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A35232 Female excellency, or, The ladies glory illustrated in the worthy lives and memorable actions of nine famous women, who have been renowned either for virtue or valour in several ages of the world ... : the whole adorned with poems and the picture of each lady / by R.B. R. B., 1632?-1725? 1688 (1688) Wing C7326; ESTC R21134 117,568 206

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thanksgivings that there was no dishonesty nor unchastity found in her O thou most worthy to be fear'd Great God Who rul'st the nations with an iron rod But gently dost thine own Choice Israol bring To be refreshed at thy mercies Spring Our Fathers trust in thee was not mistaken Nor were they in their greatest wants forsaken Thou heard'st Susanna's fighs and tears even when She stood betray'd condemn'd by wicked men Who falsly charg'd her though no stain was found Whereby thy faithful handmaid to confound Blest and admired always be thy name May after ages praise thy mighty fame That to deaths door thou bringest man and then Proclaim'st Return agenye sons of men The History of the Chast Lucretia THE Chast Lucretia would no longer live When wicked Tarquin basely did deprive Her of her Chastity Hating to be Rather than lead her life in Infamy From her own hand she cold Death doth imbrace Which vengeance brings on Tarquins Treacherous race The Roman People utterly disclaim His Power His Family and his hated name The Ravisher to banishment is driven Wheresoon his just reward he meets from Heaven Being stain by those to whom for life he flyes Who seek revenge for former injuries HAving already related the Lives and Actions of four Jewish Worthies I now present you with a Noble Roman Lady even the chast Lucretia who to redeem her honour ravished away by Sextus Tarquin scorned to live any longer and therefore sacrificed her self for saving her Countrey yet I cannot commend this last and great act of her life since the Christian Law allows none to be their own Executioners and the principle of self preservation seems to be implanted in us by nature as well as in all other living creatures However she may serve as an example of extraordinary Chastity which she has been reckoned to be in all ages since and to discover great Magnanimity of Soul who rather than live with shame and disgrace chose not to live at all and though her mind were absolutely innocent yet put an end to her days with her own hands for the forcible defilement of her body This tragical accident happened about the year from the Creation of the World 3432. and about fix hundred years before the Birth of our Saviour It was in the reign of Tarquinius Superbus or Tarquin the Proud the seventh and last King of the Romans from Romulus the first Founder of that Kingdom which afterward arrived to such immense grandeur He was Sirnamed the Proud because he denied his Father-in-law and Predecessor Servius Tullius the common rites of Burial saying That Romulus was never buried after his death and killing all the Roman Senators whom he thought Favourers of him for having no pretence to the Kingdom besides force he endeavours to maintain his Usurpation by the same means therefore since he could repose no trust in the love and affection of the Citizens he was resolved to secure himself by fear taking cognizance of all Capital Causes alone in Person without the advice or consent of any of the Senators whereby he put to death banished or fined any whom he thought ill-affected to his Tyranny He reduceth the Senators to a small number that they may be less esteemed by others and more observant of himself He marrieth his daughter to the Latines to prevent the danger of allying her amongst his own Friends and increases his Guards with strangers that he might Tyrannize over the Romans and having by this marriage obtained much reputation among the Latines he desired their Nobility to meet him one day in the Florentine Wood to treat of publick affairs But delaying his coming at the appointed time Turnus one of the Nobility with great liberty but small discretion made a severe Speech against him intimating That the Romans might well intitle him Tarquin the Proud since he had now put so great an affront upon such an Illustrious Assembly and that it might well be suspected he designed to impose upon them and usurp Dominion over their Countrey who could put such a slight upon the whole Nobility that came so far only upon his request With much more to this purpose when in the midst of his Oration Tarquin arrived and endeavoured to excuse his delay but having notice how Turnus had inveighed against him he instantly contrived his destruction and that very night again calling the Latin Nobles together he in a studied Oration strove to possess them with the belief of a dangerous design laid by Turnus to kill him and all the Chief of the people and having corrupted one of the Servants of Turnus with money to let him carry a great number of Swords into his Masters Lodgings Tarquin told the Lords That to confirm what he had said he could make it appear that Turnus had conveyed a great quantity of Arms into his own house wherewith he intended with the assistance of his accomplices to massacre them all next day when they should come to Council Desiring them to accompany him to Turnus his house that they might be eye-witnesses of the truth of what he had asserted The Lords go to his house prepared to believe all if they found that of the Arms true Coming thither the Officers waked Turnus and stood round about him having first secured his servants who out of love to their Master were endeavouring to make resistance the Swords which were hid were brought forth out of every corner of the room which with the fierce disposition of Turnus and the Speech he had made the day before seemed a full confirmation of this treacherous Design which so extreamly incensed the Latines that they would not suffer him to make the least defence for himself but presently sentenced him to lose his life by a new kind of execution for he was thrown into a River with an hurdle upon his head whereon stones were piled to prevent his rising again and by this means was drowned Tarquin having again summoned a Council of the Latin Nobles commends the revenge they had taken upon such a seditious Rebel and desires them to renew their League and friendship with the Romans who were easily induced thereto and then commanding all the armed Youth of both Nations to meet together he out of both formed an Army with which he makes war against the Volscians and took some Towns from them by storm with a booty to the value of four hundred Talents of Silver and Gold wherewith he designed to build a magnificent Temple to Jupiter After this he ingaged in a War against the Gabins who inhabited a Neighbouring City which he attempted to gain by storm but being beaten back with great loss he began to despair of obtaining his end by main strength he solved to add policy thereto therefore while he pretended to have laid aside all thoughts of War and seemed imploy'd in the foundation of his Temple and other stately buildings in Rome he had recourse to treacheries wherein he found none so fit to be
in the Woods leaving two Sons Mempricius and Manlius He is said to have built Madan Castle now Doncaster IV. Mempricius at the beginning of his reign had much trouble from his brother Manlius who out of an ambitious mind of ruling provoked the Brittains to rebellion and the war was long and bloudy But Manlius under pretence of treating being slain he reigned more peaceably which yet produced as bad an effect for being quiet he ran into all manner of debauchery ravishing the Wives and daughters of his Subjects and at length grew so unnatural in his lust that he forsook his wives and Concubines and fell into the abominable sin of Sodomy Whereby he became odious to God and man and met with the fate of his Father being slain by Wolves in the forrests after twenty years reign V. Ebrank his Son by his lawful wife was his Successor he had as is said twenty one wives on whom he begot twenty sons and thirty daughters He built many Cities in his own kingdom and elsewhere He sent his daughters into Italy to be married to some noble Trojans whom his sons conducted thither and in their return conquered part of Germany that impeded their passage and planted themselves there Ebrank built Caerbrank now York and Maidens Castle in Scotland now Edenburgh After which he invaded Gallia now France and subduing the Galles returned home with great riches and having reigned forty years died and was buried at York VI. Brute Greenshield his Son was King after him in the year of the world 2009. Asa being then King of Judah and Baasha of Israel He always wore a Green Shield from whence he took his Sirname and prosecuted his Fathers Conquests in France which he wholly subdued and then dying VII Leil his Son built the City of Carleil after his own name and repaired Caerleon now Chester which was built before Brutes coming by a famous Giant named Leon Gaur In the beginning of his reign he was very good and virtuous but afterward degenerated into all kind of voluptuousness whereby he caused great divisions and disturbances among his Subjects which continued during his life He was buried at Carlisle and left the Government to his Son. VIII Lud or Hudibras who appeased the dissentions raised in his Fathers reign and reduced the Realm to quietness he built Kaerkin now Canterbury C●●rguent now Winchester and Mount Palondour now Shaftsbury In his reign Aquila a learned man writ his Prophecies of which some fragments now remain in Latin. Having reigned thirty nine years he left his kingdom to his Son. IX Bladud who was famous for Astronomy and Necromancy by which means he is reported to have made those hot Baths in the City of Caerbran now called Bath and was so addicted to the study of Magick and other strange practices that he taught them to his people and to magnify his Skill therein undertook to fly in the air but his Skill failing he fell upon the Temple of Apollo in Troynovant now London and was dasht to peices after he had reigned twenty years X. Lear his Son undertook the Government after him a Prince of a gallant temper and ruled with much justice He built the Town of Caerlier now Leicester upon the River Sore It is related he had three daughters named Gonerilla Regan and Cordilla whom he loved very tenderly especially the youngest and growing aged without an Heir he resolved to try the affection of his daughters and to leave the Kingdom to her who should express most fatherly kindness to him He therefore demanded of the first how much she loved him who with great earnestness called Heaven to witness That she loved him above her own life was very ready to lose it for preserving his With which reply he was well satisfied and askt the same question of the second who with mighty attestations assured him That her affection was beyond expression and that she valued him above all things in the World Lastly he required Cordilla the youngest to declare what kindness she had for him who replied Knowing the extream love and parental indulgence you have always born to me I do solemnly and from my conscience protest I ever did and ever shall love you as a natural Father and no otherwise Lear was much discontented at her answer and therefore soon after married his two eldest daughters one to the Duke of Cornwall and the other to the Duke of Albany and ordained that after his death the Kingdom should be divided between them but reserved nothing for Cordilla Yet it happened that Aganippus King of Gallia now France hearing of her beauty wisdom and virtue sent to her Father to desire her in marriage who answered He might marry if he pleased without a Dowry since all his land was already disposed to her elder sisters Aganippus notwithstanding for her excellent qualities made her his Queen He was one of the twelve Kings that then ruled in Gallia Lear was now very aged and the two Dukes thinking it very long before they enjoyed the Kingdom taking arms deprived him of the Government only allowing him a certain revenue during life but after a while they grew weary and much diminished his allowance yea his two daughters who made such zealous profession of love now thought much of what their Father enjoyed so that he went from the eldest to the second to whom he represented the unnaturalness of her sister who used him as ill as the other and at last reduced him to so mean a condition that he had not one servant to wait on him At length wearied with their affronts and abuses he fled secretly into France to seek relief of his youngest daughter Cordilla having notice of the arrival of her Father in so mean and wretched a state she sent him privately some money to provide necessaries and to retain a number of servants that he might appear at Court honourably attended according to his former dignity whither being come he was received with all manner of respect and honour by the King and his daughter wherewith he was exceedingly comforted and gave them an account of the bad treatment he had received from his other daughters upon which Aganippus raised a great Army and conveyed them over into Brittain in a gallant navy of Ships together with King Lear for recovering his Kingdom who had made an agreement that Cordilla should succeed after his decease since her sisters by their disobedience had forfeited their former right In short time they landed in Brittain Cordilla being with them and meeting with the two Dukes they ingaged in battel and put them to flight the Dukes being both slain and Lear thereupon restored to his Kingdom who reigned two years after and then died after he had ruled in all forty years and was buried in a vault under the Chanel of the River Soar near Leicester XI Cordilla being admitted Queen of the Realm reigned very happily five years at the end of which her two Nephews
