉 Of Boaetia Of the Locrians Of the Macedonians Of the order of the latins Of the marriage in Lusitania The people about mount Taurus Herotinu● had 600. sonnes The Babilonians rule and order in marriage Certaine ceremonies in Greece The first miracle of Christ in a marriage The lawes of the Persians for mariage The l●w of the Lacedemonians of the Romanes The lawe of Moses The absurd opinions of the Pythagorians 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Moses law of marriage Licurgus lawe Plafoes●●● Patricians that were not parents of children not esteemed in Rome Furius Camillus lawe of bachelors vnmaried The loue of the mother more then the loue of the father The loue of the mother prooued by Gallen and Hippocrates Examples of Alexander the great The Matrons of Rome much reuerenced Poore yong ●●gins sin Athens and in Sparta prouided for their marriage Samsons mother wa● taught how ●o bring her sonne vp The Hebrew women The Lacedemonians The old Germans The virgin Mary nursed her own sonne Hannah the wife of Elcanah The woman of Chana●n Sampsons mother Sara Elizabeth Rachell Balphaegor P●iapus The Iacobites The custome of the Romans at the birth of Infants Of the Graecians Of the Ethiopians The Isl●s Baleares The women of Sparta The women of Creet and of Germany In Iberia Gymnosophistae The Persians Saba Hydra Dama Caelius Phoroneus Sharpe dames necessary Socrates saying