partakers on each side Herilda was slain and divers others kill'd and wounded at which the King much displeased resolv'd to punish Ewelyn according to Law who was summon'd to appear but being countenanced by Androgeus he refused to obey and both departed the Court in great contempt of the King who thereupon raising forces resolved to reduce them to reason but they sensible of their own weakness sent Letters to Julius Caesar for his assistance who joyful of the message and the variance between them returns speedily with a mighty Army toward Brittain but doubting some treachery in Androgeus he first takes thirty of the Nobility for Hostages and then landing joins with Androgeus in a Valley neer Canterbury Cassibelane having notice thereof comes with all the power of Brittain to give them battel where having fought long with much courage Androgeus fell so vigorously upon their right wing that the Brittains were utterly discomfited and killed without mercy yea the pursuit was so furious that Cassibelane retiring with four thousand to a place as he thought of safety was invironed with the Roman Legions and compell'd to a composition being obliged to pay Caesar three thousand pound yearly Tribute Who having setled all affairs here returned to France with Androgeus in his company who much feared the displeasure of Cassibelane Yet did not Caesar wholly subdue Brittain for he never came toward the north which several Roman Emperors after him endeavoured for many years to bring into subjection but conquered only those parts of the Island lying next France so that he may seem rather to have discovered than subjected it to the Roman power This happened in the year from the creation ●913 And before our Saviour 53. Julius Caesar having thus made the Brittains Tributants returned into Gallia after which Cassibelane reigned seven years in all 17 and then died It appears both by Caesars Commentaries and other authentick Writers that Brittain in those days was not ruled by one Supream Monarch but divided into several Governments and that Cassibelane commanded over the Counties of Oxford Berks Buckingham and Bedford in which state it continued during the Roman Dominion and long after even till it was finally subjected by the Saxons XVI Theomantius the youngest Son of Lud succeeded Cassibelane Androgeus his elder brother having utterly abandoned the Land being sensible the Brittains abhorred him for his Treachery in assisting the Romans against his Uncle Cassibelane He governed the kingdom with much justice and peace paying constantly the Tribute his Predecessor had agreed to give the Romans and having reigned twenty two years died and was buried at London XVII Kymbeline his Son was by the Brittains admitted King after him He is said to have had his education at Rome and was made a Knight by Augustus Caesar Successor to Julius and that he served under him in his Wars and obtained so much favour with him that when he came to be King he left him at liberty whether he would pay the usual Tribute or not Thus our Brittish Historians write though the Romans relate that Augustus designed no less than thrice to make an expedition hither and recover his rights but was as oft diverted by insurrections in divers parts of his mighty Empire He reigned 25 years and then left the kingdom to his eldest Son XVIII Ginderus who began his reign in the 17 year of our Lord and being a man of much courage refused to own any homage to the Romans Whereupon Caligula the Emperor disliking the negligence as he termed it of his Predecessors Augustus and Tiberius resolved to reduce Brittain as being the utmost bounds of the Roman Monarchy making very great provision for this noble enterprize in the fourth year of his reign which Ginderus having notice of prepared to make the best defence possible and dayly expected his arrival but after all this pompous shew he only came to Callice from whence he beheld the Clifts of Brittain with much admiration but hearing they were ready to receive him on the opposite Shoar seeming nothing discouraged he went aboard a Galley in which having passed about two bow-shots from the land he immediately returned and then getting up into a Pulpit purposely provided on the Sea side he from thence by sound of Trumpet gave a signal to his Souldiers to ingage yet not the Brittains who were for enough off but charged every man to gather up Cockle Shells from the Shoar which he called The Speils of the Ocean and gave as great rewards to them for these trifles as if they had performed some notable Service in War He carried many of these Shells to Rome boasting of this honourable Voyage and requiring to have a Triumph granted him for this rediculous expedition which the Senate seeming unwilling to grant he was almost resolved to have murthered them all From the Senate he ascended his Royal Throne in the Market place and summoning the Common people together told them a long story of his Adventures in conquering the Ocean and when he perceived them to begin to shout as if they acknowledged him to be a God or a mighty Champion to increase their cry he threw great quantities of Gold and Silver among them in striving for which many were pressed to death and others murthered with the Calthrops made of iron with three spikes standing up which having poisoned he cast out with the mony on purpose to do mischief wherewith many in the croud were invenomed and died and this was the end of the ridiculous Voyage of Caligula into Brittain But Claudius his successor upon a rebellion that arose sent two of his Commanders Plautius and Narcissus hither who coming unexpected found no resistance the Brittains flying into the Woods for security so that they had more trouble to discover than subdue them but having at length met with several Parties they soon defeated them by killing their Chariot Horses Yet others growing very troublesome to the Romans Plautius pursuant to his orders sent for the Emperor Claudius who soon arriving fell upon the Brittains incamped about the Isle of Shepey in Kent and putting them to flight took the City of Camalodunum now Malden in Essex and having thus subjected part of the Brittains he returned back to Rome six months after his departing thence and named his son Brittanicus in memory of this Conquest The Brittish story says That Claudius landing at Porchester now Portsmouth beseiged that Town to releive which King Ginderus came in person and giving the Romans battel prevailed till one Hamo a Roman arming himself like a Brittain thrust unsuspected into the midst of the Army till coming where Ginderus was he instantly slew him which Arviragus the Kings brother perceiving he to prevent the Brittains from being discouraged clothed himself with the Royal habiliments and fought with such courage that he put the Romans to the rout Claudius returning to his Ships and Hamo flying to the adjoining Forrest whom Arviragus so feircely pursued that at length he
dismembered pretended to Divine their future success While Pautinus was thus imployed the Brittains in other parts of the Land got together and consulted how to free themselves from the insupportable slavery and misery wherein they lived one among the rest deploring their wretched condition in words to this effect Dear Countreymen and Friends the more wrongs and injuries we patiently endure from the Romans the greater pressures they lay upon us Our Countrey had formerly but one King over it but now we have two the Lieutenant who with his Officers and Souldiers spills our Blood like water and the Treasurer or rather Thief who bereaves us of all our Goods and Estates so that nothing is free from their Tyranny or Covetousness and the greatest Robber is counted the stoutest man yea our Houses are commonly plundred by cowardly Rascals who never acted in any warlike enterprize Our Children are taken from us and we our selves pressed into Forreign Wars as if we knew not how to spend our lives in defence of our Countrey and how many thousands of us have been transported into other Countreys upon this account none of you are insensible of The Germans have by their valour thrown off the heavy Roman yoak though parted from them only by a River whereas we are defended and separated by the Main Ocean The Brittains fight in a just cause even the defence of their Countrey their Parents Wives Children Liberties yea their own Lives the Romans only out of an avaritious desire to gain by rapine what others have gathered by labour to serve their insatiable lusts and pleasures And if we Brittains did but exert some of that gallant courage and prowess which was found in our Ancestors when they compelled Julius Caesar to depart the Land and not shrink or be discouraged at small losses we might soon rid our selves of this insulting enemy for Fortune always assists the bold and the Gods seem now to take some pity on the poor Brittains by confining our Foes within the compass of a narrow Island let us therefore take the opportunity offered and proceed with all speed in our business resolving rather to dye manfully in endeavouring to regain our freedom than to suffer death tamely for thus consulting to effect the same This warm Oration had such influence upon the people that they concluded to adventure all for their future security having been sufficiently provoked by the multiplied wrongs the Romans had offered and among others That whereas King Arviragus had made Nero the Emperor and his two daughters his Heirs hoping thereby to secure the Kingdom to his Family it happened otherwise for the Land was spoiled and ruined by the Roman Captains and his Queen Voadicia beaten and abused by the Souldiers her daughters ravished the Nobles bereft of their Estates and the Kings Friends made slaves together with confiscating the lands of many other Chief men whom Claudius had before pardoned to which was added this misfortune that Seneca having lent some of the Nobility five hundred thousand pound Sterling at high interest he now required the whole sum at once with much rigor though he had forced his money upon them Likewise the Roman Souldiers quartered at Camolodienum now Maidon in Essex expelled the Brittains out of their Houses and possessions accounting them their conquered Vassals yea the Priests who served at the Temple built in honour of Claudius spoiled and destroyed their neighbours goods unpurnshed And as in times of general defection every accident is reckoned an encouragement many strange Signs and Prodigies were reported to happen which incited the Brittains to proceed It being said that the Image of Victory in the Temple of Camolodunum fell down and turned her back upon the Romans as if she had now forsaken them great and wonderful noises were heard in the Hall of Justice with much laughing and disturbance in the Theater and sometimes woful weeping lamentation and howling when it was certainly known no humane Creature was there The Sea at Spring-tyde appeared like bloud and the Tyde being gone the shapes of mens bodies were visible on the Sands Many women as if bereaved of their wits prophecied that some tremendous desolation was at hand which much elevated the Brittains and dejected the Romans Whether these things happened from natural causes or by illusion of the Devil or ill men or whether the Almighty would hereby warn the people of approaching calamities I shall not now determine only mention them as matters of Fact. But they were chiefly provoked to an insurrection by the just complains of our Valiant Heroine Queen Veadicia And now I am at length arrived to the subject matter of my History and have purposely made so large a Prologue for though in a book of the same volumn called Englands Monarchs I have given some brief account of some of these Transactions yet I had never so pertinent an opportunity to inlarge upon particulars as at this time wherein I have given a succinct account of the Original Inhabitants of these famous Islands with as much truth and authority as things of so great Antiquity will allow To proceed Queen Voadicia made many sensible Remonstrances to the Brittains of the unsufferable wrongs had been put upon her and because they found her earnestly bent upon revenge and perceived her inveterate hatred to the Romans they made use of her name and authority with the People and chose her their Commander in chief against their Enemies and entring into a general conspiracy wherein the Londoners and Essexians were ingaged they raised an Army of an hundred thousand men and without scrupling het sex willingly submitted to her Conduct as Captain General who ordering a place to be erected where she might be heard of all she made a long and pertinent Oration to incourage them in this gallant undertaking Her tall and comely Person her severe countenance and Majestick voice Her tresses of Hair hanging below her middle with her noble Apparel caused reverence and admiration in the multitude she wore a massy Chain of Gold about her neck and a glorious Garment of divers colours next her over which was a Royal Robe of State a Spear in her hand and a Crown on her head in which Equipage she thus addrest her self to the Army I doubt not Dear Lovers Friends and Companions in Arms but every one here present is very sensible how much freedom and liberty is to be valued before bondage and thraldom but if hitherto any of you have been so deceived by the illusions of the Romans as not to perceive much difference yet I hope that now you have tryed both your judgment is better inform'd and by the miserys you have suffered you will acknowledg your mistake and recant your former error And if some of you have preferr'd Forreign power above the Laws and Customs of your own Countrey I question not but you now perfectly understand that poverty with liberty is much better than riches to which servitude is entail'd For
continue there to this day The History of Mariamne the wife of King Herod HErod a furious Monster made of bloud Who boldly God and Natures Laws withstood Neither with Virtue nor with Grace indu'd Of Visage hideous and of manners rude To whom the beautious Mariamne was A Chaft and Loyal wife But yet alas He that us'd Tyranny and foul debate As well in Love as in his Royal state This Virtuous Queen did from the Earth remove To seat her in a Higher state above Who lives thus bravely and thus leaveth breath Makes of a Dying life a living Death ABout fifty years before the birth of our Saviour the Kingdom of Judea which had continued through many invissitudes from the time of King David almost a thousand years was brought into great distractions by the discord between two Brothers The Chief Rulers over the Jews who had for many years contented themselves with the title of Governors or High Priests now aspire to the name of Kings among whom Hircanus reigned a good man but a bad King who had honesty and innocence but not sufficient prudence nor courage to manage so great a charge He being sensible of his own weakness freely resign'd the Kingdom to his brother Aristobulus a valiant and stout though unsuccessful Prince At which time Antipater the Father of Herod an Idumean being a wealthy desiquing person resolved to take the opportunity of those concussions in the state to advance himself to the Throne but found it would be very difficult to attain his ends whilst the couragious Aristobulus bare sway he therefore sowes seditious seeds of revolt among the People intimating That they had done very ill in removing so good a Prince and suffering him to be dethroned to promote another who was of so turbulent and violent a spirit that they should soon find his ill management of affairs would occasion much defolation in Palestine but however it was not yet too late to prevent the threatned mischeifs if they would return to their Loyalty and duty and again restore Hyrcanus to the Government whose modesty in declining advancement made him appear most worthy of having it bestowed upon him The common people not reaching the depth of Antipaters designs who if he could again advance Hyrcanus did not question but by the facility of his nature he might bring all into his own power and raise up a Monarchy to himself and Heirs began to give ear to his Remonstrancers especially those that loved change and some out of a sense of Justice Antipater having thus begun resolved to prosecute the bu●●ess to the utmost endeavouring to gain the good opinion of Hyrcanus by all manner of observances and pretences of friendship which at length prevailed so much upon his easy temper that Hyrcanus resigned himself and his affairs absolutely to his conduct whereupon Antipater proceeded to represent to him his great miscarriage in suffering the Kingdom to be taken from him and earnestly persuaded him to endeavour to resume it but found this motion received very cold entertainment from Hyrcanus who objected the breach of his Oath whereby he had absolutely renounced the Soveraignty and his inability to regain it with force to the first Antipater replied That the matter of the Oath was illegal and thereby void in it self and to the second that he would supply him with Arabians who should inable him to recover his right By such discourses he at length gained him especially by instilling jealousies into his mind that Aristobulus designed to take away his life so that Antipater having ingaged Arethas an Arabian King in the quarrel he comes into Jude● ●ith a great Army ruining all before him and at length driving Aristobulus into Jerusalem which they besieged At which very time the Romans ambitious of inlarging their already immense Dominions sent Pompey the Great into Syria whose Forces so far surmounted the Arabians that they durst not stand before him but were scattered as chaff before the wind and the whole Countrey soon reduced to their obedience The two Brothers both plead their cause at the feet of Pompey who seemed more inclined to Aristobulus he having prepossest his mind by a Noble present of a Golden Vine accounted one of the greatest rarities in the world and other rich Gifts Antipater perceiving which way things tended and doubting his projects would miscarry endeavoured by all kind of aspersions and misrepresentations to render Aristobulus odious and suspected by the Romans who penetrating into his designs was so inraged that he desperately ingaged against the strength of that mighty Empire but soon found the match very unequal Aristobulus himself was taken Prisoner and laid in fetters and with his two Sons and as many daughters carried to Rome to heighten the glory of Pompeys Triumph Jerusalem is brought under Tribute and Hyrcanus late King now constituted High Priest but the chief authority given to Antipater who in his name managed all affairs and at length being sensible of the weakness of the High Priest and his own strength he makes his eldest Son Phaselus Governour of Jerusalem and Herod his youngest Tetrarch of Galilee After his death the two brothers endeavour equally to obtain the favour of Hyrcanus making him own what either of them had done Yet Herod seemed to be of the most aspiring humour who being as politick and intreguing as his Father gained much interest among the Romans by all manner of submission and Services thereby hoping at length to obtain the kingdom which yet seem'd at a great distance from him his elder brother being alive and ruling the greatest part of Judea and Aristobulus who was in Chains at Rome having likewise two Sons The eldest named Alexander Father to our excellent Mariamne and Antigonus the youngest Alexander who succeeded his Father in misfortune getting some forces together attempted the recovering his Countrey but was soon suppressed by the Romans who assisted Herod and by their Order beheaded Antigonus and his Father Aristobulus escaping from Rome fled to the Parhians who ingaged to reestablish him in the kingdom and came upon Herod so suddenly and with so much fury though Hyrcanus and Phaselus were joined with him that they discomfited Herods Army and had almost surprized his Person which so much astonished him that he was ready to have fallen upon his own Sword Phaselus his brother unable to bear so strange a change of fortune beat out his brains against the side of a rock and Hyrcanus by the cruel command of Antigonus had his ears cut off being thereby made forever uncapable of the Office of High-priest Herod being a little recovered from his amazement resolved still to throw himself upon the assistance of the Romans imploring their help and representing the mischiefs committed by Antigonus and with all manner of arts so far insinuated himself into their favour that he is declared King of Judea and Antigonus at the same time proclaimed an utter enemy to the Empire who being taken by Mark Antony was
she was sensible how treacherously he was destroyed yet durst not discover her knowledge lest it should prevent her revenge Mariamne who suffered in the sorrows of her mother had not the least share in this deplorable misfortune especially in the death of a Brother whom she loved as her own life and though endued with extraordinary patience and discretion could now hardly resist the impetuous violence of her passion and approaching the Corps of her Brother I have nothing now left in this world says she either to fear or hope he for whom I feared and for whom I hoped being now by a secret providence of Heaven taken from me to whose will I desire entirely to resign my self in all things resolving for the future to wean my soul from all temporal felicities and place my affections upon more divine and sublime objects Herod endeavoured to make it appear by his external behaviour and the magnificence of his Funeral whereat he shed many tears that he was no way accessary to his death though Alexandra who knew the truth of the business was the more inraged thereat and resolved to bring speedy vengeance on his head for the same and therefore sent Cleopatra a full account of the whole matter and incited her by all means to assist her who having long desired occasion against Herod enjoined Mark Anthony the Roman General and her Lover to call him to account for his Villanies who having obtained the Kingdom without any just Title imbrued his hands in the bloud of the Royal Family Mark Anthony disliking this cruel act sent for Herod to appear and answer the accusations laid against him who not daring to deny though he much feared Cleopatra's violent prosecution went to Anthony committing the Government of his Kingdom in his absence to his Uncle Joseph with secret Orders That if any mischief should happen to him and prevent his return he should put Mariamne to death for whom he had such an extravagant passion that he was either jealons or envious any should enjoy her even after his decease When Herod was gone Joseph was very conversant with Mariamne both upon account of publick affairs and for his own private divertisement wherein he often discourst of the extraordinary Passion Herod had for her whom he valued above all the World Alexandra the mother seemed to laugh and slight these pretended kindnesses of Herod to her daughter judging them not real but upon design when Joseph being earnest to confirm the truth of his assertions unadvisedly replyed That nothing could be a greater evidence of his ardent love for her than that he could neither live nor die without her since if he should miscarry in his Journey he had commanded him to put her to death to accompany him into the other World. The Ladys were much scandalized at this kind of passion and considered it not as a demonstration of Herods good will to her but rather a manifestation of his sanguinary and malicious nature who at his death would have her perish with him At this time there was a report raised by Herods enemies in Jerusalem that M. Anthony had inflicted so great torments upon him that he died under them whereupon all his Court were much disturbed and especially the Ladys so that Alexandra persuaded Joseph to remove from Court and secure themselves under the protection of the Roman Legions who were at that time quartered about the City under the command of Julius the Tribune where they might be safe if any mischief should happen in the Kings house and have the Romans assistance and that afterward if M. Anthony did but see her daughter Mariamne he would be so taken with her beauty that she might obtain all things at his hands and no doubt he would restore her to her Kingdom and Royal dignity While they were thus consulting there came Letters from Herod of his sudden return who coming into the presence of M. Anthony obtained so much favour by the rich Presents he made him that the matter being suddenly heard it was soon determined in his favour and Anthony fully appeased and satisfied though it were little pleasing to Cleopatra to whom Anthony pleaded That there was no reason a King should be acountable for what he did in his own Kingdom since he would thereby cease to be King who with that dignity had all other Regal power and authority given to him Herod at length returned with large Testimonials of the favour of M. Anthony who entertained him with much kindness in several publick Feasts and Assemblies Cleopatra likewise renounced her pretences to Judea having received of M. Anthony Caelosyria instead of it Upon his arrival his Mother and Sister Solome the wife of Joseph gave him a full account of the intentions of Alexandra and her Friends accusing also her husband Joseph of two much intimacy with Mariamne who it seems had once objected to them the meanness of their birth Herod was much disturbed at the news but however the inflamed affection he bore toward Mariamne restrained him from that violence which his rage and jealousy suggested to him and therefore examining her strictly what secret familiarity had passed between her and Joseph she by many solemn Oaths and Protestations with all manner of Allegations of her innocency so far appeased him that he was fully satisfied she had sufficiently cleared her self from all those slanders raised against her so that he gave her a thousand thanks for her conjugal fidelity and affection to him and openly declared the great esteem and love he had for her At length as it oft happens among Lovers both fell into tears and imbraced each other with a most indearing passion whereupon Mariamne said covertly to him It is no great sign of such unfeigned Love that thou wast so unkind to give command if any ill should happen to thee I should instantly be put to death had who never in the least offended thee neither is it any great argument of love to a wife to desire her company in another World. Herod seemed thunderstruck with these words and fell into such a monstrous rage that he cryed out and tore his hair with the greatest fury imaginable saving He had now very evident proof that Joseph had committed Adultery with her since he would never have discovered what he had so strictly enjoined him to keep secret unless they had put great confidence in each other and that there were much intimacy between them And in this furious jealousy he could hardly refrain from killing his wife yet his former love at length returning he forbore though with much inward trouble and emotion However he ordered Joseph to be instantly put to death without Tryal or Justification and committed Alexandra the author of all these troubles close Prisoner After this Aretas the Arabian King refusing to pay Herod his accustomed Tribute he pretends to make War against him and coming suddenly upon the Arabians was in great probability of obtaining the conquest when Athenio
Let all that dwell In Tents thy Act O Jael tell She brought him milk above his wish And butter in a princely dish A hammer and a nail she took And into Sisera's Temples strook He fell fell down unto the floor Lay where he fell bath'd in his gore Lay groveling on his feet and there His wretched Soul sigh'd into air His mother at her window staid And looking out from thence she said Why are his Chariot whee it so slow And don 't my Son in Triumph show When her wise Ladies standing by Yea she her self made this reply Have not their Swords yet won the day Have they not shar'd the wealthy prey Now every Souldier for his pains A Hebrew Dame or Virgin gains While Sisera choosing lays aside Rich Robes in various colours dy'd Rich Robes with curious needles wrought On either side from Phrygia brought The thread spun from the Silk-worms womb Such as a Conqueror become Great God! so perish all thy Foes Love such as love thee On let those Shine like the Sun when he displays I' th Orient his increasing Rays The History of the Valiant Judith WHen Holofernes by the proud command Of Nebuchadnezzar was sent the Land Of Israel to invade and overthrow Their Towns and Cities so to bring them low The Hearts of all were fill'd with fear and dread How such great force should be encountered Then Valiant Judith for her Countries sake Deliverance for them does undertake Couragiously the General she slays And Israels dying hopes doth thereby raise Who do their flying foes fiercely pursue And unto Judith render praises due THough the History of Judith is placed among the Apocryphal writings and not allowed to be canonical Scripture as not being delivered by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit yet it is thought by the learned that the matter thereof is true and the worthy and reverend Arch-bishop Usher in his Scripture Chronology sets it down as a matter very certain and that it happened in the year from the Creation 3348. in the raign of Manasseh King of Israel and before the birth of our Saviour about 652. Having premised this to incourage the reading the life of this famous Heroine not as a fiction or Romance but a story full of veracity I proceed Nothing feminine must be expected in this woman all her actions were manly and full of generosity and what was wanting in her Sex was fully recompenced in her Virtue and Valour her hand was triumphant in destroying above an hundred thousand men by cutting off only one head but her eye did much more than her hand that first conquered Holofernes and with a little ray of its flames burnt up a whole Army It was in the raign of Nebuchadnezzar King of Assyria that this female worthy lived who being elevated by the many victories and successes he had obtained his ambition sweld him so much that he resolved to afflict the whole earth and to destroy all the Gods of the Lands and oblige all Nations to worship him and that all Tongues and people should adore him only as God to prosecute this impious design he commanded Holofernes his Chief Captain to muster an Army of an hundred and twenty thousand foot and twelve thousand Horse with this mighty force this renowned General ruined all before him that made resistance and received those to mercy who desired peace and submitted to those idolatrous terms he required of them the motions of this dreadful host brought terror to the stoutest hearts and confusion to the weak and cowardly before it marches Noises Affrights and Threats after it Weepings Ruins and Desolations The report of this overflowing deluge of men came to the poor Israelites at Jerusalem which raised Sighs and Groans in the most obdurate Souls who being sensible of this furious tempest approaching their courage was dismaid their hands hang down and their tongues were silent having no other defence but their tears which they poured out abundantly in prospect of the Funerals of their Native Countrey At this time Manasseh was king of Jerusalem who not foreseeing any possibility of stoping this violent torrent or preventing the impending misery of his kingdom abandoned himself to sorrow and desperation but Joachim the High Priest who likewise executed the Office of a General used all possible means to revive the drooping Spirits of this disconsolate people he sends Messengers to all the Cities to furnish what men and provisions they were able to stop if possible the course of this barbarous enemy and to endeavour to take possession of the streights and narrow passages of the Mountains where a few might do great execution and thereby prevent their descent into the Plains where the multitude of their Forces would soon incompass and swallow all that opposed them He then commands publick supplications to be made to the Almighty and covers the Altar-of the Lord with Sackcloath and the Priests with Haircloth who with tears and fastings even the little children too prostrated themselves on the earth to implore the mercy of Heaven toward them but knowing that prayers without endeavours would be fruitless he visits all the Cities in person comforting the afflicted strengthning the weak and enlivening the dull thereby giving life and vigor to all the members of the body politick Holofernes having advice that the Jews made preparations to oppose him by force was filled with rage and disdain and called the Princes of Ammon Moab and the Governors of the Sea-coasts to him of whom he demanded what people they were who inhabited canaan what strength they had and who was their King that they presum'd to withstand them and would not come and submit themselves as the other Nations had done To whom Achor Prince of Ammon thus replyed If my Lord will not be angry I will give him a full Account of those people which dwell near the Hill Countreys without diminishing or concealing any thing of the truth Be it known to my Lord that they are originally descended from the Caldeans but separated themselves from them by reason of their Religion refusing to worship the Gods of their Fathers and adoring only one God the Maker of Heaven and Earth and departed into Mesopotamia where they continued many years but were at length commanded by their God to depart from thence and go into the Land of Canaan where they dwelt and multiplyed exceedingly increasing in Gold Silver Cattle and all the blessings of this life After this a terrible Famine happening in their Countrey they went down into Egypt to get food where they were kept alive and grew to a very great number insomuch that they began to be a terror to the Egyptians and that King endeavoured by all means to diminish them imposing cruel bondage upon them in making bricks thereby to bring them low upon which they cried to the Lord their God who revenged their wrongs by horrible plagues upon the Egyptians so that they were forced to let them go whithersoever they pleased
' gainst Israel The Lord will vengeance take of those That ' gainst him do rebel He will put fire into their flesh And worms shall them annoy They shall much misery feel God will For ever them destroy After this Judith dedicated to the Temple the Pavilion of Holofernes and other rich habiliments given her by the People that the memory of this glorious Action might never be forgotten and then returning to her own house she there continued a chast widdow to the day of her death being honoured and respected of all the people as their Great Deliverer she made her servant a free woman and lived in the house of her husband Manasseh till she was an hundred and five years old and then dying was buried in his Sepulchre for whom all the Israelites made a deep and solemn mourning seven days without intermission and the terror of this admirable success made such an impression on all the Neighbour Nations that none of them troubled Israel all her days nor a long time after her death How great art thou O Lord of Hosts and how terrible is thy power thou God of Battels a General in the midst of an Army of an hundred thousand valiant Souldiers invironed all with steel and fire who says I will go I will do I will level with the ground who decreed the firing of Cities and destruction of Countreys behold him now conquered slain tumbled in his bloud by a woman who makes a play-game of his head and all this by the assistance of that God who acted in her and put courage into her soul to overthrow the mighty and bring to confusion the Sons of pride and violence The History of Queen Esther WHen Haman in his proud ambitious mind Utter destruction to the Jews design'd When for the fault of one they all must dye All must be ruin'd for poor Mordecai Then prudent Esther doth her self oppose Against her Uncles and her Peoples Foes Ventures her life her Nation to save And Mercy for them of the King doth crave Who hears and grants her suit most graciously Haman is hanged for his Treachery And Mordecai his Office doth enjoy Who for the Jews his Interest doth imploy IN the year from the Creation of the world 3543. and before the birth of our Saviour 521. during the Captivity of the Jews in Babylon Cyrus the son of Xerxes whom the Grecians called Artaxerxes was King of Persia in whose reign all the race of the Jews both men women and children were in danger to have been utterly exterminated had it not been happily prevented by the mercy of God and the excellent conduct and admirable courage of our renowned Heroine Queen Esther For the better understanding hereof we read that after Artaxerxes was setled in the Kingdom and had established Governors over an hundred and seven and twenty Provinces from India as far as Ethiopia in the third year of his reign he made a most Royal and Magnificient Feast for all the Grandees of his mighty Empire wherein he display'd the opulency and grandeur of his Dominions for one hundred and fourscore days together After which he for 7 days treated the Ambassadors of all Nations in the Palace of Shushan sitting in a Tent the Pillars whereof were Gold and Silver and the covering of Scarlet of such a vast extent that thousands might be entertained under it all the provisions were served in Vessels of Gold inriched with Jewels and of excellent workmanship The King commanded his Attendants that none should be enforced to drink but according to the Persian usage each at his own discretion He also sent an Order throughout all his Countreys that they should all cease from their labour many days and make Holyday in Honour of his Royalty At the same time Vashti his Queen made a Royal Banquet to her Ladies and the King being merry with wine the seventh day of the Feast sent one of his Eunuchs to cause her to come with the Crown upon her head in the most glorious manner and her most gorgeous attire to display her beauty to the eyes of all the people but she being too tenacious of the Persian custom that count it a crime to be seen by strangers refused to come and though he renewed his desires divers times yet she persisted in her denial upon which being extreamly displeased he rose suddenly from the Banquet and calling to him seven of his Councellors by whose advice he managed his affairs and who expounded the Law to him he desired to know what punishment they thought due to his wife who had put such an open affront and indignity upon him before that Great Assembly one of them answered That this was a crime of State and might occasion a general disorder throughout the Realm since all other women following the example of the Queen might from thence take a licentious power to disobey their husbands and every where domineer over them thereby overthrowing the order of Nature and cause quarrels and disturbance in all Families His opinion therefore was that she who had done him this publick dishonour should be divorced from the King her husband and that a Proclamation should be published throughout all his Provinces signifying the cause thereof and asserting the just subjection of wives to their husbands The King who had an extraordinary passion for Vashti and could hardly entertain any thoughts of a separation from the dear object of his love seemed for some time wholly abandoned to grief and sorrow which his Nobles observing endeavoured to remove by representing the unreasonableness of his concernment for such an unworthy woman who had so extreamly disobliged him and that he might soon find out another who in beauty and all other Princely qualifications should far exceed her and by whose pleasing demeanor the thoughts of Vashti might be utterly extinguished The King confirming the Judgment they had given against Vashti sent abroad messengers to bring into his presence the fairest Virgins that were to be found in his Kingdoms Whereupon a great number being assembled there was among them a young Orphan whose parents being dead she was educated under the tuition of her uncle Mordecai of the Tribe of Benjamin and a principal man among the Jews her name was Esther and was judged the most beautiful of all that youthful company and for her amiable countenance caused all Spectators to stand still and admire her Whereupon the Eunuchs attended her with more than ordinary diligence and she was prepared for the kings pleasure with odors and perfumes for six months in the company of four hundred other Virgins After which the Officer judging them fit to approach the Royal bed sent one every night to the King who returned her back in the morning But when Esther came into his presence he was so surprized with her love that he took her for his lawful wife and setled his affections upon her above all the others The marriage was solemnized in the seventh year of
his reign in the twelfth month called Adar or February And edicts were sent throughout all his kingdoms to proclaim a Feast in honour of this wedding he himself likewise feasting the Medes Persians and Princes of other Nations for a whole month upon that account When Esher entered the Royal Palace the king set a Diadem of gold upon her head and lived with her with all manner of content and satisfaction never questioning her birth nor of what Nation she was Her uncle Mordecai came with her from Babylon where she was found by the Kings officers to Shusan the cheif City of Persia and walked dayly before the Palace inquiring of her welfare whom he loved as tenderly as if she had been his own Now the king had published a Law that no man should approach his presence unless 〈◊〉 sent for In pursuance whereof while he sate on his Royal Throne certain Officers stood with their Axes ready to punish any that should attempt to infringe this Decree The king himself sate aloft holding a golden Scepter in his hand and when any presumed to come near without being called if the King would save his life he touched him therewith who thereby avoided death It happened about this time that Bigthan and Teresh two of the kings chamberlains had conspired against their Master which Mordecai who was not of a drowsy Spirit soon perceived and narrowly observing their carriage he discovered the whole design which he imparted to Queen Esther and she to the King in the name of Mordecai who being taken and examined confessed their abominable Treason and received their due reward the king at present only returned Mordecai hearty thanks for saving his life but commanded him to continue in his Pallace and ordered his name to be registred in the Chronicles of Persia with the whole process against the Malefactors After this Ahasuerus exalted Haman an Amalekite above all his Princes and Nobles and he became the chief Favourite so that the king saw but with his eyes and heard with his ears All the Court adored this new Idol and all knees were bowed before him but Mordecai shewed him no reverence nor respect both because he knew the wickedness of his nature and that the Laws of the Jews forbad him to give honour to any of the wicked race of Amalek Haman elevated even to giddiness by the greatness he so suddenly arrived to had at first little regard to it but being dayly advertised thereof by his Flatterers who informed him that they had often in vain reproved Mordecai for his contempt he was thereat inflamed with rage against him and understanding he was a Jew was much disturbed that all the Persian Nobility who were free should prostrate themselves before him and a Jewish slave should refuse to reverence him he therefore scorns to revenge himself on Mordecai alone as thinking it much below his grandeur to punish one man only but resolves utterly to exterminate the whole race of the Jews to whom he was a mortal enemy by nature the Amalekites his predecessors having been destroyed by the Israelites in former ages and revenge may be imagined thus to inflame him Remember Haman there 's no sweeter pleasure Than swift revenge for to revenge by leasure Is but like feeding when the Stomach 's past Not pleasing th' eager appetite nor tast 'T is not for th' honour of thy personage Nor stands it with thy greatness to ingage Thy noble thoughts to make revenge so poor To be reveng'd on One alone thy sore Needs many Plaisters make thy honour good Not with a drop but with a world of bloud Borrow the sythe of Time and let thy passion Mow down and ruin the whole Jewish Nation In pursuance of this hellish resolution Haman addresseth himself to the King and tells him That there were a certain cursed people called Jews dispersed through all the Provinces of his kingdom who were divided by Religion and laws from the rest of the World and by affection from his Person and government That they were pernicious to his Empire and upon all occasions ready and disposed to insurrections and rebellions and that for preventing the mischiefs which might happen by them nothing would be more secure than to cut them off all at once and utterly to extinguish their race so that neither Captive nor Slave should be left alive among them And lest their destruction should prove prejudicial to his Majesties Revenue he freely offered to pay out of his own Estate forty thousand Talents of Silver into the Exchequer being willing rather to part with so much money for the publick safety than that such a cursed generation of men should indanger the kingdom Thus is the horrid Scene laid for the ruin of so many millions of people by the pernicious counsel of one malicious and ambitious favourite The king is soon led away by this evil advice and trusts this proud Haman with the execution thereof as if he had committed the sheep to the protection of the Wolf He triumphs with joy for having obtained his desire and the kings Ring He calls the Secretaries and commands them in the name of Ahasuerus to write bloudy Letters to all the Provinces That the thirteenth day of the last month which was February the Jews should be massacred in all the Cities and Towns within the utmost limits of the Empire and that from the least to the greatest not sparing man woman nor child all should be put to the sword without remorse their goods to be confiscate exposed to pillage These Letters confirmed with the Kings seal flew like lightning through the hundred and twenty seven provinces of the Persian Monarchy The evil was universal and the terror began at the Capital City of Shushan where the Edict hanged upon Pillars was seen and read to all the world containing this dreadful Sentence Ahasuerus Rex Let every Province in the Persian Land Upon the day prefixt prepare his hand To make the Channels flow with Rebels bloud And from the earth to root the Jewish brood Let not the softness of a partial heart Through melting pity Love or false desert Spare either young or old or man or woman But like their crimes so let their plagues be common Decreed and signed by our Princely Grace And given at Shushan from our royal place This sanguinary Proclamation being published in all places many bloudy Miscreants rejoiced at the news and prepared themselves to execute the contents thereof resolving at the day appointed utterly to destroy the Jews and to leave no remembrance of them upon earth The Metropolitan City of Shushan abounded with these Instruments of cruelty though in the mean time the K. and Haman feasted drowned themselves in debauchery Poor Mordecai foreseeing the Tempest ready to fall upon his people cloathed himself with Sackcloth and put ashes upon his head in which equipage he walked through the City protesting that his Nation had done nothing to deserve this severity designed
Chamberlains had conspired to murther him and in all probability their Treason had succeeded but that Mordecai the Jew happily discovered the whole Conspiracy for which the Traitors received their deserved punishment At the recital of this passage the King was somewhat moved and asked whether there were no mention of any honour or reward bestowed upon Mordecai as a recompence for this worthy service who replyed That he found nothing set down of that kind neither had he as yet received any reward upon that account Hereupon in the morning the King demanded who was in the Court and being told Haman was there who came thither more early than usual to beseech the king that he would please to give him leave to put Mordecai to death The K. commanded him to come into his presence to whom he said That as his faithful friend and servant he desired him to advise what honour and dignity was fit to be bestowed on that Person whom the K. had a very great favour respect for Haman who did not in the least doubt but the person designed to be thus advanced was himself made this confident-reply The man to whom your Majesty intends so much honour as to be counted the Kings Friend and Favourite ought to be mounted upon one of your own Horses and to be clothed with the Royal Robes with a Chain of Gold about his neck and the Imperial Crown upon his head and let one of your most Worthy Princes go before him through all the streets of the City and make proclamation That thus it shall be done to the man whom the King delighteth to honour The King liking the proposal commands Haman to go instantly to Mordecai that sate at the gate and to invest him and proclaim before him according to his own advice Haman with a heavy heart performs the Kings Orders through the whole City and Mordecai returned triumphantly to the Pallace Haman hastned home confounded and ashamed at what had happened and with tears related his strange misfortune to his Wife and Friends who all concluded That it was a very ominous accident for Mordecai was of the seed of the Jews and since he had begun to fall before him it was much to be feared that it would end in his ruin because God was with that Nation to save and defend them from their Enemies While they were thus discoursing a Messenger came from Esther to call Haman to the Banquet The King seated at this second Entertainment began again to be earnest with Esther to declare the petition and request she had to make to him since he was fully resolved to gratifie her therein yea to divide his Crown and Scepter with her rather than deny her suit To whom Esthe after a sad sigh declared the danger she and her people were in to this purpose If in the bounty of your Princely grace Your sad Petitioner may find a place To shroud her most inutterable grief Which if not there may hope for no relief If I have favour found O let my Lord Grant me my life my life so much abhorr'd To do him service and my peoples life Which now lye open to a Tyrants knife Our lives are sold 't is I 't is guiltless I Your Loyal Spouse 't is she and hers must dye The spotless bloud of me your faithful Bride Must swage the swelling of a Tyrants pride The King inraged at her discourse asks who was the man that had thus conspired the destruction of her self and all the Jews she replyed Even that wicked Haman to whom your Majesty hath given your Seal it is that perfidious Traytor that hath caused bloudy Letters to be written not to banish or sell us for Slaves for then I should have held my peace but that we should be cut off by the Sword in the Provinces of the Empire Who is the man that durst attempt this thing Where is the Traytor what am I a King May not our Subjects serve but must our Queen Be made the Subject of a Villains Spleen Is not Queen Esther bosom'd in our heart What Traytor then dares be so bold to part Our heart and us who dares attempt this thing Can Esther then be slain and not the King Reply'd the Queen the man that hath done this That cursed Haman wicked Haman is The King rose furiously from the Table and went into the Garden when Haman began to beseech Esther to intercede for him and forgive the offence he had committed and being very earnest he fell down on the bed where the Queen was when the King returning hastily back and finding him in that posture was much more displeased than before and cryed out O thou most cursed among men wilt thou ravish my Queen also Haman was so confounded at these words that he could make no reply and the Officers covered his face Hereupon one of the Chamberlains stept forth and told the King that Haman had erected a Gallows fifty foot high at his own house whereon he designed to have hanged Mordecai whereupon Ahasuerus commanded that Haman himself should be hanged thereon which was instantly executed accordingly For says the King it seemeth just and good To shed his bloud that thirsteth after bloud Who plants the tree deserves the fruit 't is fit That he who bought the purchase hansel it Hang Haman there for it is his own wood So let the Horse-leech burst himself with bloud And herein was the Justice of Heaven manifested ' not only in punishing the wickedness of Haman according to his deserts but in causing him to fall into that snare and pit he had prepared for an innocent person This was the end of that great but wretched Favourite who by abusing the interest he had in the Kings breast brought woful ruin upon himself and his whole Family his goods were given to the Queen who bestowed them on Mordecai whom the King understanding to be her Uncle he was called to the Pallace and had Hamans Ring given unto him and succeeded in his dignity After this Esther humbly intreated the King to command Letters to be sent through all the Provinces to countermand those contrived by Haman for the utter destruction of the Jews for how said she can I endure to see the ruin of my Nation and all my Relations This her request was thought very reasonable and the King granted it adding that as he had hanged Haman because of his bloudy intentions against her people so she her self should write on their behalf in his name and by his Authority to all the Governors of his Kingdom to reverse the dreadful sentence that was gone out against them In pursuance whereof the Secretaries of State were instantly imploy'd in that affair and writ to all the Magistrates of the Kingdom to this purpose Ataxerxes the Soveraign Lord and King of all the Nations that are from India to Ethiopia To the Princes and Governors of the seven and twenty Provinces of our Empire Greeting Whereas many through
pride abusing the goodness of their Princes and the honours bestowed upon them do not only oppress the people but endeavour the absolute desolation of all that do not comply with their haughty and unreasonable desires of which the late wicked Haman an Amaletite by Nation is a fresh instance who being a stranger from the Persian bloud after he had been promoted by our beneficence to the second place of the kingdom hath endeavoured to cut off at once the innocent Jewish Nation and among them our beloved Queen and companion of our bed Esther though we have discovered that those thus destined to death by this wicked Villain are without fault living under excellent Laws and are the Children of the most high most great and everliving God by whom our Empire is given and preserved to us We do therefore make void and disannul the Letters which that vild wretch directed to you in our names whereby they were commanded to be murthered he himself who was the Author of that cursed slander against them having been publickly hanged at the gate of his own Pallace God thereby rendring to him his deserts And we further will and command you that the Jews who live in all our Provinces according to their own Laws be protected and that you assist them in bringing their Enemies to punishment the same day that they had determined to destroy them that so they may revenge themselves of those that shall offer any outrage against them and since the day of their destruction is by the providence of the Almighty turned to their preservation We command this day to be put in the number of the Feasts that posterity may know what recompences we bestow on our faithful Servants and the punishment of those that oppose our will and make attempts upon our State. The commands of the King were diligently executed and the Jews were dreaded and honoured in all places by reason of the great credit that Mordecai had with his Master who was cloathed in a Royal habit and adorned with a Crown of Gold and a Chain of the same about his neck In short the Jews incouraged by the Kings Letters slew five hundred of their Enemies in Shushan for adhering to miserable Haman and ten of his sons were hanged to accompany the punishment of their Father and through all the rest of the kingdom much Persian bloud was shed on the same day that had been assigned for the Massacres of the Hebrewt so that we must acknowledge this history to be wonderfully tragical and one of the most prodigious revolutions of fortune that ever arrived to a great Favourite and may make posterity fear the Judgments of heaven whose hand is as weighty in the chastisement of enormous crimes as his eye is quick sighted in discerning the hearts of all mortals So often as I fix my serious eye Upon Ahashuerus reign methinks I spy The Angels dance methinks my ravisht ear Rapt with the secret musick that I hear Attends the warble of an Angels Tongue Resounding forth this sense bereaving song Vashti shall fall and Esther rise Sion shall thrive when Haman dies The History of the Virtuous Susanna WHen Virtuous Susanna was accus'd By two false Elders and her Fame abus'd Because she would not yield unto their lust And be unto her marriage vows unjust And falsly charg'd with base adultery For which great crime she was adjudg'd to dye In this distress she unto Heaven appeals Who by young Daniels means the truth reveals And absolutely clears her innocence The perjur'd Elders for their vile offence Are both condemned at the fatal Bar To that sad death they had design'd for her THough this as well as the former History is not found in those Books of Scripture which are usually termed Canonical yet the Thirty Nine Articles of the Church of England declare That those other books commonly called Apocrypha the Church as St. Jerom saith doth read for example of life and instruction of manners but yet doth not apply them to establish any Doctrine of Christianity and among others sets down this History of Susanna which from such Authority may certainly claim the credibility of any Common Story and be reckoned no unprofitable President of Chastity and Modesty and therefore proper for our present design The time when this was acted is most probable to be about 3400 from the Creation not long after that of the preceding History of Judith when there happened to live in Babylon a man called Joachim who married a wife named Susanna the daughter of Chelcias brought a Captive from Judea for the sins whereby they had provoked God to anger to Babylon who was exceeding fair of Person but her soul much more beautiful in that she feared the Lord And as she fear'd she lov'd No servile fear Such as base slaves unto their Tyrants bear But like a daughter who with filial care T' her Fathers just commands doth give an ear She serv'd her Maker so 't is hard to say If Love or Fear most taught her to obey Her Parents were likewise very religious and educated their daughter in all Gods commandments according to the Law of Moses And being rich and wealthy they had a fair Garden adjoining to their house and many of his Captive brethren of the Jews resorted to him as a Person of the greatest remark of their Nation Among others two of the most reverend among them who were appointed to the Judges for deciding controversies much frequented his house and there heard all causes and suits in Law depending between them but instead of being upright and sincere in giving judgment they were such as were foretold should come Who though ancient Judges yet from them should proceed wickedness and injustice and instead of governing according to equity they should pervert the Law of God. These old Fornicators had east their amorous eyes upon the charms of Susanna and having observed that she usually walked in this pleasant Garden they contrived to surprize and ravish her there and though they were both wounded alike with the love of her yet they durst not discover their passion to each other though both watched all manner of opportunities to fulfil their lustful desires and having abandoned all thoughts of Religion and Conscience they made it their whole business to find some advantage against her It happened once that having taken leave of each other morder to go to dinner at noon they parted asunder but being intent upon the same matter which was if possible to find Susanna alone they both returned back at the same instant at which they were at first a little amazed one enquiring of the other what bufiness he had there and after some short discourse they perceived both came about the same errand whereupon they soon settle a right understanding between themselves and concluded to be joint Partners in this amorous prize only waiting a conveniency for effecting their purpose During this their longing expectation a promising season seemed
having notice of these mutinous practices at Rome hastned thither but found the Gates shut against him and defiance proclaimed to him and all his Family whom they declared to be banished from ever having any command in the Government for the future Brutus mean while arrived another way at the Camp where having fully informed them of all passages he was received with extream Joy as the deliverer of their City by expelling thence the Tyrant and his Children Tarquin much surprized at this unexpected turn of fortune retires toward the Tuscans for security and his son Sextus Tarquin the Ravisher and unhappy cause of the ruin of his Family flyes to the Gabins where he breaths forth nothing but revenge and discontent Must I be banisht then into a place Of no Society and there imbrace Perpetual woe Oh! how could hell contrive So great a plague to keep me still alive What shall I do in this extream Abiss Of woe and torments Death had been a bliss Beyond expression Ah! must wretched I Be so acurst t' offend and yet not die But stay shall I forget Was I not born A noble Roman and shall I not scorn Their impositions Shall I now relent And prove a willing slave to discontent Courage my heart be bold and let them find Thou hast an Army in thy valiant mind Ah what a sad companion is a heart Burthen'd with guilt Alas I can impart No comfort to my self all things declare My ruin that 's attended with despair Methinks I have a still continued flood Before my eyes of chast Lucretia's bloud Nor is my eye disturb'd alone my ear Is grown of late accustomed to hear Strange Dialects methinks Lucretia cries Revenge Revenge my woful injuries And thus my eyes and ears sadly portend A present woe a miserable end Lucretia ah Lucretia thou didst find A body rape't but I a ravisht mind Neither were these forebodings of Sextus Tarquin vain for though he had lost that power and reputation among the Gabins which made him to be feared and esteemed yet thinking himself rather beloved by them than only tolerated not having lost those qualities which he thought desirable he returns to them as unto his own Kingdom but found his reputation much sunk with his fortune for he was soon after slain by certain Persons who resolved by his death to revenge the ancient quarrels he himself by slaughter and rapine had been the Author of Brutus and his Companions imposed an Oath upon all the Roman People not to suffer any of the Tarquins to reign at Rome and was so inraged against them that some time after he beheaded divers Noble Youths among whom were fome of his own and his Sisters Sons for conspiring to restore the Regal race again And Tarquin himself after several unsuccessful attempts to regain his kingdom dyed a banished man at Cumae after he had reigned twenty five years the Roman People being after governed by Consuls All this desolation of the Tarquins and the stupendious alterations which followed being chiefly occasioned by the Rape of our gallant and Chast Heroine Lucretia The History of Voadicia Queen of Brittain THe Noble Voadicia whose hard fate Subjected her unto the Roman State O're which the bloudy Nero did command And cruel thraldom brought upon her Land. Her countreymen doth gallantly incite That for their Ravisht freedoms they would fight And that her self will their Commander be And venture all that their lost liberty They may redeem And to fulfil her word Her utmostaid she doth to them afford Discomfiting their Roman Enemies Then bravely in the bed of Honour dyes THe next instance of Feminine Valour is a Lady of our own Nation called Voadicia Queen of Brittain in the time of the Roman Government here the bloudy Tyrant Nero being then Emperor But because I am willing to take all occasions to inform my Countreymen of whatever may be useful to them concerning their own Nation I shall therefore relate what is written by some ancient Authors of the Original Inhabitants of this renowned Island of which they may have heard some imperfect account but are ignorant of what has been recorded of them though as to the certainty and credibility of these relations so far distant from us in time every man is left to his own belief Though the beginning of this as well as all other Nations is doubtful yet some writers of great Antrquity are of opinion that this Island was formerly part of the continent and joined to France but afterward divided either by some mighty inundation or dreadful Earthquake but to let this pass John Bale our Countreyman and a diligent searcher into such obsolete Histories doth probably conjecture that this Land was inhabited and replenished with People before Noahs floud when the Scripture says That men began to multiply upon the face of the Earth After the floud Noah was the sole Monarch of all the world which he divided among his sons assigning to Shem the eldest all that part now called Asia to his second son Cham Africa and to Japhet his third Europe with the Isles thereto belonging and ours among the rest He is said to have died in Mauritania and by confent of the Greek and Latin writers first peopled Europe which he after left to his Children Tubal having the Kingdom of Spain Gomer Italy and Samothes Celtica containing Germany France and Brittain Thus was this Nation peopled two hundred years after the Deluge and we read in Genesis that in the time of Peieg the off-spring of Japhet inhabited the Isles of the Gentiles of which Brittain is one Samothes is reported to excel in learning and knowledge which he imparted to his people in the Phenician Language and Letters from whence his Followers were called Samotheans who saith Aristotle were skillful in the Law of God and man. Magus his Son succeeded who built many Cities in Germany and Brittain whose names then bore the addition of their Founder as Neomagus now Chester Niomagus now Buckingham with divers others The name is applied by the Persians to their Priests or Magicians who were called Magi from their skill in Magick as the Poet Mantuan intimates Ille penes Persas Magus est qui fidera novit c. The Persians him a Magi call Who the Stars course doth know The power of Herbs and what worship Man unto God doth owe. By threefold knowledge thus the name Of Magus then did grow Sarron his Son was his Successor who founded certain publick places for Professors of Learning and Moral Philosophy without whose assistance the people were taught not to sacrifice to their Gods as reckoning them skilful in divine Mysteries and near to God by whose intercession they expected all the good they required and whose advice they followed both in peace and war. Druis was his Successor both in his Dominions and Wisdom from whom proceeded the famous Sect called Druides many of whom went hence into Gallia now France and other Countreys they had their residence
Morgan and Cunegad her sisters sons disdaining to live under the government of a woman raised a rebellion against her and having destroyed great part of the Countrey and defeated her Forces they took her and kept her close Prisoner wherewith being much disturbed and despairing of regaining her liberty she out of Feminine valor stab'd her self to the heart and died after five years reign XII After her death the two Nephews divided the Land that part beyond Humber even as far as Caitness in Scotland falling to Morgan and the other to Cunegad Having reigned jointly two years Morgan was incited by some evil counsellors to endeavour to gain the whole to himself he being Son of the eldest daughter and was told it was a shame to be partner with a younger brother Pride Covetousness and Ambition soon prevailed upon him to raise an Army for effecting this unjust design wherewith entring the Territories of Cunegad he miserably ruined all before him but was quickly met by his brothers Forces who gave him battel wherein a great number of Morgans men being slain the rest fled and were pursued from one Countrey to another till they came into Wales where Morgan resolved once more to try his fortune but being too weak for a victorious army he was there slain in the Field the Countrey being afterward called from his name Glamorgan After which Cunegad became sole Governor of Brittain which he ruled peaceably thirty three years and was buried at Troynovant He is reported to have built three Temples one dedicated to the God Mars at Perth in Scotland another to Mercury at Bangor and a third to Apollo in Cornwall XIII Rival his Son ruled after him in much prosperity In whose time it rained bloud three days together after which followed such a multitude of noisome and poysonous flies that breeding a great contagion many died thereof Rome was built about this time He reigned forty six years and was buried at York leaving the Realm to XIV Gurgusius his Son in the year of the world 3249. of whom little is related in our Brittish Chronicle but that having reigned thirty seven years he was buried at York likewise XV Sysillus his Son who succeded or his Brothers Son as some write has as little recorded of him nor of XVI Jago Cozen of Gurgusius but that he died without issue XVII Kinmark his Brother governed after him and reigned fifty four years XVIII Gorbodug succeeded and after sixty three years died and was buried at London leaving the Land to be ruled jointly by XIX Ferrex and Porrex his two Sons who continued some years in good correspondence but flattery and thirst of Dominion at length raised variance between them whereby Ferrex was forced to fly into France and having received aid from that Prince returned in hope to conquer all for himself but his Brother being ready to receive him he was slain with the greatest part of his Army The Mother of them having greater love for Ferrex than his Brother was so inraged at his death that she contrived to murther the Survivor which she effected with the help of her women while he was asleep in the night and then cut him into small pieces to evidence the malice of her feminine revenge After this for fifty years the Kingdom was in great distraction the Government being divided between five Governors who were all at length subdued by Dunwallo Duke of Cornwall And here ancient writers affirm the line of Brute ended there being none of his Race left alive after the two brethren Ferrex and Porrex The names o● the five Rulers are said to be Rudacus King of Wale● Clotenus King of Cornwall Pinnor King of Loegria St●●terus King of Albania and Yewan King of Northunberland but Dunwallo having obtained the rule of t●● whole Land begun his Reign about seven hundr●● years after Brutes arrival who was the first Crow●ed King of Brittain for before this the Chief Ma●●strates of the Kingdom were indifferently cal● Kings Rulers or Governors but had not any sol● Coronation according to the custom of other Countries I shall therefore now begin a new Catalogue with a new Family of which I. Malmutius Dunwallo Duke of Cornwall was the first in the year of the world 3529. and about five hundred years before our Saviours Nativity He built in Troynovant or London the Temple of Peace which some think is Blackwell Hall now used for selling cloth He made many good Laws which were called by his name and long after translated out of Brittish into Latin and mingled among the Statutes of King Alfred He gave priviledges to Temples Ploughs and Cities that whoeser fled to either in any criminal cause should be secured and have liberty to go thence into what Countrey he pleased he built Malmsbury and the Devizes After he had setled the Kingdom he by the advice of his Lords caused himself to be Crowned with a Crown of Gold with all the Heathen Ceremonies of that Age and was therefore called the first Monarch of Brittain He ordained rules about Weights and Measures and made strict Laws against Robbers and after forty years reign was buried in the Temple of Peace leaving the Kingdom to be ruled by his two Sons II. Belinus and Brennus the first governing Loegria Wales and Cornwall and Belin all the Countrey beyond Humber They both reigned very quietly about seven years when Brennus ambitious of gaining the whole was perswaded by some unquiet youths to sail into Norway where he married the daughter of Elsing Duke of that Countrey Belin vext that he should marry without his advice in his absence seiz'd all his Castles and Fortresses and put Garrisons therein of which Brennus having intelligence he was assisted by his Father-in-law with a great Fleet of Ships and a stout Army of Norwegians wherewith sailing homeward he was encountred by the way by Guldac King of Denmark who with his Navy lay in wait to surprize the young Lady Brennus had married to whom Guldac had been long a Servant but could never obtain her Fathers consent The two Fleets meeting a bloudy fight ensued but at length the King of Denmark prevailed and took the Ship wherein the Lady was whom he brought into his own Vessel Brennus making his escape The Danes had no sooner obtained this great victory and prize when a sudden tempest arising the navy was scattered and the King in danger of being lost but after five days he was driven by storm into Northumberland with the few Ships that remained Belin being then in that Countrey providing defence against his brother having notice of it caused the King to be detained Mean time Brennus having again got together his dispersed Ships and furnisht them and his Souldiers with all necessaries sent to his brother to demand the restoring his wife and his Countrey both which were wrongfully detained from him But receiving a positive denial to both he landed his Army in Albany now Scotland and his brother coming toward him a
cruel battel was fought near a Wood called Calater wherein the Brittains at length discomfited the Norwegians with so great a slaughter that few were left alive Brennus was forced to fly into France where having made his addresses for Succour to several Princes in vain he was at length entertained by Seguin Duke of Savoy or as others say of Armorica called afterward Little Brittain Belin having subdued his Enemies called his Council at York to consult what to do with the King of Denmark where at length it was agreed that he should have his liberty on condition to do homage for his kingdom to the King of England and to pay yearly a thousand pound Tribute Belin now sole Governor of Brittain confirmed his Fathers Laws and finished the four highways begun by him for the convenience of Travel The first was called the Foss beginning at Totnes in Devonshire and passing thence through Sommerset-shire by Tutbury and Cotswald to Coventry Leicester Newark and ending at Lincoln The second named Watling-street which began at Dover passing through the middle of Kent over Thames neer Westminster and thence to Saint Albans Dunstable Stratford Worcester Cardigan and the Irish Sea The third was Erminstreet beginning at St. Davids in Wales and stretching to Southampton The fourth Hicknelstreet going from Worcester to Winchcomb Brumigam Litchfield Darby Chesterfield York and ending at Tynmouth Castle Belin thus imployed in the affairs of his Realm his brother Brennus who fled into France only with eleven persons being a compleat handsom Gentleman and a Man of honour and courage became a very great Favourite to Duke Seguin who for his worthy qualities gave him his daughter in marriage and declared that if he dyed without issue Male he should succeed but if otherwise then his heir should assist Brennus in recovering his rightful inheritance from his brother Belin These conditions being mutually assented to by the Duke his Nobility Brennus about a year after Seguin died and his Dutchess not being with Child by him the Lords of the Countrey received Brennus for their Supream Governor Being setled in his Government he raises an Army wherewith he lands in Brittain to make war on his brother who soon assembles his forces to entertain him but being just ready to join in battel by the intercession of their mother who interposed between the Armies and used all manner of tender perswasions to them not to go on thus to destroy and ruin themselves and their Subjects she prevailed so far that a perfect agreement and friendship was confirmed between them After which both coming to London they called their Peers and Councellors together to advise about setling their Dominions where it was at length accorded between them that both Armies should go into Gallia to subdue that Countrey where they had such notable success that in a short time saith Jeffery of Monmouth they conquered most part of Gallia Italy and Germany and at length took the City of Rome it self if at least these be those Commanders who led the Gauls into Italy and made such devastations in that part of Europe Having passed the Alpes and arriving in Tuscany they besiege the City of Clusium which being distressed sent to Rome for succor the Romans thô they had no League with the Clusians yet considering it might soon be their own condition sent Ambassadors to the Captains of the Gauls in the name of the Senate not to molest their Neighbours and friends to which Brennus returned answer That they were willing to make peace with the Clusians if they would consent to let them have part of their Countrey who had more than they could imploy but otherwise no peace would be granted The Ambassadors offended at this demand asked What they had to do in Tuscany Which raising fierce disputes they at length resolved to end the matter by arms and the Ambassadors contrary to the Law of Nations went presently and joined themselves to the Clusians incouraging them to hold out the City which so inraged the Gauls that with one voice they required their Princes to raise the Siege from Clusium that they might go and take Rome itself Brennus first sent Messengers to the Senate requiring that those who had thus broken the Laws might be punished as they deserved but the Ambassadors were so far from being blamed that they were chosen Tribunes for their good Service Whereat the Gaules were so much provok'd that they instantly marched toward Rome destroying all before them The Romans at length met them with an Army of Forty thousand and ingaging near the River Albia about eleven miles from Rome the Romans were quickly discomfited and overthrown The Gauls could hardly believe they had got the victory with so small resistance but perceiving all had left the Field they got together the plunder and marched directly to Rome at whose approach the Citizens were so affrighted that the young Senators and all the youthful Gentry retired into the Capitol which they provided with all necessarys for a long Seige The Ancient Fathers and Common people remained still in the City resolving to expect the fate thereof The Gauls soon after entred by the Gate Collina and went directly to the Market place but were much surpriz'd to observe that the Houses of the meaner sort were shut against them but the Greater and richer stood wide open and at first were cautious of entring for fear of Treachery but at length some going in found the Reverend Senators sitting in their Chairs clothed in rich Robes at if they had been in the Senate house with so much gravity and state that the Gauls reverenced them as Gods It happened that Marcus Papyrius struck one of the Gauls on the head with a staff for presuming to stroke his beard wherewith being provoked he instantly slew Papyrius as he sate wherewith the Slaughter being begun all the rest of those Honourable Persons were kill'd in their Chairs the whole City without regard to age or sex suffering the like Calamity with them And thus was Rome taken by the two brethren Belin and Brennus 265 years from the building thereof After this the Gauls attempted to take the Capitol in the night and had certainly succeeded but that some Geese with their noise and crying discovered the design by awaking the Sleeping Romans who seasonably repulsed their enemies Being in great distress they resolved to recall Camillus whom they had unjustly banished and make him Dictator and Sole Commander over all their Lives and Estates who forgetting the injuries done him applied himself instantly for delivering his Countrey and raised as puissant an Army as the time would permit Mean while those in the Capitol being even famished for want of Victuals treated with the Gauls and made an agreement to give them a thousand pound weight in gold for their liberty which being paid they were to march out of the City and all the Roman Territories As the money was weighing some of the covetous Gauls threw their
who then commanded some of Cleopatra's Forces in those parts bearing a secret grudge to Herod stood ready to observe the event of the battel resolving not to meddle if the Arabians overcame but they having the worst he sent them a fresh supply who snatched the Victory out of the hands of the Jews and made a great slaughter among them so that they were wholly discomfited Though Herod with some recruits made divers successful inroads afterward into Arabia and prevailed notably against them Whereat being much elevated his joy was soon checked by the death of Mark Anthony his Patron who was slain by Augustus Caesar in the battle of Astium and his Army wholly overthrown Wherewith Herod was much dismay'd not doubting but he should be severely treated for entertaining so strict a friendship and alliance with him as he had hitherto done His Friends and Enemies judged him a lost man yet having escaped so many dangers he resolves not to despair but to find out Caesar then at Rhodes and prostrate himself before him but was loth to undertake this Voyage while Hyrcanus the only remainder of the Royal Line was alive and his own friends gave a seeming pretence to effect his wicked purpose For Hyrcanus being of a very mild temper was unwilling all his life time to intermeddle in state affairs but Alexandra his daughter a proud aspiring woman sollicited him continually no longer to suffer Herods Tyranny who was the plague of their Family but to endeavour to resettle himself in the Kingdom Which motion he at first absolutely refused but by her continual importunity was at length prevailed upon by her advice to send to the Governor of Arabia to assist him with some Horsemen to make his escape from Jerusalem The Letters being intercepted and brought to Herod he commanded Hyrcanus to be presently put to death After which Alexandra and Mariamne were more closely confined than before yet the daughter endeavoured to sweeten the discontents of the Mother though she her self received no comfort but from Heaven and thus discourst with her self How unhappy am I above all women from the time the Diadem was placed on my head I have felt nothing but Thorns and Royal Dignity hath been to me Royal slavery but since I can find no consolation here I must expect it in another place to which I care not how soon I remove Hyrcanus being thus dispatcht the bloudy Herod addresseth himself with more satisfaction to his Journey to Caesar and committed Alexandra and his wife close Prisoners in the Castle of Alexandriam to the custody of Sohemus the Itrurian giving him strict order that if any finister hap befel him he should kill them both and endeavour to the utmost to retain the Kingdom in his Family Here these poor Ladys were detained in a continual expectation of death and every visit the Jaylor made them expected he came to fetch them to execution but at length Sohemus growing more familiar with his Royal Prisoners Mariamne presumed to ask him what news there was abroad adding That though they were now in this deplorable condition yet she did not doubt but that the storm would blow over and we says she may be able to reward your kindness therefore pray tell us why Herod has lockt us up here and how his Affairs stand Sohemus wonderfully surprized at these words knew not what return to make but at length overcome by their repeated intreaties he gave a full account of his Commission Well then said the poor Princess we must dye whatever happens where-ever I turn me I behold the Image of death with which I now begin to be well acquainted Herod all stained with bloud was now imbarqued in his Voyage to Caesar and being admitted into his presence freely declared what service he had done to Mark Anthony promising no less duty and service to him if he might be received into his favour Caesar observing the resolution wherewith he made his defence was inclined to imbrace his Friendship and setting the Diadem on his head exhorted him to be as faithful to him as he had been to Anthony Herod over-joyed at this Royal bounty attended Caesar toward Egypt and entertained his Army by the way with all kind of Provisions and having presented him with eight hundred Talents for his many favours returned to his own Kingdom where he found Alexandra and Mariamne much discontented especially his wife who could see no end of her miseries and going to visit and give her an account of his exalted fortune she instead of receiving satisfaction therein burst forth into a floud of tears which so discontented Herod that he entred into new jealousies and was confirm'd in his mind that she had an utter hatred and aversion to him so that he was even distracted between love and revenge when at the same time his Sister Salome and her mother having notice of his disturbance resolved to take this opportunity to ruin her and endeavoured to whet his anger by many vile slanders raised against her which he seemed willing to hear yet had not the heart to attempt any thing against his wife who was both chast and faithful to him but not able to bear the many injuries she imagined were offered her presumed so much upon the entire affection he bare toward her as sometimes publickly to reproach him with his crimes It happened one day that the King having withdrawn into his Banquetting room sent for Mariamne whom he entertained with all kind of pleasantness and dalliance but found her very averse to his humor neither would she accept of his addresses but told him severely of his cruelty to her Father and Brother wherewith Herod extreamly moved was ready to strike her when Salome his Sister hearing a noise within sent the Butler whom she had hired falsly to accuse Mariamne into the room commanding him to tell the King That his Wife had prepared a drink to incite and quicken him to love and if he found him disturbed at it and should inquire the meaning to tell him boldly That Mariamne having prepared a Cup of Poyson for his Majesty had been tempting him to present it Having delivered this message Herod was much troubled and caused one of Mariamnes most faithful Servants to be tortured and examined concerning the Poyson judging it could not be undertaken without his knowledge He in the midst of his Torments confessed nothing about the poysoning but told the King That the aversion Mariamne discovered toward him proceeded from what Sobemus had revealed to her He had scarce uttered these words when Herod cryed out aloud That if Sohemus who had hitherto been so faithful to him and his Kingdom had declared his secret Orders to Mariamne it was a clear evidence of a criminal familiarity between them and therefore commanded him to be instantly seized and put to death He then resolved to bring his wife to a publick tryal always endeavouring to procure some colour of Justice for hiding his most exorbitant actions
and this sudden discomfiture struck such terror into the other German Princes that they speedily sent to desire Peace and became Tributary to him The Queen was very joyful at this notable success but much more at the devout resolution of her husband and therefore went several miles to meet him in his return accompanied by a renowned Bishop called Remigius a person famous for piety in that age Clovis no sooner approached the Queen but even ravished both with her presence and his great Victory he told her That he had indeed triumpht over the Almains but she had conquered him and that he would now defer his Baptism no longer The Queen extreamly pleased at the news told him that the glory of his Conquests was only due to the God of Battels to whom he could not make a more pleasing return than by giving up himself to his worship and service and that she had brought an Holy person with her to perform that acceptable duty to the Almighty Soon after he was accordingly Baptized with great Solemnity at Rhemes and it is said that his Children his Sisters and above three thousand Courtiers Gentlemen Commanders and Souldiers were made partakers of the like blessing at the same time After which Clovis publishing a favourable Edict toward the Christians almost all the French Nation were converted and with much Zeal threw down the Idols and Altars of their former Superstition The Queen to prosecute this blessed work she had so happily begun persuaded Clovis to build divers Christian Churches and endow them with considerable revenues after which he subdued Burgundy and united it to his Kingdom together with Provence Dauphine and Savoy and then marches with his Victorious Army into Langudoc against the Visegoths where he slew Alarick their king with his own hand and obtained a remarkable Victory seeming irresistible in all his attempts and having extended his Empire from the Rhine to the Sein and from the Pyrenean Mountains to the Ocean he at length submited to the fate of all other Mortals and died leaving his dominions divided between his four Sons Clotilda was very sensibly afflicted for the loss of so indulgent an husband and so great a Conqueror but time having in some measure abated her sorrows she resolved to wear out the remainder of her days in a devout and retired life but however was much disturbed in this her recluse condition by hearing of the horrible confusions and disorders among her Sons who not content with their Fathers allotment raised dreadful wars against each other till at length after the destruction of all the rest Clotair the third Son alone enjoyed the whole kingdom Clotilda used her utmost endeavours to have appeased their quarrels and one time among the rest prevented a battel ready to begin by her prudent advice saying My Dear Children I had great expectation that after the death of my loving Lord I should have reaped much comfort from your mutual agreement and never expected that you could believe it a worthy matter to unpeople the World or that you ought to violate the law of nature and brotherly love for inlarging your power or to establish your Thrones by the bloud of each other Return then my Children to the waies of peace which you have forsaken and be united in an indissoluble affection do justice to your people and live now as you expect to dye I give you my last farewel and pray remember the words of your dying Mother and bury me in the Sepulcher of the King your Father as I have ever desired At which words they laid by all their anger and were at present made Friends After this being sensible of her death approaching she continued in sweet extasies of Soul and praises to God for her deliverance out of this troublesom World and about midnight uttering with much earnestness these words To thee O Lord I commit my Soul O God I have put my trust in thee therefore let me never be ashamed She gave up the ghost Her name and memory being in much reverence in France to this very day The History of Andegona Princess of Spain SWeet Andegon the most endeared wife Of Ermangild who lov'd her as his life Though of Great Sufferings she did partake Yet the true Faith by no means would forsake Neither could all the Wiles nor cruelty Of a Step-mother shake her constancy Which o're her husbands Soul such power did gain He the same Faith with zeal did entertain And with such courage doth the same profess His bloudy Father could not dispossess His mind thereof But with unnatural rage Puts him to death his fury to asswage OUr Ninth and last Feminine Worrhy I shall fetch from Spain her name Andegona who in the year of our Lord 486. was married to Ermangild Son to Lenigild King of Spain an Arrian she was one of the most accomplisht Princesses in the World in whom virtue grace and beauty made an admirable harmony Her native Countrey was France being the daughter of Sigebert grand-child of the pious Clotilda our former Heroine At her arrival in Spain her husband Ermangild was surprized with her graces and his Soul was transported with a sweet violence toward a person of such extraordinary endowments so that never were Nuptials more full of content nor amities more faithful than between these two endeared Lovers which yet in a short time met with some Clouds of discontent and trouble Lenigild her Father in Law was about this time married to a second Wife an Arrian named Gosintha as deformed in body as mind who notwithstanding had obtained such Soveraignty over the heart of this old King that she had the sole management of his affairs and all was acted according to her will and pleasure However she pretended an extraordinary contentment at the consummation of this marriage and went in Person to wait upon and entertain the Princess seeming to overwhelm her with kindness and courtesy Yet at length out of an envious or malicious disposition she seemed much disturbed at the chast dalliances between them especially since she saw Ermangild wholly transported with love to his excellent Lady so that he could hardly endure her out of his fight whereby their discourses conversation and pleasures became as troublesom to Gosintha as if she had been one of those Infernal Spirits that possess and torment poor mortals Though Andegona had the greatest passion in the World for her Lord yet she durst not refuse the company of this troublesome Creature whereby her husband to his great regret was deprived of it who told her That she ought to be satisfied with the power and interest she had in affairs of state and not pry into nor interrupt his converse with his dearest spouse Gosintha repled That the frequent Conferences she had with his Princess were only in order to convert her to the Arrian Faith so called from Arrius Bishop of Alexandra the author of a wicked and blasphemous Heresy against the Divinity of our
Father was so far prevaild on by these discourses that he sent an Executioner to his Son in prison with this Message That a Sword or a Crown were now presented to his choice that if he would renounce his Religion he should be received into favour and enjoy the Scepter after him But if not he should be instantly beheaded in that place Ermangild told him That he would rather dye by a thousands torments than forsake the true faith which he had imbraced and added I thank thee O Almighty God that as thou hast given me a mortal perishing uncertain life from my Father so by his means I shall now receive a glorious and happy life to all Eternity And then kneeling down and praying earnestly for his Father Step-mother and all his enemies and persecutors he cheerfully stretcht out his neck to the Executioner pronouncing the name of his dear Andegona to the last moment and at one blow had his head severed from his body The sad tydings of this lamentable accident arrived to Andegona who had made her escape into Africa where she likewise received the last Letter from her husband out of Prison Her attendants at the news began to make doleful Lamentations as if themselves had been condemned to dye But Andegora kissing the Letter of her dear Lord and then reading it cryed out Ah noble and faithful Soul thou hast acted as a good man ought to do thou hast fought the good fight of Faith and hast now attained the Crown of glory and I desire nothing but to imitate thy constancy Weep not then my Servants for me since it is this day I am a Queen indeed and esteem my self the most happy Princess on earth who have a husband a Martyr in Heaven And then taking her little Son Ermangild almost tired with hard Travel she said Go sweet babe partake of the blessings of your dear Father God hath bestowed great favours in you to be banished already for your Religion go then little Innocent and rejoice with others before the Altar of the Lamb your Mother will not stay long behind you The Child dyed soon after and the magnanimous Andegona having long combated with these Armies of afflictions at length resigned up her Soul with these words O my God the father and son are at rest there now remains nothing but to take the mother I have ended all my hopes in this World why stayest thou O my blessed Saviour to receive my Soul which is now upon my lips Her prayer was heard for a few days after wasted with love travel and desires she died an exemplary death and found a Tomb in Africa FINIS There are Newly Published one and Twenty other very useful pleasant and necessary Books all sold by Nath. 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